Chechen statuses in the Chechen language about love. Chechen proverbs and sayings

Chechens are temperamental and declare their love in poetic form: “Autumn has suddenly arrived, red leaves are falling. I don’t need anyone else as a horseman, only one Oksana - you!”

An Ingush girl from a mountain village will immediately respond to a polite greeting upon meeting: “Complain, pour out your soul!” The stern children of the mountains do not recognize the usual phrase: “How are you?”

The Caucasian girl is trained not to listen to gossip and not to spread speculation herself. In a mountain village they learn news from radio or television, without knowing anything about their neighbors.

In the presence of the father-in-law, the daughter-in-law is not allowed to breathe. A woman must hold her breath while communicating with her husband's father.

Best status:
Verbal conflicts with the Ingush are dangerous to life and health. Timely warning from the Ministry of Health.

A brother without a sister is a wedding without a newlywed. A sister without a brother is a body that has sold its soul.

The eyes of Chechens begin a conversation long before the honeyed lips and the sound coming out of the mouth and throat.

The children of the mountains are afraid only of the tears and curses of Allah.

In the Caucasus, the mountaineers are horsemen, in the Kuban and Krasnodar the mountaineers are bandits.

Among sapphires and emeralds, you cannot find a diamond comparable to the sparkle in the eyes of a Caucasian beauty.

I don’t need luxury, I was born into it, only this luxury is not money, but people close to me...¦

Russian version: “Darling, marry me…” Caucasian version: “Uh, come on, either yes, or I’m stealing!”

Beautiful face sensitive look Caucasian mixture better not interfere

Once Heaven and Earth argued about who was more beautiful. The sky showed the stars to prove its beauty, and the Earth showed the Caucasus!

On the slopes of the Holy CAUCASUS, among the snowy, mighty peaks... someone painted gold on the rocks: “BE PROUD THAT YOU ARE INGUSH”!!!

What is the difference between fake love and real love? Fake: -I like the snowflakes on your hair! The real one: -Fool, where is the hat?!

Do you have a dream?? -was! -and now? -and now she walks next to me and asks me stupid questions..

The eyes are burning, dangerous and passionate, not subject to fate, not submissive to anyone, with mountain morals. Fear them. The eyes of those who gave birth to the Caucasus...

Anyone can offend a Caucasian, but not everyone has time to apologize!

HIM: will you marry me! SHE: no, I haven't yet little...HE: I'm not asking you, I'm letting you know!!!

CAUCASIAN Love is not when he gives you flowers and you smell them... It's when he tells you about 95 gasoline for three hours, and you listen without interrupting...

I will give fidelity to my husband!!! Love to my son!!! Beauty to my daughter!!! And respect and honor go to our parents!!!

I am the happiest, because our paths lead to the same end, a white veil, and a lezginka at the wedding

There are more “ice babies” on social networks than Napoleons in a mental hospital...

Only a real Caucasian heart and will achieve its goal...

Caucasian girl never lowers her head, but knows exactly when to lower her eyes

There is no law for me, because I am from region 06!

“Caucasian love” is: She says to him: “Darling, can I go to the club???” -And he, hugging her tightly, “Bitch, I’ll break your nose!!!”

They say Caucasians are scattered all over the world. Not true!!! This world is scattered around Caucasians!!!

Caucasians are NOT VIP, Caucasians are ALWAYS EXCLUSIVE!


He sat alone - SubhanAllah! He saw her - AlhamduLillah! She is so beautiful - mashaAllah! She will be his only - inshaAllah...

A real Caucasian girl never follows fashion. It's fashion that follows her))

A Caucasian man will meet a Caucasian woman with the goal of creating a Caucasian child.

The Caucasus is power...steal me beautifully))

Good Caucasian toast is like good Caucasian wine, it only becomes tastier and more expensive over time!

Caucasian love is when someone looks at you, and you prove that it’s not your fault)))¦

Girl, what's your phone number? – Sony Ericsson – No, I mean the number? - Federal. - No, what are the numbers? -Ingush...)))

