The most interesting modern books. The most interesting modern books What to read with your husband

Choosing a book is not a problem, but finding something interesting and exciting is not so easy. In order not to spend precious time on forums and literary chats in search of worthwhile literature, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our list online right now.

Blake Crouch Pines. City in Nowhere»

After a car accident, a Secret Service agent wakes up in a hospital. He realizes that he cannot remember anything and has no idea where he is. Attempts to contact local residents and authorities are going poorly. There is only one way out - to leave the city. But all roads from a small town called Lost Pines lead back to it. At the end of the work, an unexpected ending awaits you. Read the book online on our website.

Charles Dickens "Bleak House"

Bleak House is one of the most entertaining novels by the famous English writer. Dickens, a master of his word, embellished the work with mysterious secrets and intricate storylines. The author tells readers the life story of Esther Summerson, which is intertwined with the criminal investigation of the astute inspector from Scotland Yard. For more information, please read online for free.

Donna Tartt "Goldfinch"

The writer Donna Tartt has already received a number of awards and prizes for her book The Goldfinch. According to the plot, the protagonist, waking up from a strong explosion in the museum, receives an unusual ring and a picture from the hands of a wounded old man with the only request: to keep these relics safe. This request will become the stumbling block that will drag the hero to the bottom and the lifeline that will help him at the last second. Read online for free without registration right now.

Paula Hawkins "The Girl on the Train"

Dason and Jess. Such names were chosen by the main character for her “impeccable” betrothed, whom she daily monitors through the window of a passing train. But at one point, she notices something strange and shocking happening in their yard. This impression was enough to build a new idea about this unusual family. Read the book for free and learn more.

Ian McEwan "The Innocent, or the Special Relationship"

Ian McEwan's novel is a love story, historical drama, psychological thriller and thrilling detective at the same time. The author describes the events taking place in post-war Berlin, on the border between West and East. Real events are the accompaniment, although from the first pages one gets the impression of a terrible farce. To check for yourself, start reading for free on our website.

Reading is the best pastime for a modern woman, so you should choose literature for reading carefully and carefully. The best books are those that are recognized by the fair sex of all times and peoples.

  • Some readers make lists specifically for those who want to read but don't want to waste time looking for the right book. These lists contain the most popular and demanded by modern society works of modern and classical literature.
  • We can say with confidence that the school curriculum that is present at the moment and has always been present, of course, gives a complete list of important works, but they are all built in chronological order and only a few of them touch on modern and exciting topics.
  • The list of "women's" books is focused on a modern person who is interested in the surrounding life. However, we can say with confidence that every woman is individual. It is also possible that what one woman likes is completely disliked by another.
  • When choosing a book from the list, you should set yourself up in advance that any work is an experience for you. With each book you read, you become wiser, which means reading a lot and reading various literature is always useful.
list of books for women of various genres, directions of literature and volumes

We can say with confidence that women are not at all like men and they like completely different things. That is why, if you are not too versed in literature, you need to use the list of recommendations, as they provide you with the opportunity to read the most interesting, sensual and feminine-oriented book.

List of the ten most essential books for women to read:

  • The 10th place is occupied by the work of E. Asadov “Value happiness, cherish it!”.
    In principle, all Asadov's works are "music of the female soul." This author skillfully felt the subtlety of relationships, emotions and feelings between a man and a woman, the power of maternal love and love for nature, being a completely blind man. his style of writing is love poetry, which has remained the most honest, sincere for more than half a century. His prose and poetry are incredibly easy to read, his simple words make you think and believe that love really exists.
  • 9th place goes to the work Francis Burnett "The Little Princess, or the Story of Sarah Crewe". Some avid readers may immediately object and notice that this work belongs to the category of children's literature. However, there are no limits and boundaries for knowledge, and every book, even the most primitive and simple, can leave an indelible impression on a person.
    This story tells about a little girl who ended up in a boarding school and faced injustice and lack of recognition among other children. The girl collects all the strength and knowledge that her parents gave her and finds the strength to improve relationships. This is a simple story that teaches the truths of life not only to children, but also to adults.
  • 8th place is occupied by the work of Tatiana Ustinova "From the first to the last breath." As the name suggests, this is a life story. In this case, we are talking about a talented surgeon who found himself in an uncomfortable situation during the death of a famous poet. He has to get out of the current situation on his own and intervening in all sorts of secrets, to remove accusations and suspicions from himself. This work belongs to the detective genre, it is written in a simple, understandable language for women.
  • 7th place belongs to the work of Cecilia Ahern "I love your memories" - this is an interesting and heartfelt story about how two complete strangers found each other and common interests after a blood transfusion. To their surprise, they begin to love strangers and places they have never been in their lives. This book is recognized as a real romantic masterpiece of modern literature.
  • 6th place belongs to the product L. Weisberger "Everyone has their own price." This author is popular for the book "The Devil Wears Prada" and the film of the same name. In this case, we are talking about one secular lioness, who, among all the blessings of modern life, experiences the most real feelings and emotions.
  • 5th place belongs to the work of Joanna Lindsay "Flaming Hearts". This book takes readers back to a time when lords and slaves still existed. One proud and wise captive never wanted to become a slave and put all her strength into falling in love with a high-ranking man
  • 4th place belongs to the work of Tatyana Polyakova "The Shrew Target". This book is about a young woman who is unfortunate enough to get into an unpleasant story. This is a detective genre, where throughout the work the heroine tries to understand various secrets and finds help from where she was not expected.
  • 3rd place belongs to the work of Sifi Kinsella "The Secret World of a Shopaholic". This book tells about the problems of modern humanity, in particular - the dependence on shopping. The main character constantly succumbs to temptation and regularly drives herself either into depression or into euphoria from constant purchases, credit debts, discounts in stores and collectors
  • 2nd place belongs to the work of Stephenie Meyer "Twilight". This story is familiar to almost everyone. The vampire saga is especially popular with young ladies of our time and therefore reading it is a special feeling.
  • 1st place belongs to the truly feminine work of Jen Austin "Pride and Prejudice". This is a classic novel that tells that a woman without money can have high spiritual qualities, pride and dignity. This is the real feminist novel of all times and peoples, which is a must in the lists of books for every woman.

The most popular psychology books for women of all ages

When a woman has free time, will she think about what would be such a useful read? In order not to waste time and not read second-rate literature, you should know that there is a certain list. It makes it possible to read the most popular books written in simple language and, most importantly, with sense.

A good book on psychology can lead to reasoning, create an atmosphere, help find a way out of unpleasant conflicts and improve relationships with men.

best psychology books for women

The most popular books on psychology for women:

  • K. Estes "Running with the Wolves"- a work that tells about strong and independent women in the modern world. The book says that sooner or later every woman can wake up a "savage" who will live a "full-blooded life"
  • Lucy Danziger "9 Rooms of Happiness" the book teaches every woman to be happy. The purpose of the work is to show a woman that you can live happily right now!
  • E. Mikhailova "I'm alone at home ..." - A true work of art that every woman should read. The book teaches women to be "real" and love themselves for who they are.
  • N. Corbett "Holy prostitute ..." - the book plunges readers into the deep spiritual world of a woman and teaches them to find the golden mean between sexual attraction and falling in love

The most popular books about relationships between a man and a woman

list of best relationship books for women

List of the most popular books for women about relationships:

  • N. Rybitskaya "Men's acquisition"- gives a woman far from one piece of advice on how to get the desired man and be able to keep him. In this book, any reader will find a list of necessary tips and pay attention to various life situations.
  • I. Vagin "Basic Instinct" - the book was written by a sexologist, in his work he tells about a variety of sexual experiences, revealing to a woman the secrets of the relationship between a man and a woman. The book helps to plunge deep into your desires and secret thoughts.
  • Steve Harvey "You Know Nothing About Men" beloved by many women, the author each time releases a new book on how to build relationships with a man. He literally advises: how to address a man, how to talk to him, how to establish family life with him and even push for marriage
  • A. Kurpatov “Three main questions. Family happiness" - From the title it is clear that this book teaches people to improve relationships among married couples and lovers whose feelings have lasted for a long time. The author tries to answer all questions, even the most juicy ones.
  • V. Levy "Traumatology of love" - the author through his work teaches women not to pay attention to the various wounds left from unsuccessful relationships and shows how to find happiness in your personal life
  • A. Libina "Psychology of modern woman" is a kind of training for women, which teaches everyone to love themselves, respect themselves and seek strength in order to build new relationships in life
  • John Gray "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" perhaps the most popular work of the psychological genre. It tells about how different men and women are, they have contrasting views on things and thoughts in their heads. The author teaches to get rid of obstacles in communication and opens up new ways of contact

