What ballet performances. The best ballets in the world: brilliant music, brilliant choreography...

No matter how you look at it, you can’t ignore it famous masterpiece Russian composer in four acts, thanks to whom the German legend of the beautiful swan girl was immortalized in the eyes of art connoisseurs. According to the plot, the prince, in love with the swan queen, betrays her, but even the realization of the mistake does not save either him or his beloved from the raging elements.

Image main character– Odettes – as if complementing the gallery female symbols created by the composer during his life. It is noteworthy that the author of the ballet plot still remains unknown, and the names of the librettists have never appeared on any poster. The ballet was first presented back in 1877 on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, but the first version was considered unsuccessful. The most famous production is Petipa-Ivanov’s, which became the standard for all subsequent performances.

The best ballets in the world: “The Nutcracker” by Tchaikovsky

Popular on New Year's Eve, the Nutcracker ballet for children was first presented to the public in 1892 on the stage of the famous Mariinsky Theater. Its plot is based on Hoffmann's fairy tale "The Nutcracker and mouse king" The struggle of generations, the confrontation between good and evil, the wisdom behind the mask - deep philosophical meaning fairy tales dressed in bright musical images, most understandable young viewers.

The action takes place in winter, on Christmas Eve, when all wishes can come true - and this adds additional charm magical story. In this fairy tale, everything is possible: cherished desires will come true, masks of hypocrisy will fall, and injustice will definitely be defeated.


The best ballets in the world: “Giselle” by Adana

"The love that stronger than death" - perhaps the most accurate description famous ballet in four acts "Giselle". The story of a girl dying from ardent love who gave her heart to someone engaged to another bride noble young man, is so vividly conveyed in the graceful pas of slender wilis - brides who died before the wedding.

The ballet was a tremendous success from its first production in 1841, and over the course of 18 years 150 performances were performed on the stage of the Paris Opera. theatrical performances works of the famous French composer. This story so captivated the hearts of art connoisseurs that an open-air building was even named after the main character of the story. late XIX century asteroid. And today our contemporaries have taken care of preserving one of the greatest pearls of the classical work in film versions of the classic production.


The best ballets in the world: “Don Quixote” by Minkus

The era of great knights has long passed, but this does not at all prevent modern young ladies from dreaming of meeting Don Quixote of the 21st century. The ballet accurately conveys all the details of the folklore of the inhabitants of Spain; and many masters tried to set the story of noble chivalry in modern interpretation, but exactly classical production has been decorating the Russian stage for one hundred and thirty years.

Choreographer Marius Petipa was able to skillfully embody in dance all the flavor of Spanish culture through the use of elements of national dances, and some gestures and poses directly indicate the place where the plot unfolds. The story has not lost its significance today: even in the 21st century, Don Quixote skillfully inspires warm-hearted young people capable of desperate acts in the name of goodness and justice.


The best ballets in the world: Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet

Immortal story of two loving hearts, united only after death forever, is embodied on stage thanks to Prokofiev’s music. The production took place shortly before the Second World War, and we must pay tribute to the dedicated craftsmen who resisted the prevailing order in the creative sphere at that time Stalin's country: the composer retained the traditional tragic ending to the plot.

After the first great success that awarded the performance Stalin Prize, there were many versions, but literally in 2008 the traditional production of 1935 took place in New York with a happy ending unknown to the public until that moment famous story.


Enjoy watching!

Magic performing arts, which originated in Italy in the 16th century, has come a long way and by now has become popular throughout the world. Numerous ballet schools and theater troupes, whose numbers increase every year, are both classical and modern.

But if there are dozens of famous show ballets, and, in fact, they differ from others dance ensembles only the level of skill, then national theaters ballet with a centuries-old history can be counted on one hand.

Russian Ballet: Bolshoi and Mariinsky Theaters

You and I have something to be proud of, because Russian ballet is one of the best in the world. “Swan Lake”, “The Nutcracker”, the famous plastic ballets that appeared in our country at the beginning of the 20th century, made Russia the second homeland of this art and provided our theaters with an endless stream of grateful spectators from all over the world.

