Biography of Yulia Kovalchuk. All the secrets of the star. Yulia Kovalchuk: “brilliant” singer, TV presenter and actress

Yulia Kovalchuk is one of the most popular pop singers. She became famous from the moment the girl began singing in the group “Brilliant”. IN last years the artist performs solo, she tours to the most remote corners Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

The singer's personal life has been happy since the beginning of 2009. She is in a relationship with her colleague Alexei Chumakov. In 2013, the stars got married. At the end of 2017, the girl became a mother. She gave birth to a wonderful daughter, Amelia.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yulia Kovalchuk

At the beginning of the new millennium began music career Yulia Kovalchuk. She became a member of the "Brilliant". From now on the girl has arithmetic progression the number of fans began to grow. They were interested in everything related to our heroine, including what height, weight, and age the pop artist was. It’s easy to find out how old Yulia Kovalchuk is, knowing that the singer was born in 1982. In 2017, the girl celebrated her 35th birthday. The celebration took place in a quiet family circle, although Julia began touring just a few weeks after giving birth to her daughter.

Yulia Kovalchuk, whose photos in her youth and now are of interest to her fans, weighs 50 kilograms with a height of 165 cm. An artist with youth adheres to healthy image life. She does not eat flour, sweets or alcoholic drinks.

Biography and personal life of Yulia Kovalchuk

Future star was born in a small town, which is located next to the legendary Volgograd. Father - Oleg Aleksandrovich Kovalchuk worked in a design bureau. Mother - Svetlana Vasilyevna Kovalchuk taught at one of the nearby technical schools.

The girl always amazed me with her plasticity. From the age of 3 she practiced rhythmic gymnastics. But my dreams of a career did not come true. One day Yulia fell, as a result of which doctors forbade her to play sports.

Then the talented girl began to dance. From that time on, she thought that she would become a professional dancer. Although Kovalchuk traveled very often with the ensemble in which she performed, she was one of the best students in the class.

At the age of 15, the girl began to lead the school dance group, which performed at all events. Having received a certificate, our heroine goes to the capital of the Russian Federation to become a student at the Moscow State University of Culture and Art. IN student years popular pop singer becomes a member of the popular group "Brilliant". It was at this time that the biography and personal life of Yulia Kovalchuk became incredibly popular. Fans do not give the girl permission to go on dates. She laughs, agrees and... doesn’t come. During this period, Yulia met Alexei Chumakov. At first the relationship was friendly, but after some time it gradually grew into love.

Since 2008, the girl has been engaged in solo work. She participates in various television show programs, managing to successfully tour and record new music albums.

In 2013, the pop star married Alexei Chumakov. In 2017 star couple became the parents of a charming daughter, who was named Amelia.

Family and children of Yulia Kovalchuk

Julia's family was ordinary. Mom and father wanted their daughter to be a creative person.

My father worked in a design bureau. He is the author of several projects.

The star’s mother worked at a technical school, where she taught the basics of professional skills.

Currently, the family and children of Yulia Kovalchuk a large number of time spent in own home couple, which was built in Spain. Yulia and her husband often spend their holidays here in moments of relaxation.

Daughter of Yulia Kovalchuk - Amelia Chumakova

In 2017, the popular pop singer and her husband went abroad. It soon became known that they would soon become parents.

At the end of September, a wonderful little girl was born. Her mother shared this with her fans. The singer said that her daughter is a complete copy of her husband. She is dark-haired and brown-eyed. About the baby's name for a long time was unknown. Only in the spring of 2018, the singer shared the name of her daughter - Amelia.

The singer quickly got into shape after the birth of her daughter. The girl is being raised by her grandparents.

Yulia Kovalchuk’s daughter Amelia is still small. Your baby popular singer and her husband are hidden from others. They say that the child is still small, so they shouldn’t show it to strangers. The singer says that she gave birth to a special child. Amelia, despite her young age, amazes her parents with her achievements every day.

Yulia Kovalchuk's husband - Alexey Chumakov

Yulia Kovalchuk’s husband, Alexey Chumakov, became a popular pop performer after the release of the “People’s Artist” project. Although the young man did not become the winner of the show project, he won the hearts of a large television audience. From that moment on, Alexey began to tour a lot. He visited not only many cities of the Russian Federation, but also neighboring countries.

In 2003, two popular pop singers met. Then they met often, but friendship only turned into love in 2009. They started dating, but were in no hurry to share with anyone yet. Only in 2011 it became known that Yulia Kovalchuk was dating Alexei Chumakov, who is her beloved man.

