Ponarovskaya age. Video: The difficult fate of Irina Ponarovskaya. Anastasia Kormysheva - adopted daughter of Irina Ponarovskaya

Russian singer, actress and TV presenter Irina Ponarovskaya. In the 90s she was known as a sex symbol national stage. She has been an Honored Artist of Russia since 2000.

Biography of Irina Ponarovskaya

Irina Vitalievna Ponarovskaya born in the spring of 1953 in Leningrad into a family of musicians Vitaly Ponarovsky And Nina Arnoldi. She was an unwanted child, as the post-war years were very difficult for her parents. They already had a six-year-old son, and the father insisted on a second child, famous conductor and leader of a jazz orchestra. He really wanted to have a daughter. However, the girl was born premature, and doctors fought for her life for several months.

Since childhood, Irina showed great interest in music and especially singing. This craving for creativity was noticed by the girl’s grandmother, who insisted on teaching her granddaughter. This is how Irina got into music school at the conservatory, where she studied harp and piano for several years. Also, from the age of 15, she took vocal lessons from famous teacher Lina Arkhangelskaya.

In 1971, Irina became a student at the Leningrad Conservatory and was accepted into the group " Singing guitars"as a soloist. While a student, the girl made her debut on the silver screen in the leading role in the rock opera " Orpheus and Eurydice».

Creative career of Irina Ponarovskaya

In 1976 Irina Ponarovskaya moved to Moscow, where she actively began to study musical career. For two years she was a soloist in a jazz orchestra Oleg Lundstrem, and only in 1978 Irina was able to return to hometown and pass final exams at the conservatory.

Late 1980s Irina Ponarovskaya became a national pop star - she appeared in various music programs, acted in films, performed at numerous concerts. In 1993, her debut album entitled “This is How My Life Goes” was released; before that, the singer released three mini-collections.

In 1994, Ponarovskaya was considered a sex symbol Russian stage and hosted the author’s program “ Fitness class by Irina Ponarovskaya" In 1997, she presented the solo program “A Woman is Always Right”, after which she released three more albums.

In 1989, the fashion house Chanel named Irina Ponarovskaya “Miss Chanel of the Soviet Union”, and ten years later the Italian brand invited the singer to represent their brand in Russia.

Irina starred in several films Russian production, having also tried herself as an actress.

After 2010, Irina began to give concerts less and less often, as she left Russia, disillusioned with its people.

“The journalists brought it to Ira. She finds it difficult to talk to people who lie and do not keep their word. Plus she has a completely different understanding of culture and song. Maybe it’s right!”

Today, the singer practically does not appear on stage, having determined a high fee for her performance.

Personal life of Irina Ponarovskaya

She married the boss VIA "Singing Guitars" Grigory Kleimits, but after a year and a half they broke up.

Next official husband African-American jazzman became a singer Wayland Rodd(Rudd Wayland). On October 17, 1984, the couple had a son, Anthony.

The relationship between the spouses was accompanied by constant scandals. One day Weyland stole a child, and Irina found little son in the company of his father and several girls lung behavior. After this incident, the singer permanently stopped communicating with her ex-husband.

Soon the singer married for the third time. Her chosen one was a member of the presidium of the Russian, American and European Association of Urologists Dmitry Pushkar, whom she met at the clinic. The marriage also did not last long: the reason for the divorce was Irina’s independence and publicity.

“I don’t regret anything, because I thought about and did all the actions myself - which means I have no one to blame. The only mistake is that when I fall in love, I quickly let the man come to me, open up, and don’t keep my distance. Men immediately relax, but this gives me the opportunity to figure it out faster. For me, it’s better to change eight husbands and not look at each other, than to be married to one man all your life and have thousands of casual relationships.”

Autumn 2010 Irina Ponarovskaya moved to Norway with her son and his wife. One of the reasons for the move was the spread of racism in the country: her black son was repeatedly attacked by skinheads. Later, the singer moved to Estonia permanently. Only at the beginning of 2018 did Irina want to return to her native St. Petersburg, where she spends a lot of time visiting museums, exhibitions and concerts.

