Ilya and Maria Lichtenfeld. Girl of the week: TV presenter and T-Killah's lover Maria Belova. Positive qualities of Belova

A graduate of the journalism department, a DJ in a fashionable metropolitan club, a girl from Euroset advertising, a TV presenter, the ex-wife of a famous Moscow restaurateur and just beautiful girl with an interesting, unique style Maria Belova. Meet us!

Maria, an extraordinary girl. Originality is evident in the smallest details of her wardrobe, and even in the choice of car. As a teenager, Masha dreamed of an American muscle car like a Mustang. Ilya Likhtenfeld fulfilled the dream of his youth by giving the girl a limited edition Dodge Challenger Furious Fuchsia. Now Maria drives around the roads of Moscow in such a handsome car.

Youth, a good figure and good appearance allow you to experiment. Maria also experimented, fortunately, there were not many mistakes. Even black hair, bright makeup and an abundance of accessories look quite harmonious on a girl.

During the courtship of her future husband Ilya, Maria chooses very colorful outfits. Later, she becomes a DJ in one of the establishments of her future husband Gipsy. New hobbies and parties bring even more brightness to the style. It seems that combining incongruous things is the main idea of ​​a girl’s image.

After marriage, the style became more restrained, feminine, and elegant. Inner harmony and calmness are manifested in appearance.

After 2 years of marriage, the first news appeared in the press that the couple had announced a divorce.

Of course, these changes were also reflected in Masha’s style.

A new stage of life - new projects, participation in a TV show as a presenter. All this in a positive way affected the appearance of the heroine. Masha's style has become more fashionable, daring, memorable and sexy.

Details are an integral part of any image.

The evolution of style can be traced with the naked eye. Over time, less provocative makeup, more interesting details, sometimes quite appropriate minimalism.

Masha's varied interests leave their mark on her choice of clothes. Today she is wearing short skirt nuclear color, sweatshirt from

Maria Belova is called one of the most beautiful and charming presenters Russian television. In addition to her attractive appearance, the girl has an extraordinary mind and charm. The journalist’s biography is filled not only with work on the TV channel, but also with vivid stories from her personal life and diverse creative interests.

Childhood and youth

Maria was born in Moscow on August 28, 1989. Grew up and graduated high school in the capital. The Belov family, as the TV presenter admits, is far from the world of television, social life and journalism. Masha’s mother is a psychologist, and her father works in the construction business.

The girl made a decision about choosing future profession on one's own. When Masha told her parents that she would study directing or journalism, the elder Belovs were surprised, but supported their daughter’s desire. The final choice was predetermined by the School for Young Journalists at the same journalism department that the applicant attended.

According to Maria, she was fascinated by the atmosphere. Young people were constantly inventing and organizing projects, life was in full swing. Such intense work fully corresponded to the temperament of an ambitious and inquisitive girl.

Maria Belova entered the Faculty of Journalism of the Moscow state university, which she successfully completed. Already a student, the young beauty begins to build a career as a TV presenter.


The presenter said that during her studies she dreamed of working on radio. I managed to get on FM waves only a couple of times, but the TV camera fell in love with a girl with an attractive appearance. And it would be a shame to hide Maria’s charm and beauty from TV viewers.

Together with a fellow student, Belova is preparing a series of original programs about the daily routine and life of the stream and the faculty. Having turned the series into a reality blog on Internet resources, young people produce short broadcasts.

Soon, the beautiful student successfully passed the casting for an online news portal. True, the project lasted only a year. The journalist first appeared on television in the show Minaev Live. The issue was dedicated to the elections in Khimki.

Having received a diploma professional worker press, Maria becomes the host of a popular science show for young people, and then an invitation to the Russia 24 channel follows, where the journalist continues to work to this day.

The first Machines reports on serious television are dedicated to culture, concerts, and the lives of stars. Special issues about counterfeit products in the fashion industry, the rapper's concerts, and his return to touring made Belova recognizable. Later, the erudite and educated journalist comments on economic news and problems of the country on the channel.

In addition, since 2013, the girl collaborated with the O2 channel, where she hosted the program “Sofa for Gloria.” Stars of cinema, music, architecture, and culture come to visit the presenter for conversation and interviews.

By the way, Maria - versatile personality with an impressive list of interests and hobbies. The girl tries out her skills as a DJ, spinning records in a club in the capital and for close friends. In addition, her chiseled figure and charming appearance allow her to participate in advertising shoots.

