Does a Sagittarius man remember a Libra girl? Business compatibility between Libra women and Sagittarius men. An office romance can have a serious continuation

Human relations are based on dozens of points of contact. Everything is important - common interests, environment, temperament. Previously, when choosing a partner, it was customary to also pay attention to the person’s date of birth, the protection of the stars and planets. Zodiac aspects to this day help determine what the nature of relationships between people will be, depending on their astrological signs.

Compatibility of Zodiac signs according to horoscope

Compatibility between Libra and Sagittarius is based on general characteristics these signs. Libra is an airy, inanimate symbol; it is ruled by the planets Saturn and Venus. Such men like to weigh everything, expect respect and equality from people, and often hesitate, trying to find the ideal solution for any situation. Libras are intelligent, resilient and patient. They are attractive to women, artistic, and love culture and sports.

Sagittarius - fire sign ruled by Jupiter. The symbol historically was a centaur who transformed into an archer on horseback. As a modern designation, only the bow and arrow is used. The Sagittarius woman is very versatile and strives for popularity, education and leadership. This is an energetic person who loves to be the master of his own destiny and is interested in a little bit of everything in the world.

Overall compatibility: 4 out of 5.

Compatibility in love and marriage

The Libra man comes to love and marriage because he cannot tolerate loneliness. They are charming and easily conquer women, but if strong feeling does not take possession of them, they easily go in search of a new partner. Family life Libra is supported by the charm of his Sagittarius wife, because the husband himself does not have the tact to delve into the subtleties mental life his woman. Libras greatly value coziness, stability, and the comfort of home, and this is what their attachment to family and home rests on.

The Sagittarius wife values ​​love and romance most of all; they create for themselves the image of a handsome prince, just as Libra seems to be, and do not listen to the voice of reason. However, family is not the highest value for her. If it turns out that the partners are not suitable for each other, Sagittarius will leave Libra in search of new destiny. Both signs do not really strive for a wedding; they really value freedom and the opportunity to do what they love. Sagittarius and Libra are more like companions, good friends who live in the same house and share each other's romantic moods.

Compatible in love relationships: 4 out of 5.

Sexual compatibility

At first glance, Libra seems very temperamental and active in bed, but this sign tends to put itself first in any relationship, including sexual ones. The man of the element Air is windy, he believes that the number of love acts is more important than their quality.

The Sagittarius woman, on the contrary, is truly inventive, open to new things and emotional. She does not allow Libra to forget, attracts attention to herself, because she is demanding and knows how to get a response. Thereby sexual relations signs are harmonized. They learn from each other and complement each other.

The only thing that can reduce compatibility in a love relationship is the lack of ardor in Libra. If it suddenly seems to Sagittarius that her partner is not as hot as she first thought, she will easily break off the union. For the sake of preserving love and continuing passionate dates, Libra should give a little more than he is used to to a demanding partner.

Sexual compatibility: 4 out of 5.

Compatibility in friendship

A Libra friend is the person you turn to for advice. He is rational, logical, and never talks in vain. In fact, this sign has a poor understanding of people and does not know how to delve into their problems, but he is pleasant in communication and smoothes out his shortcomings. In friendship, such a man asserts himself, because he needs communication. He hates conflicts, so he avoids them and because of this he is known as a nice person. To maintain a relationship with Libra, it is enough not to criticize - they hate it.

Sagittarians are more open in friendship - they are kind-hearted, decent, friendly, there is nothing theatrical or ostentatious about them. Women of this sign are able to make Libra talk; they are dreamers and optimists.

These zodiac signs get along well within friendships. The guy loves spiritual comfort and does not interfere with his partner’s soul, and the girl does not create conflict situations, and she herself imparts warmth to the relationship. All that is needed to maintain friendship is for Sagittarius to avoid caustic statements, and for Libra to try to stabilize their mood - a woman friend is not able to act as a shock absorber in controversial situations.

Friendly compatibility: 5 out of 5.

