"Battle of psychics" - truth or a staged show. The whole truth about the "Battle of Psychics". Battle of Psychics watch online all episodes and seasons for free in good quality.

“Battle of Psychics” is a popular TV show broadcast on the TNT channel since 2007. To date, fourteen seasons of the program have been released, and casting is underway for the fifteenth season. This article contains the whole truth about the “Battle of Psychics”.

Program format

"Battle of Psychics" was created in the likeness of a British TV show. Also, similar programs are published in the USA, Israel, Australia and many countries of the former USSR.

Thus, the first part of this work relates to the history of the deaf in the world and in Brazil. The second part describes educational philosophies, looking at oralism, total communication and bilingualism. From the origins of man there are the deaf, whose history has passed through recurring concepts over the centuries, marking and delimiting theoretical, political, social, cultural and psychic territories.

Etymologically, the term deaf comes from the Latin and Greek designation of a dual situation: a person who does not listen and a person who is not understood. It also indicates numbness, meaning after Homer, that he is stupid, foolish, or insensitive. The first designation refers to the quality of that person whose uniqueness makes him different from others. Already after Homer with the meaning “mute” introduces a misunderstanding, that is, that the deaf does not speak and that speech is understood in a unique sphere of action.

In order to become a participant in this project, you must go through several qualifying rounds. The very first and easiest one is never shown to the audience. People with paranormal abilities must determine which geometric figure drawn on a piece of paper hidden in an envelope. From several thousand applicants, three or four hundred people are selected to advance to the next round.

It also introduces the idea of ​​double fault: physical incapacity and emotional incapacity. In ancient times, deaf people were not considered competent people. Communication through concepts was recognized as a privileged form of manifestation of intelligence, and this would only manifest itself through speech. Signs were not considered language, but primitive gestures. Therefore, those who did not listen or speak verbally did not think. Thus, it was observed that deaf people, as well as people who had certain types of disabilities, did not receive the same treatment in ancient times as a normal person.

Santana and Bergamo note that deaf people have always been “historically stigmatized, considered less public values", because they lacked extremely characteristic feature of man: oral language and its cognitive virtues. In this regard, “the deaf were humanly inferior.” Silva describes that in primitive societies conditions for greater individual survival were required of its members than in future societies. When a person did not meet the social standard of what is considered normal, he was usually abandoned or isolated from other people.

The second stages differ from each other in different seasons. There may be a test where they need to determine what or who is behind a black screen, and sometimes applicants are given the task of finding a person hidden in one of several dozen cars.

The third round, based on the results of which the final participants in the project are determined, is conventionally called “The Masked Man.” Blindfolded psychics need to determine what kind of person is sitting in front of them. During the existence of the program, Mikhail Porechenkov (who is also the host of the first seasons), Decl, Natalie and others managed to sit in the chair of the invisible man. In different seasons, the number of people included in the final list turned out to be different. The minimum is eight participants, the maximum is thirteen.

Deaf subjects were rejected by society and then isolated in asylums so that they could be protected as they were not considered to have an education due to their anomaly, that is, this behavior marked by a vague intolerance in the negative view of the deaf We as "abnormal" or " sick".

IN Ancient Greece, especially in the city of Sparta, when a child was born, groups of elders examined it. If she presented with some chronic illness or some physical problem, she was thrown into an area reserved for all newborns who attacked the almost perfect aesthetics of the Spartans: the top of Mount Taygeto. According to Guarinelo, Aristotle said that people cannot express a word and that hearing is the most important channel for learning and reaching human consciousness.

The episodes themselves consist of several tests (two to three), based on the results of which the jury members choose the strongest and weakest psychics of the week. The latter leaves the project.


Many viewers are interested in the question of what the “Battle of Psychics” is - true or staged show? Of course, doubts may arise, since some participants pass the tests brilliantly, answer all the questions as if they had memorized the answers, while others fail the tasks. Perhaps it all depends on the level of skill and long practice.

His verdict was that the deaf were not educated. Thus, the Roman civilization believed that the deaf, not to mention, were considered incompetent. In Egypt, according to Sklar's research, deaf people were worshiped and took on the role of intermediaries between the gods and pharaohs, for this reason they were feared and respected by society. The Chinese, however, threw them into the sea, and the Gauls sacrificed them to the Teutonic gods.

