Dmitry was born on September 18th when is his name day counted. Personalized icons

Dmitry is a strong defender,
Dmitry means "grace".
So that everything works out in life -
Here's what we want to wish for.

So that troubles and adversity
They avoided it.
And so that all worries are a joy -
Those associated with family.

Let him protect his family,
Let the big one build a house.
Let the wealth not decrease
The heart is filled with fire.

Dmitry is a winner
Patron of lovely women.
He is very brave and courageous,
Yes, and outwardly coolly coordinated.

He always moves forward
He takes what he likes.
And not a coward, and not a scoundrel,
In general, Dima is a great guy.

Congratulations, Dimochka. I wish you to always be as energetic and cheerful, optimistic and beautiful, lively and dexterous, smart and quick-witted, charming and attentive, magnificent and irresistible. May you be lucky, may your loved ones surround you with love, may your happiness always be near. Good luck and health to you!

Our good, glorious Dima,
What do you need?
Laughter, smiles, entertainment,
Friendly respect.

Power, glory and prosperity,
There is order in my thoughts and soul,
Independence and will
So that grief does not happen.

Adventures and miracles,
To have an interest in life,
Learn a lot of new things
And the desire to understand everything.

Believing in yourself
To fight to the end,
May all your dreams come true.
And may you be happy!

I wish you, Dima:
Let troubles pass by
They fly by without looking back
Sadness, sadness and misunderstandings,
Let them drive without stopping
Laziness and deceitful tricks,
Let depression not get to you,
Envy won't knock on the door,
Grief does not come to visit
And there will be no anger in life!

So that luck is nearby,
Happiness did not go away,
Joy rained down like hail,
Have fun in life.

More bright colors in life,
Mutual feelings forever,
Fate is smooth and not capricious.
Let your dream come true.

Congratulations, Dima!
Don't be sick, don't be sad,
Live brightly, positively.
No sorrow, no misfortune at all.

Happy birthday

Nowadays a clattering fly
I went to the market in the morning...
It’s your birthday, Dimka!
Eh, it’s not time for us to drink tea!

I’ll hasten to “get rid of you”
And heartily wish you,
May all the stars be happy
They poured light into your bed.

So that the wife loves passionately,
Well, your pulse was racing
To her from explosive feelings,
And let there be agreement.

Money is like cockroaches
Let them swarm in your house.
Be happy forever
At night, Dimochka, and during the day!

We, Dmitry, congratulate you!
Today we wish you
Be strong in spirit, don't grow old
Soul and body, do not get sick.

Live in contentment and prosperity,
Let victory await in every battle,
May there be happiness in your life,
And the troubles will be forgotten.

I always wish you success
I wish you joy and laughter.
I wish you to live, not to lose heart
And don't forget about me.

I, Dmitry, congratulate you!
I wish you love and happiness!
Good health, success,
More joy and laughter!

More bills in your wallet,
Stylish clothes - haute couture,
Large, stable salary
Next to me is a beautiful, stylish lady!

In family - more days happy,
Children - both smart and beautiful,
There is harmony and peace in the soul.
And if something happens, we are with you!

May your health be strong,
Strength and will are indestructible.
I wish you prosperity
And great happiness, Dima.

Let everything go well at work,
All ideas succeed
Let there be excitement, desire
Bring ideas to life.

I wish you passionate love,
What pushes you to heroic deeds,
Let passion be in the hot heart
Never fades.

You are open and sociable
Cute and simple
So have significant success,
Our dear Dimulya!

Reach heights quickly
Be on horseback all the time
Act, Dima, judiciously
And be completely happy!

The male name Dmitry has Greek origin. The boy Dima is persistent, cheerful and patient. Any goal he sets is achieved very easily and quickly. He rarely looks into the past, much less goes back. Dmitry only moves forward. It happens that there are difficulties and failures along the way, but he never gives up. In a word, Dmitry is an integral and strong personality.

Origin of the name Dmitry

Dmitry (in church pronunciation it sounds like Dimitri) is a name that comes from from the ancient Greek word "Demetrios"(belonging to Demeter). The goddess mother earth Demeter characterizes Dmitry with her name.

