Anna Pletneva: “Vintage,” like a marriage, has cracked. A. Romanov (“Vintage”): What is a hit? This is a 100% guessable story! Anna Pletneva admitted that she loves Alexei Romanov

Now the lead singer of the Vintage group, Alexei Romanof, likes working in the studio, but once he made a lot of efforts to get closer to the stage. At the age of 13, he got into one of the many compositions of “Tender May”, after which, experiencing ups and downs, he changed many groups, until finally, together with Anna Pletnyova, he created a group, in which he gained stable popularity... Alexey invited OK! on a visit, introduced him to his wife Ekaterina and daughters and talked about how life guidelines and values ​​are changing

Photo: Irina Kaydalina

ALexey, in your passport the surname is also Romanof, or is it still a pseudonym?

This is the mother's last name. As for the letter “f” at the end, initially there were two of them, but in Soviet time one was removed so that people would not be jealous. ( Laughs.) By the way, my wife and children’s last name is also Romanof. Inflexible. As a child, I had my father's surname, but it was not so artistic,

When you decided to change your last name, was your dad offended?

Dad took this absolutely calmly. But my mother was very happy.

In general, did your parents allow you much?

No, they were quite strict with me, and now I understand why. I was their first child, and first children are always more demanding. I have the same thing now: eldest daughter My wife and I are much stricter than our younger sister. Probably, if we have a third child, he will generally roll around like cheese in butter, and there will be nothing in his life except cartoons and sweets. ( Smiling.)

How many brothers and sisters do you have?

There were four of us in the family: I have two sisters and a brother. And with younger sister our age difference is only ten years, that is, my mother was almost constantly in maternity leave. And I, in fact, played the role of senior assistant. My mother and I have always had a wonderful relationship; there has never been a “parent-child” gradation. She and I were friends first and foremost. Mom gave me maximum amount freedom - both in childhood and in youth... I even secondary school didn't finish. ( Laughs.)

How did this happen?

It was 1991. We had a fantastic turnover of staff at our school. Teachers changed every month, and those children who did not have the opportunity to study with tutors fell into bad grades. And to be honest, I didn’t really like studying at school at all. Since I was two years old, I dreamed of making music; this was very clearly manifested in me reciting poems and performing Alla Pugacheva’s songs, standing on a stool. When I saw some dusty stage in the park, I immediately ran there.

Were there no musicians in your family?

No, although dad is enough on his own musical man, he never developed in this direction. As a child, my mother and I often sang in two voices. This is probably where my passion for music came from. I dreamed of having a piano, but we did not have the opportunity to purchase one. Nowadays many people give away pianos for free - just take them yourself. And then there was a big deficit. To purchase an instrument, they made an appointment in advance or contacted resellers. And I literally dreamed of music... Imagine, I drew keys on pieces of paper and tried to play something. ( Smiling.) As a result, my grandmother somehow collected these three hundred rubles and gave me a piano for my birthday. I remember when I turned nine years old, and I went to enroll in music school.


Naturally, no one wanted to take me. I was overgrown, six-year-old children were accepted there, and I was already nine! A month before admission, I managed to study, picked up a lot of melodies and came to enroll with “ Turkish Rondo» Mozart. Everyone was shocked that the boy himself heard and played such a melody. True, they still didn’t want to take me: the system is the system, and there should be no exceptions. But a teacher was found, Larisa Borisovna Goncharenko, she decided to take a risk and took me. I liked absolutely everything about music school. I didn't have to study much there. I am a good listener and have always passed all dictations in solfeggio first.

So your parents didn’t even have to force you to study music?

How could you not? ( Smiles.) Exactly six months before graduation, they found out that I had not been going to music school for a year. All free time I spent in the House children's creativity, was studying pop music, participated in ensembles, moved from one group to another... In general, I did anything, just not to study. And by the age of thirteen I had risen to the point that I was invited to tour with the group “Tender May”.

What class were you in then?

In the seventh or eighth. I took responsibility and, on my mother’s behalf, wrote a statement addressed to the director: “I ask you to let my son go on tour with the group “Tender May” for a month.” I signed, took it and left.

I take it the parents didn't know about this?

I called my mother from Kerch.

