Interview with Kozlovsky is a fanfic based on the fandom Mid Richel “Vampire Academy”, “Danila Kozlovsky”, “Zoey Deutch”, “Vampire Academy. Zoey Deutch: 'I'm not afraid of being irrelevant now' Zoey Deutch

And so, if you don't mind, we can start.

Danila Kozlovsky:

So the first question is: Why did you hide your relationship for so long and what caused you to expose it to the public??

Honestly, I don’t understand it myself. Perhaps I was afraid that Zoya’s relatives would not perceive me as a worthy man for her daughter.

Is this due to the fact that when you wanted to have an affair with Elizaveta Boyarskaya, her father rejected you?

Maybe. With Lisa everything was different; her father took great care of her. Perhaps some people kept silent about this, but in truth, they gave both of us a dressing down. Honestly, I'm glad what happened. This helped me realize that before wooing a girl, you need to show her that you will be her faithful protector and support, always and everywhere. In any situation, be it robbery on the street or help with choosing a dress.

As far as we all understand, you have been in a relationship with Zoe since the beginning of 2014. At that time, she was only 18 years old. You a big difference aged. Doesn't this bother you?

Not at all. Would it bother you if a forty-year-old man was married or dating a thirty-year-old woman? Here. It's the same for us.

As we've already discussed, you and Deutsch have been together since 2014. But at that time you were dating Yulia Snigir. Danila, are you kidding me? Two girls at the same time?

Let's start with the fact that the topic of conversation about Snigir is unpleasant to me. And I'm not kidding. We broke up even when I set foot in Los Angeles. Therefore, if you wanted to accuse me of treason, it didn’t work out.

What was the reason for breaking up with Julia?

Did you expect me to give you the answer to this question?

At least I tried.

Is it just me or have we been talking about the wrong things for almost 10 minutes?

What was your motive for the “alliance” with Zoe? Why did you decide to get into a relationship? Yes, and such relationships.

With us they are completely ordinary. Like all couples in love. Perhaps we were inspired by the story of Dmitry and Rosa. There was also what you consider a “big” age difference. Even if this is true, then “The forbidden fruit is sweet.”

Do you consider yourself a couple in love?

Certainly. I fall in love again and again, every time I see my Zoe. And I believe the same thing is happening to her.

Why do you think that a relationship with Deutsch will not bring you the same results that it did with your previous partners?

She's not like my other girls. Zoey is very difficult to tame. More precisely, it is impossible. This is one of the details that attracts me to her. Zoe is a big baby and I really like that too.

Do you consider her a child?

In my heart, yes. She always creates an atmosphere of childish comfort. She constantly exudes energy, Zoe is like little bunny energizer. Always ready for anything.

How did you manage to hide your relationship for so long? Or did someone know about them?

How did you manage to hide it for so long? The first year we had a normal long-distance relationship. We saw each other a maximum of 4 times a month. Mostly I flew to her. And then we went to the resort in secret from everyone. Our personal resort. It was a pleasure to be around Zoe. I was able to step away from business, forget about work and just relax, like a common person! And no one knew about our relationship, although they guessed, except for our director, Mark Waters. Good man.

Did you have sex with the young Actress?

Certainly. I think it's so obvious. We've been dating for almost three years. Of course we had sex.

How did Mark find out about your relationship? Did he come up close and ask, “Are you dating?” Because I replaced you, how strange are you acting on the court?

In fact. Hahah... It wasn't like that. Zoe and I were late to the set; we had to shoot a new scene for the film, but we were carried away by sleep after a stormy night. And when Mark walked into Deutsch’s trailer, he was a little stunned by what he saw.

How? Danila, did you get into bed with an eighteen-year-old girl?

Well, why did you climb up right away? Moreover, the girl herself was not against it. But then she gave me a hard time because Mark caught us.

And what did he tell you?

They say, “You are adults, figure it out for yourself.”

How does Deutsch feel about your relationship?

At first I saw uncertainty in her, as if she was of two minds. Perhaps she was afraid of discussions from the audience of spectators and relatives.

But not now?

Why do you think I'm sitting here?

So, after all, it was Zoe who insisted on a secret relationship?

Partly. I also thought that it was better to wait and understand whether we needed each other or not.

And what is your opinion?

I need her. Over the years, we have become attached to each other. If I don’t see my Zoe for at least a week, I’m unlikely to be able to live peacefully in this world. Isn't this love?

In the magazine “Psychologies” you said “I understand too little about love.” Has something really changed in such a short time?

Absolutely nothing. Our love with Zoe is like an open book... about Quantum Physics on Japanese... But it’s open!

So is this love after all?

I perceive this as love. Because of her youth, because of her stupidity... Beautiful and somewhat passionate. Even now, I regret that she didn’t come, or that I didn’t go with her.