This name came from Byzantium in the 10th century and is considered one of the first Christian ones. During early Christianity, the name entered the church calendar. The most revered bearer of the name in Rus' is the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica, who suffered for his Orthodox faith during the reign of Diocletian.

Among all the saints, we especially honor the Russian Grand Duke Saint Dmitry Donskoy. The chronicle says that he “brought all the princes under his power, and those who did not obey his will, he began to encroach on them.” The Grand Duke remained for centuries in history as the winner of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Although his internal actions, which consisted of containing civil strife, are also significant and significant.

Characteristics of the name Dmitry

Being small, Dmitry is very spoiled and stubborn boy. He gets sick very often and during illness becomes excessively capricious and unbalanced. But for all his temper, he quickly moves away. It's difficult to manage. Getting him to help around the house is very difficult and laziness often takes over. But at the same time, Dmitry becomes an adult early and begins independent life.

A boy with this name is very talented and capable. He easily masters such humanitarian subjects as history, Russian language, geography, and literature. He can be an excellent student, but only minimal effort must be made to this. Besides he has an excellent memory. Dmitry is a natural artist. He enjoys visiting various clubs and participating in school concerts and performances.

In addition to his talent, Dmitry is sociable and quickly makes contact. He can chat for hours without noticing how he is imposing his opinion on others. We can say that he is a loyal friend, he knows how to keep secrets, but as long as it benefits him.

A man with this name is very proud and does not like to be taught and advised. Yes, he will listen, but he will always do it his own way. Will be stubborn achieve your goal no matter what. Dmitry often makes promises, which many subsequently fail to keep. He will make an excellent actor, lawyer, singer, tour guide or translator. But he can also easily achieve success in the political or scientific field.

The bearer of the name has a stormy, explosive temperament. Very amorous, but there is no consistency in his actions. He likes all the girls, so he looks after them until he is old. Basically getting married under the influence of a sparkling impulse. Often the first marriage is unsuccessful. For Dmitry, it is important that a woman has a great sense of humor and knows how to cook deliciously. He is not a bad husband; if he has a free minute, he will always devote it to his wife and children. But at the same time, he will remain flighty for the rest of his life, so you shouldn’t expect loyalty from him.

The main features of this male name:

  • impermanence;
  • love of freedom;
  • artistry.

Dmitry's name day according to the church calendar

If we talk about angel day, then this is the date church calendar, and name days are date of memory of the patron saint(name bearer). Today many people think that these two concepts are equivalent.

So, we can assume that name day is the day of the angel Dmitry. There are two concepts - “small” name days and “big” name days. Dmitry celebrates the main name day on the day of veneration of the saint whose date closest to birthday. Other days of remembrance of saints are considered “small” and not so much attention is paid to them. This name was very common in Rus', which is why there are quite a few days of remembrance of the holy martyrs Dmitri in the church calendar.

  • in February – 7, 9, 11, 16, 24;
  • in April – 1, 4, 26;
  • in May – 28;
  • in June – 1, 5, 10, 16;
  • in July – 16;
  • in August – 22;
  • in September – 24;
  • in October – 4, 7, 15;
  • in November – 4, 7, 22.

History and ancient rituals of Demetrius Day

The name day of the name is associated with the ancient holiday - Demetrius Day. This day is wide celebrated by our ancestors on November 8. It was this date that was considered the time when autumn finally came into its own. Dmitriev's day, falling on Saturday, was held in special esteem. The deceased were remembered, funerals were held for them, and all the soldiers who died on the Kulikovo field in the battle with the Mongols were remembered.

In the Orthodox calendar, November 8 is the date when the saint was venerated Dmitry Mirotochets (Solunsky). They pray to him and praise him, asking for courage and endurance, for the healing of eye diseases, including for blind people to gain sight. The soldiers prayed to him to grant them strength and courage on the battlefield. November 8th also marked the end of the autumn mating season. Then there was a break and the weddings were tried to take place before November 8th.

