The whole truth about the battle of psychics from the participants. Is the battle of psychics real or a staged show? That is, as a magician you finished your career

The whole truth about the project "Battle of Psychics" April 16th, 2013

Back in 2007, I participated in the launch of the television project “Battle of Psychics.”
At that time I was also procrastinating on other projects, but now let’s talk specifically about “Psychics.”
This is a format TV project. Original "Psychic Challenge"
What does it mean?
This means that companies like create programs
and then sell them to the whole world.

More precisely, they do not sell the programs themselves, but the rights to create a similar program but adapted for the local market.
Along with the rights, they sell the so-called “Project Bible”.
The project Bible includes a description of the technological process, all kinds of recommendations and advice,
for the correct filming process, description of competitions, castings, graphic and audio design and much more.
In principle, the Bible is the mistakes of others from which you can and should learn.
Moreover, they paid money for these mistakes and it is not wise to fill your own troubles.
But apparently it’s not quite customary for us to learn from other people’s mistakes :)
That's why technological plan filming prescribed in the bible as staffing table the personnel needed for the project were ignored.
When a consultant from the company that sold this format to the TV channel flew in to monitor the filming process
and compliance with the conditions of the format, she was very surprised.
She constantly insisted: this is not possible, you can’t work like that. She didn't understand how we could stand it.
In fact, the project was filmed very quickly.
Basically, everything was done not “for tomorrow” but “for yesterday.”
The programming department decided when the first program would be broadcast,
and no one cares that half of the staff is not yet there, there is no script, and even sensible psychics have not been found.
There is a broadcast date and everything needs to be done by it. you are professionals :)

No money was allocated for filming either. Since the budget for the entire program was not signed :)
How to create a program budget if you don’t know what will happen in 8 more programs?
The script was only for the first program.
Basically, the night before the first shoot, I created a budget for the entire first season.
On the first day there was a casting in Kyiv, there was no money yet, but it couldn’t be cancelled;
people bought tickets and came to the casting, pavilions, decorations, catering, special equipment and much more were ordered.
In the end, I took out my money and paid necessary expenses from his own pocket, and only then knocked these funds out of the accounting department, since he kept all the checks and contracts for reporting.
So you can say I was the first sponsor of the program :)

Now about the castings.
We've all been looking for psychics. Real ones, not charlatans.
Does it seem so complicated?
We took the newspapers and rang through the advertisements, there were piles of them in the newspapers.
But everything is much more complicated.
Since we need real psychics, and not charlatans, we immediately warned all applicants about this.
Therefore, many immediately refused to participate.
Those who were ready to prove their exclusivity passed a series of tests.
For example: There is a photograph of a person in a tightly sealed envelope. Preferably printed from film or Polaroid.
The applicant must feel the energy of this photograph and tell everything that he feels about the person in the photograph.
Such a simple test allowed us to weed out the majority of MAGICIANS AND WIZARDS.

Now comes the fun part.
I am often asked if the psychics participating in the program are real?
I answer. Don't know!
When we selected, everyone was real, not fake.
This also has a problem.
After all, they are not real psychics bright characters, look like ordinary people, and not the way you are used to seeing them in the movies.
This is bad for the show. After all, the viewer wants spectacles, so that they beat the tambourines, throw dice, roll their eyes, etc.
And in the frame there are ordinary average residents.
I even had the idea to introduce some fake characters in the next seasons.
Find a colorful Shaman, a red-haired Witch, and some black guy with Voodoo magic.
They will play 3-4 programs and then we will gradually introduce them to the jury meeting.
That is, the finals will include real psychics with abilities.
Perhaps in subsequent seasons they did just that, or maybe they went even further. I do not know this.

It was not easy for the program participants - psychics.
Understand the term "psychic" is like the term "athlete".
After all, an athlete cannot be an excellent weightlifter, gymnast and boxer at the same time. He is a specialist in one thing, perhaps in related disciplines.
So it is with a “psychic,” he can do one thing very well, more or less another, but he can’t do the rest.
They also have a narrow specialization.
We put them through all possible and impossible competitions.
I even dragged them into the casino, which was not prohibited then.
I wanted to win money with them, but alas, no one, out of three attempts, predicted a single number correctly.
They said that they were forbidden to deal with money like that :)
I would like to note that many of them are good psychologists; if they did not know the answer, they tried
to calculate the correct answer, they spoke little by little and looked at the reactions of others.
Plus, as I wrote earlier, we filmed a lot and closely.
According to the format, there is 1 day for preparation, 1 day for filming one competition, 1 day for rest and then again.
Sometimes we filmed 2 or 3 competitions per shift. And the next day there will be another shooting of 1-2 competitions.
Very short production time. :(
So the film crew and psychics worked in difficult conditions.

One day we tried to help them. The competition consisted of a psychic walking along a hotel corridor with one girl and looking for which room contained the girl’s twin sister.
So in the room where the second girl was and the cameraman, the light was on so that he could immediately film the reaction.
And in the crack under this door it was clear that the light was on. There was no one in the other rooms and the lights were off.
But the psychics did not pay attention to this. They acted according to some of their own rules and almost no one found the twin girl.

And yet it was an amazing project and I’m glad that we did it despite all the intrigues and intrigues.
AND Thanks a lot to all psychics and film crew with whom I worked.
Only the permanent presenter Pavel Kostitsin and cameramen moved from season to season,
and here creative group Looks like it was squeezed out and replaced.
Therefore, I do not regret that I left this project on time (after the completion of the first season).

And now I’m ready to answer all your questions :) Ask.

“Battle of Psychics” is a television project of the TNT channel, filmed in the format of the British television show “Britain’s Psychic Challenge”. The first season was released in 2007. Numerous sources say that the show is staged in nature with a pre-written script. In February 2017, the project received an anti-award from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for popularizing pseudoscience. Attempts by individual participants to pass independent tests and receive the Harry Houdini Award ended in complete failure. The actions of some participants were considered fraudulent.

about the project

The first presenter was Mikhail Porechenkov. He spent the first seven seasons, after which he was replaced by Marat Basharov. All participants are selected. To do this, it is proposed to determine what is behind the opaque fabric or in the casket. Based on the results, no more than 40 people are selected. Those who go further must find a person hidden in one of 30 places. Only those who have completed this task can take part in the show.

A jury is necessarily formed, which decides which of the psychics will move on to the next round. The program also has co-hosts. In different seasons, the role of “skeptics” was played by criminologists, artists, psychiatrists, magicians and pop stars.

In an interview, Mikhail Vinogradov repeatedly said that patients, scammers and various shocking personalities come to take part in the tests. No one gives guarantees of their professionalism. The only exceptions are three winners in each season. According to the forensic expert, such individuals really confirm their abilities.

Truth or lie?

Each season had its stars. Famous participants earn significant sums. One hour of their work costs an average of 15-40 thousand rubles. Mikhail Porechenkov gave an interview on Nashe Radio. He said that at first it was really interesting to work, all members of the film crew believed in what was happening. Gradually, awareness of the technology of work came. There are people who give tips to psychics. This is done on the basis of contracts concluded before filming. However, there were also moments when the participants understood something.

Information about paid tips appeared back in 2009. Information from friends and relatives of the participants began to appear on various forums. They note that among them there are real psychics, and there are those who pay for the correct answers to the questions posed. The community has repeatedly voiced the opinion that the task is real, but the winners “pay for” their victory.

