In which lotteries are you more likely to win money? How to win the lottery? Advice from psychics. How to find the right strategy and increase your chances of winning

Hello, friends. Today in this article we will introduce you to popular foreign lotteries and tell you how to play them :)

Regardless of our belief or complete disbelief in luck, almost each of us has bought a lottery ticket at least once in our lives. Perhaps some of you brought coupons as an addition to the main gift to your family and friends and, together with them, rejoiced at small wins and hoped for big ones.

But big win in rubles is not the same as a big win in euros or dollars. Therefore, for now we will not touch domestic lottery operators, but will discuss in great detail the world lotteries that Russians can play. After all, a lot of players want to know for sure whether they can spend a fairly large amount on a ticket and be sure that if they win, the prize will be received.

We will also consider foreign lotteries for the possibility of our compatriots participating in them and for their low popularity in Russia. Let's discuss the reasons for such a cool attitude.

And here’s another important thing: it’s worth considering foreign lotteries in terms of the honesty and integrity of intermediaries. After all, tickets for most of the world's lotteries cannot be purchased in our country - the player must contact a reseller. But where is the guarantee that as a result he will receive not some piece of paper, but a real ticket for a real drawing and will be able to take part in it. If you win, there is also no guarantee that the reward will find a winner.

In general, you need to keep your eyes open with foreign lotteries - Lucky case loves attentive, focused and vigilant people. And note: I am not discouraging you from trying your luck in a foreign game, but I urge you to carefully study the conditions and be picky in choosing intermediaries.

We are sure that this question interests many visitors to our site, so we will give it a separate subheading.

Reason 1. Reluctance to attract foreign players

The first and main reason why little is known about foreign lotteries in our country is that the organizers of the lotteries themselves do not have the most ardent desire to encourage foreign citizens to participate in the lottery.

There are plenty of their own contenders for the Jackpot, and then - lottery operators are accustomed to listening to the opinion of the people, who are not always happy with the fact that funds (sometimes in especially large amounts) flow abroad.

Reason 2. Minimum information about world lotteries

Not all official sites have a Russian-language version, and if there is one, the game is described there very succinctly, if not sparingly. And some resources are blocked for free access.

Nevertheless, foreign lotteries for Russians they are becoming more and more attractive due to high winnings and transparency of the drawing process. Players who have long paved the way for themselves into the world of foreign lotteries claim that that lottery world is somewhat different from ours: even third category prizes in international lotteries are much higher than in domestic ones. Some have developed their own systems that allow them to win a little, but consistently.

But the most important thing when participating in a foreign lottery is not even to place a bet, but to find a bona fide intermediary through whom you can purchase tickets for world lotteries and receive winnings. People who managed to contact official and honest intermediaries (also a kind of lottery) have only positive opinions about foreign lotteries and reviews about them.

Which lottery can you really win: Gosloto VS Foreign?

Buying a ticket and guessing the numbers is far from the only criterion necessary to win the lottery.

First of all, you should pay attention to the honesty and transparency of the organizers. Therefore, let's try to clarify which lotteries are more honest with their players: ours or foreign ones?

Should we trust our organizers?

The issue is controversial and we will not draw any specific conclusions, but we will name the reasons why one can still doubt the honesty.

Let's start with a simple video made by the REN TV channel:

Let's summarize the information from the video:

  • state lotteries in fact, they are not “state” at all. They belong to only one founder;
  • TV broadcasts are shown in recording;
  • the organizers have information about the selected combinations, which means they can dispose of it as they wish, for example, in the results they show numbers that were not chosen by anyone.

And that’s not all, there are several more reasons not to trust the government. lotto:

  • drawings on the official website of most lotteries are not broadcast live. Instead, use a "generator" random numbers", and this is a very dubious decision;
  • over the past few years, a huge number of complaints have been received from participants and an even larger number of reviews on the Internet;
  • the Stoloto website has taken over almost all popular lotteries, thus completely monopolizing itself;
  • lack of information about happy winners- this also makes you think about who gets the main prizes.

Actually, many of these reasons can be further commented on and tried to be justified. Here's how to look at it. For example, the same bad reviews are normal for any gambling game, and some lotteries are held live.

But let's watch another video with the revelation:

Should you trust foreign organizers?

We don’t think it’s entirely correct to evaluate all foreign lotteries at once, since there are quite a lot of them in the world and they all have their own rules. But if you choose the most popular ones, compared to ours, they look much more honest and transparent:

  • Most of them give most revenues to the state and charitable foundations;
  • Each of them conducts drawings only live;

Just two simple things, and immediately all suspicions and unnecessary questions disappear. Do you agree?

Foreign lotteries in Russia – how to buy?

The most common way to purchase a game ticket is to buy it online. Fortunately, now you can find many lotteries in the world online.

But if for some reason it is not possible to purchase a ticket via the Internet, you will have to use the services of intermediaries. But this method has its drawbacks:

  1. The intermediary may ask for an advance payment - and this is a clear signal not to get involved. You may not receive a valid ticket.
  2. Resellers can inflate the price, the difference per ticket is their earnings.
  3. Deception of the player is not uncommon among unscrupulous intermediaries. It is expressed in the first two ways, and what’s most offensive is that you can pay for a ticket and not receive winnings on it.

How to buy a ticket without risks?

We can recommend three ways to protect yourself from scammers when buying foreign lottery tickets:

  • go independently to the country where the drawing is taking place and buy a ticket there;
  • find a trusted intermediary and use his services or ask a good friend who is in another country to buy a ticket;
  • purchase world lotteries online on a special website.

There is no way to personally recommend a good intermediary - I don’t know any. But this does not mean that they do not exist. If you know experienced international lottery players, you can ask them. I don’t think they will see you as a competitor and begin to hide information - usually they find out about proven, bona fide resellers through good old word of mouth.

If buying tickets through intermediaries is not your method, then we can offer you a service that has been working as intermediaries for several years:

Agentlotto is the best intermediary of world lotteries

Agenlotto international service intermediary, allowing you to buy and receive tickets for lotteries in the USA, Europe, Australia and Latin America for users from anywhere in the world.

If we talk about this resource more specifically, it provides a huge selection of lotteries - about 20 with different sizes of main, secondary and small winnings.

And this is very convenient for the player, since he can compare lottery conditions, jackpots and even the external design of each lottery. And this is important, many players choose their game visually: like the picture - buy a ticket - hit the jackpot.

By the way, about the main prizes: the site’s specialists have selected the world’s lotteries for Russian players with the largest jackpot and not the most “biting” price per bet.

The following lotteries are presented here:

  • American lotteries:
    • Superlotto Plus
    • Lotto Texas
    • New Jersey Pick-6
  • From pan-European
    • EuroJackpot
  • From Spanish:
    • La Primitiva;
    • El Gordo;
    • BonoLoto
  • From Italian:
    • SuperEnalotto
  • From the British:
    • UK Lotto.