In Rus' they were very respectful of the day of remembrance of the holy great martyrs. Often church service took place in the presence of the king himself, which speaks of the importance of this day for our ancestors.

Patron saints of those named Dmitry

Dimitri Donskoy, Righteous Grand Duke of Moscow
Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on May 19/June 1.
The Grand Duke of Moscow Dimitri Donskoy was canonized as a holy believer on the basis of his great services to the Church, as well as on the basis of his personal pious life, which embodied the saving Christian idea of ​​sacrificing oneself for the good and salvation of others. They turn to the help of Saint Demetrius of Donskoy to strengthen the country, to defend its integrity and unity, to repel all threats, to increase the faith and piety of the people, to strengthen families - to protect them from physical extinction and spiritual death.

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Icon of the Holy Blessed Prince Demetrius Donskoy
Icon painter: Yuri Kuznetsov
The memory of the holy martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki, which since the times of Holy Rus' has been called Demetrius Day, is celebrated on October 26/November 8. Day of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki ancient Russian state was celebrated among the major church-wide holidays, and the festive service was performed by the Patriarch himself in the presence of the Tsar and courtiers.
The holy martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica suffered for the faith at the beginning of the 4th century during the persecution of Christians. Roman proconsul, he openly preached Christianity. Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica managed to convert true faith many pagans, and then courageously accepted the crown of martyrdom. The saint lived in the Greek city of Thessaloniki, but he enjoys special veneration among Russians and other Slavic peoples.

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Icon options

Icon of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica
Icon painter: Yuri Kuznetsov
Holy Martyr Demetrius of Dabud
Days of remembrance were established by the Orthodox Church on November 15/28
Very scanty information has been preserved to this day about the holy martyr Demetrius. It is known that he was arrested for preaching Christianity, at the trial he openly confessed his faith and denounced paganism, for which he was tortured and then executed. This approximately happened during the reign of Maximian Galerius (293-311) and Maximin Daza (305-313). After the execution, Christians took his body and buried it with honor. According to some sources, after burial, healings occurred from the relics of Saint Demetrius.

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Icon of the Holy Martyr Demetrius of Dabud
Icon painter Marina Filippova
Measuring icon
Saint Reverend Demetrius of Prilutsky
We remember the Holy Venerable Demetrius of Prilutsky, the Vologda wonderworker, twice a year: February 11/24 on the day of his repose and June 3/16.
The famous Russian saint is the founder of two communal monasteries. Both in earthly life and after his blessed death, by standing in prayer for us before God, he helps, in particular, in overcoming problems associated with financial difficulties, with the need for funds and resolving issues regarding debt obligations. Also, from the relics of St. Demetrius of Prilutsky and through prayers to him, healings from serious mental illnesses and addiction to alcohol were repeatedly performed.
Dimitri Basarbovsky (Bassarabovsky), Bulgarian, reverend

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Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on October 26/November 8.

Demetrius of Constantinople, martyr

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Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on August 9/22.

In the first half of the 8th century, in the very center of Constantinople, many Christians suffered at the hands of their compatriots. Among them was Saint Demetrius, who courageously defended the relic of his hometown- an icon of the Savior.

The image was on the “Copper” gate for 300 years. But then the emperor Leo the Isaurian, who was an iconoclast, came to power. He ordered icons to be removed from churches. One of the soldiers put up a ladder, intending to carry out the order and remove the icon revered by the townspeople. The people of Constantinople gathered under the gates, among whom was Saint Demetrius. They did not allow the sacrilege to happen. The ladder was pushed away and the warrior fell. At the same moment, other warriors attacked them. The commoners were killed immediately, and Demetrius and several other noble people were sent to prison. But a difficult fate awaited them there. Every day for 8 months, Saint Demetrius steadfastly endured 500 blows. Suffering did not break him, he bravely accepted martyrdom from the sword.

Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica.

Dimitry of Rostov, Metropolitan

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Days of remembrance were established by the Orthodox Church on September 21/October 4, October 28/November 10.

