Lectures on biblical subjects in fine art will be given at the Tretyakov Gallery

Understanding art is the dream of many. This dream can become a reality. If you already have a strong desire, let’s add some free time and study the list of available lectures.

Garage Museum (free)

“Asymmetrical Similarities” is a series of lectures that is already in full swing. And while you are reading this text, wondering whether to go or not, the likelihood that you will miss another extremely interesting lecture is increasing! Hurry up. Moreover, the art critic and presenter of this course, Irina Kulik, offers to get acquainted and try to understand the works of not one, but two artists within the framework of one lecture. Compared. Moreover, the focus is not so much on the charming and easily recognizable Pre-Raphaelites or Impressionists, but on the confusing, subconscious-exploding artists who worked from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. Yes, this is exactly what contemporary art is not entirely understandable to everyone.

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Lecture hall MOMMA (paid)

Few people can understand and appreciate contemporary art. This is certainly an unplowed field for study, and sometimes to the point of faith. Just trust the expert that this is a masterpiece. But for a reasoned conversation with an even less expert on this issue than you, it’s worth preparing - stocking up on caustic phrases. The lecture hall of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art will come to the rescue, the program of which has answers to all questions and even in comparison or combination with related territories - theater, music, photography.

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Lecture hall of the Pushkin Museum named after. A. S. Pushkin (paid)

Pushkin Museum im. A. S. Pushkin - address for mandatory visit. The queues that wind around the museum building from time to time signal that another exhibition has opened inside, which cannot be missed. However, you can turn the contemplation of paintings into study. For this purpose, within the walls of the museum there is a lecture hall where you can cover all periods. For example, lectures are planned for April: “Impressionism”, “Paul Cezanne and Vincent Van Gogh”, “The Golden Age of Dutch Art: from van Eyck to Bosch” and many others.

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Lecture hall at the Tretyakov Gallery (paid)

For those who want to immerse themselves in the topic from head to toe, the Tretyakov Gallery organizes a lecture, the program of which is very diverse. For example, those who are looking forward to a detailed journey through periods, centuries and works will benefit from in-depth study passes under common name“Museum University” on Lavrushinsky Lane.” However, the program also contains “ Short story Russian art”, where names such as Kiprensky, Venetsianov, Tropinin will fill you with meaning and illustrations...

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Lecture hall “Direct Speech” (paid)

“Direct speech” has been on everyone’s lips for a long time. Tickets for lectures of this project are selling like hot cakes. The secret is star cast lecturers. But don’t look for entertainers among them, but truly experts in their field and bright, fascinating storytellers. So, in charge of literature here is Dmitry Bykov, Dmitry Petrov will lead you into the linguistic jungle with a flashlight, history books are in the hands of Natalia Basovskaya... The program of this lecture is not frozen for centuries - the list of lecturers and topics is expanding and developing. In search of new knowledge, do not forget to look at the project website.

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HPMT (paid)

In search of knowledge on art history, it is useful to look at the site High school artistic practices and museum technologies (RGGU). If you carefully study the site, you can find many opportunities to study issues of interest. However, this is unlikely right choice for those who are looking for options for a one-time cultural trip. For example, courses on the history of Russian art of the 20th century and the history of art are now in full swing Western Europe, each of which will run until May.

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In September-October 2016, the Tretyakov Gallery will traditionally offer the opportunity to learn about Russian art, learn to understand it and find out the latest art news.

Visitors will have access to several forms of acquiring knowledge: lecture series, excursion series and the School of Art Criticism. After the lecture, it makes sense to plan a visit to the museum to study the originals.

Thematic excursion programs begin in September 2016 and are timed to coincide with exhibitions taking place at the Tretyakov Gallery. Sightseeing, individual and corporate excursions are also practiced, which are ordered separately. Lecture programs start on October 1, 2016.

Excursions are held in the mornings and evenings in Lavrushinsky Lane or in the Gallery on Krymsky Val on the following topics:

Russian art XVIII– XIX centuries

11.00, 12.00, 13.00, 14.00, 15.00, 16.00 on Sundays

Ivan Aivazovsky. To the 200th anniversary of his birth (only with a pre-purchased subscription “Morning in the Tretyakov Gallery. Through exhibitions of the Tretyakov Gallery”)

11:00 on Thursdays

Basic Concepts Old Russian art. Pre-Mongol Rus'. Iconography XIII – X V centuries

11:00 on Thursdays

Pre-avant-garde directions. Artistic groups “Jack of Diamonds”, “Donkey Tail”

11:00 on Fridays

On September 9, 2016, enrollment and sale of youth school tickets began. School of art criticism, which invites young people from 14 years of age to listen to 4 lectures in a month and attend 2 seminars on language and analysis work of art.

Seminars 16:00 on Fridays

Lectures on Sundays at 12:00 and 14:00

On 12:00 Sundays, 02, 09, 16, 23, 30 October 2016 intensive annual course in painting begins – A Brief History of Russian Art. It also provides lectures and seminars and can be supplemented School of Art Criticism V exhibition halls museum. There you can acquire skills in analyzing a work of art, which will help the viewer to independently understand art.

For those who would like to understand some important things in painting in a colorful, accessible manner, on Sundays October 23 and 30, 2016 at 14:00 there will be lectures and art programs with video materials “ Myths and legends in fine arts ». October 30, 2016 at 13:00 the series will open in the form of a lecture-concert “ Great icon painters».

Museum University

This is an academic program for those wishing to gain deep systemic knowledge of the history of Russian art.

“Old Russian painting of the 11th-13th centuries. Mosaics, frescoes, icons. Book miniature"

Covers the period after the Baptism of Rus', pre-Mongol and the beginning Tatar-Mongol yoke. Analysis of the paintings of the churches of Kyiv, Novgorod, Vladimir and Rostov the Great.