For deaf people, their experiences in ancient times must have been difficult due to the injustices they suffered and experienced. However, the near silence about what is said with reverence about the deaf is actually significant. The partial form of the recordings of various researchers shows us their concern to present us with the history of the deaf in a vision that focuses mainly on efforts to turn deaf subjects into models of hearing subjects, offering to “cure” their “hearing” damage.

So, over fourteen seasons, more than a hundred people took part in the “Battle of Psychics.”

The first season was released in 2007. Nine people had the chance to prove themselves. The winner was Natalya Vorotnikova. The second and third seasons were filmed the same year. The number of participants was eight and ten, respectively. The second season was won by Zulia Radjabova. The third winner was Mehdi Ebrahimi-Vafa.

Deaf children were considered irrational, forced to do jobs that other people wouldn't do, lived alone, and were left in poverty. Deaf people had no rights, were also sacrificed, received no communion, no inheritance, and there were still biblical sanctions against the marriage of two deaf people. Only later, in the Middle Ages, did the church condemn infanticide, introducing the idea of ​​attributing abnormalities that people had to supernatural causes. Before the beginning modern period There have been no reports of educational experiences with deaf children that were considered permanent.

Three seasons were also released in 2008. Their winners were Tursunoy Zakirova, Liliya Khegai, Alexander Litvin. The seventh season in 2009 was won by Alexey Pokhabov.

Also in 2009, the presenter changed. Mikhail Porechenkov was replaced by Marat Basharov. The winner of the eighth season was Vladimir Muranov. The ninth season (2010) was won by Natalya Banteeva.

Education of the deaf in Europe showed its first signs with the Italian physician Girolamo Cardabo, who, being a deaf son, considered a deaf person capable of teaching the method of written symbols, mimicry, objects and drawings. It is noteworthy that even the development of this method has never been put into practice. This alphabet applies to this day with minor modifications. The first school for deaf children appeared in France.

Many consider him the creator of sign language, although it already existed before him. However, Abbé Michel de L'Epée confirmed the existence and development of sign language, as well as the deaf as a human being, by recognizing their language, believing that teaching the deaf to speak would be a waste of time rather than teach their sign language.

Every year interest in the project increased. Spectators were attracted not only by the mystical component, but also main secret"Battle of Psychics" program. Is it true or a stage show shown to us on the screen? This intrigue has haunted television viewers for eight years.

Mohsen Norouzi (2010), (2011), Elena Yasevich (2011), Dmitry Volkhov (2012), Alexander Sheps (2013), Julia Wang (2014) also won the “Battle of Psychics”.

This date is still remembered as the most ominous in its history: as if it were September 11, when the two towers of culture and sign language, mixed method and manual method of teaching the deaf, collapsed, a long and bitter battle began that defended the right to sign the language.

According to Perlin and Stroebel, the Milan Congress was greatest event prejudice and repression against deaf people, their language and culture. In its proclamations, this congress prohibited deaf people from speaking sign language in public and private places. In this sense, Slyar points out that after the ban there was strong feeling shame and inferiority on the part of younger deaf people as traits emerged that condemned their background.

Rumors of a fake show

The project has been repeatedly criticized by the press and television personalities. It has been mentioned many times that by launching this program, the TNT channel is trying to advertise itself. Psychics are constantly under attack and accused of fraud. So, is the “Battle of Psychics” true or a staged show? Of course, like every television program, “Battle” has a production director and other specialists working on " beautiful picture"But we must not forget that real people take part in the project, looking for solutions to real, not fictitious problems. They come and talk about their life tragedies and receive help, and completely free of charge.

The Congress of Milan is a reference as the moment when a combination of political, philosophical and religious factors converge in its discussion, as well as the effervescence of a mechanistic approach modern science, which promoted an inversion of the concept, reducing deafness and deafness to a biological deficit, subject to healing. A concept that stopped the participation of deaf people in the educational process and in work, determining its category of disadvantages. These views express recent debates about deaf education, although they are situated in the context of special education.