Where if it's not a secret?

To your family. Mom and sister. We had a bachelorette party, girls...

In honor of what?

How? What are we discussing here now?

Do you have serious intentions to become an Actress?

Yes. I don't think I'll miss this girl anymore. You're welcome. And Zoe is probably the only girl next to whom I feel light and free. Zoe, I love you!

I love clothing as a means of self-expression and respect fashion as an art form. My own style depends on mood. There are days when I like "dressy" men's clothing and wear nice pantsuits. Max Mara creates very beautiful silhouettes. I try to follow trends, but at the same time wear what I feel comfortable in. And in this I also like the brand: in my opinion, they do a great job of creating cool and at the same time classic clothes. At the Max Mara show in February, I loved the black suit and red ensemble that Gigi Hadid wore. That red fluffy coat is very impressive! And the material! The quality is amazing. In general, I make purchases in different ways, sometimes spontaneously, sometimes I take a break to “think”, sometimes I plan shopping. Depends on whether I’m busy or whether there’s a lot of work. And sometimes I wake up and realize that I bought the entire range of the online store during the night!

At Women In Film 2017 Crystal + Lucy Awards, 2017

About influencers

I somehow wondered if the style of the heroines influences my own. Good question. This probably happens. During filming, I don’t really dress up – I simply don’t have time for that, I work 14 hours a day. I arrive at the set just in my pajamas (there are no options here - I haven’t gotten out of the same ones for many years), take off and go home in my pajamas. But there are also weekends - that’s when the style of the character I play can affect! For example, in "Why Him?" my character wears flannel shirts all the time. And I found myself wearing these shirts over and over again on Saturday.

About premieres and vintage

There are two recent projects that I treasure. First of all, I just finished filming The Time Matrix. The film is released on March 3, it is about a girl who relives her last day and death again and again, until she finally understands that she needs to appreciate people and life, which is not something to be taken for granted. This story touches the soul, and I am proud that I could become a part of it. It’s not easy to work on such a topic, but that’s how filming should be. Every day I seemed to take on new role, because the heroine changed dramatically... If in “The Matrix of Time” I am in every scene, then in the film “The Catcher in the Rye” about Jerome D. Salinger, where I played Una O’Neill, I mainly appear at the beginning. The filming gave me the pleasure of immersing myself in the atmosphere of the 1940s, in the world of New York high society of those years. In addition, the opportunity to wear vintage. The silhouettes of that era are captivating. The role was definitely difficult in the sense that I was rooting for authenticity, for doing justice to the heroine - the real one. most interesting person.

Still from the film “Vampire Academy” (2014)

About Danil Kozlovsky and dreams

Some time ago I met Danila Kozlovsky. Isn't he wonderful? I starred with him in the film “Vampire Academy”. Filming took place in London, and the number of people who stopped him and exclaimed “Oh my God, Danila!”, admiring his work, went off scale. Watching Danila's rise, I am once again convinced that you need to work hard, understand that all your time is work time. You have to be in a profession because you love it, and not because you want to be higher. I don't care if I'm a star or not. I love being an actress, a storyteller, and making people feel emotions. I like any genre. I act in both comedies and dramas, and I want to continue in the same spirit. I dream of trying myself in a musical. And also in a Western. I hope to work with Jill Soloway. She is an amazing screenwriter and director, she has a film “Afternoon Bliss”, these are the kinds of challenges I dream about. There is also a great desire to work with David O. Russell. And to be completely frank, the play “Venus in Fur” attracts me. I would like to go out in it theater stage.

At Max Mara Celebrates Zoey Deutch As The 2017 Women

About the award

I was very honored to learn that I was receiving the Max Mara award. I have been attending the ceremony in Los Angeles as a guest for many years and this year I became the 12th recipient of the Max Mara Women In Film Face of The Future award! To be featured by a brand that celebrates the strong and successful women and so dedicated to fighting for their rights, just a dream. Among the winners of previous years there are my friends: Chloe Moretz, for example. Emily Blunt, the award winner, is also my hero. I really love Rose Byrne. Lots of amazing women. And so I entered this narrow circle. The feeling is unreal.

On the eve of the premiere of Mark Waters' new film, one of the roles in which was played by our worthy answer to Hollywood, Danila Kozlovsky, the actor met with journalists to talk about filming with the Hollywood director

When last February it was reported that Danila Kozlovsky had begun filming in the Hollywood adaptation of the novel “Vampire Academy” by writer Rachel Mead, we held our breath waiting for the first news about the new film. Of course, his co-star in the person of Zoey Deutch and Lucy Fry, as well as Mark Waters, who took the director's chair, were a little wary, but still hope did not fade away.

The first trailer for the film confirmed our fears: the next sequel to “Twilight,” “Enchanted,” will soon be released. and other vampire nonsense, suitable only for the unformed consciousness of teenagers.

