Stages of baptism for an adult. How does the Orthodox baptism ceremony for an adult take place? What does the baptism of an adult give?

People are accustomed to the fact that the Sacrament of Baptism is modern world pass in infancy. But there are those who, for some reason, have never joined the Orthodox Church and the Lord through this spiritually cleansing rite. Wanting to convert to Orthodoxy, many at first do not know what is needed for the baptism of an adult and how to prepare for it. The main thing is a conscious desire to follow the Savior, and organizational issues will not take so much time and effort.

Spiritual cleansing

Baptism is not only entry into the Orthodox Church, but also a symbol that a person is ready to become a faithful ally and servant of God. It entails mutual obligations. For his part, those who wish to accept the rite of Baptism must be fully aware that they are doing this of their own free will. With this step, a person renounces the world’s petty vanity, evil and service to Satan. Heresy, superstition and occultism are the strictest prohibitions for a Christian believer.

When preparing to be baptized, adults are obliged to be aware of their actions, because from the moment they accept the rite, they must be ready to reconsider their life principles in favor of the Laws of God.

You cannot perform the Sacrament of Baptism due to third-party considerations: the desire to improve your health, financial situation or hopes for a change in fate for the better. Coming to the Lord and faith in Him is not a guide to a simple and carefree existence. It is always a struggle with one’s physical and base needs in favor of a righteous, godly existence.

To fully understand the significance of such a decision and enter into true faith very good read New Testament, dogmatic teachings about the Holy Trinity, Lives of the Saints. You need to know the basic prayers that are the stronghold of faith Orthodox man, namely: “Our Father”, “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary”, “Creed”, “Living to help”. Positive influence communicates with churchgoers, that is, with those who have long come to God through the Christian faith and keep fasts, attend church, pray and repent of their sins.

Before Baptism, so-called church public conversations are always held - mandatory visits temple 3-4 times a month to talk about the dogmatic essence of the Creed. Moral aspects may also be affected in the process. human life. It all depends on the people gathered at the conversation, their answers to the questions asked by the priest and the interests of those who came to him. This is a kind of introductory course into the spiritual life of a person who follows the Lord, and into the basis of Orthodox dogma.

Without undergoing public conversations, a person wishing to be baptized will not be admitted to the Sacrament, because missing them testifies to the frivolity and fragile conviction of a person to follow God and live according to His commandments. Typically, clergy keep strict records of attendance at such events.

But all this helps more precisely to spiritually tune in to accept the rite of Baptism. What needs to be done for physical cleansing, and what stages must be completed?

Physical cleansing and practical preparation

Usually, before performing this Sacrament, a person keeps a strict fast for three days. You cannot eat animal food, drink recreational drinks, smoke, curse (this is taboo for a believer at any time) and have marital relations, much less engage in fornication. It is advisable to stop watching TV and using the Internet. If you had quarrels with someone, you must definitely forgive these people with all your heart and, if possible, make peace. All this time a person must pray.

On the eve of Baptism or on the same day, it is advisable to confess and receive communion, although today this point is not considered mandatory, since the Sacrament itself washes away all sins from a person, both the original and those committed already in conscious life. If a decision has been made about confession, then nothing can be hidden from the priest. Of course, first of all, the person being baptized must admit all sins to himself and realize that they cannot be committed in a subsequent righteous life. And a frank conversation helps you look deeper inside yourself.

For an adult over 18 years of age, there is no need to have godparents, since he himself is ready to bear responsibility for himself and his decisions, and he makes the choice of the path to follow the Lord consciously.

For the Sacrament itself you will need new light-colored clothes and shoes, a white baptismal shirt (shirt with sleeves), pectoral cross and a large towel. Also, the person being baptized should know that the procedure itself is still paid. If you have any doubts about the cross or what kind of towel you need for baptism, it is better to consult with the priest. The most detailed recommendations are in special church brochures telling about step-by-step preparation to any Sacrament that exists. The questions can be answered by the priest with whom the person is going to be baptized.

You cannot come to the ceremony with cosmetics or jewelry. A woman can receive the Sacrament only after the end of the natural monthly cycle of cleansing the body. It is worth remembering that Baptism is performed only once in a lifetime, since this is the birth of the human soul, and it happens once.

