Quiz of 10 questions on works. Literary quiz "through the pages of your favorite books"

Crime solving specialist and literary work dedicated to crime solving

Russian measure of weight and the character of the “Golden Calf”

Vivid performance, spectacle and English writer, laureate Nobel Prize

A one-time grant awarded to a scientific or creative team or to an individual performer and captain of a work by Jules Verne

Book unit of collected works and the name of the hero of Mark Twain

The bend of the coast and the character of M. Gorky's play "e"


1. Binding

2. Work

3. Hyperbole

4. Canvas

5. Diary

6. Exposure

7. Foot

8. Drama

9. Chapter

10. Detective

11. Pound

12. Shaw (Bernard)

13. Grant

14. Tom

15. Luke

Literary quiz


1. Compiler famous collection"Russian Folk Tales", developed by international classification fairy tales

2. Russian fairy tale, written in the 19th century based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm “Mistress Blizzard”

3. The writer who invented the characters with the names Vintik and Shpuntik

5. Finnish writer who invented the fairy-tale Moomins

6. English writer who invented hobbits

7. Popular Russian folk tale with three attempted murders and one murder

8. The only heroine of the fairy tale “Turnip” whose name we know

9. Fairytale character, crawling out of his skin

10. What fairytale headdress can’t be drawn?

11. Is it true that A.S. Pushkin was born in MDCCXCIX and died in MDCCXXVII?

12. According to scientists, the heroes of Shakespeare’s works pronounce this word 2259 times. What is this word?

13. How many people were hiding under the pseudonym of Kozma Prutkov?

14. The initials of which Russian poetess consist of three letters “A”?

15. He is a critic, she is... Who?

How old was A.S. Pushkin, when was he born?

17. The name of which heroine of the novel by L.N. Is Tolstoy read the same way both from left to right and from right to left?

"Its poets compose,

Dedicated to kings and heroes.”

"Compiler of dictionaries

For adults and for children."


1. A.N.Afanasyev

2. "Morozko"

3. N. Nosov

4. E. Hoffman

5. Tove Janson

6. John Tolkien

7. Kolobok

8. Bug

9. The Frog Princess

10. Fairy tale invisibility hat

11. Yes, the years of his life in Arabic recording are 1799-1837

12. Love

13. Four: A.K. Tolstoy + three Zhemchuzhnikov brothers - Alexey, Vladimir and Alexander Mikhailovich

14. Akhmatova Anna Andreevna

15. Criticism

16. Not at all :)

17. Anna Karenina

18. Ode

19. V. Dahl

Rearranging letters


(Rearrange the letters so that you get literary terms, writers' names or character names.)

TORBA → B _ _ _ _ (Russian children's poetess)

Roll → K _ _ _ (To whom A. Pushkin addressed in the poem “I remember a wonderful moment...”)

OPER → P _ _ _ ( Antique instrument writer)

NERVE → B _ _ _ (Famous science fiction writer)

RING → G _ _ _ (Russian writer)

OVAL → A _ _ _ (Pseudonym of N.V. Gogol)

MONET → N _ _ _ (The Captain from the book by Jules Verne)

KORT → K _ _ _ (One of Thumbelina’s suitors)

UKOS → S _ _ _ (Heroine of the fairy tale “Three Fat Men”)

STRENGTH → L _ _ _ (The famous heroine of I. Krylov’s fables)

DARKNESS → M _ _ _ ( Famous novel M. Gorky)

STOP → O _ _ _ _ (Name of Taras Bulba’s son.)

Nonsense → N _ _ _ _ _ (Chilean poet named Pablo)

STOPPER → P _ _ _ _ _ (One of the famous musketeers)

ALGEBRA → B _ _ _ _ _ _ (The name of the accountant from the novel “The Golden Calf” by I. Ilf and E. Petrov.)