Nowadays, troupes from the Bolshoi and Mariinsky theaters, whose skills are improving day by day. Both troupes select dancers from among the students of the St. Petersburg Vaganova Academy, and from the first days of training, all its students dream of one day performing a solo part on the main stage of the country.

French Ballet: Grand Opera

The cradle of world ballet, whose attitude to productions has remained unchanged for three centuries, and where only classical ballet exists academic dance, and everything else is regarded as a crime against art, is the ultimate dream for all dancers in the world.

Every year its composition is replenished with only three dancers who have passed more selections, competitions and tests than even astronauts could dream of. Tickets to the Paris Opera are not cheap, and only the wealthiest art connoisseurs can afford them, but the hall is full during every performance, since in addition to the French themselves, all Europeans come here who dream of admiring classical ballet.

United States: American Theater Ballet

Made famous by the release of Black Swan, American Ballet Theater was founded by a soloist at the Russian Bolshoi Theatre.

Having its own school, the ballet does not hire dancers from outside and has a distinctive Russian-American style. They get along in productions classic stories, for example the famous “Nutcracker”, and new dance styles. Many ballet connoisseurs claim that ABT has forgotten about the canons, but the popularity of this theater is growing every year.

UK: Birmingham Royal Ballet

Supervised by the Queen herself, the London Ballet has a small number of dancers, but is distinguished by the strict selection of participants and repertoire. You won't find modern trends or genre deviations here. Perhaps that is why, unable to withstand the harsh traditions, many young stars of this ballet they leave it and begin to create their own troupes.

It is not easy to get to a performance of the Royal Ballet; only the most famous and wealthy people in the world are awarded this opportunity, but once every three months, charity evenings with open admission are organized here.

Austrian Ballet: Vienna Opera

The history of the Vienna Opera goes back one and a half centuries, and all this time Russian dancers have remained the first soloists of the troupe. Known for its annual balls, which were held only during World War II, the Vienna Opera is Austria's most visited attraction. People come here both to admire talented dancers and to look at their compatriots on stage and speak their native language with pride.

It is very easy to get tickets here: thanks to the huge hall and the absence of resellers, you can do this on the day of the ballet, with the only exception being the days of premieres and the opening of the season.

So, if you want to see classical ballet performed by the most talented dancers, go to one of these theaters and enjoy the ancient art.

Swan Lake

Ballet is an art form in which the main expressive means is a dance. The dance plot is closely related to music and dramaturgical basis. Russian ballet gained fame thanks to brilliant composers.

The most famous ballets of Russian composers embodied emotions in musical and choreographic images that completely captivated the audience.

Among the most famous ballets, one can highlight Swan Lake by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The ballet premiered on March 4, 1877 in Bolshoi Theater. The first ballet directors were Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov. It is their names that are associated with the staging of the famous “swan” scenes. The prerequisite for writing the ballet was Tchaikovsky's visit to the estate in the Cherkasy region, where he spent a lot of time on the shore of the lake. There great composer and admired the snow-white birds. The ballet “Swan Lake” is rightfully considered a universally recognized masterpiece of the world ballet school. And the image White Swan and today remains a symbol of Russian ballet.


Another ballet by Tchaikovsky, “The Sleeping Beauty,” is often called the “Encyclopedia of Classical Ballet Dance.” The director and choreographer of the ballet was again Marius Petipa. Central figure musical and dance performance - ballerina. The ballet itself amazes with the variety of carefully staged choreographic scenes. And the pinnacle of this dance splendor is the solemn dance miniature of the young beauty Aurora and Prince Désiré.

It is not without reason that famous ballets are associated with the name of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Another work of the famous composer is “The Nutcracker”. The ballet premiered successfully in December 1892 at the Mariinsky Theater. Stage action does not leave the audience indifferent. The ballet was based on fairy tale of the same name Hoffmann with classical fairy tale plot about the confrontation between good and evil.

