Masha Mironova’s women’s secret: how to achieve your goal. The image of Masha Mironova in A. Pushkin’s story “The Captain's Daughter”

Masha Mironova image and characteristics of the heroine in the story Captain's daughter


1. “Pushkin’s” heroine.

2. Masha Mironova. Characteristics and image in the story “”

2.1. Masha and parents.

2.2. First love.

2.3. Strength of spirit.

3. My attitude towards the main character.

In his talented works he created the image ideal girl, to which he returned repeatedly, from novel to novel, from poem to poem. The standard of the “Pushkin” heroine was a meek and pretty young lady, a little romantic, a little dreamy, kind and simple, but at the same time full of inner fire and hidden strength. Tatyana Larina was like that, and so was Masha Mironova.

The girl spent her childhood and youth in the solitude of the Belogorodskaya fortress, in poverty and labor. Her parents, although minor nobles, lived on a captain's salary alone. So they taught their daughter to simple image life and permanent job. Masha, an eighteen-year-old young lady, did not shy away from helping her mother in the kitchen, tidying up the rooms, and mending clothes. She did not receive a decent education and upbringing, but she acquired something more valuable and eternal - tender heart, good character, spiritual beauty.

In the story, the girl appears to us as a respectful and polite daughter. She does not strive for balls and dresses, does not beg her parents for the best, rich life. She is happy with what she has, she is very attached to her father and her mother and values ​​them. Masha knows that she dresses “simply and sweetly”, that she does not have a large dowry, which means she is unlikely to be able to find a good match. But this does not upset the main character. She does not cling to the first person she meets who shows her signs of attention. For the captain's daughter, sincere love and mutual sympathy are not an empty phrase. A girl refuses a rich gentleman because she notices bad character traits and base feelings in him. She is not ready to live with someone she doesn’t love just because it will ensure her comfortable existence. “When I think that it will be necessary... to kiss him. Never! Not for any well-being!” - Masha explains her refusal in simplicity. And at the same time, the girl is capable of strong tender feelings.

Having met him, she falls in love with him sincerely and passionately. This is not a fleeting feeling caused by momentary weakness or euphoria. Masha loves truly, selflessly. Feelings between the main characters do not immediately develop, but the girl gradually begins to understand that she is passionate about it seriously and for a long time. Unnoticed watching Grinev, noticing him positive traits and habits, the captain’s daughter begins to love with all her heart and all her soul. But even here its deepness is visible. moral basis. Without flirting, without playing with the man’s feelings, Masha “without any affectation” reciprocates young Peter’s proposal. Her love is pure and innocent, just like herself. And although the girl is truly in love and “sensitive,” she values ​​​​her good name and untarnished honor.

The captain's daughter is also prudent and intelligent. She does not want to marry Grinev without the blessing of his parents and is even ready to return his promised word to him. “If you find yourself a betrothed, if you fall in love with another, God be with you, Pyotr Andreich,” says Masha, crying, and later adds: “I will never forget you; Until your grave, you will remain alone in my heart.” Apparently, the girl agrees to sacrifice her feelings for the well-being of her chosen one. In addition, she is ready to remain faithful and devoted to her beloved until death.

But the most best qualities Marya Ivanovna reveals herself to us during her terrible trials -. Exactly then main character shows those feelings and that strength of spirit that, it would seem, is impossible to expect from her. Having lost his father and mother overnight, deprived of freedom and his usual way of life, having experienced the betrayal of soldiers and having gone through the bullying of a cruel officer, captain's daughter remained true to her principles and beliefs, her concept of duty and honor. How much fortitude and courage she needed to survive the death of her beloved parents and her imprisonment. How much courage and boldness the girl needed to resist Shvabrin’s attempts to force her to marry him. Sick, destitute, starving, she steadfastly withstood the test of her love for the Fatherland and for Grinev.

Much about Masha’s character can be seen in the fact that Grinev’s parents liked her. The girl did not harbor any grudge against them because they did not immediately accept her as a daughter-in-law, and did not torment them with lamentations and complaints. She behaved respectfully and meekly, so that soon her future fathers-in-law “sincerely became attached to her, since it was impossible to recognize her and not love her.” Courage and moral strength were needed by these people who fell in love with each other when they learned about Grinev’s arrest and the terrible sentence that was handed down to him.

