Preschool education classes fairy tales preparatory group. Summary of an open lesson in the preparatory group on speech development "a journey through fairy tales." Finger gymnastics “Favorite Tales”

(preparatory group)

Program content.

Training tasks:

1. Clarify and enrich children’s knowledge about Russian folk tales.

2. Learn to recognize a fairy tale by assignment.

3. Learn to convey the structure of a fairy tale using modeling.

Developmental tasks:

1. Remember the order in which heroes appear in fairy tales.

2. Develop the ability to act in concert.

3. Develop speech, imagination, fantasy, thinking.

Educational tasks:

1. Cultivate an interest in reading, a love of oral folk art.

Wellness tasks:

1. Relieve visual tension (gymnastics are performed for the eyes), and to relieve muscle and nervous tension (physical minutes).


Game, verbal-logical, partially search, problem-based, TRIZ technology, ICT, independent.


View the quiz, artistic word(proverbs, riddles, poems), explanations, encouragement, finger exercises, eye exercises, physical exercises, building a mnemonic track, independent activity children.

Vocabulary work:

Magical, wonderful, funny, instructive, witty, smart, interesting, kind, mysterious, unusual, joyful, wise.

Individual work:

Help children who have difficulty putting together pictures based on the plot of a fairy tale. During the lesson, activate Maxim U.


Toys for riddles, the game “Fold a fairy tale” (cut-out pictures), the game “Turnip” and “Teremok” (card diagrams), a disk with Russian folk tales, a storyteller costume for the teacher.


An audio recording with melodies, a stand with books of Russian fairy tales, a laptop, a disk with the fairy tale “How Kolobok was looking for friends,” a disk with a quiz on Russian fairy tales, tables, chairs.

Progress of the lesson:Quiet music is playing.

Educator. Hello children. My name is Skaza Rasskazovna. I am very glad that you came to visit me. Do you like to read fairy tales?

Children. Yes. We love you. Like very much.

Educator. How can you say about a fairy tale, what is it like?

Children. Magical, wonderful, funny, instructive, witty, smart, interesting, kind, mysterious, unusual, joyful, wise, etc.

Educator. Everything that is created by the mind

Everything the soul strives for

Like amber at the bottom of the sea,

Carefully stored in books.

Remember the proverbs about the book.

Children.A house without a book is a day without sun.

He who reads a lot knows a lot.

A book teaches you how to live, a book should be treasured.

A book is a small window through which you can see the whole world.

A book is to the mind what warm rain is to sunrise.

The book is small and inspiring.

The book will help you in your work and help you out in trouble.

Educator.From time immemorial, a book has raised a person.

Good book- shines brighter than a star.

Finger gymnastics"Favorite Tales"

(Children bend their fingers one by one and clap their hands for the last line.)

Let's call fairy tales

Mitten, Teremok,

Kolobok is a ruddy side.

There is a Snow Maiden - beauty,

Three bears, Wolf - Fox.

Let's not forget Sivka-Burka,

Our prophetic kaurka.

We know the fairy tale about the firebird,

We don't forget the turnip

We know the Wolf and the kids.

Everyone is happy about these fairy tales.

Educator. Why are they called folk?

Children: Because they were composed by the Russian people.

Educator. Right. I invite you on a journey through Russian folk tales.

Let's go friends

Into a miracle fairy tale - you and me

To the theater of puppets and animals,

For girls and boys!

There is a magic screen here,

There are countless fairy tales here!

(Quiz on the computer “Russian folk tales”)

Gymnastics for the eyes.

We open our eyes - once,

And we close our eyes - two.

One two three four,

Opening your eyes wider

And now they have closed again,

Our eyes were rested.

Educator. Stand in a circle together

We need to play fairy tales!