And what did she tell you?

I was glad that I was found, alive and well. She knew how I had dreamed about this for a long time, and said that I was great.

The child is thirteen years old, he dropped out of school, moved to another city...

Yes. Now it sounds strange, but in the 90s for large family it was normal. Of course, if now my daughter doesn’t call me two hours after school ends, I’ll call everyone I know to find her. And then it was a different time. From the age of five I rode the subway and bus myself. I was very independent and celebrated my thirteenth birthday on the train when I went on my first tour.

What were these tours like?

This was probably the 35th cast of Tender May. To be precise, the group was called "White Roses". This is one of the variations on the theme of this whole huge Razin orphan company. Naturally, all the children sang in voices other than their own. But I always sang live. I really liked it all. This was the first and last global tour with this band. In my opinion, its director was imprisoned after those tours.

Were you paid well for your appearances?

These were box office concerts. If you collected money, you ate, but if you didn’t collect, you remained hungry. I remember one day I had no money at all, and one of the directors of the Philharmonic in Feodosia came up to me, gave me three rubles and said: “Go eat, son.”

After a month of touring, have you returned home?

Yes. And I even tried to go to school, but somehow it didn’t work out. My parents were worried, my mother went to school and argued with the director. But I was never able to study. Worked in different teams, recorded his songs in the studio, tried to somehow perform himself.

Do you regret now that you couldn’t force yourself to finish your studies then?

No. I didn’t regret it then and I don’t regret it now. But they call me to teach.

You do not want?

What have you been doing all this time?

For four years I was essentially “closed.” Somehow I did something. But there was no recognition, no songs. I now understand that some projects need to sit out or wait in order to be able to shoot on time. And then I was fifteen or sixteen years old, I was kicking my hoof, rushing forward, accusing the producers of not doing anything... Now it’s nice for me to just record songs in the studio. And then I wanted everything to be the other way around, I wanted to perform on stage. I didn’t yet know what stadiums were... All this came with the Amega group.

Alexey, you were so looking forward to this success, did it turn your head?

Certainly! ( Smiling.) Those who say that they are not blown away by success are lying. This is colossal work, which is associated with enormous energy costs. We were paid one hundred dollars for the concert. Of course, there were a lot of concerts and a decent amount of money was collected, but... Internal problems arose, and they were solved with the help of alcohol...

How did you deal with all this?

My wife saved me. Katya and I met just at the moment when the history of the Amega group had just ended and nothingness had begun. I was just wandering around and didn’t know what to do with myself. Then I came to Yuri Aizenshpis, and he said to me: “Lyosh, what are you doing? If you had come to me a week ago, I would have taken you. And so I just took a new boy, Dima Bilan.” Of course, he politely refused me.

Was it time for a rethink?

I once thought that the changes in my life were destructive. I just spoke to the president of some republic, flew on his personal plane, and then landed in Moscow and with a fee of fifty dollars I went on a minibus.

Alexey, how did you meet Katya?

At a party after the New Year. Everything was banal - no meetings and glances on the bridge. We just communicated more and more often, and then we could no longer be without each other. And my mother also greatly influenced our relationship. She liked Katya right away. And for the first time in my life I felt harmony, the hearth of a family in its embryonic state. Katya and I just felt that we were together, that’s all. Our wedding cost, in my opinion, five hundred dollars - at that time a decent amount for me. It included payment for a restaurant and a limousine. Although even this money I had to save for several months.

But your songs were performed by famous artists.

I have already written a real hit for “Nepara” “Cry and See”, several songs for Yulia Savicheva, Katya Lel and Alsou. By the way, once they paid me for three songs with an old car. I was in seventh heaven! I couldn't believe what I now have own car. She was only eight or nine years old. I was happy.

Was it the car you used to get into an accident, in which you met Anya Pletnyova?

