Alexander Rosenbaum message. Biography of Alexander Rosenbaum. Unjustified hopes of Alexander's parents

Alexander Rosenbaum is one of the most striking and memorable performers of Soviet and Russian stage. This talented person sings, writes and ranks his own compositions. How old is Alexander Rosenbaum? The singer was born on September 13, 1951 and will celebrate his 66th birthday in 2017.


Alexander Yakovlevich was born into a family of medical students in the city of Leningrad (St. Petersburg). It was difficult for young parents to combine raising their son with a career, so caring for little Sasha grandmother took over. The boy was always interested in music and singing, so as soon as he was five years old, the young artist was sent to a music school, and he studied piano and violin.

Alexander was interested in the guitar since childhood, but he was able to master this instrument only in adolescence. At the same time, the bard began to write his first poems. In high school, Rosenbaum became interested in boxing, and achieved considerable success in this hobby. By the time he graduated from school, he had already received the title of Master of Sports, and if he wanted, he could have made a stunning career.

But the artist’s parents insisted on continuing family tradition, so Alexander entered the medical faculty.

First successes

The performer’s student years were in the sixties, and at that time many different groups and VIA were created. Rosenbaum, being a talented young man, of course, ended up in one of these ensembles. "Argonauts", namely about this team we're talking about, quickly became popular in Leningrad, and this is the great merit of the lead singer, guitarist and songwriter - Alexander Rosenbaum. The ensemble gave concerts on the most famous and fashionable dance floors, and its songs became well-known hits.

In the early seventies, Alexander left the team and began to study solo career. At the same time, he graduated from college, although “a little trouble” awaited him. The fact is that the performer was accidentally expelled, but was not accepted into the army due to poor eyesight. The following year, the bard recovered and continued his studies, and in 1974 he graduated from the institute with honors. By specialty, Alexander is an anesthesiologist and resuscitator.

Subsequently, for five whole years, Rosenbaum had to be torn between working as a doctor and performing on stage. The performer considers this time a difficult period of his life, because medicine was dear to him, and at the same time, he could not imagine life without music.

All-Union popularity

In the early eighties of the last century, “thieves” songs began to enjoy enormous popularity. The bard wrote several albums in this genre, which sold “like pies” throughout the union. The artist performed with this theme in closed clubs until he had problems with the authorities.

Alexander realized that with such a repertoire he would not be able to reach the big stage, and therefore he created a cycle of new compositions, radically different from the previous ones. Now these were songs about friendship and betrayal, patriotism, war and love. His songs became incredibly popular and Alexander toured throughout the country. In addition, many of his compositions were dedicated to the fighting in Afghanistan, and the bard visited this country more than once to support Soviet soldiers.

Personal life

Alexander met his first wife in his first year at the institute. The young people became engrossed in romance, and literally a couple of months later they decided to get married. The hasty marriage ended just as quickly, and the newlyweds divorced 9 months later. Alexander was a bachelor for a short time, and already next year registered his relationship with another student of his institute, Elena Savshinskaya. This girl became the performer’s lifelong companion. In 1976, the couple had their only daughter, Anna.

The bard's life had many ups and downs. He had to endure a protracted period of alcohol addiction. This hobby almost cost the artist his life. But Alexander found the strength to cope with this problem, and since then has not drunk alcohol.

How old is Rosenbaum now? The artist recently celebrated his 65th anniversary. To date, the bard has become a grandfather 4 times already. Alexander stays popular performer and gives a lot solo concerts both in our country and abroad.

(b. September 13, 1951, Leningrad, USSR) - Soviet and Russian singer-songwriter, actor and writer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1996), People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2001).

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum was born on September 13, 1951 in Leningrad, in the family of fellow students of the 1st Medical Institute Yakov Shmarevich Rosenbaum and Sofia Semyonovna Milyaeva, professional activity which was subsequently associated only with medicine, which largely predetermined the choice of the profession of a doctor and their son Alexander.