The Sacrament of Baptism: sequence and features of the process

The process begins with naming the name of the person being baptized according to the calendar. If, for example, a girl’s name is Victoria, then during the ceremony she receives a Christian Nika. Then begins the renunciation of Satan and union with the Lord. The priest pronounces incantatory prayers against the devil and asks the person if he is ready to serve God. As a sign of his consent to follow the Savior, the person being baptized reads the Creed (it is advisable to know it by heart) and bows three times towards the altar. This is how the first stage ends—the “rite of announcement.”

Next begins the Sacrament of Baptism itself. The priest blesses the water by first pooping on it, and then adds oil to it and anoints the person being baptized with it. This stage is called “anointing with sacred oil.” It has long been believed that it gives strength for liberation from the shackles of Satan and his troops.

By this time, the person remains in his underwear. Women are allowed to wear a white one-piece swimsuit if they are immersed in the plunge pool three times. But in most cases, adults are not completely immersed in holy water, but only poured from a ladle onto their heads. This process empowers the baptized person with the power of the Holy Spirit to subsequently fight the temptations of the dark side. After leaving the water, they put on a cross and a baptismal shirt (for a man) or a long-sleeved shirt (for a woman), and give him a lit candle.

Next, Confirmation occurs with fragrant oils, through which the priest transfers the grace of the Holy Spirit to the newly baptized. A person walks around the font three times against the movement of the sun as a sign of entering into an alliance with the forces of light. This is called the "procession of the cross."

The priest reads some passages from the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Romans and the Gospel of Matthew, revealing the essence of the ritual being performed. This is followed by prayers for the newly baptized person, washing off the fragrant oil and cutting off a lock of hair.

The last stage is churching, which consists of leading the woman to the iconostasis and leading the man to the altar. It is considered a symbol of joining faith, church and God.

In a few days you need to take communion. An adult should discuss all the nuances of preparation with the priest. Communion symbolizes complete cleansing through eating bread and wine and union with the risen Jesus Christ in spirit and flesh.

Every year on this day, a believer must mark the date of his new spiritual birth by coming to church for confession and communion. In addition, a baptized Christian is obliged to regularly come to church for services and observe fasts. If it is not possible to attend church once a week, then he should do so at least once a month or on established holidays. Fasting implies not only abstinence from food, but also, first of all, spiritual cleansing. If your health does not allow you to fast according to all the rules, then you need to limit yourself to something that you especially like to eat. You can eliminate bread and sweet tea or completely give up chocolate and baked goods. Consultation with the priest or churchgoers will help clarify some unclear and controversial issues.

In Orthodox society, it is customary to baptize newborn babies. Materials about this ritual are presented everywhere. The situation is completely different with adults. Such a topic as the baptism of an adult, what is needed for it and how it is carried out, still raises questions, so we suggest considering its features in relation to adults.

The baptism of an adult is inextricably linked with why and how one should be baptized. This topic is interpreted from several perspectives, namely:

  • the underlying reasons for undergoing this ritual;
  • rules and necessity of using the sign of the cross.

The sacrament is considered to be the starting point for involving a person in Orthodox Church. After the ritual, an adult is allowed to take part in church sacraments and worship. The baptism of an adult allows loved ones and relatives to submit notes to the church on his behalf.

During the baptismal ceremony they are released human sins, for which the clothes of the person being baptized are washed. It is believed that the soul becomes as snow-white as the baptismal robe. To save the soul it is necessary to participate in the life of the Church. This will ensure spiritual growth and purity of intentions.

It is based on an understanding of how important and necessary it is to be baptized. The main purpose of the ritual is the atonement of sins. It is not only adult sins that are taken into account. Newborn babies are also considered sinners. Original sin is taken into account. It is passed on to members of the human race by inheritance.

One of the reasons for using the sign of the cross is the desire to imitate the Lord God. Initially, Jesus Christ plunged into the waters of the Jordan. Then he accepted all the sins of humanity. Jesus subsequently gave his life as payment for human sins. This happened as a result of the Lord's suffering on the cross.

There is a disappointing tendency to perform a ritual without understanding the importance of the Sacrament. Such representatives of society are driven by imitation of the opinion of the majority. At the same time, people do not think about the true meaning of the ritual. The main reason for its implementation there must be faith and an irresistible desire to become part of divine unity.