PRODUCT → A _ _ _ _ (Creator literary work)

ATLANT → T _ _ _ _ _ (Outstanding abilities creative personality)

FIRM → R _ _ _ _ (What poets are looking for)

OS NO → WITH _ _ _ _ (Type of poem)

I'M ANGRY → Z _ _ _ (Famous French classic writer)

CANCER NEM → K _ _ _ _ _ (Famous short story by P. Merimee)

PA + WALL → A _ _ _ _ _ _ (Poetic meter)

Gloom + ZINA → K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( Russian writer and historian)

MAC + BALL → M _ _ _ _ _ (Soviet children's poet)

CANCER + ELEPHANT → K _ _ _ _ _ _ (Moderately well-fed character)


1. Barto A.

2. Kern A.

3. Feather

4. Verne Jules

5. Green A.

6. Alov

7. Nemo

8. Mole

9. Suok

10. Fox

11. "Mother"

12. Ostap

13. Neruda

14. Porthos

15. Berlaga

17. Talent

18. Rhyme

19. Sonnet

20. Zola

21. "Carmen"

22. Anapest

23. Karamzin N.

24. Marshak S.Ya.

25. Carlson



“My first syllable grows in the oak grove,

Help me a little in solving the charade.

And so that the initial syllable is revealed to us,

A hundred riders race through the Tour de France loop,

My back got wet from hard work.

At the leader's yellow color she.

Now, friends, write in response,

What did Robertino Loretti sing sweetly about?

Initial syllable pure soul,

He is the very first utopian.

Well, the second one lives in the ground

And on the computer desk.

Now the task is ready:

Tackle in the fisherman's arsenal.

The first syllable is quite simple:

This is a battle in a war.

The second syllable is no more difficult:

That's my fluffy Vaska.

Charades sweet tune

We are carried away into the dense forest:

One is among the dense trees,

The second one is both gray and prickly.

And the main thing is pure crime,

At least it's not murder or theft.

Who guessed both syllables?

This word will easily connect them.

Rarely seen in a diary

This is the lowest score:

This school mark

I didn't get it often.

In conclusion, in essence,

Any subject can be:

This is what it's like at the institute

They will read it to you and me.

Their symbiosis will be bright:

And a collection of paintings

And an album of beautiful stamps,

And a selection of vintage wines.

The first one is a pleasant win,

And the second one crawls back.

From the beginning to the end -

The spirit of an ominous dead man.

The first syllable is already familiar

We usually call it hundred.

The second syllable is the art of dance.

In total - an ancient Chinese bow.

First syllable: I’m like in a fairy tale, -

Kingdom of dance, luxury hall;

Alexander Andreich Chatsky

Came here from a ship.

For the second part of the charade

The card player bets.

Now let's put it next to each other

Second syllable and first syllable.

Let's rack our brains a little:

Part of the apartment is behind the window.

First syllable - dense forest:

Pines, spruces to the sky;

The second syllable is a poem,

Doxology, praise.

It happens to him

Who takes and lets go.

But never for women.

What is this? ...

First on the seabed

Runs into the depths

Breaking into a splash of foam

Emerald wave.

And the second part is just

Same as the eye.

Combining both syllables,

What will we get?

We will find the answer easily,

If we drink...!

The answer won't be difficult to find:

At the beginning there is a small ship;

Behind him are the American natives,

Medieval Indians,

Who were driven into the mountains

Spanish conquistadors.

This charade glues the syllables together,

Walk boldly along the road.

Put it together

Two working animals.

The first one brought death to Oleg,

And Troy has glory to the Greeks.

The second beast lives in Tibet

And flies like the wind.

Two names similar to an ingot

Gives the name of the drink.

First I'll choose wisely

Geometric body,

Then I’ll pour the cereal into a jar.

And I’ll start my own...


1. Oak + Ditch + C + Cue = Dubrovsky

2. Bondarchuk

4. Mormyshka

5. Boycott

6. Robbery

7. Collection

8. Ghost

9. Crossbow

10. Balcony

11. Beard

12. Milk

13. Boots

14. Cognac

15. Organ organ

1. Which woman made a lot of money from crimes?

Agatha Christie

2. The ancient Greek sage named the most wonderful of miracles. What kind of miracle is this?


3. At the end of the 18th century, a book was published called “If you don’t like it, don’t listen, and don’t bother lying.” What is it called now?

6. Voltaire’s riddle: what is the longest and shortest thing in the world that is neglected and treasured, that devours everything insignificant and resurrects everything good? Time

7. Whose song is this? If I'm scratching my head, it's okay. There is sawdust in my head, yes, yes, yes.

Winnie the Pooh

8. What is the name of the girl who finds herself in Through the Looking Glass?

Alice 9. What are the names of the three little pigs? Nif-nif, Nuf-nuf and Naf-naf

10 How Ellie got into

magical land


She was carried away by a hurricane
11 What is the name of literature about the future?


