Surnames of children's writers in alphabetical order. Children's writers in elementary school

A boy who could turn into a vacuum cleaner, stories from the life of the Moscow Zoo, funny and stupid poems about school and other wonderful stories from modern children's writers

If you are not a regular at book sites and festivals, then it may seem that they still haven’t come up with anything better than Nosov, Rybakov and Bulychev for children. Meanwhile, children's literature in Russia is developing well. New books, competitions and authors appear every day. Journalist Lisa Birger chose 10 modern writers whose books can be safely placed on a children's bookshelf.


Sergei Sedov is one of those writers who fascinate when meeting in person no less than when meeting with his texts - such a real modern storyteller, a person not tied to space and time, former teacher and a Moscow janitor, whose fairy tales we started reading back in the 80s. I can’t count how many times these fairy tales - about the boy Lesha, about the frog Pipa, about kings, about fools - were forgotten and published recent years thirty, and they still sound stunningly new. Sedov has a wonderful style of light writing; it seems that everything he touches turns into an exciting game, which is impossible not to join. But the main thing about Sedov is the endless freedom of his imagination, completely childish in spirit, his signature oddity, thanks to which he can allow his heroes to amazingly transform into a vacuum cleaner and balloon, and in his fairy tales about mothers he allows himself to show a drunkard mother and an indifferent mother. All of these are manifestations of the same touching concern, but in different ways. There was a time when Sedov was published a little more and better, but now, unfortunately, it’s not easy to find either his horror stories or a wonderfully funny retelling ancient greek myths"Hercules." 12 great feats. An eyewitness account", not even his New Year's tale“How Santa Claus was born,” written in collaboration with Marina Moskvina. Nevertheless, “Tales about Lyosha” are always on sale - Sedov is classic in all respects, causing equal delight among parents and children.


VGIK graduate and screenwriter Maria Bershadskaya, who worked, among other things, on “Sesame Street,” invented and wrote probably the best children’s series in modern Russian literature, the “Big Little Girl” series of books. Its heroine, Zhenya, is a seven-year-old girl, tall beyond her years (so tall that her mother has to stand on a stool to braid her hair), who remains, despite high growth, a small child inside. And every situation from Zhenya’s life is another story maturation and inner growth, whether it is a story about the death of a loved one, about school novel, about holidays and losses, about uncomfortable and in their own way tragic situations in which every child can find themselves. A brilliant invention - to see in one image, as in children's world combines the extreme and the ordinary, the small and the big, the feeling of absolute insecurity in front of the world and daily victories over its obstacles. This situation of both fairy-tale detachment and realistic empathy, the author’s sympathy for the hero’s big and small sufferings is what makes Bershadskaya’s books so understandable and attractive.


A great lover of animals, Stanislav Vostokov dreamed of following in the footsteps of Gerald Durrell since childhood - he dreamed and did. Already at the age of fifteen, he published his translations from Durrell in the Tashkent newspaper “Pioneer of the East” and, while studying at an art school, painted elephants and cranes. From Tashkent he went to protect nature in Cambodia, and from there he did an internship at the International Conservation Training Center founded by Darrell on the island of Jersey. Afterwards he worked at the Moscow Zoo and at the Research Center for Nature Conservation, and talked about all this in his books. Although we fell in love with Vostokov precisely for the genre of stories about animals (see “Do not feed or tease” about the Moscow Zoo and the book “The Island Dressed in Jersey”), about which he knows how to speak simply, with understanding and sympathy, he has perfectly mastered and other genres, and to date has received every conceivable children's award. For example, for a book of stories about Frosya Korovina, “a real village woman of seven years old” from the village of Papanovo, Vologda region, or a series of airy ones, inspired more by Yuri Koval than by the masters village prose, stories about the village way of life “Godfather to the King”, and about birds and animals that can be seen almost from the window.


The aesthetic homeland of Arthur Givargizov is Soviet school prose, all this is dear and beloved, from Nosov to Dragunsky. Only he feels much freer in both plots and language, so that some nervous parents scold him for being uneducational (parents who don’t understand jokes or demand that morality comes first in a children’s book are the main enemies of children’s prose). In fact, in light of the achievements of world child psychology, according to which what is important for children should be play, not textbooks, freedom of imagination, not cramming, Givargizov is exactly the writer needed to create an atmosphere of total laughter and fun. He never fails, and although many of his poems and stories seem like jokes, games, they important topic the search for freedom in any given situation invariably becomes, be it conversations with adults, school lessons or long journeys. If you don’t know that the Earth has gravity, you can take off and fly, and if you don’t want to write a dictation, then you can run away into the forest and instead of yourself, slip the teacher a bear and a wolf, so that they, quarreling and copying from each other like real hooligans, diligently deduce “Her voice rang and trembled like a cracked glass bell.”

Givargizov, fortunately, is published uninterruptedly, and all his books are very good - from him alone you can make an excellent home library. But it makes sense for parents not to miss, while they still have it, the book “From Grandfather’s to Children’s,” where linguist Maxim Krongauz discusses the stories and poems of Arthur Givargizov while reading them with his grandchildren.