Preparation for the Sacrament

The main impulse for performing the Sacrament of baptism on a mature person should be true Christian faith. Only the desire to reunite with the Lord God is considered a criterion of spiritual purity and sincerity. That is why, before undergoing the Sacrament, a person needs to decide how ready he is to gain faith. After the ceremony, the newly baptized person must live immersed in the church atmosphere. This means that you need to systematically visit the temple, know and read prayers, and comprehend the divine service. If ignored church life The sacrament has no meaning.

Note! The baptismal ritual is carried out regardless of the person’s age at any time of the year.

Performing the ritual for an adult is inseparably linked to the question of what is needed for baptism. For a mature person to go through the ritual, not only faith in the Divine is necessary. Understanding and awareness of Orthodox beliefs is important. The postulates of religion are given in the Gospel.

It is inappropriate to seek earthly goods through ritual, or to resolve problems in the family and at work. The sacrament should not act as a tool for achieving success. The main condition for performing the ritual is the desire to live according to Christian beliefs.

Direct preparation for baptism consists of several stages:

Catechesis includes conversations with a clergyman, presented in the form of a “12 conversations” program. It consists of such topics as the foundations of Orthodox dogma, the duties of every Christian, and the way of life of a believer. Helps the believer find answers to existing questions, involves reading the Gospel, studying the Lord's Prayer and the text of the Creed. It is associated with confession, the announcement of sins, bad thoughts and inclinations to the baptized person. It takes from 1 week to a year (depending on the chosen temple).

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Collection of ritual items, the list of which includes a pectoral cross, a chain, a baptismal shirt, a towel, and open slippers. Exact list necessary items for the Sacrament is issued in the church where the ritual will be performed. Items can be purchased at the church store directly on the day of the Sacrament or in advance; there is the option of purchasing through the online store.

Choice of godparents

Among what an adult needs for the baptismal ceremony is the choice of godparents. It is important to understand that such people should be role models. They will be the support of a newly-made Christian in hours of doubt and ordeal. The responsibilities of a godfather include:

  • spiritual education of the godson;
  • teaching the basics of Christian life;
  • instruction in accordance with Orthodox teaching.

When choosing a godfather, you should pay attention to the following qualities:

  • responsibility;
  • reliability;
  • responsiveness;
  • high moral principles.

The spiritual recipient for a female representative is a woman, for the stronger sex - a man. According to church regulations, it is enough to choose one godfather. However, often both a godfather and a godmother are selected. It is not prohibited to invite a relative to act as a successor. This will only strengthen Orthodox ties within the clan.

Note! After the ceremony you cannot change godparents.

The difference between the baptism of an adult and a child is the right to refuse godparents. Mature man independently decides on the need for a godfather. People who should not be invited as godparents include:

  • parents of the person being baptized;
  • non-believers in the Orthodox faith;
  • unbaptized or supporters of a different faith;
  • monks/nuns;
  • legally married people;
  • a bride and groom or a couple in a relationship with each other;
  • people with neurological diseases and mental disorders;
  • people of low moral principles;
  • children (girls under 13 years of age, boys under 15 years of age).

It must be taken into account that the rite of baptism for an adult is somewhat different for mature men and women. The following features should be taken into account:

During the ceremony, the fabric of the baptismal shirt becomes see-through. To prevent awkward situations, the fair sex is recommended to wear a swimsuit underneath. It is important to take a spare pair of underwear with you.

During the ritual, the person's ankles must be open. The pectoral cross must be consecrated. The cross can be bought at any church store, regardless of the location of the ceremony. It is not recommended to purchase a gold cross: it is believed that gold is the metal of sinners; it is necessary to give preference to silver.

To carry out the ritual you will need several candles. Before the ceremony, you should buy candles for those accompanying the person being baptized.

Informative! What you need: main rules and signs

Preparation includes meeting the following conditions:

  • The person being baptized and the godparents must be smartly dressed.
  • Representatives of the fair sex must cover their heads with a scarf.
  • Women are prohibited from wearing bright lipstick, wearing trousers, or wearing short skirts or dresses.
  • Men are not allowed to visit the temple wearing shorts.