As you can see, world lotteries without intermediaries can be purchased on one of the popular resources, although this is also a kind of intermediary, but we believe that it is much more reasonable to use the services of time-tested resources rather than strangers.

Moreover, you can buy one ticket for a lottery that you have long liked, or test your luck in several draws from different countries and continents.

It works like this:

  1. Register on the site
  2. Choose the lottery you want to play
  3. Buy tickets
  4. In a few hours you will receive scanned copies in your personal account
  5. Waiting for the draw
  6. In case of victory:
    • if the amount is small: you will receive money in electronic wallets
    • if the amount is large: you receive the original ticket and go to the country where the drawing took place to collect the winnings, or you issue a power of attorney to a service employee and he receives the winnings for you and then sends it to you.

Video instruction:

Should you trust intermediaries?

Even if you don’t study these sites very carefully, what catches your eye is the column report on the winners:

Each person's name is written under the flag of the country where he lives, and the amount of winnings is indicated opposite. The people are real. Most of the lucky ones are Poles and Germans, there are even two Belarusians and a Kyrgyz. What is not proof that a foreign lottery for Russians can be successful and super successful?

Is the report not enough?

Then take an interest in reviews of resources, for example, Agentlotto began its work in 2012 and during this period it has collected more positive opinions about its activities than negative ones. The same can be said about the pioneer of such services: TheLotter, only he started working in

And the most important argument: when purchasing a ticket, the player receives a scanned copy of it and has something to show to the lottery organizers if he wins.

World lotteries in Russia - reviews. Why doesn't anyone win?

Judging by the feedback from players, not many people from Russia and the CIS countries take part in the draws of the most popular lotteries in the world. And the smaller the percentage of players, the smaller the percentage of winners - everything is logical. Therefore, you should not frighten yourself with the thought that it is impossible to win in these foreign lotteries.

Those who regularly buy tickets for foreign lotteries claim that there is a chance of winning. Our fellow citizens cannot boast of huge prizes, but small cash rewards in the amount of 20 to 600 dollars (euros) periodically “smile” at them.

To the question why so few of our fellow citizens buy international lottery tickets, there is a completely logical answer. And not even one:

  1. Not everyone knows about the opportunity to play foreign lotteries in Russia and other post-Soviet countries
  2. Those who have heard about this possibility do not believe in the honesty of the method of purchasing lottery tickets.
  3. Those few who believe (or believed) got burned by dishonest intermediaries and stopped believing
  4. Those who haven’t been burned play it quietly and are not very willing to talk about this topic

If there is little reliable information about the lottery, then there are correspondingly few people willing to play. Here comes a completely objective explanation of why we have so few winners of foreign lotteries.

We do not insist that the Agentlotto website is perfect place to purchase tickets for international lotteries in Russia, because the price tags there are inflated somewhere by 2 times, and somewhere by three. But on this moment– this is the best option to play without cheating.

There are other methods too, but they are suitable for people who often travel abroad:

  • buy a ticket directly in the country of the draw
  • wait for the circulation
  • receive your winnings, if they happen, directly at the lottery office

World lotteries without intermediaries - how to win the Jackpot?

There is no universal recipe for how to win the jackpot in the lottery (no matter through intermediaries or without them). The decisive role in the game is usually assigned to faith in one’s luck. Well, it has also been noticed that those who buy tickets regularly win more often. It seems that these people are subconsciously tuned to the wave of the game and the wave of victory. Perhaps this really is true.

Foreign lotteries in Russia have not yet found their main winner. But there are a great many “true” stories with hidden names about Euromillions who hit the jackpot on the Internet. And they are all in two lines and somewhat vague.

For example, this option: “Mr. L. from Russia became a millionaire in the Euro lottery “Millions” (conditional name). One could attribute such secrecy to the reluctance of the newly minted rich man to “shine” to the whole world, but the matter is often completely different: the same unscrupulous intermediary sites are trying to attract as many buyers as possible to their resource.

For the sake of objectivity, I will give you several examples of huge winnings that brought ordinary ordinary people among the dollar multimillionaires and billionaires.

  1. American lottery Powerball. On January 16, 2016, a jackpot of $1.5 billion was won. It was divided among three players; the lucky one from California was the first to “notice” his winnings and shamelessly posted a photo with the ticket on Instagram.
  2. Mega Millions is also a lottery from the USA. In 2012, the jackpot hit $640 million. Also three winners, of which only the Butler spouses dared to reveal themselves. They acted very wisely with their portion of the winnings ($110.5 million) by hiring a financial advisor to increase their funds.
  3. Mega Millions again - 2007, $390 million up for grabs. Two main winners, one of whom, a truck driver, bought a ticket in a small establishment where he usually bought coffee on the road.

Our review of foreign lotteries

It is not difficult to navigate the rules of foreign lotteries - they are in many ways similar to ours: place a bet, wait for the draw. But if you doubt that you understand in what order to cross out the numbers, or how to pay for the purchase of a ticket, find the official website of world lotteries, perhaps you will find the necessary information there.

We tried to use the services of intermediaries as testing to find out in more detail how it all works. As a result, out of three tickets, three different lotteries we even managed to win $10 and withdraw it safely. We also made sure that a scanned copy of the purchased ticket is indeed provided to the players.

We didn't try our luck anymore.


It is possible to play foreign lotto from Russia through intermediary sites. It’s also possible to receive winnings – now within a few hours via electronic wallets or online banking. The ticket price is a little high, but this is our fee for the service.

Actually, this is where our article comes to an end. We hope the material was useful to you.

3 387 0 Hello! In this article we will talk about how to win the lottery. Today you will find out: what are lotteries? How to win money in the lottery: secrets of experienced players. How to withdraw your lottery winnings?

Is it possible to win the lottery

In order to understand whether it is even worth talking further about how to win the lottery, you need to decide on the question - “is it even possible to do this?” Or those who won the lottery - peculiar mythical characters who know secret way How to make the most of your luck.

Now we will not touch on the “mystical” aspect of playing the lottery; we will dwell only on the general scientific and statistical opinion.

Many scientific mathematicians who analyzed probabilities and compared various events identified one interesting fact.

Absolutely any ticket can win at absolutely any time.

This means that any ticket can win, regardless of who bought it and what numbers are written on it. But this also means that everyone has approximately equal, and therefore lower, chances of winning.

But despite the fact that it would seem logical that the more you play, the higher the chance of catching the jackpot and winning. But scientists also analyzed this fact and came to the conclusion that almost nothing depends on time, and a person who has spent 10 years playing the lottery has statistically the same chances as someone who bought a ticket for the first time.

This does not mean that it is impossible to win - on the contrary, you have a real chance of winning. It’s just that their probability is consistently low (unless, of course, you play in large-scale lotteries with huge prizes). Therefore, you should never try to make lotteries the main type of income or something that should always generate income. This is a one-time occurrence that can make a lucky person rich. A blue bird is a dream, but not a lifelong goal.

