What day of the week is favorable for cutting hair? Why can't you cut your hair and nails on Sunday?

Many people go to the hairdresser at least once a month to update their hair. There is information among people that this cannot be done every day. Since ancient times, there have appeared explanations on which days it is best to cut your hair, and when it is better not to do this.

What day of the week is best to cut your hair?

Astrologers claim that each day of the week is ruled by a certain planet, which has a distinctive energy that affects a person. For example, the patron saint of Monday is the Moon, and that of Tuesday is Mars.

Days of the week when it is better to cut your hair:

When is the best time to cut your hair according to the lunar calendar?

If you want your hair to grow faster, then you should plan a trip to the hairdresser during the waxing moon. If you cut your hair during the waning of the Earth's satellite, it will grow slowly, but will become strong. Experts believe that the most successful day is the 26th day. The 5th, 8th, 11th, 13th and 14th days are also considered favorable, as well as the period from the 21st to the 23rd lunar day and the 27th and 28th days.

It’s worth figuring out what date it’s best not to cut, so as not to invite trouble. It is strictly forbidden to shorten your hair on sunny and lunar eclipse. According to the lunar calendar, the 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th days are considered unacceptable for haircuts.

April 28, Carolina

Our ancestors gave hair mystical power. It was believed that through braids a person feeds energy from the cosmos itself, and cutting them can cause great damage to health. Many years have passed since then and the views of modern young ladies regarding hair care have changed somewhat. But numerous legends and beliefs that took root in the souls of hundreds of generations of women still bore fruit. Now each of us remembers that there are favorable days for cutting hair. If you visit the hairdresser on one of these days, they will grow strong and beautiful. Moreover, this visit can change for the better not only your appearance, but also your entire later life. If you are hearing about all this for the first time or have simply forgotten something, we will help you refresh your knowledge. There are several ways to find out favorable days to go to the hairdresser. We will tell you about the most popular of them.

Successful days for cutting hair by day of the week

  • Monday

This day is favorable not only for haircuts, but also for any other manipulations with hair. You can not only radically change the length of your hair, but also give it a different color. A haircut on Monday will help you get rid of accumulated negativity and leave all your problems behind.

  • Tuesday

Do not be afraid of anything! A haircut on this day will relieve you of boredom and monotony, and will also give you fresh strength in making vital decisions.

  • Wednesday

On this day, you can get a haircut for all those who miss fresh sensations, dream of going on a trip, remembering old friends and making new ones, and experiencing something interesting and unusual.

  • Thursday

Do you want to change your relationships with the people around you and become more popular? Are you looking to improve your chances of success? Then a haircut on Thursday is exactly what you need.

  • Friday

This day is unremarkable. It is better to reschedule your visit to the beauty salon to another time.

  • Saturday

According to ancient beliefs, this particular day is the most successful for changing your image. Together with the cut strands, you will cleanse your aura of negative influence, improve your health and restore “holes” in the biofield. You probably guessed it yourself that your hair will grow quickly and become strong and thick!

  • Sunday

Never get your hair cut on this day! You can cut off your luck along with your hair.

Favorable days for cutting hair according to the lunar calendar

As you know, the moon influences many natural and physical processes. Hair growth is also no exception, so it is very important to know what lunar days are favorable for cutting and which are not.
The most successful days for visiting a hairdresser are the days of the new moon and the days of the waxing moon. After such a haircut, hair will grow much more intensively.
If you want to change the properties of your hair, make an appointment at the salon on the day of the full moon. It is strictly forbidden to cut your hair on the days of the waning moon, otherwise it will become weak and thin.
And now more about each zodiac sign:

  • Moon in Aries

Bad time for a haircut. This day does not affect the condition of your hair in any way, but it significantly weakens the immune system and increases your chances of getting sick.

  • Moon in Leo

A good day for those who want to change their routine lifestyle. But for those who are already doing well, it’s worth holding off on visiting the hairdresser. True, the hair will in any case become lush and silky.

  • Moon in Sagittarius

A very good day, promotes realization in the personal and business spheres.

  • Moon in Libra and Gemini

Not a bad day for a haircut. Hair will begin to grow quickly, but its structure will remain the same.

  • Moon in Aquarius

The most treacherous day. After such a haircut, your hair may fall out, and your connection with the cosmos will probably be lost.

  • Luna in Cancer

After such a procedure, the hairstyle does not hold its shape at all, the hair cannot be styled and becomes extremely unruly. During this period, it is not recommended to even wash your hair!