Saint Dmitry of Rostov - worldly name Daniel, was born in the village of Makarov near Kyiv in December 1651. Received higher education at the Brotherhood School at the Epiphany Church in Kyiv and became a monk early. From a young age, his spiritual virtues and hard work were highly appreciated by the highest clergy of the Little Russian and Russian Orthodox Church, especially in Little Russia, where he actively resisted the invasion of bearers of the Catholic faith who sought to oust Orthodoxy from the territory Southern Russia.

He devoted 20 years of his life to writing the great work Chetya-Minea - “The Lives of the Saints”, finishing it in 1705. In addition to Chetya-Minea, he left behind many other short useful works, as well as a chronicle work, which he did not manage to finish until the end of his days. Also, Saint Dmitry of Rostov actively opposed the schism and false teaching that penetrated into Russia in early XVIII century.

During his ministry, many of the most famous abbots in the history of the Orthodox Church of the largest monasteries in the South of Russia wanted Saint Dmitry to serve in their monasteries. But his fate turned out differently, and he continued his service as Metropolitan of the Rostov diocese for seven years. Seeing many violations of church order and a tendency towards heresies among the flock, at his own expense he founded a theological school at the bishop's house and took care of the education of his beloved students.

Saint Dmitry of Rostov reposed in November 1732. From his incorruptible relics many came and come from miraculous healings. Based on numerous evidence April 22, 1557 Holy Synod, ranked Saint Dmitry of Rostov among the miracle workers.

Demetrius of Salamis - see
Demetrius (Demetrius) of Salamis (Cyprus), deacon, martyr

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Remembrance Day is established by the Orthodox Church: June 20/July 3.

The holy martyr Demetrius suffered for his faith in Christ at the beginning of the 4th century, during the reign of Emperor Maximian Galerius. He was given over to torture and executed in the Cypriot city of Salamis. Dimitrian served as a deacon in the Church of the Holy Apostle Barnabas. Having heard from the martyr Aristocles the story of the Lord’s command to go to the island of Cyprus and suffer for Christ, he set off on the journey with him. For preaching Christian teaching they were tortured and executed.

Personalized icons, as a rule, depict the holy great martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki.

Demetrius of Skepsia (Hellespont), prince, martyr

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Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on September 11/24.

In the 1st century, on the shores of the Hellespont (modern Dardanelles between Turkey and Asia Minor) stood the city of Skepsia. Dmitry was the prince in him. One day local residents, pagans like himself brought the Christian Cornelius the Centurion to him for trial. Cornelius confirmed that he preached the Gospel. He also said that he himself was once a pagan, and the Apostle Peter converted him to Christ. The preacher tried to convince the prince that the truth is in the faith of Christ. But his words were of no use.

Then Dimitri ordered to take him to pagan temple and be tortured there. After some time, the prince was informed that the temple collapsed as soon as the praying Cornelius was brought to it. Not knowing what kind of execution to come up with for his captive, the angry ruler ordered the preacher to be imprisoned.

Returning to the palace, Dimitri found neither his wife nor children at home. Their search led to a destroyed temple. The prince realized that his family had died under the rubble. But at that same moment, someone reported that voices were heard from under the stones. Demetrius ran to prison and told Cornelius that he would believe in Christ if he saved his family. The preacher approached the ruins and began to pray. When the prince saw his loved ones alive and unharmed, he released the preacher. Demetrius and his family were baptized. When the pagans found out about this, they imprisoned them and kept them there until their death.

Personalized icons, as a rule, depict the holy great martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki.

Dimitry of Uglich and Moscow, Tsarevich Tsarevich Dmitry became famous in the history of the Russian state after his death. The son of Ivan the Terrible, he was the last of the Rurik dynasty, since Fyodor Ioanych, who reigned at that time, had no heirs. It is believed that Dmitry's death was beneficial to Boris Godunov.