12 Great Russian fabulist. Krylov

15 A fairy tale in which a “terrible crime” occurs - an attempted murder. Fly Tsokotukha 16 Which hero of Chukovsky was a terrible villain,

and then re-educated?


17 In what country did G.Kh. live? Andersen?

In Denmark

18 Where do we meet Doctor Prospero?

In the fairy tale "Three Fat Men"

19 There is a fairy tale about a toy soldier and a beautiful ballerina. What was it made of?

main character


From tin

20 The girl whom Breke-ke-cake, the cockchafer and the blind mole wanted to take possession of?


21 The kindest cat in the world? Leopold the Cat 22 What gift did the crocodile Gena receive on his birthday?

Cheburashka 23 A patient for whom jam is the best medicine? Carlson

24 Who lives in a bottle?


26 In the mountains - the robber Ali Baba; in the forest - Baba Yaga, in the swamp - a merman, in a house - a brownie, in Africa... Barmaley

27 The old woman who built a hut on chicken legs? great value in the struggle for the liberation of blacks from slavery. What is this book? Uncle Tom's Cabin

39 Mythical abode of the gods?

Mountain tops 40 Of Ancient China

the name “Yellow Newspaper” came about. Why was it called that?

The newspaper was printed on yellow silk

41 What birthday present did the owl give to Eeyore?


42 What did the fox lure out from the crow in Krylov’s famous fable?


43 Who did brother Ivanushka become when he disobeyed his sister Alyonushka? Little goat 44 From what flower did Thumbelina come from?

From a tulip 45 What device was invented by engineer Garin? Hyperboloid

46 What was the name of Malvina's poodle?


47 Which

noble title

visited the musketeer Athos?


48 Which of

literary heroes

Is there only sawdust in your head?

At Winnie the Pooh's

49 Who took Snow White in?

Literary quiz

Seven gnomes

50 Who killed Pushkin?


51 What bird did Thumbelina fly on?

On a swallow

52 How many children did Captain Grant have?


53 Who wrote the novel "Robinson Crusoe"? Daniel Defoe 54 What did Cinderella's carriage turn into at 12 o'clock?Into the pumpkin
55 What was painted on the canvas in Papa Carlo's closet? Bowler 56 Where does Carlson live?On the roof 57 What egg did the hen Ryaba lay? Golden
GOU No. 182 Krasnogvardeisky district"In the world of Russian literature" (for students in grades 10-11) Prepared by: Adamovich Victoria Vladimirovna
Saint Petersburg
year 2014 Introduction. The development is aimed primarily at class teachers and organizers of leisure activities for schoolchildren, teachers of Russian language and literature. This literary quiz is based on the basic knowledge of schoolchildren in the subject “Russian Literature in grades 9-11”, but it offers a game form of testing this knowledge, not traditional forms of tasks.A similar game can be played in the second half
school year With the help of a quiz, you can well and unobtrusively test the level of knowledge of children in a subject, awaken the spirit of competition, and unite the class, since teams of the same class or parallel classes, and even teams of all 10th and 11th grades can participate in the quiz.

To create the quiz, I used various sources, but, unfortunately, my memory retained only one of them.This book by O.N. Kozak “Literary quizzes”, publishing house “Soyuz”, St. Petersburg, 1998 . And some competitions have no source other than observation and experience.

Progress of the quiz.

    students in grades 10 - 11 (it is possible for the entire class to participate as a single team, or you can determine the composition of the team, for example, 6 people from the class, you can invite the children to come up with a team name, motto, emblem); quiz jury - language arts teachers, representatives from classes; The quiz host is a literature teacher.
Rules of the game: Children from the entire class (or team) take part in the game; all members of the class (team) have the right to answer questions, except for those competitions where participants are specified additionally.
The game has 9 competitions (the number and composition of competitions may vary depending on the time allotted for the game).The game takes 1.5 – 2 hours.
Props for the game:
    jury protocols; portraits of writers and poets; cards with titles of works; cards with names and surnames of writers (for portraits); scissors and glue stick according to the number of teams; newspaper (any) identical copies according to the number of teams; sheets of paper A-4 format by number of teams cards 1,2,3 (by number of teams)
The number of competitions may vary depending on the time selected for the game.