It was at this time that they participated in the One-to-One show program. Yulia hosted the program, and Alexey was one of its participants. He proved himself to be a master of disguise. It is not surprising that the man became the winner of the project. The audience loved his images. From that moment on, the artist’s popularity grew incredibly. His tour schedule from now on, it is planned literally several months in advance.

In 2013, Alexey proposes to Yulia. For her engagement, the bride was given a two-carat diamond ring. Kovalchuk proudly showed the gift to her fans. Soon, the marriage of two lovers took place on the Spanish coast. On solemn ceremony Only relatives and friends were present. Numerous photographs were posted on the singer’s Instagram page.

Then popular pop performers often left for Spain. Here they built a house. Lovers give each other gifts and surprises. Julia considers the best gift for herself to be a Labrador named Teddy. It was presented to his beloved for the second anniversary of their marriage.

In 2017, his wife made Alexei best gift. The couple had a daughter, who was named Amelia.

Hot photos of Yulia Kovalchuk delight her fans. On her Instagram page, the girl often posts candid pictures of herself. Julia's swimsuits come in separate and one-piece styles. They do not hide the breathtaking curves of the body.

After the birth of her daughter, Julia quickly got into shape. She amazes with her body, which can drive men crazy and make women jealous.

The naked artist was filmed several times. In 2014, she graced the pages of the popular men's magazine Maxim. She appeared in a revealing manner. On the cover, the pop star starred in a swimsuit that veiled the girl’s white skin.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yulia Kovalchuk

Instagram and Wikipedia of Yulia Kovalchuk are updated very often. They are the sources that help fans find out the latest and most verified information about the popular pop singer.

Wikipedia contains information about Julia’s parents, indicating their type of activity. Here you can find out what the artist likes to do, what albums she released and when. The page indicates how many years the popular performer worked in the group “Brilliant” and how she is progressing Solo career.

Our heroine’s Instagram is updated frequently. The girl often posts photos with her family, avoiding showing pictures of her newborn daughter. Article found on

The biography of Yulia Kovalchuk tells us a story about an interesting and beautiful girl, who, with her perseverance and desire for success, was able to reach great heights. The singer was born in the Volgograd region, in the city of Volzhsky, on November 12, 1982. Since childhood she was drawn to creative activity, was an inquisitive and active child. At the age of six she began dancing in an ensemble, and at the age of 14 she entered the music school. Julia also wrote poems and songs. With the ensemble “Venets” the girl traveled all over the country and often traveled abroad.

Biography of Yulia Kovalchuk. Carier start

At the age of 15, the girl organized her own dance ensemble “Elite”, which successfully developed and even became the best at regional competition. The talents of the young diva were noticed by representatives of the Moscow University of Arts. Yulia entered the choreography department and successfully completed the 1st year. By the will of fate, it turned out that soon the girl was invited to a casting in popular group"Brilliant." So she became one of the group's dancers. Later, Kovalchuk met a producer who liked the pretty blonde. The girl’s musical talents showed up in the studio, where she performed several songs for the producer. own composition. It was decided to take her as a replacement soloist

Biography of Yulia Kovalchuk in the group “Brilliant”

Since 2001, the girl worked in music group. Then the whole country learned about her. As part of “Brilliant”, together with Zhanna Friske, Anna Semenovich and Yulia, she traveled to all cities vast homeland. Girls were regularly invited to music awards and corporate retreats. Her career did not allow Julia to improve her personal life and succeed in her studies. Only in 2006 did she manage to graduate from university. The biography of Yulia Kovalchuk until 2007 was only a story about working in a group. This did not suit the ambitious girl, and at the end of her contract she left Blestyashchiye.

Yulia Kovalchuk. Biography: present

Since 2008, the singer has been working solo. Over the course of several years, she recorded 15 songs and several videos. At first, only producer Marat Khairutdinov supported her. Kovalchuk works at different genres and performs both club, pop tracks and lyrical compositions. Among other things, she is developing in television activities and participates in reality shows. In 2008, she was in "The Last Hero", where she took second place. She also took part in the show “Two Stars”, became the star of the projects “Big Race” and “ glacial period" Since 2010, he began hosting the “Minute of Glory” program, and later went to “Muz-TV” (now the “U” TV channel).

Singer Yulia Kovalchuk, whose biography is so interesting to her fans, is also successful in her personal life. For several years now she has been living with the popular musician Alexei Chumakov. The young people began to communicate closely on the Dancing on Ice project and continued their relationship behind the scenes. Now they are not officially married, but they plan to correct the current situation soon. Recently, Yulia and Alexey purchased a house in Spain.

The biography of Yulia Kovalchuk is full of bright events. She was always distinguished by talent, pleasant character and sociability. The future star was born in the Volgograd region. Her mother was a teacher at a school, and her father was a designer at a design institute.