An eight-year-old boy lived with his mother in Uglich and was the prince of this city. Like all children, he loved to spend time with other children. So on May 15, 1591, he and his friends were playing “knives.” What happened next was called by some an accident, by others - murder.
Seeing that little Tsarevich Dmitry was dying, surrounded by some people, the sexton rang the bell. People immediately came running, and deciding that the boy had been killed, they tore the supposed villains to pieces. But the investigation, which arrived from Moscow, ruled that Dmitry accidentally came across a knife in the game, which was the cause of his death.

Fifteen years after the appearance of False Dmitry I, another investigation was carried out. When they opened Dmitry’s grave, they saw that his relics remained incorrupt. After the body was brought to Moscow and placed in the Archangel Cathedral, numerous miracles began to occur at the tomb.

The Orthodox Church, ranking Dmitry among the saints, believes he was killed on the orders of Boris Godunov.

When choosing a name for their child, today many modern parents are guided not only by its euphony and compatibility with the patronymic and surname. They (parents) are increasingly trying to adhere to Christian traditions in choosing a name for their baby.

Dmitry's name day

Happy birthday, everything is clear - this is the specific date of the birth of a new person. Next, this person should be selected and given a name. And at this stage, many parents turn to the calendar - the church calendar, which indicates the days of honoring the saints, dates religious holidays and other information. The choice of name occurs as follows: based on the date of birth, the calendar determines the day closest to the day of veneration of a saint (or saint in the case of choosing a name for a girl) and the name of this saint is chosen as the name for the child. And the day of veneration of the saint itself will now be considered a name day. But there are a number of nuances that you should pay attention to. For example, you chose the name Dmitry for a boy. By Orthodox calendar Dmitry's name day is celebrated several times a year - January 31; February 7, 9, 11, 16 and 24; April 1 and 26; 28; June 1, 5, 10, 15 and 16; 21 July; September 24; October 4, 7 and 15; November 8, 10 and 28; December 14. Which one should Dmitry consider his name day? It's quite simple. There is a concept of “big” name days and “small” name days. “Big” name days named after Dmitry, or as they are also called, main ones, are celebrated on the day of veneration of the saint who is the closest (meaning day) after his birthday. All other dates for honoring the same saint refer to “small” name days and, as a rule, are not celebrated, although this, of course, is an individual decision for everyone.

The meaning of the name Dmitry

Having decided on a name, I also want to know what it means. After all, it’s no secret that a name influences both the formation of a person’s character and his entire destiny. The name Dmitry, or the church form Dimitri, has Greek roots and is interpreted differently in different sources. According to some sources, this name is translated as “fruit of the earth.” But other sources claim that the name Dmitry is associated with the name of Demeter - ancient greek goddess agriculture and fertility, and means “dedicated to Demeter.” As a rule, men named Dmitry are not arrogant and very friendly. But injustice and resentment cause a strong emotional explosion in them. Also, the owners of this name are endowed with titanic patience, endurance and efficiency, but on the other hand they are characterized by some impulsiveness and even sometimes mental instability.

Day Angel

Having dealt with the name day and the characteristics of the name, it is worth understanding the last concept - the day of the angel, in this particular case for the name Dmitry. According to Orthodox dogma, Angel Day is considered the day when a Guardian Angel is sent from above to a person, called to protect him (the person) from all temptations and difficulties in life. life path. Therefore, wondering what date to celebrate the day of the angel Dmitry (in in this case), remember exactly the date of the Baptism ceremony. Often parents give their child just a name they like, and at baptism they are guided by Orthodox calendar. In this case, the child may have two names - the so-called worldly and spiritual, received at baptism and with which he will live his whole life and with which he will appear before the Almighty.

In every Orthodox family there is a close, acquaintance or colleague Dmitry, who celebrates his name day once a year, popularly called the day of the angel Dmitry.

In fact, Angel's Day is the day of receiving the sacrament of Baptism, and Name Day is the day of the heavenly patron whose name a person bears.

These two holidays may not coincide in date.

The name Dmitry is common and loved in Christian countries. Beautiful and sonorous, it attracts not only with its euphony. After all, Dim’s patrons are strong-willed Christians who suffered for their faith and glorified their Fatherland.