This happened on March 8, 2006. My wife and I arrived at the concert of the group “Guests from the Future,” I parked, backed up and drove into someone’s car. Anya was passing by at that moment and just saw me standing and worrying. And I really almost cried over my broken bumper when Anya jumped out of a passing car, practically grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and said: “Listen, I want to work with you.” I only found out later that it dawned on her like that. Her intuition is fantastic. And I stand and think about my own things. What job? What are you even talking about? I have a bumper, I have the first accident in my life. ( Smiling.) As a result, the car was repaired, and the Vintage group still exists. When you talk about it now, you can’t believe that 9 years have passed. We locked ourselves in the studio for six months, looking for a new sound, a “new” Anna Pletnyova, not the same as she was in the Lyceum group. And it took another six months for our first single “Mama Mia” to appear on the radio. There were moments when I heard the words “downed pilots” behind me and I gave up. The same thing happened with Anya. But together we were able to break through this wall. We were very lucky to meet each other at that stage. Anya is a person whom today I can call my friend and true partner. And we survived because we were together.

Photo: Irina Kaydalina

Alexey, does your wife have anything to do with music?

No, God forbid!

Should there be only one artist in a family?

It’s funny to me when a husband and wife sit together on makeup before a photo shoot or filming. “Oh, darling, look, isn’t my mascara running?” ( Laughs.) I think this is not normal. I’ll tell you honestly: I don’t really want to sit on makeup myself, but I have to do it, that’s my job. But a singing wife is a nightmare!

What does Katya do?

She is a bank employee, she has a modest position. I'm constantly trying to get her out of this job. He was even ready to open a beauty salon for her or kindergarten. Still, a woman must go to work. She needs to dress up and communicate with someone. But Katya doesn’t want to quit. This bothers us very much, because our holidays do not coincide, and besides, the children have holidays in different time.

How old are your daughters?

Mia is eleven, and Ariana is three and a half.

Are you probably spoiling them?

I turn on strict dad at certain moments when I can no longer endure it.

Is it possible to be strict with girls?

Yes, when their behavior is out of line. The only one Mia listens to is me. She is very headstrong among us, although she is an excellent student, thank God. But sometimes I feel like the one is coming difficult age, as it once was for me.

Alexey, aren’t you afraid that your daughter, like you once, will decide to quit school?

She has good genetics - Mia is like her mother. Katya’s education is great. So I can be absolutely calm.

I did important statement: She decided to leave the group and start a solo career.

Pletneva has also already presented a new solo work— video for the song “Strong Girl.” Anna published part of her new video on Instagram: “This song shocked me, penetrated my every cell, became a part of me. Whole year I lived with this song inside and today I let it go. I give it to all of you. She changed me. With her I became different, new. New Anna Pletneva. I hope that you will understand me..." she admitted (Spelling and punctuation are the author's. - Editor's note.).


This song was given to Anna by the creator of the Vintage group, Alexey Romanov - a year ago he presented this composition to Pletneva for her birthday.

Also on the official website of the Vintage group, Anna’s statement was published, where she said that she does not want to limit herself to the dance format, but will perform those songs that tell more about her than all the hits.

"I'm not going to make any big announcements about the start solo career. Not at all. The reason is different. For 10 years, “Vintage” remained the most popular youth group performing fashionable music. dance music. The club performance format requires a repertoire consisting only of number one hits. I don't want to limit myself to these limits. Our albums have always had many wonderful lyrical songs that remained outside the radio airwaves. We have come to the point where we no longer need extra tinsel and paraphernalia... I want to perform those songs that will tell more about me than all the famous super hits,” Pletneva said.

Now the singer will perform under her own name, and the Vintage group has already begun searching for a new soloist.

The Vintage vocalist had his first sex experience in pioneer camps

The other day, a new song by the Vintage group, known for its sexual image, appeared in rotation on the radio - “Roman”. We couldn’t miss such a great opportunity to talk with the author of the music of the new hit and the band’s vocalist Alexei Romanov. True, the conversation turned not only about creativity, but also about personal life. Handsome Alexey is not too willing to talk about the most intimate things, but for Express Gazeta he made an exception.

History of creation new song very interesting. We wanted to record a trio with two famous singers. And then our soloist Anya Pletneva arrived from Switzerland, listened to the song and said: “I’ll sing alone!” - says Alexey. - Anya’s intuition is very important to me. Even our meeting with her was not accidental. We met during an accident right on the street. I had only been driving for three months and crashed into a Skoda. I was waiting for the traffic cops. And at that time Anya Pletneva was passing by. She saw me, got out of the car and immediately offered to work together. No, it had nothing to do with sudden passion. She, of course, knew who I was and wanted to do a joint project.

