The three main themes of the novel are bummers. Presentation for a literature lesson on the topic: Comprehensive analysis of Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”

Ivan Goncharov wrote the novel “Oblomov” in 1858, and a year later the magazine “Otechestvennye zapiski” published the text of the work. However, the construction storyline The novel was made much earlier, when Goncharov wrote the first part of the novel "Oblomov's Dream". Let's do it general analysis novel "Oblomov" by Goncharov, we will discuss the characteristics of the main characters of "Oblomov". It must be said that Goncharov created a trilogy, which, in addition to “Oblomov,” included the works “ An ordinary story" and "Breakage".

What issues does Goncharov address in the novel "Oblomov"? These are mainly acute issues social significance, characteristic of the era in which the author lived. For example, Goncharov talks about the formation of a new generation in Russia, about the confrontation between European thinking and Russian mentality. And certainly in the novel "Oblomov" Goncharov writes about the meaning and fate of man, about true love and happiness. Let's continue the analysis of Goncharov's "Oblomov" by looking at specific characters in the work.

Characteristics of the heroes of the novel "Oblomov"

As in any other brilliant literary masterpiece of the 19th century, which, in fact, is the novel "Oblomov", all characters have important to reveal the author's ideas and storyline. For example, Goncharov contrasts men's images for women: Oblomov and Stolz, Ilyinskaya and Pshenitsyna.

If we consider the characteristics of the heroes, then Oblomov and Pshenitsyna acted as representatives of sectors of society that are characterized by archaic, outdated ideas, which prevailed in the Russian philistinism. They are in a detached state, inactive and calm. Goncharov contrasts this pair of heroes with Stolz and Olga, who strive for new trends, European norms and foundations, and a new mentality of society.

When analyzing the novel "Oblomov" by Goncharov, it is imperative to take into account this opposition of the main characters, on the basis of which the author builds main idea novel.

Problems of the novel "Oblomov"

What other questions did Goncharov raise in Oblomov? The theme of the novel is connected with many historical, social and philosophical issues that are relevant to this day. Central issues works - the problem of "Oblomovism", which manifested itself so clearly among Russian philistines, becoming a historical and social phenomenon of society. Such people did not want to adopt new ideas, change and move forward.

And it was not only society that was in this state. According to Goncharov, “Oblomovism” has become characteristic of individual people, in fact, directly of a person who has succumbed to degradation.

Having analyzed the novel "Oblomov", it is clear that the classical Russian types, which are reflected in the main characters, are of paramount importance for the mentality of Russian society. Such types as: landowner, entrepreneur, bride, wife, servants, swindlers, officials, etc. clearly reveal the Russian character and put it in contrast to the European mentality. This is again clearly seen in the example of Oblomov and Stolz.

History of creation Genre and literary direction Composition System of characters Male characters Female characters Symbolism of Oblomovka Problems Theme and idea Conclusion

History of creation

Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” was written in 1858, and in 1859 published in “Notes of the Fatherland”. However, the first part of the work, “Oblomov’s Dream,” was published back in 1849 in the “Literary Collection,” becoming a landmark element of the plot and ideological structure of the novel. “Oblomov” is one of the works of Goncharov’s novel trilogy, which also included “An Ordinary Story” and “The Precipice”. In the book, the author touches on many acute social issues for his era - the formation of a new Russian society and the confrontation with the original Russian mentality European origins, as well as the “eternal” problems of the meaning of life, love and human happiness. Detailed analysis“Oblomov” by Goncharov will allow us to more closely reveal the author’s idea and better understand brilliant work Russian literature of the 19th century.

Genre and literary movement

“Oblomov” was written in the traditions literary direction realism, as evidenced by the following signs: the central conflict of the work, developing between the main character and a society that does not share his way of life; realistic image reality, reflecting many everyday historical facts; the presence of characters typical of that era - officials, entrepreneurs, townspeople, servants, etc.
, which interact with each other, and in the process of narration the development (or degradation) of the personality of the main characters is clearly visible.

The genre specificity of the work allows us to interpret it, first of all, as a social and everyday novel, revealing the problem of “Oblomovism” in contemporary author era, its harmful effect on the bourgeoisie. In addition, the work must be considered as philosophical, touching on many important “eternal questions”, and psychological novel– Goncharov subtly reveals inner world and the character of each hero, analyzing in detail the reasons for their actions and their future fate.