Yakov and Sophia graduated from the institute in 1952, and then the Rosenbaum family went to live in Eastern Kazakhstan, in the city of Zyryanovsk, where there was no railway. Yakov, a urologist, became the chief physician of the city hospital there; Sophia's profession is obstetrician-gynecologist. For six years, Sasha’s father and mother treated the residents of Zyryanovsk.

Born in 1956 into the Rosenbaum family younger son Vladimir, who, unfortunately, is no longer alive. In memory of Alexander Rosenbaum - best years communication with a brother in childhood, adolescence and older age.

The Rosenbaum family lived in house number 102 on Nevsky Prospekt. Alexander began studying music from the age of five. Graduated from school on Vosstaniya Street - school No. 209, former Pavlovsk Institute noble maidens, his parents used to study here, then his daughter. In grades 9-10 he studied at school No. 351 with in-depth study French on Vitebsky Prospekt 57. He graduated from music school No. 18 in piano and violin, first under the guidance of Larisa Yanovna Ioffe, and then under the talented teacher Maria Alexandrovna Glushenko. His grandmother's neighbor was famous guitarist Mikhail Aleksandrovich Minin, from whom he learned the basics, learned to play the guitar himself, participated in amateur performances, then graduated from the evening School of Music by arrangement class. I played for friends, I played at home, I played in the yard. According to Alexander Yakovlevich, he has been “on stage since he was five years old.” I went to figure skating, and at the age of 12 I switched to the “Labor Reserves” boxing section.

In 1968-1974 he studied at the First Medical Institute in Leningrad. He still gives concerts there every year. By chance, he was expelled from the institute, but was not accepted into the army due to poor eyesight. Alexander Rosenbaum went to work at the hospital. A year later, Rosenbaum was reinstated at the institute and completed his education. In 1974, having passed all state exams with excellent marks, Alexander received a diploma as a general practitioner. His specialization is anesthesiology and resuscitation. Went to work in ambulance driver, to the First substation, located on Professor Popov Street, 16B, not far from his native institute.

He studied at the evening jazz school at the Palace of Culture. S. M. Kirov. He began writing songs in 1968 at the institute for skits, student performances, vocal and instrumental ensembles and rock groups.
In 1980 he went to the professional stage. He played in various groups.

Family life Alexandra Rosenbaum's marriage began early, but her first marriage did not last long.
Since 1975, Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum has been married to Elena Viktorovna Savshinskaya. Their daughter Anna, a professional translator, got married and gave them two wonderful grandchildren.

He performed in groups and ensembles: “Admiralty”, “Argonauts”, VIA “Six Young”, “Pulse” (under the pseudonym Ayarov, from “A. Ya. Rosenbaum”.

In 2003, he was elected to the State Duma of Russia from the party " United Russia" He remained in office until 2005.

Vice President and artistic director concert department of the Great City Society.

In 2011 (March 26), a participant in the annual National Award"Chanson of the Year" in the Grand Kremlin Palace.

Lives and works in St. Petersburg.

Official website:

Musicians who previously played with Alexander Rosenbaum:

Nikolay Serafimovich Rezanov (1982-1983; 1993-2006) †
Anatoly Nikiforov (2002-2012)
Arkady Aladin (2002-2012)
Victor Smirnov (1993-2002)
Alyosha Dulkevich (1982-1983;2001-2010)
Vitaly Rotkovich (1992-2001; sound engineer)

Current composition:

Alexander Alekseev (Keyboards. Since 1988)
Vyacheslav Litvinenko (Guitar. Since 2005)
Yuri Kapetanaki (Keyboards. Since 2002)
Mikhail Volkov (Bass guitar. Since 2012)
Vadim Markov (Drums. Since 2012)
Alexander Martisov (Sound engineer. Since 2004)