Caucasian grammar says: ZHI SHI write with IS

Caucasian wisdom says: “he who does not show off is a show-off”

It always hurts a real guy to watch a girl carry heavy things... And he turns away

The sparkle in Caucasian eyes cannot be painted with mascara...

Only Caucasians, when passing their license, come in their own car

Caucasian love: capture, interception, retention and after 9 months a little wrestler.

How to recognize a CAUCASIAN guy at a wedding? -He is dressed in the most beautiful suit... sports

Only in the Caucasus is it written on cigarette packs: “THE DADDY WILL KILL KILL.”

Caucasian love is when he does not ask her whether she loves him or not, whether she believes him or not, does not sort things out, because he already knows what awaits them ahead.

Caucasian love is when she comes to him for a competition, and he makes a knockout and shouts: IF YOU CHANGE, IT WILL BE LIVE.

Only our guys break the asphalt on their faces.

Do you know why there is no metro in the CAUCASUS? Yes, because we will never stoop that low.

Caucasian love is when HE hurts his finger and HER heart hurts. But if HER heart hurts, HE will give HER his.)))

Do you want me to like it? Dance lezginka on the hood of a car at a speed of 120 km/h...

It’s not the clothes that adorn the girl, but the Caucasian man walking next to her

She: “I don’t love you!”... He: “Haven’t you been riding in the trunk for a long time??”...

A true Caucasian, even after breaking up, will say: “You know, even now I’ll tear off anyone’s head, for her.”..

I’m not arrogant, I’m just brought up according to Caucasian laws, and our first law is pride!

You can like green eyes...Gray eyes can charm...You can fall in love with blue eyes...And only brown eyes can drive you crazy...

Only in the Caucasus they know more about your personal life than you yourself.

Caucasian love: she: darling, I love you very much.. him: I don’t understand why did you get in touch? came out quickly

They had a fight - “The Law of Life.” He hit her - “Fosters Law.” She has brothers - “Law of the Mountains”!!!

If he is jealous, it means he loves, if he loves, he is afraid of losing, if he is afraid of losing, then he will steal this year!!!

The stork brought all the children, and a proud, beautiful eagle brought me!!!

I'm not waiting for a prince on a white horse, I'm waiting for a Caucasian on a Black BMW)

Dad taught me to be proud, Mom taught me how to be a lady, But my brothers didn’t teach me anything, they just said: Will they hurt you? - Let’s tear them up!!!

In the Caucasus, no one argues with girls... Because no one is interested in their opinion...

Standing at the very cliff of the mountain, he asked her: “Tell me, do you love me?” - I love! - Then jump down... She smiled, looked into his eyes and said: - Do you love him? - Yes! Then push me!

A real INGUSHKA will always brew the porridge herself, and force the guy to clean it up... That’s our way.¦

I don't have a stunning figure, a gorgeous smile, etc. For this, Allah rewarded me with plump cheeks on my face, eyes with deep meaning, and a kind heart - and this is very expensive.

You know, brother: I just wanted to play love with her, but I fell in love. -Brother, let me help you steal it?¦

The way to the heart of a Vainakh girl lies through - Brother))

ALLAH created the world, everything else was created in China

The pride of a Caucasian guy is the decency of his girlfriend!!!

There are three things in the world that cannot be stopped: Kobzon, an SMS sent to the wrong girl and an open bag of sunflower seeds!

All Caucasian girls with a gold medal and a red diploma. After marriage, they stand near the stove.

I didn’t trample on your soul! I danced the Lezginka on it!

She stole my heart, now I just have to steal hers.

Never tell ALLAH that you have problems, tell the problems that you have ALLAH.

Don't be smart, you'll be smart when we have the same last name!

A MUSLIM woman does not need a prince on a white horse. She needs a Muslim with Iman in his heart.”

Every girl's dream is a guy who calls at 3 in the morning just to say: - I love you so much, dear.

If... a girl is offended, rejoice, she is not indifferent to you

I am who I am. All I have left are my fists, conscience and honor.