The order of the Sacrament

Over the centuries, the regulations on how to baptize an adult have remained unchanged. The Church determines how baptisms are performed. One of the conditions for the baptism of an adult is the presence of the clergyman, the person being baptized, and his godparents. The ritual for an adult occurs in the following sequence:

  1. Assigning a name to the baptized person. The name is assigned on Christmastide. The new name is associated with the Saint, who will be the heavenly patron of the baptized person.
  2. Laying on of the hand of a clergyman. The gesture invisibly represents God's hand. The act represents the blessing of Christ, the imposition of God's protection and protection of the believer.
  3. Reading a prayer service (or rite of announcement). Prayer prohibits action evil spirits. The holy text puts protection against the machinations of the devil and his minions, they are expelled;
  4. The baptized person's renunciation of evil spirits. Involves a ban on unclean spirits. The prayer is read facing the west.
  5. The renunciation of spiritual recipients from the actions of the devil's minions.
  6. Confession of allegiance to God. The godparents answer the clergyman's questions by facing the east. Involves the obligatory reading of the “Creed” prayer.
  7. Anointing with water and oil. The water and oil participating in the ritual are consecrated in advance. The clergyman must wear white robes. During the prayer speeches of the clergyman, the oil is lowered into holy water three times. The godparents are given candles. During the ritual, 3 candles are lit in the eastern part of the font.
  8. Confirmation. While reading the prayer, the person being baptized is anointed in the area of ​​the eyes, forehead, cheeks, arms and legs.
  9. Hair cutting. The priest cuts off a lock of hair from the head of the person being baptized. After the ceremony, the hair remains in the temple as a sacrifice to the Divine.
  10. Reading a prayer to those being baptized. A believer is illuminated by the grace of the Holy Spirit, is associated with the physical and spiritual change of a person, and represents the “second human birth.” All sins are forgiven, a Guardian Angel is assigned to protect the soul.

Meal before the Sacrament

Often on the eve of the Sacrament the question arises whether it is possible to eat any food before baptism. The answer to whether it is possible to eat before the Sacrament is clear. Eating before this ritual is not prohibited. There is an exception to the rule. Eating before the ceremony is prohibited if a person alternately undergoes the sacraments of Baptism, Communion or the Eucharist. The person's age is taken into account. The ban applies to persons over the 3-year period.

Note! It is forbidden to eat any food not before Baptism, but before Communion. The time period after 12 o'clock at night before the ritual is taken into account.

In addition to general restrictions, a person sets own rules for meals. This condition often arises from ideological considerations and is of an individual nature. A person excludes fast food from the diet a couple of days before the Sacrament. On the morning before the ritual, any food intake is skipped.

It is necessary to listen to the needs of not only the soul, but also the body. In case of illness or illness, it is recommended to refrain from strict restrictions.

Cost of the ritual

In preparation for the Sacrament, a person involuntarily wonders how much baptism in the church costs. It should be understood that the ritual does not have a regulated cost. It's connected with non-commercial activities temples. The notional value represents a donation. At the same time, the fee for an adult is no different from a child.

The answer to how much it costs to be baptized in a church lies in the specific temple. Donation amounts vary. The size of the contribution is influenced by the city where the Sacrament is held, the location of the temple, and the established internal donations of the temple. So, in Moscow donations amount to 2-4 thousand rubles, and in the Moscow region - 1 thousand. On average, the fee for the ritual is 1–3 thousand rubles.

The cost depends on the order of the ritual. It is possible to order an individual ceremony. In this case, only relatives and friends of the person being baptized will be present at the Sacrament. In some situations the fee is not set. The person himself decides how much he is willing to donate. In case of financial insecurity of the person being baptized, the ceremony is carried out free of charge.

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Let's sum it up

Baptism is an important stage in a person's life as a Christian. Carrying out the ritual requires moral readiness and preparation. Studying the order of the Sacrament will allow a person to freely begin the right path in life.

With children, it takes place without godfather or godfather. Godparents are not needed at a conscious age. They are assigned to babies to make vows to God for them. After making promises to the Almighty, godfathers are obliged to raise the child in accordance with the Christian faith.

Adult Baptism– his sole, deliberate decision. It is considered as such after the age of 14. By this time, most have misdeeds and sins. The ritual “washes away” them from the soul. But the desire to cleanse oneself is not enough to perform the sacrament.

Requirements for a person to be baptized as an adult

Baptism ceremony for an adult impossible without his firm faith in Jesus. Formally, the sacrament can be performed. But, the priests say, it will not have power. The priests complain that in the modern world some order the ritual only as a tribute to tradition. Others strive to get rid of sins, to ensure themselves success in business and personal life through the grace of God.