Special courage and perseverance were required from Masha. She remained faithful to her beloved both in her grief and in his misfortune. She did not abandon him, did not doubt his honor, did not take advantage of his absence to find herself a more distinguished and richer groom. No, Maria Mironova boldly decided to take the initiative into her own hands and turn to the empress herself for pardon of the convicted person. This action shows the strong determination, absolute independence and skillful enterprise of the young girl. She sincerely and clearly explains everything to the empress, and she grants forgiveness to the innocent.

Having gone through difficult difficulties and trials, Masha Mironova and Pyotr Grinev did not stop loving each other. Having got married, they lived happily ever after, in peace and harmony. I am amazed by the strength of spirit and moral purity of the main character. Her modesty and common sense, respectful attitude towards elders and unyielding persistent spirit are an example and standard to follow. Those who possess such qualities and character traits, regardless of whether they are men or women, will definitely be rewarded by fate. After all, true happiness and success must be earned and won.

Masha Mironova is the main character of A. S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter”. This is a shy, modest girl with an unremarkable appearance: “Then a girl of about eighteen came in, round-faced, ruddy, with light brown hair, combed smoothly behind her ears, which was on fire.” Grinev perceived the captain’s daughter with prejudice, since Shvabrin described her as “a complete fool.”

However, gradually between Pyotr Grinev and The captain's daughter develops mutual sympathy, which has grown into love. Masha is attentive to Grinev, is sincerely worried about him when he decided to fight a duel with Shvabrin (“Marya Ivanovna tenderly reprimanded me for the anxiety caused to everyone by my quarrel with Shvabrin”). The characters' feelings for each other were fully revealed after being seriously wounded, received by Grinev in a duel. Masha did not leave the wounded man, caring for him. The heroine is not characterized by affectation, she simply talks about her feelings (“she, without any affectation, admitted to me her heartfelt inclination...”).

For the chapters in which Masha Mironova appears, the author selected excerpts from Russian texts as epigraphs. folk songs, proverb: Oh, you girl, you red girl! Don’t go, girl, you’re young to get married; You ask, girl, father, mother, Father, mother, clan-tribe; Accumulate, girl, mind-mind, mind-mind, dowry.

If you find me better, you will forget. If you find me worse, you will remember. The use of such epigraphs, whose content corresponds to a particular situation, serves as one of the means of poetizing the image of Masha Mironova, and also allows A. S. Pushkin to emphasize the high spiritual qualities of his heroine, her closeness to the people.

Masha is a poor bride: according to Vasilisa Yegorovna, her daughter’s dowry includes “a fine comb, a broom, and an altyn of money (God forgive me!), with which to go to the bathhouse”; but she does not set herself the goal of ensuring her material well-being through a marriage of convenience. She rejected Shvabrin’s marriage proposal because she doesn’t love him: “I don’t love Alexei Ivanych. He is very disgusting to me... Alexey Ivanovich, of course, is an intelligent man, and has a good family name, and has a fortune; but when I think that it will be necessary to kiss him under the aisle in front of everyone... No way! not for any well-being!”

The commandant's daughter was brought up in strictness, obedient to parents, easy to communicate. Having learned that Grinev’s father is against his son’s marriage to her, Masha is upset, but resigns herself to the decision of her beloved’s parents: “I can see fate... Your relatives don’t want me into their family. Let the Lord's will be in everything! God knows better than we do what we need. There is nothing to do, Pyotr Andreich, at least be happy...” In this episode, the depth of her nature is revealed. Masha, feeling responsible for her beloved, refuses to get married without her parents’ blessing: “Without their blessing, you will not be happy.”

Tests The hardships that befall the girl instill in her perseverance and courage. Parents considered Masha a coward, because she was scared to death of a cannon shot on Vasilisa Egorovna’s name day. But when Shvabrin, on pain of death, forces her to marry him, Masha does everything possible to save herself. Left orphaned and deprived of her home, the girl managed to survive without losing her spiritual qualities. Considering himself to be the culprit of Grinev’s arrest and realizing that in order to save her honor, he would never utter her name in court, Masha decides to go to St. Petersburg and independently draws up an action plan to restore justice. Masha’s ability to win over people of different character and social status also played a big role in this.