To figure out what was going on and what prompted Danila to agree to the film, we went to a press conference with the actor ahead of the premiere new history about dhampirs, Moroi, strigoi and other evil.

The meeting with Danila was scheduled at publishing house"Kommersant" on Vrungel Street. The punctual actor, having attended a photo call at the Metropol Hotel, arrived at the place at the appointed time, ready to answer all the journalists’ questions.

It is not surprising that more than half of the meeting participants were female, looking admiringly at the ideal example of male beauty, strength and charm. In such a situation, questions to the actor about, to put it mildly, an unmasterpiece movie did not seem appropriate.

We have selected the most interesting answers from Danila Kozlovsky, voiced at the press conference:

About the casting:

“A year and a half ago, I had an internal crisis. I realized that I needed a break. Intuitively, I wanted to go to New York. My English agent, when he found out that I was going to come, decided to arrange meetings with casting directors. A few months later, Richard (the agent) arranged for me to try out on Skype with Mark Waters, who was in Los Angeles at that moment. And I was in a Moscow apartment, it was minus 30 degrees outside and it was 10 am.”

About English:

“When they told me that I was approved, I didn’t understand it in English. So I nodded. I always nod when I don’t understand what they’re talking about (laughs).”

About filming:

"If you signed the agreement, everything is yours amazingly support, help, inspire. Of course, they received me wonderfully, the level of professionalism is incredible! They create maximum comfort conditions for you, but please, work.”

“Work in the pre-shooting period works like this: you receive a schedule according to which a car picks you up every day at 7.30 am. Until 8 pm, the day is scheduled minute by minute, with an hour break for lunch.”

About Zoey Deutch:

"Zoe is 19 years old. Sometimes her filming lasted 14-15 hours. She always worked with great dedication. I never heard her complain."

About London:

“The filming took place in London. I arrived in the city, and it was like Chekhov’s: “I’m moving to Paris: cold, dirty, damp.” The same thing: cold, damp, but not dirty. And a huge storehouse of observations: people, characters, a whole collection of characters. The absolute center of the world."

- Danila, they say that actors in Hollywood are monstrously demanding of those around them, monstrously punctual... Did you somehow manage to experience this for yourself?
“I was able to feel that people in Hollywood - actors, producers, and directors - are mega-professional, talented and punctual. Demanding in terms of profession, dedication and commitment to your work and very grateful if you actually work for a film. They all understand that everyone depends on each other. They cannot set each other up, they don’t want to, because everyone values ​​their reputation, their place and business. Everyone loves it. And if they get together for something, then they do it as well as possible.

Zoey Deutch and Danila Kozlovsky in the film “Vampire Academy”

- How did it happen that the highest grossing Russian actor and then ended up in such a vampire story?
— I was in New York about a year and a half ago and there I met with several casting directors. These were just meetings, without any obligations on both sides, just a foundation for a possible future. And he left from there. Six months later, my agent called me and said: “You can try out for New film" I tried out. The auditions were via Skype. Mark, in the name of saving time, decided to act directly. All materials were sent to Los Angeles, and the main decisions were already made there with the producers. I was approved. And after some time it turned out that Marcy, a casting director who works with Mark Waters all the time, was dating one of her colleagues, who, in turn, is friends with one of the casting directors with whom I met, when I was in New York. And they just sat and talked, Marcy complained that she couldn’t find an actor for such and such a role, told what was the matter, and she said: “A Russian artist came to my friend about a year and a half ago, maybe it makes sense to you.” try? So they contacted me through my agent, and that’s how I got into the project.
- So, it turned out to be a kind of handshake?
- Maybe a handshake... But it turned out like this, in an absolutely amazing way.
- Since not everyone has read the book, tell us about your role. Is this the role of a bad Russian? What kind of character is this?
— Your question itself suggests that almost everything Lately Russian heroes in films are only bad. No, this is the main male role, this is a positive role, a romantic, so to speak, hero, a mentor at the academy. This is a person who falls in love, who is passionate, who has the most wonderful human qualities and repeatedly proves this.
- That is, the stereotype that Russians should only be cast in the roles of bad Russians, in in this case didn't work?
- Fortunately, no, and it is a great joy for me that my country and my nation are represented in a slightly different image than the one to which everyone is accustomed.
- How did you prepare for the film? Have you watched or read the books?
— I didn’t watch “Twilight” on purpose, firstly, because it’s completely different stories, and secondly, so as not to get into the mood, so to speak. Of course I read the books. I studied in the gym, studied with an English teacher, with a dialect teacher directly when I was working on the text of the script. There were rehearsals with stuntmen, a special diet. Well, rehearsals with Mark Waters.
- Diet? Did you have to lose weight for the role?
“I had to swing myself, become bigger.” Be a pumped up hero. He is a fighter after all.