The best books that increase a woman's self-esteem

There are several truly “golden” works in literature that can raise women's self-esteem (and human self-esteem in general) and try to look at the world in a new way. These books are bestsellers and are in demand by many. Reading such a book is a real pleasure, it gives experience and a storm of pleasant emotions.

books that can raise women's self-esteem and make them look at the world in a new way

List of books that increase self-esteem:

  • W. Groom "Forest Gump"- the book that served as the idea for making a cult film. The book tells that even the most stupid person is able to have a kind soul and love the world around him. The book gives hope that in this world there are real sparkling people and love.
  • R. Bach "Jonathan Livingston Seagull"- this book makes the reader fall in love with himself and begin to believe in his abilities. She tells about a simple bird who decided to be different from everyone else.
  • S. King "The Shawshank Redemption" - this is the best work for those who could lose hope. She teaches not to lose faith and shows that if you do not deviate from your convictions, you can achieve what you want.
  • A. Nothomb "Fear and Trembling" - this is an interesting autobiographical story that tells how the author got to the country of her dreams - Japan. The book talks about how difficult it is to become a person in the land of the rising sun.
  • P. Coelho "The Alchemist" - this popular work tells about a wandering man who meets many interesting people on his way, discovers the secrets of being, loves, is loved and believes in his dream

Self-development books for women, the most popular works

Self-development is an important component of the formation of personality for any person, especially women. A wise woman who possesses knowledge and is interested in others always attracts men and is in the spotlight.

self development books for women

The most popular self-development books for women:

  • L. Lowndes "How to fall in love with anyone." The book is written concisely and in a kind of fun way, allowing readers to easily take advice on achieving happiness in life.
  • E. Takana "School of a geisha in ten simple lessons." Tells readers about the simple but effective secrets of seducing men, which have been practiced for centuries by skillful Japanese women.
  • S. Kronna "Bitch's Handbook" tells the theory that all men in the world prefer women who are spectacular and with “peppercorns”. The author compares the relationship between a woman and a man, like a game of a boa constrictor with a rabbit
  • N. Tolstaya "Duel with treason" the book is a kind of "cry of the soul" and sets up readers that any life situations should be taken with dignity
  • S. Covey "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" talks about how many successful people there are in the world. This book is a detailed instruction that allows you to gain all the skills to achieve your goals.
  • N. Grace "Work, money, love" is a kind of instruction for women on the path to self-realization. She teaches to live simply and find happiness in simple things.

The most popular books about strong women from around the world

The best literature for women is books that describe the stories of women themselves, especially if they are distinguished by fortitude, aspiration and great spiritual qualities. Such works allow you to find inspiration to do something new and something useful for yourself every day. Reading such books, a woman tries to stand out, not to be a gray mass and strives for the best.

books for women about strong women from around the world

The best books about strong women:

  • M. Mitchell "Gone with the Wind" is the best story that even the smallest and most fragile woman embodies a strong personality, ready to move mountains for the sake of her love. The novel is considered a golden classic and has topped the list of best novels for many years.
  • S. Bronte "Jane Austen" - tells the story of a little woman who went through poverty, pain and humiliation and became happy after she met her true love
  • S. Larson "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" - talks about the fact that a small woman is able to embody great strength and has a great opportunity to take revenge on her enemies
  • A.Golden "Memoirs of a Geisha" - is a true story of one of the best geishas in Japan with all the details and spicy stories
  • H. Fielding "Bridget's Diary" - talks about how a simple woman without outstanding external qualities is able to achieve love and make men fight for a place next to her

The most popular books about rich women and successful ladies

Real stories of successful women can inspire the fair sex to fulfill themselves and "look for their place in the sun." Such works kindle sparks in the hearts and open the way to self-development for the simplest person.

books about the richest and most successful women

The best books about rich women:

  • Biography of Christy Walton tells how an ordinary woman, having received a large inheritance, becomes one of the richest in the world. In addition, she tells that it is not difficult to have a lot of money, it is difficult to remain a person and be interested in the world around you.
  • Biography of Liliane Bettencourt - tells about one of the most successful and wealthy women in the world. The story tells how a little woman took over a famous brand and increased its budget.
  • Biography of Miuccia Prada talks about how the granddaughter of the owner of the brand not only became the heiress, but lifted the brand to the top of quality and demand