There are also positive reviews, but they relate to visiting individual psychics outside of the program. Indeed, many participants have become highly paid specialists, but among them there are also those who have never received compensation for their prophecies. For example, Julia Wang immediately said that she does not provide services to the public.

Stars about the “Battle of Psychics”

Singer Danko says that everything is a montage. He once had an affair with Julia Wang, the winner of season 15. He himself took part in the filming. The singer notes that Wang did not show her psychic abilities in any way and was an ordinary glamorous party girl. Danko told how filming takes place:

  1. Each participant is filmed for an hour.
  2. Psychic speaks various options answers.
  3. Editors select suitable ones from the footage.

Ekaterina Gordon notes that in the entire history of the project there were only 2-3 real psychics. She notes that colleagues working on the television project do not hide the fact that miracles do not happen on it, it’s all a show.

Alena Vodonaeva was “Mr. X” in one of the episodes. She says that everything is for real. She notes that after returning from filming, she started bleeding. According to Alena, the participants acted in this way with their energy.

Actress Nastasya Samburskaya also had a positive review. Participants shared details about her life that she never mentioned.

In many tests, Vera Sotnikova acts as an expert. She notes that sometimes real miracles happen on set. Sometimes psychics say things about which information was very carefully hidden. Therefore, it is very difficult not to believe what is happening.

Sergei Safronov has been conducting some tests for many years. In his opinion, most of the participants are excellent psychologists. Only once did he really feel like he was getting into his head. Sergei is convinced that TV viewers don’t care whether the show is real or staged.

Rossa Voronova said that those participants who are suitable for editors receive help. Everyone else is tested themselves. She argues that information is provided in doses to certain people. This is done so that it doesn’t turn out like this: one person comes and guesses everything.

What do the winners do after the project?

You can understand whether the program is a scam or whether help was really provided to those who applied by studying how the winners live after the show. It has already been noted that many of them decided to start a business.

Winners of the first five seasons:

  • Natalya Vorotnikova. He is engaged in healing, gives lectures and makes exclusive forecasts for a glossy magazine.
  • Zulia Radzhabova. She has written three books and constantly reminds people not to turn to scammers and swindlers working under her name for help.
  • Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa. Left extrasensory perception and took up psychology. According to some of his clients, his abilities were gone. You can buy “charged” paintings on the official website.
  • Tursnoy Zakirova. She published the book “How to Become Happier” and hosts a reception at the “Magic Power” center.
  • Lilia Khegai. He provides services to the public, but does not consider himself a psychic.

Winners from season 6 to 10

  • Alexander Litvin. He has written several books and conducts online consulting.
  • Alexey Pokhabov. Conducts seminars and personal consultations. Believes that everyone can develop their abilities.
  • Vladimir Muranov. He continues to practice healing and is the author of books and CDs with recordings for meditation.
  • Natalya Banteeva. He is the creator of the "Coven of Northern Witches". She opened a school where students are allowed to immerse themselves in the “life of a wizard.”
  • Mohsen Norouzi. He is very popular, makes forecasts for famous personalities, and receives clients in one of the prestigious business centers.

Winners from seasons 11 to 17:

  • Vitaly Gibert. Writes books, conducts seminars on the Black Sea coast.
  • Elena Yasevich. Offers esoteric services in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Refuses techniques associated with witchcraft.
  • Dmitry Volokhov. Popularizes neo-paganism and conducts seminars.
  • Alexander Sheps. He opened a store that sells charms, bracelets, and other talismans. Conducts trainings.
  • Julia Wang. Does not conduct receptions, does not give consultations. He is engaged in the creation of perfumes and soaps.
  • Victoria Raidos. He does not practice healing, but solves complex everyday problems.
  • Swami Dashi. Conducts trainings, published the first book. It is possible to sign up for an individual session.

In conclusion, we note: Marat Basharov himself says that everything that happens on the project is true. He says that rumors about information leaks are spread by the participants themselves who dropped out of the project.

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U unusual people with superpowers, as they are also called by psychics, mediums, witches, sorcerers, have their own hobbies that allow them to relax and forget that they are not like everyone else. Each of these unique people became famous for their unusual skills and abilities.


The famous parapsychologist Evgenia Davitashvili has many talents, more known to the people under the name "Juna". She became famous for her healing abilities, but besides this she loves to draw; her paintings are very symbolic. Images of people, trees, animals, secret signs, they envelop you with their stunning atmosphere. In addition, she, stories, songs, performed with famous singer Igor Talkov on the same stage.


Another owner unique talent Wolf Grigorievich Messing is a pop artist who performed his unique show “reading the minds of the audience,” which was unique at that time. It is believed that he used his talent in solving crimes, helping to expose people, but opinions differ here, some believe that he was a secret agent, and others that he was just a fraudster who misled everyone.

Messing loved poetry, it is not known whether he wrote it himself, but in the memory of a unique person there were always groans of poetic lines, with which he often conquered.


Perhaps there is no person who does not know the world-famous Bulgarian Vanga. In her life, everything seems to be no coincidence, including how she lost her sight in childhood when she was caught by a hurricane, and how, having gone blind, she regained her sight through clairvoyance.

Vanga was visited by officials, celebrities, and ordinary people; there was always a crowd of people near her house.

It began to gain its greatest popularity during the Second World War, when it could determine the location of missing people. Most often, Vanga needed the personal presence of a person or a piece of sugar that this person held; she believed that sugar was a conductor in which the person’s personality was reflected.

Vanga, being completely blind, managed the house very well and was fond of floriculture; the mild climate of Bulgaria allowed her to set up a real flower garden in front of the house, which was still blooming long years after her death.


The most a prominent representative Anatoly Kashpirovsky was a psychic who broadcast his treatment sessions on television in the USSR. The trained psychotherapist gained fame thanks to his hypnosis sessions; almost everyone remembers his sessions on charging water that people brought to the TV. His ability to control attention and convince was envied by many; they still cannot understand whether he is a magician or a healer.

They are all different, but they have one thing in common: inhuman abilities that defy explanation.

Modern uniques

By the way, young and popular psychics also have their own passions and hobbies. For example, the undisputed winner of 14 "" Alexander Sheps writes poetry, and his beloved, the outstanding witch Merlin Kero, was a professional model for many years. She still has a passion for photography.

Video on the topic

Very large quantity people are tempted to turn to fortune tellers, psychics or telepaths to improve their destiny or karma. Arises interest Ask, should we pay for such services, how much and to whom?

How psychics work

It is very important to understand that, purely from a psychological point of view, it is much easier to “believe” in a service you paid for than in one you received for free. People value what they spend money on. In the case when people resort to services (since the presence of superpowers is scientifically impossible to prove), in addition to the actions of the specialists themselves, the placebo effect also comes into play. The placebo effect is a kind of self-healing effect, which is based on the fact that the patient believes in the effectiveness of the method used for treatment. This effect was discovered in the Middle Ages, but was applied in a medical context only in the eighteenth century. If we talk about subtle matters, any relationship in the “seller-buyer” format assumes that there is an exchange of services, things or money. Disinterested sellers are a myth, since communism has not yet been built, which means that if the “seller” of a service does not need money, he is interested in something else.

Are there non-possessive psychics?

Very often, selfless psychics and magicians use their abilities to find, for example, lovers. Moreover, this is not the only option for a specific exchange of the “service for service” type.