Such a motivation, theologians note, contradicts the essence of baptism. It is a renunciation of the Devil and turning to Christ. At the same time, a person stops living for himself, starting the path for the Lord and other people. Desires for financial and personal well-being are selfish impulses based on the satisfaction of one’s self.

Only faith can set a person to serve God and society. Only believers are waiting in churches to perform. Before him, it is advisable to study the Gospel and the Bible. Here what is needed for an adult's baptism. Preliminary awareness and penetration of religion is called announcement.

This ritual is still required in Catholic churches. Perhaps this is why American films and TV shows talk so much about God. simple people, quotes from Holy Scripture. In the USA, people are simply not allowed to be baptized if a person has not studied the word of God.

Confession precedes the ritual. This tradition is also strong in Orthodoxy, which approves adult baptism. Rules sacraments with children require repentance from godfather and godfather. Grown-up citizens come to confess themselves. They are preparing for symbolic death, before which you need to cleanse yourself.

The moment of death comes during immersion. Resurrection - exit from the font. At this time, the priests say, a person dies for the carnal life and is born for the spiritual. It’s not for nothing that after dipping and prayers they give a new name, like any newborn.

Question " How does an adult's baptism work?” concerns her one moment of preparation for the ceremony. Before the sacrament they fast for at least three days. They limit themselves not only in food, but also in carnal pleasures. At the same time, two prayers are memorized: “Our Father” and “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice.” They will need to be said during adult baptism.

Video online rituals do not last less than 40 minutes. This indicates the slowness and multiple nuances of the sacrament. Therefore, in addition to spiritual preparation, you also need to allocate enough time. Working citizens usually schedule the sacrament on a day off.

Features of baptism for adult men and women

Baptism of an adult woman always happens in a headscarf. They cover their heads as a sign of humility before God and men. The tradition is associated with the original sin of Eve, who disobeyed the Lord and did not consult Adam. Since then, women have to give birth in pain and cannot appear in temples without hats. The rule is not broken even during.

In some churches, women are immersed naked. In this case, a screen is placed near the font. In other churches there is no fence. They take a dip in long shirts. The color of clothes and all paraphernalia for both sexes is the same - white. It acts as a symbol of purity and innocence, coming to the Lord and faith. Men use shirts instead of shirts.

But that's not all you need adult baptism. What do you need take more ? Of course, a crucifix and a chain or rope. You will need a large towel. It is also chosen in light colors. Slippers are also needed. Slates will do. They are convenient to remove. Baptism includes confirmation, which requires bare feet.

There is one more nuance adult baptism. How it goes in the church a man who decided to undergo the sacrament? He enters the altar area. They let you in there after dipping three times. Women do not approach the iconostasis or the altar. This is also connected with the punishment that the weaker sex bears for Eve’s original sin.

The altar in the temple is a prototype of Paradise, and women are not allowed into it. This does not mean that a purified soul cannot become part of the Kingdom of Heaven. Christian Paradise does not divide souls in half. While the body, the flesh of a woman, is alive, she avoids the altar.

How much does it cost to baptize an adult?

There is no charge for the ceremony, but voluntary donations are welcome. They are placed in candle boxes to raise funds for the needs of the church. Everyone gives according to their strength. You can put pennies or many thousands. However, in some churches the donation amount is fixed. You can learn the nuances of payment in candle shops or from priests.

Photography services are also paid. adult baptism. Video They are also allowed to do this on condition of donation. On the websites of some churches the following figures appear: 4,000, 1,000, 2,500 rubles. But, in 80% of churches, the amount of the contribution is determined only by the parishioner.

According to the Bible, trading in the houses of God is prohibited. However, for the sake of the survival of parishes, many servants of Christ gave up this rule. Someone will say that sometimes people are driven by greed.

But accusations without facts are just speculation. The facts include the fact that donations are used to build new churches, erect fencing, and help the poor.

I would like to undergo the rite of Baptism. But I don’t know all the details of what needs to be read, to go to services, or to be recorded for confession.
At the church they told me that men are baptized on Fridays and Wednesdays, and they told me what I needed to bring with me, they didn’t say anything else.


Dear Vladislav, I rejoice at your decision to enter the Church of God through the Sacrament of Baptism. What do you need in order to be baptized? The most important condition of Baptism is faith. You need to believe in God, be baptized not for extraneous reasons: to get married, so as not to get sick, so that nothing bad happens in the army, so that you can study better in college, but because: “I believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, God in the Trinity, Glorified. I want to become an Orthodox Christian, to live within the boundaries of the Church.” If you have this desire in your soul, then come to the church closest to your home, or wherever your soul calls, go to the priest and receive the Sacrament of Baptism.