Even if they point you to the barrel of a tank that has already killed a thousand heads. You say with pride: “I AM A MUSLIM!” Praise be to ALLAH, the lord of the worlds

The victim of my character is your nerves

Caucasian love: she: I LOVE YOU. him: WELL DONE. she: AND YOU? him: I AM TOO GOOD!

Earthquakes are nothing new to us - This is our Ingushetia dancing the lezginka

Only our children will be better than us.

A girl from the Caucasus is like a mountain flower that needs to be picked, not picked up

All mothers cry when their daughters get married. And my mother says that let the one who takes away cry

He asked “do you love me?” she proudly answered “no” and he smiled timidly and replied “but I’ll have to.”

“The sun is hot, and you’re wearing a headscarf,” they tell you. And you answer them as it should be - “Stronger than the sun, the flame of Hell”

I'm not jealous, I'm greedy

My brothers, my wealth.

Oh, ALL HIGH, warn me from those whom I trust, from those whom I do not trust, I myself will beware.

If you swing at me and say: “Scary? “Then I’ll hit you and say: “Does it hurt?” ”

Heart to One...Soul to Brothers...Life to Mom...Honor to No One..¦?¦

The only civilians in Chechnya are Russian soldiers.

Three millionaires once met: a Jew, a Tatar and a Chechen. And the new Russians decided to go to the restaurant.

Lawlessness in Chechnya: Chechen terrorists seized a bus with Chechen terrorists.

Caucasian love is when at 3 o'clock in the morning there is a prior standing under the windows and a Lezginka is playing throughout the yard and you look out of the window, and he shouts to you: uh, be a man, come out, uh.

I'm not proud, I was just brought up according to Caucasian laws, and our first law is PRIDE!

A Caucasian girl will never allow herself to do low things because she knows that her father’s Pride and Honor is her.

There is no braver guy in the mountains, the guy has not even seen fear!! But the horseman is afraid of only one thing - he will fall madly in love with a girl.

I'll steal it! And I’ll leave: - No, you won’t leave! Why is this?... -Together with you, we must tell our children how dad stole mom

America rules, Europe rules, Australia rules, Asia rules, and the Caucasus sits in the back seat and shows where to steer.

Caucasian love is when he will not allow anyone to offend you... he will offend you himself..

The girls are standing on the sidelines, no one is going to dance, because they are all from the Caucasus, and each of them is being watched by a brother

Only in the Caucasus do they confess love with the following verses: when I saw you, I fell from love, you have such a figure, you must be an athlete

Caucasian love is when: He: where are you? She: on the street. He: uh, listen, why did you take me home, go home!!!

A brother without a brother is like a falcon without a wing, a sister without a brother is like a naked twig.

Bravery at home is cowardice among people.

Those who fought against the village were left without a home, those who fought against the king were left without a head.

If there are worms in the meat, it is salted, and if there are worms in the salt, what should you do?

The son got married - the mother's back bent, the daughter got married - she straightened up.

What you like is great.

The donkey carries the load himself and eats it himself.

A real thief speaks laughing, a cunning and flirtatious woman speaks with tears.

A goat's horn will not make a handle; a sister's son will not replace his own son.

Whoever loses one day in the summer will lose ten in the winter.

The owner knows the capabilities of his cart.

A mother does not have a bad daughter, and a mother-in-law does not have a good daughter-in-law.

An unfriendly family is an unequal war.

“A guest asking for water means he is not hungry; if he doesn’t ask, it means he is fasting,” said the stingy hostess.

Listening to gossip is a disease, not listening is a cure.

Retreating in the face of inevitable defeat is not cowardice.

Wealth cannot buy intelligence.

Whoever gave a penny played the zurna.

Rather than live without human love, it is better to die.

Don't be sweet like a fruit - whoever comes will eat it.

When the crown of the woman was exposed, thunder roared.

It is not difficult to survive poverty, it is difficult to survive wealth.

For the first time, someone who became rich lit a candle during the day.

If you let someone down, you will suffer yourself.

The stone remains - the water is gone.

Whichever aul you find at night, spend the night there.