Compatibility in work and career

Libra men love to be lazy at work and will shirk their responsibilities, but if they overcome their vices, they reach the heights of success. The scales are contact scales, soft in appearance, so in a group they add up a good relationship. They do not like responsibility, so they feel great in the role of subordinates.

But Sagittarius in business feels like a fish in water. It is difficult to imagine such women as housewives; they are careerists. Thanks to his persistence and deep interest in the professional field, he often achieves leadership positions.

The most effective working relationship will be if the Libra guy is a subordinate, and the Sagittarius girl is the leader. This way, both signs can realize their maximum potential while being in positions that are comfortable for them.

Business compatibility: 5 out of 5.

What do they need to know about each other?

In practice, brother-sister relationships are not always as rosy as they could be. You cannot try to overtly subjugate Sagittarius, otherwise this sign will rebel. Libra needs to show tact unusual for them in order to force the representative of the fire element to act in accordance with his plans.

Sometimes a Sagittarius woman can afford to shift responsibility to a Libra man, especially when we're talking about about a more emotionally mature partner. Sagittarius seems unreliable to Libra, because they are constantly on the move, passionate about a dozen different ideas, but this is simply a desire to develop and move forward. Libra, on the contrary, seems too changeable.

What unites these two signs best is passion. Then Sagittarius’s demanding nature and Libra’s desire to have fun can be fully realized. A stable relationship can only be made by the partners’ desire to meet each other halfway.

Relationship Benefits

According to the horoscope, the benefits of a relationship between a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman are based on best qualities these signs.

  1. tenderness, romance, sophistication;
  2. desire for harmony and avoidance of conflicts;
  3. responsibility and reliability;
  4. external and internal attractiveness;
  5. developed intuition.
  1. generosity;
  2. optimism;
  3. desire to set and achieve difficult goals;
  4. passion;
  5. desire for education;
  6. daydreaming;
  7. easy attitude towards failures.

These signs complement each other, but in order to achieve an ideal relationship, you need to overcome a number of seemingly insignificant little things, such as Sagittarius’s demands on their partner and Libra’s reluctance to delve into all the spiritual experiences of their woman.

Disadvantages of Relationships

Each person has his own “dark sides”, but when it comes to building strong relationships, work, friendship or love, knowing all the pitfalls can seriously help out.

For example, the disadvantages of Libra:

  1. frequent mood changes;
  2. doubts about any reason;
  3. difficulty making decisions;
  4. suspiciousness, slowness in choice;
  5. excessive demands on a partner.

Cons in the character of Sagittarius:

  1. tactlessness, excessive openness in expressing thoughts;
  2. inability to keep secrets;
  3. a sharp change in mood is possible;
  4. They do not tolerate any kind of power over themselves.

Sagittarians are more impulsive, they attract Libra more romantically, but it is difficult for men to decide on an alliance with such women, because Libra really wants a lot from life and from a partner, without even realizing that they need to give something in return. Libra irritates Sagittarius with their slowness, and they, in turn, can hurt a man’s vulnerable pride with a caustic word. Only love and respect can harmonize the relationship of these signs.

If it is possible to overcome all differences, then the compatibility of the air and fire signs is high, thanks to the bright features of their characters, the desire for intellectual development, and respect for the personality of the partner. The relationship between Libra and Sagittarius can be harmonious, then they resemble spiritual brother and sister, therefore they are faithful in friendship, effective in work, tender in love and marriage.

Sagittarius woman and Libra man

Love compatibility

A very nice couple with a possible long-term relationship, as confirmed by the horoscope for the Libra man and the sometimes carefree Sagittarius woman. Such a couple has a high chance of meeting their golden wedding with trepidation in their souls and tears of joy in their eyes. Like two halves of one pendant, these two successfully match in many ways. The Sagittarius girl will try to teach her partner – the Libra man – to be a little more self-confident and more emotional.

The spouse can only surround his “fiery” half with attention and, like a small child, care. It’s interesting that from the outside everything looks exactly the opposite, so the news about the wedding may be perceived by loved ones as an eccentric joke from Sagittarius.