Don't be fooled by big terms. A good specialist will explain the situation to you in the most understandable language.
Sorcerers who have just started their activities work for free. In this case, if they fail, then there is little demand from them. In such cases, they usually insist that it was an experiment. And if it is successful, such sorcerers can often manipulate the client so that he himself pays them out of gratitude. In this case, the cost of the session can be quite impressive. If you are offered free psychic services, think twice. Perhaps the magician or sorcerer is simply going to use you as a sacrifice. No, we're not talking about bloody rituals, but they can dump negativity on you. In such situations, your request may be fulfilled, but the consequences may be sad.
You should not apply through advertisements in newspapers and magazines; it is better to find out about good psychic from relatives or friends who have already visited him.
Another unpleasant “free” scenario is mentally ill people who believe that they should benefit humanity. It is not safe to associate with such people. Unstable mental condition can make itself felt at the wrong time, and instead of solving problems, you may end up with an obsessive, unhealthy schizophrenic who will try to control your life. It is very difficult to get rid of such people. Oddly enough, often free help offered by cunning scammers. They promise free help, treat the client during the session, “conning” him. Their methods are quite crude, appealing to them in best case scenario entails material losses, but your health may also suffer.

These include fortune tellers, clairvoyants, healers, mediums and practitioners of other directions. Psychics often call themselves magicians. All these people are united by supernatural abilities.

Psychics are called upon to recognize people’s past and foresee their future. To relieve the person who contacts him from negative programs and arrange the life events necessary for him.

So, the person found himself in the midst of unpleasant events: a relative was lost, troubles arose in his personal life and at work, and his health deteriorated. If a person decides to find a psychic and meet with him, then he should understand that the Internet and real life teeming with dubious advertisements from scammers. Therefore, it is important to separate the wheat from the chaff.

TV project “Battle of Psychics”

Of course, real psychics are not only those who take part and win in the TV show “Battle of Psychics.” Not every Russian is able to meet with such specialists due to financial problems and their geographical location.

The exceptions are fans of this TV show, who come to really support their favorites, and those whom the editors invited to take part in tests for psychics. There are cases when such people manage not only to communicate with a real specialist, but also receive help.

Even if a person sets out to independently meet with a recognized participant in the “Battle of Psychics” project, he risks encountering scammers. They often register virtual sites under the name of a sensational program participant or create real offices under the guise of specialists. With such actions, charlatans simply lure money from those people who are looking for meetings with real psychics.

Where to meet a psychic

Nowadays esoteric sites are very relevant and convenient. Before contacting this or that person who calls himself a psychic, it is recommended to read the opinions of visitors about him.

If you still need to contact a specialist, then you should not immediately reveal all your cards. Yes, you can pose an exciting question to a practitioner, but without details. If the psychic’s answer inspires confidence, then you can continue to consult with him.

Usually a true master not hiding. He does not change his phone number and office address every month. Only after a real meeting with a psychic and based on the results of his work can one objectively evaluate him as a specialist.

Another common mistake is that the higher the monetary payment, the more talented the psychic, many people think. Unfortunately, some scammers focus on this and deceive a person by extracting the required amount from him.

In Moscow there is a Center for Traditional traditional medicine"ENIOM". There are many registered on the website of this center capable people, including the participants in the “Battle of Psychics”. Each page of this resource has an annotation about what knowledge and practices the specialist has. Most importantly, you can be sure that all these people have been tested for psychic or healing abilities at the center itself. We trained and received certificates. You can also find addresses there Email and telephone numbers of specialists.

An indispensable assistant in finding a real psychic is word of mouth. Each locality has its own masters who heal people unconventional methods help them overcome life problems by using magical powers. Usually such gifted specialists are known far beyond their place of residence.

Therefore, if a person is looking for a meeting with a real psychic, then he should rely on

Battle of psychics - real or show? deception? Or is it all a set-up?

Let's look into this issue. I for a long time believed in this fairy tale. And this is probably not easy. After all, every person believes in a fairy tale (even though we learn over time that Santa Claus does not exist), many believe that people have psychic abilities. Next, I want to summarize some arguments regarding the fact that “The Battle of Psychics is a show and everything is rigged.”

Previously, from the first episodes of this series until season 13, I didn’t even think about it. I really liked this show at first. Then I stopped watching it. And then I accidentally watched season 13 (somewhere in the middle) - and again I was captivated by this program. While watching season 13, episode 20, I noticed one thing. Psychic Dmitry Volkhov uttered the phrase - “...and as an American, I will not hug you all.” This happened at the 19th minute (if this moment is not removed from the program, you can see for yourself). And before that, the American psychic actually hugged people who came to participate in the program. And how did Dmitry Volkhov know about this? This means that all the uncertainty was already broken in advance! And this already speaks of dishonesty. From that moment on, I began to think that in the battle of psychics everything was thought out and arranged. And immediately I began to notice a lot...

If this were my show, I would make it a show. Otherwise people just won't watch it. People need to believe in her. And earnings would come from advertising on television, as well as payments collected from psychics. Psychics would be charged for information. If you want to be popular, to guess, then you need to pay. Depending on the amount, you receive this or that amount of information. And this is beneficial for psychics. It is possible that they have some abilities. Nose additional information they will be able to achieve even more. This will affect their popularity. Before the transfer, they were, in fact, nobody, and after that they became famous personalities, for whom, despite the large fee, the queue has long been clogged. Let's continue. To make the program interesting, psychics would be given a versatile true information(well, they won’t all say practically the same thing). Well, in the end, the prize would be received by the one who won the SMS vote. And here we started making money again - this time on paid SMS. And now the winner has been found.

About people's emotions. They seem to be true. But this can also be adjusted. Find such actors. On the other hand, you can make people believe psychics. That is, people should not be informed that psychics already know a lot about them. It seems that everything is secret, but the psychic guesses and the participants begin to trust him. Moreover, TV viewers are also beginning to trust him, and maybe over time they will make an “appointment” with him. You can use either method. It is also possible to arrange everything in this program for the benefit of certain individuals. For example, have the psychic say good information that everything will work out in your relationship with your significant other, a child will be born in the future (it is possible that this will allow you to return your soulmate, improve relations). If you look at it from this side, it seems like they are doing it for the good. On the other hand, it’s pure manipulation. And then you start to wonder what might famous personalities who come to the program “Battle of Psychics” come there specifically at critical moments in their careers to improve their reputation, to let people know that they, too, are ordinary people with their own problems (this is so that people trust them more).

Another interesting phenomenon is that, despite the fact that Sergei Safronov (illusionist) does not believe in psychics, he has noticed many times during the life of the program how these people guess a lot, and still continues to not believe. That's how it should be. As if by this behavior, he supports the people who are sitting on the other side of the screen and watching the program and also do not believe in this nonsense. And then everyone will be exposed - psychics work miracles, and this makes Sergei Safronov think that miracles are possible, and also non-believing viewers also begin to believe his words (after all, they are on his side). And in the end, this binds initially non-believing TV viewers to the program. And then Sergei Safronov again begins to play his role and say that this is impossible.

“I didn’t believe in psychics, but now I do” - good phrase! And it often sounds from the lips different people. Like other phrases when they say good things about psychics, or something like that - “I need to talk to him.” Maybe you, too, after such statements, also believed the psychics, and you also wanted to talk to them, so that they could tell you about your life? Although, there is no person who would know about you better than yourself. Also, sometimes quite often the presenters themselves, so to speak, who comment on the recording, constantly say the same words. For example, about the psychic Dmitry Volkhov, he often heard the phrase that “in the film crew they often call him Veles.” Also, in a sense, an advertising move, with the goal of creating a “personal brand” so that people who watch this program know him as “Veles” and if this word is mentioned somewhere, they will immediately remember him.