Where the sun shines, sow seeds; where you sow seeds, shadow will appear.

Eating hot porridge is also not easy.

Just because the croup is smooth does not mean that the horse is good.

If you get old, you won’t get younger; if you die, you won’t be resurrected.

The one who gave the bull for slaughter did not beg for the liver for roast.

One year and the hare dudes survived.

They don't stand on their toes if they're not in time.

You don't throw a stick at a barren tree.

The madman gave way to the drunken man.

I don’t know - one word, I know, I saw - a thousand words.

When the head dies, the body also dies.

Even the rooster is brave at his gates.

One summer day winter month feeds

U good father There is a bad son, and a bad father has a good son.

The one who grabbed the original tail drowned, the one who grabbed the horse's tail survived.

Sometimes a cart is loaded onto a boat, sometimes a boat is loaded onto a cart.

If the top bar breaks, go to the bottom bar.

A mother feeds her child like the earth does a man.

Anyone who became pious from a young age has been led astray by the devil.

The sky is light - the grave is dark.

Don’t receive someone who comes for a long time, and don’t be unfriendly with someone who comes for a short time.

He who lives by the river knows the ford.

A friend from a distant land is like a built fortress.

They let the donkey onto the grass - it climbed into a burdock.

Mullah, who chased two alms, was left with nothing.

Movement is the happiness of a young man, peace is the happiness of a girl.

The cockerel bred in the fall did not become a rooster.

The whole world is home to the smart.

A stupid man, having become rich, takes a second wife.

A blacksmith works with tongs so as not to burn his hand.

A kind word moved a mountain.

If you get to where they work, work, if you get to where they eat, eat.

Talking a lot is silver, and being silent is gold.

A good son is a father's heart, a bad son is a father's grief.

He who knows what will happen tomorrow will succeed.

A wolf cannot exist without teeth, and winter cannot exist without cold.

The water does not decrease with the current.

It's easy to be bad, it's hard to be good.

When you're hungry, it seems like you'll never get enough; when you're full, it feels like you'll never get hungry.

The one who had lain for the summer was running through the winter.

The howling wolf did not catch the deer.

He who was too lazy to reap his own wheat had to get stone for others.

The calculation is correct not before leaving, but after returning.

The donkey, who called another donkey, fell into the abyss.

The one who has been to the mill argues with the one who has been to the war.

If I had known that my mother would die, I would have sold her for a bag of salt.

Only a thief will help a thief.

A blind person will notice a thorn in someone else's eye.

The one who fought thoughtlessly without luck died.

A mother's anger is like snow - it falls a lot, but melts quickly.

If you treat someone with something rich - generosity, if you hit them with anything - courage.

The food prepared for three was enough for four.

A worthy person cannot exist without friends.

A quarrel is not porridge with buttermilk.

There is nothing sweeter than life, nothing faster than the eye.

Work like you'll never die, be kind to people like you'll die tomorrow.

He who did not dare to hit the horse hit the saddle.

An obese donkey fell off a cliff.

What's on your mind pops out on your tongue.

For a while, lies are better, but forever - the truth.

He who eats salt also drinks water.

A good son makes a father's heart happy.

The wound from the saber has healed, but the wound from the tongue has not.

The early rising shepherd's ewe gave birth to twins.

Where the needle goes, so does the thread.

Fleeing from the water, he fell under a mill.

If there is no honor at home, there will be none outside the walls of the house.

Better a neighbor nearby than relatives far away.

Rapid water does not reach the sea.

After stealing a cow, the bolt is not closed.

Praise the gelding and get on the horse.

What was said at the plowing was found at the harvest.

U good man- a bad wife, a bad man has a good wife.

The tooth that was gnashing against his daughter-in-law bit his son.

Better a quail in your hands than a deer in the fall.

The cattle, standing next to the donkey, neighed like a donkey.

Whoever asked for the mill first did the grinding.

What you eat is strength, what you put on your back is a burden.

Politeness made a prince out of a slave, bad character made a slave out of a prince.

Summer has put a damper on it.