Physical education minute “Fairy tales”

The mouse ran quickly (running in place)

The mouse wagged its tail (simulation of movement)

Oops, I dropped an egg ( bend over, “lift a testicle”)

Look, I broke it (show “testicle” with outstretched arms)

Here we planted her (bend over)

And they poured water on her (simulation of movement)

The turnip grew good and strong (spread your arms to the sides)

Now let's pull it (simulation of movement)

And we’ll make porridge from turnips (imitation food)

And we will be healthy and strong from the turnip (show "strength")

We are a nice family of little goats

We love to jump and gallop (bouncing in place)

We love to run and play

We love to butt heads (stand in pairs and show “horns” with the index fingers of both hands)

Educator. Around us here and there

Different fairy tales live on.

There are riddles in the clearing

Guess without a hint

Call it, dare

These fabulous friends!

(makes riddles, I children find the answer among the toys and show it)

1. The beautiful maiden is sad,

She doesn't like spring.

It's hard for her in the sun,

The poor thing is shedding tears.

Snow Maiden

2. A woman rides on a broom in heaven and on earth,

Scary, evil, who is she?

Baba Yaga

3. At Alyonushka's sister's

The birds took my brother away.

High they fly

They look far away

Swan geese

4. An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,

And in this swamp someone caught her.

Who said goodbye to green skin.

Have you become cute, beautiful, pretty?

Princess Frog

5. Her grandfather planted her in the field

The whole summer grew.

The whole family pulled her

It was very large.


6. It was mixed with sour cream

Baked in a Russian oven.

Met animals in the forest

And he left them quickly.


7. Once upon a time there were seven guys

Little white goats.

The gray one tricked his way into the house.

The goat then found him,

I was able to outsmart him.

And she saved all her children.


Educator. All the riddles were solved and all the heroes were named.

Koschey was visiting yesterday

What have you done, just - Ah!

All the pictures are mixed up

He confused all my fairy tales

Puzzles you must collect

Call it a Russian fairy tale!

(Children collect a picture of a fairy tale from puzzles and name it.

Fairy tales: Geese-swans, Masha and the bear, Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf, Marya Morevna,

Light-Moon, Snow Maiden. The teacher at this time reads the verse:

It's hard to put together a fairy tale,

But we don’t need to bother.

Friendly, brave and skillful

We got down to business with you!

Educator. Well done! We managed to put it together!

Koshchei's tricks have been overcome!

And now you will separate

Form into two teams.

Let's remember fairy tales

We'll play fairy tales.

Look at the fairy tale “Turnip”

And help the heroes.

They need to get them a turnip,

Who should stand behind whom, where?

This is the fairy tale "Teremok"

He is neither short nor tall.

And he’s waiting for his tenants,

Who will come here for whom?

(Children, using cards-schemes, sequence the chain of heroes of the fairy tales “Teremok” and “Turnip”)

We managed to cope quickly,

And they sat quietly on the chairs.

Educator. With skillful hands,

For intelligence and ingenuity

I want to say thank you!

To those who worked

To those who tried

I’ll show everyone my gift now.

(Children watch a fairy tale with TRIZ elements “How Kolobok was looking for friends” on the computer)

Believing in a fairy tale is happiness.

And to those who believe

A fairy tale is a must

He will open all the doors.

(Children say goodbye and go to the group).

Program content:

Reinforce the concept of digital series

Solve addition and subtraction problems

Educational areas:
Materials: little bear, Dunno, Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood, Kolobok, Carlosson, geometric shapes, worksheets, small ball, object pictures, basket with a ball.



Abstract open class V preparatory group"Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales"

Program content:

Reinforce the concept of digital series

Solve addition and subtraction problems

Development of phonemic and syllabic analysis and synthesis;
- Development of spatial concepts;
- Consolidation of knowledge about geometric shapes;
- Development of coherent speech, observation, cognitive interest, mental activity, the ability to express and justify one’s judgments;
-Development of attention, memory, logical thinking;
- Fostering a desire to help others who find themselves in difficult situations.
Educational areas:cognition, communication, socialization.
Materials: toys: little bear, Dunno, Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood, Kolobok, geometric figures, worksheets, small ball, object pictures, basket with a ball.