A sign not only of love, but also great feeling may be the ability to communicate. The Sagittarius woman will always tell her stories to the Libra man first, and he will discuss secrets exclusively with her. Compatibility in love between a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man sometimes begins with more than just a glance. In this case, from the first exchanges of remarks.

Heart-to-heart communication is the key successful construction family relations. Everything will be spelled out and discussed. The only thing that the spouse and his companion will need is short trips. Going abroad or with a tent in the neighboring forest - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that the walls do not put pressure!

Sexual compatibility

The Sagittarius woman sincerely does not understand how some people underestimate sex. The Libra man shares this opinion, so compatibility in love and such manifestations as physical intimacy are important to them. Thoughts and images that arise in the head of the sign of the element of Air are quickly voiced at the bodily level and embodied by the fiery Zodiac with pleasure and resignation.

Such an intimate tandem not only splashes out its energy, it shares it. And besides, who said that sex is not a joint hobby? Both signs can take him from the amateur category to a professional “sport”, when partners learn to feel each other at the subconscious level!

At work and at home

If people born under certain constellations get along well in one area, then in other areas they understand each other almost immediately, so the compatibility of Sagittarius and Libra works with enviable consistency here too.

Such a tandem helps the autumn dual sign to find a point of balance, to gain a sense of stability and solid ground under their feet, because Sagittarius, if they take on helping a friend, in this case(almost always) to a Libra friend, they try to achieve their goals. Together they are not just the power of two Zodiacs, but the power of three!

This compatibility allows you to feel the strength of mind that the autumn sign demonstrates for two, and the strength of zeal - the “fiery” colleague. From such a close union, it won’t take long for the flame of love to flare up!

The union of a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman is prosperous. They will be united by their inherent sociability. Libra man and Sagittarius woman love to communicate with people around them, they are open and talkative. The basis of these relationships is, first of all, unbreakable mutual humane sympathy for each other. The Sagittarius woman is shy and insecure; she has a fear of getting burned when starting new acquaintances. At the same time, she behaves unfeignedly and openly with the Libra man, in this they are amazingly close. The reserved and peaceful Libra man will be captivated by the liveliness and emotionality of the Sagittarius woman. Love will allow them to build relationships without conflicts and scandals. The Libra woman will be won over by the gallantry and politeness of the Libra man. The Libra man is worried about the Sagittarius woman's lack of restraint.

The Libra man and the Sagittarius woman are made for each other, which is manifested in their joint efforts towards internal self-development. They feel comfortable being together. Relationships in this union are created on absolute awareness and acceptance. They attract each other from the first minutes of meeting, and their further relationship develops rapidly. The immense directness and unjustified insolence of the Sagittarius woman are balanced by the diplomacy of the Libra man, who knows how to flexibly discuss any problem.

The impulsive and indecisive Sagittarius woman feels calm and comfortable next to her partner. The shyness of a Libra man should be correctly perceived by a Sagittarius woman. He knows how to stick to the golden mean, and the Sagittarius woman values ​​this quality. The Libra man strives to surround the Sagittarius woman with sensitivity and warmth, anticipating her desires. There will be a minimum of pretexts for conflicts in this union.

A Libra man and a Sagittarius woman will not be bored in a relationship. The Sagittarius woman is life-loving and freedom-loving. At the beginning of the relationship, the partner needs to decide on the limit of allowed freedom for the partner. A Libra man should not suppress a Sagittarius woman; misunderstandings will arise on this basis. The Libra man himself loves independence, for this reason it is necessary to set boundaries for freedom in relationships. Marriage between a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman is for life. Their feelings are not able to burn out. They treat marriage as a formality.

For a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman, it is important to create the impression of impeccable spouses, even if everything is not so smooth in the relationship. With the advent of a child, the relationship between spouses may deteriorate. A child for a Libra man will seem superfluous. He will not be able to pay proper attention, spend time and raise his own child. The Sagittarius woman will be as gentle and good-natured towards her child as possible. With the arrival of a child in the family, the Sagittarius woman... free time will give it to him.