Tamara Mikheeva - professional children's writer. This means that she is equally good at picture books about animals and teen stories like Dolphin Children. These are invariably kind, invariably bright books, inhabited by wonderful magical creatures. In modern children's prose, Tamara Mikheeva plays the role of the main storyteller: living trees grow in her mountains (“Light Mountains”), magical gnomes live in her forests (“Asha’s Summer”), and her shumsa, the inhabitants of the trees, have become one of the best children’s science fiction TV series In general, impeccable stories for children who are just learning to read and love books, and parents who want these books to be only about magic and kindness - it’s as if no other world exists for Mikheeva at all.


Until the mid-2000s, teacher, psychologist and specialist in children's reading Maria Aromshtam wrote educational books about pedagogy for adults and teaching aids for children starting to read. But since her story “When Angels Rest” won the Cherished Dream Award in 2008, Aromstam has become not only one of our favorite writers, but also the main promoter of children's books. The website “Pampambuk”, invented by her, exists precisely to help parents read books with their children. Over the past ten years, Marina Aromshtam has built up a solid bibliography and has already become a classic of modern literature. Moreover, I would like to use the word “classic” here for the unobtrusive instructiveness of her texts, for which we are accustomed to appreciating the books of our childhood, or better yet, for the freedom of thought and feeling that these books invariably promise. She feels equally confident in different topics and genres, be it a realistic story about school life(“When the angels rest”), historical story from England of the 14th century (“Lancelot the Cat and the Golden City. An Old English Story”), fairy tales and myths about the birth of the world (“Once Upon a Time in a New World”) or picture books for children (“Stomach”). Whatever she writes, it is always about the therapeutic effect of reading and storytelling - exactly what many ordered.


The first book of fairy tales by Maria Boteva “Light ABC. Two sisters, two winds" was published by the publishing house NLO in 2005 - at the same time it received the "Triumph" award and was included in the shortlists of "Debut" and " Cherished dream" We didn’t hear about her for quite a long time after that, until she was rediscovered by the KompasGid publishing house, and then it became clear that Boteva is, first of all, an accurate, faithful and attentive writer of teenage life. Two books of her stories, “Ice Cream in Waffle Cups” (2013) and “You Walk on the Carpet” (2016) are some kind of joyful acquisition for any children's library. Because the main theme here is not some exceptional sorrows of teenage life, but, on the contrary, the most recognizable things about it, conversations, feelings, daily experiences. So, in the new book “You Walk on the Carpet” the main characters drink tea, chatter tongue twisters, hang around doing nothing, but it is this “Summer is boring again, just a piece of melancholy” that becomes an incredibly rich plot for it. It's such a stunning, heartfelt insight into teenage life that it can help even an adult remember what it was like. To imagine why this is so good, just read.


A graduate of the Sorbonne, a wonderful translator from French, the wife of one of the best contemporary children's poets, Mikhail Yasnov, and, above all, a wonderful children's author. It has been proven, if you like, even by literary awards - Petrova has a whole bunch of them, from the first “Kniguru” prize for the collection of stories “Wolves on Parachutes” and the Marshak Prize to the shortlists of “Debut” and “Baby-NOS”. The main thing in Asa Petrova, however, is the ability to speak with a teenager in his language, to immerse himself in the world of his experiences, where literally everything becomes an existential question - from the reluctance to put on leggings to the fear that the grandmother will die. Collection of stories “Wolves on parachutes. Adults Are Silent,” combining stories for middle schoolers and thoughtful and compassionate prose about teenagers, represents everything beautiful, scary, sad, and absurd that ordinary teenage life is made of.


Writer Nina Dashevskaya has already received three literary prize“Kniguru”, despite the fact that she published her first story in 2011. A musician by training, she graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in violin and now plays in the orchestra of the Theater. Natalia Sats. And her first books, including “Around Music,” were dedicated to the enormous change that the sound of music can make in life little man. This is generally the main theme of Dashevskaya’s teenage prose - a way out of darkness into light, a magical change that is guaranteed to help get rid of loneliness and unhappiness. A sad boy will become cheerful, a lonely teenager will make friends, a child with ADHD will find understanding, everyone will have a good ending. Considering how simply and joyfully these books are written, it is not surprising that children - and adults too - enjoy them so much.


In some other world, where fantasy, for example, would not be considered a minor genre in literature, Natalya Evdokimova would become big literary star- it is difficult to find an author who would feel so free in this topic. Her dystopia "The End of the World" tells about a world that changes entirely from time to time. Its laws are strange, bizarre and sometimes even repressive, but the belief remains that one day some of the worlds will turn out to be the one you invented. The brand new book “Kimka & Company” tells about a boy who flew away from his parents staring at the TV into imaginary worlds, and travels through them, taking his newborn brother with him. And there is also a very simple, piercing intonation “Summer Smells of Salt”, whose teenage heroes break free to summer and the sea from the protracted winter and captivity of high-rise buildings. In general, this is a necessary injection of fantasy from boring and sometimes difficult everyday life - and just very good literature.

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Having analyzed the personalities and creativity of most children's and youth writers 20th century, we present to you a list of authors who are the best in terms of the quality of energy and purity of their works.

In our opinion, a child’s education should begin with familiarization with their creativity.

The information contained in Bazhov’s books will be developing for people for the next 100 years, Lewis Carroll’s books - for the next 50 years. The remaining works presented here will potentially carry an evolutionary message for about 20 years.