An analysis of the novel “Oblomov” would not be complete without considering compositional features works. The book consists of four parts. The first part and 1-4 chapters of the second are a description of one day in Oblomov’s life, including events in the hero’s apartment, his characterization by the author, as well as a chapter important for the entire plot - “Oblomov’s Dream”. This part of the work is an exposition of the book.

Chapters 5-11 and the third part represent the main action of the novel, describing the relationship between Oblomov and Olga. The culmination of the work is the separation of the lovers, leading to Ilya Ilyich again falling into the old state of “Oblomovism”.

The fourth part is the epilogue of the novel, telling about later life heroes. The denouement of the book is the death of Oblomov in a kind of “Oblomovka” created by him and Pshenitsyna.

The novel is divided into three conventional parts - 1) the hero strives for an illusory ideal, the distant “Oblomovka”; 2) Stolz and Olga bring Oblomov out of a state of laziness and apathy, forcing him to live and act; 3) Ilya Ilyich again returns to his previous state of degradation, having found “Oblomovka” from Pshenitsyna.
Despite the fact that the main plot point was love story Olga and Oblomov, from a psychological point of view, the leitmotif of the novel is the depiction of the degradation of Ilya Ilyich’s personality, its gradual disintegration until actual death.

Character system

The central core of characters is represented by two contrasting male and female images - Oblomov and Stolz, as well as Ilyinskaya and Pshenitsyna. Apathetic, calm, more interested in everyday life, the warmth of home and a rich table, Oblomov and Pshenitsyna act as bearers of outdated, archaic ideas of Russian philistinism. For both of them, “breakdown” as a state of calm, detachment from the world and spiritual inactivity is the primary goal. This is contrasted with the activity, activity, practicality of Stolz and Olga - they are bearers of new, European ideas and norms, a renewed Russian-European mentality.

Male characters

The analysis of Oblomov and Stolz as mirror characters involves considering them as heroes of different time projections. So, Ilya Ilyich is a representative of the past tense, for him the present does not exist, and the ephemeral “Oblomovka of the Future” does not exist for him either. Oblomov lives only in the past tense; for him, all the best was already a long time ago in childhood, that is, he strived back, not appreciating the experience and knowledge gained over the years. That is why the return to “Oblomovism” in Pshenitsyna’s apartment was accompanied by a complete degradation of the hero’s personality - it was as if he was returning to a deep, weak childhood, which he had been dreaming about for many years.

For Stolz there is no past and present, he is focused only on the future. Unlike Oblomov, who realizes the goal and outcome of his life - the achievement of the distant “paradise” Oblomovka, Andrei Ivanovich does not see the goal, for him it becomes a means of achieving goals - constant work. Many researchers compare Stolz to an automated, masterfully tuned mechanism, devoid of the inner spirituality that he finds when communicating with Oblomov. Andrei Ivanovich appears in the novel as a practical character who has no time to think while he needs to create and build something new, including himself. However, if Oblomov was fixated on the past and was afraid to look into the future, then Stolz did not have time to stop, look back and understand where he was coming from and where he was going. Perhaps precisely because of the lack of exact landmarks at the end of the novel, Stolz himself falls into the “traps of debris”, finding peace in his own estate.

Both male characters are far from the ideal of Goncharov, who wanted to show that remembering your past and honoring your roots is just as important as constant personal development, learning something new and continuous movement. Only like this harmonious personality, living in the present tense, combining the poetry and good nature of the Russian mentality with the activity and hard work of the European, is worthy, in the author’s opinion, to become the basis for a new Russian society. Perhaps Andrei, Oblomov’s son, could become such a person.

Female characters

If, when depicting male characters, it was important for the author to understand their direction and meaning of life, then female images associated primarily with issues of love and family happiness. Agafya and Olga not only have different origins, upbringing and education, but also have different characters. Meek, weak-willed, quiet and economical, Pshenitsyna perceives her husband as a more important and significant person, her love borders on adoration and idolization of her husband, which is normal within the framework of the old, archaic traditions of house-building. For Olga, a lover is, first of all, a person equal to her, a friend and teacher. Ilyinskaya sees all Oblomov’s shortcomings and tries to change her lover until the very end - despite the fact that Olga is depicted as an emotional, creative person, the girl approaches any issue practically and logically. The romance between Olga and Oblomov was doomed from the very beginning - in order to complement each other, someone would have to change, but neither of them wanted to give up their usual views and the heroes continued to unconsciously oppose each other.