The intimate side of the relationship between a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman is very active. The Sagittarius woman loves new experiences, and the Libra man will support her in this. Sexual intercourse for them serves as a means of relieving mental stress and new emotions. The sex life of this union will bring unforgettable moments of joy. The same views on intimacy and behavior in bed will give them everything so as not to look for adventures on the side.

Financial issues in such an alliance will be decided by the Sagittarius woman. The Libra man will trust her completely. She will be able to count on his support in everything, and he will be heard by his wife, who will always give practical advice.

The business alliance between these partners is favorable. They set global goals for themselves and resolutely move towards their implementation. Such business partners do not argue about goals and means of achievement; they quickly form a joint strategy. Libra man and Sagittarius woman easily find mutual language, connect creative forces and create non-standard projects.

Pros of the union of a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman:

  • both partners are open and communicative in the relationship.
  • partners know how to express their feelings and emotions using words.
  • they have the same views and worldview.
  • There are rarely conflicts and disagreements between a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman.
  • they are able to listen to each other and listen to their partner’s opinion.
  • spouses love to travel and fill their life together new impressions.

Disadvantages of the union of a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman:

  • the partner can rudely point out the partner’s shortcomings, this offends and angers the Libra man.
  • The Sagittarius woman is too freedom-loving, thereby causing jealousy in her partner.
  • The Libra man's indecisiveness irritates the Sagittarius woman.
  • For a partner, consistency is the main thing, unlike a partner.
  • the spouse is the owner, which is not to the liking of an independent spouse.
  • Each of the couple has duality, manifested in behavior and disposition.
  • the dissimilarity of temperaments creates inconsistencies, but they can be resolved by partners.

Such a union is the personification of happiness, but not given by fate, but created with one’s own hands. A passionate Sagittarius woman turns into a faithful wife. Lovers make and implement decisions together, but the Libra man hands over the reins of power to his wife, and does not feel disadvantaged because of this. The strength of the union between a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman lies in the unanimity of the partners. The family created by these partners will overcome many obstacles.

A Libra man will become more determined when he is next to an energetic Sagittarius woman. They're both getting tired gray days and routine, so they often travel, go out and socialize with friends. The Sagittarius woman needs to slow down her pace of life, and the Libra man needs to try to become more active in order to keep up with his wife. The relationship will be flawless if they accept some of each other's shortcomings. Having lost a share of independence, they will gain more. There is always luck with this couple, so they will go through life side by side on the same path, filling the gray days with love and care.

The tandem of a Sagittarius man and a Libra woman turns out to be quite difficult. At the young lady's and young man radically different views on the institution of marriage. As a rule, with the first feeling of falling in love, a girl already imagines wedding celebration and selects the names of joint children. In fact, the marriage of this couple could very well be successful. At the same time, it is worth mentioning that this statement is true only in the case when this person, before entering into a legal marriage, enjoys travel and emotions to the fullest.

Libra women will find it difficult to make a choice. She needs time to make an informed decision. A young lady born under this sign needs to think about the issue comprehensively. As for the Sagittarius man, marriage turns out to be extremely undesirable for him. He avoids this at all costs. It is very important for him to realize that this is true, sincere love. The Sagittarius man values ​​his freedom above all else.

That is why in early age he rarely marries. The whole point is that he has just escaped from the care of his parents, and he does not want to immediately come under pressure from his wife. If a Sagittarius man does not enjoy freedom, there is a high probability that he will look for it already in legal marriage. The Libra woman must realize that the young man must walk around to his heart's content. This is the act of a wise lady who strives to be confident in her own spouse. The guy must satisfy his own curiosity and most your deepest desires. It is necessary to wait until the moment when the Sagittarius man himself feels the need for a family, constancy, and a single woman.

However, exceptions should not be ignored. However, it should be noted that marriage and its prospects are the main problem that can become misunderstandings between guys born under this sign and the Libra woman. However, this combination of Solar representatives may well turn out to be successful. A lady born under this sign resembles an unfilled vessel. She may feel unwanted, helpless, and useless. It is extremely difficult for a Libra woman to find balance and achieve harmony when her lover is not next to her.