The best Orthodox books for women at any age

Some literature of a religious nature is personal and not intended for the general public, but it is also popular with certain women. Orthodox literature helps to find oneself in thoughts and judgments, and also brings a person closer to God.

best orthodox books for women

Best Orthodox Literature for Women:

  • V. Gubanov "Elder Zacharias" - manuscript telling about Elder Zechariah and his daughters
  • N. Tolstikov "Reapers of Fruits" - talks about the spiritual development of a person
  • M. Dokhtorova "Years of wandering" - Mother Mary's Women's History and Memoirs

Business books for women, which books are worth reading

Business books are designed to inspire modern women to do their own thing "in the soul" and profit from it.

business books for women

Best Business Books for Women:

  • C. George "The richest man in Babylon" - the book tells that in every person there are a lot of abilities and opportunities to realize oneself in business
  • K. Robert "Cash Flow Square" - gives examples of success in life and shows that even the simplest person is able to gain financial stability
  • H.Napoleon "Think and grow rich" - teaches you not only to think about success, but also to realize your ideas to achieve the life you dreamed of
  • F. Mark "The Secret of a Millionaire" - tells the story of a man who went through a difficult path and became a successful millionaire

Books Women Shouldn't Read

There are books that, in the opinion of many, do not deserve to be read. Every woman should have a list of such literature so as not to waste time and be interested only in useful books.

list of books not worth wasting time on

List of books not recommended for reading:

  • P. Krusanov "Bite of an angel"
  • S. Kinsella "Wedding Night"
  • S. Mayer "100 years later"
  • A. Turgeniev "Sleep and believe"
  • S. Minaev "Duhless"
  • Y. Pelikhov "Indigo Republic"
  • L. Bokova "My body is the Bosphorus"

For one reason or another, these books did not gain popularity and received the most negative reviews from women.

Video: "Books everyone should read"

Reading books is a proven way to relax and exercise your brain a little. If your favorite book is in the past, surprise him: give him the "best gift". Choose from our eight that is closer to him in spirit and will interest you.

If you find something interesting to read for your man, then you will have a new expense item: books. But along with this there will be a new hobby, and new topics for conversation. Reading at any age develops creative abilities and, in fact, the ability to think, which means that there is a chance not only to become a more interesting conversationalist, but also a more attractive partner. Your main task is to feel what exactly he will agree to read at his leisure.

  • If he is attracted by the idea of ​​self-development, then " BE the best version of yourself" Dan Waldschmidt will definitely support you in your quest for global changes in yourself (and the world).
  • " The secrets of the great speakers" by James Humes will be useful to those who, climbing the career ladder, worked more than they talked and never learned to "burn people's hearts with a verb." Let him learn to speak fromthe best teachers of public speaking in the world — the brightest politicians of the 20th century.
  • If the content of your beloved is in perfect order, but the form let us down, Alan Flusser's book is a A "real man" will help you create your own style and motivate you to listen to your wife's advice when creating the perfect image.

Antonia Byatt - "Possess"

This book is about living people, whose images come down to the reader with an obsession; about love, rebellious and violent passion, conquering time and death; about the aspirations of the spirit and the flesh, earthly and sublime, obvious and hidden. Through the mirror labyrinth of the plot, the characters make their way into the mysterious past: the inhabitants of the era of people - into the era of heroes, and the inhabitants of the era of heroes - into the era of the gods. This novel brings back the desire to love and dispels despair.

Only masculine heroism is able to find pleasure in constructing dungeons for the innocent in the imagination, and only female patience is able to endure imprisonment in them in reality.

Erich Maria Remarque - "Life on loan"

The meaning of the novel by Erich Maria Remarque "Life on loan" lies in a different attitude towards the life of healthy and sick people. Where one sees boredom, another sees importance. Where one sees meaning, the other sees emptiness. A person who knows that he is given a little, tries to live at least a little the life of healthy people, but very often he realizes that this is not his life.

Reason is given to man so that he understands that it is impossible to live by reason alone.