Yulia Kovalchuk dreamed of becoming a famous artist as a child. She loved to sing, dance, and organized concerts at home for her family. For several years the girl was seriously involved in rhythmic gymnastics.

Yulia Kovalchuk, whose height is 165 cm, has always had a harmonious appearance. She is beautifully built, flexible and charismatic. But during one of the training sessions, the girl suffered a back injury, and she had to forget about rhythmic gymnastics forever.

After Yulia stopped doing rhythmic gymnastics, her mother enrolled her in a choreography club, where the girl showed her abilities and achieved great success. She devoted herself to dancing most of its time. At the same time, choreography did not become an obstacle to studying. Kovalchuk was a diligent student and always pleased her parents with her grades.

The first step towards a singer’s career was that Yulia received a ticket to the Eaglet camp. There the girl became interested in singing and, after returning home from the camp, began attending a vocal club. She also learned to play the guitar. Creativity captivated her and led her along. She began composing music based on her own poems. Yulia has a sister, Zhanna, who always supported her sister and admired her talent.

At the age of fifteen, Yulia Kovalchuk organized a school ensemble. The team often performed, and not only at their school. So, at a concert in St. Petersburg, Yulia met the dean of the Moscow University of Culture and Art. He advised the girl to enter a creative university. And Kovalchuk made up her mind. She graduated from school as an external student, received a certificate of secondary education and went to enroll in MGUKI. Passing the exams was not difficult for her, and the girl was enrolled in a university.


Despite her young age, Julia worked hard and took her job very seriously. future profession. The beginning of her stage career was her participation in the group “Brilliant”. Kovalchuk’s friends advised her to go through a casting to select support staff for the group.

During the audition, the girl made a strong impression on the jury members by performing a song of her own composition. Immediately after the casting, Yulia was accepted into the group. At first, Julia took part in the project only as a dancer. But soon she showed herself to be an excellent vocalist and was accepted into the main lineup of the group. The “golden” composition of the group is:

  • Irina Lukyanova.
  • Ksenia Novikova.
  • Yulia Kovalchuk.

Yulia Kovalchuk worked with “Brilliant” for quite a long time long time. Latest albums, which the singer released with her friends were:

  • Orange paradise.
  • Oriental tales.

After the contract expired, the performer made a serious decision to try herself in a solo project. Its producer was Marat Khairutdinov. Despite the fact that the first video had practically no plot, it still brought the singer to a high level and led the charts for a long time. Then Julia released her new hit called "Fly Away".

After this successful start the singer released many memorable compositions, including together with Stas Kostyushkin and Denis Klyaver. In 2010, a video appeared on television in which Yulia starred with her future husband, singer Alexei Chumakov. In 2015, Kovalchuk released her CD under mysterious name"JK2015".

Yulia Kovalchuk is not only a singer, but also a TV presenter. She was also the winner of the “Dancing on Ice” project, in which she performed together with figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev. Julia also participated and reached the finals in the reality show " Last Hero" After this project, she returned home with a lot of vivid impressions.

In 2009, the singer again became a participant ice show– project “Ice Age”. Here the star again showed her flexibility and charisma and, together with her partner, Roman Kostomarov, took first place in the show. With A. Oleshko, the girl hosted the “Minute of Fame” project for two seasons, and was also the presenter on children's radio. Also, together with Oleshko, the singer recorded the anthem for the “Minute of Glory”.

Together with Alexei Chumakov, Yulia was the host of the show “Who’s on top?” - TV shows about relationships between a man and a woman. At that time, Alexey and Yulia were already dating. The lovers acted as presenters in more than one project.

Personal life

The personal life of Yulia Kovalchuk is such that it cannot be called stormy. Little is known about her novels before Alexei Chumakov. She always tried not to demonstrate her relationships with men.

Kovalchuk met her future husband in 2003. Then she still sang in “Brilliant”. But she started dating Alexey in 2010. Future husband Yulia Kovalchuk looked after her beautifully and always tried to please her. Chumakov took the first step towards rapprochement by inviting the singer to his concert. As a token of gratitude, Kovalchuk invited him to her performance, after which the young people and their friends went to a restaurant to celebrate this event. From that day their whirlwind romance began.

The lovers have long been an example for everyone. Their couple aroused everyone's admiration. For five years they were in a civil marriage. During this time, the lovers bought a house, furnished it and lived in harmony, loving family. Their wedding was modest. Only the bride and groom were present at the registration, and only twelve guests were invited to the celebration.