Progress of the lesson:

Greeting - children address guests.
Let's say "Hello" with our hands!
Let's say "Hello" with our eyes!
Let's say "Hello" with our mouths -
There will be joy all around!
- Guys, look what a beautiful basket! What's inside, do we find out?
- Wow, this is some kind of ball! What can you do with it?
- And I know one secret: this little ball can help us get into the land of fairy tales!
- Do you want to go to the land of fairy tales? Shall we try?
- The ball will roll and show us the way (roll the ball).

1 task
You will find out which fairy tale we will find ourselves in by guessing the riddle.

Near the forest on the edge
Three of them live in a hut,
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
(Three Bears)

Mishutka's parents gave him such a difficult task that he finds it difficult and asks you for help. Shall we help?
-You need to select from all the pictures those pictures whose names begin with the sound M.
- Well done! We completed the task and helped Mishutka. Let's say goodbye to him and go on traveling. (the ball rolls)

2 task

My father has a strange boy
Unusual, wooden,
On land and under water
Looking for a golden key
He pokes his long nose everywhere...
Who is this?

And here is Pinocchio.
-He says that Malvina again gave him a D in math. He asks us to help him so that Malvina will stop considering him a stupid boy. Let's help Pinocchio: we need to count, our number series will consist of 10 digits (children count 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), and now count backwards (children count 10,9, 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1), Okay, now I’m counting, and you listen carefully what number I missed (1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10) . Name the number that I missed (ask Masha, Misha).

and now we need to help Pinocchio place numbers instead of signs:

1 2 3 4 ? 6 7 8 9 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ? 9 10

1 2 3 ? 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10

That's right, well done.

3 task
- Let's continue the journey.

In one funny book
There lives a funny boy.
He doesn't know much
Doesn't want to study

Dunno invites you to play with him the game “Add the syllable NA or NYA.”
- He will throw a ball to you and name half the word, and you add the syllable Na or НЯ.
Nya-nya, car-na, back-na, Ta-nya, crow, Mari-na, basket, song-nya, wall-na, cherry-na, Ni-na.
- Well done boys! They completed the task perfectly. Let's move on.

Physical education minute "Fairy tales"

The mouse ran quickly(running in place)
The mouse wagged its tail(simulation of movement)
Oops, I dropped an egg (bend over, "lift a testicle")
Look, I broke it(show “testicle” with outstretched arms)
Here we planted her(bend over)
And they poured water on her(simulation of movement)
The turnip grew good and strong(spread your arms to the sides)
Now let's pull it(simulation of movement)
And we’ll make porridge from turnips(imitation food)
And we will be healthy and strong from the turnip(show "strength")
4 task

Little girl runs merrily
Along the path to the house
What's in the forest?
This girl needs to go to her grandmother quickly
Take the basket sent with her.
(Little Red Riding Hood)

And here is Little Red Riding Hood herself.
- Guys, Little Red Riding Hood was picking different flowers on her way to her grandmother. She made a huge bouquet. These flowers are unusual, with tasks on their petals. Do you like solving problems? Can we help Little Red Riding Hood solve the problems?
How many lights does a traffic light have?
How many fingers are there on a hand?
How many paws do two cubs have?

Guys, I really like how you handle the tasks, well done!

Mom put 3 roses and 4 carnations in a vase. How many flowers are in the bouquet? (children's answer -7)

Next task – We bought 5 cucumbers and 3 tomatoes at the store. How many vegetables did we buy in total? (children's answer -8)

Well, the last task - Misha put 5 apples in the fruit basket, and Masha came up and took one apple. How many apples are left in the basket? (children's answer is 4)

Tell me, please, what kind of juice is obtained from apples? (children's answer is apple)

Grape juice – grape

Carrot juice – carrot

Plum juice – plum

Lingonberry juice – lingonberry

Strawberry juice – strawberry

Cranberry juice – cranberry

Beet juice – beet juice

Orange juice – orange

Lemon juice – lemon

Pomegranate juice – pomegranate

(you can answer both together and individually)

Well done guys, you are doing a great job

We have successfully completed this task as well. Little Red Riding Hood is pleased with you, so we say goodbye to her and move on.