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum a native Leningrader - and this already says a lot.
Remember how your acquaintance with his work began. Perhaps you have heard a reel of Odessa songs, rewritten many times, performed by “some emigrant”? Or did you buy the record “Epitaph” by an author unknown to you? Most likely, you first listened to his songs many times, which are impossible to pass by: “Waltz-Boston”, “Draw me a house”, “Cossack”, “Esaul”, “ Duck hunting", "Prophetic fate", "Sadness Fell", "Babi Yar", "Black Tulip" and many others, absorbed their special and unexpected meaning - and only then became interested in the author.
It is still possible to meet people whose attitude towards Rosenbaum is based on gossip and rumors of the 80s and 90s, of which there were and remain many. Until now, television, radio and the press often bypass that category of people who at all times have their own, clearly expressed OTHER opinion - namely, Alexander Yakovlevich can be attributed to such people. “You cannot deceive the people,” is sung in his song dedicated to Joseph Kobzon.
So let's clarify the situation with Rosenbaum's biography from the moment of birth to the start of his solo activities.
Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum was born on September 13, 1951 in Leningrad, in the family of classmates at the 1st Medical Institute, Yakov Rosenbaum and Sofia Semyonovna Milyaeva. The year Sasha’s parents graduated from college is 1952. Last year Stalin's reign was marked famous thing Kremlin doctors and a surge of anti-Semitism in the USSR.
The Rosenbaum family was forced to go to live in Eastern Kazakhstan, in very Small town Zyryanovsk - railway tracks were not even laid there. For six years, Sasha’s father and mother were engaged in healing the residents of Zyryanovsk - mostly Kazakhs and a few exiles who ended up there after concentration camps. Yakov, a urologist by profession, was the chief physician of the city hospital, Sophia’s profession was an obstetrician-gynecologist. During this period, another son was born into the family - Vladimir Rosenbaum.
At the age of five, Sasha Rosenbaum began going to a music school organized by exiles and learned to play the violin. He learned to read early, but only his grandmother, Anna Arturovna, immediately saw her unrealized talents in him and said: “Sasha is exceptional.”
With the coming to power of Khrushchev and a certain liberalization, the Rosenbaums returned to Leningrad and again settled in house No. 102 on Nevsky Prospekt. Twenty meter room in communal apartment No. 25, in which the six of them lived for the next nine years, and the Leningrad courtyard-well had such an impact on Alexander Rosenbaum strong influence, that 30 years after this he will say: “I still live in this world, I really miss it.”
The Rosenbaum brothers went to school on Vosstaniya Street - school No. 209, the former Pavlovsk Institute of Noble Maidens. “My parents graduated from this school, I and recently my daughter, so we can call it our home school.”
The boys spent a lot of time in the yard, in companies bonded by their yard brotherhood, where Sasha was the ringleader. His mother sent him to the figure skating section, but his passion for boxing took its toll: at the age of twelve he was accepted into the “Labor Reserves” boxing section. “Boxing taught me to calculate my actions, and on the stage too, imagining it as a ring.”
Musical education had to be continued, learning to play not the violin, but the piano, first under the guidance of the future conservatory teacher Larisa Yanovna Ioffe, and then the talented teacher Maria Alexandrovna Glushenko. Sasha studied reluctantly, clearly preferring the yard game of football or boxing to hard piano practice. However, at some point Sasha was greatly impressed by the performance jazz ensemble to serve the dances, especially the pianist. “I decided to become a tapper. I was drawn to the piano. I began to select my favorite melodies and accompaniment for them by ear.” Diploma of completion music school Sasha received it only at the insistence of his mother, and he later came in very handy at Lenconcert.
Grandma’s neighbor in the apartment was the famous guitarist Mikhail Aleksandrovich Mini, from whom Sasha learned his first guitar techniques, and later he learned to play the guitar on his own. At the age of fifteen or sixteen, his first poems appeared: rhymes were spontaneously born in his mind on school and home topics, and sometimes he amused his friends with humorous poems. I started listening to and repeating then-banned songs by Galich, Vysotsky and Okudzhava. This period in the life of Alexander Rosenbaum directed him to the author's song.