The couple began to live happily together with their pets: a Chihuahua named Muffin, a Labrador named Teddy and a Jack Russell named Ricardo. And in 2017, Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth to her first child - beautiful daughter. As young parents assure, the child looks like his father.

Singer now

The most important thing for Julia is her family. She wonderful mother, a wonderful wife. Despite the fact that the singer now devotes all her time to her loved ones, she is not going to give up her solo career and promises to continue doing what she loves. Author: Irina Angelova

Yulia Olegovna Kovalchuk - singer, dancer, TV and radio presenter, ex-soloist of the group “Brilliant”

Date of Birth: November 12, 1982
Place of Birth: Volzhsky, Volgograd region, USSR
Zodiac sign: Scorpion

“I have a stupid trait: I can lose my temper or argue, but then I always sit down and start analyzing my opponent’s point of view. And 90 percent of the time I come to the conclusion that I’m wrong, and then I apologize.”

Biography of Yulia Kovalchuk

The future singer was born in the Volgograd region, in the relatively new city of Volzhsky (founded in 1951). Yulia’s mother, Svetlana Vasilievna, was assigned to Volzhsky from the Moscow region and worked as a teacher at a polytechnic school. And dad - Oleg Alexandrovich - from Ukraine, was the chief designer of the design institute. They met in Volzhskoye, fell in love and decided to be together.

Since childhood, Yulia was a leader, and she was able to persuade her mother and father so much and convince them that they were right that they always agreed with her and never punished her. Mom, seeing how flexible the girl was, sent her four-year-old daughter to the rhythmic gymnastics section.

But on the advice of a rhythmic gymnastics teacher, Svetlana Vasilievna took the girl to dance. Julia was simultaneously engaged in pop choreography and folk dances in the team "Venets".

At the same time, in secondary school Kovalchuk was an excellent student. At first, to prove to her older sister, an excellent student, Zhanna, that she could dance and also be an excellent student. And then it was just awkward to get grades below an A.

Conquest of the capital

Already at the age of 16, Yulia knew that she would go to conquer Moscow and become either a singer or famous choreographer. True, the conquest of the capital did not happen the first time. At first, after graduating from school, Kovalchuk came to enter the Moscow State Institute of Culture and Arts. However, Yulia did not know that this year there was no enrollment in the variety department, which she came to enroll in.

At that time she had romantic relationship with a young man from Saratov, and she went to this city and entered Saratov State University in “State and Municipal Administration” (Faculty of Economics). She studied in Saratov at the correspondence department and at the same time worked at Volzhsky as a choreographer. And on next year I went again to enroll in the Institute of Culture - and was already successful.

In the very first week of studying at the institute, Yulia organized dance group of three girls. Her team performed their own program in clubs, earning money for a living, because the meager scholarship was not enough. The money they earned was spent on food and branded items.

Choreographer Yegor Druzhinin was staging a performance for the group “Brilliant”, and he needed dancers. Yulia Kovalchuk passed this casting and became a dancer in the musical. And after some time working in the team, in 2001, the producer of “Brilliant” Andrei Grozny invited the girl to become a member of the group as a singer - instead of Olga Orlova, who had left the team. This is how Kovalchuk’s career began in the “Brilliant” group.

It was difficult to get along with a group of charming, beautiful and so different girls. But Julia considers the most comfortable composition for herself to be the period when she sang with Zhanna Friske, Irina Lukyanova and Ksenia Novikova. It was not easy, but the experience dance group gave the right experience working with female singers. Kovalchuk found common ground with all the participants and worked in the group from 2001 to 2007.

Solo career

And in January 2008, Julia’s solo career began. At first it was produced by Marat Khairutdinov. The first song that Kovalchuk recorded and for which a video was shot was “Push Me.” Then there was the composition “Fly Away”.

Then Kovalchuk began to promote herself independently. She decided not to depend on another person; she wanted freedom and independence. It was difficult during this period, because the singer had to “knock on all doors” again and explain who she was. But then no one was interested in her. But she didn’t want to go to the production center and “work for her uncle.”

In November 2018, the singer released new song"Let's!".

Kovalchuk and TV

In 2007, Yulia participated together with the famous figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev in the ice television show “Dancing on Ice. Velvet Season” and won.

The following year, she took part in the reality show “The Last Hero” (Season 6: “Forgotten in Paradise”), where she took second place.

And in 2009, together with another famous figure skater, Roman Kostomarov, she won the project “Ice Age. A fabulous continuation."

In 2015, she had the opportunity to be a judge in the grand entertainment show on the STS channel “Empire of Illusions: The Safronov Brothers”.