Summarizing the above, the verdict is the following - it is possible to win the lottery, and it is even quite possible. At the same time, it should be understood that playing the lottery can be compared to a casino: people, just like in gambling establishments, participate in the pursuit of fabulous prize money, spend their money here and now. There are many stories in the world about how beginners have won incredible amounts of money the first, second or third time they play, while most seasoned players spend significant money throughout their lives in order to win a really big amount.

The verdict is this: it’s worth trying to win, but there’s absolutely no need to buy a lot of lottery tickets and spend a lot of money on them. There is almost no difference between 1 in 10 million or 100 in 10 million. The chances are still equally low, but they are there.

Types of lotteries in Russia and abroad

The world of lotteries is something large-scale, constantly changing and yet almost the most stable thing in any country. To some extent, lotteries can be compared to slot machines. The same hundreds of thousands of people, millions spent on winnings and fabulous prize money. In Russia there used to be a lot various types lotteries and their organizers. Both honest and scammers. That is why now the main lottery is a state lottery, and all the others will require special permission.

Abroad, as well as in Russia, there are many different lotteries, but the prizes there are much larger. But still, it is recommended to play domestic lotteries. Despite the fact that the winnings in them are usually 2-3 times less, with similar costs, they are much easier to get a prize, there are fewer problems with taxes and there are almost no pitfalls.

Large domestic lotteries: Gosloto, Russian lotto, 6 out of 45, Stoloto (Housing Lottery), etc.

In order not to get lost in the variety of different types, all lotteries can be divided into two large groups: instant and draw.

Instant lotteries- a simple type of lottery, tickets for which are still sold at newsstands and small shops. Their essence is simple: you buy a ticket, erase the sketch layer (it used to be found on mobile top-up cards) and find out whether you won or not and the amount of your winnings.

Instant lotteries are good because almost immediately after the purchase you will know whether you won or not, and you can take your money directly from the person who sells the lottery tickets. But if you hit the real jackpot, you will need to contact the organizer to claim your prize, but after a few days you will be able to collect your winnings. Instant lotteries are not very popular among the general public due to small prizes, and therefore if you want to win large sums, then you need to take a closer look at another type of lottery - draw lotteries.

Draw lotteries- lotteries that give out prizes to lucky players at a strictly designated time.

Draw lotteries can be divided into 2 more subtypes:

  • Lotteries in which participants independently choose the winning combination;
  • Lotteries in which a personalized card with random numbers is given out.

The first option is popular, although the second is also common in the West.

In addition to these two main types, there are various quizzes and lotteries from large companies And advertising brands. They are no longer compiled to make a profit, but to advertise their products. In them you can receive not cash prizes, but various gifts from the organizing company. Experienced lottery players advise not to neglect such events, but to make the most of them.

Due to the limited number of participants in such promotions, the likelihood of winning the lottery is much greater. Of course, money is always nicer than any household items, but an expensive smartphone, laptop or even a car is unlikely to be superfluous in the house.

Online lotteries for money

There is another classification: offline And online lotteries . With offline lotteries, everything is very clear - these are standard lotteries where you buy a ticket from official suppliers and partners of the lottery company. You choose the numbers and calmly wait for the official announcement of your winnings, and then you independently figure out what to do with this winnings. It's all simple, clear and already stable.

But in Europe and America, online lotteries are now very popular. Just think about it: in a few clicks you can buy a lottery ticket from any country, select numbers if necessary, and then receive your prize, minus all taxes and other government fees.

Online lotteries are an extremely easy way to obtain lottery tickets and pay taxes on them. The system itself will take care of notifying you of the win, transferring the money to the lottery ticket supplier and transferring the winnings, taking care of all tax payments to the player's account.

Online lotteries - the future of the lottery world . Soon you will need nothing more than an e-wallet, a foreign currency account and patience to buy lottery tickets from other countries and receive winnings directly into your trading account. But despite the fact that in Europe online lotteries are gaining the trust of many players, in Russia it is still quite dangerous to use these products due to the risk of fraud.

How to win a large sum of money in the lottery: working methods

Now let's move on from theory to what really arouses interest, namely, methods that allow you to increase your chances of winning the lottery. But before moving on to ways to win, two more facts should be mentioned in addition to the first:

  • There are no ways to increase the probability of guessing numbers compared to random selection;
  • There is no absolutely winning strategy.

In other words, most mathematicians agree that the best thing to do is to bet randomly and wait for luck. But we know that they are not always right. Let's talk about five ways to win the lottery.

First method: multi-circulation approach

The essence of this method is extremely simple. As we found out earlier, the probability of winning the lottery for each combination is approximately the same. Based on this, we can draw an extremely simple conclusion: you can choose the same number sequence for a long time, which can ultimately lead to winning. You just need to play at a distance.

Any sequence of numbers is equally likely to appear, which is why choose your optimal one game strategy and number of digits. After this, you can safely play and place your number sequence anywhere. But don’t forget that if you don’t buy lottery tickets periodically, nothing will work out.

Second method: psychological approach

As we already understood earlier, it is impossible to win the lottery “against the organizers” and thereby increase the likelihood of winning. Even if you buy a hundred or a thousand lottery tickets, your chances will be equally low. That is why you should not play “against the house”, but against other players. This will not allow you to win with more likely, however, will allow you to win more money.

The point is simple: We all know that the winning amount depends on the number of people who guessed the number sequence. That's why than less people If they guess correctly, the more each person will win. But we can't stop people from guessing. We can only guess a less popular option. And as we already found out earlier, all of them have the same chances of winning.

Let's turn to statistics. According to official facts, most people choose numbers from 1 to 31. These account for about 70% of all lottery tickets and the numbers inside them. Most people choose numbers instinctively, associating them with dates, and as we know, there cannot be more than 31 numbers in a month.

Those. to win, you need to understand the logic of the majority of participants and do everything exactly the opposite. You can, like other people, associate numbers with certain dates, but it is more important to use something that most people are unlikely to repeat. Study the way typical lottery players think and you can go against the grain and, if you're lucky, win a really big pot.

Third way: collaborative approach

Sometimes this method is jokingly called the “Lottery Syndicate”. Despite the absurdity of the name, it perfectly describes the actions that must be taken to win. Winning alone is an extremely difficult matter. But if 5-7 people get together, regularly buy lottery tickets, share information about winnings, etc., then you can quite count on increasing your chances.

In this case, the winnings are distributed in proportion to the invested funds. Everything is like in investment funds. The bet on a particular lottery can be really large, but the investment of each participant will be minimal.

This approach allows you to free yourself from your own stereotypes. In a team where many people are pursuing the same goal, interesting thoughts, plans and strategies periodically arise, which sooner or later may turn out to be winning. That is why the gathering of literate people around us, united by one goal - great way win a significant amount.

An excellent example of winning with the help of a “lottery syndicate” is 315 million, which was taken by 7 employees of the American Hospital.