5 task


It was mixed with sour cream
Baked in a Russian oven.
Met animals in the forest
And he left them quickly.

Here is the bun itself. He baked fabulous cookies today. See what these cookies look like?
Children's answer: To geometric shapes.
- Yes, that's right. The cookies look like geometric shapes. The bun asks you to arrange the cookies in a certain way: on the left dish you need to put all the triangular-shaped cookies, on the right - the quadrangular-shaped cookies, and in the third dish - those cookies that do not have corners.
- Well done, you did a great job. Kolobok thanks you.

Finger gymnastics "Favorite fairy tales"

(Children bend their fingers one by one and clap their hands for the last line.)

Let's count fingers
Let's call fairy tales
Mitten, Teremok,
Kolobok is a ruddy side.
There is a Snow Maiden - beauty,
Three bears, wolf - fox.
Let's not forget Sivka-Burka,
Our prophetic kaurka.
We know the fairy tale about the firebird,
We don't forget the turnip
We know the Wolf and the kids.
Everyone is happy about these fairy tales.

Task 6

I didn't learn the poems
I loved one jam,
He could fly above the rooftops,
And the baby loved him.
Who is this?

Carlson has prepared for you interesting task. In front of you are sheets of paper with shelves with different jars of jam.

On each shelf there are three jars of different sizes. On the right top corner- orange. Children color them in Orange color In the lower left corner - raspberry jam. Children paint the jars raspberry/pink. All other jars are filled with strawberry jam. Children paint these jars red. Carlson is pleased with you. Let's say goodbye to him. Now, please, put the pencils in the boxes and put them on the edge of the table.

So the thread ends on our ball and where else will we end up?
-Where did we end up?

We returned to our group.

Summary of the lesson.
-Which country did you guys visit today? (in the land of fairy tales).
-What fairy-tale characters have we met? (Three Bears, Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood, Dunno, Kolobok, Carlson).
-How did we help them?
- Which task did you like best? - Well done! It was a pleasure to travel with you. You showed the best knowledge and did not disappoint fairy-tale heroes, helped them. They did not refuse help. Well done! YOU are the kindest, smartest and bravest children! Thank you! And in gratitude, fairy-tale characters have prepared a gift for you.

Introduction of health-saving technologies in order to strengthen the mental health of children, develop the cognitive activity of children.

Program content.

Educational objectives:

  • Consolidating knowledge about sounds and letters, a geometric figure - a circle, counting objects.
  • Strengthen the ability to navigate in a picture. To consolidate children's knowledge about fairy tales, teach them to recognize a fairy tale based on assignments.

Developmental tasks:

  • Develop cognitive processes: attention, memory, thinking, perception, imagination.
  • Develop the ability to work in a group and act in concert. Develop children's speech.

Educational tasks: cultivate interest in fairy tales.

Wellness tasks: withdrawal emotional stress using sand.

Methods: game, verbal-logical, partially search, problem, independent.

Material and equipment: presentation, sand , trays , stick for drawing on sand, wooden tabletop theater“The Three Little Pigs”, “Teremok”, petal blank, glue stick, colored sand, Whatman paper, wet wipes, pointer.

Progress of the lesson

Today we have an unusual activity, we will go on a trip.

Do you love to travel?

To find out where we are going, you need to guess the riddles and use the first sounds of the guessed words to form the resulting word.

(After each guessed riddle, a letter corresponding to the first sound of the riddle appears on the screen.)

1. The girl is beautiful,

Unloved by my stepmother.

I got to the ball by accident

And I lost my shoe there. ( Cinderella.)

2. He will heal everyone, he will heal, the good doctor. ( Aibolit.)

3. The fat man lives on the roof, he flies higher than everyone else. ( Carlson.)

4. The red maiden is sad, she doesn’t like spring.

It’s hard for her in the sun, the poor thing is shedding tears. ( Snow Maiden.)