My future fate he decides to connect with his parents' profession - medicine. Having withstood a huge competition, Sasha, immediately after school, in 1968, entered the First Medical Institute in Leningrad. Responsive and sociable, he willingly participated in student gatherings, singing his poems. Almost simultaneously, with ease, Odessa songs were written for the institute skit, inspired by the hero of Isaac Babel Benya Krik. “... I couldn’t just write at the age of 23 if someone hadn’t led me by the hand:.” Even in his first year, one of the songs, performed by Alexander at a citywide show in the Lensoviet House of Culture, was included in the recordings at the Kiev festival, where it was awarded the prize "for audience sympathy."
In Sasha’s institute life there were trips to a construction team in distant Ukhta, where he received the qualification of a fourth-class sawyer, and an unturned “tail” left for the fall, and even missing a traditional student trip to harvest potatoes, for which he was severely expelled from the institute . Astigmatism and myopia do not give Sasha the opportunity to serve in the army, and he gets a job as an orderly in the postoperative department, working with the most seriously ill patients.
Introduction to practical medicine prompts him to evaluate the possibility of training and, when a year later, his superiors allow him to return to study, he masters the medical course persistently, with excellent results. He chose therapy as his specialty and showed extraordinary medical intuition in mastering it.
Alexander Rosenbaum's first marriage lasts only 9 months. A year after the divorce, he marries for the second time, to Elena Savshinskaya, a student at the same medical institute, and after some time a daughter, Anya, is born into the Rosenbaum family.
In 1974, having passed all state exams with excellent marks, Alexander received a diploma as a general practitioner. His specialization is anesthesia and resuscitation. Therefore, I went to work in a not prestigious ambulance, at the First Substation, located on Popova Street, 16-b, not far from my native institute.
Rosenbaum worked for almost five years as an emergency physician - at the forefront of the medical battle for human life. Subsequently, he will say: “A doctor for me, if he is not a craftsman, although there is nothing wrong with a craft, however, if he is a doctor, then he is first of all a psychologist, that is, when you come to a patient, you must quickly establish psychological contact and feel it." And one more thing: “The fact that I grew up in a dressing gown, one might say, was born in a dressing gown - this brought recognition as a person: when I heard a lot from my parents about their patients, a lot of tragic things, and when I rushed to the sick as an emergency doctor, I matured , to create on behalf of people. Therefore, I am not afraid of conceit - I think as a mass of people: and not because I am some Jesus Christ, but because my humanity is always a huge number of sick people, with difficult destinies that I cannot handle. talent, and due to its normal medical profession learned, absorbed, experienced. Without medicine, nothing would have worked out for me as a singer-poet.”
At the same time, having already felt the urge to write and perform his songs, Alexander entered the evening jazz school at the Kirov Palace of Culture. Three times a week, in the evenings, he tried to master the basics of arrangement and the skills of jazz compositions, and as a result he received a diploma from an evening jazz school.
Rosenbaum subsequently recalled that the decision to change was made with unexpected swiftness, within three days. This is only partly true. What he called the dictates of fate had been brewing for several years when, as a doctor, he even performed songs in pop groups (see the “Rock” section).
He always, as he admitted, “wanted to be the best in his business.” The doctor "was fine as long as the song was a hobby." And when it became essentially a second profession, I had to choose.” And inevitably “I felt that I was sitting on two chairs, that it was not only inconvenient, but also dishonest. You have to be either a doctor or an artist."
The beginning of his solo career can be considered a memorable performance on October 14, 1983 at the House of Culture of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after Dzerzhinsky. Taking such a bold step as organizing a concert of a singer with Jewish surname Rosenbaum, the director of the cultural center Raisa Grigorievna Simonova decided.
(The material is compiled from the book by Sofia Khentova “Alexander Rosenbaum: the power of song”)