Parents, remember! Many books can be found in audio format, don’t be lazy, listen to something yourself!

January 15 (27), 1879 - December 3, 1950 – teacher, journalist, ethnographer, writer. Book of essays “The Ural Were”, autobiographical story“The Green Filly”, author’s collections of tales: “The Malachite Box”, “The Key-Stone”, “Tales of the Germans”. Some of the most famous tales: “ Copper Mountain mistress", "Malachite box", " Stone Flower"", "Mining Master", "Fragile Twig", "Iron Tires", "Two Lizards", "Clerk's Soles", "Suchnevy Pebbles", "Grass West", "Tayutka's Mirror", "Cat's Ears", "About the Great snake", "Snake's trail", "Zhabreev walker", "Golden dykes", "Fire-jumping", "Blue snake", "Key of the earth", "Sinyushkin well", "Silver hoof", "Ermakov's swans", " Golden Hair", "Dear Name".

July 14, 1891 - July 3, 1977 - mathematician, teacher, translator, writer. He is best known as the creator of the six-book series The Wizard Emerald City": "The Wizard of the Emerald City", "Oorfene Deuce and his wooden soldiers", "Seven Underground Kings", "Fiery God of the Marrans", "Yellow Fog", "The Secret of the Abandoned Castle". His other works: “Architects”, “Wanderings”, “Two Brothers”, “Wonderful Ball”, “Invisible Fighters”, “Planes at War”, “The Wake of the Stern”, “Travelers in the Third Millennium”, “The Adventures of Two friends in the country of the past”, “The Constantinople Captive”, “Petya Ivanov’s Journey to an Extraterrestrial Station”, “In the Altai Mountains”, “Lapatin Bay”, “On the Buzhe River”, “Birthmark”, “Lucky Day”, “By the Campfire” "

Lewis Carroll, real name Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, January 27, 1832 – January 14, 1898 English writer, mathematician, logician, philosopher and photographer. His most famous works are “Alice in Wonderland” and “Alice Through the Looking Glass”, “Sylvia and Bruno”, the humorous poem “The Hunting of the Snark”, “Phantasmagoria”, as well as a collection of riddles and games “The Story with Knots”.

Borice Vladimirovich Zakhoder September 9, 1918 - November 7, 2000 – writer, poet, translator. Some of his collections of poems: “On the Back Desk”, “Monkey Tomorrow”, “Nobody and Others”, “Who is Like Whom”, “To Comrade Children”, “School for Chicks”, “Calculations”, “My Imagination”, “ If they give me a boat”, some works in prose: “The Monkey’s Tomorrow”, “The Good Rhinoceros”, “Once Upon a Time Fip”, fairy tales “The Gray Star”, “The Little Mermaid”, “The Hermit and the Rose”, “The Story of the Caterpillar”, “ Why are fish silent”, “Ma-Tari-Kari”, “A fairy tale about everyone in the world”.

Zakhoder is also well known as a translator of many masterpieces foreign literature for children: fairy tales by A.A. Milne “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all”, P. Travers “Mary Poppins”, L. Carroll “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”, fairy tales by K. Capek and the Brothers Grimm, J.M.Barry's play "Peter Pan", various poems.

June 22, 1922 - December 29, 1996 - poet, prose writer, screenwriter. Novels and short stories: “He was a real trumpeter”, “Boys Station”, “The Mystery of Fenimore”, “Where the Sky Begins”, “Sentry Petrov”, “Where the Battery Stood”, “The Fence with blue eye", "Salute", "I'm following the rhinoceros", "Semyon the Striped", "Temporary Tenant", "Game of Beauty", "Sretensky Gate", "Heart of the Earth", "Son of a Pilot", "Self-Portrait", " Ivan-Willis”, “Company Commander”, “Kingfisher”, “Ballerina of the Political Department”, “Girl, Do You Want to Act in a Movie?”, “Travesties”, “Persecution of Redheads”, “Elephant Driver”, “The Passion of Four Girls” , “Difficult Bullfighting”, “Heavy Blood”, “Lala Bullet”, “Party”, “Teacher”, “ True friend Sancho”, “Samantha”, “And Vorobyov didn’t break the glass”, “Ledum”, “Bambus”, “The game of beauty”, “Boy with skates”, “Boy with skates”, “Knight Vasya”, “Collecting clouds” , “Sons of Pedshekhodov”, “History Teacher”, “Girls with Vasilyevsky Island", "Captain Gastello's Friend", "Naughty Boy Icarus", "Memory", "The Last Fireworks", "Sapper", "Goalkeeper", "Bavaclava", "Flower of Bread", "One Voice", "Change of Weather", “Letter to Marina”, “Woke up by nightingales”, “Relic”, “Violin”, “Horseman galloping over the city”, “My familiar hippopotamus”, “Old horse for sale”, “Shorn devil”, “Umka”, “Urs and Kat”, “Visiting the Dog”, “Memories of a Cow”, “The Girl from Brest”, “The Commander’s Daughter”, “The Preference Man’s Daughter”, “We Are Destined to Live”, “The Invisible Cap”, “Lullaby for Men”, “Our address”, “But passaran”, “The day before yesterday there was a war”, “Post number one”, “Constellation of steam locomotives”.