5. In fairy tales he is always a simpleton, everyone calls him a fool.

But this fairy-tale hero will show his mind. ( Ivanushka.)

6. Mixed with sour cream, chilled on the window.

The round side, the ruddy side, rolled. ( Kolobok.)

Happened unusual word(ZAKSIK). (Slide 2.)

This word needs to be deciphered.

Numbers appear under the letters on the screen

The word appears on the screen FAIRY TALES. (Slide 2.)

Today we will “travel through fairy tales”, where we will encounter various tasks and magic on our way! Are you ready to start our journey?

Kolobok.(Slide number 3.)

We are greeted by the first fairy-tale hero. Who is this? (Kolobok.) What fairy tale is he from? (From the Russian folk tale "Kolobok".)

He wants to play with us.

Children are given trays of sand.

Draw on the sand with a stick or finger on what geometric figure is our hero similar?

Children draw a circle in the sand.

And now the transformation begins. Draw a circle to any object. What objects has your circle turned into?

(Sun, clock, ball, apple, ball, etc.)

How well the bun played with us. What other heroes of this fairy tale do you know? (Children's answers.)

Compare pictures from the fairy tale “Kolobok”(Slide No. 4.)

Kolobok met a wolf in the forest. Look at my two pictures from this fairy tale. We need to compare them and find the differences.

The stories are mixed up. "Find the error"(Slide No. 5.)

We played with Kolobok, we are going to travel further through fairy tales, and Kolobok will help us with this.

The next task that we need to complete in the land of fairy tales is “Find the mistake.”

I will name the fairy tale, and you find the mistake and name the fairy tale correctly.

  • “Cockerel Ryaba” - “Chicken Ryaba”.
  • "Sasha and the Bear" - "Masha and the Bear."
  • “The Wolf and the Seven Little Lambs” – “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids.”
  • “The Cockerel and the Pea Seed” - “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed.”
  • "Ducks-swans" - "Geese-swans".
  • “A fox with a saucepan” - “A fox with a rolling pin.
  • “At the command of the fish” - “At the command of the pike.”
  • “Zayushkin’s house” - “Zayushkin’s hut”.
  • Princess Stomper
  • Ivan Tsarevich and the green wolf
  • Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka
  • Cockerel-Golden Shepherdess
  • Boy with marigold
  • Sivka-Murka

"Collect a fairy tale"(Slide No. 6.)

We continue to travel.

Next task “Collect a fairy tale”

The heroes of two fairy tales hid in the sand. Each of you will come up and find one fairy tale hero. Your task is to collect a fairy tale on the sand and name it.

Physical exercise “A fairy tale will give us a rest”(Slide No. 7.)

We were just playing fairy tales and we were a little tired,

We'll have a little rest, and we'll find ourselves in a fairy tale again!

A fairy tale will give us a rest.

Let's take a rest and hit the road again!

Malvina advises us:

The waist will become an aspen,

If we bend over

Left - right ten times.

Here are the Thumbelina words:

So that your back is straight,

Get up on your toes

It's like you're reaching for flowers.

One two three four five,

Say it again:

One two three four five.

Little Red Riding Hood's advice:

If you jump, run,

You will live for many years.

One two three four five.

Say it again:

One two three four five.

The fairy tale gave us a rest!

Have you rested?

On the road again! (Children repeat the described movements.)

Find out by the shadow(slide 8-12).

In our fairyland There are other fairy-tale heroes who also live, they also want to play with you (shadows).

You need to guess the hero of the fairy tale from the shadow and name it.

Let's count our fairy tales "Favorite fairy tales"(Slide No. 13.)

And now the bun invites us to play, count the fairy tales. I will read a poem to you, and you listen carefully and count how many fairy tales I named.

Let's call fairy tales

Mitten, Teremok,

Kolobok is a ruddy side.

There is a Snow Maiden - beauty,

We know the fairy tale about the Firebird,

We don’t forget the turnip,

We know the Wolf and the kids.