Perhaps some psychics conduct receptions after the project and take money for it. But this is their job, which should also be paid. Whether or not it is to contact people with unusual and extraordinary abilities personal choice each person.

In each episode of the “Battle of Psychics” it is mentioned that participation in the program is free. The presenter also warns inattentive citizens against the tricks of scammers. Some latest broadcasts were dedicated to exposing them with the participation of real psychics, and people who suffered at the hands of attackers were able to receive free consultation.

The oral method is officially introduced in France and any other approach is prohibited. A primarily oral multisensory method that emphasizes the use of different sensory pathways for language development: hearing, vision and touch, while prohibiting the use of manual alphabet and gestures. Many recommendations were proposed at the Milan Congress, only one was unanimously adopted: “Governments should take measures to ensure that all deaf people receive an education.”

However, oralism did not have many advantages, since educated deaf people could not communicate with unfamiliar listeners or carry on a free conversation. The ban on sign language for over 100 years has always been in the minds of deaf people to this day. However, the problem now for the deaf is to build a new cultural history with recognition and respect for differences, Their language, the liberation of deaf people from all forms of oppression and their spontaneous spontaneous development of cultural identity!

Winners after the project

You can think a lot about whether the “Battle of Psychics” is true or a staged show, but you should understand that real people took part in it, whom you can easily run into on the street.

Some of the participants and winners have gone into the shadows and are no longer involved in extrasensory perception, while others, on the contrary, after the program decided to seriously work with mysticism and witchcraft. For example, Natalya Banteeva has her own coven, where she trains young witches and provides witchcraft services. Mehdi Ebrahimi-Wafa opened an online store where he sells various mystical souvenirs, amulets and more.

Because of this recognition, many movements emerged to allow deaf people to live in society. The deaf subject and the deaf community do not accept being called "hard of hearing", preferring the term "deaf" as an expression they have identified as denoting their own culture. From this variation emerged a movement called Deaf Power, which fought for the rights of the deaf, focusing on two aspects: the right to one's own language and the right to have the listener perceived as "different" rather than "deficient."

This movement became known in all countries, including Brazil. Lip reading was used only by students with oral language ability, thereby initiating sign language, developing the work of oratography. Initially they were taught written, articulate and spoken language, dating and signs. The Lip Reading discipline will focus only on those with the skills and development spoken language. Thus, the first contact with French sign language was brought by Hwe and the sign language used by the students.

There are also participants who have never received money for their prophecies and do not intend to make money from it in the future. For example, Julia Wang announced to the whole country that she does not provide services to the population.

Mikhail Porechenkov about the "Battle of Psychics"

Porechenkov repeatedly noted in his interviews that he is an Orthodox man and everything mystical is alien to him. That is why he was interested in working on the project, in order to find charlatans and make sure there were no superpowers. Surprisingly, there were people who proved the opposite to the actor. Mikhail claims that each participant has his own characteristics and strengths. It was on the program that he became convinced of the existence of psychics.

Oral classes were conducted by ordinary teachers, there were no specialists. Social movements, mobilized by the deaf community, have established sign language recognition as one of their priorities over the past 15 years. The current debate in the field of deaf education centralizes the structural and methodological modifications of school education that continue to operate in the inclusion of deaf people in society. The deaf community has conquered its space in society. Today, governments are concerned about the education of the deaf, and they are included in the concept of special educational needs expressed in the Declaration of Salamanca, which gives rise to specific areas of action aimed at recognizing differences, including deaf education, taking into account one of the features of Deaf education: language.

Marat Basharov about the "Battle of Psychics"

The presenter was repeatedly asked by journalists and just onlookers: “The show “Battle of Psychics” - or a production?” According to Basharov’s apt expression, he has already erased the language of explaining that everything here is pure truth. After all, the essence of the program is to find out whether there are people with paranormal abilities, or whether the world is full of only charlatans.

However, language is only mentioned in the document through recommendations, but not on the introduction and viability of teaching that includes first language sign language. However, the struggle was gradually won, and if in the past the deaf could not be educated, today they guarantee and conquer spaces by being listened to, despite many difficulties. Oralism, general communication and bilingualism are educational philosophies that will be described below.