Personal life

The heart of a charming beauty could not remain free for a long time. In 2011, the press became aware of the wedding of Maria Belova and the capital's restaurateur Ilya Lichtenfeld. Young people talked about romantic story love with the courtship of a young businessman in love.

At the time when Ilya fell in love with his future wife, the girl was in a relationship. The restaurateur often recalled that the beauty refused to accept signs of attention until she dotted the i’s with Ilya’s rival. The entrepreneur was captivated by the girl’s lack of commercialism.

Maria's chosen one traveled by metro, while the journalist herself had already acquired a car. Often the beauty would give her lover a lift without being embarrassed at all. In the end, the beauty’s heart melted, and Ilya received the hand and heart of the presenter.

The young man recalls that his relationship with Maria remained a pleasant memory, a youthful, reckless love. The man tried to surprise his beloved and fulfill all her dreams and desires. IN adolescence Masha dreamed of an American car in the Mustang style. Having learned about this, Ilya bought his wife a rare Dodge Challenger Furious Fuchsia model. Having been exhausted with customs clearance and paperwork, the restaurateur finally drove the car to his beloved’s driveway.

The grand wedding took place at the Nemirovich-Danchenko Theater. The restaurateur and metropolitan party guru outdid himself in organizing the celebration. And two years later, for unknown reasons, the young people broke up. The press and gossip were at a loss about the reason for the divorce, but ex-spouses left it out of the public domain. Everything happened without scandals, accusations and fuss.

In 2017, Maria Belova appeared at the wedding of Masha Melnikova with her new lover, rapper Alexander Tarasov, known to fans as. The young people did not leave each other, held hands and kissed passionately, not hiding their passionate feelings. By the way, Alexander has already published joint photos with his chosen one on Instagram, only the beauty’s face remained behind the scenes every time.

Masha herself shared in an interview that Alexander is sensitive and caring. A young man is a reliable shoulder and support for a fragile girl.

Maria Belova now

Currently, Maria continues her productive work as a TV presenter on the Russia 24 channel. The personal life of the journalist is developing rapidly. Judging by publications in "Instagram", Maria travels with her beloved, who dedicates songs to the girl she adores, publishes her photos on the covers of new albums. The sultry beauty stars in the singer's videos.

And in May 2018, it appeared on the Internet good news about the engagement of a young couple. T-killah proposed while on vacation in the Maldives. The girl published a touching video of how she, with tears of delight in her eyes, told her mother about her engagement over the phone. Maria's fans and subscribers congratulated the lovers on the joyful event, admiring the beautiful and harmonious couple.

The first time the girl appeared on television was during the broadcast of Minaev Live, which was dedicated to the elections in Khimki. Maria is a Muscovite, graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Masha was born on August 28, 1989.

Positive qualities of Belova

A versatile personality with many interests and hobbies is Maria Belova. The girl's biography is very interesting. You can describe this personality for hours, admiring his beauty and erudition.

Maria started in journalism and graduated from Moscow State University. Even during her studies, she was repeatedly invited to photo shoots and television broadcasts of local television channels. Now it’s not at all strange that Maria is popular with photographers, because the girl not only has beauty and a wonderful figure, she has the opportunity to advertise this beauty on TV.

TV presenter values

At this stage of her career, Masha has changed her role a little: now she is not the one doing the interviews, on the contrary, she has become a rather sought-after interlocutor. In repeated interviews, Maria Belova herself often admitted that the main thing for her is inner world person. That is why for a girl, fashion and fashionable people are a temporary concept, but she wants the eternal soul to be taken into account first of all.

Although Masha is married to the wealthy Ilya Lichtenfeld, she does not consider expensive things to be any kind of necessity. The girl repeatedly said that clothes should be common sense. She herself often dresses in ordinary inexpensive youth stores. Although, one might suspect that there are enough collectibles in the beauty’s wardrobe. It is also worth noting that the presenter values ​​individuality, and a person dressed from head to toe in a must-have loses it.

Samples in various fields

Maria Belova has already tried a lot of things in her life. It is worth noting her success in the fields of film and television. And it began star trek specifically from journalism, because while studying at Moscow State University the girl was published in the press, but did not stay in this field for long. When Maria is asked if she changes her interests and activities too often, the girl is not at a loss and answers that movement is life. Moreover, when a person is engaged in a specific business, he gains a lot of invaluable experience, which will definitely be useful in later life. And regarding the frequent change of occupations, we can say that at this stage of Masha’s career this is a thing of the past.