Mark Jacobson - "American Gangster"

"American Gangster" by Marc Jacobson is not just a sensational bestseller, but a book that became the basis of a cult film. The main character is the real-life Frank Lucas. One of the most famous criminals in the US, active in the seventies. Then he was the "heroin king".

Immigrants from China... These guys are not a blunder. They manage to squeeze the entire thousand-year-old philosophy of their homeland into a three-minute street shootout.

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky - Roadside Picnic

"Roadside Picnic" is not just a fantasy, but a real philosophical parable, the deepest story about human animal fear, absolute absorbing humanity, inner irresistible freedom.

A person needs money in order to never think about it.

John Gray - "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"

This is a book that has changed the fate of many people for the better. Most problems in a relationship between a man and a woman arise because we are really different. And not just different people - we are from different planets. Our approach to most issues differs so much that a special common language is needed for a real understanding. This book will help each and every one to find and master this language. And when we learn it, most of the reasons for being unhappy in love, in family, in business relationships will disappear. The book is intended for all men and women over 16 years of age.

Giving without expecting anything in return, being there when you are truly needed: that is true love.

If you suffer from insomnia, or just don't know what to do in the evening before going to bed, then start reading! But be careful, because some books are so interesting that you won't notice how the morning comes!


So, a list of fascinating books that will interest both "avid readers" and novice "book lovers":

"Come in large numbers", Narine Abgaryan

This is a tragicomedy about a young and ambitious girl who, at the beginning of the difficult 90s, decided to leave her native small mountainous republic and conquer the capital. And she immediately realized that every visitor, whom the author calls "come in large numbers", has his own Moscow. Someone sees it in the millions of people scurrying through the streets, and someone gets the opportunity to get close to such people. And some of them protect, protect, care for, help, support and just love. The author of the book talks about his small piece of the very "come in large numbers" life of a visitor, which many indigenous residents of big cities do not know about. And there is a place for feats in it, the most important of which is to decide to emigrate and accept a new place as it is, and sincerely love it. And then Moscow will certainly reciprocate.

The Collector, John Fowles

This is the debut story of the author, and for many it practically freezes the blood, because this is a real psychological thriller that excites the mind. The plot is the fate of two people connected with each other. He is a butterfly collector. There is a void in his soul, which he seeks to fill with beauty. And one day Ferdinand finds himself a wonderful victim - the girl Miranda. It is as if she was created in order to create and enjoy freedom. And he understands that he will give everything to possess her. And so, Miranda becomes a prisoner of Ferdinand. But will he be able to keep real Life, Beauty, Freedom and all the most beautiful that can be in the human soul within the walls of the castle?

The story is built on the subtle relationship of the victim and the villain and allows you to rethink many of the stories of world classics that seemed to have long been worn out.

"Forrest Gump", Winston Groom

This is the story of a mentally retarded guy, which he himself outlined on the pages of the legendary book that formed the basis of the film of the same name. The plot can be called practically the embodiment of the myth of the very "American dream" that disturbed the minds of millions of young people who lived in the second half of the last century. But at the same time, this is a sharp and even slightly cruel satirical parody of the society of that time, which was not ready to accept people who were somehow different from the main mass. Forrest Gump was different, and therefore became the object of ridicule. But this boy is not crazy at all. He is different, and he can see and feel what others cannot see and feel. He is special.

"Amsterdam", Ian McEwan

The author of the book is one of the representatives of the "elite" of modern British prose. And for a work that has become a real world bestseller, he received the Booker Prize. Victor Golyshev, who translated this creation into Russian, also got around to the award. It would seem that the story is simple and very relevant. But how many nuances are in it, how many thoughts, how many doubts! The main characters are two friends. One of them is a successful editor of a popular newspaper. The second is a brilliant contemporary composer who is writing the Millennium Symphony. And they enter into an agreement on euthanasia, under the terms of which, if one falls into a state of unconsciousness and ceases to understand what he is doing, then the other will take his life.

Amendment 22 by Joseph Heller

Although more than half a century has passed since the publication of the first book, this work is still legendary and one of the most popular, and many publications have included it in the list of the best novels.

This is not an ordinary story about US Air Force pilots who took part in World War II. All of them get into absurd situations, face awkward people and thoughtless actions, they themselves commit incomprehensible acts. And all this is connected with a certain amendment No. 22, which actually does not exist on paper, but says that every military man who does not want to perform a combat mission is quite normal and therefore fit for service. But in fact, in this story one can see not so much an anti-war novel as a deep and global mockery of modern everyday life, of society and the laws in force.