Saussure believes that language is collective, it is social data, the same linguistic system and is used in different directions. The linguistic system is a mechanism of an abstract nature and underlies the act of speech, a virtual mechanism, that is, a set of combinatorial possibilities. Man cannot create or change it; he is external to it. A system is an organized set in which one element is determined by others. Language is a system of signs.

Marat Basharov claims that rumors about leaking information to participants and the unreality of what is happening are spread by the “psychics” themselves, who left the project and harbored a grudge.

Skeptics' opinions

Skeptics, who are also co-hosts of the program, always side with the truth. Their goal is to expose unscrupulous participants, bring them to clean water. During the existence of the project, Lera Kudryavtseva, Vera Sotnikova, Elena Valyushkina, psychologists Mikhail Vinogradov and Alexander Makarov became skeptics.

Sergei Safronov, perhaps, can be considered the main skeptic of the project, and outside of it, he also doubts psychics. He claims that in all time there have been only five people who really have any kind of power. The rest are either excellent psychologists or worthless charlatans. The whole truth about popular TV show The “Battle of Psychics” will be described in his book, in which the reader will also find advice on how not to fall for a scammer, how to avoid disappointment in everything mystical.

Psychiatrist Mikhail Vinogradov mentioned in one interview that some of the tests (not related to human tragedies) were truly staged, but this was done to make the program more spectacular. In addition, he has no doubt about the existence of psychics, and some participants in the show work in his center and provide psychic assistance to the police and the investigative committee.

Psychics about the project

Of course negative reviews the program is most often left by those who left it on initial stages. But this criticism cannot be ignored, since the burning question remains about the “Battle of Psychics” project. Is everything we see on screens true or show?

In his diary on this question answered Valeks Buyak, a participant in the eighth battle. He said that there is a certain system of leaking information on the show. The first one is unauthorized. Someone from film crew over the phone (incognito) he offers to buy information from him about upcoming tests for money. But few psychics agree to this. Another form is sanctioned, when the organizers themselves can hint or ask a leading question. All this is needed for greater persuasiveness, and a lot of money is spent on filming, so good ratings are needed. One day, a test that not a single participant could complete was simply cut off the air.

The whole truth about the “Battle of Psychics” can also be found by an inquisitive viewer in interviews with some of the finalists of the project.

Ekaterina Gordon about "Battle"

The famous radio presenter Katya Gordon is famous for her loud statements and unleashing scandals. So, she stated on her blog that she was going to sue the TNT channel for fraud. The whole truth about the “Battle of Psychics” project, in her opinion, is that only charlatans are participating there. And the winner of the fifteenth battle cannot at all be a girl with paranormal abilities, since she worked as a hairdresser and personally, Katya Gordon, dyed her hair.

The girl also stated that she would pay a million rubles to anyone who would demonstrate her psychic abilities in person. According to the Internet public, this is not at all an exposure of the project on TNT, but a way to promote itself through a popular TV show.

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" about the project

On their pages, Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists exposed pseudo-psychics Daria Mironova, Natalya Nosacheva, and Mikhail Filonenko. Their activities after the “Battle” caused discontent among people who turned to them for help. It turned out that while they receive a lot of money for their appointments, they do not help in any way, and sometimes even worsen the situation.

It also became known that some psychics got into the project not because of their abilities, but with the help of connections. There are large centers where so-called psychics work, and they send their wards to promote their services on television, in the “Battle of Psychics” program. The truth or lie behind this statement is also unknown.

"Frank Confession" about the "Battle of Psychics"

An exposé program on the TNT channel released a story on the topic “The Magic of Money.” And, of course, such a popular project as “Battle of Psychics” did not go unnoticed. A woman was invited to the studio who claimed that she was somehow dependent on the “psychic” Daria Mironova. In fact, she gave her money for nothing. Mikhail Vinogradov confirmed that Daria is most likely a fraudster who does not have any special abilities other than psychoanalysis. And she completely accidentally ended up on the TV show “Battle of Psychics.” Fact or fiction is that Daria extorts money from ordinary people, is still unknown, since the girl refuses to comment.

People who fall into the clutches of scammers can only wish them sanity, no matter how difficult the situation they are in. You can't believe everything you see on TV, especially a TV show. "Battle of psychics" - real or show? Of course, the second one. This is not documentary, A entertainment. Even despite the participation of real heroes and the help provided to them, we must remember what television is and what it was invented for.