Everyone is happy about these fairy tales.

How many fairy tales have you counted? (Children's answers.)

Let's see the correct answer.

What fairy tales do you know where the number 7 appears?

(The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes. The wolf and the seven Young goats. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Seven-flowered flower and others.)

Flower of wishes made of sand.

In the fairy tale “The Little Flower of Seven Flowers” ​​there was a magical flower, but do you want us to have such a flower? Let us also make a flower of wishes, but it will be unusual, it will be made of sand.

You have one of the petals of our flower of wishes on your table. While you are doing it, make your wish.

Apply glue to the petal, and then pour colored sand in an even layer. You will get a beautiful, magical petal. You need to work carefully so as not to spill the magic sand.

To make a flower of desires, we need to connect all the petals.

Look what beautiful flower we succeeded, let's leave this flower in the Land of Fairy Tales, and all your wishes will definitely come true.


All fairy tales end well: Good triumphs over evil. Our journey is coming to an end. What interesting things did you learn today?

Used Books:

Goal: Development of speech and consolidation of children’s knowledge about fairy tales and fairy-tale characters.

Objectives: Learn to answer questions about the content of a fairy tale; continue to teach how to solve riddles; come up with short sequels to fairy tales; develop imagination; enrich lexicon children; develop fine motor skills.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales.

Materials and equipment: map of a fairy-tale street, illustrations for fairy tales; a simple pencil; sheets with a drawn mitten for shading.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, do you like fairy tales? Do you want to go to a fabulous city where fairy tales live? There are many different streets in this city of fairy tales. There is a street fairy tales, street of Pushkin's fairy tales, street of Korney Chukovsky's fairy tales and others. And I propose to go on a journey through the streets of winter fairy tales. I even have a map of this street. It will be useful to us. How do we get there? How in different fairy tales do the characters get from one place to another? (children's answers). Today, in order to get to the fairy-tale city, we need to say the Russian proverb: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows- lesson." But you need to pronounce it in different ways: quietly, loudly, slowly, quickly. (Children pronounce the proverb).

Well here we are fairytale city, look at the map, we are standing at the first house. What kind of fairy tale lives there? Guess it!

The teacher asks a riddle:

Walking briskly along the path,

They carry the water themselves in buckets.

(Children guess the riddle). Answer my questions, then the doors to the fairy tale will open:

1) What is the name of the main character of the fairy tale?

2) What did Emelya like to do most?

3) Where did Emelya’s daughters-in-law go?

4) Who did Emelya see in the ice hole?

5) What did the pike ask Emelya?

6) How did Emelya go to the Tsar?

7) Where did they put Emelya and the princess?

8) What did Emelya order the pike to build on the shore?

9) Who did Emelya become?

Well done! So it seemed like a fairy tale. The doors are open. (The teacher attaches the illustration to the board).

We go further and approach another house. The doors are closed, but you need to complete the task and then the fairy tale will appear. (The teacher attaches images of a wolf and a fox to the board). It is necessary to compare the wolf and the fox, how their characters are similar and how they differ, how they are similar in appearance and how they are different. You told everything well and that’s why the fairy tale appeared. Name it. (fairy tale "Sister Fox and the Wolf").

Oh, something's cold in there winter forest, let's warm up, do some physical exercises. just a minute" Winter's Tale. (Children perform the musical physical exercise "Winter's Tale".)

And here is the next house. What kind of fairy tale lives here? Guess it! (The teacher asks a riddle).

The beautiful maiden is sad

She doesn't like spring.

It's hard for her in the sun!

The poor thing is shedding tears. (Children guess the riddle.)

(The teacher attaches the illustration to the board.)

What does this fairy tale teach? (Children's answers.)

Let's come up with another ending to this fairy tale. (Children's answers.)

Well done! And ahead of us is another house. Who lives there? Guess this fairy tale from the coloring picture. (Children's answers.)

(The teacher puts on an illustration for the fairy tale “Twelve Months” by S. Marshak.)