Also pay attention to what channel is the “Battle of Psychics” shown on? Where the main thing is commercial benefit. This channel shows the reality show Dom-2, Comedy Club, various TV series (for example, Univer) and so on, thanks to which, if you look closely, many are corrupted human values, is given fake information, bad behavior is promoted. For example, let's take the same series - Univer - it secretly promotes easy relationships (one night with one, the next with another, and so on). But many people, especially those who are just starting their adult life, can choose this type of behavior for themselves (by choosing these actors as their idols and teachers). Question: and do you think that this channel shows one very good transfer, like the Battle of Psychics? TNT is a channel with entertaining and humorous programs. Is the Battle of Psychics really an exception?

Although it is possible that people with very strong abilities who do not need any information for money. They themselves will feel it during the battle. I believe that such people exist. But still, to a greater extent, the Battle of Psychics is a show. Yes and why strong personalities go on a show and prove something to others?

Maybe you have noticed that there are psychics on the show who, in some episodes, are nothing at all, and then begin to work miracles. Maybe they didn’t have money at first, and then they began to find it, having sensed how it all worked. Or, the psychic first guessed, and then stopped. Maybe because the money ran out?

You can also get acquainted with people’s opinions on this issue (that everything is rigged in the battle of psychics) in the following places:

People's opinions:


I don’t want to convince anyone that the battle of psychics is a show, a deception and everything is a set-up. But that's exactly what I started to think. It's my opinion. How should you think? - it's up to you to decide. All the best to everyone! Be more aware and attentive! The little things make all the difference! That is, take a closer look at the little things (look at everyone who participates in this program - as actors) and it is possible that you will understand a lot!.. how cool some of them are in playing their roles...

If you have something to say on this issue, share it in the comments.

    I am a fan of the Battle of Psychics, I really like how Volkhov showed himself in the 13th season. Regarding the fact that he said that he would not hug like an American, don’t you think that he could watch the episodes of the program and see this? And I’m concerned about where the money from voting goes; this has never been announced. I think like this popular show I could take part in the fate of orphanages. I tried to find it on the Internet, but couldn’t find any information.

    Well, and those people whose fates are told there..... Who were either killed or committed suicide... I found them on social networks... Would you stage a show? With any of your relatives? Just for the money!

    • I would not! :) But there are different people, and others may have different values ​​(in total there are 5 main types of psyche - animal, “zombie”, demonic, human and descended into unnaturalness). But in such cases, it is possible to conduct the shooting differently - without telling people that some psychics already know a lot about them. And if you have the information, you can stage different performances.

      • I'm sorry, but you've probably read a lot of detective stories... I think while filming they sign some kind of agreement... In which everything is laid out point by point... And if they hide something from them, this is already a violation of the agreement... Again, for so many years there has not been a single scandal associated with this program.

    • Here's a simple example - there was a video, but

      Luckily this video was discussed on another site. Here is the most interesting comment:
      “Hahaha!!! How can you seriously argue whether this is the same person or not!!! Of course it's the same girl. This actress. I saw another one like that, remember, maybe his mother set herself on fire, and he cried when the psychics told him that it was all his fault!!! So, I later saw this dude in “naked and funny” - like they were playing him, and then I saw him in the “TV court”, he was telling the truth there. My memory is professional, I’m not mistaken about such things.”

    The fight of extrasensories - spectacular show, filmed according to the script. Only the blind will not see this. I feel sorry for people who go there with their problems. Their poor fellows are first interrogated, and then the so-called. The “psychic” gives them information based on the logical conclusion of the program command. And such information that these people did not tell anyone (the knowledge of which by a psychic makes people believe him) relates mainly to databases. For example, they rang through the database (to the question of where the money goes) about brother Vova, about whom the person did not talk, a description, a horoscope were added, and now the poor guy melted.

    Well, of course, this is a show! In the 13th season, they clearly went too far with miracles, making Volokhov (who did not show himself at all at the beginning of the season) literally a miracle worker. In the next seasons, they will probably turn water into wine)))
    Do you really think that the spirits of those who died several centuries ago will come to act in front of the cameras (an hour ago they filmed the next episode of DOM-2), it’s worth lighting a sprig of juniper? And all this in order to look into their panties, what a clue for an emo teenager looking for a tattoo on the left buttock?))) No need to overdo it with special effects and omit religious ceremonies our ancestors before the booth!
    The jury is surprised by the strange reaction to such “miracles”... They never doubted that this was a setup, but I had such thoughts. They creeped in more than once. Then many psychics speaking on behalf of the same “spirits” sometimes say , exactly the opposite things. Here, for sure, either spirits 3.14 are present, or a psychic. Again, Sergei Safronov, he’s too stubborn a skeptic for a man who has seen so many miracles, but somehow he doesn’t cross himself and doesn’t shout “Hallelujah!” next “magic”))) It was touching how he asked if he had tattoos? And this is a public person with whom you can even find an erotic home video if you dig deep in the Internet))) Nothing is known about the future of many participants , although the majority of TV viewers would be interesting about that How did their life (death?) turn out after psychic help?
    But the “shocking” awareness of some “clairvoyants” does not surprise me at all. Any grandmother on a bench at the entrance knows more about us than anyone

    You won’t believe it, Dmitry, I, just like you, watched this show at first (occasionally, though) and somehow didn’t ask myself any particular questions. I was also pricked in the 13th season, but when they showed the plot with the Dyatlov Pass. 100% production - I guarantee this. I was interested in this topic a couple of years ago, because my husband and I were in those parts. So, each psychic voiced one of the most popular versions, and Veles was given the most real one, if you throw out all the shamanism (I personally came to the same conclusion for myself after studying all the information about the death of the group). Plus some distortion of facts and obvious intimidation of the viewer. Well, you can smoke the topic and re-watch this episode to understand what I mean. There’s nothing particularly mysterious there. Fatum and that’s all... Now watch the show I don’t want to at all, even to have fun, because the production...

    Guys, I was at Fada’s last week (I also fell for this trick). For 15,000 rubles/hour, to put it mildly, I didn’t hear anything, I didn’t even look him in the eye. I asked him to do a “basic thing”, he honestly said that he couldn’t. I showed him three photos and asked questions further, and I realized that his answers to my basic questions were not correct, so to speak, pointing to the sky. He didn't answer a single question. He left me so angry. True, for these 15,000 rubles he gave me two of his books. Well, at least thanks for that! Ha! I can praise him for the fact that Roma Fad is a good psychologist and just a pleasant conversationalist for tag.

    What can I say, before I didn’t take this program seriously, or rather, I didn’t watch it - I didn’t have time. Well, for a number of specific reasons, I have more free time and I’m watching the 13th season. It’s really interesting, and there really is a belief in the “special gift” of psychics. And the situations in the plots are very interesting and confusing. Even with my skepticism about such things, it is quite amazing and very believable. If this is a show (I’m in show business myself) it’s all very cool! Respect to the authors!!