"Collusion of Dunces", John Kennedy Toole

The author of this book, who, by the way, lived to see the Pulitzer Prize for this creation, was able to create a literary hero, unlike any described in satirical literature. Ignatius J. Riley is creative, imaginative and eccentric. He fancies himself an intellectual, but in reality he is a glutton, a spendthrift and a quitter. He is similar to the modern Don Quixote or Gargantua, who despises society for its lack of geometry and theology. He is reminiscent of Thomas Aquinas, who launched his own hopeless war against everything and everyone: gay people, the excesses of the century, and even intercity buses. And this image is so interesting, unusual and, unfortunately, relevant that everyone can see a part of themselves in it.

"Monday Starts on Saturday" Strugatsky Brothers

This book is a real masterpiece of Russian science fiction, a kind of embodiment of the utopia of the Soviet era, a kind of artistic fulfillment of the dream of the possibilities of a modern person to learn, create, learn and solve the mysteries of the universe.

The main characters of the book are employees of NIICHAVO (Research Institute of Witchcraft and Wizardry). They are masters and magicians, real pioneers. And they will face many amazing events and phenomena: a time machine, a hut on chicken legs, a genie and even an artificially grown man!

"The Girl on the Train" by Paula Hawkins

This book has become a real bestseller. This is a mysterious and fascinating story of the girl Rachel, who, from the train window, watches, as it seems to her, the ideal spouses. She even gave them names: Jason and Jess. Every day she sees the cottage of a man and a woman and understands that they probably have everything: well-being, happiness, wealth and love. And Rachel had all this, but not so long ago she lost all this. But one day, approaching the already well-known cottage, the girl realizes that something is going wrong. She sees frightening, mysterious and disturbing events that disturb her consciousness. And after that, the ideal wife Jess disappears. And Rachel understands that it is she who must solve this mystery and find a woman. But will the police take her seriously? And, in general, is it worth interfering in someone else's life? This is for the reader to find out.

The Book of Life: Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom

In the last months of his life, the old professor managed to make several important discoveries.

He realized that death is not the end at all. This is the beginning. And, therefore, dying is the same as preparing for something unknown and new. And it's not scary at all, but even interesting.

Before leaving for another world, the old man passed on such knowledge to everyone who was with him in the last minutes of his earthly life. What's next? Will we know it?

The Process, Franz Kafka

The author is one of the most beloved, mysterious, readable and popular writers of the last century. He managed to create a unique artistic universe in which everything is completely different from real life. She is sad, dreary and almost absurd, but incredibly and bewitchingly beautiful. Her characters constantly become participants in strange adventures, they are looking for the meaning of life and trying to get answers to questions that have been tormenting them for a long time. The novel "The Trial" is the work that will most clearly understand the mysterious nature of Franz Kafka's work.

"Lord of the Flies" by William Golding

This book can be called strange, scary and incredibly attractive.

According to the plot, boys brought up in the best traditions find themselves on a desert island. The author told the readers a philosophical parable about how fragile the world is and what can happen to people who have forgotten about kindness, love and mercy. This is a dystopia with some symbolic overtones, which explores the behavior of children who find themselves on a desert island during wartime. Will they be able to maintain humanity or will they obey natural instincts?

Rita Hayworth, or the Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King

The plot of this book is the story of a man whose nightmare suddenly became a reality. He, innocent of anything, was thrown into prison, into a real hell, in which he will spend the rest of his life. And no one has been able to get out of this terrible place yet. But the main character does not intend to give up and put up with what was destined for him by fate. He took a desperate step. But can he not only escape, but also get used to freedom and the new world, survive in it? By the way, this work of the real fantasy king Stephen King served as the basis for the film of the same name, which starred Morgan Freeman and Tim Robinson.

The events unfold in England in 1960. Jennifer Sterling wakes up after a terrible car accident and realizes that she cannot remember who she is, what happened to her. She does not remember her husband either. She would have continued to live in ignorance if, by chance, she had not found letters addressed to her and signed with the letter "B". Their author confessed his love to Jennifer and persuaded her to leave her husband. Further, the author takes readers to the XXI century. Young reporter Ellie finds one of the letters written by the mysterious "B" in a newspaper archive. She hopes that by taking up the investigation, she will be able to unravel the mystery of the author and recipient of the messages, restore her reputation and even sort out her own personal life.