What month is it now? (Children’s answers.) But now we’ll tell you about December.

Finger gymnastics "December" is carried out. (Based on a poem by S. Marshak.)

And here is another house, there is a light on. They're probably waiting for us to visit. Let's look through the window.

(The teacher attaches an illustration based on the fairy tale “The Mitten.”) What is the name of this fairy tale and who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Children's answers.)

They ask for more mitten houses to be made for them, otherwise there will be a cold winter ahead. I have mittens like this, but they are missing the pattern. I'll show you how to make a pattern, and you should make the same one. (Children do shading according to the pattern.)

Well done, you completed all the tasks, and next time we will go on a journey through other streets of the fairy-tale city.

Summary of educational activities for cognitive development "Fly, fly petal..."

This material will be useful preschool teachers senior and pre-school groups (children from 5.5 to 7 years old). Can be used as open event at the “Specialist” week, a cluster methodological association.
Melnikova Valentina Ivanovna, teacher of the MB preschool educational institution "TsRR d/s No. 57" Nightingale ", Almetyevsk
Target: moral education children of senior preschool age


NGO "Cognition":
- teach children to correlate sounds and smells with fairy-tale characters;
-develop strong-willed qualities; in boys and girls, develop the qualities characteristic of their gender (in boys - the desire to help girls, give up a seat, give a chair; in girls - modesty, caring for others);

NGO "Artistic Creativity":
-teach children to lay out stories from fairy tales from fabric

NGO "Socialization":
-form self-esteem of your actions, the ability to kindly evaluate the actions of other people;
-develop the ability to calmly defend your opinion;
-continue to cultivate the desire to learn about the culture of your people (through fairy tales), to form careful attitude To her;

NGO "Music":
- aesthetic perception of classical music.

A large seven-flowered flower, 14 small seven-flowered flowers, a TV, video cassettes with fairy tales, a tape recorder, a disk with classical music, jars with smells (mint, lemon, perfume, etc.) and various items (buttons, cereals, granulated sugar, beads, etc.) inside, pieces of fabric, easel, illustrations for fairy tales, a large pyramid.

Preliminary work:
Reading Russian, Tatar folk and original fairy tales, conversations based on their content; conversations with children on moral topics, making seven-flowered flowers; work using the methodology “Fairy tales have smells”, “Fairy tales sound”, “Fairy tales can be folded from fabric”, word game “Say the opposite”; watching fairy tales on video cassettes.