Today the actress's only son, Anthony Rodd, is famous artist. He lives abroad with his family. In 2014, Irina became a grandmother and devotes a lot of time to communicating with her grandson.

As a child, the singer was very worried about excess weight, so she tried all sorts of diets, which negatively affected her health. Her stage colleague Soso Pavliashvili said that Irina could easily endure a twenty-day fast. In 1979, the singer was taken to the hospital straight from a concert due to a kidney attack.

“I had the opportunity to defeat death twice. The first attack of renal colic happened to me in 1979 while on tour in Kursk. The pain shock was so strong that I lost consciousness. When I was taken by ambulance to the hospital, my heart was no longer beating. This was my first clinical death. Probably only my love of life saved me! I really wanted to live, and this pulled me out of the other world. And on April 7, 1993, I was taken away in an ambulance for the second time. And again - clinical death. Sick kidneys took their toll... After such experiences, I began to look at the world differently and appreciate every minute of my life.”

Health problems in later life became the reason for another diet for the singer, but this time in strict limits The doctors placed her on nutrition.

Discography of Irina Ponarovskaya

  • Irina Ponarovskaya sings (2008)
  • A Woman is Always Right (1997)
  • This is how my life goes (1993)
  • Irina Ponarovskaya (1977)
  • Irina Ponarovskaya (1976)
  • Irina Ponarovskaya sings (1976)

Filmography of Irina Ponarovskaya

  • Lundstrom (2002)
  • He'll Get His (1992)
  • gold fish(TV, 1985)
  • Blue Cities (1985)
  • The Trust That Broke (TV series 1983)
  • Walnut Krakatuk (1977)
  • It Doesn't Concern Me (1976)

Irina Ponarovskaya turns 64 years old. In the 80-90s she was a style icon, she was called the most elegant woman countries. From the outside it seemed that her life was just glory and applause. However, the reality was different.

Irina was born in Leningrad into a musical family, so it is not surprising that the girl first sat down at the piano at the age of six.

Then she graduated from music school, and at 15 she seriously studied vocals with the famous teacher Lydia Arkhangelskaya. Classes continued at the conservatory, where Irina entered at the age of 18.

The girl understood the need for a thorough education, but she was also drawn to the stage. As a result, in parallel with the classics, in the same 1971, she became a soloist of the popular vocal and instrumental ensemble “Singing Guitars” in the USSR.

True, in those years the young performer clearly did not look up to artistic standards. She was diagnosed with strabismus, astigmatism, and future star was very full!

« Because of my “roundness”, ordinary stockings for girls stretched only to the knees and I looked like a tumbler - in round glasses, some kind of pockmarked dress, with a braid and in knee-length stockings"- recalled school years Irina.

She decided to take charge of herself when she did not qualify for the Kalinka ensemble in the competition.

“The commission contemplated my pas de deux for a long time and at the end sadly remarked: “ With such dimensions there is nothing to do on stage,” Irina will tell later. “It sounded like a sentence, but I wanted to realize myself in this field.” And I began to starve.

My daily diet was one egg and a glass of juice, in addition, I signed up for a rhythmic gymnastics club. It was that time that became a turning point for me. I strengthened my character, became decisive and persistent. I adhere to this position to this day. For example, I gave up smoking».

Clinical death

The suffering was more than worth it. In 1975, Ponarovskaya was entrusted with the role of Eurydice in the first Soviet rock opera, Orpheus and Eurydice. She was invited to the festival in Dresden, where she received first prize.

1976 was also a triumph. At the International Song Festival in Sopot, our countrywoman won the Grand Prix.

For performing the song “Prayer,” Irina was called nine times at the final concert and forced to sing an encore, in violation of festival traditions.

Dozens fashion magazines Poland and Germany placed her portraits on the covers, appropriating something unusual for Soviet people the title of sex symbol.

Foreign audiences were also delighted by her aristocratic manners and exquisite outfits. The Leningrad singer was awarded a special prize “for beauty, charm and photogenicity” - and this after the “tumbler in floor-length stockings”... Her success was noticed in her homeland.