  • Moon in Scorpio

This position is very risky, because you never know where your fate will turn after a haircut - for the good or for the bad.

  • Moon in Pisces

During this period, you also cannot cut your hair or wash your hair, unless, of course, you want to get dandruff.

  • Moon in Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

This time is truly considered the most ideal for cutting, curling and coloring hair. They begin to grow very well, fall out less and do not split.

Happy Birthday Hair Cutting Days

  • Monday

Saturday, Thursday or Friday suits you. But on Sunday, take the tenth route around the hairdresser.

  • Tuesday

Get your hair cut on Thursday, Saturday or Sunday. As for Monday and Friday, these days are not for you.

  • Wednesday

A haircut on Saturday is good, on Thursday it’s bad.

  • Thursday

Get your hair cut on Friday and Monday. Wednesday is considered a bad day.

  • Friday

You should get your hair cut on Thursday, Saturday or Monday, but not on Tuesday.

  • Saturday

Go to the hairdresser on Wednesday or Friday. Bad days for you - Thursday and Monday.

  • Sunday

Lucky days are Thursday and Tuesday, unlucky days are Monday.
We hope this knowledge will help you always be beautiful and lucky.

In ancient times, people believed that hair accumulates energy and that cutting should be done carefully. Therefore, they compiled haircut calendars, believing in certain signs. There was a special belief for each day of the week.

Since ancient times, people have believed in the natural power of hair. Through them, a person could communicate with the Universe, experience and energy power accumulated in them. It is known that in Ancient Rome The slaves were identified by their lack of hair. In Scandinavia, people without hair were considered dishonest, and among the Jews it was comparable to an insult.

Signs for every day of the week

Monday: When getting your hair cut on the first day of the week, it is important not to end up with an unfriendly person. It is at this time that your biofield is most vulnerable, and the strength of your hair is reduced. A person can leave behind negative energy that you absorb. After this, you will be haunted by a series of failures. However, Monday is a great day to dye your hair.

Tuesday: on this day it is better not to cut your hair yourself, but to turn to an old friend’s hairdresser or to a loved one. This is a favorable time to restore vitality. But remember: according to the sign, so that nothing will stop you from realizing your dreams in the future, on Tuesday you need to get your hair cut by a person who is younger than you.

Wednesday: When visiting a salon in the middle of the week, choose a specialist of the same gender. Otherwise, you risk soon failing in love affairs. This sign is based on the story of the biblical hero Samson, who was killed by a girl who cut off his hair on Wednesday. Also, getting a haircut on Wednesday promises new acquaintances and unplanned trips.

Thursday: On this day you can safely go get a haircut. Hair cut on Thursday will help get rid of illness, disease and the evil eye. With neatly trimmed ends, everything will leave you negative energy. By cutting your hair on Thursday, you attract good luck and prosperity.

Friday: if you decide to cut your hair at the end working week, then you risk radically changing your life. There is a particular risk of unpleasant changes on the 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th lunar days. These days you absolutely cannot go to the hairdresser. Check the Lunar haircut calendar>lunar haircut calendar before making an appointment with a hairdresser. However, Friday is good for planned changes in hairstyle if the lunar days are favorable. A planned change of image on this day will be beneficial.

Saturday: on this day there is an opportunity to change your life in better side That's why it was customary to make a wish before getting a haircut. By cutting your hair on Saturday, you can remove karmic sins from yourself, heal your body, and make your old dream finally come true.

Each day of the week has its own patron. This is a planet that imbues the day with its energy and leaves its mark on everything that people do at this time. A person born, for example, on Monday is patronized by the Moon, on Tuesday by Mars, on Wednesday by Mercury, on Thursday by Jupiter, on Friday by Venus, on Saturday by Saturn, and on Sunday by the Sun.
It is very important to get your hair cut on the day you were born. Then the patron planet gives you additional vitality. But it doesn’t matter if you get your hair cut on a different day of the week. The patron planet of this day of the week will set its own trajectory of life changes. Perhaps this will be just what you need at this time.

If the haircut is
Monday (Moon): Suitable for those who want to get rid of sadness and sadness. It will leave you along with your cut hair. a large number of negative emotions, unresolved and accumulated problems. Those born on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Sunday cannot have their hair cut on Monday.

Tuesday (Mars): If you are tired of the monotony of life, but you do not have enough activity to correct the current situation, then this day is just for you. By getting a haircut, you will invite changes into your life and help your body regain wasted physical health. People born on Monday or Friday should not have their hair cut.