1 competition “Warm-up”

2 participants are invited from each class (team), substitutions are possible during the competition. The participants have plates 1,2,3 – these are the numbers of the answer options. A question is asked to all participants in the competition, and answer options are given; the participants’ task is to raise a card with the number of the correct answer.

Competition questions:

Which Russian poet, admiring the comedy “woe from wit,” wrote to Griboedov: “I’m not talking about poetry, half of it should become a proverb”?
    Nekrasov Zhukovsky Pushkin
To which character in the play “Woe from Wit” do these words belong:A) “Bah! All the faces are familiar." “To the village, to my aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratov.” “Terrible century! Don't know what to start! Everyone was smart beyond their years.”
    Chatsky Molchalin Famusov
B) " Happy Hours They’re not watching!” "The hero is not my novel." “What a genius is to others, is a plague to me.”
    Sophia Countess, granddaughter of Khryumina Repetilov.
Who gave Pushkin his portrait with the inscription: “To the winner - the student from the defeated teacher on that highly solemn day on which he finished his poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, 1820, March 26, Good Friday”?
1. Zhukovsky 2. Derzhavin 3. Delvig

Which composer wrote operas based on the plots Pushkin's works"Eugene Onegin", " Queen of Spades", "Mazeppa"?

    Chaikovsky Mussorgsky Borodin
Where is the grave of A.S. Pushkin?
    Svyatogorsk Monastery in the Pskov region Novodevichy Convent in Saratov on Red Square in Moscow
Name the author of the monument to Pushkin in St. Petersburg?
    Ceritelli Anikushin Shubin
Where do these lines come from: At Lukomorye green oak, Zloty chain on oak volume. Day and night the cat is a scientist Everything goes round and round in a chain...
    "Ruslan and Ludmila" "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" "The Tale of the Sleeping Princess..."
Where do these lines come from: Old man! I've heard many times What are you doing to me? saved death, Why?..Gloomy and lonely, A leaf torn off by a thunderstorm, I grew up in gloomy walls, A child at heart, a monk by destiny...
    "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov" "Mtsyri" "Daemon"
Where was Lermontov exiled for writing the poem “The Death of a Poet”?
    Transcaucasia Siberia to the south, to Odessa.

In which theater was Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" first staged?

    Alexandria Theater in St. Petersburg BDT im. Tovstonogov, St. Petersburg Moscow Art Theater in Moscow
Which of the heroes does this portrait belong to? Dead Souls"): "He was of average height. A very well-built fellow with full rosy cheeks, teeth as white as snow and jet-black sideburns”?
    Chichikov Sobakevich Nozdryov

2nd competition "Portraits"

Portraits of writers and poets are displayed on the stage; one person per class (team) is invited to participate in the competition. Exercise: A) place cards with the writers’ names next to the corresponding portraitsB) arrange cards with titles of works for portraits of authors
The task is performed in turn by each participant.For an error, 1 point is deducted from the maximum number of points.
4 card options (each participant has a different color card):
L.N. Tolstoy:"War and Peace"“Sunday” “Anna Karenina” “After the Ball” M.Yu. Lermontov:"Hero of our time""Mtsyri" "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov...""Sail" A.S. Pushkin:"Ruslan and Ludmila" "Eugene Onegin""Dubrovsky" "Peasant Young Lady"A.P. Chekhov:"Thick and thin" « Horse surname» "The Seagull" "Three Sisters" N.A. Nekrasov:“Who can live well in Rus'?” "Jack Frost" "Grandfather Mazai and the Hares" "At the front door"F.M. Dostoevsky:"Crime and Punishment" "The Brothers Karamazov""Demons" "Humiliated and Offended"A.N. Ostrovsky:"Snow Maiden""Storm" "Dowry" "Plum"

3rd competition "Captains"

One person per class (team) participates in the competition, and they are paired up. For example, the captain of team 10 “a” with the captain of team 10 “b” class, the captain of 11 “a” with the captain of 11 “b” class.Assignment to the first pair: take turns coming up with affectionate words (epithets) for each otherAssignment to the second pair: take turns recalling proverbs and sayings
Before the competition, a task is given for the 5th competition “Write a story”

4th competition "Marathon"

The whole class (team) participates in the competition.This competition can also be a competition for fans, who will thus add points to the team.
Assignment: in a chain, recall lines from poems, poems, and fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin. You cannot repeat yourself; whoever stops is out of the game. They play until only one team remains in the game.

