Does magic change people? Protective spells

Water teaches you how to manage people and get what you want from them. Slanders on water Stefania Sister

Conspiracies to influence people and love

Here I have collected conspiracies in order to please people, attract attention to yourself, arouse the affection of any person, so that you are welcomed and noticed, conspiracies for a quick marriage and prosperous family life. But you won’t find here love spells, love spells, suction spells, or other violent actions directed against a person. This is not how to look for happiness - there have not yet been those whom similar method made me happy. At least I don't know. But such a conspiracy can bring grief, and what kind of grief.

It is important to remember that all love spells cannot be done during fasting. On such days, you need to cleanse your body and soul, and not look for earthly joys.

From Wang's book. Health conspiracies author Makova Angelina

Spells against illnesses and for good health for adults. Spells against all diseases, read in a bathhouse or bathroom. Pour water into three small basins (or buckets) and one large one. Throw a pinch of salt into each bowl and stir. After a steam bath or evening shower

From the book Advice of the Magus author Tatishchev B Yu

1. The influence of the energy of words on people’s lives. Many Russian words carry a clarifying or conjugate-additional meaning, revealed by their reverse reading: “slave = bar”, “bar(i)en = not a slave”, “rad - dar” and so on. This property is inherited by the modern Russian language from

From the book Conspiracies of a Ural healer against damage and the evil eye author Bazhenova Maria

Spells to charm people

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The influence of conscious people August 29, 1948 “Do not throw pearls before swine” is only half of the esoteric truth; the other is expressed in the parable of the talents. Perhaps there is some not entirely correct understanding of what exactly is truly esoteric

From book Practical Book White magic. How to manage people and money by Zachary

From book White magic. Rituals for money and luck from Elder Zechariah! by Zachary

A conspiracy for the love of all people. Lord, God, bless! I, servant of God (name), will become blessed and cross myself; forgiven by his father, blessed by his mother and taught to do good deeds. And I, servant of God (name), will go out of the hut by the doors, from the yard by the gates, and will go out into the open field, into the wide

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Effect of the Sun on Human Health Within reasonable limits, the sun's rays have a very beneficial effect on humans - they provide our body with much-needed vitamin D. If a person is exposed to the sun's rays for too long, it can lead to skin cancer or growth

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The influence of narcotic substances on people with slightly open centers. New types of diseases associated with the state of the chakras and psychic energy 05/07/38 In certain cases or diseases, of course, the doctor has the right to use drugs. Drugs are harmful to people with open

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From the book Teaching of Life author Roerich Elena Ivanovna

From the book Out of the Body. Theory and practice of astral travel author Rainbow Mikhail

Voodoo and influence on people Sooner or later, every more or less serious practitioner of the phase comes to mind a very interesting and tempting idea about the possibility of using this skill to influence real people, more often in a negative than a positive way. This

author Roerich Elena Ivanovna

[The influence of the inhabitants of the invisible worlds on the consciousness and actions of people] People are completely unaware of how much the worlds, visible and invisible, take part in their actions and events, and how often they are unconscious and semi-conscious tools of servants

From the book Teaching of Life author Roerich Elena Ivanovna

[The influence of superstitions on the psyche and physical state of people subject to them] In the case you cited, of course, it is not the walling up of the shadow itself that matters, but the idea, the faith that is invested in this action. The thoughts of such a “victim” draw images

From the book, Water teaches you how to manage people and get what you want from them. Slanders about water author Stefania Sister

Conspiracies that will help you have influence at work, build a career and get along well with everyone. Here are conspiracies that can help you find a job, climb the corporate ladder, improve relationships with colleagues and superiors, and cope with intrigues

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The influence of a name on the fate of famous people After we have consistently examined all the information that a personal name carries, as well as ways to compare this information with a person’s horoscope, we will try to summarize all this information and give a complete

From the book How to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage author Kladnikova Serafima

Chapter 4 Influence on people through dreams Everyone dreams, they are closely related to our daily life. Life during sleep is no less active than during the day. Dreams represent a living reality in which a person plays a certain role. We cannot exclude the possibility

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Enemies and ill-wishers have already bothered you with their intrigues, and you don’t know how to deal with them? Try a spell that will strike fear into your enemy. I explain how this conspiracy works. At the mere thought of you or the mere mention of your name, your enemy will be attacked by the inexplicable...