And then I accidentally saw it and thought: “Oh, Romanov, wonderful!” It’s just that sometimes you’re driving along the road and thinking about something, and suddenly you see it lying around. Why not pick something...

Almost nothing is known about Alexey’s personal life. Therefore, we did not miss the opportunity to ask him some juicy questions. The conversation unexpectedly turned out to be frank.

The sexual image of “Vintage” is our worldview. In this way we express all our hidden and unhidden emotions. But not needs. People usually implement them before the age of 24. Then it starts adulthood and some games and fantasies. And this is much more interesting. The fantasy world is sometimes better than reality,” Alexey shared.

- When did you first start thinking about sex?

About 12-13 years old. But these were not pornographic or erotic fantasies, but just some pictures. My first sex experiences took place in pioneer camps. All these kisses in wooden houses... True, I didn’t like kissing at first. It was somehow incomprehensible and uncomfortable. But everyone did it, which means I had to do it too. And I had my first sex at 15. She was a little older than me, and we met in a group. This was not connected with first love, but simply came out as a matter of course. It turned out unusual and strange, because there was no physiological delight. I think at this age it is generally difficult to get full pleasure. Probably, for everyone this is just satisfaction of interest. And first love... Everything was quite banal.

I was already an artist, but the girl had nothing to do with show business. We dated for a year, which was quite a long time for me. And then I had a lot of novels at the time when I sang in the A-Mega group. This happened on tour and everywhere and always. Probably every week I had new girl. I think that they all wanted a long-term relationship, but with me then it was simply impossible, I was completely unprepared for it. And now sex without love is unrealistic for me. In the absence of any feelings, it brings enormous disappointment. Because you want, first of all, to satisfy yourself, but the person next to you is not particularly interesting. Well, perhaps only as a test subject or used. And then you feel only disgust.

- So, you gave up this life because you fell in love so much?

Yes, I met a girl at a party of mutual friends who became my wife. At the age of 25 I got married and we have been together for seven years. My daughter has now started first grade. I didn't plan all this in advance. It’s just that by that time everything had settled down in my head and wild life I'm tired of it. I wanted stability, although when we were dating and even lived for a year, I hadn’t thought about it yet. But it was love at first sight. In general, I am very amorous and still fall in love. But I can’t cheat on my wife.

-Who do you love?

I sincerely love Anya Pletneva. And she's probably in love with me. But our feelings with her are much deeper and higher than those based on sex.

- But on tour, fans are probably besieging you...

And I lock myself in my room and surf the Internet. The only thing we do is meet with fan clubs. These are, as a rule, teenagers who still know little about sex.

- But for them, I think, you are a sex symbol...

Yes, I'm not a sex symbol. I don't go to parties and I'm a reserved and private person. Most people don’t even know that I work in the Vintage group and that suits me. I enjoy the fact that I can go to the store and choose products in peace for two hours without signing autographs. So if a girl fan comes up to me and says “Alexey, I love you!”, I’ll just hug her. Fatherly...

But “Vintage” has acquired the image of a very sexy group... I recall footage from the “Bad Girl” video, in which Anya Pletneva hugs a naked man’s butt. By the way, was that butt yours, by any chance?

Shocking is part of the job and just a kind of performance. It’s just that there has never been such a scandalous group on our stage. It's always nice to break stereotypes. And yes, I admit: it was my butt that starred in the video. But Anya didn’t see anything. Everything was securely covered in front.

- I still envy her...

Come on, men are no different from each other. But I don’t think that we will again show a man’s butt in any video. Even mine. Let's come up with something new and more fascinating.

- Erotica or porn? Would you act in such a film as an experiment?

There is only one porn film that deserves my personal attention - this is "Caligula". But since then no one has decided to repeat the same story. And no one else could show sexual intercourse as beautifully as there. Not that I watch a lot of porn... By the way, in this moment I'm quite skeptical about it. For me it's some kind of zoo. And before, we tried on porn films for ourselves. But my only conclusion after such experiments is that these strange poses are very uncomfortable.