3 August 1910 – 18 August 1995, English children's writer, artist, film actor and theater director. He wrote two books of fairy tales: “Forgotten Birthday”, “Journey along the River of Time”. Here are the titles of some of his fairy tales: “The Dragon and the Wizard”, “Hide and Seek”, “Cows and the Wind”, “Mr. Crococat”, “Where Did It Come From?” Starfish"", "Under the carpet", "About the station that did not stand still", "About a puddle and a bun with raisins", "About policeman Arthur and about his horse Harry", "Dot-mother and Dot-daughter", "Fog "", "Wow", "Breadcrumbs", "Cupid and the Nightingale", "Blackie and Reggie", "Down!", "Big Wave and Little Wave", "Philosopher Beetle and Others", "Ginger Cookies", " The Quacking Mailbox", "Crow and the Sun", "About the Boy Who Growled at the Tigers", "Miranda the Explorer", "Mice on the Moon", "Nelson and the Hen", "Knolls and the Juniper", "A Little Penguin Called Prince”, “About the little bus who was afraid of the dark”, “About Zzzzzzz”, “About Ernie the parrot who got measles”, “About Olivia the seagull and Rosalind the turtle”, “Joe’s journey”, “Fish with fried potatoes", "St. Pancras and King's Cross", "About Olivia the Snail and the Canary", "Shhhhh!", "Yak", "The Three Hats of Mr. Kepi", "About the Beetle and the Bulldozer", "About Beauty the Cow", " About a piglet who learned to fly”, “About a tiger cub”, “About a tiger cub who loved to take a bath”, “Daisy’s Journey to Australia”, “Annabelle”, “Ant and Sugar”, “Bam! ", "Everything is topsy-turvy", "Ha-ha-ha! ", "The Komodo Dragon", "The Forgotten Birthday of Komodo", "Little Red Riding Hood of Komodo", "The Grasshopper and the Snail", "The Milkman's Horse", "The Rhinoceros and the Good Fairy", "Do you want, do you want, do you want...", "Eagle and lamb".

Born May 18, 1952 - American writer science fiction and fantasy. The following works of hers are available in Russian:
“Young Wizards” Series: “How to Become a Wizard”, “Deep Magic”, “High Magic”, “Boundless Magic”
“Magical Cats” series: “The Book of Moonlit Night”, “A Visit to the Queen”
Series " Star Trek": "Doctor's Orders", "Spock's World", "Wounded Sky"
“X-Team”, “Space Police”, “Space Police. Brain killer."

September 15, 1789 – September 14, 1851, American novelist. Novels: “The Spy, or a Tale of No Man's Land”, “The Pilot”, “Lionel Lincoln, or the Siege of Boston”, “The Pioneers”, “The Last of the Mohicans”, “The Prairie”, “The Red Corsair”, “The Valley of Wish-ton” Vish", "Bravo, or in Venice", "Heidenmauer, or the Benedictines", "The Executioner, or the Abbey of the Winegrowers", "Pathfinder, or the Lake-Sea", "Mercedes from Castile", "St. John's Wort, or the First Warpath", "The Two Admirals", "Will-o'-the-Wisp", "Wyandotte, or the House on the Hill", "On Land and Sea", "Miles Wallingford", "Satanstowe", "The Surveyor", "Redskins", "Gleades in the Oak Woods, or Bee Hunter”, “Sea Lions”, “The fantastic story of the brigantine of the same name “Sea Sorceress”.

August 28, 1925 - October 12, 1991, born April 15, 1933, Soviet writers, co-authors, screenwriters, classics of modern science and social fiction. Novels and stories: “The Country of Crimson Clouds”, “From Outside”, “The Path to Amalthea”, “Afternoon, XXII Century”, “Interns”, “Attempt to Escape”, “Distant Rainbow”, “It’s Hard to Be a God”, “Monday” starts on Saturday", "Predatory Things of the Century", "Anxiety", "Ugly Swans", "Snail on the Slope", "The Second Invasion of the Martians", "The Tale of the Three", " Inhabited island", "Hotel "Hotel "At the Dead Climber", "Baby", "Roadside Picnic", "Guy from the Underworld", "Doomed City", "A Billion Years Before the End of the World", "A Tale of Friendship and Unfriendship", “A Beetle in an Anthill”, “Lame Fate”, “Waves Quench the Wind”, “Burdened with Evil, or Forty Years Later”
Plays: “The Jews of the City of St. Petersburg, or Sad Conversations by Candlelight”, “Five Spoons of Elixir”, “Without Weapons”
Stories: “Deep Search”, “Forgotten Experiment”, “Six Matches”, “SKIBR Test”, “Private Speculations”, “Defeat”, “Almost the Same”, “Night in the Desert” (another name is “Night on Mars” ), “Emergency”, “Sand Fever”, “Spontaneous Reflex”, “Man from Pasifida”, “Moby Dick”, “In Our Time” interesting time", "On the issue of cyclotation", "The first people on the first raft", "Poor evil people."

In addition, Arkady Strugatsky wrote several works alone under the pseudonym S. Yaroslavtsev: a fairy tale in three parts “Expedition to the Underworld”, a story “The Devil Among Men” and a story “Details of the Life of Nikita Vorontsov”.

