How to celebrate the New Year. How to celebrate the New Year so that it is successful

Cherished dreams and secret desires, good thoughts and faith in the good - all this takes possession of a person on the eve of the mysterious process of changing the year. To New Year was successful and happy, you can try to follow some traditions and rules. They will increase the likelihood that luck and favor will be on your side in 2015.

As for rituals that bring good luck, each nation has its own. Different cultures They will tell you their rules on how to celebrate the New Year so that it is successful. A very popular custom is to light candles on New Year's Eve. It is best to have seven laurel candles in the house, but if you don’t have them, then ordinary ones will do. After you have lit the candles, you need to let them burn out completely. This will help eliminate negativity from your life. In such a situation, when on the eve of the New Year you are restless, candles will also help. You need to light it and tell the flame about everything that worries you, ask for forgiveness, cry. Next, let the candle finish, and when it finishes completely, you will feel renewed and cleansed. Only such people are always accompanied by luck and success.

How to celebrate the New Year to be rich will help next tradition. In the house during the New Year's Eve should prevail green color. Pack a lot in the room indoor plants, put greens and green-colored fruits on the table. Also pay attention that your image is also in this color scheme which attracts wealth.

In Italy, in order for the coming year to be successful, it is customary to get rid of old things. It is believed that by getting rid of old things, you clear space for new, positive and interesting things in the coming year.

The Christmas tree always takes an honorable special place in the series of holidays. Many peoples believed that the thorny branches of spruce helped drive people away from home. evil spirits, who behaves very boldly on New Year's Eve and subsequent holidays. Spruce branches will protect you from troubles, so be sure to put up a Christmas tree for the New Year if you are looking for a way to celebrate the New Year so that it is successful and happy.

And also be sure to decorate to attract love and wealth in the New Year.

Signs of the ancient Slavs, the fulfillment of which will bring good luck in the new year:

Wear something new. This means that in the new year you will always wear new clothes and will not feel the need;

On the first day of the new year, you must be joyful so that the whole year will be the same;

To next year live in abundance, on New Year's table We need to prepare a lot of delicious things and put out delicacies. In general, do not skimp for a happy future;

By the way, you can make it using recipes from our website.

Under no circumstances should you borrow money on New Year's Eve, and it is also necessary to pay off all debts.

If you are thinking about how to celebrate the New Year to get married, then only the magic of a fairy tale will help. New Year's Eve. You will need to take a piece of paper and write your secret desire on it, regarding marriage, of course. When the clock starts striking midnight, you need to burn the piece of paper over your glass of champagne. Then, stir the ashes in it and drink the champagne completely. Remember that all this must be done before the clock stops striking. They say that if you believe and put all your willpower and faith into your desire, it will definitely come true. Try it, don’t doubt that you will succeed!

Symbol of 2015 – Goat (Sheep)

Above we talked about the traditions that were revered by our ancestors: the ancient Slavs. But, in last years More and more often we pay a lot of attention to the eastern symbols of the New Year. It also works and can help in how to celebrate the new year in order to get rich and ensure good luck. It is important to pay special attention to the symbol of the coming year and try to arouse its favor towards you and your family.

Goat or Sheep are a symbol of calm and kindness. Therefore, next year the Goat will become the patroness and will bring good luck to people who will do good or perhaps engage in charity. But the nature of the goat is sometimes restless, this can affect his personal life. This animal really doesn’t like confined spaces, so try to celebrate the New Year in a spacious room, and after the festive midnight, be sure to go outside.

To ensure the protection of the Goat next year, and therefore good luck, you need to celebrate the holiday in green and blue colors. This is due to the fact that the goat of this astrological cycle is blue; by the way, it is also wooden. So, surround yourself with wooden souvenirs and household items. You can also wear a wooden bracelet or brooch. In general, if you need luck, then suck up to the eastern symbol of the year as best you can.

The New Year's table will also help to appease the Goat, which in 2015 brings good luck to the quiet and good people. Be sure to put a lot of greens on the table. You can directly place fresh herbs in cups in the center and corners of the table. Also, there must be a festive phase on the table with fresh fruits and even vegetables. Bake as dessert

The favorite holiday of all those who love continuous fun is approaching. How and This is exactly the topic that this article is devoted to.