Fourth method: distribution runs

This is not a way to increase your chances of winning, but real advice on how to win the lottery. We all know that lotteries accumulate jackpots based on ticket sales. And in order to realize this amount, distribution drawings are held - drawings that take place in several stages.

The probability of winning in such draws is the same as in a regular draw before the new stage of the lottery. But the main thing here is the amount of winnings. Often in medium-sized lotteries it exceeds a million, and in the largest ones - several hundred million.

Professionals and experienced players agree that participation in distribution runs strictly necessary because of the huge winnings, which, with the same costs for tickets, are guaranteed to the winner. Most of the most big wins in the entire history of the lottery business it was precisely during distribution draws.

Fifth method: expanded bet

One of the most controversial ways to win, but nevertheless, in some cases it worked. The essence of this method is simple: you must play a lottery, where the player chooses the numbers himself, and simply write the possible numbers in the ticket fields number combinations. You will have to pay extra for such a bet, but it will slightly increase your chances of winning. But this method is not entirely rational. As stated earlier, there is almost no difference between 1 in 10 million and even 50 in 10 million. But it makes a difference to the wallet - whether to pay for one ticket or 50.

Each of these five methods is free for everyone to choose independently. You can combine, form your strategies and hope for luck. All the same, each of the tickets will win sooner or later. What matters is whether you experience this triumph or not.

Tips for winning the lottery vary greatly. Here, like in a casino, there is no clear line between science, logic and validity and some theories, guesses and psychics. We gave all the official, statistically proven methods of how you can logically increase your chances of winning the lottery in the previous paragraph.

There is only one oddity left, confirmed by mathematicians: adjacent numbers occur with enviable regularity in any type of lottery. Contrary to the opinion of most experienced players who have spent more than one year studying lotteries, this fact still remains quite strange.

After all, according to the theory of probability, even though the probability of any number falling out is equal, then when program definition winning, the machine has less chance of 2 consecutive numbers with all the variety of options. And if the lottery is played the old fashioned way - with big amount balls, then here everything is even stranger - there are quite a lot of combinations, and for example, in the 6 out of 45 lottery, the probability of getting two numbers in a row is several hundred, if not thousands of times less. But nevertheless, several numbers in a row do not appear in every draw, but nevertheless, quite often, much more often than any other combinations. This is why lottery tickets with several numbers in a row still have a good chance of winning.

Completely scientific methods have ended, and it is not at all necessary to believe in what will happen next. But if you want to increase your chances and have the opportunity to win a little more than 1 in a million, then you should grab all the possible ways to “improve your luck.”

So, The most common way to “attract luck” in the lottery is to use your date of birth and your name. Let's explain now. Most “magical” and “psychic” forums agree that you can win if you bet on your date of birth, and if there are 6 numbers, then also on the numbers of your initials in alphabetical order.

You need to put it as follows - the first number is the birthday, the second is the month, the third is the sum of the digits in the year of birth, and the remaining three digits are the numbers of the initials in order. If they are repeated, then you need to use the number and the one following it.

Also, the day on which you buy a lottery ticket matters. To win, it is better if it coincides with your birthday, or is one of the favorable ones - Saturday or Sunday, or the first half of Monday and Tuesday.

Also, people often draw figures on the ticket when choosing certain numbers. Each of them chooses his own figure, which will bring him good luck.

And the last of these methods is transurfing . According to this method, any event in a person’s life is possible and it is enough for him to simply take it from various options in the universe. That is, translating into ordinary language, all you have to do is come to terms with the fact that there is a possibility of not winning, realize that it is not so important, and then calmly come and win. This does not mean that you need to want with all your might, it is enough to see yourself at the end of the road - with money, calmly keep this picture in your head and win, without thinking about where to spend the money, what to invest it in, and so on.

Playing the lottery has even more ambiguity than playing in a casino. That is why each player has his own rituals, strategies and other “lucky” actions that are guaranteed to help him win a prize. Create your strategy, acquire rituals and a talisman, and then in your head you will have a greater chance of winning. And if we cannot influence the lottery mechanism, then at least increasing our luck would be an excellent option.

Is it possible to win the lottery without investment?

Despite the fact that lotteries are most often commercial projects, you can try your luck absolutely free. For this, there are free lotteries that do not require money to purchase a ticket. These are most often Internet lotteries, which operate on the same principle as real ones, but do not require money for a ticket. Such projects make money from advertising. And if we take into account that the chances are initially small, then the project does not work at a loss, while not requiring any money from the participants for the opportunity to try their luck.

Earnings from such lotteries vary. Most often it will be 10-15 rubles per day, without spending much time on several services. But at the same time, you actually have the opportunity to participate in sweepstakes, which often exceed hundreds of thousands of rubles. Some experienced players who collaborate with several dozen projects at once manage to have an average wages just for participating in lotteries.

And because of such an attractive idea as a free lottery without investments, there are a lot of fraudulent sites that either do not play cash between users, or, on the contrary, they extort money to “increase the chance” and then successfully close. That is why we have selected for you the 3 best portals with free lotteries, on which you will have a real chance to make money.

Free lotteries with real winnings

Social Chance

Social chance- a mutually beneficial project for both owners and players. He offers familiar game with 6 digits, but more interesting rules. They don’t ask for anything for the ticket, and they even give you 6 free attempts to guess the numbers immediately after registration.

Winnings are paid out as follows: the initial prize for the guessed number is 1 kopeck. For each number guessed, the amount increases 10 times. So, for 3 days you can count on 10 rubles, for 4 - 100, 5 - 1000 and 6 - the biggest prize - 10,000 rubles. Of course, the payments are small, but nevertheless, it is excellent as a means for stable small earnings.

You can earn additional attempts in the system by performing certain actions. This is exactly what the project makes money on. All payouts are crystal clear, so if you are interested in trying your luck and winning 10,000 rubles, then take part in the lottery from socail chance.

Lot Zone

The lotto zone allows you to win up to 300,000 rubles in online lotteries absolutely free. The principle is the same as in the previous lottery, only you have to guess not from 46, but from 49 numbers. The lotto zone also makes money from advertising, which is why the prizes are so big.

Each user is given 7 tickets upon registration. You can win if you guess:

  • 1st number - 5 points of internal currency;
  • 2nd and 3rd numbers - 30 and 75 kopecks;
  • 4, 5 and 6 numbers - 30 rubles, 3,000 rubles and 300,000 rubles, respectively.

The service not only allows you to participate in the lottery, but also communicate on the blog, as well as play with other users.

The creators of free lotteries contrast their projects gambling. They claim that they do not require investments and can provide their users with huge prizes: from 10,000 rubles with good chances in Social Chance, to a real super prize by the standards of Internet lotteries in the Lotto Zone.

When choosing a lottery, remember that this is not a stable income, but nevertheless, with the proper luck, skill and amount of free time, you can seriously count on the fact that free online lotteries will be able to bring in good profits. Enough for mobile, internet and small expenses.