Boris Strugatsky wrote alone under the pseudonym S. Vititsky the following works: “The Search for Purpose, or the Twenty-Seventh Theorem of Ethics,” “The Powerless of This World.”

Born in 1931, artist, illustrator, screenwriter and director, author and illustrator of seventy books for adults and children. Three of his books “The Adventures of the Hryllops Family”, “Kriktor”, “Adelaide. Winged Kangaroo."

December 6, 1943 - April 30, 1992, poet and artist. Published collections of poems: “We went forward - we came back”, “Bird in a Cage”, “Cranks and Others”, “Hooligan Poems”, author’s collections: “Cranks”, “Talking Raven”, “Vitamin of Growth”.

Born in 1952 - teacher, playwright, writer. The author of more than 20 books, the books “The River Flowing Backwards”, “The Winter Battle” and “The Grief of the Dead King” were published in Russian.

Born on January 18, 1981, she wrote two books: “Waffle Heart” and “Tonya Glimmerdahl.” Both of these books by Maria Parr were translated into Russian.

Max Fry - literary pseudonym authors Svetlana Martynchik and Igor Stepin. Svetlana Yurievna Martynchik (born February 22, 1965, Odessa) - modern writer and artist. Igor Stepin (born 1967, Odessa) - artist.
Books in the “Labyrinths of Echo” series: “The Labyrinth” (“Stranger”), “Volunteers of Eternity”, “Simple Magical Things”, “The Dark Side”, “The Executor”, “Obsessions”, “The Power of the Unfulfilled”, “The Chatty Dead”, “ Labyrinth of Menin. Books in the “Chronicles of Echo” series: “Forehead of the Earth”, “The Tulan Detective”, “The Lord of Mormora”, “The Elusive Habba Han”, “The Crow on the Bridge”, “The Sorrow of Mr. Gro”, “The Glutton Laughing Man”. Books outside the series: “My Ragnarok”, “Encyclopedia of Myths”, “Book of Complaints”, “Nests of Chimeras”, “Fairy Tales and Stories”, “Book for People Like Me”, “Book of Lies”, “Book of Imaginary Worlds”, “The Ideal Novel”, “The Yellow Metal Key”.
The books will be educational for another 10 years.

(April 4, 1948; Peoria, Illinois) is a famous American science fiction writer. Books: 1985 “Song of Kali”, 1989 “Phases of Gravity” (not published in Russia), 1989 “Carrion Comfort”, 1989 “Hyperion” (“Hyperion”) 1990 “The Fall of Hyperion”, 1990 “Entropy’s Bed at Midnight” (not published in Russia), 1991 “Summer of Night” (“Summer of Night"), 1992 "The Hollow Man" (not published in Russia), 1992 "Children of the Night", 1995 "Fires of Eden", 1996 “Endymion”, 1997 “The Rise of Endymion”, 1999 “The Bell for Ham” (“The Crook Factory”), 2000 “Darwin’s Blade”, 2001 "Hardcase", 2002 "A Winter's Haunting", 2002 "Hard Freeze", 2003 "Ilium", 2003 "Tough as Nails" "("Hard as Nails"), 2005 "Olympos", 2007 "The Terror", 2009 "Drood", 2009 "Black Hills" (V given time not yet published in Russia), 2011 “Flashback” (not yet published in Russia at this time).

The books will be educational for another 10-20 years.

Despite the widespread computerization, parents continue to buy printed editions of books for their children. Of course, there is a greater demand for literature for very young children who cannot yet read. Older people prefer to download works on the Internet on their own and read them on their gadgets. But still the influence of literature on child development undeniable. Therefore, in this article we will look at what modern children's writers exist today. Review famous authors will allow you to understand what children and their parents are interested in.

The influence of literature on children's development

Let's start from the very beginning. Namely, we will understand how books influence the development of children. It should be noted that the stories that are read or told loving parents, their children take them completely seriously. Of course, this happens up to a certain point in time, but during this period the children’s system of perceiving the world is already somewhat formed. This all means that before you start reading a book by a new author to your child, you should read it yourself.

This required condition, because modern children's writers and their works are sometimes very innovative, and some fairy tales even show a system of values ​​from the individual point of view of the writer. Writers who create such books believe that this will help children adapt to the current world and understand it. Of course, parents should decide how to raise their child, but literature must be carefully chosen from childhood in order to instill in the child a taste for good books.

How to choose a book for a child by age

If you want to instill in your child a love of reading, then you need to choose the right books according to age. Let's just say that it is too early for a two-year-old child to read Nosov's books, since they will be difficult for him to understand, but the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky are quite suitable. You can also read short nursery rhymes to your child and then memorize them together. Also suitable for this age are such fairy tales as “Ryaba Hen”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok” (although you can turn to them even earlier).

As the child grows up, you should start reading to him such works as “Three from Prostokvashino”, “Baby and Carlson”, “The Adventure of Pinocchio”. Next, include “Cinderella”, “Snow White” and similar fairy tales in the list of books. They are the ones who will teach the child to worry and sympathize, to think about justice, about what is good and bad.

Modern children's writers and their works can also take up residence on your children's book shelf. Of course, they should be selected more carefully; unknown texts must first be read by the parent. But if you already have a fairly adult child, then it’s difficult to keep track of him. But try to offer him something that he has not yet read from the classics, perhaps he will like it.