Anna Yurievna Pletneva

Anna Yuryevna Pletnyova (born August 21, 1977, Moscow, USSR) - Russian singer, lead singer of the Russian pop group "Vintage". Former lead singer of the Russian pop group "Lyceum" (1997-2005).

Anna Pletneva was born on August 21, 1977. As a child, Anya was madly in love with Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. I was his fan and went to all his concerts. One day her brother got his autograph. And the girl slept with him under her pillow for five years, until this piece of paper turned to dust. Every night she imagined them singing together on the same stage.

A lot of time passed, Anna became an artist, and one day she and Vladimir went on tour together. True, by that time her girlish love had passed. She approached him on the plane and told him how much she loved him. And that same evening they stood on stage together and sang “Zurbagan”.

Anya joined the Lyceum group in August 1997, after Lena Perova was fired from the group. The group's debut took place in 1991 in the program " morning Star"with the song ABBA - One of us. The first song in Russian, "Saturday Evening" (music by A. Makarevich, lyrics by S. Andreev) was performed in 1992 in the program "Muzoboz". The first album of the group "House Arrest" was released by the company "Synthesis Records "that same year.

The group "LYCEUM" in 1994 received the "Silver Microphone" award at the "Ostankino Hit Parade" competition, recognized best group year based on the results of the “Music Exam” program (St. Petersburg). In 1995 - "Ovation" award in the "Discovery of the Year" category, laureate of the "Song 95" competition. In 1996, the album "Open Curtain" entered the top ten best-selling CDs from the Soyuz company. A. Makarevich’s composition “Autumn” received the “One Hundred Percent Hit” award from “Alla” magazine (May 1996) and stayed in the charts for more than six months.

Anna Pletneva was a permanent member of the group for 8 years and gradually came to the conclusion that she was ripe for a solo career. It all ended with the Orange Revolution in Ukraine. Anya received a call in the morning and was told that the flight was at 6 am for a concert in support of Yanukovych... or Yushchenko. She replied that she would not fly.

Refusing propaganda circulation, Pletneva personally signed the certificate of completion of the Lyceum. After eight years of training, Anya realized that it was enough to take lessons, went into free swimming and turned into “Coffee with Rain”.

If we consider the Lyceum a show business school, we can say that the singer has three higher education(the other two - a sculptor and a teacher of pop-jazz vocals - were obtained in parallel with the lyceum activities). "Lyceum" was a producer's project and the constantly present puppet state did not bring Anna any sense of self-realization. Eight years painstaking work, in “within the walls” of the Lyceum, taught her a lot, namely: she now owns a guitar and own body having studied karate techniques; writes songs about love and experiences it in life in all the most fabulous and incredible manifestations, understands people, loves and hates, without hiding his feelings and emotions, knows the value of many things and relationships. Like a bird that has fluttered out of a cage, she is ready for “free flight”, only now having learned the taste of freedom... with such an exciting, unbridled and dizzying feeling of flight...

Moving forward, Pletneva records the single “Nine and a Half Weeks,” written by longtime backstage friend Alexey Romanof, after which she realizes that “Coffee” is just a transit stop.

It was possible to escape from the lyceum past, but it would be premature to stop searching for one’s own individuality. Anya thoughtfully and consistently meets with musicians, talks with arrangers, gets acquainted with composers... until, finally, she comes to the conclusion that going beyond three seas is absolutely not necessary.

She creates new project called "Vintage", which, in addition to the singer herself, included Alexey Romanof (ex-soloist of the band "Amega", known to the musical audience as a composer and author of songs performed by Alsou, Yulia Savicheva, the group "Nepara" and others popular performers) and dancer Mia.

The release of the first album of the group "Vintage" entitled "Criminal Love" took place on November 27, 2007. And in April 2008, the group presented the scandalous video clip “Bad Girl” with the participation of actress Elena Korikova.

After recording the composition and filming the video “Bad Girl,” the creative collaboration of the Vintage group and actress Lena Korikova continued in the form of joint concert performances.

In the summer of 2003, Anna Pletneva got married and became pregnant. She went on tour for a long time and played seven concerts a night. She went to give birth literally from the stage, at 40 weeks, with a guitar on her huge belly.