You can read about how it goes. The baptism of an adult, of course, differs in external form in that he himself enters the font, and is not immersed in it in the hands of the priest (or, in the absence of a font for the complete immersion of adults, Baptism is performed through pouring). The adult also walks around the font himself.

Godparents are not needed for an adult, since he himself can profess his faith and take care of deepening his knowledge in the field of doctrine and piety. However, if there are church friends who will help you take your first steps in church life, that will be good.

It will be very good if, even before Baptism, you read at least one of the four Gospels; if not memorize, then at least analyze the Creed in detail (brochures with its interpretation are available in most church shops and on the Internet, but this is the oath that you bring it to the Lord), learn some of the first prayers (“Our Father”, “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice”). It is also good if in the church there is still an opportunity to talk with the priest before Baptism, and talk about repentance. Confession before Baptism is not a sacrament in in every sense words, but it is performed in memory of the repentance that John the Baptist preached. Before Baptism, it is important for a person to name his sins before God and consciously renounce them.

It is important that you understand that the Christian life only begins with Baptism. You should not be baptized if you assume that the next time you will go to church only for your own funeral service. If a person wants to enter the Church through Baptism, he should make a firm intention to then go to church somewhat regularly, read the Gospel, learn to pray, confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. And your desire for God will undoubtedly not remain unrequited and fruitless.

Baptism of an adult. Features and rules.

Many articles have been written about infant baptism, rules and traditions. But no one considers baptism in adulthood, when a person takes a responsible step deliberately, not following fashion, but according to his own convictions.

According to the Decree of the Patriarch, adults who are going to receive the sacrament of baptism, as well as godparents, must be interviewed at least 3 times. At these interviews, the priest talks about faith. What is Orthodoxy? What is its significance in human life? Who is God? This is done so that people have an idea of ​​Orthodoxy, the faith they are going to accept. According to the church, now 90% of those baptized have no idea what faith they accept.

Godparents are not needed for the baptism of an adult. The priest explains all the features during the interview, and you can ask him any questions you may have.

There are several options for baptism and it all depends on the specific church. Sprinkling baptism, partial immersion baptism (head only), and total immersion baptism. Not all churches have baptisteries - rooms where adults are baptized with full immersion. But where there is such a thing, it’s worth thinking about what you need with you.

Don’t forget to take your passport and arrive 15 minutes in advance for your appointment. This is necessary so that you can be issued a baptismal certificate. Women do not enter the temple with their heads uncovered. No cleavage or short skirts. The skirt should be below the knee, preferably covered shoulders. The procedure is quite long, it is better to do without heels and stock up on waterproof slippers. They will come in handy when leaving the font. Take a towel with you (a very necessary thing). You need to purchase a special shirt for diving into the font. They can be sold directly in the temple. Try to find out about this in advance.

Women should take into account that when wet, the fabric may be see-through, so wear a swimsuit and take a change of underwear with you. Please note that your ankles must be uncovered for almost the entire ceremony. The cross can be purchased directly at the temple. If you purchased it in a store, it’s okay, the priest will bless it right there. It is better to choose a cross made of silver, since gold is considered a “sinful” metal, but no one will forbid you to wear gold. In the church, before the ceremony begins, you need to buy a candle or candles if someone is accompanying you.

With the blessing of the priest, you can take photos and videos.

Getting baptized is a very important step, so you need to think about why you are doing it. If just following tradition or fashion, do you need it? If you are not going to go to church, if you are not going to live according to Christian laws, baptism is unlikely to be any good for you. Looking for a business hotel? Visit the website

  • #1

    A strange statement: "... it is unlikely that baptism will be any good for you."
    Why then are infants baptized, who certainly do not intend to go to church themselves and do not yet know anything about any laws?

  • #2

    Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.”

    Is there any benefit from having a chance to enter the Kingdom of God?

  • #3

    Dmitry, godparents make vows for babies. They also take care of his upbringing in the Church.
    Is there any benefit if this chance is buried in the ground? In essence, this turns out to be betrayal, and it’s even worse

  • #4

    How to do baptism after disrupting your life

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