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Do you know what the most powerful amulet is? This is a talisman for the threshold. Not one bad word, not one evil eye, not one damage will affect either you or your family members. Anyone can make a talisman for a threshold on their own without the help of a sorcerer or magician. All you need is some aspen bark. So, ...


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Dreams are our subconscious. Sigmund Freud thought so. Many people agree with him on this. There are many prayers and conspiracies that are associated with dreams. For example, you can wish prophetic dream, get an answer to your question. But there are dreams that scare us. Nightmares so realistic that when you wake up,...


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Many people have enemies and ill-wishers. They actively interfere in our lives. Some people do minor dirty tricks, others plot intrigues at work, and only a few resort to threats. You can brush off the threats, or you can resort to conspiracy. So, if you are threatened by your enemies, then read...

Rituals and conspiracies to influence personality

1.Get the hair of a person whose support you want to enlist or whom you want to see among your allies and companions. Place this hair in the bottom of a small cup or saucer. Place your own hair in the same cup. Light a candle and tilt it over the cup of hair so that drops of melted wax fall there. Burn the entire candle in this way and store the wax-filled cup in secret place as a talisman for the success of your plans.

2. To make your business with your partner especially profitable, treat him to tea, and after he leaves your home or office, mix tea leaves from his and your cups, dry this mixture properly and pour it into a matchbox. When you meet the person you want again, keep this box next to you. Such witchcraft will help you conclude a profitable deal, get a loan, or change your partner’s opinion in your favor.

A conspiracy from enemies to make everything your way

During the period of the waxing moon in front of the icon Holy Mother of God"Kazanskaya" light up 5 church candles and, placing them on the table in the shape of a circle, read the plot:

The Heavenly King, the archangels and angels, the cherubim and seraphim and all the heavenly powers, the prophets and disciples worship Him, so would the boyars and boyars, clerks and clerks, and motley authorities, and all the ordered judges, my adversaries (names of people) be submissive and worshipful to me , to whom you intend to contact with any matter) to me, God’s servant(s) (your name). how he will rejoice dark night to the bright young Moon, and how the white light of the Erased Sun will rejoice. so would the kings and queens, princes and princesses, boyars and boyars, clerks and clerks, and motley authorities, all the clerks, judges and people of all ranks, my adversaries, and would look at me, the servant of God (name), as at the Red Sun, and could not see enough of my soul, and body, and zealous heart, clear eyes, thought and thought. Always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. All the kings and queens, princes and princesses, boyars and boyars, and all the officials, and my adversaries - (names) - all my sheep; I, God's servant(s), am a wolf; With my clear eye I will look and catch it, and take it in my hands, and throw it on my tooth, and bite it into pieces. All my words, be blessed, strong and strong, stronger and crueler than iron, and damask steel, and a sharp knife, and eagle claws. The Kazan Mother of God applied her seal with her golden ring. Always, from now on and forever. The castle is a stone. Amen.Amen.Amen.

When the candles burn out and go out, collect the remaining wax, roll it into a ball and hide it.
When you go about your business, put the ball in your pocket.

Rituals and conspiracies to influence personality

1) In order for a person to change his mind and act in a way that is beneficial to you, hold his photographic card between your palms and walk with it in a circle backwards, repeating the following words:

Back to front, it's the other way around
you will walk, you will think,
you will do everything in my favor,
everything is as I say.

If you do not have a photograph of the person you need, use a piece of paper on which to write his first, middle and last name.