Children's writers and time-tested books

So, let's look at the best time-tested children's writers and books for children's development. These include the following.

  • Poems by Agnia Barto. You can start reading them to your baby at the age of one, because she has both short and simple poems and longer and more serious ones.
  • Quite popular among kids and its famous works Almost every child knows “Moidodyr” or “Mukha Tsokotukha”.
  • At an older age, children should read the works of the Brothers Grimm. These are, for example, “Blizzard”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Reasonable Hans”, “Rose Hood”.
  • Lindgren Astrid and her most famous works“Pippi Long Stocking” and “Kid and Carlson.”
  • More complex, which means they need to be read when the child gets older. His most popular book is “The Malachite Box,” which contains many Ural tales. If your child is interested in folklore, then offer him this option.
  • Quite an interesting series of books about the adventures of the girl Ellie in the Magic Land.
  • Lewis Carroll writes no less fascinatingly. His most famous works are “Alice in Wonderland” and “Alice Through the Looking Glass”.
  • The series of books “The Chronicles of Narnia” by Clive Lewis is very interesting, which opens up an amazing and magical world.

So, we looked at a very small list of children's books by author, but in fact it is much more extensive. Here you can add other works you know and love that you yourself read as a child. Your child will probably be interested in this.

Modern Russian fairy tale writers

Now let's look at a small list of modern children's writers (and their works), namely those who create fairy tales that are published in Russia.

  • Natalya Gorodetskaya. A very interesting modern storyteller who has already written many works. For example, she wrote the “Fairytale Kingdom” series. By reading these books, you can truly be transported to a completely different world.
  • Olga Kolpakova has already published more than a dozen books, including many interesting and instructive stories that your child will surely enjoy.
  • Sophia Prokofief is the author of many magical stories and fairy tales for both very young children and schoolchildren. Among them we can note such as “Astrel and the Guardian of the Forest”, “Snow White in the Enchanted Castle”, “In the Land of Legends”.
  • Valentina Oseeva. This writer has in her arsenal for children fairy tales, as well as short but instructive stories.

As you can see, many modern Russian children's writers and their works are quite popular, and can also have a positive impact on the development of your child so that he becomes harmonious personality who knows what love and hate are, what is good and bad, where you need to stand up for yourself, and where to support a loved one.

Contemporary foreign fairy tale writers

Not only modern Russian children's writers and their works can be present on your children's bookshelf, but also foreign ones. Of course, here you need to select much more strictly, because sometimes they offer you to read absolutely incredible things, but there are also quite fascinating ones. Let's look at the list.

  • Dick King-Smith. This English author very popular for its fascinating stories about animals that can be re-read by the whole family.
  • Sven Nordqvist. who created a series of books about Peson and his kitten Findus. This work has been translated into many languages, cartoons and a computer game have been created based on it.
  • Christine Nestlinger. This is an Austrian author who has published more than a hundred books during her career.

Of course, this is not the entire list, but just a few examples. Parents themselves must replenish it so that their child has the opportunity to read good books.

Famous children's authors who write poetry

In addition to fairy tales, your child’s shelf should also contain poetic works. This will significantly expand his horizons and also help develop his memory. Now let’s look at what modern children’s writers and books for children work in this style.

  • Andre Giles. This is modern English children's poet, who published the already world-famous book “The Dancing Giraffe”.
  • Marina Boroditskaya. She writes both poetry for adults and for children (of which there are many more). Here are some of the author’s poems - “The Last Day of Training”, “Forest Swamp”, “Chickenpox”, “Rybkin TV” and many others.
  • Galina Dyadina. Her most popular book is “The Book in the Vest.” It is a collection of poems, which are located in alphabetical order. This will help your child learn the alphabet and read interesting works.

Aspiring young authors

It is sometimes very difficult for a modern parent to choose literature for their child from such a variety of new, fashionable and, most often, even unknown authors. Therefore, below we will consider the best children's writers and books for the development of children, which are not yet entirely known, but have already received well-deserved praise from critics. In 2015, the Debut Prize was awarded to three authors who received a special prize “For the best work for children and teenagers.” This is Dmitry Akhmetshin from the city of Samara. The award went to him for the story “The Adventures of Denis in the Painted World.” It should be noted that this author is quite young and has several other similar works.

Also on this list is Dmitry Buchelnikov from the city of Sochi, he was noted for his story “Majara”. This is also a young author, whose real name is Dmitry Kungurtsev. Although he has been writing children's fairy tales and poems since his youth, his work was previously only published in one magazine. But now he has received an award and recognition.

As we see, the modern world is very concerned about the availability of good literature for the younger generation, which is why this year the “Debut” Prize was established new nomination- “For the best work for children and teenagers.” Thus, if you want to add to your list of children's books, compiled by author, and are looking for young talents who write good and interesting works, then you can take note of the works of the above writers.

Developmental literature (encyclopedias, anthologies, etc.)

At a certain stage of a child’s development, in order for him to learn more about the world around him and absorb the necessary knowledge in a playful way, it is required separate literature. These are various encyclopedias and the like. Now let's look at what modern children's writers and their works can help you with this.