The girl born was named Varvara. According to Pletneva, her ex-husband“I turned out to be a child and was completely unprepared for the appearance of my daughter.” Immediately after Varechka’s birth, he left the family.

Anna was very worried about this breakup. But she met her fate when she least expected it. This is how the singer herself remembers her chosen one named Kirill:

"We met him 15 years ago in a Moscow club. He noticed me, came up and asked for a phone number. And I gave him the wrong number and forgot about it. Three years passed. During this time, Kirill managed to get married and become a father. He was divorcing wife, when we met again. But I again ignored him, and he was not inclined to a new romance. Exactly 10 years passed. We fly to Dnepropetrovsk: 7 in the morning, “At that moment I broke up with Varya’s father and stayed.” alone with the child. And although we separated on my initiative, I was so worried that I lost 10 kilograms, I cried all the time. On the bus that takes us to the plane, Kirill comes up to me with his friend: “Hello. , do you remember me?" I answer that I remember, if only he would get rid of it. Kirill stood above us the entire flight. And then somehow he forced me to fill out for him customs declaration. And when I signed for him, Kirill said: “Come on, come on, train.”
We arrive at the hotel, and they say to me: “Girl, your room is already taken. Could you please stay with Nastya, otherwise we don’t have any free rooms anymore.” It turns out that Kirill paid whoever was needed and settled in my booked room. We settled in. I call the reception and ask how I can call Moscow. They answer me: “Now, just a second.” A minute later Kirill comes in and hands me mobile phone. These are the things he did."

The lovers did not dare to live together for a long time, not knowing how Varya would perceive the appearance of a new “dad”. But everything went well. Anna Pletneva and Kirill Syrov legalized their relationship and the singer gave birth to another girl, Marusya. They say that when the ex-husband found out about this, he tore out his hair, but it was too late...

Now Anna Pletneva happy wife and mother of three children.

One of the Moscow rich men made Anna Pletneva, the lead singer of the Vintage group, an obscene offer - to be in the role New Year's gift for his young child. Apparently, the creative artist himself remembered the group’s video for the song “Loneliness of Love,” in which Anna tried on a doll image.

That's why New Year's scenario the oligarch wrote something like this: a few minutes before the chiming clock, the girl should hide in a box with a bow, wait in it for the president’s televised congratulations, and then fly out, to the great joy of her young offspring (or his father, which is most likely). Among other things, Anna had to sing a song. Of course, not the “vintage” one, with the lines: “Sex rules the world,” “Eve, I loved you,” or “And you have already decided that you will do everything for sure.” bad girl". And the most vintage one is “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Pletneva refused the offer she received (one might assume that it was not a cheap one).
“I think Father Frost and Snegurochka will do a better job with children’s songs on New Year’s Eve,” she said. - And I prefer my usual image.
Anna Pletneva, interview

Last Friday, November 27, the Vintage group, known for its explicit video clips, descended on Omsk. And not alone, but with “Sex”, that’s what it’s called last album boy-girl trio. The group currently includes a soloist, former member group "Lyceum" Anna Pletneva, composer, ex-member of the group "A-Mega" Alexey Romanov and dancer Svetlana Romanova. Having set foot on Omsk soil, the children marveled at the natural anomaly that had fallen on our city - it rained all day, which was replaced by snow in the evening. There was even a joke among Omsk residents that the group brought the capital’s bad weather with them. The arrival of the participants of the “Vintage” project was arranged with excessive pomp and was announced throughout the country, which made fans wonder where the group would perform – in Moscow or Omsk. But all these troubles did not upset Vintages at all, and they happily talked with the correspondent of RIA Omsk-Inform. Anna Pletneva and Alexey Romanov turned out to be active interlocutors, but Svetlana Romanova remained silent, citing fatigue after the concert.

Guys, how do you like our weather? Have you managed to get acquainted with Omsk?

Anna Pletneva: - The weather is gorgeous, you can feel the New Year approaching. To be honest, we didn’t see the city because we didn’t have time. First we had filming at the radio station, and then we went to the hotel to sleep before the concert. We were told that Omsk is very beautiful, but we will only have time to see night city. And try what they feed you here. We have a crazy touring schedule, so between flights we only see the hotels where we sleep. But we don’t complain, we rejoice.