5th competition “Write a story”

Outdoor competition.

Two people from each class participate. They go to a nearby room (classroom, recreation, etc.) with the task of making up a story from newspaper headlines.They receive with them the same issue of the newspaper, scissors, a glue stick, Blank sheet paper A-4.
Participants read their stories. Evaluated: wit, coherence of the text, theme, etc.

6th competition "Poster"

Either the whole team or one person from the class participates.The presenter reads a poster for a dramatic work that is being studied at school, and reads it STARTING FROM THE END. Reads until one of the participants raises his hand (ready to answer). If the answer is incorrect, reading the poster continues until the answer is found by one of the participants. Otherwise, reading the poster ends with the title of the work.For posters, see APPENDIX 2.

7th competition "Musical"

The whole team (class) participates. Exercise:
    Whose poems are the romances and songs based on?
Excerpts from music are played. works, and the competitors write down the answers on cards. After the recording is completed, the cards are handed over to the jury. A. M. Yu. Lermontov “I go out alone on the road” B. S. A. Yesenin “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry...” V. V. S. Vysotsky “A lot of unknown things in a strange country..” (excerpt from “Alice in Wonderland”
Musical excerpts may be different at the teacher's choice.
    Music from the film. What works have been filmed (title and author)
A. film " Cruel romance"Based on Ostrovsky's play "Dowry"B. film based on the novel by A. Dumas “The Three Musketeers”

8th competition “What did the great one answer?”

Each team takes turns reading a statement - a question; they need to come up with or remember what one of the greats answered this question.See questions in APPENDIX 3.

This competition can be replaced by another:

"Literature and Cinema".

The whole class (team) participates.The presenter reads TV announcements for movies classical works. But at the same time, all the names of the characters are replaced with pronouns (he, she, they, etc.)Team task– find out about which hero we're talking about What kind of film is this, what work of what author is it based on. For each correctly guessed movie - 1 point.See TV announcements in APPENDIX 2.


(Evaluation criteria for each competition can be found in the APPENDIX “Jury Protocols”)

Annex 1.

TV announcements.

1. The hero, testing his invention - a time machine, ended up in the 16th century, in the chambers of Ivan the Terrible...( Comedy “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession” based on Mikhail Bulgakov’s play “Ivan Vasilyevich”,"Mosfilm" 1973)
2. The Countess... fell in love with the manager of the estate..., an ordinary man. The height of her position and feminine pride did not allow her to reveal her feelings. But the pangs of jealousy were even worse...( Comedy based on Lope de Vega's play "Dog in the Manger""Lenfilm" 1977).
3. The Duke...took a young man as his faithful servant, to whom he entrusted his most secret things - his love for the beauty... ( Comedy by W. Shakespeare “Twelfth Night”, "Lenfilm 1955)
4. The sailor..., having returned from a voyage, is preparing for his wedding with..., but on the day of the engagement he unexpectedly became a prisoner of a gloomy prison... He knew that he had a rival, but did not imagine the full power of his cunning.( The film "The Prisoner of the Chateau d'If" based on the novel "The Count of Monte Cristo" by A. Dumas, Odessa Film Studio 1988, film "The Count of Monte Cristo" France-Italy, 1955)
5. The broke widow managed to find a home for her two older daughters, leaving only one... a beauty, but without a dowry. It would seem that she has something to count on, but you can’t order your heart, and it trembles when meeting the shipowner...( “Dowry” based on the play by A. Ostrovsky,"Rot Front" 1936)
6. The cheerful tramp... was one day lucky - he entered the service of two masters at once. How could the rascal know that his owners knew each other, were in love and were looking for each other... (Musical comedy "Truffaldino from Bergamo" based on the play Goldoni "The Servant of Two Masters" Lenfilm, 1977)
7.18th century. An Italian hypnotist and adventurer, fleeing from the St. Petersburg police, got stuck in an estate near Smolensk - the carriage broke down...( Comedy "Formula of Love" based on the story A.N. Tolstoy “Count Cagliostro”, Mosfilm 1984) 8. Due to a mistake by a clerk, who wrote in the royal decree instead of some words, others, a non-existent personality arose. But the paper has already gone across the high tables... ( Comedy based on the story by Yuri Tynyanov “Lieutenant Kizhe”, Belgoskino, 1934)
9. Three clever friends served the king - to the envy of the cardinal. One day, a fourth desperate daredevil appeared among them - the devil himself, as defined by the queen's beautiful maid of honor... (Adventure film "D*Artagnan and the Three Musketeers" based on the novel A. Dumas “The Three Musketeers”, Odessa Film Studio 1979)
10. Frightened by the rumor about the arrival of the auditor, the officials began to court the official staying at the hotel, mistaking him for an important person... (comedy "Incognito from St. Petersburg" in comedy N.V. Gogol “The Inspector General”, Mosfilm, 1977)
11. “It’s easy to get rich, you just need a little cunning and quickness” - so thought one official, going to the Russian outback for an unusual purchase... (Comedy based on N.V. Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls”, Mosfilm 1984)
12. For several centuries, the legend about a huge dog with burning eyes frightened the heirs of an ancient family who lived in a secluded estate... (Detective story Conan Doyle's "The Hound of the Baskervilles" Canada 2000)
13.Medieval England. The king... and his squire, slandered by the minions of the treacherous prince, returned secretly to the country... ( "The Ballad of the Valiant Knight Ivanhoe" based on the novel Walter Scott "Ivanhoe" Mosfilm 1983)