The Sagittarius man may well turn out to be exactly the piece of the puzzle that the young lady so lacked to create integrity, completeness, and balance. What is surprising if a Libra woman focuses on career and is completely focused on him, then in this area she also has a need for a partner. Only in this situation the relationship turns out to be purely business and working.

By the way, it is worth noting that the Sagittarius man also does not like loneliness. He needs close relationships. A young man turns out to be happier and more cheerful when there is someone close and dear next to him. At the same time, a Sagittarius man will always prefer a gentle, affectionate, carefree girl to a guy. A beautiful and tender friend in the person of a Libra woman turns out to be an excellent solution for him. The main thing that the Sagittarius man insists on is lightness and carefreeness. He appreciates intelligence, ability to reason, and broad outlook in a lady. With such a young lady he is ready to go on vacation or on a hike. However, the Libra woman must take into account that her chosen one cannot stand any everyday issues. You should not talk to him about finding a job, purchasing an apartment, or the upcoming wedding. This will instantly scare and frighten a Sagittarius man. With age, he himself will be forced to come to terms with these issues and accept them.

A Libra woman who has decided to conquer a Sagittarius man needs to be extremely careful. She needs to accompany him everywhere, but completely abandon any attempts to fix anything for herself. The Libra woman will need to immediately realize that she cannot control the chosen one born in this sign. The Sagittarius man is born with amazingly powerful energy. It is ruled by Jupiter. Moreover, the Libra woman is also born under male sign, however, it is ruled by Venus, which is a 100% female planet. As a result, the lady receives a unique mixture of masculine logic and indescribable femininity. However, even such an unusual and strong mix is ​​not able to drown out the power of the Sagittarius man and begin to dominate him. If the Libra woman managed to achieve this, the Sagittarius man will still not be happy next to her.

It must be remembered that the Sagittarius man greatly values ​​optimism, a sense of humor and a subtle mindset in a representative of the opposite sex. In a Libra woman, he likes the ability to abstract from problems, the ability to solve them on her own. Such ladies perceive reality as it is with amazing ease. If something cannot be fixed or embellished in any way, she will accept it. The unique feature of the Libra woman is that she knows how to persuade herself. She will easily believe in what she needs and benefits. For the Libra woman, the most important thing is the sensation, the feeling of lightness, love, and need. By the way, exactly this feature becomes the cause of unsuccessful early marriages into which these young ladies throw themselves.

Despite the fact that the Libra woman knows how to transform everything around her, she is amazingly touchy. However, this does not prevent her from admiring the sense of humor and sharp mind of the Sagittarius man. The main thing for her is not to be the target of his precise barbs. In this chosen one, she also respects his penchant for idealism and honesty. The Libra woman is liked by the Sagittarius man because she understands the importance of freedom, is friendly, open, smart, kind, and sociable. They could very well be the perfect couple.

One cannot help but make a reservation that the attraction between them is largely based on physical features. The Sagittarius man instantly guesses the desires of his chosen one. The Libra woman reacts to his interest in a matter of seconds. At the same time, the lady turns out to be less passionate and hot than her chosen one. That is why the Libra woman calmly reacts to the interest the Sagittarius man arouses among representatives of the opposite sex.

In fact, the Sagittarius man, born under the sign of Fire, and the Libra woman, born under the auspices of Air, combine perfectly. They attract each other mentally and at the level of physical attraction.

The elements of Fire and Air have a beneficial effect on the interaction of these signs. The same dreaminess and penchant for fantasy unite Sagittarius and Libra. Both signs are distinguished by duality, which makes their communication varied and not at all boring. Partners are interested in each other’s company and always have something to discuss. For Libra and Sagittarius, their own independence is equally important, so they can easily get closer and further away without compromising the relationship.

A Sagittarius man paired with a Libra woman.