2) If you want to somehow influence a person, then prepare a witchcraft potion, wash your hands with it, and then touch with your hands (shake hands, pat on the shoulder, etc.) the person you need to influence. The potion is prepared as follows: throw into boiling water five pinches of dried and powdered stinging nettle leaves, three pinches of earth taken from a crossroads, one black feather, a tuft of red cat hair, three pinches of black pepper, a pinch of salt and one teaspoon of honey. . When the water has cooled, strain the infusion.

3) If your fate depends on the decisions made by some person, for example, your boss or official, write his name on a piece of paper nine times. Do this for nine days in a row, using the same sheet of paper, so that you end up with eighty-one words written on the paper. Roll the sheet with the inscriptions into a tube and put it in a bottle, which you fill to the top granulated sugar. Cork the bottle and keep it in your home.

4) Write on a piece of paper the first and last name of the person on whose decisions your fate depends. Write your own on top of these inscriptions. full name and last name. Wrap this piece of paper around a long nail and tie it with red thread to keep the paper from unraveling. Go to a deserted place and drive an “enchanted” nail into the ground there. When returning home after this, do not greet or talk to anyone.

5) To influence someone, write his name several times on a square piece of paper. You need to write in a circle so that the beginning of the first word is connected to the end of the last. Take this paper in your hands, look at the center of the circle and imagine the face of the person you need, as well as your desire that he should fulfill. Then, without taking your eyes off the center of the circle, pierce it with a sewing needle: so that the needle enters the paper exactly halfway. Hide this talisman in secluded place and keep it until your wish is fulfilled. After this, remove the needle from the paper and tear the paper itself.

6) Take a piece of paper and describe your aspirations and desires on it. Then burn this paper, collect all the remaining ashes and add a small part of it to the drink or food of the one who decides your fate. If you are unable to do this, pour some of the resulting ashes into his left shoe. If this is not possible, then pour out all the ashes where your benefactor usually spends time.

7) To have power over someone, you need to write the name of the person you are interested in on paper, burn it and rub the resulting ashes on the soles of your shoes. Instead of paper with a name on it, you can use a photo card.

8) To influence a specific person, find a small flat pebble and think that this is that same person. Write his name on the stone with waterproof ink or paint. Carry this stone with you and squeeze it in your left fist from time to time, imagining what your desires are this person must fulfill. Be sure to do this immediately before meeting the person you need.

9) Find a small flat pebble and mentally imagine that this is the person on whom your destiny and your future somehow depend. When you return home and step over the threshold, throw a stone on the floor. Lightly kick it with your left foot and roll it into the western corner of your house. Let the stone remain there until all your wishes come true.

10) In order to have power over someone, you need to write the name of the person you are interested in on a piece of paper, fold this paper three times and wear it under the insole of your left shoe. If you have a photograph of this person, it is better to use it instead of a note.

11) If you need to appear before the eyes of your superiors, who are dissatisfied with something, or you want to submit some kind of petition and at the same time you have to communicate with an unfriendly person, on whose decision a lot can depend, you need to read the plot, while winding it on the left little finger red thread:

I will bow on all four sides,
with a charming word from an important gentleman... (first name, patronymic, if you know) I’ll speak.
And how you lay... (name) in your mother’s womb
and then you had no thoughts, no words, no speeches about me,
so now I am coming to you, so that you have no thoughts, no words, no speeches against me.
In front of me you are fierce fire, and in front of you I am strong water,
when your fierce heart lights up, then I will flood your fierce heart with my strong water.
You can’t outwit my words, you can’t change my deeds, where you sit, sit there, determine all your needs.

After this, the thread must be removed from the finger and torn. Now you can safely go about your business.

12) If you have to communicate with high authorities, go to court to answer, or simply talk with an unfriendly person, on whose decision your fate may depend, speak secret words into the tightly clenched fist of your left hand, so that your breath can be felt by your fingers. The words should be like this:

The power of my words, the power of my deeds,
accumulate between my fingers,
cleave one to one, multiply a hundredfold,
so that one day at a time we can begin to... (name of the boss or judge),
so that he does not dare to plot against me with his mind,
utter an evil word, do harm in a dark deed,
but he did everything from my deeds, spoke from my words, thought from my thoughts.