The brave one drinks vodka, and the goose drinks water.

The healthy person does not know the condition of the patient.

She's a beautiful girl and looks good in an old dress.

The girl, praised by her mother, did not rise in price.

Words have no effect on the incorrigible.

A kind word lured the snake out of its hole.

Today he stole a chicken, tomorrow he will want to steal a horse.

You can't build a city on a lie, but you can make trouble.

Two enemies under one roof do not get along.

He's a quitter and takes a long time to wash his face.

He who has a thousand friends is saved; he who has a thousand head of cattle perishes.

The thorn grows sharp from the very beginning.

A coward's speech can be beautiful, but his soul can be dirty.

The potter attaches the handle of the jug wherever he wants.

Misfortune beyond the threshold is not misfortune.

Whoever says unnecessary things, let him live so that he can say unnecessary things.

What is done lightly does not end easily.

He who does not respect people is not respected by people.

Stretch your feet along the carpet.

The death of a wife is a change of bed.

Whoever resisted temptation will not have to blush.

Disrespect for people is disrespect for yourself.

Don't trust the quiet one, don't be afraid of the fast one.

Happiness. Tore, failure. Misfortune

The guest does not like the guest, but the owner does not like both.

A woman's intelligence is in her eyes, but not in her heart.

If you eat a lot, the honey becomes bitter.

If you don't demand that shore, you won't get it.

Relocation is ruinous.

If there is no son, there will be no shelter.

If a crash was not heard when the plane tree fell, it will not be heard after.

Wealth cannot buy intelligence.

When the partner is good, and the gelding overtakes the horse.

The bad crow croaks and croaks badly.

Only war repels war.

A bad word, like a good horse, has its paces.

When you feel sleepy, you don’t choose pillows; when you fall in love, you don’t choose beauty.

The dog, barking in vain, was dragged away by the wolf.

Where the guest does not look, good will not look there.

Once you stumble, you stumble seven times.

If what is said is silver, then what is not said is gold.

When the mullah gave alms, the devil began to play the zurna.

If trouble comes to you, raise your head, if it comes to people, lower it.

Chatterbox on fishing do not take.

The cautious boar did not eat the corn.

Where the goat went, the kid jumped.

What is not earned through one’s own labor seems frivolous.

The mind of a stupid person is silence.

Beauty - until evening, kindness - until death.

No one will expose a cunning woman.

Fire and water do not get along.

When the head is empty, the legs suffer.

If the center of the sky has cleared, prepare a cape (there will be bad weather), if the circumference has cleared, prepare bread (get ready for work, the weather will be good).

Food is the food of the body, sleep is the food of vigor.

White hands love other people's work.

From flint a spark is born, from a worthy man a worthy son is born.

Without burning the skewer, you cannot fry the kebab.

If the ox is not thin, the family will not be fat.

If you want to know a person, look at his friends.

Impatience took the soul, patience took the mountain.

Those who tinkered with wood also tinkered with ash.

Anyone who doesn't take a penny into account is not worth a penny.

On the road and a stick, comrade.

He who wanted to overcome the world was overcome by the world.

You don’t know who threw the stone and who threw the pear.

Tell your daughter so that your daughter-in-law can hear.

Everyone scratches their own baldness.

Don't be afraid of winter, followed by spring - be afraid of autumn, followed by winter.

Where the sun does not shine, the earth will not warm.

And one led the army to defeat, and one led to victory.

He who has two wives does not need a dog.

Running away from the rain, he fell under a waterfall.

The latecomer's share was eaten by the cat.

There is nothing more valuable than trust.

What is received from father and mother is eaten without gratitude.

If a bad person comes to visit, feed him well, but it is enough to treat a good person with whatever you can.

Because one day you have to fight, don’t be forever angry.

Don't grab your father's beard, but if you grab it, don't let go.

The wolf, having grown old, hunts for grasshoppers.

The one in elegant dress, doesn’t marry me, and I don’t take the one in a simple dress.

Whoever ate someone else's goat gets his head on fire.