What is the meaning of the title of the story? Why “The Captain’s Daughter”, because the main character of the work is rather Pyotr Grinev? Of course, the events taking place in the story are in one way or another connected with the image of Masha Mironova. But I believe that A. S. Pushkin sought to show how in difficult trials manifestations human qualities , sometimes hidden. Honesty, morality, purity - the main qualities of Masha Mironova - allowed her to overcome her bitter fate, find a home, family, happiness, save the future of her loved one, his honor.

Tatyana Larina, Maria Troekurova, Lisa Muromskaya, Lyudmila and others. However, one of the most unusual women in his prose became the main character of The Captain's Daughter. How did the image of Masha Mironova differ from others? Let's figure it out.

A little about the background to the writing of the story “The Captain’s Daughter”

Although the story is named after the main character, the plot centers on her lover, Pyotr Grinev, and the rebel Emelyan Pugachev. Moreover, initially in the work Pugachev’s rebellion was given much more space, and the main character was supposed to be an officer who joined the rebels (Shvabrin).

However, this construction of the plot presented rebellion from a positive side. And in Tsarist Russia During Pushkin's time, censorship was very strict, and a story that actually praised the anti-monarchist uprising could remain unpublished.

Knowing this, Alexander Sergeevich changed the mood of the main character, reduced references to the riot and its causes, and focused the plot on a love story. As a result of all these alterations, the image of Masha Mironova found itself at the center of all events. Although the story is named after this heroine, nevertheless, a lot of attention is also paid to Grinev and his relationship with Pugachev in the work.

Biography of Maria Mironova

Before considering in detail the image of Masha Mironova, it is worth briefly learning about the content of the story “The Captain's Daughter”. At the same time, it is more appropriate to present the events not from the point of view of Grinev the narrator, but as part of the heroine’s biography.

Maria Ivanovna Mironova was the only daughter of the captain of the Belgorod garrison Ivan Kuzmich and his strong-willed wife, Vasilisa Egorovna.

A little earlier than meeting Pyotr Grinev, officer Alexey Shvabrin wooed her. Considering that Mironova was homeless, the young man was an excellent match for the girl financially and socially. However, Maria did not love him, so she refused.

The offended officer, harboring a grudge, began to spread false rumors about the girl. These slander contributed to the fact that Grinev initially had a negative attitude towards Masha. But having gotten to know her better, he became interested in the girl, challenged the slanderous Shvabrin to a duel and was wounded.

While nursing him, Masha Mironova sincerely falls in love with Grinev, and he offers her his hand and heart. Having received the consent of his beloved, he sends a letter to his father, informing him of his intention to marry and asking for his blessing.

But Shvabrin again stands in the way of Masha and Peter’s happiness, and informs Grinev’s family about the duel and its reason. Now the father denies his son his blessing. Masha does not want to quarrel her beloved with his family and refuses to secretly marry him.

Meanwhile, Emelyan Pugachev rebels, declaring himself Peter II. His army is moving towards the Belgorod fortress. The commandant, realizing that they are doomed, tries to save Masha: he dresses her in peasant clothes and hides her in the priest’s house. When Pugachev's troops take the fortress, most of its inhabitants go over to the side of the rebel. However, several officers remain faithful to the oath. For this they will be executed.

The only one who manages to survive is Grinev, who once helped Pugachev, not knowing at that time who he was. Together with his faithful servant, Peter goes to the Orenburg fortress. But he is unable to take Maria, who remains an orphan, with him, since she is seriously ill.

Shvabrin, who swore allegiance to Pugachev and was appointed commandant of the Belgorod fortress, becomes aware of Maria’s refuge. The officer locks the girl up and demands that she marry him. Having received another refusal, starves her.

The girl manages to deliver the letter to her beloved, and he rushes to her aid. Although Grinev is again captured by Pugachev’s supporters, the “resurrected Peter II” once again has mercy on the young man and helps him reunite with his beloved.

Having overcome a lot of obstacles, Masha and Peter get home to the Grinevs. Personal acquaintance with the young man’s bride had a beneficial effect on Andrei Grinev, and he agreed to the marriage.

But until the rebellion is suppressed, Peter considers it his duty to fight. Soon the riot can be pacified. Among those arrested is Shvabrin, who, in order to take revenge on Grinev, slanderes him. Peter was also arrested and sentenced to exile. Fearing for Masha's fate, he does not say anything about the reasons for his relationship with Pugachev.