Irina became a soloist with the famous jazz orchestra of Oleg Lundstrem, which was then considered in our country the pinnacle of a show career. And suddenly everything collapsed: she was found serious illness kidney

« “It was a very difficult period in my life,” the singer admitted. - When you are at the peak of popularity, it would seem that you can go and go, but no... I am drawn to the stage, but I cannot - can you imagine my state at that time? I suffered from this disease for about ten years».

The disease was difficult. Irina went through surgery and clinical death. A strict diet, when the woman ate practically nothing, saved her. By the way, this method was suggested to her by Weyland Rodd, with whom Ponarovskaya’s life is associated with both great happiness and personal tragedy.

At first, the dark-skinned jazz singer charmed Irina with beautiful advances. She married him, dreaming of love and happiness. The long-awaited son Anthony was born. But hopes were not destined to come true. Scandals began, Weiland began to cheat and even raised his hand against Irina.

Seven years later life together They've divorced. After a painful breakup, the singer banned ex-husband communicate with my son. They have not yet finally reconciled.

The singer’s two other marriages also ended in failure. Why? Irina said that she was simply unlucky. She could do everything for her loved one, but men, feeling unselfishness and care, took advantage of good attitude and simply “sit on your head.”

"Miss Chanel"

She found solace on stage, television, modeling business. In 1990, representatives of the Chanel Fashion House awarded her the title “Miss Chanel of the Soviet Union,” and in 1998, the Italian company, whose clothes were worn by Ponarovskaya’s favorite actresses Marlene Dietrich and Romy Schneider, invited her to become the “face” of the company.

In the 90s, she released several discs that became hits. Hosted a fitness program on TV. On April 16, 1997, the ceremony of laying the star slab named after Irina Ponarovskaya took place on the Square of Pop Stars at the central entrance to the State Conservatory “Russia”. Thus, the national music award “Ovation” celebrated the 25th anniversary of her service on the stage.

The following facts speak about Irina’s character. In the summer of 1989, she was on the jury of a competition for young performers in Jurmala. After three rounds a clear contender for victory stood out - Soso Pavliashvili.

Two more colleagues agreed with her, but the rest decided not to award first place: there were no worthy ones. Then Irina made her way to the chairman of the jury, Raymond Pauls, who was sick, was in Riga and watched the competition on TV. He also gave the championship to Soso, and his words removed all doubts. Pavliashvili received the Grand Prix.

On January 7-8, 1990, the first charity program in the USSR, “Children's Fund Telethon,” took place. Ponarovskaya deposited 10,000 rubles into his account, a lot of money at that time.

What is Irina Ponarovskaya doing today?

Now this jazz singer 64 years old.

In April of this year, a wonderful event happened in her life - her grandson was born. The wife of her son was a young girl Anna, who has Russian nationality.

Irina Ponarovskaya has developed friendly relations. The singer also takes care of her mother, who is 88 years old. Of course, you can’t see her on TV shows, in films and musicals as often as before, but still she doesn’t let you forget about herself.

Photos published on the Internet show that the celebrity suffered several plastic surgery. Many fans of the most loving singer of the USSR ask the question of what the artist Irina Ponarovskaya is doing today?

Now she lives either in Moscow or in Norway, as she is forced to help her relatives.

The singer continues to take care of her appearance and wins the hearts of men. But the most important men in her life live in Norway - her grandson and son.

Once upon a time, enthusiastic talk about Irina Ponarovskaya, to the queen Soviet stage period of the 80-90s, did not cease among the people. A luxurious purebred blonde with aristocratic manners - this image has remained in the hearts of millions of fans, like her legendary hits “Rowan Beads” and “You Are My God.”

With name Ponarovskaya, however, not only all-Union hits were associated, but also high-profile scandals related to her personal life. The artist has several marriages and high-profile romances behind her.

Popular rumors subsided in the early 2000s: Irina practically disappeared from TV screens. In the backstage of show business they said that a further bright career Ponarovskaya personal drama got in the way: the artist had a hard time breaking up with her husband, a black musician Weiland Maternity hospital, who often raised his hand to her and often cheated on her. As a result of a painful breakup Ponarovskaya forbade him to communicate with his son Anthony. They also talked about serious problems with health Ponarovskaya— it is known that she experienced clinical death.