We welcome you, casual guests and regular readers of our site. In our age technical progress information, falling in avalanche-like streams onto the world, has taken possession of our minds, hearts, moods and thoughts.

The media: television, radio, the press are “fighting” for a place in the sun, creating more and more sensations in order to increase ratings, enter the top, and, therefore, stay afloat.

What attracts is what frightens and what is unknown, and also what evokes strong emotions. How can you not be imbued with emotions when, before your eyes, even on a TV screen, real people see through walls, hear the dead, find missing things and people on the map?

This is exactly what they show us in the program “Battle of Psychics,” which airs on the TNT channel and is perhaps the most mysterious, popular of its kind and discussed on domestic television. It’s not for nothing (just think!) that 16 seasons of the program were filmed.

It is difficult to imagine the possibility of a television show that would not have its fans and “anti-fans.”

Fans firmly believe in all the miracles that are shown to them on the screen, from the ability to accurately determine whose photograph is in an envelope to the ability to look for people and objects, pass through walls, communicate with aliens... (oops, we got carried away).

And the number of skeptics is simply off the charts, but, as the situation with the incredible popularity of the program shows, such, albeit black, PR only plays into the hands of its creators and the owners of the TNT channel.

We will not take one side or the other, but will simply speculate a little with you.

There is an opinion that so-called psychics buy answers to tasks from the film crew and other knowledgeable individuals, and the participants themselves talk about this on their blogs (not about their purchases, of course, as you guessed). And they even name the price, which is neither more nor less than twenty-three thousand Russian rubles per task, sometimes we're talking about about thirty thousand.

Although the permanent host of the show over the past eight seasons, Marat Basharov, claims that it is the angry participants who failed to reach the finals who spread such gossip in order to justify their own defeat and cast a shadow on the hated show, which did not allow them to become famous.

Marat also says that, unfortunately (!), no one offered him money and that the goal of the project is to identify people who really have superpowers, and cunning and bribery alone will not get you far. This is understandable; what sane person would offer to leak information to the presenter himself?

The program even specifically provides for the presence of skeptics who are trying with all their might to expose the participants. Such “non-believers” are the famous illusionists Brothers Safronov (and who, if not them, knows all the possible tricks and tricks that can have a bewitching effect on the public), as well as Mikhail Viktorovich Vinogradov, who specializes in studying the phenomenon of human paranormal abilities and is engaged in criminal psychiatry.

But even despite such an impressive arsenal of knowledge and experience of the opposition, psychics manage to surprise again and again with the manifestation of remarkable magical abilities. The most interesting thing is that often even the participants themselves are surprised at their own skills, as if mentally asking themselves: “What is this? Coincidence or dormant “superpowers”?

Elena Yasevich

Marilyn Kero and Alexander Sheps

Although the representatives of the television fraternity themselves say that the castings and qualifying rounds people actually come who have certain abilities that go beyond the ordinary. But!

Attention! Often they do not pass these same selections, giving way (not of their own free will, of course) to significantly less gifted comrades. Why? - you ask. Or maybe the participants are chosen by the television people themselves to match the audience, so that each viewer has his own type of “psychic” whom he will watch and root for?

What do you think - Real magicians, psychics and people whose goal is to serve and help others will use every opportunity to break through to TV screens and gain as much fame as possible? Previously, such a question could be answered categorically - no. Such people hid because they were feared and executed for their abilities.

I believe in TNT!

The secret always reveals itself, sooner or later...

The first release of the program took place in 2007! year. If you think that this is all acting, then can such extras be filmed for so many years? open areas and not still be exposed in deception?

Something tells us that such a large-scale program cannot be secretly filmed on the outskirts of cities and paid for every time new line-up actors for different scenes. Russia big country, but there are much fewer actors)) What do you think? Write your opinion in the comments to this article

For those who doubt, but really want to believe, the “Battle of Psychics” is always open and invites people to participate in filming the program.

Thank you for your attention, dear readers. Share with your friends and stay with us. Love, miracles and joy to you! Watch the “Battle of Psychics” and read interesting books.