Top 5 stories of Russian “lucky ones”

Everyone is interested in reading stories successful people, who are lucky and can figure out how we would behave if we were in the place of this or that person. That is why we will present you with 5 stories of the biggest winnings in Russia, and you will only have to decide what exactly you want.

1 story - Family from Ufa, 2001 - 29 million.

The bet on this lottery was spontaneous, and the winnings seemed sky-high. And it would seem that after him the family should live truly happily. Either fate turned out to be a villain, or the people themselves made the wrong choice, but everything did not go according to the optimistic scenario.

The married couple began to lead a marginal lifestyle - they moved away from everyone. The only investment was the purchase of 2 apartments in the city center. The rest of the money was spent on alcohol and on debts to friends and relatives. After 5 years, the fortune simply disappeared, and his wife Nadezhda gave an interview that winning the lottery did not bring happiness to her family.

Story 2 - Lipetsk Locksmith, 2009 - 35 million.

The second story turned out to be somewhat shorter, vaguer and more logical than the first. The man who won 35 million in the lottery did not spend the money on alcohol and luxurious life. He just left for small homeland to the Lipetsk village, built a house there, repaired the road and set up a farm for himself. There he is now breeding carp. This is all that is known about this man now.

Story 3 - resident of Voronezh, 2013. - 47 million

According to the lucky winner, he gave most of the money to help his friends and relatives. He wanted the dreams of the people around him to come true. He spent his share modestly - on repairs and household expenses. Quite quickly the winnings ran out, but the man does not lose heart - he hopes to hit the jackpot again.

Story 4 - businessman from the Leningrad region, 2009 - 100 million

Before buying that very ticket, the man was engaged in a small business - he had several retail outlets. But after he won the lottery, he decided that it was time to radically change his life. I bought several apartments in the center of St. Petersburg, dear Lexus, and continued to live beautiful life. True, after 2 years there was not a penny left of the winnings, and due to the fact that the man underpaid taxes, the fine amounted to 4.5 million rubles, which is why part of his property was confiscated.

The man said that he would do everything differently now - he collected all the money and flew with his family to live and work in America. True, he did not explain what relation another country has to his wastefulness and stupidity.

5 story - builder from Omsk, 2014 - 184 million

Almost no details are known from this story. The man sat at home for only a few months, could not believe his luck, and when he finally came to collect his winnings, he asked not to reveal his identity, and only said a few words about his plans - to buy a house somewhere by the sea and move the whole family there .

These are not the most big wins in the history of lotteries, but almost nothing is known about those who won 180 million or more. Such people preferred not to disclose their details, first and last names, and therefore nothing is known about the fate of those who received such a large win.

As you can see, not all of these stories ended happily. Therefore, the main task is not to win the lottery, but to use your chance wisely.

P.S. If you do win the lottery, do not invest in apartments in the center of your city. Firstly, it is banal, and secondly, it has long been unprofitable. If you are afraid of business (and this is the most the best option), then it’s best to put it in a bank, and about 10% in an investment fund. Then the main part will be credited with a good percentage, covering inflation, and those 10% of the winnings will allow you to get a good passive income with a minimum of participation.

How to win the lottery and lose it all... 13 Fatal Lottery Winners

Features of winning the lottery

Getting a win in most cases is quite simple. But there is a small point: each lottery independently determines the procedure for receiving winnings, and all the documents necessary for this. That is why everyone should understand that if they do not comply with them, then they will not get the winnings.

Let's look at the procedure for receiving winnings using the example of the state-owned Stoloto. A person has 6 months to receive his winnings. You need to come with identification documents open bank account and an original lottery ticket. This is all you need to receive your winnings into your account.

But if you do not come to claim your winnings within 6 months, then you will need to notify Stoloto in writing, and if your reason is considered valid, then the money will be transferred to you. But if not, you will be denied funds. So hurry up to win.

Tax on lottery winnings

Of course, no one will want to share their “fairly won”, even with the state. But nevertheless, the taxation procedure is the same for everyone, which is why if the State officially records your winnings, then you are subject to income tax - 13% of the winning amount.

In order to pay the tax, a person will need to INDEPENDENTLY fill out a tax return at the place of residence, and pay the tax no later than July 15 of the year following the winnings.

be careful: Non-payment of taxes is a criminal offense.

Also, if you play state lottery and other lotteries in which prizes are given in kind - for example, a car or housing, then you will also need to pay a tax in the amount of 13% of the cadastral value of housing or 13% of the assessed value of a car.

Psychologist, family therapist, career coach. Member of the Federation of Consulting Psychologists of Russia and member of the Professional Guild of Psychotherapy and Training.

Probably, each of us at least once in our lives dreamed of winning the lottery - and not just winning, but winning the main prize, a jackpot amounting to millions of rubles. At the same time, people here are divided into two main categories - optimists, who believe that they will certainly be lucky, and even in the absence of winnings, they buy a ticket over and over again, and pessimists, who call lottery draws scam.

Indeed, there have been cases when a person played all his life, but either did not win anything at all, or his winnings were meager. On the other hand, there are cases when the first ticket purchased brought a serious cash prize.

Is it possible to win by playing the lottery in Russia?

If we talk about Russia, then here, as in any other country, if the organizers use some tricks, then, of course, only a select few will be able to win, that is, those whom the organizers themselves chose. When playing the state lottery, the player should feel protected from deception: here, according to many, the chances of winning are higher. There really is a certain logic in such thinking. If we assume that the organizers of state lotteries in Russia behave dishonestly, for example, they adjust the results, allowing pre-designated people to win, then they are taking a huge risk.

Meanwhile, it is state lotteries in Russia that continue to be the most popular action, primarily for people of the older generation. Brought up in the Soviet Union, they consider everything state-owned to be honest and reliable. Young people no longer treat everything state with such awe and reverence, because for them private business is quite commonplace.

Currently in Russia there are the following state lotteries:

  • Gosloto;
  • Victory;
  • Golden Horseshoe;
  • First National Lottery;
  • Lotto million;
  • Golden Key.

At the same time, income received, for example, from Gosloto, is directed to the development of Russian sports - the state, by selling this lottery, is building new sports facilities. It’s easy enough to verify this by going to the official Gosloto website, which presents statistical data on the financing of the construction of sports facilities in Russia using proceeds from its sale. This reporting will be the best proof that funds are really used for the benefit of domestic sports, for everyone who considers the lottery to be a scam. However, in Lately Several scandals broke out around the Gosloto draw, which significantly damaged the image of this lottery.

At the same time, the largest cash prize in the history of Russia was won by a resident of Novosibirsk, who bought a lucky Gosloto ticket for him. Having placed a bet at one of the points in the city, the Siberian, waiting for the drawing that took place on February 27, saw: all his 6 numbers coincided with those thrown by the lottery machine. As a result, a resident of Novosibirsk became the happy owner of more than 358 million rubles.