Having learned about this, Masha goes to the capital on her own to tell the truth and save Grinev. Fate turns out to be merciful to her: she accidentally meets Tsarina Catherine. Not knowing who her interlocutor is, the girl tells the whole truth, and the empress has mercy on the young man. Then the lovers go home and get married.

The image of Masha Mironova in the story “The Captain's Daughter”

Having dealt with the biography, it is worth paying more attention to the character of the heroine. Throughout the entire story, Pushkin presents the image of Masha Mironova as the image of a girl from the people. It is for this reason that an epigraph from folk songs was selected for each chapter in which it appears.

At the time the action began, Masha was already 18 years old, and by the standards of those times, she had already spent too much time as a girl. Despite this, the pretty creature did not turn into a greedy husband-seeker. Masha does not try to preen herself, but dresses simply. She combs her blond hair smoothly into a regular hairstyle, and does not create intricate compositions out of it, as was customary among noble ladies of those times.

Humility and adventurism are two sides of Maria Mironova’s character

Although some researchers call Mironova a variation of the image of Tatyana Larina, this is a controversial statement. After all, girls are very different. Thus, Tatyana at first actively fights for her love, violating certain standards of decency (she confesses her love to a man first), but later she resigns herself, marries a rich and noble man chosen by her parents and refuses Onegin.

For Maria Mironova, everything is different. Having fallen in love, she is full of humility and is ready to give up her happiness for the benefit of Grinev. But when her beloved is threatened with exile, the girl shows unprecedented courage and goes to ask the queen herself for him.

It is worth noting that such an act for a young lady of the 19th century. was real audacity. After all, without the necessary connections in society, an unmarried girl, who has lived all her life in a remote province, goes to St. Petersburg. And in those days, apart from the queen, other women of the empire were not particularly allowed to interfere in “male” affairs such as politics. It turns out that Masha’s action is an adventure.

Sometimes researchers compare this image with another Pushkin heroine (Masha Mironova - “The Captain's Daughter”). It's about about the heroine of the novel “Dubrovsky” Masha Troekurova, who at the very end did not find the courage to achieve her happiness and surrendered to the will of circumstances.

Some literary scholars argue that the image of Masha Mironova is inconsistent. After all, constantly showing an easy-going character and prudence, in the finale she takes extraordinary courage from nowhere, although logically she should have humbly gone into exile, like the wives of the Decembrists or Sonechka Marmeladova from Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment.” This change in character can be explained by the fact that the girl short term I lost my beloved parents, went through a lot of shocks, and in order to survive, I was forced to change and become brave.

Masha's relationship with her parents

When considering the image of Masha Mironova, it is worth paying attention to her relationship with her family. The girl's parents were sincere and honest people. For this reason, my father’s career did not particularly work out, and the Mironovs did not manage to accumulate a fortune. Although they were not poor, they did not have money for a dowry for Mashenka. Therefore, the girl did not have any special prospects in terms of marriage.

Although Ivan Kuzmich and Vasilisa Egorovna raised their daughter to be a decent girl with a noble soul, they did not provide her with either an education or a position in society.

On the other hand, they always took into account their daughter’s opinion. After all, when she refused a wonderful groom (Shvabrin), who could provide her future, the Mironovs did not reproach and force the girl.

The captain's daughter and Shvabrin

The relationship with Alexey Ivanovich especially characterizes Masha. Although this hero was not handsome, he was quite educated (he spoke French, understood literature), courteous and knew how to charm. And for a young provincial simpleton (which, in essence, was the heroine) it could generally seem ideal.

His matchmaking with Mironova looked like a great success for the “elderly” dowry-free woman. But the girl suddenly refused. Perhaps Masha sensed the vile essence of her would-be groom or learned some rumors about his behavior. After all, he once offered Grinev to seduce a girl for a pair of earrings, which means he could have experience in similar seduction of other young ladies. Or maybe the young and romantic Masha simply didn’t like Shvabrin. Such naive girls tend to fall in love with handsome and slightly stupid guys like Grinev.

Why did her refusal hurt the man so much? Perhaps he wanted to marry her in order to become her father’s successor in the future. And since the bride had no dowry and had an easy-going disposition, the hero expected that she would be grateful to him until the end of her days. But the provincial dowry suddenly refused, destroying his ambitious plan.