    Believe me, no genuine seer will take part in the show.
    This is not prohibited, but it seems to go without saying.
    Then, frankly: it is difficult “on camera”, in front of spectators, to produce a stable result. Many things require mental silence and concentration.
    Even if the ability to see is given, it is only for the purpose of helping people. Not for fun. Otherwise, such a person will fall, and fall soon. It is not customary to take money for help, only if the person himself wishes to return the favor.
    There are, of course, zombie guides who serve not the Creator, but other forces greedy for human resources. Yes, they can tell and predict something (push them towards what they want). If a person falls for such tricks and trusts zombies, it can end very badly for him, causing great harm to his soul.
    This is all a show for pumping out money and brainwashing, and so that the seers are not taken seriously...

    At first I also believed in psychics, since once about 10 years ago I visited such a clairvoyant who told everything correctly about my life. But I want to note that only the past, not a word about the future. When I arrived at her appointment (without an appointment since it was in the village), there was a line at the door of about 50 people. She didn’t even have time for lunch, much less to hand over the money. I didn’t ask how they would thank me. The question arises: if I’m already a celebrity with such a queue, why should I advertise somewhere.
    So I don’t advise you to believe in such programs. And if such people exist, it’s not in the program.
    I am not a member of any sect, but I want to write the following.
    Usually people turn to psychics when something is going wrong in their lives. There is a way out (the best psychic) ​​is faith in God.
    Believe with all your heart and love the Lord so that you feel this love. Just as you feel it for your children or for your parents, something happens in your heart when you hug your children or those who are dear to you. You should feel this feeling while representing Him Read Our Father before going to bed and in the morning and you will be happy, all your problems will disappear on their own.
    In general, try it and see for yourself.

    But I haven’t made up my mind yet. I believe and I don’t believe. Yes, there are obviously false points, but what does the plot in the program “Psychics are investigating” about a suicidal boy who was molested by his own uncle relate to?! After all, it was Ziraddin Rzayev who voiced this version, he told about special signs on this person’s body. It’s not a joke to blame a specific person. You may not take the program seriously, but some people who participated in it clearly have psychic abilities. In my opinion, these are Zulfiya, Lilia and Ziraddin.

    People are fans of the battle and its participants. I would like to ask, maybe you believed or would have believed Kashpirovsky and Chumak when they charged water from blue screens with healing powers? Tell me, are these different things? The wrapper has changed, but the filling remains the same. And no more. Although, perhaps, since you believe this program, you also believe that our country has democracy, freedom of speech and good civil servants.

    I really liked Vit Mano. In any case, he has abilities, he will help better than some of the psychics who participated in the battle with him. As for me, he is both a psychic and just a good person, ready to simply support kind words, and sometimes this is enough for us. Personally, I visited a participant in the Battle, I thought she would take 2nd place. And this place was taken by another person. In short, 100 poods, that votes can be bought there. The information has probably already started to be leaked. The program was put on stream. But I definitely believe some, in short, 50/50. Sometimes they show such a clownery. The one I went to says it’s very difficult, until they get ready, until you get to the place, you wait for your turn, sometimes until nightfall, fatigue, laughter and mistrust knock down it’s confusing, the relationships between the participants. And despite all this, they show such miracles, they run at such speed at night, cutting down ghosts on the fly. Although this is possible in a state of stress. I’ll watch for now, but I’m already filtering))

    Look this show, as if watching mysticism and fantasy. After all, there you don’t ask the question of whether the monster is real or fake, whether the magician is real or whether he was copied from another film. Watch “horror stories by the fire” and relax. Well... or something like that

    Let's continue to watch this show, be surprised, predict and whatever. But let’s not believe in miracles and wizards because of him, and even more so, let’s not take our money to someone who doesn’t know and send SMS messages that are unlikely to solve anything, but only fill the pockets of those who are already richer than you. The price of a psychic’s service also speaks about his abilities, because... It’s not for nothing that they say that those who are truly “gifted” do not take money, and if they take it, they lose the gift. Try first to do good to others (using the money you want to give to the “sorcerer”), imbuing yourself with its consequences. You yourself can do everything, and what you yourself cannot do, no one else can do for you.

    You wrote exactly what I thought about this program. At first I was also sure that all this was nonsense, then I believed it to the point of tears, and then I began to notice something. And the main thing is from observing yourself during the program: you believe because you want to believe, you worry because there really is a large concentration of real grief, suffering and real events, and Then, faith in a miracle, in the fact that everything will be fine, does its job. But when you watch more than the first season, and you have more experience, you begin to see the possibilities of easy manipulations, the opportunities that TV provides. So, this is a half-truth based on fears, faith, despair and hope. And the easier it is to believe in it in our country.

    My opinion is that not everything is fake. In my life, I personally have encountered otherworldly things. It is possible that in order for the show to be watched, something is leaked to someone, but usually the leader is immediately visible. About the fact that sorcerers do not take money, do not refuse it, and those who have the “gift” do not starve, although they do not wallow in luxury.

    Science denies the existence of psychics! Everyone who believes in them is an uneducated bastard who eats up everything that is shown on TV. The battle of psychics is a show, getting money through deception!

    I absolutely agree with the author of the article. It’s a shame that people are blatantly deceived and treated like idiots. Every person even slightly familiar with esotericism knows that clairvoyance requires long-term development and the strictest self-discipline, both moral and physical. Innate clairvoyance is a very rare gift! the maximum that could being with this endless horde of psychics is the lowest form of mediumship! But in order to see the subtle world, a medium must enter a trance! and, accordingly, be in an inadequate state. This takes a lot of strength from the medium! And looking at these psychics, one gets the impression that one the edge of existence is no more difficult than looking at a computer monitor while drinking a cup of coffee. People, don’t believe these charlatans! this is nothing more than a show! a real clairvoyant will never speculate on his Gift on the screen, in a dubious show, to put it mildly. And even by entering into useless competitions. This is still not a sport!

    Not a bad article, I have nothing against the TNT channel.
    I myself believe in psychics, my grandmothers spoke to me as a child, and my problem was solved without surgery, contrary to medical opinion. I, too, once came to the conclusion that the psychics on TNT are fake, discovery was a program called Real Scammers and there, according to the plot, they gathered a group of ordinary people in a bookmaker’s office who predicted which horse would come running first with a probability of 9/10, and that’s when one doubter says “they say if you are a psychic, tell me what my name is, and what year I was born.” The psychic answers unknown images, and the crowd, foaming at the mouth, gives money for predictions, after which “the psychic and the doubter quietly slip away. I saw the same scheme at the battle of psychics.

    I think that in in this case, though somewhere in the middle. There are real psychics, not of course those who come in a blue wig, or with green lenses, on whom the stylist worked... They are not so bright, but they are taken into the show for the background. The main characters are the artists who receive clear instructions before each shoot. About everyone on the site, even those in the crowd. Most likely, the people participating in the experiment are not fake. Their emotions and stories most often too. Imagine this moment: before filming, actor 1 (let’s call him that) receives, very secretly, a legend, the main one, according to which he must amaze with insight. For example, he says, looking intently into the eyes of the participant: your mother is standing behind you. Dark hair, dimple, mole, etc. died then. On her grave there is a gray fence growing a big tree." But it’s so simple - send a person to the cemetery and collect information about the buried relatives of the participants. And if you cooperate with the police, the FSB, then you can find absolutely everything for any person. Why did someone die, what sins did they commit, where did they work... I just watched a couple of programs from the perspective of: is it possible to get or find out somewhere what they are talking about... And to my chagrin, I noted that yes, it is possible. I emphasize that this can be seen in relation to not all participants.