    Alexander Rosenbaum was born on September thirteenth, 1951. His family was medical: both his mother and father were doctors. But Alexander became interested not in medicine, but in music, and from the age of five his inclinations were visible to everyone. He plays the piano, violin, and guitar very well, plus he writes poetry.

    It is worth noting that despite his love for music, Rosenbaum graduated with honors from a medical institute (his parents insisted) and even for a long time worked in his own direction. BUT, the desire to be closer to music was overcome and he began to study exclusively music and poetry.

    Now the artist performs in concerts, where the sweat itself plays, and the sweat at the World Cup own composition songs. Alexander also writes books.

    Rosenbaum is now married for the second time; his first marriage did not last long. In his second marriage, a daughter named Anna was born. And now Alexander already has four grandchildren.

    As for the business, he is one of the owners:

    And also in St. Petersburg It has

  • Alexander Rosenbaum was born in Leningrad on September 13, 1953 in a family of medical students. After graduating from the Medical Institute, the Rosenbaum family had to move to Eastern Kazakhstan to the small town of Zyryanovsk (the year was 1952, there was a surge of hostility towards Jews, this year was also marked high-profile case Kremlin doctors, not only Kremlin doctors were arrested, but also many others.)

    Alexander was raised by his grandmother. Parents spent almost 24 hours at work.

    Father, Yakov Shmarevich, a urologist by profession, mother Sofya Semyonovna, an obstetrician-gynecologist, worked in a hospital and provided assistance to the local population.

    Sasha Rosenbaum began going to music school at the age of 5. He attended violin class and piano class.

    In 1956, during the Khrushchev Thaw, the Rosenbaum family returned to Leningrad, Alexander continued to study music, in his teens he also learned to play the guitar, and at the same time he began to write poetry. In high school, I became seriously interested in boxing and became a candidate for master of sports. I wanted to continue my career in sports, but at the insistence of my parents, after graduating from school I entered medical school. While studying at the institute, Sasha became a participant music group Argonauts, where he was a vocalist, guitarist and songwriter. Very quickly this group gained great popularity in Leningrad, many songs became hits. Alexander Rosenbaum graduated from the institute with honors, although there were some misunderstandings; by chance he was expelled from the institute, and he had to re-enter the next year.

    After graduating from the institute, Alexander worked for several years by profession, was a paramedic on ships of the Baltic Fleet (served for 1 year in the navy). Then he became an emergency physician, combining his main work with the stage. but there was confusion in his soul, he realized that medicine was not for him, he had to make a choice and he chose the stage.

    The path to fame was difficult, in the first years he was just a songwriter, only seven years later Rosenbaum gained widespread popularity

    Today, Alexander Rosenbaum is still popular, gives many solo concerts both in Russia and abroad, many CDs and tapes have been released with his songs, he is the author of more than 15 books, films have been made about him, Men Don’t Cry and My Amazing Dream.

    Personal life of the artist:

    His first marriage was while still studying at the institute and lasted only a few months. Alexander remarried a year later in 1975, his wife was a medical student, later a radiologist, Elena Savshinskaya

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum is a native Leningrader - and this already says a lot.
Remember how your acquaintance with his work began. Perhaps you have heard a reel of Odessa songs, rewritten many times, performed by “some emigrant”? Or did you buy the record “Epitaph” by an author unknown to you? Most likely, you first listened to his songs many times, which are impossible to pass by: “Waltz-Boston”, “Draw me a house”, “Cossack”, “Esaul”, “Duck Hunt”, “Prophetic Fate”, “Sadness has flown” , “Babi Yar”, “Black Tulip” and many others, absorbed their special and unexpected meaning, and only then became interested in the author.

It is still possible to meet people whose attitude towards Rosenbaum is based on gossip and rumors of the 80s and 90s, of which there were and remain many. Until now, television, radio and the press often bypass that category of people who at all times have their own, clearly expressed OTHER opinion - namely, Alexander Yakovlevich can be attributed to such people. “You cannot deceive the people,” is sung in his song dedicated to Joseph Kobzon.

So let's clarify the situation with Rosenbaum's biography from the moment of birth to the start of his solo activities.

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum was born on September 13, 1951 in Leningrad, in the family of classmates at the 1st Medical Institute, Yakov Rosenbaum and Sofia Semyonovna Milyaeva. The year Sasha's parents graduated from college - 1952, the last year of Stalin's rule, was marked by the famous case of the Kremlin doctors and a surge of anti-Semitism in the USSR.