1757 There was a war between England and France for possession of the North American colonies. Fate brought Uncas, the son of an Indian chief, and the white hunter Nathaniel, nicknamed Hawkeye with Cora and Alice, daughters of an English colonel... ("The Last of the Mohicans" based on the novel Fenimore Cooper, USA, 1992)
15. He is a mischievous and resourceful boy who is bored listening to sermons in church, painting a fence, but it’s nice to take a walk into a cave with a cute girlfriend... ( A film for children « The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn" based on the story by Mark Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", Odessa Film Studio, 1981)

Appendix 2


A.N. Ostrovsky.


Drama in four acts.


Kharita Ignatievna Ogudalova, a middle-aged widow, dressed elegantly, but boldly and beyond her years. Larisa Dmirtievna, her daughter, a maiden; dressed richly but modestly. Mokiy Parmenych Knurov, of the big businessmen of recent times, old man, with a huge fortune. Vasily Danilych Vozhevatov, a very young man, one of the representatives of a wealthy trading company; European in costume. Yuliy Kapitonich Karandyshev, a young man, a poor official. Sergey Sergeevich Paratov, a brilliant gentleman, one of the ship owners, over thirty years old. Robinson. Gavrilo, club bartender and owner of a coffee shop on the boulevard. Ivan, servant in a coffee shop.

A.N. Ostrovsky


Drama in five acts


Savel Prokofievich Dikoy, merchant, significant person in the city. Boris Grigorievich, his nephew, a young man, decently educated. Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova (Kabanikha), rich merchant's wife, widow. Tikhon Ivanovich Kabanov, her son. Katerina, his wife. Varvara, Tikhon’s sister. Kuligin, a tradesman, a self-taught watchmaker, looking for a perpetuum mobile. Vanya Kudryash, a young man, Diky’s clerk. Shapkin, a tradesman. Feklusha, a wanderer. Glasha, a girl in Kabanova's house. A lady with two footmen, an old woman of 70 years old, half crazy. City dwellers of both sexes.


Woe from mind


Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, manager in a government place. Sofya Pavlovna, his daughter. Lizanka, servant. Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin, Famusov's secretary, living in his house. Alexander Andreevich Chatsky.Colonel Skalozub, Sergei Sergeevich.Natalya Dmitrievna, young lady. ) Gorichi Platon Mikhailovich , her husband. Prince Tugoukhovsky and Princess, his wife, with six daughters. Countess grandmother) Khryumina. Countess granddaughterAnton Antonovich Zagoretsky. Old woman Khlestova, Famusova's sister-in-law. G.N.G. D. Repetilov Petrushka and several talking servants.Lots of guests of all sorts and their lackeys on their way out.