Progress of direct educational activities:
Children enter the hall, stand in a semicircle, facing the guests.
-Guys, today guests came to our lesson, let's say hello to them (the children say hello). -And now let's silently say hello to each other (the children hold hands, look into each other's eyes and smile).
-Okay, guys. I think that such a good atmosphere will remain with us throughout the entire lesson. (Children sit on chairs.) -And our lesson is called “Fly, fly petal...”. Guys, please remember and tell me where these glories came from? (Children answer). - Right, who is the author of this fairy tale? (Valentin Kataev).
-Guys, tell me, whose wishes did the seven-flowered flower fulfill? (The wishes of the girl Zhenya.)
-Right. Guys, today in our lesson there is the same flower, look (I show an easel on which there is a large seven-flowered flower made of cardboard).
-Guys, I have the following proposal for you: let’s not have the seven-flowered flower fulfill our wishes in today’s lesson, but, on the contrary, let us fulfill the wishes of the flower that are on its petals, do you agree? (Children agree). -Guys, please note that there is a certain number on each of the petals. So, I tear off the petal under the number one and read the flower’s first wish: solve math fairytale problems:
1) How many people pulled the turnip? Name them. (Three people: grandfather, grandmother and granddaughter).
2) How many kids are there in the fairy tale “The Wolf and... the Little Goats”? (Seven)
3) How many times did the old man make requests to the goldfish? Name these requests. (Five times: new trough, house, pillar noblewoman, queen, sea mistress)
4) How many heroes under the leadership of Uncle Chernomor came out of the sea? (Thirty three)
5) The fairy told Cinderella to return home when the clock strikes... once. (Twelve)
6) How many daughters did the poor woman in the Tatar folk tale"... daughters"? (Three)
-Well done guys, you did a good job with the first flower wish. I tear off the petal under the number two and read: lay out fairy tales from fabric. -Guys, now you need to divide into three groups of five and four people and go to these tables. (Children are divided into three groups and approach the tables on which there are pieces of fabric different shapes, textures, different sizes and colors). - Guys, to make it easier for you to guess what kind of fairy tale you should lay out from these pieces of fabric, I put illustrations from fairy tales on your tables, from which you must guess the fairy tale and select the corresponding pieces for the characters . (While the children are working at the tables, calm, quiet music is playing. If necessary, I provide assistance to the children.)
At the end of the work, the children say the name of the fairy tale, the author (if any) and name the characters.
-Okay, guys, well done! And you have fulfilled the second wish of the flower. Now sit down on the chairs.
-I tear off the third petal and see this desire: play word game"Good bad". - Guys, you and I have already played a similar game. I'm telling you something good word, and you tell me a word with the opposite meaning: fun-sad, joy-sorrow, laughter-tears, truth-lies, friend-enemy, peace-war, generous-greedy, brave-cowardly, polite-rude, kind-evil, good-bad, making peace-quarrel, saving-destroying.
-Well done boys. And you have fulfilled your third wish. I tear off the fourth petal and read the wish: watch excerpts from fairy tales, tell me what these fairy tales are called (Children sit on their knees on rugs in front of the TV and watch excerpts from different fairy tales).
- Guys, which of the heroes are positive and which are negative? (Children’s answers) - What do you think? negative heroes can they become good, kind, sympathetic? (Children's answers) - Of course, they can. What needs to be done for this? Thanks to what actions can negative fairy-tale characters change? (Children's answers) -Okay, guys. Now look at these drawings (I show drawings that depict Baba Yaga). Notice how Baba Yaga changed. Why do you think she began to change in better side? (Children's answers) -Okay, guys. Noah I want to tell you that bad person can change for the better, for example, from a gentle look, from kind words, from an attentive attitude.
-Okay, guys. Ahead of you awaits the fifth wish of the seven-flowered flower. And this desire is this: smell different smells, listen to different sounds, think and say which of the fairy-tale characters you would attribute this or that smell or sound to, and why. (Children express their thoughts).
-Well done, guys, you coped well with such a difficult desire and I tear off the next sixth petal. Here is the desire: build a pyramid of goodness and love.
-Guys, each of us loves something or someone. We all have this feeling, and we all express it differently. Now each of you will take one ring and put it on the rod of the pyramid. But at the same time you will have to say who or what you love. Let me put on the first ring (I take the ring, put it on the rod and say that I love pets; then the children take turns stringing all the rings). Guys, you have created a wonderful pyramid. It contained not only love for her family, but also love for the world, people, animals. And this is the most important thing - to be able to love.
- Guys, look, we have one more petal left - the last one. I tear it off and read my last wish: give gifts to your guests. Guys, I want to tell you this: our lesson is coming to an end. You all did a very good job and for your efforts and knowledge, the seven-flowered flower has prepared a surprise for you and our guests, look (I open the small seven-flowered flowers laid on the table). - Guys, these wonderful flowers will become your gifts to our guests. Take one flower each and give it to your guests. (Children take flowers and give them to everyone present in the hall.)
-And now, guys, come to me, let’s stand around the pyramid of goodness and love, hold hands and say our funny chant (end of class ritual, poem by N. Zhirnova):
We are all friendly guys
We are preschool children,
We don't offend anyone
We know how to care
We won’t leave anyone in trouble,
We won’t take it away, we’ll ask for it.
May everyone be well
It will be joyful and light!
-Guys, may all your words and deeds always be kind and useful, may they help decorate, build and love our Motherland. I thank you for the lesson, well done everyone! (Children say goodbye and leave the hall.)