"Russian Art of the 18th Century"

The unique originality of Russian baroque, rococo, classicism and sentimentalism is considered.

"Russian art of the first half of the 19th century century"

Covers the period of grandiose achievements in Russian art, the creation of great paintings by K.P. Bryullov and A.A. Ivanov, masters of chamber genres.

"Russian art turn of XIX-XX centuries"

era Silver Age. Development of new directions: national romanticism, impressionism, symbolism.

"Graphic language"

Review and typology of graphics (unique, printed, book, poster and poster, miniature forms, bookplate). Conducted by scientist and graphic artist V.M. Byalik

"Styles and trends in fine arts"

One of the most popular cycles that reveals the essence and national characteristics styles, artistic movements. Their place in the history of Russian art.

"The greatest masters of the Russian avant-garde"

Analysis of the commonality of the main trends of the avant-garde: Suprematism K.S. Malevich, constructivism V.E. Tatlin, abstract expressionism V.V. Kandinsky and analytical art of P.N. Filonova.

“Russian unofficial art of the second half of the 20th century - beginning of the XXI centuries in an international context"

About the work of artists who opposed themselves to the official Soviet art and international artistic context.

For details, see the Tretyakov Gallery website.

The program will help you thoroughly understand Russian art. The course consists of three parts: art of the 11th–first half of the 19th century, the second half of the 19th–20th centuries and the 20th century. Lecturers will tell you how some movements were born and others faded into the past, introduce you to the main names of each movement and teach you how to understand pictures, and not just glance at them. Lectures will be held October 1–April 22 on Sundays at 16:00.

If you draw and want to understand the theory or are simply confused in all sorts of “-isms,” purchase a subscription to this course: after it everything will fall into place. You will understand the difference between the concepts of “style” and “ artistic direction", you will understand Baroque, Mannerism, Modernism, Cézanneism and you will be able to get completely different impressions from going to the museum. Lectures will be held October 7–April 14 on Saturdays at 16:00.

Lavrushinsky lane, 12, Engineering building.

Each of us at school was told about the great Russian artists and their paintings, but much knows about how exhibitions are organized, who organizes them, how works are chosen less people. This course will help correct such an annoying oversight. Lectures will take place October 7–March 24 on Saturdays at 16:00.

The course is for everyone who is determined to finally understand what contemporary art is, what is considered to be such and how to understand it. Lectures will be held from October 14 to March 3 on Saturdays at 16:00.

Krymsky Val, 10, New Tretyakov Gallery.

Do you love history? Are you interested in painting? It is not necessary to separate these two areas of interest - for example, the Tretyakov Gallery offers to get acquainted with the history of Russia through the works of the masterpieces exhibited here. Classes for this course will begin on November 26 and will last until February 18, lectures will be held on Sundays at 12:00.

Lavrushinsky lane, 12, Engineering building.

Classes for those who want to early childhood introduce your child to the museum and the world of art. During the classes, kids will look at paintings in the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery, draw their own masterpieces, figure out what the character of pencils can be and whether it is possible to draw a sound. Classes will be held on Wednesdays from 11:00 to 12:30 October 4–December 20.

The State Tretyakov Gallery is one of largest museums world, research and cultural-educational center. In the historical building of the Tretyakov Gallery in Lavrushinsky Lane there is an exhibition of Russian art of the 11th - early 20th centuries. In the Old Russian section you can see the works of famous icon painters of the 12th-17th centuries, and in the halls of the 18th-20th centuries - famous paintings I.N. Kramskoy, I.E. Repina, V.I. Surikova, I.I. Shishkina, V.M. Vasnetsova, I.I. Levitan, M.A. Vrubel, V.A. Serova.

The State Tretyakov Gallery has a lecture hall with children's lectures and a children's drawing and creative development studio. On weekends, the gallery hosts family-friendly lectures. Classes are conducted in the form of fascinating stories about art, interactive conversations with demonstrations of films and paintings. In total, about 350 lectures are given at the Tretyakov Gallery throughout the year. Their topics are diverse and cover all periods of history, starting from ancient times.

On Lavrushinsky Lane, children aged 6-7 years can attend one of the overview lectures to learn more about the Tretyakov Gallery and the masterpieces stored here, or study the holidays and customs of the peoples of the world, as well as get acquainted with fairy tales and legends (for example, the course “Teremok with Fairy Tales”, where they will talk about the art of Vrubel and Vasnetsov). Children from 5 to 12 years old are invited to the “Music of Nature” concert. For older children, more serious programs are offered - icon painting and genres of painting (9-11 years old), a course in art and Russian history using examples paintings(10-12 years old).

In the lecture hall of the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val you can listen to lectures about contemporary art, developed by department specialists the latest trends, learn about bright contemporary artists and important trends in art.

The cost of attending one lecture is 120-150 rubles, a 50% discount for children under 7 years old, schoolchildren, students and pensioners. The Tretyakov Gallery operates a subscription system.

The Tretyakov Gallery has also opened a Children's Studio in Lavrushinsky Lane, where every September they accept children aged 4-6 years and practice drawing and painting with them. creative development. During the selection process for the studio, an interview is conducted with the parent and child. To the interview you must bring 5-6 works of the child, completed independently - not in kindergarten and not in a children's studio - preferably with paints. Classes take place from Tuesday to Saturday from 10.00 to 18.00 (depending on the group). The class schedule is set for the entire academic year in October.

The studio is located in a neighboring building at the address: Lavrushinsky Lane, 12, Children's Studio (entrance from Maly Tolmachevsky Lane).