Wednesday (Mercury): It is useful for everyone to have a haircut, except those born on Thursday.
A haircut on this day calms the nerves, improves memory, increases the ability to learn and establish necessary contacts.

Thursday (Jupiter): Feeling like a failure? Then get your hair cut on Thursday. A haircut will bring good luck, popularity and prosperity into your life. An exception for those born on Wednesday.

Friday (Venus): A peculiar day for a haircut, since you are not only changing your hairstyle, you are changing your appearance. But remember, if you are already happy with your appearance, then choose another day for your haircut. Because “the best is the enemy of the good.” Excess always turns into the opposite, so if you are already doing well, choose another day to visit the hair salon. Those born on Tuesday are not recommended to have their hair cut on Friday. This will lead you astray and turn your luck away from you.

Saturday (Saturn): A favorable day for haircuts, it restores damaged hair, and also improves fate in general, removing karmic debts and sins of your family. Helps develop patience and identify abilities. Stabilizes the psyche and material well-being. Those born on Sunday cannot have their hair cut on Saturday.

Sunday (Sun): Only those born on Sunday or chronic losers can get a haircut on this day, and it is not a fact that fate will level out after this. The rest cut off their luck along with their hair. This will be especially noticeable for people born on Monday.

The most suitable days to visit the hairdresser are full moons. Especially if it falls on the days of Virgo or Leo. Try not to visit the hairdresser during the days of Cancer and Pisces and on the waning Moon.

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Our ancestors treated hair with respect; it was believed that hair acted as a connecting link between man and the Universe, accumulating a person’s vitality and experience. Therefore, in ancient times, hair was cut only in extreme cases, because cutting was equated to a loss of energy and experience, a loss of connection with higher powers. Let's find out what they say about when it is impossible to cut the hair of the signs of our ancestors.

  • On weekdays or on weekends?

The only categorical prohibition regarding hair cutting by day of the week concerns Sunday. It is believed that cutting hair on this day can negatively affect a person’s luck and success; cutting hair on Sunday literally means “clipping the wings of luck.”

Hair acts as a conductor between man and the Universe

Cutting your hair means destroying this energetic connection.

There is also a ban on haircuts on antagonistic days, depending on what day of the week a person’s birth falls on. For example, if you were born on Sunday, then cutting your hair on Monday is prohibited for you, as it will attract negative energy.

Antagonists for days of the week:

  • Monday Sunday;
  • Tuesday Friday;
  • Wednesday Thursday;
  • Thursday Wednesday;
  • Friday – Tuesday;
  • Saturday Sunday;
  • Sunday Monday.

In ancient Rome, slaves were identified by their cut hair. IN Scandinavian countries cut hair was equated with dishonor, among the Jews - with desecration.

Regardless of what day of the week you decide to adjust your hairstyle, do it in the evening folk signs prohibited because cutting your hair in the evening can take away your strength.

Perhaps this sign made sense before the advent of electricity, when cutting hair at dusk was difficult and, indeed, exhausting. Nowadays, few people adhere to this prohibition. Another ban that has lost its relevance in modern conditions

When a haircut takes place in a hairdresser, you cannot get a haircut in someone else’s house. Perhaps the sign is associated with the prohibition of throwing one’s hair away so that it does not fall into the hands of an evil person or a sorcerer. After all, it is a strand of hair that is used in many magical rituals. Human hair strong in spirit

  • braided into a shepherd's whip. Any beast became obedient to such a whip.

The lunar calendar for hair cutting was compiled based on the observations of many generations of people. Depending on what phase the Earth's satellite is in, haircuts can have different effects on human health. For example, according to the lunar calendar, it is prohibited to shorten hair during the new moon, so as not to shorten your own life.

On full moon you can cut your hair

Another prohibition regarding cutting hair concerns the so-called “Satanic days” - 9,15,23, 29 lunar day. The heavy energy of these days can contribute to illness after a haircut, and you can also “cut your memory” by trimming your hair on an inappropriate day.

Astrologers draw up calendars for hair cutting, where they indicate favorable and unfavorable days for cutting, taking into account what day of the month and week the lunar day falls on.

The general rule for cutting hair according to the phases of the moon is: those who want their hair to grow longer, but at the same time become thicker and stronger, get their hair cut during the waning moon. Shortening the length of your hair during the waxing Moon helps it grow back as quickly as possible.

Also, you should not cut your hair during moonlight and solar eclipses. These days, the body loses its protective forces, and cutting hair can only harm a person, since energy goes away along with the hair.