So, in the turmoil of numerous hassles associated with choosing an outfit, gifts for family members and friends, preparing your favorite dishes, the most pressing question remains how to celebrate the New Year. Since this is the most democratic holiday on our planet, then no special rules and recommendations in this regard. Everyone chooses the method that they like. Some people love the comfort and warmth of home, some like fiery discos, and some love traveling. In any case, we try to promptly decide on the choice of the venue for the holiday and the methods for holding it.

This night is always associated with the atmosphere of fairy tales and mysticism, so you should think carefully about how to celebrate the New Year. In travel agencies you can always find last-minute tours for this holiday, although even they are quite expensive. If you save enough money in a year, you can afford to go for a holiday week to a place where there is no snow and cold, under the warm rays of the sun, to the sound of the waves of the hot sea.

Of course, this way of celebrating the New Year is quite interesting, but there will probably be people who will not be very happy with this decision of yours. For example, parents who have a completely different idea of ​​how to celebrate the New Year.

Perhaps the most traditional way The holiday is celebrated with a family dinner, the clinking of glasses and the chimes. But from year to year this method loses its relevance; I want novelty and change. This is something worth explaining to parents. It will be great if they agree to go somewhere with you. Then there will be no pangs of conscience, and they will be pleased interesting way how to celebrate the New Year.

The next option would be a holiday with friends. Agree with those who want to spend time in a noisy company, buy everything you need. In this case, you should not abuse alcoholic drinks, otherwise expectations may not coincide with reality at all. And a headache that will torment you for at least two days will prevent you from having fun.

How to welcome newlyweds to the apartment? Remember the traditions that your parents kept from year to year, and add your own to them. Buy a Christmas tree, preferably an artificial one, which you can decorate in your own way every year, think over the dishes that will decorate the festive table. Whether to invite guests or celebrate the New Year with just the two of you is up to you. But in any case, you shouldn’t forget about your family and friends and lock yourself at home for several days. This holiday calls for fun, happiness and sparkle in your eyes, so do your best to achieve it.

How to celebrate the New Year - interest Ask also in terms of clothing. Look in the horoscope to see which animal's year is expected, and try to choose clothes that match the color. They say it brings good luck. You need to wear an outfit that suits you first and foremost, and not just a magazine cover model that makes you, for example, look square.

An important attribute New Year's holidays is fortune telling. Christmas time is precisely the period when prophecies are true and will definitely come true. Explore several ways and surprise your family and friends.

Fireworks will be an interesting and beautiful addition to the New Year. When all the volleys in the city are silent, then light your fireworks so that everyone can see them.

If you are still looking for how to celebrate the New Year, then you can try to combine all the ways - celebrate the holiday with your family, then go to friends, and a few days later give yourself a gift and go on a trip. The most important thing is to maintain a good mood so that it will always be your companion throughout the coming year!

Many are already beginning to think and reflect on how to celebrate the new year 2017 and what delicious things can be prepared. This is the most anticipated holiday in our country, so he wants to give it to his family and friends great mood, a charge of positive emotions, as well as a feeling of miracle and magic.

That is why they begin to prepare for such an event in advance. After all, it is important to think through every detail, from a breathtaking dress or suit to gifts.

Symbol of the year

In fact, the symbol of the coming time - the Fire Rooster - will help you figure out how to celebrate the New Year 2017, what to cook and what to wear.

According to the ancient Chinese calendar, a person has one of twelve patrons. Animals act as patrons. Each of them is capable of changing our destinies, so it is very important to know whose patronage will come in the coming year. After all, this is how you can appease any sign, thereby protecting yourself and your loved ones from failures and losses. Having set the table correctly, prepared certain dishes, and decorated the apartment, we invite the symbol of the year to our home, and in return he gives us generous gifts of fate, joys and fun for the next twelve months.

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Symbol of 2017 - Fire Rooster characteristics of 2017

The fire rooster is one of the most mysterious and interesting representatives Chinese calendar. It is distinguished by elegance, brightness and color. But the key role is played by its element and its color.