Dmitry's name day according to the Orthodox calendar

In accordance with church rule, your name day should be considered the day of the saint with the same name as you, which is closest to your birthday. But there are many days dedicated to the famous Dmitry in the year.

In the church calendar you can see what date your Dima should celebrate his name day. This list will be given in the table below.

Let us repeat - the saint whose memorial day is closer to his birthday is considered the heavenly patron. But the Guardian Angel is given to a person at the moment of the Sacrament of Baptism.

You can ask for help and protection in your prayers from both the Guardian Angel and the Patron Saint. Everyone helps those who earnestly ask.

Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica

Dmitry of Thessalonica was born into the family of a Roman official who was in the service of the emperor. The boy's parents were secret Christians. The child's father and mother baptized the baby secretly from the authorities. From birth, the child imbibed a love for Christian teaching and was an ardent believer.

After the death of his father, the young man donated his inheritance to the poor and made a firm decision to preach. Dmitry knew that he would not escape the wrath of the emperor, who was a pagan. For himself, the young man chose the feat of fasting and prayer and was preparing to accept the crown of martyrdom. When the emperor was informed about the Christian preacher, he gave the order to imprison him.

Later, the emperor forced Dmitry to fight in the arena. Liy, the emperor’s favorite fighter, was chosen as his opponent. In a fierce battle, Dmitry defeated the imperial slave and thereby signed his own death warrant. Early in the morning after the battle, the preacher was killed by the imperial guard.

His holy relics began to flow myrrh in the 7th century, as contemporaries wrote about, and many miracles and healings also occurred.

The Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica is also called the Myrrh-Streamer. Memorial Day in Russian– November 8. On the days of memory of Dmitry of Thessalonica, a prayer is read for healing and for the dead, and an akathist to the saint is also sung. All Dmitrys can pray to their patron daily by reading the prayer rule.

Holy Blessed Prince Dmitry Donskoy

The baby Dmitry was born in 1350. The boy became the head of the state after the death of his father at the age of 9. The young man was raised Christian, Orthodox tradition. Later he became a trustee of monastic monasteries and built new churches. Dmitry's spiritual father was Venerable Sergius Radonezh.

It was St. Sergius who blessed the young man to liberate the people from the yoke of Mamai. All the days before the battle, the prince himself fervently asked the Lord for victory and the granting of freedom from the Tatars.

The decisive battle took place on September 21, 1380 - Christmas Day Holy Mother of God The prince took part in the battle in the ranks of his warriors.

As is known from the chronicles, on that decisive day the soldiers saw Archangel Michael, Angels, and the patron of the Grand Duke, Dmitry of Thessalonica, over the Kulikovo field. Despite heavy losses, the princely army survived. The Mongol-Tatars were expelled from the Russian land.

On the battlefield - the site of the death of Orthodox soldiers, the prince erected a temple in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The faithful went down in history as the great liberator of Rus'.

June 1 is the saint's feast day. The blessed Grand Duke was canonized for his pious life and for his great services to the Church and the people of God. IN church dates commemoration of Saint Demetrius, he is asked for healing, expulsion of enemies and help.

The troparion and kontakion are read to the blessed prince Demetrius, according to the Orthodox prayer book.

Complete list of patron saints of Dmitriev

Great Martyr Dmitry of Thessalonica and Dmitry Donskoy are not the only patrons and intercessors of Dmitriev.

Asian prince Demetrius of Skepsia, martyr.

The prince and his family were imprisoned for life for converting to Christianity. Days of Remembrance - September 24, new style. Greek priest Dimitrian (Demetrius) of Salamis

preached Christianity in Cyprus. Dmitry of Rostov - metropolitan, monk and saint.

He dedicated his entire life to the fight against heresy and preserving the purity of the Orthodox faith.

The Dmitrievs have many worthy patrons and intercessors in heaven. It is necessary to choose a patron by date of birth and heart. The patron saint is an example and role model. You can trust the heavenly intercessor with all your innermost secrets, share your joy, ask for help in your sorrows and give thanks.

On the day of the name day, you need to come to the temple and pray to your intercessor; it would be correct, having previously prepared, to confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ on this day.