After finishing the plot, unclench your fist. Now, when you communicate with the person you need, clench your fist three times with force, as if stretching your hand. Try at this moment to feel the power of your conspiracy and feel confident and able to solve any problem.

13) To gain the favor of the person you need and enlist his support, as well as to persuade someone to your opinion or simply to have power over someone, draw a cross with charcoal on your right hand and say the secret words: “Terra, Mata, Ha” . Then cold water wash the image of the cross from your palm, but not from your memory and imagination. Feel the presence of this sign in the palm of your hand when you shake hands with the person you want or with all those over whom you want to have an advantage. At the moment your hands touch, mentally repeat the words you already know. At the same time, you must mentally imagine and feel that your mark has passed from your palm to the palm of your “victim” and is imprinted there forever.

14) Write a spell on a piece of paper: “NOIN SAAT LEJOT FAT.” Burn this paper, collect all the remaining ash and pour it into the ink. Also add a pinch of iron filings and a pinch of verbena to this ink. Now, if you write a request addressed to this person with this ink, he will certainly fulfill it.

15) If you need some person on whom the fulfillment of your requests or desires depends to take your side, write a message addressed to him, in which you describe the essence of your needs or problems. Fold this letter in three and place a dried sprig of verbena or wormwood inside the paper. Light a candle and use it to light your letter. As the paper burns, imagine the face of the person to whom you wrote and the occurrence of the event described in your letter. Burn the entire letter without a trace, collect all the remaining ashes and scatter them to the wind.

16) Before writing a love letter, lightly rub the paper with dry lavender herb. To ensure that the words you write reach the heart of your chosen one, add a few drops of your blood to the ink. If you need to write a business message, first rub the paper with dry thistle grass or juniper leaves. To make the words you write have greater power over the reader, add a few drops of dove blood to the ink. And if what you wrote is somehow connected with money, then to increase its attraction, add magnetic filings to the ink.

Conspiracy: How to free yourself from negative influence person

From the letter:

“I am writing this letter with trepidation in my soul. I don’t know how often men write to you, but I finally decided to do so. I will try to state my problem as briefly as possible. I am the president of the company. All these years the company has been successful. Sometimes I couldn’t even believe that I was the head of the company and that everything was going so well for me. I was lucky with the team too. The people I selected were intelligent and hard-working, and therefore I always tried to please them with something, so that they would value their jobs.

I set it up for them free food. The women of my team were treated for free at the hairdressing salon, with which I entered into a special agreement, paying for the services provided to us. Every three years, a member of our team could travel at the company’s expense to a holiday home or sanatorium. In addition, under New Year trip abroad and expensive gifts were raffled off.

Naturally, I paid the thirteenth salary and bonuses.

During the holidays, I rented a cafe, where the whole team was having fun with all their hearts and sincerely.

By doing good for my employees, I reaped the rewards of conscientious and hard work. Believe me, all my numerous expenses were fully paid off. To be fair, it must be said that I myself would probably never have imagined all the things I did for my team. My classmate Irina, who has worked for me since the founding of the company, pushed me to do this.

I often consulted with her about everything: about repairs, about design, in general, about everything. And I know that I wouldn’t have what I have now if it weren’t for her smart head and feminine intuition.

But! One day, a new staff member appeared in our team - a stunning and simply gorgeous lady. Then it turned out that she became my deputy. I myself didn’t notice how her small but tenacious hands gradually broke everything that I had built all these years. Irina (my school friend and former adviser) as a potential competitor was almost immediately classified by my new deputy as a “stupid” and “schemer”. All of Irina’s ideas were ridiculed and rejected outright. Moreover, she did it in such a way that I could neither refute nor defend my classmate.

I first fell in love with the woman I made mine right hand, then he began to be afraid of her, and then this feeling began to develop into quiet and helpless hatred.