Ballet "Romeo and Juliet"

Another of the most famous ballets of the twentieth century is Romeo and Juliet, a work by Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev. The ballet was based on Shakespeare's work of the same name. Wonderful music and amazing choreography brought the ballet worldwide popularity. The masterpiece premiered in Czechoslovakia in 1938. But the production that was first presented in Leningrad in 1940 gained the greatest fame.

The outstanding Russian composer Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev created another famous creation - “Cinderella”. S. Prokofiev is rightly called the “master of musical portraiture.” So subtly, with the help of music, he conveyed the character and experiences of the characters. It took Prokofiev four years to write the music for Cinderella. The premiere of “Cinderella” took place at the Bolshoi Theater in November 1945. The ballet director was Rostislav Zakharov, the role of Cinderella was performed by Olga Lepeshinskaya, and later by Galina Ulanova.

Add to list famous ballets Russian composers also included the work of Igor Stravinsky “The Rite of Spring”. The prerequisite for the creation of the ballet was the composer's dream. In it he saw a young girl dancing among the elders surrounding her. To awaken spring nature, the girl dances, losing strength, and dies. The girl's soul is reborn in the "Bright Resurrection of Nature."

The Rite of Spring is already in space

The ballet premiered in Paris on the Champs Elysees in May 1913. But it cannot be said that it was successful. The audience did not understand the originality of the music and dances and booed the artists. "The Rite of Spring" as one of 27 musical works, was recorded on a Voyager record and sent into outer space for extraterrestrial civilizations.

World classical ballet is unthinkable without Russian composers. Exactly Russian ballet school was the locomotive of world art. It is famous all over the world, touching the finest strings of the soul of every viewer.


Main stage

The grandiose ballet Onegin, choreographed by the legendary John Cranko, can be seen on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. The plot of Pushkin’s immortal poem, embodied in dance, has delighted audiences all over the world for five decades. Today you have a unique opportunity to see this production on the Moscow stage.


Historical scene

Giselle is one of the pearls of world ballet art. On the stage of the Bolshoi Theater this performance went through hundreds of performances. Today, capital audiences can see the legendary ballet choreographed by the outstanding Russian choreographer Yuri Grigorovich.

Flame of Paris

Main stage

Choreographer Alexei Ratmansky returned to the stage the ballet Flame of Paris, which was successfully performed in domestic musical theaters in the 30-50s of the 20th century. A new version This performance received the approval of the public and for more than ten years “The Flames of Paris” has graced the repertoire of the Bolshoi Theater.


Main stage

The ancient ballet La Sylphide is one of the greatest works world ballet art. Moscow spectators have a unique opportunity to see this performance on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater in the original choreography of August Bournonville, which was embodied on stage by the premiere of the Royal Danish Ballet and Royal Theater Covent Garden Johan Kobborg.

Light stream

Main stage

The production of the ballet “Bright Stream” came as a surprise to the capital’s audience. The work, written in the mid-30s and dedicated to socialist everyday life, was in complete oblivion for many decades. But the Bolshoi Theater staff gave the ballet new life and created an extraordinary performance, decorated with beautiful music and high performing arts of the leading soloists ballet troupe.


Main stage

The famous ballet by Igor Stravinsky, dedicated to the character of traditional Russian performances, can be seen on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater in the original choreography of Mikhail Fokin, restored through the efforts of Andris Liepa. In this bright and exciting production, the main roles are performed by bright stars of the Russian ballet scene.


Legend of love

Historical scene

The ballet, which had been performed triumphantly for several decades on the Soviet stage, returned to the repertoire of the Bolshoi Theater. The play The Legend of Love, staged by the outstanding choreographer Yuri Grigorovich, features enchanting dance numbers, vibrant scenography and the magical charm of the ancient Persian legend.