The element of fire is a strong thirst for striving upward, overcoming all bad weather and obstacles on its way. The fiery red symbol is endowed with colossal vital energy and resilience. To get such a powerful charge for the entire twelve months, it is important not only to think about how to celebrate the new year 2017, but also what to wear. It is important that the outfit contains a bright fiery red color. You can also use equally luxurious derivatives of this shade - scarlet, burgundy, purple, etc. Colors such as yellow, gold or orange would also look appropriate; they represent the crest of this proud bird. Therefore, if you are tormented by the question of how to celebrate the New Year 2017, start your actions by choosing an outfit of the right color, this will undoubtedly bring good luck and success.

Men are not so selective when choosing an outfit. However, on New Year's Day you should match your partner. Therefore, an elegant suit with a red bow tie or tie is ideal. This combination will look stylish, fashionable and formal.

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It should be remembered that there are a number of costumes that this important bird may not like. We all know very well that roosters are afraid of cats. Therefore, you should not wear outfits with similar prints and patterns - leopard, tiger, etc.

Where to celebrate the New Year

How to celebrate the New Year 2017 is of course an interesting question, but no less important is where to celebrate it. The fiery rooster is an original symbol that tends to adhere to outdated traditions. That is why it is better to celebrate the holiday at home with family and friends. Although we should not exclude the fact that the perky and funny company The extravagant and eccentric fiery rooster may also like it.

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What to cook?

Everyone plans in advance how they will celebrate the new year 2017. But it is very important to figure out what to cook, i.e. develop a menu plan. Many people believe that poultry dishes should be excluded in the Year of the Rooster. But according to Chinese mythology, this is not the case. The correct solution would be to add to festive table chicken dishes. For example, you can use the following recipes.

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What to cook for the New Year 2017 delicious

New Year's dishes for the Year of the Rooster are delicious and simple

Chicken balls with mushrooms

The dish turns out juicy and very tasty.


  • chicken fillet(fresh) – 400 gr.;
  • champignons – 100 – 150 gr.;
  • breadcrumbs (or bread crumbs) – 80 gr.;
  • butter – one tablespoon;
  • olive oil – three tablespoons;
  • wheat flour – 50 gr.;
  • nutmeg (chopped) - half a teaspoon;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • beets – 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • beet leaves, greens (dill, parsley, cilantro, etc.) - for serving (optional).

First you need to chop the chicken fillet. This is best done using a meat grinder. Next, place it on the heated frying pan. butter and then mushrooms. You need to fry the champignons until all the water has evaporated from them. After that, transfer them to a free bowl, adding breadcrumbs, chopped meat, yolks chicken eggs, nutmeg, salt and ground black pepper.

Then you need to form small balls and roll them well in flour. Next, fry on olive oil within 10-15 minutes.

The ideal side dish for this dish would be boiled chopped beets. The red color in the dish will remind you of the symbolism of the coming year. You can decorate this dish with beet leaves and herbs.

Traditional chicken can be replaced with turkey meat. It is incredibly nutritious and at the same time dietary. Therefore, among all the variety on the New Year's table, a turkey dish will look very harmonious.

Turkey with apples


  • medium-sized turkey – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 150 gr.;
  • apples (preferably red) – 4-5 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Provençal herbs and spices - to taste;
  • greens - for decoration (optional).

The first thing you need to do is wash and dry the turkey carcass. Then put it on a baking sheet and put the oven to heat up.

After that, peel and wash the onion. You need to cut it into five or six slices. Chop the apples in the same way, first removing the middle. Next, you should start preparing the dish. The carcass needs to be salted and peppered. Then you should put half the apples, all the onion slices and the necessary spices inside the turkey. Rosemary or basil are good spices; you can combine various Provençal herbs. Place the remaining apples around the turkey.

Melt the butter on the stove, or in the microwave and coat the bird with it using your hands or a pastry brush. To add flavor, you can sprinkle dried spices on top.

Bake the bird at medium temperature for about 1.5-2 hours. For the first hour, it is better to cover it with foil so that it does not burn.

The end result will be bright delicious dish, which will decorate the new year 2017. This is how you should celebrate this fabulous holiday!

The fiery rooster likes everything that is most natural and natural. Therefore, semi-finished products in any form should not be present on the New Year's table. But if it is decorated with exotic seafood, then according to Chinese legends, the owners of the house will live in abundance throughout the coming year.

Many astrologers speak intensely on the topic of how to properly celebrate the New Year 2017. And, in their opinion, dessert should be an integral part of the holiday. The fire bird reveres everything sweet, including fruits.