Winning the lottery does not always change the lives of the winners for the better

It is worth noting that the Gosloto draws “6 out of 45” and “5 out of 36” are lotteries with the largest super prizes in Russia. In particular, in 2015, a prize in the amount of 203.1 million rubles went to two winners - residents of Murmansk and Nalchik, who divided this amount between themselves. In 2014, while playing Gosloto, a 45-year-old resident Nizhny Novgorod won a prize of 202 million rubles.

However, here it is time to cite statistical data, on the basis of which we can conclude that winning a large sum in the lottery does not make the winners happier. In particular, about 60 percent of owners of lucky winning tickets never made the right decision regarding profitable investment unexpected wealth that fell upon them. In many cases, the money was spent as in the well-known joke - under the expense item “miscellaneous”, and in a fairly short time there was practically nothing left of the winnings. Yes, for a short time the life of a lottery winner became a fairy tale, but then, unfortunately, it was replaced by harsh realities.

In Russia, winning the lottery largely depends only on luck, just like everywhere else in the world. It turns out that winning the lottery is quite possible, but here this question in another: how great are the chances of this same win? Above we have given stories of several winners who won very large cash prizes, while many people won more modest amounts. The statistics here are quite eloquent.

On the other hand, if you compare the number of winners with the number of players, you can see that the ratios are clearly not in favor of the latter. It is this circumstance, by the way, that contributes to the increase in the army of pessimists. Much depends on the psychology of the person himself - if he sincerely believes that he will be lucky in the end, then no statistical calculations will dissuade him. Just like a pessimist, no news about lottery winners who have won large sums will force him to abandon the opinion that all this is fraud, deception and deception, committed with the aim of depriving gullible citizens of their money.

To be fair, it is worth noting that on average, lottery organizers take about 50 percent of the profits from tickets sold, but the other half goes to pay for the money winnings to the lucky ones. Therefore, we can say that the chances of winning for the two sides - the organizer and the players - are equal: 50 to 50, but there is only one organizer, while there are millions of players.

Today there is a huge amount of advice on the Internet, by following which you can supposedly increase your chances of winning the lottery, but many of these kinds of recommendations are actually nothing more than dummies. They seem to be written competently, in beautiful words, but do not take into account the most important thing - in the lottery everything depends on a successful combination of circumstances, of course, for the player. Many of the players use their own strategies, which should increase the chances of success. For example, someone persistently uses the same combination of numbers, because according to the theory of probability, sooner or later their variant should still appear. Others, on the contrary, choose some new combinations every time.

A group approach is also used: everyone understands perfectly well that the more combinations a player offers, the greater his chances of winning. However, if you are not Roman Abramovich, it will be quite difficult to buy a huge number of lottery tickets. And although they are relatively inexpensive, a batch of, for example, a thousand will cost a decent amount. Taking this into account, some players team up with like-minded people, purchasing a certain number of tickets - in the event of a large win, the money is distributed among all participants, usually in proportion to the contribution made. Of course, it’s a little disappointing if you guessed the option that resulted in you winning millions of rubles, and the money will need to be divided among everyone. But on the other hand, if someone else guessed right, then you get part of the winnings.

Moreover, some seriously believe in the power of magic, charming their ticket “to win” - for this they turn to those who have bred in large quantities magicians and witches. If we think soberly, then this is just money thrown away. In most cases, all these "sorcerers" are the most ordinary charlatans, and you simply voluntarily give him the specified amount. The scammer can always explain the lack of winnings by “glitches in space”, “contamination of your aura” and hundreds of other reasons why the “send to win” did not bring the expected result.

Let's think logically - if a person really knows how to “charge” a lottery ticket to win, then why doesn’t he do it for himself, but instead “help” others win? No, of course, there are people who have certain extrasensory abilities, but they are unlikely to engage in such very dubious activities. The same applies to astrologers, who are supposedly able to see from the stars which combination of numbers will help you win a cash prize on a given day.

The previous article described strategies for how to... One drawback was the need to constantly buy lottery tickets, spending money on it. Would you like to play without spending a penny on this matter? Do you think this doesn't happen? Free online lotteries with real cash prizes, where you can win money without any investment. There are at least a dozen sites that provide everyone with such an opportunity.

Where does the money to win come from?

Free online lotteries allow all their participants to try their luck, and absolutely free of charge. No investment. Most of these services do not even have such an option as depositing funds. Only withdrawal of earned winnings to your account.

Of course, the size of the winnings here is not comparable to real lotteries. You can win amounts from a few kopecks to 10-100 rubles per day. Experienced players, can receive many times more.

As a result, in a month some people can accumulate quite a decent amount. As with all lotteries, there is an opportunity to hit the jackpot, the amount of which can range from 10,000 to 300,000 rubles. Considering that draws happen every day, there is always a chance to win.

Everyone lives off advertisers. They pay money for impressions, the organizers, attracting people with free lotteries, organize traffic, share part of the profit received in the form of prize fund and payments to participants. And of course, they don’t forget about themselves.

The result is a scheme in which everything is in the black. The lottery is free, to the delight of players, with real winnings, attracts fans of freebies, attendance increases and, accordingly, the income of the lottery organizers increases.

Reliable lotteries with real winnings

If you search for sites through a search in your browser, you will probably find 2-3 dozen exactly similar services. From little-visited ones to more popular ones with a daily number of visitors in the tens of thousands. From all this variety, it is better to choose the largest ones. Why?

  1. Large resources allow you to win larger prizes - tens and even hundreds of thousands of rubles (if you're lucky).
  2. High traffic already indicates user confidence.
  3. Small sites, due to their low traffic, can simply curtail their activities one day (the business has not taken off) and all your savings (albeit small) will disappear along with them.

It is by this criterion that I tried to select several proven and best (in my opinion) similar free lotteries.

And what happened? Almost all of the dozen and a half dropped out on their own. The reasons are different: delays in payments, up to complete freezing of winnings, a high withdrawal threshold that will take almost a whole year to collect money, unreasonable blocking of participants’ accounts. Over the past month, several major sites have been blocked altogether.

In the end, there was only one left. The overwhelming majority of users respond positively to it. There are no serious comments.


Free lottery Social Chance with the opportunity to win 10,000 rubles. Each player is given several attempts per day (chances). When registering, you are immediately given 6 chances. By filling out your profile and completing simple achievements, you can gradually increase the number of daily attempts. There are people who already have 300-500 attempts a day. But this is probably overkill.

The point of the game is to select numbers from 0 to 9 on six cards. If you match any of them, a prize awaits you. If 2 cards match, the winnings are multiplied 10 times. If you guessed 3 - 10 more times. And so on.

The site has “honesty control”. Before the drawing, the player can download an archive in which the number guessed by the system is recorded. After receiving the results, the password to the archive becomes available and the player can check whether the number has been changed by the computer during the game.