Don Quixote

Historical scene

Tickets for the ballet Don Quixote will take you to the world of Spanish surroundings on the historical stage of the Bolshoi Theater. Viewers will see a ballet by Ludwig Minkus to a libretto by Marius Petipa based on the novel of the same name by Miguel de Cervantes.

Parisian fun

Main stage

Parisian Fun is a vibrant ballet medley to the music of Jacques Offenbach, staged by the outstanding choreographer of our time, Maurice Bejart. For the first time, the Bolshoi Theater turns to the work of the legend modern ballet and presents one of his most cheerful productions.


Symphony in C major.

Main stage

main topic This plotless ballet features the interaction of dance and music, the interweaving of choreographic compositions, and the virtuoso skill of the soloists. Two ensembles of dancers begin this performance, which ends with 48 dancers on stage performing an expressive final dance.


The Taming of the Shrew

Main stage

Any production by Jean-Christophe Maillot becomes a highlight and arouses interest among fans of ballet art. Muscovites have a unique opportunity to see the play The Taming of the Shrew, which the famous choreographer staged in 2014 together with the Bolshoi Theater troupe.


Historical scene

On the stage of the Bolshoi Theater is the wonderful ballet Cesar Pugni, based on Victor Hugo's novel The Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris. In Russia, this production is known in the choreography of the outstanding choreographer Marius Petipa, who created dozens of wonderful ballet performances on the stage of the best musical theaters Moscow and St. Petersburg.


Giselle (English National Ballet)

Main stage

The legendary ballet Giselle will appear on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater in a wonderful production of the English National Ballet. One of the most influential choreographers of our time, Akram Khan, created his own version of the famous work by Adolphe Adam, which was already appreciated by European audiences.


Historical scene

Raymonda is one of the most popular ballet performances. The ballet was repeatedly staged on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, each time arousing great interest among the capital's public. Today you can see “Raymonda” in a wonderful production by the outstanding Russian choreographer Yuri Grigorovich.


Main stage

The performance Krasavin - Samodurov will primarily be of interest to connoisseurs of modern ballet dance. The production by the famous Russian choreographer Vyacheslav Samodurov to the music of Yuri Krasavin surprises with its original plastic solutions and virtuoso skill of the performers, among whom are the bright stars of the Bolshoi Theater ballet troupe.



Main stage

Classical ballet“Coppelia” was staged on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater in the original choreography of the outstanding choreographer Marius Petipa. This performance became a highlight in cultural life capital and today it is one of the most popular in the repertoire of the Bolshoi Theater.

Peer Gynt

Main stage

Alfred Schnittke's ballet Peer Gynt is presented at the Bolshoi Theater staged by the outstanding choreographer John Neumeier. The premiere of the second edition of the ballet took place in Hamburg in 2015, and now this bright and emotional performance can be seen by the capital’s connoisseurs of ballet art.


Pygmalion effect. Ballet by Boris Eifman

Historical scene

Boris Eifman's tragicomic ballet, based on Bernard Shaw's famous play Pygmalion, is distinguished by its subtle character development, sophistication of choreographic numbers and skill of the performers. This production at the Bolshoi Theater is presented by the Boris Eifman Ballet Theater.


Boris Eifman's ballet Up & Down (Tender is the Night)

Historical scene

The performance "Up & Down" at the Bolshoi, tickets for which you can purchase on our website right now, will open the capital's tour of the famous St. Petersburg State Academic Ballet Theater in the fall. Its permanent leader Boris Eifman will finally present his new production, which premiered at the end of January on the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater and has already caused many enthusiastic responses.

sleeping Beauty

Historical scene

The legendary ballet of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky returned to the Bolshoi Theater stage. This wonderful performance was staged in a choreographic version by the famous choreographer Yuri Grigorovich, based on the classical choreography of Marius Petipa.