The Rosenbaum family was forced to go to live in Eastern Kazakhstan, in the very small city of Zyryanovsk - there were not even railway tracks laid there. For six years, Sasha’s father and mother were engaged in healing the residents of Zyryanovsk - mostly Kazakhs and a few exiles who ended up there after concentration camps. Yakov, a urologist by profession, was the chief physician of the city hospital, Sophia’s profession was an obstetrician-gynecologist. During this period, another son was born into the family - Vladimir Rosenbaum.

At the age of five, Sasha Rosenbaum began going to a music school organized by exiles and learned to play the violin. He learned to read early, but only his grandmother, Anna Arturovna, immediately saw her unrealized talents in him and said: “Sasha is exceptional.”

With the coming to power of Khrushchev and a certain liberalization, the Rosenbaums returned to Leningrad and again settled in house No. 102 on Nevsky Prospekt. The twenty-meter room in communal apartment No. 25, in which the six of them lived for the next nine years, and the Leningrad courtyard-well had such a strong influence on Alexander Rosenbaum that 30 years after that he would say: “I still live in this world, I don’t care.” sorely missed.”

The Rosenbaum brothers went to school on Vosstaniya Street - school No. 209, the former Pavlovsk Institute of Noble Maidens. “My parents graduated from this school, I and recently my daughter, so we can call it our home school.”

The boys spent a lot of time in the yard, in companies bonded by their yard brotherhood, where Sasha was the ringleader. His mother sent him to the figure skating section, but his passion for boxing took its toll: at the age of twelve he was accepted into the “Labor Reserves” boxing section. “Boxing taught me to calculate my actions, and on the stage too, imagining it as a ring.”

Musical education had to be continued, learning to play not the violin, but the piano, first under the guidance of the future conservatory teacher Larisa Yanovna Ioffe, and then the talented teacher Maria Alexandrovna Glushenko. Sasha studied reluctantly, clearly preferring the yard game of football or boxing to hard piano practice. However, at some point, Sasha was greatly impressed by the performance of the jazz ensemble serving the dances, especially the pianist. “I decided to become a tapper. I was drawn to the piano. I began to select my favorite melodies and accompaniment for them by ear.” Sasha received a diploma from a music school only at the insistence of his mother, and it later came in very handy at Lenconcert.

Grandma’s neighbor in the apartment was the famous guitarist Mikhail Aleksandrovich Minin, from whom Sasha learned his first guitar techniques, and later he learned to play the guitar on his own. At the age of fifteen or sixteen, his first poems appeared: rhymes were spontaneously born in his mind on school and home topics, and sometimes he amused his friends with humorous poems. I started listening to and repeating then-banned songs by Galich, Vysotsky and Okudzhava. This period in the life of Alexander Rosenbaum directed him to the author's song.

He decides to connect his future destiny with the profession of his parents - medicine. Having withstood a huge competition, Sasha, immediately after school, in 1968, entered the First Medical Institute in Leningrad. Responsive and sociable, he willingly participated in student gatherings, singing his poems. Almost simultaneously, with ease, Odessa songs were written for the institute skit, inspired by the hero of Isaac Babel Benya Krik. “... I couldn’t just write at the age of 23 if someone hadn’t led me by the hand:.” Even in his first year, one of the songs, performed by Alexander at a citywide show in the Lensoviet House of Culture, was included in the recordings at the Kiev festival, where it was awarded the prize “for audience sympathy.”

In Sasha’s institute life there were trips to a construction team in distant Ukhta, where he received the qualification of a fourth-class sawyer, and an unturned “tail” left for the fall, and even missing a traditional student trip to harvest potatoes, for which he was severely expelled from the institute . Astigmatism and myopia do not give Sasha the opportunity to serve in the army, and he gets a job as an orderly in the postoperative department, working with the most seriously ill patients.

Introduction to practical medicine prompts him to evaluate the possibility of training and, when a year later, his superiors allow him to return to study, he masters the medical course persistently, with excellent results. He chose therapy as his specialty and showed extraordinary medical intuition in mastering it.