Famusov's waiters.

William Shakespeare



Characters Claudius, King of Denmark. Hamlet, son of the deceased and nephew of the reigning king. Fortinbras, Prince of Norway. Polonius, a nearby nobleman. Horatio, Hamlet's friend. Laertes, son of Polonius. Valtimand Cornelius Rosencrantz Guildenstern Osric First nobleman Second nobleman Priest. Marcellus, officer Bernardo, officer Francisco, soldier Reynaldo, servant Polonius. Actors. Two gravediggers. Captain. English ambassadors.

Gertrude, Queen of Denmark, Hamlet's mother. Ophelia, daughter of Polonius. The ghost of Hamlet's father. Nobles, ladies, officers, soldiers, sailors, messengers and other servants.




Characters: Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky, mayor Anna Andreevna, his wife Marya Antonovna, his daughter Luka Lukich Khlopov, superintendent of schools Amos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin, judge Artemy Filippovich Strawberry, trustee of charitable institutions Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin, postmaster Petr Ivanovich Dobchinsky city ​​landowners
Petr Ivanovich Bobchinsky Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov, Christian Ivanovich Gibner, county doctor Fedor Andreevich LyulyukovIVAN Lazarevich Rastakovsky retired officials Stepan Ivanovich Korobkin dignitaries in the city Stepan Ilyich Ukhovertov, private bailiff Svistunov Pugovitsin policemen Derzhimorda Abdulin, merchant Favronya Petrovna Poshlepkina, locksmith Non-commissioned officer's wife Mishka, the mayor's servant Inn servantGuests and guests, merchants, townspeople, petitioners.

The list of plays can be expanded, for example, you can add posters for such dramatic works which are studied at school:Gorky "At the Depth", Chekhov " The Cherry Orchard”, Ostrovsky “Our people - we will be numbered” and others.

Appendix 3.

What did the great one answer?

1. Alexander Dumas, the father, once returned home from a festive dinner, his son asked him: “Well, how was it there, was it fun, interesting?”“Very,” Dumas answered him, “but if I hadn’t been there, I would have died of boredom.”)
2. A masquerade ball was held in honor of Walter Scott in London. Each participant was required to come dressed as one of the many heroes of his novels. Charles Dickens arrived at the masquerade, he did not have time to get a costume. The organizer of the masquerade was very surprised: -Which character do you portray?(“I portray the hero who is in every work of Walter Scott - his faithful reader!”)
3. The English science fiction writer H.G. Wells began his literary career without much success. He and a friend started a magazine that only had four subscribers.Somehow friends saw through the window funeral procession. An excited Wells said to his friend:(- If only it wasn’t our subscriber.)
4. One day, Mark Twain received an anonymous letter that contained only one word: “Pig.” The next day he published a response in his newspaper:(- Usually I receive letters without a signature. Yesterday was the first time I received a signature without a letter.")
5. Once Sergei Yesenin said to Mayakovsky:- Your poems seem to be made of cast iron - well, what can be made of cast iron?("They will make monuments to us from cast iron," answered Mayakovsky)
6. Once Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin was asked:- What is the difference between humans and cattle?(“Huge,” answered the satirist. - After all, a brute can never be a person, but a person, especially a rich and arrogant one, very often becomes a brute.)

About the lives of the most famous writers in the world, about the main characters of novels and fairy tales, about the interesting hobbies of poets and about the influence of their work on world society - This one will captivate you: It will make some people rack their brains looking for the right answers, while others may be amused. But everyone will enjoy the world literature competition!

Are you ready to answer literature quiz questions for grades 10-11? Then go ahead!


1. In this novel, the young man retains his youth, but his portrait grows old. What is the name of the work?

2. Who was the cycle “Poems about a Beautiful Lady” by Alexander Blok dedicated to?

3. General ledger this English writer has been repeatedly recognized as the “book of the twentieth century” and the best book in English language written in the twentieth century. But at the same time, many critics called the book “a mixture of Wagner and Winnie the Pooh.” What is this book and who wrote it?

4. Based on the work of Honore de Balzac, please answer, how old is a woman of Balzac’s age?

5. What is the name of “The Mysterious Island” by Jules Verne?

6. Who was the education of the writer who created the character of Sherlock Holmes?

7. About which heroine did Alexander Pushkin write the following lines:

"When it happened somewhere
She should meet a black monk,
Or a quick hare between the fields
Crossed her path
Not knowing what to start with fear,
Full of sorrowful forebodings,
Was she expecting misfortune?