If you don't do what you have to do in a day, you will whole year poke around.

He who thinks about the consequences cannot be brave.

A cart breaks - firewood, an ox falls - meat.

Where there was a swamp, there remains dampness.

A stormy day will give way to a clear one, but bad person won't be good.

The women washed the wool, and the fox washed its tail.

Even if you take it to Mecca, the pungency of garlic will not go away.

The enraged horse stumbled upon a stake.

Appreciate what you have and your wealth will increase.

And during matchmaking, a dog feeder is passed off as a copper one.

You yourself will fall into a hole dug for others.

If it's not to your taste, then let it be as possible.

He who does not know how to live always talks about the past.

Incorrigible for his own - grief, for strangers - laughter.

You can't fry eggs from eggs laid on the tongue.

Better than a bad son is a good son-in-law.

Porridge is better than chatter.

When asked what was good, the hare replied: “To see the dog before it sees you.”

If trouble is destined in the house, let the daughter-in-law die, but if trouble is destined outside the house, then let the son-in-law die.

An unfamiliar matter leads you down the wrong path.

Before the palace had time to say anything, they called him a rag.

Don't make friends with an untested person.

There is no good without subsequent evil, there is no evil without subsequent good.

You can't feed your guests with conversations.

An old cart ruined the road, a bad wife ruined the house.

Without looking forward, do not take a step; without looking back, do not say a word.

“Ask” is a slave, “give” is a prince.

Don’t always try for yourself like a hoe, don’t always try for others like a hoe, be with people this way and that like a saw.

An early death is better than a shameful life.

A horse praised by its owner will not overtake.

What was said twice was heard at the mill.

The donkey only found out that he was a donkey when they pulled his ear.

A thief knows a thief.

The dog starts swimming when water gets under its tail.

Gold is more expensive where it is mined.

Friendly cats defeated unfriendly wolves.

Take an apple for food, a pear for taste, and bite off a plum and throw it away.

He who is not afraid of other people's evil does not rejoice in his own good.

A bottomless tub will not fill with water.

If the head is thoughtless, the eyes cry.

“Let the bear and the wolf fight, and I’ll eat the jug of butter,” said the fox.

Those who went to sell wild garlic returned after buying onions.

Until the word comes out, it is your slave; until the word comes out, you are its slave.

Without a cloud in the sky, the rain will not fall, without grief in the heart the eye will not cry.

There is no river without a source.

He who has a barren heart has a fruitful tongue.

The smart one was neither carried away by water nor burned by fire.

The eye is fearful, the hand is brave.

What you need tomorrow, you need to know today.

An apple that is picked does not grow back.

A woman's mind is shorter than a frog's tail.

If you are a coal outside, be a coal at home.

A rival comes to the loser and from her father's house.

A good son is strength, a bad son is grief.

If you don't keep your word, you won't keep your oath.

A strong boar's tail tore out the burdock root.

If your head doesn't hurt, don't bandage it.

The river does not always flow along the same channel.

Those who did not love cows always dreamed of milk.

The husband of a good wife will not be poorly dressed.

Those who did not listen to the elder fell into a large hole.

The father is good and made of wood, the mother is good and made of felt.

The sounds of distant zurna are more pleasant.

A man is not a man if he does not have three secrets even from his own brother.

The condition of a person who has broken his leg will be understood by the one whose leg was broken.

The shepherd, who was afraid of the wolf, did not increase his flock.

The cat, not reaching the fat, said that she was fasting.

If you want to break off a friendship, ask for a saddle bow.

Laziness in summer - torment in winter.

The lake will not freeze if the bottom is not cold.

The bad heritage of good ancestors is praised.

The dead man was not left without a shroud, and the bride was not left without a ransom.

An old friend is better, but a new fur coat is better.

And about himself handsome man They said he had a long neck.

You cackle to me, but you carry eggs to your neighbors.

The slotted spoon knows what is at the bottom of the boiler.

There is no good in an unfriendly family.

The more you listen, the more noise there is.

When the bull drank the water, the bull was glad that he licked the ice.