Symbolism of Oblomovka

Oblomovka appears before the reader as a kind of fabulous, unattainable place, where not only Oblomov strives, but also Stolz, who constantly settles his friend’s affairs there and tries at the end of the work to take home the last thing that remains of that old Oblomovka - Zakhara. However, if for Andrei Ivanovich the village is devoid of its mythical qualities and attracts rather on an intuitive, unclear level for the hero, connecting Stolz with the traditions of his ancestors, then for Ilya Ilyich it becomes the center of his entire illusory universe in which the man exists. Oblomovka is a symbol of everything old, dilapidated, passing away, which Oblomov keeps trying to grab onto, which leads to the degradation of the hero - he himself becomes decrepit and dies.

In Ilya Ilyich’s dream, Oblomovka is closely connected with rituals, fairy tales, and legends, which makes it itself a part ancient myth about the village-paradise. Oblomov, associating himself with the heroes of fairy tales told by his nanny, seems to find himself in this ancient, existing in parallel real world. However, the hero does not realize where dreams end and illusions begin, replacing the meaning of life. The distant, unattainable Oblomovka never becomes closer to the hero - it only seems to him that he found it with Pshenitsyna, while he slowly turned into a “plant”, ceasing to think and live a full life, completely immersing himself in the world of his own dreams.


Goncharov in his work “Oblomov” touched on many historical, social and philosophical issues, many of which do not lose their relevance to this day. The central problem work is the problem of “Oblomovism” as a historical and social phenomenon among Russian philistines who do not want to adopt new social principles and change. Goncharov shows how “Oblomovism” becomes not only a problem for society, but also for the person himself, who is gradually degrading, fencing off his own memories, illusions and dreams from the real world.

Of particular importance for understanding the Russian national mentality is the depiction of classical Russian types in the novel - both in the example of the main characters (landowner, entrepreneur, young bride, wife), and secondary ones (servants, swindlers, officials, writers, etc.), and also revealing Russian national character in contrast with the European mentality using the example of the interaction between Oblomov and Stolz.

An important place in the novel is occupied by questions of the meaning of the hero’s life, his personal happiness, place in society and the world in general. Oblomov is a typical “superfluous person”, for whom the world striving for the future was inaccessible and distant, while the ephemeral, essentially existing only in dreams, ideal Oblomovka was something close and more real than even Oblomov’s feelings for Olga. Goncharov did not portray the all-encompassing true love between the characters - in each case it was based on other, prevailing feelings - on dreams and illusions between Olga and Oblomov; on the friendship between Olga and Stolz; on respect from Oblomov and adoration from Agafya.

Theme and idea

In the novel “Oblomov” Goncharov, considering historical topic changes in society in the 19th century through the prism of such a social phenomenon as “Oblomovism”, reveals its destructive effect not only for the new society, but also for the personality of each individual, tracing the influence of “Oblomovism” on the fate of Ilya Ilyich. At the end of the work, the author does not lead the reader to a single thought, who was more right - Stolz or Oblomov, however, an analysis of the work “Oblomov” by Goncharov shows that a harmonious personality, like a worthy society, is only possible with full acceptance of one’s past, drawing spiritual values ​​from there basics, with constant striving forward and continuous work on oneself.


Goncharov, in his novel “Oblomov,” first introduced the concept of “Oblomovism,” which remains a common noun today to designate apathetic, lazy people stuck in the illusions and dreams of the past. In the work, the author touches on a number of important and relevant social and philosophical issues in any era, allowing to the modern reader take a fresh look at your own life.

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is a work by Goncharov, where the author reflects the problems that concern him, explaining their reasons, and trying to express his beliefs and hopes. He wrote his novel for about ten years, and he introduces us to the life of the main character Ilya Oblomov, who became a prominent representative nobility of the 19th century. At that time there were many such Oblomovs. Getting acquainted with the work, we see lazy person, complete apathy towards life, a person who would like to lie on the couch, but doesn’t need anything else. Why is the hero like this? Oblomov himself asked this question in Goncharov’s work, and here we need to turn to the origins, that is, to childhood, in order to understand the character of a person. This is where the head of Son Oblomov comes to the rescue. To get acquainted with the plot of this chapter, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with its summary.

Oblomov's dream summary

Studying the work, in chapter 9, entitled Oblomov’s Dream, we are transported to Oblomovka, at a time when our hero was little. In his dream we get acquainted with the description of Oblomovka. For Ilya, this is like heaven on earth, where life flows smoothly, where everything flows monotonously and monotonously, where few people care about problems and questions about the meaning of life.