The group is called "Vintage". Do you yourself like things in this style?

Alexey Romanov: - We ourselves are vintage. We are over 20 years old and have been well preserved. We hope that we will not go into the category of “second-hand”. By the way, we use several vintage items at concerts. This is a bias-cut jacket that I bought in 1992, and a jacket from Gianni Versace, acquired during the life of the couturier. Our dancers wear them during the performance of the song “Boy”.

Your fans admire Anna Pletneva’s shape. Do you play sports? healthy image life?

Anna Pletneva: - I don’t do anything on purpose. We have such a busy concert life that there is no time left to empty the refrigerator. Moreover, for the last two years we have been actively engaged in “Sex”, in in a good way this word. That's all my fitness.

Anna, since the conversation has touched you, let’s continue. You posed for a men's glossy magazine in an explicit manner. Are you planning to repeat the experience?

Indeed, it happened, even twice. After that I decided to call it a day. I realized that such photo shoots are not for me. Moreover, all the girls are similar. I suggest that all men's magazines take one body and substitute the heads of artists. It seems to me that men themselves understand this and lose interest in photoshopped, blurry female forms.

Question for everyone. Are your liberated stage images different from the real you?

Anna Pletneva: - Of course. Many of our fans, seeing us for the first time, begin to lament: “How small and puny you are, why are you underfed!”

We try in every new song be different. For which our ill-wishers accuse us of excessive mental and physical exposure.

How did you manage to persuade Elena Korikova to participate in your very first video, “Bad Girl”?

Alexey Romanov: - We initially considered Anna Sedokova, Vera Brezhneva, and Tatyana Navka as candidates for this role. Anna Sedokova seemed to agree, but at some point she turned off all the phones, and we simply couldn’t find her. And Vera Brezhneva said: “Who are Vintage? This sucks!” Taught by bitter experience, we fished Lena Korikova out of the house, sending a taxi for her to the shoot. And she coped with the task brilliantly. She took a chance and drank champagne. It is not easy for such stars to take the first step.

Anna Pletneva: - The clip was a complete improvisation. We stuck out in rhinestones and didn’t know what to do. But then they relaxed.

Are you planning to tour other Russian cities with your new album?

Alexey Romanov: - The “Sex” disc is a completely new, crazy stage in our lives. And we would be happy to share our emotions with as many people as possible. big amount of people. But not every organizer will cope with our arrival. Besides us, there are 15 more dancers performing on stage, and this is not the limit. There were 70 dancers at the presentation of Sex in Moscow. Add light and sound to these costs. Agree, big costs.

Anna Pletneva: - But we are not giving up hope of organizing a large-scale tour closer to May. Because everything we dream about comes true. Now we are preparing two huge trucks with decorations, and we will go. And we also want to edit a film about our group, which we are also doing.

What other dreams of yours have come true?

Anna Pletneva: - As a child, I was a fan of Vladimir Presnyakov and dreamed of singing a duet with him. And when she became a singer, she realized her plans.

Alexey Romanov: And I dreamed of concluding a contract with Sony. When we were recording our first album, “Criminal Love,” this happened. But how much nerves they spoiled for us!

Your latest disc is called “Sex”. Isn't it too shocking, especially considering that your fans are teenagers aged 11-15?

Anna Pletneva: What's bad? Let teenagers think better about sex than about drugs and alcohol. Moreover, in our performance sex is not at all vulgar.

More interviews

The ex-soloist of the Lyceum group, and now a member of the Vintage trio, Anna Pletneva, displaced the brightest people in show business from the top of the charts. Erotic video “Bad Girl” received honorary award MTV in the “Sex” category. In an interview with ZhG, Anya admitted that the bad girl has been living in her since childhood.

Exchanged the October badge for chewing gum

– Anya, what did January have to please you with?

– Wonderful holidays, which I spent mostly at work. There is no time to rest. Now I have such an exciting state - final stage working on an album to be called “Sex”. So all day long I have sex in the studio - together with my colleague Alexey Romanov.

– What a provocative name...

– Yes, we cannot do without provocations. “Sex” – because there is sex in every song. Soon you will hear everything for yourself.