Historical scene

The Nutcracker premiered on March 12, 1966. Composer Pyotr Tchaikovsky. Libretto by Yuri Grigorovich. based on the fairy tale by Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann. Motifs from Marius Peptipus are used. BALLET IN TWO ACTS

Swan Lake

Historical scene

The battle between light and dark will more than once make your heart tremble in the hope of happiness and break on the sharp stones of disappointment in the rhythm of the waves of a mysterious mountain lake. The ballet uses fragments of choreography by Marius Petipa, Lev Ivanov and Alexander Gorsky.

Marco Spada

Historical scene

The legendary ballet by Marco Spada will finally be staged at the Bolshoi Theater, and this event has been awaited for a long time. Ballet fans in Lately have become quite active, since this phenomenon is out of the ordinary.

Lady with camellias

Historical scene

The legendary ballet production by John Neumeier on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater - this is the bewitching music of Frederic Chopin, beautiful scenery and tragic story love told in the language of dance. Don't miss this masterpiece of modern ballet art!


Historical scene

The legendary ballet Spartacus by Aram Khachaturian, staged by the outstanding Russian choreographer Yuri Grigorovich, has been in the repertoire of the Bolshoi Theater for five decades. This bright, dynamic production is rightfully considered one of the masterpieces of world ballet art.

Don Quixote

Historical scene

The capital's theatergoers can see the legendary performance Don Quixote, one of the most popular ballet productions, on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. The success of this ballet lies in the wonderful music of Ludwig Minkus, the polished scenography and the mesmerizing dance numbers performed by leading soloists of the Bolshoi Theater ballet troupe.


Historical scene

Ballet "Jewelry". Ballet in three movements by George Balanchine. The world premiere took place on April 13, 1967 in New York. At the Mariinsky Theater - October 30, 1999. GEORGE BALANCHINE'S BALLET IN THREE PARTS

Karamazovs. Ballet by Boris Eifman

Main stage

The legendary Boris Eifman Theater will show the play “The Karamazovs” on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. This production is one of the most striking works in the repertoire of the avant-garde theater, which successfully tours around the world.


Main stage

The fantasy ballet “Moidodyr” won the First Competition for the creation of large-scale opera and ballet. The chairman of the competition jury, Andrey Eshpai, noted that recently there have been many interesting works modern authors, and, of course, one of the most striking is the ballet “Moidodyr” by Efrem Podgayets. B BALLET-FANTASY IN TWO SCENES

Ivan groznyj

Historical scene

The first Tsar of All Rus', Ivan the Terrible, reigned for 50 years. It is the image of the autocrat that is the key figure in the ballet to the music of Sergei Prokofiev. The era in which he ruled the state is very accurately reflected in this performance. BALLET IN TWO ACTS

Benefit performance of Nikolai Tsiskaridze

Main stage

Nikolai Tsiskaridze's benefit performance is a vibrant performance that includes the best choreographic numbers from the rich repertoire of the famous Russian dancer, famous for performing on stage with the best musical theaters and having an entire army of loyal fans.


Main stage

The Bolshoi Theater turned to the “industrial” ballet of Dmitry Shostakovich, which was created in the early 30s and removed from the stage immediately after the premiere. The famous choreographer Alexei Ratmansky created a new version and staged a performance distinguished by its original scenography and talented choreographic numbers.


Main stage

Cipollino is rightfully considered one of the best modern ballets created for children. The performance on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater will feature wonderful music by Karen Khachaturyan, colorful costumes and scenery created by wonderful artist Valery Levental and fairy tale story, narrated by the opera company's leading soloists.

La Bayadère

Historical scene

Fans of ballet art have a unique opportunity to see the production of the outstanding Russian choreographer Yuri Grigorovich, who recreated the author’s version of the famous ballet by Marius Petipa on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater.

Pharaoh's daughter

Historical scene

“Pharaoh's Daughter” is an unusual ballet based on Egyptian theme, in which the best ballerinas of the Bolshoi Theater take part. The ballet was staged by Marius Petipa and revived in 2000 by French director Pierre Lacotte. BALLET IN THREE ACTS

A futile precaution

Main stage

Ballet A futile precaution at the Bolshoi Theater - this is a wonderful gift for true fans of ballet art who will see the brilliant production of Yuri Grigorovich. The main roles in this memorable and talented production are performed by bright stars of the Russian ballet scene.