Further in the episode Oblomov's Dream, the hero sees himself as a seven-year-old boy, cheerful, inquisitive, and energetic. He is ready to study everything and experiment. He should be able to run, frolic and explore the world, but not in Oblomovka, where they watched every step of the child, made sure that Ilya did not overexert himself, where at any moment they would do everything for him, after all, there are serfs for this. The author introduces us to Oblomov’s parents, lazy, but at the same time kind people. Because of his laziness, the farm is abandoned, it is easy to rob them, because Oblomov’s father does not even know what his income is. Oblomov’s mother only cares about drawing up the menu, because in Oblomovka it is very important to eat well and then sleep. It was during lunchtime that Ilya acquired complete freedom, when he could do everything that was forbidden to him.

In the next episode, Ilya sees himself as a fourteen-year-old boy. He studies at Stolts' boarding house, where Andrei Stolts does his homework for him. At the same time, Ilya’s parents are looking for various reasons for their child not to go to classes, and in general they believe that studying is not necessary and knowledge will not be useful in life. We see that Ilya wants to develop, wants to explore the world, but his parents suppress these impulses and as a result, the playful boy turns into a lazy nobleman.

Oblomov's dream analysis

Making chapters of Oblomov's Dream, we can say that the role of Oblomov's dream, like the meaning of the dream itself, is great. This chapter is a full-fledged work that complements Goncharov’s novel and makes it possible to understand why Ilya lives such a lazy life, where he cannot even dress himself. In it we understand that Oblomov’s laziness is an acquired quality and there is proof of this - the chapter of Oblomov’s Dream. We understand that if Ilya had grown up in a different atmosphere, his parents had not initially interfered with his development and exploration of the world, then the hero’s life would have turned out differently. It could be bright, rich. And so, why should he do anything when all he has to do is blink and several servants will fulfill any order, any desire. At the same time, he now solves all his life questions with a simple answer: not now. This is our Oblomov, who became like this under the influence of the environment in which he grew up and developed. This is not an anomaly, but a habit from childhood of getting what you want at the expense of others, and it was this habit that developed the apathy and immobility of the hero, plunged him into a lazy state and a miserable existence.

Slide captions:

... A writer, if he claims not for amateurism in it, but for serious significance, must put almost all of himself and not his whole life into this matter! I. A. Goncharov
The place of the work in the writer’s work
1847 - novel “Ordinary History” 1859 - novel "Oblomov" 1869 - novel “The Precipice” by I.A. Goncharov: “I see not three novels, but one.” The basis of the “links” is the comparison and contrast of two types of hero - a personality prone to an individually creative, but abstractly idealized perception of the world with impulses towards the “high, great, elegant” (Alexander Aduev, Oblomov, Raisky), and a pragmatic hero ( Pyotr Aduev, Stolz, Tushin) as the embodiment of “sober, businesslike, necessary.”
History of creation
1847-1848 birth of the plan 1849 print of the chapter “Oblomov’s Dream” with the subtitle “Episode from an Unfinished Novel” 1852. the appearance of the original name “Oblomovshchina” in 1857. fixation of the final title "Oblomov" 1859 publication of the novel in "Otechestvennye zapiski"
The fate of a generation searching for its place in society and history, but unable to find the right path. Friendship. Love. Humanism. A woman's right. Happiness. Noble romanticism.
How do the conditions of landowner life and noble upbringing give rise to apathy, lack of will, and indifference? What is true friendship? What is the role of love in a person's life? What is a good attitude? Is equality possible between a man and a woman? What is real happiness? Is noble romanticism good or bad?
I.A. Goncharov: “I tried to show in “Oblomov” how and why our people turn prematurely into ... jelly - the climate, the backwater environment, the drowsy life and even private, individual circumstances for each.”
Large form epic genre, a multi-issue work depicting a person in the process of his formation and development throughout life - A NOVEL.
Features of the novel. Socio-psychological generalization at the symbol level. Lack of direct authorial intervention.
Exposition. Showing the conditions in which Oblomov was formed as a person. (I part, 1-2 chapters. II part) Outline. Oblomov's acquaintance with Olga, nascent love. (3 and 5 chapters 2nd part) Development of action. Strengthening Oblomov’s feelings for Olga, doubting the possibility of renouncing laziness. (Ch. 6-9, Part II) Climax. Declaration of love. (12ch. ІІІ h.) Denouement. The breakup of Ilya Ilyich and Olga. (11-12 ch. III hours) Postposition. The fading of the hero in Pshenitsyna’s house. Relationship between Olga and Stolz. (IV part) Epilogue. Death of Oblomov. The fate of Zakhar, Stolz, Olga. (chapter 11, part 4)
Y.M. Loschits: “Indeed, what is Oblomov’s existence if not a fragment of a once full and all-encompassing life?”
Lexical associations: oblom - a rude, clumsy, manly person; obly - 1) full, dense, thick, corpulent, heavy; 2) rounded, roundish. (V.I. Dal. Dictionary Russian language.)
Literary parallels: A fragment of decrepit clans (And unfortunately more than one), I am a descendant of ancient boyars... (A.S. Pushkin) Prejudice! He is a fragment of the Old Truth. The temple fell; But his descendant Language did not decipher the ruins. Our arrogant age is driving him away. Without recognizing his face, Our truth is a modern Decrepit father. (E.A. Baratynsky)
System of images.
Andrey Stolts
Visitors to Oblomov
Household and interior items
Agafya Pshenitsyna
Olga Ilyinskaya
Andrey Oblomov
Ilya Ilyich Oblomov
soft, simple, generous, kind, BUT apathetic, lazy, without a goal in life and interest in it, indifferent to himself, not prepared and not adapted to life. Oblomov. Kind, apathetic. Lying down, dreaming, inactive. The author refrains from judging .Laziness.Symbols: large sofa, comfortable robe, soft shoes.
Andrey Stolts
Unusually efficient and enterprising. The owner of ebullient energy (a member of the company, doing business with foreign countries, has traveled the length and breadth of Russia). Strength, calm, energy in his face; he is against hibernation, for enlightenment. BUT no poetry, no dreams, no program of public service. Stolz. Active, practical. Plans, works, develops. The author admires his energy. Success.
“... has not yet matured to the ideal of a Russian public figure.” (N.A. Dobrolyubov.)
Antipodean heroes
The images are contrasted on all points, but not strictly; they are introduced into the novel according to the principle of antithesis.
Attitude towards family and parents
Attitude towards education
Behavior in society and at work
Perception of love
Hero type
« extra person»
not yet " new hero»
Oblomov's double.
Zakhar is Oblomov’s faithful companion, the keeper of the way of life, traditions and spirit of Oblomovka. The fate of Zakhar is a repetition of the fate of Oblomovka, a memory of her and a sentence to her. Zakhar is a person absolutely dependent on Oblomov. The ending of his life is tragic and symbolizes unproductivity life position Oblomov and, in many ways, the Russian worldview: a sick, poor old man, without a home, without family and friends, crying for his master and continuing to idolize him.
Petersburg "Oblomovism"
Volkov. Empty social entertainment. Sudbinsky. Successful clerical activities. Blindness and deafness to the rest of the world. Penkin. Prolific writing. There is no life in the works. Alekseev. Tarantiev. Adaptation of the proletarians. These heroes come to Oblomov’s house to drink, eat, and smoke good cigarettes.
“The daily empty shuffling of days!.. Are these living, sleepless people?” (From the novel “Oblomov” by I.A. Goncharov.)
Household and interior items
“The robe had in Oblomov’s eyes a darkness of invaluable merits: it is soft, flexible; you don’t feel it on yourself; he, like an obedient slave, submits to the slightest movement of the body.” (Method of personification: a robe is both a symbol and a friend.) “Ugly chairs,” “wobbly bookcases.” (The effect of uninhabited housing.)
“blessed corner of the earth”, “wonderful land”; “... eternal summer, eternal fun, sweet food and sweet laziness”; “the roar and rolling waves do not soften the weak ear” (negative comparison); “the sky there... presses closer to the earth... to hug it tighter, with love”, “the sun is bright there and it shines hot for about six months...", "the whole corner... presents a series of picturesque sketches, cheerful, smiling landscapes"; "... it all started with the inability to put on stockings, and ended with the inability to live."
Olga Ilyinskaya.
In the image of this woman, Goncharov solved the problem of women's equality. A purposeful, strong-willed girl stands among the best heroines of Russian literature: the desire to benefit people and society, free from personal aspirations.
Attractive Features
Dissatisfaction with yourself and life
Striving for active work
Lack of affectation, simplicity, naturalness
Thoughtful management of the fight against Oblomov’s habits
Agafya Pshenitsyna
young, beautiful, plump, healthy, thrifty, undemanding, calm. A worthy wife of her husband
Two love stories
Olga Ilyinskaya + Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