“Lady with glasses with a gun in a car”, Sebastien Japrisot

The main character of the book is a blonde. She is beautiful, sentimental, sincere, deceitful, restless, stubborn and stupid. This lady, who has never seen the sea, gets into a car and tries to escape from the police. At the same time, she constantly repeats to herself that she is not crazy.

But people around here disagree. The heroine behaves more than strangely and constantly gets into ridiculous situations. She believes that wherever she is, she can be harmed. But if she escapes, she can be alone with herself and free herself from what she hides, from what worries her so much.

Goldfinch, Donna Tartt

The author has been writing this book for ten whole years, but it has become a real masterpiece. It talks about the fact that art has the power and power, and sometimes it can radically change and literally turn our lives upside down, and quite suddenly.

The hero of the work, 13-year-old boy Theo Decker, miraculously survived after the explosion that killed his mother. His father abandoned him, and he is forced to wander through foster families and completely strange houses. He traveled to Las Vegas and New York and almost despaired. But his only consolation, which, by the way, almost led to his death, is the masterpiece of the Dutch old master, which he stole from the museum.

Cloud Atlas, David Mitchell

This book is like a complex mirror maze in which seemingly completely different and unrelated stories echo, intersect and overlap each other in an amazing way.

In total, there are six main characters in the work: a young composer who is forced to sell his soul and body; 19th century notary; a journalist working in California in the 1970s who uncovers a conspiracy of a large company; a clone servant working in a modern fast food business; a modern petty publisher and a simple goatherd living in the decline of civilization.

1984 George Orwell

This work can be attributed to the genre of dystopia, it describes a society in which a harsh totalitarian regime reigns.

There is nothing more terrible than the imprisonment of free and living minds in the fetters of social foundations.

"Blackberry Winter" Sarah Gio

Events unfold in 1933 in Seattle. Vera Ray kisses her little son before going to bed and goes to work at night in a hotel. In the morning, a single mother discovers that the whole city is covered with snow, and her son has disappeared. In a snowdrift near the house, Vera finds the boy's favorite toy, but there are no footprints nearby. A desperate mother is willing to do anything to find her child.

The author then takes readers to present-day Seattle. Reporter Claire Aldridge writes an article about a snowstorm that literally paralyzed the city. By chance, she learns that similar events have already occurred 80 years ago. Starting to explore the mysterious history of Vera Ray, Claire realizes that she is somehow mysteriously intertwined with her own life.

"Blindness" José Saramago

The inhabitants of a nameless country and a nameless city are facing a strange epidemic. All of them rapidly begin to go blind. And the authorities, in order to stop this incomprehensible disease, decide to introduce strict quarantine and relocate all the sick to the old hospital, taking them into custody.

The main characters of the work are an infected ophthalmologist and his wife pretending to be blind. They are trying to collect the world bit by bit and find order in this gradually embracing chaos.

“Three apples fell from the sky”, Narine Abgaryan

This book is the story of a small village, which is somewhere high in the mountains.

Its inhabitants are all a little grumpy, a little eccentric, but at the same time, real treasures of the spirit are hidden in each of them.

This is a witty, sublime and unusual dystopia about the modern consumer society, which is programmed at the genetic level. And in this world, the sad story of the Savage is unfolding, whom the author regards as the Hamlet of our time. It still retains the remnants of humanity, but people divided into social consumption castes do not want to recognize it or simply cannot do it.

If we list noteworthy books by contemporary authors, then we cannot fail to mention the work “Social network “Kovcheg” by Evgeniy Vetsel which consists of three parts.

The main character falls from the roof, but is reborn again. Having lived a little in the XI century, he finds himself in the distant future - in the XXXVI century in Moscow. The author touches on many interesting devices, techniques of psychology and sales, modern reflections on life and reasons to seriously think about rhetorical questions. The second book describes life in America and the theory of one of the options for a worldwide conspiracy. And the third part tells about the adventures of the hero on another planet, where white angels live.

These were the most interesting books worth reading even for those who think they don't like to read. They will turn your views and even ideas about the world.

P.S. What books do you remember the most?