The image of Masha Mironova, in particular, her high morality, is revealed in more detail in the light of her further relationship with her failed groom. She made no excuses when he spread gossip about her. And finding herself in his power, when Shvabrin tried to break her morally, she bravely withstood the test.

Masha Mironova and Petr Grinev

The relationships between these characters are also very revealing. Their love story looks very traditional: poetry, a duel, parental bans and overcoming a lot of obstacles on the way to your happiness. But through this story the full depth of Masha’s spiritual nobility is shown. Her feelings are more meaningful and deeper than Grinev’s. In particular, loving her parents very much, the girl does not want a quarrel between Peter and his father.

She endures the first separation more stoically than Grinev, who rushes about and finds himself on the verge of either going crazy or indulging in debauchery.

After the capture of the fortress by Pugachev and the murder of Masha’s parents, the love of the heroes only grows stronger. At a certain moment, each of them, risking his life, saves the other.

Prototypes of the captain's daughter

Masha Mironova had several prototypes, on the basis of which Pushkin created this image. Thus, in those days there was a widespread joke about the meeting of the German ruler Joseph II with the daughter of an unknown captain. Subsequently, Alexander Sergeevich adapted it to the story of the meeting with Catherine II and even called the story “The Captain's Daughter.”

Mironova owes her simplicity and closeness to the people to Walter Scott’s heroine, Jeanie Deans (“Edinburgh Dungeon”). To save her sister, this modest and noble Scottish peasant woman went to the capital and, having achieved an audience with the queen, saved the unfortunate woman from the death penalty. By the way, Pushkin borrowed the idea from the same novel to use the words of folk songs as epigraphs.

And from his story young man it didn't turn out very well good opinion about the captain's daughter. He saw her in the captain's house. Pushkin describes her portrait on the pages of “The Captain’s Daughter” as follows: “a girl of about eighteen, chubby, ruddy, with light brown hair, smoothly combed behind her ears, which were on fire.” The girl’s burning ears betrayed her first feeling, and at the same time, embarrassment, which she did not notice, being under the influence of Shvabrin’s words that Masha was “a complete fool.” At the first meeting, she did not make any impression on him.

On the same day, Grinev learned from the captain’s wife that Masha was homeless. The captain's wife did not look at the young man as a potential groom, and Pyotr Andreevich was too young for matchmaking. I talked to him about the dowry simply because my soul ached for my daughter, and there was no one in particular to talk to in the fortress.

Maria Ivanovna grew up in Belogorsk fortress. Her entire social circle consisted of her parents, Palashka, priests, and disabled soldiers. In such conditions it is not difficult to remain undeveloped and limited. But getting to know Masha better, Grinev saw in her a prudent and sensitive girl. Masha was modest and virtuous. Despite the absence of suitors, she did not throw herself on the neck of the first Shvabrin she met, although he was eligible bachelor for the homeless woman. With some inner instinct she discerned his dark soul. She told Grinev that Shvabrin was wooing her with touching, almost childlike naivety. “Alexey Ivanovich, of course, is an intelligent man, has a good family name, and has a fortune; but when I think that it will be necessary to kiss him under the aisle in front of everyone... No way! not for any well-being!”

So much chastity and virtue in this one phrase.

Unlike her energetic and active mother, Masha was timid and afraid of loud shots. But she was hardworking. Every time Grinev found her doing some kind of homework.

Waking up after being wounded, Grinev learned that Masha had been caring for him during all the days of his unconsciousness. He was so touched by her presence near his bed, by her tender, timid kiss, that he decided to propose to her. To which Masha replied that she would marry him only with the blessing of his parents. This speaks of her high, pure nature, her beautiful soul.

We remember that in the story the commandant described Masha as a complete coward. However, left alone, without parents “in the enemy camp,” she showed real courage and perseverance. She was ready for any hardship, even death, just not to marry Shvabrin, whom she hated.

When Grinev, with the assistance of Grinev, freed Masha and sent her along with her to her father’s estate, his parents received Captain Mironov’s daughter with all their provincial cordiality. They liked Masha for her modesty and virtue. Mother, without any doubt, appreciated her hard work and thriftiness.