Meanwhile, the team was in a fever. People quit. My deputy could humiliate a person with both a look and a shout, no matter how old the person was and how many witnesses to the shame were present.

My classmate at first tried to convince me that I should put this lady in her place before it was too late. But I told her that I am the head of the company and it’s up to me to decide who should be there and who shouldn’t. But I lied because I couldn’t decide anything on my own for a long time. My dependence on my deputy grew every day.

She rejected all profitable projects, quarreled with the people on whom my business depended, and lectured those who helped my business grow. I saw that everything was going to waste. Another year - and there will be only zilch left from my company. My partners leave me, it’s very difficult to find new ones. I don’t know what to do or how to get rid of this person’s addiction. Yesterday Ira quit her job, finally telling me:

“Your suede is so stupid that it itself chops the branch on which it sits comfortably.” Well, she will ruin your company and where will he go? And you, with whom and what will you be left with?”

To throw off power and dependence on some person, you need to light the stove. After you add firewood for the third time, bend your head lower towards the ash pit and say into the open door:

Stove smoke, king of the chimney,

Take away from me all the power of the servant of God (name).

Scatter it, scatter it,

How you throw yourself into the wind.

Smoke smoke, stove,

Smoke with a stove, hut.

And you, God's servant (name), repent and submit.

I'll be Big over you

And you will become Lesser in front of me.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

At all times, people have been interested in the magical effects on humans. Witchcraft, black magic - these words have been known to everyone since childhood. It is part of folklore and children's fairy tales. Growing up, we become realists, but a piece of this faith still lives in us, and we want to know: how can magic affect a person?

At all times, people have been interested in the magical effects on humans

Magic lives in each of us

Wanting to achieve benefits, be it a better position, job, or material values, such as expensive car, an apartment in a prestigious area, a fashionable gadget, jewelry or the favorable location of a person of interest, people turn to black magic. Since childhood, remembering its magical effect: waved with a magic wand and everything appears before you at the same moment. The temptation is too great. But what is this magic?

Man is a biological being, has cells, tissues, organs and organ systems, the functioning of which is a complex and unique process. Complex psychosomatic processes and reactions occur in the brain that are directly related to actions and emotions. From physics, we know about the earth's magnetic field. Man, like the earth, has a kind of energy biofield, woven from our emotions generated by the brain and reactions and their derivatives of the body. These are nothing more than secreted hormones that make up the brain’s response to pathogens: adrenaline shows aggression, endorphins indicate happiness, etc.

These emotions envelop you in a kind of biological cocoon of a psycho-emotional nature. Magic is the ability to influence this field, changing variables in one direction or another. How can magic influence people, how exactly does it work?

People, the so-called sorcerers and magicians, are very susceptible to the fluctuations of these processes, they can, as it were, “see” these fields of psycho-emotional activity, influence them, expanding, producing and filling holes in the defense. Which in turn can influence a person in a certain way, causing reactions. People call this influence of magic:

  • evil eye;
  • damage;
  • love spell;
  • a curse;
  • lapel;
  • crown of loneliness, etc.

As practice shows, this intervention can both improve life and lead to serious troubles. Such negative consequences can be a disfigured psyche and a crippled consciousness. Magic, influencing people is a special ability that is not available to everyone. People who practice such abilities are called magicians or sorcerers.

Negative effects of using magic if you influence a person

There is a division of magic into black and white. This means that magic is white - if it is directed for good, it can be conspiracies to get rid of damage or other ailments, but when this very force of influence is directed towards harm, that is, a love spell, the evil eye, a curse, then the magic is black.

Starting to practice and use influence, magic can affect a person even with good intentions, a person who is a magician may face the disastrous consequences of this power for himself. The power of influence can easily turn a person’s head and push him down a path dark forces , the active practice of damage and curses can be similar. The question arises, why do many people still turn to magicians and sorcerers for magical help. The answer is very simple, and comes from childhood. People in a melancholic state are influenced by many factors such as:

  • disgusting work;
  • lack of sense of self-worth;
  • difficult financial situation;
  • betrayals or other troubles, tend to seek solace in childhood memories of the magic swing of a sorcerer.