8. The English writer Chesterton believed that “no one but the English could create such nonsense; however, no one except them, having created it, would try to take it seriously.” What famous literary work are we talking about?

9. “When Gregor Samsa woke up one morning from a restless sleep, he found himself transformed in his bed into a terrible insect...” Which work is this quote from?

10. Until the middle of the 17th century, Europeans considered the fable a “low genre.” Which writer made society change its attitude towards fables?

11. What was the name of the keymaster of Notre Dame Cathedral in the novel by Victor Hugo?

12. What was the name of Don Quixote’s lady love?

13. Which famous Ukrainian writer translated literary works from 14 foreign languages, was an avid connoisseur of Shakespeare’s sonnets, and a great connoisseur of Byron’s work?

14. The film adaptation of which fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm is recognized as the highest-grossing animated film of “all time”?

15. Which writer’s surname is similar to the name of a large European city?


2. Blok dedicated it to his wife, Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva.

3. “The Lord of the Rings”, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.

4. Thirty. This expression became famous after the publication of Balzac’s novel “A Thirty-Year-Old Woman.”

5. Lincoln Island.

6. Conan Doyle was a doctor.

7. These lines are about Tatyana Larina.

8. "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll.

9. “Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka.

10. Jean de Lafontaine.

11. Quasimodo.

12. Dulcinea Toboso.

13. Ivan Franko.

14. Fairy tales “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, which has collected $866.5 million at the worldwide box office.

summary of other presentations

“Questions and answers on literature” - What is round and without a bottom. Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov. The muzzle is mustachioed. A town in a snuffbox. The Tale of the Toad and the Rose. Fairy tale. The Scarlet Flower. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin. Bazhov. Explanation. Butts with horns. The smell is sweet. Head tilts. Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky.

“Literary quiz for children” - Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. Tolstoy leaves for the Caucasus. The year of Lermontov's death. Year of birth of Korolenko. Fairy tale "Crane and Heron". Music. The Tolstoy family. Chekhov "Chameleon". Long nose. Year of birth of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Guess the piece. Hunger. Sun. The year of Tolstoy's death. Russian folk song. Fairy tales. Lermontov "Borodino". Year of creation of “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...”. Prisoner of the Caucasus. Fairy tale "Sivka-Burka".

“Literature Quiz” - Knowledge of the topic covered. Check yourself. Which poem was written by S.A. Yesenina. Three works by one author. What is made of stone? Who is hiding under the pseudonym Sasha Cherny. There are many “golden” and “silver” words in S. Yesenin’s poetry. What is Blok's name? What work are these lines from? Which of the following poems was written by A.A. Block. Find out the work. Fun and sad. Fill in the missing verbs.

“Literature Quiz Game” - Childbirth fiction. Author's attitude. Paths in works. Genre of the work. Iambic. Rhyme. A novel in verse. Feature article. Characters work of art. Exposition. Allegory. A.S. Pushkin. Equal number of syllables per line. Theory of versification. Artistic technique. Dactyl. Narration. Circle of events and phenomena. Name a Russian poet, writer, playwright all rolled into one. Lyrical digression.

“Questions of Russian Literature” - Prince Andrey. Saved in memory. Situation. What to read. Council message. Andrey Bolkonsky. It's easy to feed. Captain Tushin. Lessons of Russian language and literature. So that we all come to repentance. The world in comparison. Leave Moscow or defend it to the end. Solution by Pierre Bezukhov. What am I entitled to? Literary salon. Human. War and Peace. Being human is difficult. A grain of sand in a long row of people. Literature of suffering.

“Questions on literature” - Work. Foot trochee. The poet's name. Name sentences. Roast-beef is bloody. Writer's name. Dairy industry. Epithet "bloody". J.B. Moliere. A word about Igor's regiment. Lunch with Evgeny Onegin. Samson tearing the lion's mouth. Truffle. M.V. Lomonosov. Sergey Yesenin. Blancmange. Cross selection test. My majestic Caucasus. Strasbourg pie is imperishable. Instilling interest in literature.