    What amuses me most is that after the end of the season, more or less famous psychics (women) pump up their faces with Botox 😀 Why? To whom? And because now I’m a media person, I have to remove my wrinkles. So dressed up, with professional makeup... Laughter. And everyone’s lips are like dumplings. (Probably because they told lies) >.<

  1. Today I just watched an excerpt from the last season and I really see everything in this as a staged show with actors. And today I thought, the show has been going on for many years, it’s already 15 seasons and new strong psychics come to each season, but where were these strong psychics who perform in the 15th season before? Why didn't they perform in previous seasons? Maybe they didn’t take them, but diluted this circle with stupid little horses. It also wouldn’t be interesting if all the psychics were stronger than the other, and then everyone guessed everything and passed all the tests, who would then be thrown out and on what grounds? Or maybe they didn’t have this gift before and then it suddenly appeared? It's all strange. But in fact, we must give credit to the show; everything is filmed beautifully and believably.)

    I have long begun to doubt the veracity of some fragments, and the author of the text above correctly noted that on a channel where from morning to evening undisguised vulgarity and dirt flow according to the laws of our current time, where some young people do not know what revolves around what, I don’t talk about the earth and the sun maybe the sincerity and purity of the plan, I was finally convinced of the forgery when the participant in the 16th battle, having listened to what the dog whispered in her ear, sharply threw her head up and then unmistakably found the man

    Gentlemen! I just wanted to say this. As far as I know in my no longer short life, there are clairvoyants and fortune tellers. However, they never advertised their work and never took money from those they helped. This is strictly forbidden to them, otherwise they may simply lose this gift. Because the Almighty forbids it. And if they took it, it was only purely symbolically for existence, but mostly they took food products - bread, eggs, lard, meat... What a person has. And this is even indicated in Christianity. And even if you heard somewhere that a fortune teller was working and taking a large sum of money, it always turned out to be simple charlatans who gave general answers to specific questions posed.
    I personally came across a grandmother who previously lived in the Sumy region and she treated my fear. So, when my mother and I entered, she sat me down on a chair in the center of the room and performed the ceremony, and then she told me almost in detail about the fright that had happened... I was absolutely stunned because I had forgotten a lot. And then I immediately began to remember everything. Then she cast some more spells... She said when to come again, but not to bring anything for it. After the second time everything was almost gone.
    Now analyze what is happening. Those who possess a divine gift should never get involved with money, and especially with big money, which brings only evil to a person!

    And I would like to say one more thing. That it is mostly the disenfranchised, ordinary people who suffer…. Who sometimes have practically nothing. And where will they get the order of 10,000-15,000 rubles requested by psychics... For some, in order to collect this money, they need to sit on bread and water for more than six months.
    And this is divine help? It is acceptable?
    Nonsense is a battle, and against the Christian faith. I don’t want harm to anyone, but I’m afraid that the descendants of these “psychics” will be cast…

    What made me doubtful was that in season 14 the following reached the finals: Marilyn Kerro (model); Alexander Sheps (did not graduate from theater school) and Ekaterina Ryzhikova (director). I just thought that all these people are wonderful actors)))

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Everyone knows that reality TV is not exactly reality. They consist of a pre-written script, specially invited participants, conflict-provoking conditions and - like the icing on the cake - competent editing. All this turns the ordinary life of the contestants into a real series that millions of viewers cannot tear themselves away from.

website I decided to check what exactly was fake in the 12 most popular reality shows. We admit that the result was surprising: 3 programs unexpectedly turned out to be true.

Pumping car

“Pimp My Ride” is the coolest reality show of the 2000s, where guys converted old cars into fantastic cars with TVs in the cabin and huge speakers in the trunk. But in 2015, the Huffington Post interviewed former participants in the project, and it turned out that not everything was as rosy as on TV.

  • The vehicles remained in the transfer hangars for about six months, and not a couple of weeks, as they showed us.
  • Pumped just for show: firstly, only externally, without affecting the internal parts, and secondly, most of the cool gadgets were removed from the car immediately after filming was completed (mainly due to safety rules, such as putting a monitor on the door handle to watch a movie when you open door, you understand).
  • A completely rusted car, parts falling off - many of these problems were invented by the producers at the very beginning for a greater wow effect at the end.
  • The stories, of course, were also sometimes pumped up.

“I know I'm quite fat, but then they went too far. According to the story, there were candies scattered everywhere inside my car - supposedly in case I got hungry. But I never had candy in my car; it was invented specifically for the show. They ended up installing a cotton candy dispenser in my trunk. I think they loved the idea and just used a fat guy to make it happen."

Seth Martino
  • The ending was often re-shot with the phrase: “Well, we tried. Come on, show us more emotions."
  • The only thing that all participants noted with sincere warmth was- this is the host of Xzibit. As one participant recalls: “He was always relaxed, cheerful and easy-going.”

The Bachelor

  • Firstly, selection: some girls are invited for the sake of ratings, for example, famous models or bloggers. Another part is non-standard types: unusual nationality, profession, extravagant image, difficult fate, etc.

“I didn’t pass the “Bachelor” casting because I was told that, firstly, I wasn’t good enough, and most importantly, my biography wasn’t that interesting.”

Anonymous on Reddit
  • Filming goes on 24 hours a day, so a lot remains off the air. The material is compiled in a way that is beneficial for a more conflictual or dramatic plot.

“During my interview after the flight, the producer asked me: ‘Do you miss your family?’ The thing is, I lost my family. I burst into tears. After that, they asked me how I felt about the “bachelor,” and during the editing they substituted my crying for this question. It looked like I was crying because the hero didn’t choose me.”

Jamie Otis, participant of the American "Bachelor"

“My friend’s sister went pretty far in one season. She said that the producers almost completely set up the show, and she only went on the show for the sake of free travel.”

Bsatts, Reddit

Last Hero / Survivor

Agree, “The Last Hero” seems the most real and organic compared to other shows. This is true. But there are also some nuances:

  • As the participants said, the producers often talked with them before voting, discussing and proposing hypothetical options for developing the scenario: “What if such a player leaves today? What if you say that?” These questions generated thoughts in the minds of the contestants and sometimes forced them to make a different decision. This is manipulation, but, on the other hand, it is not direct intervention.
  • The film crew helped the players, but everything was limited to reports that the cameraman had borrowed a lighter (but later in the program they showed that the fire was started thanks to glasses and sun rays) or the journalist shared toffee. This is maximum.
  • As for the theories about the hotel where the participants actually live and pretend to be Aboriginal people in front of the cameras, there really was a hotel. But only for the film crew and usually on a neighboring island. There were only 5 people at the scene with the teams: 2 cameramen, 2 journalists and a doctor.

Conclusion: Based on the accounts of all the former participants and organizers, the show was real and challenging as the producers followed very strict protocols. This can be confirmed by the fact that many heroes have lost a lot of weight.

The Voice

« Just people singing well is not the criterion that will make a show rated. It’s no secret that “The Voice” is a version of the Dutch project The Voice. Initially, they noted that this is a project about emotions. Therefore, extraordinary and interesting people are necessarily selected as participants: one is a singing plumber, the second has an incredible non-standard timbre, the third is a crazy assistant to a deputy, the fourth is a rocker with dreadlocks, the fifth deals exclusively with academic vocals...”