Alexander Rosenbaum's first marriage lasts only 9 months. A year after the divorce, he marries for the second time, to Elena Savshinskaya, a student at the same medical institute, and after some time a daughter, Anya, is born into the Rosenbaum family.

In 1974, having passed all state exams with excellent marks, Alexander received a diploma as a general practitioner. His specialization is anesthesia and resuscitation. Therefore, I went to work in a not prestigious ambulance, at the First Substation, located on Popova Street, 16-b, not far from my native institute.

Rosenbaum worked for almost five years as an emergency physician - at the forefront of the medical battle for human life. Subsequently, he will say: “For me, a doctor, if he is not a craftsman, although there is nothing wrong with a craft, however, if he is a doctor, then he is first of all a psychologist, that is, when you come to a patient, you must quickly establish with him psychological contact and feel it.” And again: “The fact that I grew up in a dressing gown, one might say, was born in a dressing gown - this brought recognition as a person: when I heard a lot from my parents about their patients, a lot of tragic things, and when I rushed to the sick as an emergency doctor, I matured to create on behalf of people. Therefore, I will not be afraid of conceit - I think as a mass of people: and not because I am some Jesus Christ, but because my humanity is always a huge number of sick people, with difficult destinies, which I do not because of my talent, but because of my normal learned, absorbed, experienced the medical profession. Without medicine, nothing would have worked out for me as a singer-poet.”

At the same time, having already felt the urge to write and perform his songs, Alexander entered the evening jazz school at the Kirov Palace of Culture. Three times a week, in the evenings, he tried to master the basics of arrangement and the skills of jazz compositions, and as a result he received a diploma from an evening jazz school.

Rosenbaum subsequently recalled that the decision to change was made with unexpected swiftness, within three days. This is only partly true. What he called the dictates of fate had been brewing for several years when, as a doctor, he performed songs even in pop groups (see the “Rock” section).

He always, as he admitted, “wanted to be the best in his business.” The doctor “was fine as long as the song was a hobby.” And when it became essentially a second profession, you had to choose.” And inevitably “I felt that I was sitting on two chairs, that it was not only inconvenient, but also dishonest. You have to be either a doctor or an artist.”

The beginning of his solo career can be considered a memorable performance on October 14, 1983 at the House of Culture of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after Dzerzhinsky. The director of the cultural center, Raisa Grigorievna Simonova, decided to take such a bold step as organizing a concert for a singer with the Jewish surname Rosenbaum.

(The material is compiled from the book by Sofia Khentova
“Alexander Rosenbaum: the power of song”)

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum (September 13, 1951) – famous Russian singer, singer-songwriter, poet and literary figure. Since 1996 he has been Honored Artist Russian Federation, and in 2001 received the title People's Artist.


Alexander Yakovlevich was born on September 13 in Leningrad. His father and mother met each other while they were still students at the 1st Medical Institute. Immediately after graduation educational institution they got married and after some time left for the city of Zyryanovsk, located in Eastern Kazakhstan. There, being doctors, they got a job at a city hospital: the father as a urologist, and the mother as an obstetrician-gynecologist. It was there, in Zyryanovsk, that Alexander’s older brother, Vladimir Rosenbaum, was born.

After six years of stable work in the hospital, the Rosenbaum family decides to move to Leningrad, as the hospital is slowly beginning to empty and the need for large quantities there are no specialists anymore. Realizing that sooner or later they will be laid off, Alexander’s parents move to Leningrad, where their second son is born, a future singer and songwriter.

Alexander's musical abilities and talent began to manifest themselves at the age of five. In parallel with secondary school He enrolls in a music school, where he learns to play the piano. Prominent teachers of that time became his teachers, so a year later, under the guidance of Larisa Ioffe and Maria Glushenko, Rosenbaum began to show incredible musical abilities, participating in numerous competitions. In addition, he is learning to play the guitar from his neighbor - talented Mikhail Aleksandrovich Minin, who, at the request of his parents, takes on teaching the young genius all the basics.