The one who came uninvited left unfed.

The water is clean at the source.

Where the wind does not blow, do not place a winnowing fan there.

The sheikh loves milk, and the murid loves the sheikh.

Patience is the camp of victory.

To a tall plane tree there is always wind, to a young man there is always reproach.

Because the father eats, the son will not be satisfied.

Treat your husband tenderly, but secretly prepare a shroud.

Having burned himself on the soup, he blows on the water.

A donkey is not wealth, straw is not feed, whey is not alms.

You can’t overcome a mountain, you can’t gain a foothold on level ground.

The unity of the people is an indestructible fortress.

Revenge grows old, but is not forgotten.

Mulla was given a bribe and allowed to bury the shepherd dog in the cemetery.

The thief was robbed - and God laughed.

If you bleat, the wolf will drag you away, if you don’t bleat, the shepherd will kill you.

The gun, aimed at the people, fired back.

You can't work in the summer, the boiler won't boil in the winter.

It is more honorable to become a shepherd than to ask.

It is not the sun's fault that the owl cannot see during the day.

The prowling fox defeated the lying wolf (who loved to lie, lazy).

In a bad family, a smart person gets a lot of worries.

The gun killed one, but the tongue killed a thousand.

When it grows up beautiful daughter, becomes famous name father.

And don’t set off on a well-fed journey without food, and on a clear day - without a cloak.

An overturned dish will spill only what is in it.

A low person is always proud.

The dignity of people is their number.

The pear does not fall far from the pear tree.

The wife seems better than someone else's, the horse is his own.

WITH good friend you can go to the ends of the world.

Because you have a big head, you can’t have too much intelligence.

A stray dog ​​will not be left without a blow from a stick.

If you don’t give out of pity, or to show off, you shouldn’t give.

If you want a lot, you will get little.

If you get dirty, don't spare water.

One spark burned an entire village.

He who does not want to graze cattle will not want to work with a shovel.

The apple tree will only give birth to an apple.

You can't wash away something dirty with water, and you can't burn through something clean with fire.

The hound did not catch the hare from other places.

When they offered to bring the most beautiful thing, the crow brought her fledgling chick.

If there are no possibilities and the father’s corpse is left.

You can’t bend a rim from a pole, you can’t grow a horse from a donkey.

If you are a fox, then I am a fox's tail.

The old man tried to act childish, but died from the effort.

He who saw a snake in the summer was afraid of the rope in the winter.

A dagger drawn by a fool is more dangerous than a brave man's.

You will become a proud sheep, and the wolves will be right there.

Don't joke with fire, don't trust water.

Once you hit a good horse with a whip, it will last for a year.

A good word was considered alms, a bad word was considered a sin.

A purebred chick in the nest begins to sing.

The one with the horse stayed, the one with the saddle left.

The unfortunate man's mattress was torn at the edge.

The word “I don’t know” is more valuable than gold.

The hill you are standing on seems high.

Leopard change his spots.

A good frog lives in his swamp.

The eagle is born only in the mountains.

Eating without leftovers means not getting enough food.

The hen, who tried to crow like a rooster, burst.

An understanding friend is considered a brother.

The seeker of evil will not get rid of the bad.

The jug got into the habit of walking on water and stayed by the river.

Fun for the cat, death for the mouse.

The cattle that did not return home disappeared, leaving no skin behind.

Don't look for livestock - look for grass.

Don't look a friend's gift horse in the mouth.

A hoop that is not bent from a twig cannot be bent from a pole.

Evil will leave the house, good will not come from outside.

Where there is agreement, there is grace; where there is no agreement, there is evil.

Those who put things off until tomorrow lived with a thirst for what they wanted.

Those who can walk go down the slope; those who can’t walk go up the hill.

It is useless to be on the list if you don’t have a house in the meadow.

A bad horse is a hindrance to a good rider.

Without thinking it over, don’t speak, and if you’ve already said it, don’t back down.

Fire can only be kindled by fire.

When you're not in the mood, your feet don't dance.

When death threatens, the mouse bites.