How to decorate the house and New Year's table

We think in advance about how we should celebrate the New Year 2017, and in this matter, decorating the house and the festive feast is important. After all, in this way a unique atmosphere of magic and miracles is created.

The main thing in New Year's decor is to create a harmonious and bright atmosphere. Each detail should complement each other. Garlands, balls, tinsel and much more are traditionally suitable for decorating the table and home. Particular attention should be paid to the candles, because this is the year Fire Rooster. They must be present in the decoration of the room. The color scheme must correspond to the symbolism; this consists in the predominance of red, yellow and orange shades in everything, including tablecloths, napkins, Christmas tree arrangements, figurines, etc.

But it is worth noting that, unlike last year of the monkey, this year you cannot get carried away with excessive glitter. Therefore, you should not hang too much tinsel or rain. You just need to slightly emphasize the overall decoration with these decorations.

Another important nuance is the decoration of the served dishes. After all, the rooster loves everything refined and elegant. Therefore, think in advance what attributes will decorate your table and food. For example, each treat can be decorated with some red ingredients: tomatoes, caviar, beets, apples, etc.

You can find a lot about how to properly celebrate the New Year of the Rooster, what gifts to give, what to cook and how to decorate the New Year's table. useful information in the Internet. But don't forget to use your imagination. It is very important. After all, only the owners of the house know what kind of atmosphere they would like to create during the holiday.

DIY New Year's candles

Each handmade work retains the warmth and kindness of the author. Therefore, on the eve of the New Year, you can make something memorable and beautiful with your whole family, for example, candles in the form of Christmas trees, snowmen, hearts, houses, etc. Children will especially be delighted with the process.

First, you should purchase the most ordinary candles and remove the wick from them, but do not throw it away. Next, break the candles into small pieces and melt in a water bath. You can use glasses or shot glasses as candle molds interesting shape, a leaf rolled into a cone will help create the silhouette of a New Year tree; using an orange peel you can apply beautiful pattern. For more complex shapes, gypsum blanks are suitable. But they should be prepared in advance.

Before pouring molten paraffin into the mold, you need to place the wick there so that it protrudes beyond the edge of the candle in the future. And after that fill the form.

If you want to make a candle of any other color, you need to add regular dye to the melted paraffin.

You can decorate candles with beads or beads. It's very easy to do. First, hold the candle for a few minutes hot water, and then carefully press these decorations into it. Also, multi-colored ribbons, sparkles, or drawings on wax will look good in the decor.

An interesting technique for decorating candles is decoupage. To do this, you can choose a napkin with a print, or print a picture in advance. Apply to the candle acrylic paint and carefully begin gluing the drawing.

How to celebrate 2017, what to cook and how to decorate your apartment is, of course, up to you to decide. But the holiday atmosphere must be made unique, warm and bright.

What to gift

Thinking about how to celebrate the New Year 2017, what to cook and what to wear is certainly important. But don't forget about gifts. After all, this is an integral part of the holiday.

Initially, you need to think about a gift for the people closest to you - your parents. For them, a gift made by the hands of their child is especially valuable, no matter what age he is. Mom and dad will be immensely happy with a beautiful decorated candle or a tablet case sewn by their daughter’s hands. It could be a sofa cushion or a doll. Fantasy in such matters is not limited to anything. Parents will be glad to receive any attention from their child. If you don’t have time for handicrafts, then in the store you can buy paired sets of gifts: bathrobes, towels, warm slippers, etc.

For guys, the best gift would be various sports paraphernalia; for computer lovers, you can give a keyboard, an exclusive mouse, etc. Girls give preference jewelry. Therefore, earrings, bracelets, necklaces and rings can be presented to them as a gift.

But the most important thing on this holiday is to please the children. Santa Claus must definitely fulfill their deepest desire. Try to find out in advance what kind of toy or other item your children want. For kids, the concept of “surprise” is associated with something flashing, emitting interesting sounds or melodies. Opt for a multifunctional interactive toy. After all, such things can not only entertain the baby, but also teach something new and educational.

For colleagues and friends, you can choose small gifts with the symbols of the year.

How to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017 is up to everyone to decide for themselves. And only in your power to make this holiday shining, rich and unforgettable. Don't forget about good mood and about positive emotions. After all, the main thing is not just to decorate everything beautifully and cook it deliciously - it’s important to enjoy it!