Evgeny Orlov, music editor of the Russian project

“My friend didn’t pass the blind audition on “The Voice.” He wanted to sing a certain song, but NBC didn't have the rights to it, so they asked him to sing another song, which, frankly, didn't suit his vocal abilities at all. The judges told him the song was too ambitious. It's no wonder the show is so successful because NBC can make it any way they want."

heatsensitive, reddit

And a little about mentors. If you've always wondered how such sought-after stars can devote so much time to shows, here's your answer:

“We studied with our mentors only a few times, and the rest of the time we were left to our own devices, and to vocal teachers and producers, of course.”

Ddendyl Hoyt

Fashionable verdict

One of the show participants (the sweet girl in the photo above) talked about her “Fashion Sentence.” We present to you an excerpt from the description: “I decided to participate out of my love for adventure and, to be honest, my love for freebies (the winning set remains with the hero of the show). I have a lot of clothes, I have never had any problems, including with male attention. But the organizers asked to come up with some kind of legend. I contacted my dad, and we decided that he would accuse me of having an infantile wardrobe.

I was asked to bring at least 50 items to the studio, of which the worst third ended up being posted on air for analysis. Before filming, stylists spent about 7-8 hours dressing me: the look was selected for me in a mass market like Zara, H&M, etc., they didn’t ask my opinion, they didn’t pay attention to comfort and quality. Moreover, the purchased items were tailored for me. When I asked: “What if it’s not the stylists’ choice that wins, are you going to return the stitched items to the stores?” - they answered me that the stylists’ choice would win. I chose things for my own image from the TV program warehouse. They turned out to be truly amazing: the quality, the choice, and the brands. Chic!

The filming itself took place in a pleasant atmosphere, the presenters and guests were very nice. We supported a pre-agreed legend; regarding the choice of stylists and makeup artists, I expressed everything I wanted (although a lot was later cut out). The stylists’ choice won, and I went home with synthetic clothes sewn in.”

America's Next Top Model

The most unusual thing about this program is its host Tyra Banks. Let's talk about what she achieved with her show, which every girl above 175 cm tall used to dream about.

“My sister participated in the 12th season. Tyra humiliated her in first gear, but after filming she came up and made a speech with an apology and explanations like “This is show business, you know.” The sister also said that the entire staff hates Tyra because of such emotional outbursts.”


“The thing is that no one wants to take us as serious models. I'm sure the show has turned the process of becoming a top model into something of a farce by producing 3 seasons a year and creating challenges like posing on a roller coaster."

Caridy English, Season 7 winner

And it's true: the show of one of the world's most famous top models failed to create America's next top model.

Out of 24 seasons, only 3 participants made it to fame: Caridy English, who became a speaker for the National Psoriasis Foundation; Yaya DaCosta, who played Whitney Houston in the series of the same name, and Analeigh Tipton, who also became a Hollywood actress. Not a single high-profile modeling career.

“To get on the show, you have to pass a test. We had regulars - people who took this test 30 times, but never passed. One day, a friend of my father tried out for the game. He was a smart man, but he failed the test and fell out with my father because of it.

Here we constantly have to observe that most people are not able to accept the fact of their failure.

We often have guests. For example, basketball player Charles Barkley and director Spike Lee accidentally destroyed their dressing room. And Tyra Banks was just a bitch."

TheNotorious HAM, worked as an assistant at the game

Take it off immediately / What Not to Wear

“They actually took all my stuff and gave it to the Red Cross. The only thing I was able to beg was to leave a couple of my things - they belonged to my grandmother.”

Erock346, Reddit

“The money on the card is truly COMPLETELY yours. The only thing is that you must pay tax on this amount. But, in theory, you can only buy one belt. You cannot be forced to spend the entire amount. And I was actually lucky, since one of the producers immediately warned me not to spend all the money, but to set aside the required amount for taxes.

And finally, the main waste that no one sees on air. It lies in the fact that quite a large part of your money goes to the tailor, through whom all purchased clothes pass, so that they fit snugly to the ether. You pay for this service out of your shopping money.”

Joannati, participant of the American project

Hell's Kitchen

The premise of this reality show is simple: 2 teams of chefs compete with each other under the supervision of the infamous chef Gordon Ramsay in a tense atmosphere of his shouts and harsh barbs.

Ordinary people participate, but due to the pressure and “tricks” of the film crew, such as the planned substitution of ingredients, it is simply impossible to tear yourself away from the show. And judging by the words of one of the operators, all this is for real.

The trick is quite simple: just send the guys to rest, throw some coal in the stove and enjoy the fireworks.”

John Douglas, cameraman

The Kardashians

The reality show that made the Kardashian-Jenner family the most famous in the world certainly has special secrets to its success. Journalist Mariah Smith, in her analysis of one of the episodes, reveals exactly the principles of assembling this show.

Let's take a closer look. In Season 11, the episode "The Great Chris" has 3 storylines:

  • Planning Kris Jenner's birthday.
  • Kim's birthday.
  • Khloe's ex-husband Lamar Odom overdoses.

These stories are structured so that everything follows the best laws of dramaturgy, that is, with a plot, development and climax, but not necessarily in real time order. Events combined into one episode, logically, should take place at approximately the same time; in the same episode they show (now there is a risk of confusion) how Chris’s boyfriend gives her a car for her birthday. But this scene was filmed in August, whereas Chris's birthday is in November.

It turns out that the August scene was not about a birthday at all and was included in this episode simply because it strengthened the storyline. It turns out that life is life, and some episodes may be specially written/inserted by the writers for impressive development of the series' storylines.

Battle of Psychics / Britain’s Psychic Challenge

Once upon a time it all started with the English show Britain’s Psychic Challenge and spread throughout the world. But psychics did not take root abroad, but in the former countries of the Soviet Union the show won incredible ratings. Despite the secrecy of the entire project, over 18 seasons, some details have been leaked to the press. For example, that some mediums before the show starred in TV series.

As participants in the filming process comment on the show:

“I ended up in the office of the Battle of Psychics agency through HeadHunter. They needed a story producer - a person who had to find a topic, get in touch with real people and use them to write a script for the next story.

For the first topic, I, armed with a bottle of Hennessy and a box of expensive chocolates, went to the deputy head of the press service of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate (I won’t say which one) in order to get hold of archival unsolved cases. Everything should have been like clockwork: the Central Internal Affairs Directorate was a solved case (I doubted it, but they believed in the sincerity of my intentions), and I received an excellent report.

That’s how I came across the 1997 case of the disappearance of 4 girls in the Ramensky district of Moscow. Now imagine: it’s 2010. You are the parent. They call you and say that we can help find your girls. They call people who, after 13 years, have already accepted that it’s all over and that they need to try to forget everything and move on with their lives. And then a voice from the past.

I made one pass and left. I didn’t have the nerves or the conscience.

I will add that the funny characters whose cats break dishes at night, whose parrot opens and closes its cage on its own, and in the absence of its owners commits outrages, are also real, it’s just that most of them want to be in the “box”. Look at yourself and prove to your neighbors that the fairy tales are true. Or maybe they really do believe it.

And about psychics: in fact, they are there, in this project. They are diluted with idiots and tyrants with tambourines. They dress them up just like that and make them look like clowns - sometimes the entire surroundings are prescribed from the very beginning. Mysticism after all.”