A tireless traveler and adventurer will attract his partner with his interesting stories. It is very easy to attract him, but difficult to keep him near you, so Libra should be the leader in the relationship. It is unlikely that a Sagittarius man will immediately be ready for marriage, since this is a freedom-loving sign. He will not want to take on unnecessary obligations, but will sincerely admire and value his chosen one.

A Libra woman paired with a Sagittarius man.

An air sign woman is so insightful that she is able to discern a naive little child in her companion. In fact, this is so; behind the external fearlessness and adventurism of Sagittarius there is a vulnerable, impressionable, sincere nature. The Libra woman subtly feels and understands her partner without words, but can begin to re-educate him. However, she will not stop Sagittarius on the path to his adventures.

Compatibility in friendship

An exciting time together will be the key to long-term companionship. They are equally intelligent and strive for new knowledge, and besides, they understand each other without further ado. admires the inner calm and lack of conflict of Libra. The woman appreciates his friend’s love of life and optimism. Such friendship can easily turn into mutual love.

Compatibility in love

This couple can only be envied. Sagittarius and Libra are great for each other in marriage and love relationships. A man will be delighted with the femininity of his airy partner. The “inner child” of Sagittarius will find in Libra the attentive and sensitive mentor that he so lacked.

Thus, the couple is very harmonious psychologically and emotionally. Partners complement each other without limiting each other. Both Libra and Sagittarius are satisfied with the degree of freedom that the relationship gives them.

Conflicts are possible if a man spends too much time in the company of other women and allows himself to flirt. The Libra woman views this with great dissatisfaction, although she herself is not averse to flirting with people of the opposite sex.

Disagreements may also arise in financially. A woman is amazed at what a spender her chosen one turns out to be. Sagittarius can easily earn money, but Libra does not understand his wastefulness.

From the point of view of intimate relationships, everything is also fine. An air partner only intensifies the heat and desire of Sagittarius. A woman supports the desire for experiments and new experiences of her chosen one. Intimacy will leave both partners more than satisfied with each other.

Difficulties for the development of relationships may arise when Sagittarius is not ready to commit himself family ties. In such a situation, a Libra woman should show miracles of patience and wait as long as her partner needs to enjoy her freedom to the fullest.

In marriage, representatives of these signs remain just as active. They often travel together and discover new countries and places. This makes the couple truly happy. Sagittarius is sincerely happy that he has found a partner who shares his interests and supports him. Libra, in turn, is pleased that her chosen one is calm about her constant flirting with people of the opposite sex (however, this should not be abused). There are rarely quarrels in the family. Usually Sagittarius tames his temper, and Libra simply remains neutral, which leads to the elimination of conflicts.

In marriage, a man will change his character to a more good-natured and flexible one, thanks to a sensitive and caring wife.

When children appear in the house of such a couple, the woman will become an ideal mother and a natural housewife. You can be sure that little household members will never be deprived of attention and care.

What to expect from the union

A wonderful harmonious tandem that can last for a very long time. long years. The union of the signs of Fire and Air is based on excellent mutual understanding and common interests. Both partners receive new knowledge and support. In the future, the relationship only strengthens, while the mutual respect and interest of Libra and Sagittarius in each other does not fade, but only gains momentum. They almost always balance on the line between friendship and love. Mutual attraction is felt even at the first meeting.

Sincere and independent Sagittarius is always ready to tell his chosen one about his adventures, because he finds in her an excellent listener. The fire partner adores his woman and finds her the most attractive and desirable.

May doubt the loyalty of a Sagittarius man. However, she is completely captivated by the childish sincerity and naivety of her chosen one. A woman should not try to control or change the bearer of such a sign. Usually this is fraught with fading of feelings and breakup of relationships.

Together they are capable of much, despite differences in matters of marriage and finances. Ease of communication, the desire for close relationships, independence - unite Libra and Sagittarius and make their union truly strong.

Both the man and the woman feel and understand their partner well. The Libra woman and the Sagittarius man are of interest to each other not only as lovers, but also as interesting intellectual interlocutors. Based on this mutual attraction, strong relationships are built between the signs, which can develop into love or friendship.