Historical scene

The ancient ballet Corsair has returned to the Bolshoi Theater stage. Today this performance can be seen in the form it was conceived in mid-19th century French composer Adolphe Adam and choreographer Marius Petipa. This unique production is one of the most striking performances on the capital's stage.

A dream in a summer night

Historical scene

The ballet A Midsummer Night's Dream choreographed by George Balanchine is amazing beautiful performance, decorated with the wonderful music of Felix Mendelssohn, expressive scenography, wonderful choreographic numbers and talented performances by the leading soloists of the Bolshoi Theater ballet troupe.

Lost Illusions

Main stage

The ballet Lost Illusions staged by Alexei Ratmansky is a bright and exciting performance, in the creation of which they took part famous artist Jerome Kaplan and Comedy director Frances Guillaume Gallienne. The main roles in the performance are performed by leading soloists of the Bolshoi Theater ballet troupe.

Romeo and Juliet

Historical scene

William Shakespeare's legendary play became a wonderful ballet performance thanks to the genius of Sergei Prokofiev. On the stage of the Bolshoi Theater you can see this wonderful ballet Romeo and Juliet, staged by the outstanding choreographer Yuri Grigorovich.

Historical scene

One of the best European ballets is once again touring Russia, and without any doubt it will create another sensation. This ballet has set a completely new bar for quality, and we can be proud that some of its members are from our country. IN

Romeo and Juliet

Main stage

Sergei Prokofiev's ballet, based on the famous play by William Shakespeare, returns to the Bolshoi Theater stage. The talented choreographer Alexei Ratmansky, known for his colorful productions, offered his version of this wonderful work.

Chopiniana, Divertimento

Main stage

Chopiniana by Mikhail Fokine became the first performance in the genre of a plotless ballet work. This ballet entered the history of modern ballet art and marked a new style in which the relationship between music and dance was revised.

Rite of Spring, Apartment

Main stage

The Rite of Spring is the legendary ballet by Igor Stravinsky, which was not immediately accepted by the public, but over time became one of the symbols of modern ballet. Outstanding choreographers in different time referred to this work. On the stage of the Bolshoi Theater The Rite of Spring will appear performed bright stars national ballet.

What does the day owe to the night?

Main stage

In Hervé Kubi's performance, classical choreography is unexpectedly intertwined with such modern styles, like hip-hop and capoeira. Thanks to courageous work and ingenuity, the team's performances truly became legendary.


Main stage

The Hamlet ballet became an unexpected and striking event in the cultural life of the capital. For the first time, the heroes of the immortal Shakespearean tragedy dance on stage and act out the famous plot, performing complex dance compositions and talented plastic miniatures.

Hero of our time

Main stage

Very soon you will see “A Hero of Our Time” in the Bolshoi Theater. The performance will be truly unforgettable and touching. Art lovers and classical works They will be able to appreciate what they saw if they purchase tickets for “Hero of Our Time”. Mikhail Lermontov's play was first published in St. Petersburg in two books, and this was in 1840. Lermontov always wrote interesting novels, where you can stage not only wonderful educational and historical performances, but also the opportunity to make a documentary film or show your written story in cinema.

Requiem. Ballet by Boris Eifman

Main stage

In "Requiem" Giuseppe Verdi is distinguished by its diversity musical themes, unconventional approach to the construction of the mass and bright, emotional fragments. At the Bolshoi Theater it is famous work will be performed by leading soloists of the opera troupe and an orchestra conducted by Tugan Sokhiev.

Concert of ballet soloists

Main stage

Tickets to the concert of the Bolshoi Theater ballet soloists will allow you to see the stars of the troupe on the legendary stage. In general, ballet in Moscow began in 1780 on the corner of Petrovka Street, where the first professional troupe and the first production of The Magic Shop were located.