Your own hairdresser

You can't cut your own hair

First of all, cutting your own hair can negatively affect a person’s health and vitality. This is due to the fact that by cutting his hair at random, without seeing what he is doing, a person violates his own biofield.

By cutting your hair you can lose your luck and financial well-being. It is believed that cutting one's own hair can deprive a person of beauty, both external and internal. Unmarried girl who cuts her own hair risks remaining alone for the rest of her life. However, according to legend, life is also “cut”; cutting your hair means shortening the road to the cemetery.

Family connection

There are also folk superstitions about prohibiting cutting the hair of your relatives. Children should not cut their parents' hair, so as not to shorten their lives. And parents of their own children are also prohibited from cutting their hair.

Strictly speaking, children under one year of age are prohibited from having their hair cut at all. In Rus', children had their hair cut late for the first time - at three, or even seven years old. At the age of one, a lock of hair from the top of his head was ceremonially cut off and kept behind the icons until the moment when the son went to war and the daughter got married. Then the first curl was handed over to its owner for safekeeping; it was a kind of amulet, protection against diseases and evil forces.

Our ancestors did not cut girls' hair

If one of the family members fell ill, an amulet with a baby's curl was placed around his neck, all family members gathered around the sick person's bed and prayed.

Today the sign has become distorted and it is believed that a child must be completely deprived of hair every year so that they grow strong and healthy. Our ancestors did not do this, since shaving one’s head completely deprived a person of protection and provoked illness. They took care of their hair from a young age and tried to preserve it for as long as possible, because along with the first hair, the memory of the days spent in the womb and of infancy, as well as all the energy and experience accumulated during life, was preserved.

Another family sign about the prohibitions of cutting hair does not allow a wife to cut her husband’s hair. A husband and wife are considered one whole, therefore, as when cutting her own hair, the wife deforms her husband’s biofield by cutting off his hair. According to legend, this procedure can cause illness, loss of strength, failure and problems in a man, or even shorten his life.

In addition, it is believed that a husband who has cut his wife’s hair may cheat on his wife, stop loving her, or leave the family. And, without fail, a haircut will cause a quarrel between the spouses.

Signs do not allow pregnant women to have their hair cut

The sign also does not allow pregnant women to have their hair cut. In ancient times, a woman’s braid was considered a connecting link with the Universe; three strands of the braid symbolized the energy flows that fed the body. Receiving such support for a pregnant woman was especially important, because new life, which was born in her womb, especially needed the forces of Nature and Cosmos.

By cutting her hair, a pregnant woman was depriving herself vital energy, became weak and lost touch with Nature. This could have a negative impact on both her health and the health of the unborn child, because he might not even be born if the mother did not have the strength to bear him. That is why pregnant women in Rus' never cut their hair.

In pursuit of knowledge

In addition to popular superstitions, there is also a common student superstition - it is better to forget about cutting your hair during the session. When you shorten your hair, you shorten your mind, trim your memory. Therefore, so as not to have to learn everything again or not to forget everything that was memorized earlier, at the most crucial moment, you should not cut your hair before tests and exams.

What to do with cut hair

No matter how our ancestors felt about haircuts, they still sometimes had to trim the overgrown ends of their hair - healers advised cutting hair during illness so that the illness would go away as quickly as possible, and cutting hair also helped get rid of lovesickness, since memory went away along with the hair about the beloved.

Throwing away cut hair is prohibited

There are many signs about what you should do with your hair after cutting it, so that the information accumulated in it does not fall into the hands of a bad person and is not used for harm. Signs prohibit throwing your hair away; cut hair is advised to be drowned or burned.

Old people in Rus' collected their hair left on the comb and stuffed a pillow with it. This pillow was placed under their head in the coffin. The gray hair of an old man from the family was considered a talisman; it was worn in an amulet on the chest. Such hair helped in business and created obstacles for enemies.

You need to drown your hair in running water so that it washes away all the information about its owner. Although there is an opposite sign, which prohibits throwing hair into water, because it can take away a person’s happy destiny, leaving only misfortunes.

Burning hair is a fundamental way to ensure that it does not fall into the wrong hands. Our ancestors said that fire destroys not only hair, but also all troubles, misfortunes and illnesses, therefore burned hair serves as a guide to a happy life.

Of course, many signs these days have lost their relevance or have been debunked scientific knowledge. Of all the prohibitions on haircuts listed above, you should trust, first of all, the advice lunar calendar, and it is better to approach other signs with some degree of irony.