Soon, having sold an apartment in Moscow, Ponarovskaya and completely disappeared from the horizon and broke off all communication with the press. According to friends, she lived for a long time in a quiet area of ​​​​St. Petersburg, and then moved to Norway, only occasionally accepting invitations to perform at concerts. Last July, the 62-year-old star became a grandmother - her son Anthony gave her a grandson. SUPER managed to find a sex symbol and style icon of yesteryear and find out how one of the most bright stars 80s

Among the ordinary cottage houses near the Estonian city of Narva, in the shade of centuries-old pine trees, it is difficult to notice the house of the legendary artist. On a small plot there are two buildings: the first - big house, in which Irina’s mother lives, and the second - a one-story cottage: she lives there herself Ponarovskaya. The star rarely appears on the street, although, according to neighbors, she spends the entire summer in Estonia.

Former luxury in the toilet Ponarovskaya replaced by comfortable home clothes. Find out in the elderly short haired woman dressed in sports suit, in places frayed and stretched, the once most stylish singer of the Soviet Union is almost impossible.

From the very morning, the ringing laughter of the singer’s one-year-old grandson can be heard throughout the house. Like the most ordinary grandmother, Ponarovskaya happy to babysit the little heir. However, the baby does not know his grandfather - as he himself claims Weiland Rodd, He learned about the birth of his own grandson from the press. The man resentfully admits that he doesn’t understand why. ex-wife hides from him the fact of the birth of the baby, hiding him in the country.

By the way, although from the stage and TV screens Irina Ponarovskaya left “in English”, the star herself never officially announced this and did not organize farewell tours. Ponarovskaya occasionally agrees to private corporate appearances. So, for the pleasure of enjoying famous hits, performed live by a pop legend, you will have to fork out 20 thousand euros: this is the amount the star’s representatives say.

A flamboyant lady who loved to shock fans with her new appearance and new image, the first woman of the 90s to become a style icon. The entire female half of the population of the Soviet Union looked up to her, many desired her fame, and many men in the country admired her elegance and femininity.

Despite this, her biography contains many moments associated with sadness and disappointment. All this is about the singer, actress, TV presenter Irina Ponarovskaya.

A fragile blond girl was born into a musical family. And it was not surprising that she also decided to connect her life with music. Irina Vitalievna Ponarovskaya was born in March 1953 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Besides her, there was also an older brother in the family, who, like her sister, graduated from the Leningrad Conservatory.

Since childhood, little Ira was drawn to singing and organized household chores. solo concerts. Everyone who was present at home at that time became its spectators. The girl's vocal abilities were quite good. And Ira’s grandmother, on her mother’s side, decided to show her granddaughter to the best teachers, thereby predetermining her future. Besides secondary school the girl attended music school and loved to sew and knit.

Oddly enough, the girls were not idols foreign performers, and Soviet: Klavdiya Shulzhenko, Edita Piekha and others. Ponarovskaya never dreamed of national fame. In addition, as a child she was an “ugly duckling”: vertically challenged, plump, with squinting eyes. But everything changed when Ponarovskaya grew up and became a student.

A meteoric rise

Having received a school certificate, Irina Ponarovskaya decided to continue the business musical family. While in her first year at the conservatory, she became soloist of VIA"Singing Guitars" This happened thanks to her father, who proposed his daughter’s candidacy artistic director ensemble. The girl was favorably received by both the ensemble members and the public, and even then she began to have fans.

Soon the young performer was invited to tour to Germany. It was then that changes began in the appearance of singer Irina Ponarovskaya. The girl appeared in public with a short “boyish” haircut. This was rare in the Soviet Union, but abroad it was the opposite.

In Europe, Irina Ponarovskaya was welcomed with open arms. Then the singer performed only two songs, but after that she became the most popular and recognizable Soviet artist. One of the songs was performed on German. As a result, the singer took the Grand Prix and received loud applause.

In 1976, Ponarovskaya went to international festival to Poland, where she also became one of the most prominent participants in the competition. Despite the fact that it was forbidden to sing as an encore, Irina became an exception and repeated the composition “Prayer”.