Agafya Pshenitsyna + Ilya Ilyich Oblomov
There is “no affectation, no intent, no tinsel” in Olga. I was shocked by the singing.
Agafya - a dream of a quiet family life, walks in the garden, pleasant conversations over a cup of tea, meeting guests.
Olga loves the “future” Oblomov.
Agafya loves Oblomov as he is now.
Andrey Oblomov
Born into the family of Ilya Ilyich and Agafya Matveevna. Named Andrei in honor of Stolts. Raised by Andrei Stolts. Who is he in the future: an energetic nobleman, a bourgeois businessman or “ new person»?
Speech features of the novel
Traditions of the “natural school”: events are replaced with detailed descriptions; everyday details for characterizing the hero. Gogol’s scheme for characterizing the hero: portrait, costume, interior, irony.
Literary context
Type of “superfluous person”: Chatsky - drama by A.S. Griboedov “Woe from Wit”; Onegin - novel in verse by A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”; Pechorin - novel by M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”; Oblomov - novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". German characters: Vralman - comedy by D.I. Fonvizin "The Minor"; Hermann - story " Queen of Spades» A.S. Pushkin; Andrei Karlovich - story Captain's daughter"A.S. Pushkin; Andrei Stolts - I.A. Goncharov's novel "Oblomov". Theme of St. Petersburg: N.V. Gogol "The Overcoat", "Nevsky Prospekt", "Dead Souls"; N.A. Nekrasov "To Whom on It’s good to live in Russia”; I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov”; F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”. Dream motif. V.A. Zhukovsky “Svetlana”, N.V. Gogol “Dead Souls”; I.A. .Goncharov “Oblomov”; N.G. Chernyshevsky “What to do?”

The novel "Oblomov" is one of best works written in the style critical realism. The author skillfully portrayed the crisis of Russian society in XIX century. From the beginning of the novel the reader sees two completely different heroes- Oblomov and Stolz. They have absolutely different tempers, different perception of the world. Speaking about the main characters, Goncharov draws a line under an entire era in the life of the country. Although serfdom was canceled in 1861, already at the beginning of the century it was clear that this period had outlived its usefulness, it was over.

Using the example of the main character Oblomov, the work depicts the failure of that system and the very impossibility of normal human development in that period. From childhood, Oblomov was raised in such a way that he got everything without effort. At the same time, not a single aspiration was developed in him that would guide him in life. Oblomov did not understand the need for human “empty” vanity. He did not understand the purpose of the documents he encountered in the service and he resigned. He could not understand what education would give him, and therefore did not pick up books. Oblomov saw no point in receiving guests and stopped going out. He is only thirty-two years old, but his whole life is spent on the couch. He does not participate in any activities and constantly wonders how to live further.

The novel comprehends psychology, the deep flaws that were inflicted on a normal person from birth by the mores of society and upbringing. Goncharov introduced a special term - “Oblomovism”. This is the same disease that consists of promoting shortcomings and neglecting advantages. This phenomenon brought Oblomov to such an existence that we see from the first pages of the story.

The author slowly describes all kinds of details, tells in detail and accurately. This... epic style of presentation perfectly conveys the reasons why the hero found himself in this position. The fact that Oblomov spends all his days lying on the sofa symbolically reflects his spiritual weakness. Previously a hero I seriously thought about doing something useful for society, but everything turned out to be nothing more than speculation. Moreover, Oblomov calmly relates to such a stationary way of his life, and the sofa becomes a symbol of stopping the life of the hero of the work.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov likes to dream, he is apathetic and soft. Having never embarrassed anyone, he himself does not consider it necessary to help anyone or even take care of himself. Things on his estate are left to chance. As a counterweight, emphasizing Oblomov’s degradation, Stolz acts as a very active person who sees the meaning of life in the struggle for his values, ideals and dreams. He is not indifferent to the problems of others, just as he is full of sympathy for his friend Oblomov.

The last chance for the hero to free himself from the yoke of “Oblomovism” is Olga Ilyinskaya. The girl fell in love with the hero and she devotes a lot of effort and time to transform him and arouse in him interest in the world around him. But Oblomov is not adapted to life and is afraid of it, he is not able to make decisions and act. "Oblomovshchina" wins.

Goncharov portrayed Oblomov and “Oblomovism” not in order to show the fate of an individual person, but in order to point out that there are a lot of people like his hero. The author judges society itself, which is destroying good people. Goncharov denounces the laziness and inactivity of the landowners, and their degradation in such an environment. This legacy can lead the country to ruin, and therefore the author raises the issue of renewing society by people who will not just dream of eradicating evil, but will act in this direction.