Now Maria Belova is a fairly successful presenter, and, most likely, over time the girl will only grow in this area.

Maria's husband

IN lately More and more often we hear another name of Belova - Lichtenfeld. Based on the information available on the Internet, one can draw an unambiguous conclusion: Masha, much to the disappointment of her fans, married a famous businessman, Ilya Lichtenfeld.

Maria's husband always communicates with journalists. He was previously married to Miss Odessa 2011, but separated from her. Now the businessman is happily married to Maria. Ilya himself admits that he had to start relationships with mercantile women more than once, but Masha is by no means like that. From what we can see on television and on social networks, this is indeed the case, because the young girl, even though she can now deny herself nothing, continues to work hard, starred in a Euroset commercial and plays records under the stage name Marybe.

According to Ilya, his wife, while in a relationship, refused to accept signs of attention. She dated a guy who rode the subway when she already drove a car, but she didn’t complain about it, and it was this girl’s spiritual simplicity that hooked the wealthy restaurateur Lichtenfeld.

Today, the young couple no longer hesitates to appear at public events. There are many different rumors circulating around Maria and Ilya, but we can simply wish them family happiness and prosperity.

After a hasty divorce from his wife Maria, the capital's restaurateur and businessman Ilya Lichtenfeld did not remain on the lists of eligible bachelors for long in glossy publications. The heart of a generous and magnanimous man was captured by “Miss Odessa 2011” Marina Priemova. The sultry brunette is now fully accepting the advances of the newly made bachelor. At the GQ magazine ceremony, the beauty appeared in a couture outfit by Ulyana Sergeenko (Kim Kardashian recently sported a similar one).

Let us remind you that Ilya Likhtenfeld owns the capital’s clubs Gipsy, Shop&Bar Denis Simachev, FF Bar, as well as restaurants Zyu and Pizza Express. In the social arena, he became famous for his numerous grand gestures both in his personal life and in the charitable sphere. He gifted his former passions with numerous jewelry, cars and real estate, and donated his famous golden Porsche to help those in need, all proceeds from the sale of which went to help the victims in Krymsk.

The marriage to his first wife Masha barely lasted a year

By the way, while the editors are sleeping, SUPER already has a report from the GQ Person of the Year

A graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, Maria Belova first appeared on television in 2012. She worked on an online news channel, after which she hosted a program about people’s lives creative professions and debates about science. For the last four years, Maria has been working on a news channel, covering the business agenda. She told PEOPLETALK about her profession, studies at Moscow State University and love.

My parents are not involved in journalism or television. Mom is a psychologist, dad’s business is related to construction. So 10 years ago, when I announced that I wanted to apply to the faculty of either directing or journalism, they were very surprised.

About education

I chose the journalism department of Moscow State University: before college I studied at the School of Young Journalists (actually, at the journalism department) - I was fascinated by the atmosphere. Journalism students are distinguished by the fact that they constantly come up with and film some projects. I really liked this dynamic.

I really wanted to work on radio while I was studying at the institute, but in the end I was on FM waves probably three times. But I started doing projects with a camera while I was still studying. My friend, a few years older, came up with the idea of ​​a reality show in which we showed a real student life, kind of blogged on Internet TV. Then I auditioned for another Internet channel and hosted news there. True, the channel only existed for a year. After studying, I ended up on real television and hosted a talk show about science for young people, and then I came to the news channel “Russia 24”, where I have been working for the fifth year. At first I worked in the culture department, and then moved to business broadcasting.

I knew about Sasha (28) for a long time. As it turned out now, we have very (very!) many mutual acquaintances. We met a year ago at a charity project. When I was driving to my first meeting, I liked a song on the radio. And I decided to see who was singing it. I think there is no need to describe my surprise when I saw what it was. This evening. Half an hour before meeting him. How to explain this?

Dress, Dorothee Schumacher; jacket, VIVA VOX

In life, Sasha, of course, is different from her on-screen image. And it’s like that for all people: at home and at work we are different. The main thing is that he is decent and obliging. He's mine main support, supports me in any endeavor. I became a better person with him, it’s fun and calm with him. And by the way, he was able to charm my friends without difficulty.