Overall impressions of the site are generally positive:

  • nice friendly interface;
  • simple and clear rules;
  • it’s easy to figure out what and where to press;
  • an achievement system that allows you to increase your chances of winning;
  • During the day you can get several additional chances as a bonus.

On the negative side, there are a lot of small wins.

The minimum amount for the simplest one, for one guessed number, is only 1 kopeck. But here the probability of victory is as much as 50/50. In order to win, for example, 1 ruble, you need to guess 3 numbers. And this is a probability of 0.3% or an average of 1 win per 350 attempts.

If you are good at mathematics and know the theory of probability, you can easily calculate how much you can earn on average for every 100, 1000, 10,000 attempts.

Before going to the site, be sure to look at the information on payments at the end of the article.


lotofreebie— every day you are given 6 free attempts in different draws. On a lottery ticket you need to randomly select several numbers (7 out of 50, 6 out of 42, and so on).

The size of the winnings depends on the number of matches during the drawing. You can get from a modest 2-10 rubles to several tens of thousands and even hundreds. But...naturally, the probability of the most favorable outcome of events is not great.

The maximum winning amount is 20,000,000 rubles.

List of free online lotteries

For those who are interested this topic, here is a list of sites that give you the opportunity to play for free and try your luck at gambling. For me, they fell into the category of slightly less trustworthy, although I may be wrong in my conclusions.

The most popular lotteries at the moment:

LotoFun— the principle of the site is similar to the Social Chance service. We choose numbers. If there is a match, we get a win. Winning rates depending on the numbers guessed.

There are 4 attempts per day. Additionally, you can get several attempts over the limit. Withdrawal of funds is available when the balance accumulates 16 rubles.

hemoney And zemoney— 2 similar sites with the same game principles (built on the same engine).

Depending on the combination that comes out, we get our winnings.

Among the additional goodies... there are many ongoing various competitions. There are several dozen prize places. Usually 20-30. For first places they give 100-200 rubles. And then in descending order: 80, 70, 50……..15, 10 rubles.

Flaws. Sometimes advertisements are very annoying. There's a bit too much of it on the site.

Lotzon- one of the oldest and largest sites. Gives 6 attempts per day to participate in the lottery. Based on the 6 out of 49 principle. Draws take place every day. Winnings are awarded in points. They can be exchanged for prizes, cash certificates or spent on replenishing your mobile phone balance.

Additionally, you can play popular games with users ( Sea battle, Durak and others). By placing bets (money or points). This is such an “underground” casino.)))

24 bonuses- spin the wheel of fortune. We make money. The numbers on the reel are from 1 to 9. Winnings are calculated based on the value dropped. Minimum 1 kopeck if the number is one. Maximum - 25 rubles per nine.

Naturally, there are more ones on the reel, but only one nines.

Before spinning the wheel, you can try to guess which number will be the winning one. If you guess correctly, all winnings are multiplied by 2 times. For every hundredth game you win x10.

Small spoiler. In 90% of cases you will get a one or two. Therefore, when trying to guess the number for doubling your winnings, always bet on 1. You won’t be mistaken.

midasbox- treasure hunt. On the map, select the place where you want to dig. Each treasure has its own value. You can find gold coins that can be exchanged for real rubles and withdrawn.

Either sell the collected inventory on the market or “make” valuable items out of it.

There are 4 attempts per day. Before each attempt, you need to watch as many as 4 advertisements of 13 seconds each!!! The idea of ​​the site is interesting, but this advertising is really annoying.

Boniki- a mixture of a game with the possibility of small earnings. Once every 30 minutes, the user is given an attempt to shoot from a cannon at dancing people - “bonks”.

For each successful hit, a progressive cash reward is credited. With experience, you can almost always earn at least 0.5-1 ruble. Once I was lucky to shoot 10 rubles at a time. And there were several successful five-ruble attempts.

With every hundredth game, the winnings increase 10 times!

Important point. The rules of the Bonika game (many may not focus on this) state the possibility of deleting a user account for inactivity. If you do not access the site within 30 days, then Account is cancelled. And along with it all the accumulated money.

There are many other similar services. But honestly, in my humble opinion, this is outright slag: hung with advertising, with a bunch of various glitches and shortcomings. It’s immediately obvious that the sites were made on the knees by would-be creators in order to quickly make money. And they don't care about visitors. Or the rules are not very convenient for the game.

To play or not to play?

The operation of free online lotteries, like real ones, is based on the theory of the probability of winning. The organizers have statistical information about the number and size of probable winnings for every, for example, 100 thousand attempts. The result is some average amount that one person can win within a month, quarter, or six months.

And usually these are not very large amounts. The average player earns “mere pennies.” Well, is 1-2 rubles a day really money? Most of us, seeing a 1 ruble coin lying on the street, will not even pick it up and pass by. So why do people play? The secret is simple - it is faith in luck and the hope of hitting the jackpot or at least some more significant amount. Moreover, absolutely without any investment.

Excitement awakens in people: “What if I’m lucky today?”

Therefore, when playing such free sweepstakes, you do not need to take it seriously and make any plans to earn money. This is just a game. Play and have fun. If you are lucky and win a serious win - great, if not - just have a good time and get certain emotions from the game. If you want more, this is not for you. With the same you can get tens of times more.

By the way, the game is addictive. I've been playing similar things for a couple of weeks now. And although I understand that the probability of winning something serious is very small, I nevertheless continue to try my luck. I like the fact that these toys only take 2-3 minutes a day. I clicked on the site, spent all the day’s attempts, had fun, and a couple of “kopecks” of winnings and forgot.

Free lotteries can be used primarily for entertainment, and earnings (winnings) can be considered as a pleasant bonus.

For some reason, many people complain that Social Chance does not pay out what they earn (or win). I have not observed such problems myself. Already ordered a couple of payments. The money is certainly not great. But every penny went to the wallet. The only thing is that it takes a very long time to process the application, almost a month.

Finally, I was touched by the negativity from Social Chance. The money simply hung in the system in the “Pending” mode. Everyone hoped that it was just a long payment processing time. The site honestly warned that it could be 2 months. But....ten times more time passed. And silence.

I wrote several letters to the support service and the administrator. Completely ignored. No answer, no hello.

There is only one conclusion. We move the Social Chance project into the unreliable category.

There is probably not a person who has never tried his luck by playing the lottery in his life. By purchasing a ticket for a hundred rubles, everyone becomes a potential millionaire. But luck is a capricious thing, and not everyone has had the opportunity to win, but to win big prizes- the lot of units.

Lotteries are played all over the world. In Russia, only 1-2% of the population participates in lotteries, for comparison: the share of players in France is 70% of the total population of the country, in the USA - 63%. Such a small percentage of players in Russia is explained by Russians’ distrust of lotteries. But among these percentages there are also winners who hit large jackpots.