If Irina Ponarovskaya was not yet so popular in her homeland, then abroad she was perceived closer than other domestic stars. Many glossy magazines wanted to print a photograph of Ponarovskaya on the cover, and in Poland, the singer drove a personal Mercedes with her name instead of license plates, and the car was always accompanied by a crowd of loyal fans of the singer.

In Germany, the pop star received the title “Frau Festival”, in Poland - “Miss Lens”.

Soon Irina returned to her homeland, where she passed her final exams and successfully graduated from the conservatory. In addition, upon her return, the singer received an offer to work in Oleg Lundstrem’s jazz orchestra, which she accepted. Ponarovskaya worked with this team for more than two years.

In addition, Irina Ponarovskaya tried her hand at the film industry. At first she just performed songs. And already in 1976 she began acting in films as an actress. So, she can be seen in films:

  • "It doesn't concern me."
  • "Midnight Robbery"
  • “Thank you for the bad weather.”
  • "Blue Cities" and others.

Ponarovskaya’s last film was the detective story “He’ll Get His.” The actress did not agree to star in this film for a long time, but the director still managed to persuade her. The artist did not receive a fee for filming, but the big plus was that the film was shot in Tallinn. Irina even brought her own costumes (due to the small budget of the film, there was not enough money for anything). As a result, the film was released in a small number of rental copies and failed miserably. After this, Irina Ponarovskaya stated that she did not want to act in films anymore.

The star of the Soviet Union felt confident on television. The singer was a frequent guest in various programs. In addition, she herself hosted television programs. One day she received an offer to host her own show, where she conducted television fitness, developing her own training and nutrition program. It is worth noting that she managed this with ease and passion. Irina herself admitted that if fate had not given her a chance to become a singer, she would have gone into medicine.

In the early 90s, the singer’s first music video for the song “This is how my life goes” was released on television. At that time, clips were very expensive, but Ponarovskaya said that her clip would be free, since “the star deserves it.” As a result, the clip was shown on television only a couple of times.

By the end of the 90s, the singer opened her own PR club, where a year later a demonstration of her own clothing collection called “I – ​​ra” took place.

Men of Irina Ponarovskaya

Ponarovskaya’s personal life was as bright as the pop star herself.

Ponarovskaya’s first husband was musician Grigory Kleimits. This union could hardly be called a couple in love - rather, it was a friendly relationship. The marriage lasted six months and broke up.

Ponarovskaya's second husband was jazz singer Weyland Rodd. The husband was not an ideal family man. He often raised his hand against his family and cheated on Irina. Despite this, the marriage lasted seven years. During this time, the couple had their only son, Anthony, in whom Ponarovskaya dotes.

Before meeting her second husband, Irina could not have children for a long time, and during their marriage she and Weiland adopted a girl from orphanage– Antonika, whom the young mother spoiled immensely at first. But everything changed with the birth of my son. Irina began to devote all her attention to Anthony, and the relationship with her adopted daughter deteriorated sharply. Today it is unknown where the girl is.

The singer’s third husband was a man far from show business - doctor Dmitry Pushkar. The lovers met in the hospital, where Irina was admitted after another concert, and Dmitry was her attending physician. They began an affair, which grew into serious relationship. But the husband was jealous of Irina for her fame, he was irritated by his wife’s participation in social events, her openness to the outside world, the desire to constantly communicate with the public. And after 4 years of marriage, the marriage has outlived its usefulness.

After three unsuccessful marriages, Irina tried to build relationships with other men. Among them was singer Soso Pavliashvili. The fact that the artist was married did not stop Irina from starting an affair with him. But the couple was not together for long.

Today Irina Ponarovskaya most spends time in Norway with his son. She dotes on her granddaughter and claims that no man can replace her love for her son. She continues to keep her figure in shape, leads healthy image life, eats right. At 64 years old, Irina Ponarovskaya weighs 56 kg and is 166 cm tall. Author: Anastasia Kaykova

The biography of Irina Ponarovskaya is a success story, which her fans could observe only from a purely formal point of view: the singer and actress never spoke frankly with journalists and carefully hid her personal life from everyone. What is Irina Ponarovskaya doing today? And how did her career develop throughout her life?