Michelle Gauer

“In 2015, I decided to go to the final of the “Battle of Psychics” in the Stakheevsky mansion. The test results were announced only at 2 am, so until 4 am people were still on the site waiting for their idols. When the celebrities left, everyone began to leave, including the security guards, and one of them asked me for directions to the metro. We parted ways, but unexpectedly on the way towards home we met again. I was terribly interested in asking him a couple of questions, and we struck up a conversation. He said that everything does not go according to script, people with real problems, psychics also guess, but not as accurately as they show us. From the test shooting, only hits on the target are retained, and failures are cut out. And it’s true that they take freaks and a couple of normal ones. He also confirmed that Pakhom came for PR, everyone in the film crew knew this, and, for example, Marilyn sometimes really surprises.”

Elizaveta Stepanova

“I studied at the journalism department. One day a television producer came to our faculty and told us how to make a show. A week later, I saw this producer in the role of a medium on the TNT channel in the program “Battle of Psychics.”

Alexey Dvornik, journalist

“I decided to go to the casting of the Battle of Psychics. I don’t have any supernatural powers, I just really wanted to see how everything happens from the inside. (Read the whole casting story.)

A week later they called me, the conversation began with the phrase “Don’t think about it, we are not from the TNT company,” and they invited me to talk. There they shared information that they work closely with the TNT casting group, but are not their representatives. They watched all the videos from the casting, and they really liked me, and asked if I would be interested in going further. And for a “modest” 10,000 rubles they offered to get straight to the stage of guessing the person in the car, and this price also includes my own page on some esoteric site, reviews of “real” people and an interesting story of how I acquired the “gift”.

Why do some people need to promote themselves on this show, you ask? Probably because later you can earn big money (for example,

In the 10 years since “Battle of Psychics” has been published, 17 seasons have already been filmed. Each of them had their own stars. Having become famous, former participants in the battle earn a lot of money. One hour of their work costs an average of 15-40 thousand rubles.

The flow of magicians and witches does not dry out from season to season. Whatever the participant, the second Vanga and Nostradamus. And the audience is still haunted by the question: “Battle of Psychics” – true or a lie?

The former host of the show, Mikhail Porechenkov, added fuel to the fire.

“I worked with them for a long time. Kaldy-baldy, as they used to say in childhood. It’s all lies!” - Mikhail arranged an expose of the “Battle of Psychics” on the air of “Our Radio”.

Of course, I want to believe in a miracle, but how can one not accept as truth the words of the man who hosted the show from the 1st to the 7th season. Porechenkov told what the “Battle of Psychics” really is.

“At first it was very interesting to work. We really believed,” Mikhail admitted to Komsomolskaya Pravda. - And then we understood the technology of work. There are people who give advice, who enter into contracts with them in advance. And when I realized that this was bringing money to someone, I left there. There were moments when the participants understood something. Although none of the psychics passed the test with which I came to them.”

How magicians work outside of the show

People talked about the fact that psychics pay for tips on forums back in 2009:

“One of the participants in one of the battles is the sister of my friend. It's all true, not staged, not a show. But there are those who pay, and they are pulled in and give the correct answers to the questions asked.”

“I know a psychic from the very first battle. The tasks are real, but the winners are really pushed and paid for.”

Someone tested the strength of the former battle participants on themselves.

“I went to an appointment with Zulia Radjabov (the winner of the 2nd season - Ed.), writes Alina. - I almost burst into tears with frustration because everything was gone! And about me and about my family. I gave 95 thousand.”

However, not everyone criticizes psychics.

“I visited Natalya Vorotnikova (the winner of the 1st season - Ed.), writes a user under the nickname Van. - He doesn’t talk about the past, mostly about the future. At first I thought it was nonsense, but four years later almost everything came true. And she said it herself, didn’t ask anything.”

Needless to say, the show participants disliked Porechenkov for exposing the “Battle of Psychics.” But there were also those who supported the leader.

“I partially agree with Mikhail,” season 6 finalist Ziradin Rzaev admitted to KP. “I saw the participants talking to a phantom, showing karate techniques... These people are just playing - this is a 99.9% show.”

Singer Danko: “The whole show is a montage”

“Battle of Psychics” - true or false? Singer Danko has a clear opinion on this matter. He once had an affair with Julia Wang, the winner of the 15th season, and even participated in the program himself.

Wang did not demonstrate her psychic abilities in any way. An ordinary glamorous party girl, of which there are thousands,” the singer told Express Newspaper. - I took part in the filming of “The Battle of Psychics” and saw with my own eyes how it’s done. Clairvoyants are given a task. Each one is filmed within an hour. And during this hour he pronounces all possible answers. From the footage, editors select appropriate answers and tailor the entire story to fit them. The editors know in advance who will win.

Ekaterina Gordon: “There are two or three talents for the whole project”

The exposure of the “Battle of Psychics” was also organized by TV presenter Katya Gordon.

“I personally know some of the newly-minted wizards produced by the program as clairvoyant geniuses,” she wrote in her . - Julia Wang practiced erotic exorcism in nightclubs and exorcising demons with perhydrol (personally, she dyed my hair)... My colleagues working on the project, in a private conversation, do not even hide the fact that miracles do not happen there, this is a production and a show. Of course, during the era when the project was created there were talented and sensitive people, but there were only two or three of them. The rest is photographs and actors from burnt theaters.”

Alena Vodonaeva: “Psychics have powerful energy”

But Alena Vodonaeva, who happened to be “Mr. X” at the battle, has a completely different opinion about the show. The TV presenter assures: nothing is set up, everything is for real.

“When I returned from filming the program, I started bleeding at the same time... I think that those thirteen people who took part in the test affected me with their energy,” Vodonaeva admitted to StarHit.

Another guest of the program, actress Nastasya Samburskaya, was also shocked by the abilities of psychics. Some participants told details of her life that the girl carefully hid: about her brother, about her difficult childhood and difficult relationships with her mother.

Marat Basharov: “Draw your own conclusions”

The host of the show, Marat Basharov, also defends the skill of psychics.

“If you think that those tears of people who are in the frame, tears of joy or grief, are all staged, everything is played, then very good actors are participating in the program. In fact, at 42 years old, I have learned to distinguish people’s genuine joy, regret or grief from fake ones. If someone thinks that this is not true, let him think so,” Basharov responded to Porechenkov’s accusations in an interview with NSN.

Marat admitted: he was already tired of answering questions: “The battle of psychics - true or false?” The presenter encourages you not to listen to anyone and draw your own conclusions.

Actress Vera Sotnikova is also familiar with the behind-the-scenes life of the show.

“Sometimes miracles happen on our program, after which I can’t recover for a long time,” Vera told the host of the “Ideal Repair” program. - When a psychic identifies a situation and tells some truth that no one has ever known, it is impossible not to believe it, because it cannot be played like that. I will say this: everyone will be given according to their faith.”

Sergei Safronov: “I felt like they were getting into my head”

Over the years of participation in the show, the illusionist remains skeptical of psychics. Safronov is sure that most magicians are simply good psychologists.

“But, I admit, in 2010 I felt like they were getting into my head,” Safronov told StarHit. - It was Liliya Khegai during a test with hockey player Alexander Kharlamov. Psychics had to find the place of his father's death and tell him who he was. Lilya kept talking about some kind of stick, I asked her to draw it. I blacked out for a few seconds, and she wrote the letter “G” on the paper. At the site of the accident there is a monument - just a stick and a puck.”

In general, Safronov admits, viewers no longer care whether the truth is shown or not.

“People are watching a mystical detective story based on real events,” says the eternal skeptic, but he immediately assures that all the stories of the program, all its heroes are real people.

“There is no script!” - declares the illusionist.