Most lucky winners try to remain anonymous and do not tell anyone about their winnings. And this, of course, is correct, because big money attracts many ill-wishers, as well as new and old friends, new relatives. Below are the 7 biggest lottery wins in Russia.

Seventh place. A chidhood dream

On May 29, 2015, a 37-year-old resident of the Kaliningrad region won 126 million rubles in the “6 out of 45” lottery. The winner became interested in lotteries as a child, and from the time when he and his grandfather bought the first tickets for him, he dreamed of becoming famous winner lotteries. According to him, his grandfather was very fond of lotteries, and when the prize drawing began on TV, everyone in the house fell silent.

The lucky one promised to spend his winnings on building a playground for all the children in the area and, of course, for himself - a big house.

Sixth place. Shock of victory

184 million rubles won in draw 735 dated February 10, 2014 of the “6 out of 45” lottery changed the life of one employee of a construction company from Omsk. I spent 800 rubles. He did not leave the house for three days, the shock of winning affected him so much. The dream of the winner and father of three children was to buy a big house by the sea in warmer climes.

Fifth place. The winner is anonymous

August 2014 and the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery brought a win of 202 million rubles to a 45-year-old resident of Nizhny Novgorod, who was shocked by the victory for a month. The victory cost him 700 rubles. In his interviews, he asked to remain anonymous, since at first he did not want to tell anyone about his winnings. All that is known about him is that he is married and has two children.

Fourth place. One hundred ruble ticket

300 million rubles - such a win awaited a resident of Novosibirsk in the Gosloto 4 out of 20 lottery on May 30, 2017. His lucky ticket cost only 100 rubles on the Stoloto website. What is noteworthy is that the winnings of more than 300 million rubles in this lottery were played for the first time.

Third place. Doctor who doesn't believe in his luck

On February 27, 2016, in the “State Lottery 6 out of 45,” a doctor from Novosibirsk was lucky and won just over 358 million rubles. The bet cost him 1,800 rubles. For three weeks the winner was going to Moscow to claim his winnings; all this time it seemed like a dream to him. According to the doctor himself, he checked the ticket six times and could not believe his luck; only by calling the call center of the lottery organizer could he verify his victory. The winner himself is not new to lotteries; he has been playing for about 2 years, using his winning formula. In an interview with Stoloto, the Novosibirsk resident said that he would spend part of the money on charity, as well as on developing his business and on real estate in Moscow.

Second place. Excitement around victory

On May 21, 2017, 364 million rubles were drawn in the “6 out of 45” lottery. The winner was a resident of Sochi, who spent 700 rubles on a bet in mobile application. The newly made millionaire is a cultural worker. Due to the huge excitement that arose around the winnings, at the family council it was decided to go for the money together, but they didn’t have enough money for tickets, so the winner for a long time didn't take the winnings. According to her, she wanted to contribute a third of the money to the election fund political party Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Until recently, it was considered the last big lottery win in Russia. But 2017 is rich in records.

First place. Modest retired millionaire

The largest lottery win in Russia belongs to a resident of the Voronezh region, who won a fabulous sum of 506 million rubles in the Russian Lotto lottery. Such a large sum was drawn on November 5, 2017 in a draw of 1204, and today is the largest lottery win in the history of Russia.

The lottery organizers searched for the 63-year-old winner for 2 weeks, as the lucky girl could not believe her luck. “Russian Lotto for a family is the best gift for the holidays,” notes the new millionaire. The Voronezh pensioner said that she would spend this money to help her children and grandchildren, and also donate part of the money to charity.

Money can not buy happiness

Large winnings in lotteries in Russia and abroad have not brought only happiness to everyone; there are those for whom the winnings turned out differently.

In 2001, unemployed spouses from Ufa became winners in the Bingo Show lottery and won 29 million rubles. However, winning did not bring happiness. The couple spent the entire prize within 5 years. But the main misfortune was the death of one of the winners due to alcohol abuse. According to one version, everything was facilitated by new relatives and friends who appeared from nowhere, asking for money for their needs and getting the spouses drunk.

Winner of the “6 out of 45” lottery Leningrad region Albert Begrakyan, who won 100 million rubles, after 2 years was left with debts to the state. Albert invested in real estate expensive cars, land for building a hotel, but ended up with a debt of 4 and a half million rubles to the state.

In 2006, an incident worthy of any crime drama happened to a US resident, Abraham Shakespeare. No sooner had he won $30 million than he had many relatives. But the scammers did not stand aside either. One lady approached Shakespeare and promised to help him manage his money correctly. And she gave orders: she transferred all the money to her own account, and soon Shakespeare himself was found dead with two bullets in his chest.

Jack Whittaker was a successful businessman, family man, and philanthropist until he won a major jackpot in 2002. Whittaker became addicted to drinking alcohol, gambling, and abandoned his family. Within a few years, his entire fortune was spent and his business collapsed.

Jackpots in world lotteries

But even the largest lottery winnings in Russia cannot be compared with the main prizes in lotteries around the world. Residents of the United States are big fans of lotteries, because the largest jackpots are played on American lotteries such as Powerball and Mega Millions. So, the largest lottery winnings in the world belong to:

1. On August 24, 2017, an American won more than 758 million US dollars in the Powerball lottery. This is the largest win in this lottery and lotteries in the world, which came from one ticket. Interesting feature The lottery is that the prize can be received in parts over 29 years or taken immediately, but then the winning amount will be significantly less (about 2 times).

2. On January 16, 2016, three Americans shared an unprecedented winnings in the Powerball lottery - $1.5 billion. The chance of winning was only 1 in 290 million.

3. In May 2014, a resident of the US state of Florida won the jackpot of the same Powerball lottery, which amounted to $590 million.

How to win the lottery?

The question of how to win the lottery arises for all players. No a certain way victories. Every winner has his own secret of success, but not everyone is ready to share it. Most argue that it is just luck and luck, others follow certain rules:

  • They play with an expanded bet, i.e. choose more numbers than possible at the regular rate. Of course, an expanded bet involves more investments, but the chance of winning increases.
  • They regularly participate in lotteries and constantly use the same combination. They are waiting for the chosen combination to bring the long-awaited prize.
  • They play with friends, the so-called lottery syndicate. In this case, a group of people buys as many tickets as possible for one lottery, and if they win, they divide everything in half.
  • Various mathematical formulas are used.

There are also those who believe in lucky days, numbers, clothes, talismans. They buy tickets, choose the numbers on the ticket that are meaningful to them, and use various spells to win.

Statistics of large lottery winnings in Russia indicate that every year the number of participants is growing, and so are the winnings. The probability of hitting the jackpot is negligible and depends on the specific lottery. For example, the opportunity to win in the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery is approximately 1 in 367 thousand, in the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery - 1 in 8 million, in the Russian Lotto - 1 in 7 million.

If this article has inspired someone to buy a ticket, remember that the winning percentage is very small, play for fun, and maybe you’ll get lucky.