Magic can influence a person even with good intentions

Often without thinking that this can seriously harm the psyche and health of the person on whom the magical influence is performed. There is also a risk that if you turn to an inexperienced “magician” or formulate your thoughts unclearly, you end up with a result that is not at all the desired one. This can also harm your health.

What is the influence of magic, what are its consequences?

Let's consider the mechanism of how to influence a person using magic. The principle consists of several stages:

  • searching for holes or thin spots in the psycho-emotional barrier;
  • creating holes or widening cracks in the barrier;
  • introduction of ideas necessary for action in order to achieve the desired action from a person.

Such manipulation of consciousness is similar to the temporary loss of control over the brain as a result alcohol intoxication. A certain fog that prevents a sober and objective assessment of the situation, as a result of which it leads to the commission of actions that a person may not remember or be ashamed of in the future. How can magic, influencing a person, change the essence of his personality? A person who is susceptible to influence performs the actions and deeds required of him, but remains himself. But not everything is as good as it seems at first glance.

Manipulations with consciousness can have a radical and detrimental effect on a person. This means that when magical influence, a person is completely unaware of his actions and does things imposed on him. Basically, these are actions that are unusual for his nature, which later come into conflict with conscience, and this upsets the mental balance, introducing confusion, destruction, and a sense of guilt into the emotional balance. As a result, it leads to depression, and in some cases, suicidal thoughts and actions.

Every person dreams that everything planned will come true, which leads people to search for ways to influence people, even knowing that you are causing harm.

Therefore, it is worth clearly articulating the desire and considering how necessary it is to influence others, taking into account the consequences. And practitioners put themselves under strict control, knowing that magic can lead to harmful consequences for themselves. Black magic represents clot negative energy, harmful, both for the person susceptible to influence and for the conducting magician, which in turn results in the customer.

For those who still decide to use magic, knowing how to influence a person, there are conspiracies aimed at good. These conspiracies can be:

  • to attract good luck and prosperity;
  • money and wealth;
  • for a strong family;
  • for healthy offspring;
  • for healing from illnesses, etc.

With the help of such conspiracies you can positively influence future fate. There are certain conditions and methods of their implementation, which, for greater effect, must be strictly followed.

Conspiracy for success in business

This plot is performed before bedtime on the waxing moon. You need to go out into the yard, look at the moon and repeat the following words three times:

“As the moon rises again, so will my wealth. Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

A spell for success in business is performed before bedtime on the waxing moon

Knowing how you can influence a person with the help of magic, it would be useful to know about measures to protect against dark influences. Life in society involves daily communication with people. With some we enter into friendly relations, and with others into confrontation. It is also necessary to remember this quality of a person as curl, which in turn gives rise to anger and resentment. Therefore, every person can become the object of black magic. You can influence different ways. To protect yourself from such influence, there are measures to protect yourself.

Methods of protection against the effects of magic

A strong barrier requires strong nerves and the entire nervous system. Magic world- is sometimes cruel, and therefore you need to warn yourself against possible attacks by angry individuals. Important:

  • avoid unnecessary stress;
  • be less nervous;
  • try to lead healthy image life.

That is, eat right, eating more fruits, vegetables, minerals and vitamins and try to exercise physical exercise or your favorite sport, even if not professionally. Proper nutrition And physical exercise will increase the body's resistance to physical and emotional level. Your mood will rise, positive thoughts and actions will appear, which will strengthen your defense little by little.

Also for protection against black magic there is different amulets, amulets and signs that need to be worn directly on the body. It is better to prepare such amulets yourself, using herbs, oils, threads and other materials.

Another method of protection is cleaning procedures nervous system. To do this, every day in the evening you need to spend time thinking about the past day. To relieve anxiety and depression, or vice versa - to once again rejoice at the good things that have happened. To do this, start going through all the bad and good things of the day, letting go of the first and hoping for a “sunny” tomorrow.