Biography of Irina Ponarovskaya: Early years

Irina was born in Leningrad. It seemed that the biography of Irina Ponarovskaya was destined from above: all members of the future singer’s family were related to musical art. Irina's father led a jazz orchestra, her mother taught at a Leningrad music school.

Despite the fact that the girl early years studied piano and harp, she showed more interest in singing than in playing instruments. This character trait of Irina was noticed by her grandmother and insisted that the “little singer” be shown to vocal teachers. As a result, Ponarovskaya studied the art of singing with one of the most famous Soviet teachers, Lina Arkhangelskaya. Ponarovskaya's idols early years there were singers Klavdiya Shulzhenko and Edita Piekha.

After school, Irina became a student at the Leningrad Conservatory, which by that time her older brother had already graduated from. In 1976, Ponarovskaya received a diploma as a professional pianist.

Music career

The biography of Irina Ponarovskaya is inextricably linked with music. Already during her studies at the conservatory, it was clear that the singer had a unique voice. That is why she was invited to become a soloist of one of the most popular VIAs in the USSR - “Singing Guitars”. And then Irina’s career skyrocketed: the main role in the rock opera “Orpheus and Eurydice”, touring with an orchestra

In 1976, Ponarovskaya won the music festival"Sopot-1976".

In the 80s, Irina became a regular guest on a variety of musical television programs: “Blue Light”, “Song of the Year”, “Morning Mail”. In 1986, after a long tour, structural changes occurred in Ponarovskaya’s voice: her “signature hoarseness” appeared. The singer was never able to recover, so she could only say that she had always dreamed of such a timbre.

In 1988, Irina Ponarovskaya’s popularity increased so much that the singer finally had the opportunity to give large solo concerts at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall. Soon Soviet Union broke up, but the singer successfully continued solo career. So two of her appeared solo album: “This is how my life goes” and “A woman is always right.”


Ponarovskaya, undoubtedly beautiful woman, so it could not go unnoticed by film directors.

In 1976, the singer played main role in the detective story “It Doesn’t Concern Me.” She got the role of a process engineer at a factory where OBKhSS inspector Shubnikov, played by Alexander Zbruev (“Poor Sasha”), is conducting his investigation.

In 1977, Ponarovskaya played a fairy in the fairy tale “The Nut Krakatuk”. In 1978, Irina got a role in musical film"Urban Fantasy" with Mikhail Boyarsky. In the same year, the singer played a girl of easy virtue in the film “The Midnight Robbery.”

The 80s were marked for the artist with roles in such films as “Thank you for the bad weather” with Alisa Freindlich, “The Trust that Broke” with Nikolai Karachentsov, “Golden Fish” with and “Blue Cities” with Kirill Lavrov. Latest roles singers in the cinema became the short film “Music of Rain” and crime film“He’ll get his.”

Irina Ponarovskaya: photos, style features

In matters of style and fashion, Ponarovskaya has always been “ahead of the rest.” She is the first Soviet artist who, in the 70s, allowed herself to cut her hair “like a boy.”

In 1987, the singer again radically changed her style: she changed her natural brown hair color to a dazzling blonde.

One of the most striking images of the singer is her extravagant black dress with a deep neckline and a cutout on the back, in which the diva appeared at the 50th anniversary of Lev Leshchenko. In those days, not a single domestic artist allowed himself such shocking behavior.

In 1992, at Boris Moiseev’s show, Ponarovskaya surprised everyone with a dark cherry-colored Japanese wig on her head. And the singer carried out similar experiments throughout her life.

Ponarovskaya’s sense of style and taste were highly appreciated abroad: the famous design house Chanel awarded her the title “Miss Chanel of the Soviet Union” in 1990.

Personal life

Irina Ponarovskaya’s personal life resembled a “swing”: either she was happily married to her next husband, or she enjoyed loneliness. The singer officially married three times: to musician Grigory Kleimits, to jazz singer Weiland Rodd and for the doctor Dmitry Pushkar. The star also had several civil marriages.

On this moment Irina is not in any relationship. Irina Ponarovskaya’s son from her second marriage lives in Norway, and the singer herself spends almost all her time with his family and her own grandson. Occasionally, Irina agrees to corporate concerts, which, according to her representatives, cost 20 thousand euros.