  • A very interesting and talented author. Most often he creates educational literature that children really like. You can find various poems that will help your child learn the multiplication tables, as well as a number of tongue twisters, counting rhymes and many others.
  • Julia Donaldson. This author wrote a “Rhyming Story” that is quite interesting for little ones.

As your child grows older, you should purchase books such as large encyclopedias with colorful pictures. Again, here you just need to focus on the age of your child and the contents of the book itself.

Teen literature

Separately, it should be said about It is at this age that the child begins to read what he wants. Therefore, sometimes you should wonder what your child is so passionate about, since not all modern children's writers and their works are suitable even for a teenager. Some are better not to be included in the reading list at all. Let's look at a few authors who are considered the best.

  • Joanne Rowling. Perhaps this woman is one of the most popular in the world. It was she who wrote a series of books about the boy Harry Potter. Films have been made based on this work.
  • Offer your teenager classics - Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird", Jerome Sellinger's "The Catcher in the Rye", Ray Bradberry's "Dandelion Wine".
  • For those who love magic, there is a rather interesting series of books written by Dmitry Yemets. The two most popular are the parody “Tanya Grotter” and “Mefodiy Buslaev”.

And remember, at this age the child begins to experience adult feelings, as well as to comprehend what he wants in this life and what this world is. Therefore, you should be careful when choosing books, since many authors whose works claim to be teenage literature should be read at an older age, when the psyche and worldview have already been formed.

The most popular children's and teenage books

Now we should summarize and list the most popular modern children's writers and their works. Schoolchildren are often asked to write an essay on this topic, so let’s turn specifically to the rating of authors popular among children.

  • Max Fry and his series “Echo Labyrinths” and “Echo Chronicles”;
  • Dan Simmons - “Illion”, “Winter Ghosts”, etc.;
  • Arkady and (these authors are considered classics of Russian science fiction);
  • Diana Duane also writes fantasy;
  • Donald Bisset is a popular children's author.

The article “” raised the problem of choosing books for children and teenagers. The dispute mainly boiled down to the question of what is better to read: literature of past years or modern works. It must be said that this debate has been going on for quite some time. As arguments, I can cite comments to the articles “” and ““. Very revealing. A little funny and sad at the same time. For those who argue mainly express their opinions about books that they have not read. This applies equally to both adults and children. Both of them judge books by their titles and covers. Moreover, the adults turned out to be not only better, but even worse than the children, because their opinions about the books were expressed in a very harsh form! Let me note again that the books themselves were not read, just the pictures on the covers of the books were in the images of monsters. This was enough to say NO! Now imagine how people with this perception watch or listen to the news. It will be enough for a journalist to slightly expand the positioning of events from the angle desired by the employer. This will be enough to present directly opposite events as truth. This is how black becomes white, and white becomes black. Gentlemen, are you sure that all monsters on the outside are really like that on the inside? Are you sure that any Vasilisa the Beautiful can be trusted and has nothing to do with the Devil? What if she has been working for Koshchei for a long time, because... Is he significantly richer than Ivanushka? Modern children are much more perspicacious in this regard. Any monster is ready to be tested for strength. They want to see any Miss Perfect in action, not on the cover. Of course, you can’t lump everyone with the same brush. I write about the majority both from that side and from this.

  1. Svetlana Alexievich
  2. Mikhail Andreev
  3. Karen Harutyunyants
  4. Aya EN
  5. Natalia Beltsova
  6. Maria Bershadskaya
  7. Vladimir Blagov
  8. Vladimir Borisov
  9. Oleg Bundur
  10. Anna Verbovskaya
  11. Eduard Verkin
  12. Svetlana Volkova
  13. Ilona Volynskaya
  14. Valery Voskoboynikov
  15. Stanislav Vostokov
  16. Elena Gabova
  17. Sergey Georgiev
  18. Tatyana Gubina
  19. Valery Gusev ()
  20. Marina Druzhinina
  21. Elena Edacheva
  22. Irina Zartayskaya
  23. Anna Ignatova
  24. Vladimir Kamenev
  25. Ekaterina Karetnikova
  26. Kirill Kashcheev
  27. Valery Kviloria
  28. Anna Kichaikina
  29. Olga Kolpakova
  30. Irina Kostevich
  31. Grigory Kruzhkov
  32. Tamara Kryukova
  33. Natalia Kudryakova
  34. Yulia Kuznetsova
  35. Alina Kuskova
  36. Maya Lazarenskaya
  37. Vadim Levin
  38. Yuri Ligun
  39. Alexey Lisachenko
  40. Sergey Mamokhotin
  41. Ekaterina Matyushkina
  42. Tamara Mikheeva
  43. Marina Moskvina
  44. Evgeniy Nekrasov
  45. Anna Nikolskaya
  46. Elena Ozic
  47. Oksana Onisimova
  48. Valentin Postnikov
  49. Leonid Sergeev
  50. Sergey Silin
  51. Dmitry Sirotin
  52. Yuri Sitnikov
  53. Elvira Smelik
  54. Elena Sokovenina
  55. Dmitry Suslin
  56. Andrey Usachev
  57. Alexander Hort
  58. Alexey Shmanov
  59. Elena Sholokhova
  60. Evgenia Yartseva

Enjoy reading!