– How often do you fantasize about intimate topics?

– More often than the average woman whose life is not connected with creativity. Now is the time when I think about sex all the time.

“Bad Girl” quickly conquered the charts. Why do you think?

– The secret of success is in music, and the words are mockery of today, ideas about the road to success. Like, just undress and everything will work out. And in the video “Loneliness of Love” we talked about the topic of silicone young ladies: there is a moment when Zaza Napoli takes out her breasts and gives them to me. Luckily, I don't need it.

– Have you thought about dyeing your hair blonde?

“I really want to, but I’m afraid that they’ll put a certain label on me.” Where did it come from that blondes are narrow-minded? It's probably Paris Hilton's fault.

– Paris Hilton also has the image of a bad girl.

– A bad girl lives in each of us. And if we talk about the video, who doesn’t dream of being in the most daring images for our beloved men? I've been a bad girl since childhood. I was a terrible hooligan. Once I was taken to the police station when I tried to exchange my October badge for chewing gum in Kolomensky Park. Almost got kicked out of school.

I lost my entire salary in a casino for a year

- But now you can afford a million chewing gum. What do you spend your royalties on?

– I’m a shopaholic, I love going shopping for clothes. The desire to spend is reinforced by the fact that I have somewhere to carry it all. I’m Leo by horoscope, I’m an addicted person, but now I’m trying to restrain myself. But I had a period when I spent my entire salary in the casino. I lost everything I earned at concerts! This lasted a year. Now, I’ve revealed my secret to you (smiles).

“Then open up your love affair.”

– I’m not alone in love. I agree with the statement: when a woman doesn’t love, she simply exists. I fell in love a long time ago and for a long time, which is what I wish for everyone. Moreover, in my life love came when I was not expecting it at all, I was absolutely disappointed in men.

– What kind of man will attract you?

– I don’t notice a man until the moment he is ready to throw himself from the twelfth floor for me (laughs). If he is already madly in love, then I will pay attention. I am not a supporter of the opinion that a woman should take the initiative. To attract a man's attention, you just need to not look at him. He will think: “Why isn’t she looking at me?” You have to pretend to be indifferent, because a man needs victories.

– How many people per last year confessed their love to you?

- Not so much. I became more closed and more inaccessible, I guess. Some men are afraid to communicate with me. It’s strange, because I haven’t changed for twenty years.

Undressing, I enjoy it

– Are you easy to surprise?

- Very easy. An unexpected bouquet of roses or a word is enough for me to melt and pay attention to the person. Like any woman, I want words, and as many as possible (laughs). I have met very romantic men. Recently I was surprised by a fan who lives in Nizhny Novgorod. We have been communicating for many years. And so I came to Nizhny, performed, and am going back. Imagine, at every stop they brought me bouquets of roses! The conductors were angry, because it was night, and the roses had to be put in their compartment - there was nowhere to put them. This is incredibly pleasant and very romantic. There was another incident that amazed me. During the concert, all my things were stolen from the dressing room, and in the middle of the show, men's underpants were thrown onto the stage. I suspect that this fetishist thief decided to give me his as a souvenir (smiles).

– Your costumes are so revealing. Do you like getting naked in front of the camera? Can you call yourself an exhibitionist?

- Yes I can. There are a couple of cameras in front of which I would gladly undress. Because I like the result. When it's beautiful, I get aesthetic pleasure. It seems to me that artists are all a little bit exhibitionists by nature.

– Is it true that you did karate?

– Yes, and this knowledge was very useful to me. I began to look at the world completely differently. I can protect myself in a dark alley, although I feel safer with the security service.

– You are a sculptor by training. Can you make something in your spare time?

– I can, but this needs to be done seriously. At one time, I made a three-meter statue of Dostoevsky and calmed down. There are many offers to participate in various competitions. But now there is no time for that. After.

– Did you manage to meet Alla Borisovna at “Song of the Year”?

“I met her when I was just a child. She performed at Ostankino as a backup dancer for various artists. I approached her and said: “I love you.” She patted me on the head and said patronizingly: “Well, baby, you will work like me, and everything will work out for you.” It seems her words are starting to come true...