But from a completely different side, the image of Masha Mironova opens up to us after receiving the news of Pyotr Andreevich’s imprisonment; the whole family hoped that this was a misunderstanding, and that it would soon be resolved. It was not resolved. From Prince B.'s letter, the Grinevs and Masha learned that Pyotr Andreevich had been declared a rebel and a traitor. This news almost killed my father. And Masha said that she had to go to St. Petersburg.

This fragile girl, who was afraid of gun shots in the fortress, decided to go, accompanied by Savelich and Palashka, to an unfamiliar, distant capital to protect her beloved and restore justice.

Fate favored her. She met with the empress and told about Grinev’s misadventures. The girl’s modesty and courage captivated the Empress; she believed Masha.

Essay on literature. The image of Masha Mironova in the story by A. S. Pushkin *The Captain's Daughter*

The story “The Captain's Daughter” by A. S. Pushkin depicts many bright and original characters - courageous,

Decisive, fair. However, what most attracted my attention was Masha Mironova, the main character of the work, the daughter of Captain Mironov.

Masha's life takes place in the Belogorsk fortress, whose commandant is her father. The portrait of the girl is unremarkable: she is about eighteen years old, she is “chubby, ruddy, with light brown hair, smoothly combed behind her ears.” Her mother considers her a “coward,” and the evil Shvabrin characterizes the girl as “a complete fool.”

However, further acquaintance shows that Masha has many advantages: she is a welcoming, sincere, sweet, “prudent and sensitive” girl. Her even character and friendliness cannot leave others indifferent.

Finding herself in a critical situation, Masha reveals a new side. She shows incredible resilience and fortitude when she finds herself in the hands of the hated Shvabrin. Neither force nor threats can break a defenseless girl; she is ready to die rather than agree to marry an unloved person. Left without parents and separated from her fiancé, Masha decides to fight for her happiness alone.

Having learned about the arrest of Pyotr Grinev and his accusation of treason and betrayal, she goes to St. Petersburg with the intention of submitting a petition to the empress. Confident of her beloved’s innocence, she so simply and sincerely talks about his relationship with the leader of the rebels, Pugachev, that she wins over Ekaterina P. “By personal order,” Grinev is released from prison, in addition, the empress undertakes to arrange the condition of the orphaned Masha.

I believe that Masha Mironova is one of the best heroines in Russian literature. She harmoniously combines tenderness and willpower, femininity and determination, sensuality and intelligence. Getting to know this girl evokes sincere sympathy and affection. I really want to become like Masha, because I consider her the ideal woman.

In the story “The Captain's Daughter” Pushkin painted vivid images. By describing the actions of the heroes, their attitude towards others, their appearance, conveying thoughts and feelings, the writer creates in us a clear idea of ​​their characters, that is, of their internal qualities.

One of the characters in the work is Masha Mironova, the daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk fortress. During the first meeting with her, we see an ordinary Russian girl: “chubby, ruddy, with light brown hair, smoothly combed behind the ears.” Timid and sensitive, she was afraid even of a gun shot. In many ways, her timidity and embarrassment were caused by her lifestyle: she lived rather secluded, even lonely.

From the words of Vasilisa Egorovna, we learn about the unenviable fate of the girl: “A girl of marriageable age, and what a dowry she has: a comb, a broom, and an altyn of money... what to go to the bathhouse with. Okay, if you can find it a kind person; otherwise sit in the girls as an eternal bride.” But Masha refuses Shvabrin’s offer to become his wife. Her pure, open soul cannot accept marriage to an unloved person: “Alexey Ivanovich, of course, is an intelligent man, has a good family name, and has a fortune; but when I think that it will be necessary to kiss him under the aisle in front of everyone... Never! not for any well-being! “A marriage of convenience is unthinkable for her, even if she finds herself in the most difficult situation. Masha sincerely fell in love with Peter Grinev. And she does not hide her feelings, openly giving him an answer to his explanation: “She, without any affectation, admitted to Grinev her heartfelt inclination and said that her parents would be glad of her happiness.” However, she never agrees to get married without the blessing of the groom's parents. It was not easy for Masha to distance herself from Pyotr Andreevich. Her feelings were still as strong, but pride, honor and dignity did not allow her to do otherwise after she learned of his parents’ disagreement with this marriage.