After junior school, Alexander Yakovlevich is transferred to an educational institution on Vitebsky Prospekt, as his parents want their son to learn languages. So Rosenbaum finds himself in a school with in-depth study of the French language, which, by the way, was never given to him due to his passion for music. Alexander often skipped classes, and while in class, he sat and composed his own compositions, paying absolutely no attention to the teachers.

At the same time, sports appeared in the life of young Sasha. On the advice of friends, he enrolls in the figure skating section, from which he leaves a month later, and then in the “Labor Reserves” boxing section, but he does not stay there either, preferring music to any activity. At this point, the fact that Alexander has truly enormous musical abilities Everyone already knows: the singer’s friends, his school teachers and even neighbors. He plays the guitar at home, at a party, in the yard, at amateur performances and school competitions, and declares about himself that “he was literally born with a guitar in his hands.”

However, music for a long time remained for Rosenbaum only a hobby and a pleasant pastime. At the insistence of his parents, in 1968 he entered the 1st Medical Institute in Leningrad. The talented guy fails to complete his education the first time: he is expelled after a year, and then by accident (he is confused with another student who did not pass the exam on time). When the mistake becomes clear, it is too late to resubmit the documents, as Alexander receives a summons from the military registration and enlistment office.

But, fortunately, he was never accepted into the army due to minor vision problems, so a year later the young man restored his documents to the institute and continued his studies until 1974. He graduates from a higher educational institution with a specialty as a general practitioner and almost immediately after graduation he goes to work at the First Substation, located not far from the educational institution.

Music career

Despite the fact that by the time he entered the institute, Rosenbaum had already created songs of his own composition, he decided to devote himself professionally to music only in 1980. IN different time he participates in such ensembles as “Argonauts”, “Admiralty”, “Pulse” and “Six Young”, performing everywhere under the pseudonym “Ayarov” (from his initials). However, in none of musical groups Rosenbaum does not find what he was looking for when entering the world of music, so he does not stay long in any of the ensembles.

As solo artist Alexander Yakovlevich began performing already in 1983, actively participating in city musical events, most of which were held in the House of Worship of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after Derzhinsky. There he first performed such compositions as “Romance of General Blackness”, “Song of a Horse of Gypsy Blood”, “On the Don, on the Don”, “Prophetic Fate”, “Oh, if only it were possible...”, “I often wake up in silence " and many others.

Popular recognition came to Rosenbaum at the same time. His songs were carried different meaning and were absolutely dedicated various topics. Alexander Yakovlevich was keenly interested in post-revolutionary Russia of the 20th century, dedicated compositions to Gypsy customs and the Cossacks, wrote philosophical and lyrical songs, as well as compositions supporting military personnel. By the way, Rosenbaum often spoke with charity concerts in military units and even traveled to Afghanistan several times.

Musical style

Today, Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum is known to millions of listeners around the world, and this success was achieved not only thanks to the singer’s talent, but also to his original musical style, who remains with him from the very beginning of his professional career on stage.

Rosenbaum always performed his songs on the Russian seven-string (a type of guitar that lacks the fifth string, giving it the name OPEN G). The only exception was one of Alexander’s performances with the Zhemchuzhny brothers, when he used a twelve-string guitar for the performance. The rest of the time, the author-performer uses only bright and effective playing on the Russian seven-string with several beat rhythms. By the way, Alexander Yakovlevich is one of the few musicians who does not use a pick during a performance, which makes the compositions more lively and the sound much richer.

Personal life

Rosenbaum's family life began very early. Like his parents, he met his first love while still a student at the 1st Medical Institute. However, unlike the previous generation, the young people did not wait for graduation and got married 2 months after they met.

As a result, after nine months the marriage broke up, and Alexander fell in love with a work colleague, Elena Viktorovna Savshinskaya, a radiologist at the First Substation, where Rosenbaum went to work immediately after graduating from medical school. In 1976, Alexander and Elena had a daughter, Anna.