Yulia Kovalchuk was invited to host on TV different shows and television projects: “Minute of Fame”, “Who’s on Top?”, “One to One!”, “Our Exit”, “Weighted People”. The singer also hosted the “We are Talented” program on Children’s Radio.

In 2003, the lead singer of “Brilliant” Yulia Kovalchuk watched with interest the final of the “People’s Artist” competition. One of its participants, Alexey Chumakov, had a good chance of winning and was very attractive to her. When Alexey took an honorable third place, Yulia was sincerely happy for him.

A few years later, it was Chumakov who would be the first to know that she was thinking of leaving Blestyashchie, and would unconditionally support her: “You will succeed!” And she will believe this, essentially an unfamiliar guy.

They went to success on the stage at the same time: Alexey - from Tyumen, Yulia - from the Volgograd region. But since childhood, Alexey dreamed of singing, and Yulia was fond of dancing for a long time: after a back injury received in rhythmic gymnastics classes, her main hobby became choreography.

At the age of fifteen, Yulia Kovalchuk created her own dance ensemble“Elite”, and in addition, she entered a music school to study vocals and play the guitar.

At a performance in St. Petersburg, she was noticed by the dean of the Moscow University of Culture and Art. For the sake of studying at this university, Yulia graduated from school as an external student - and soon she was conquering the capital.

At the casting for a backup dancer in the group “Brilliant,” Kovalchuk was the undisputed leader, and when Olga Orlova left the group a few months later, the producers remembered the talented girl who not only dances, but also sings. Since 2001, the blond soloist has taken her place in the “Brilliant” group.

…Alexey Chumakov was conquering the regions at that time. Originally from Samarkand, with adolescence he lived in Tyumen, and it was here that he began to seriously study music. Lyrics, arrangements, playing drums and guitar - the guy has been doing all this since childhood.

At the regional competition “Europe Plus” in Kemerovo, Chumakov won in three categories: best vocalist, composer and arranger. Many such victories soon accumulated, but Chumakov did not rest on his laurels. In 2003, he was casted to participate in “ People's Artist- and moved to Moscow.


Julia and Alexey still claim that their love story can hardly be called romantic. For some time, Kovalchuk considered Chumakov a man with an unconventional sexual orientation. Of course, this was not true, but the artist never stooped to any explanations.

“He and I were in the same “weight class” in show business: both were newcomers, from not very wealthy families, and started practically from scratch in their solo work,” Yulia explained the sympathy that arose.

Five years have passed since their first acquaintance, when they both met on the “Dancing on Ice” project. Alexey invited his colleague to his solo concert, after which I received a return invitation. A huge bouquet of flowers, dinner at a restaurant - and the long-dormant “chemistry” between them finally flared up.

They failed to keep their romance a secret: the couple was often spotted together, and soon Kovalchuk and Chumakov made an official statement - yes, they are together, but that’s all that outsiders should know. An introvert by nature, Alexey couldn’t stand being pressured. But the longer they lived with Yulia in a civil marriage, the more gossip and questions arose around his next step - when is the wedding?

Everyone was pushing - except Yulia.

“Julia is too smart. She never asked questions about when... Although sometimes I could see from her mood that she was waiting for such a conversation,” admitted Alexey.

“In general, it’s humiliating for a woman to say: “Listen, propose to me.” Nobody canceled a man’s desire to be a winner. Even after six years, as I did, a man must mature to make this decision himself.”

And Chumakov has matured. Having become the owners of an apartment in Spain, they suddenly realized how they saw their ideal wedding - without noise and fuss, surrounded by their closest people and in the complete absence of reporters. In Russia this would have been impossible, so in Moscow Yulia and Alexey only signed: together, without witnesses.

The next day, their modest celebration took place in Spain: the bride, groom and only twelve guests.


Official marriage has become much more important for both easy experience than civilian. Both leaders by character, Alexey and Yulia finally got used to each other so much that they learned to extinguish any conflicts.

“It took me a long time to understand that a woman should take a step back. Now I always estimate the amount of moral burden that will fall on both me and Lesha in the event of a quarrel. And I don’t immediately want to stir up a conflict,” says Kovalchuk.

If before the wedding the main pressure of journalists fell on Alexey, now it was she who became the object of suspicion: fans were tirelessly watching to see if Yulia had a baby bump, and if so, when exactly would she become a mother?! But they still had no intention of sharing their secrets with the public.

Julia's pregnancy became known shortly before giving birth. The singer chose to bear her daughter Amelia in the same place where her family with Alexei was born - in Spain. Very soon the girl will turn one year old, but her parents have already managed to return to the usual life of pop stars: with concerts, rehearsals and recording new songs. This is what they share with fans with pleasure, and everything else is not for prying eyes.