An excellent alternative list of children's literature that you will want to return to more than once.

When we talk about Soviet children's books, Marshak, Chukovsky, Olesha immediately come to mind. Approximately the same set of authors who are usually read to children. But there are other excellent writers, whose books, however, are a little less known, but children may like them even more than “Aibolit” and “Three Fat Men” (and you along with them).
Valentina Oseeva, who has worked with street children in children's correctional institutions for more than 16 years, understands the psychology of difficult children like no one else. Her duology about the curly-headed stubborn Dinka (“Dinka” and “Dinka Says Goodbye to Childhood”) was published almost 50 years ago. They are based largely autobiographical story growing up as a tomboy girl from a family of intellectuals. In addition to this textbook story about childhood friendship, Oseeva wrote a dozen worthy short stories, which were included in the collection " Magic word", and a series of books about the schoolboy Vaska Trubachev. In some places there is unctuous propaganda in the texts (in the third book about Vaska, the heroes are building a school, which obviously represents a bright future), but all this is in the context of serious conversations about goodness and justice, the ability to hear and accept others. Oseeva describes school everyday life with all its petty squabbles and existential conflicts easily and wittily, without pioneering strain or edification. In addition, as in the case of “Dinka,” she honestly talks about the families that most of the heroes have incomplete, large or simply unsettled families. But at the same time, they are still strong and friendly in their own way.

Children's poems by Alexander Vvedensky, one of the most profound authors of the first half of the 20th century, are read significantly less today than, for example, the works of his close friend Daniil Kharms. In addition, thanks to the light hand of avant-garde historian Nikolai Khardzhiev, the opinion was firmly established that Vvedensky “was a hack in children’s literature, he wrote terrible books, there were very few good ones.” Nevertheless, during his lifetime he was seen as a popular children's author. Vvedensky managed to publish several dozen children's books, including poems, stories and adaptations of fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm. True, they began to be republished only after the poet’s rehabilitation in 1964. Vvedensky collaborated with children's magazines "Chizh" and "Hedgehog". His poems, which were imbued with a naive and idyllic attitude towards the world, were highly appreciated by Lydia Chukovskaya and Sergei Mikhalkov. Ad Marginem recently republished " railway"- a story in which, through the mouth of a locomotive passenger, he talks about what is happening behind the window. Day and night, changing each other, factories, forests and factories form a panorama of first a small town, then a country, and then the whole world. It is also worth paying attention to the book “Journey to Crimea,” on which Vvedensky worked together with Elena Safonova. This is a cheerful poetic story of two brothers from cold Leningrad who set off on a journey to the south. The motive of a person’s acquaintance with the world and genuine surprise at everything that happens is one of the main ones in Vvedensky’s work, you cannot deny this to him.

Boris Zhitkov wrote rather tedious pedagogical stories about different professions(“On the water”, “Above the water”, “Under the water”), and curious “why” stories, which he called “encyclopedias for four-year-old citizens” (“What I saw” and “What happened”). In addition, he wrote amazing novel about the revolution of 1905 "Viktor Vavich". He for a long time was not published and practically disappeared, but returned to readers in the late 1990s. Zhitkov himself managed to be a navigator and captain on a ship, work as an ichthyologist and a worker at a machine-building plant. He sailed on ships and submarines, flew in an airplane, and was in India, Japan and Africa. In many ways, it was this experience that helped him to reveal himself brightly in the collections “ Sea stories" and "Stories about Animals" - short but capacious stories about human relationships with animals and nature. In them, Zhitkov tells how smart, curious and brave animals are, how they protect people and each other.

Ilya Marshak, the younger brother of Samuil Marshak, who published under the pseudonym M. Ilyin, was one of the pioneers of Soviet science fiction for children. He regularly wrote magazine columns “Chemical Page” and “Laboratory of the New Robinson”, was published in “Chizh” and wrote stories for children, which formed a full-fledged history of inventions (the collection “One Hundred Thousand Whys”). The book “How Man Became a Giant” became one of the first textbooks on the history of philosophy for teenagers, but its opus magnum is “The Conquest of Nature.” This is a fascinating scientific story about nature, which reflects the main principles of the popular writer. He fought both against useless entertaining counterfeits of a scientific book, and against crude compilations that were passed off as educational literature. M. Ilyin’s texts are still considered a model scientific literature for children - perhaps with a discount on discussions about the destructive nature of capitalism.

Science fiction writer Ian Larry has a truly Dickensian biography. He was orphaned at nine years old, wandered for a long time, worked as a watchmaker's apprentice and as a waiter in a tavern. And during the First World War he was drafted into the tsarist army, but soon went over to the side of the Reds. In the early 1930s, he made his debut with the not very successful story “Window to the Future,” but a year later he rehabilitated himself by releasing the utopian novel “The Land of the Happy.” This is an idyllic picture of a world in which communism has won, people have mastered space, but are faced with an energy crisis, which has shaken the framework of utopia. His most famous book was the story “The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Valya,” which Larry wrote at the request of Samuil Marshak. According to the plot, brother and sister Karik and Valya shrink and go on a journey to the world of insects. Larry combines naturalistic descriptions of the natural world with a wildly twisted plot, which formed the basis of the 1987 film of the same name.