Still from the film “Vampire Academy”

- Do I understand correctly that in terms of mood this is still closer to than to “Twilight” or?
- Probably, yes... Although neither to one nor the other, in fact. This is more like, there is something in it from this film, because Mark wonderfully knows how to work with this aesthetics, culture, with this bare texture, with high classes. Only the heroes are vampires. This is their peculiarity. There's a lot of action there, two love lines, which, it seems to me, complement each other and develop in an unusual way.
- Why is it that in Russia they shoot more “seriously and for a long time”, with the edification of posterity, while in Hollywood even independent directors are not shy about such experiments? Vampires, zombies... Go and film this here. Only if there are independent directors somewhere in Vladivostok...
- I don’t know, honestly. Firstly, they know how to work with such material. Secondly, there already is a certain mythology, its own culture of this kind of films, and people allow themselves to be in in a good way serious about all this, although with a healthy sense of irony. While playing, they truly believe in it, and this is wonderful, because cinema is a magical thing, and here you need to be a child, you need to look at it, so to speak, with a child’s eye. Professional, but childish. Americans allow themselves more in this sense than we do. We are somehow too lenient about this. Maybe this is one of the reasons, although I'm probably wrong.
- He said that you and he had already started filming with him. Can you tell us more about this project?
— The first project in which I will try to perform in a completely unusual role for myself. As a producer. Well, more commonly, as a performer of one of the roles. Lisa and I are trying to tell in this film wonderful story, which was written by Pasha Ruminov. I'm really looking forward to it. We will start in March. Working title The film is, to put it very simply, about how a boy was abandoned by a girl, and he is trying to cope with it. There are three phases. The first is when he hates, a very understandable phase. The second is when he tries to get her back, and the third is when, with her help, he understands that there is a lot of wonderful things in their separation, no matter how terrible it may sound, and a lot of positive and correct meaning - in the future, naturally, when everything is already over. And that you shouldn’t be afraid to break up when it’s impossible to return anything, that you need to move on. And sometimes you become much closer to this person, gain incredibly important experiences, feelings, emotions that later help you move on.

Danila Kozlovsky as a blind albino in the film “Hardcore”

- Is everything completely different?
— Ilya Naishuller has a completely different story, unusual for me, it’s such a first-person story, and this is my first experience when I portray something completely negative hero, scoundrel and scoundrel. A blind albino who has telekinesis. We'll see at the end of next year.
- What about?
— We are writing a script. It's not ready yet.

Acting is in her blood. And this is not just a nice turn of phrase. Remember Michael J. Fox's mom in Back to the Future? IN real life This is Zoe's mother, actress Lea Thompson. And her father is the director of the 1986 cult film “Pretty in Pink,” Howard Deutch. If her name and face still don't mean anything to you, just watch one of the recent comedies starring Zoe and James Franco, Why Him? - hilarious couple. Or pick up the film “Vampire Academy” from the archives to appreciate her duet... with Danila Kozlovsky! Critics are favorable towards the Hollywood heiress and have already seen in her future star"A+". Her abilities were also appreciated by Max Mara - this year Zoey Deutch received the “Face of the Future” award as part of the traditional Women in Film project.

ELLE Your uncle is a famous dancer, your mother started her career with ballet, and you also danced. What place does this type of art occupy in your life today?

ZOEY DEUTCH I was a terrible ballerina. (Laughs.) But dance is still a huge part of my life; half of my family does ballet. This is an art form absolutely pure in its beauty - ballet dancers are able to tell a whole story only with body language and can evoke the strongest feelings without a single word, only with movement. For me, in ballet everything is tied to the artists - strict physical and emotional discipline is required of them, and only thanks to their colossal work this art becomes so spectacular.

ELLE Does big cinema also revolve around actors?

Z.D. I think now the era of women is coming in cinema - and it doesn’t matter whether they are actresses or producers, screenwriters or editors. So you go to the cinema to see “Wonder Woman” and see her on the screen. But this fictional character, but real superheroines are behind the scenes too. And it is very important to show girls, young women and women that they can achieve great heights. One of my friends wrote to me straight from the cinema while watching Wonder Woman: “Now I understand why guys are always so confident in themselves.” If there were as many films about female superheroes in the world as there are about men, I might also walk down the street with my head held high and think that there is no problem that I cannot overcome.

ELLE Nevertheless, competition among women is great. These used to be muses for all times, but today one actress replaces another in a month. Aren't you afraid of such speeds?

Z.D. No, not really. It was never my goal to become a superstar. I'm just an actress and I want to play - on stage, in films or in TV series. The main thing is to find an inspiring role and feel the same way as my character. Therefore, I am not afraid of being irrelevant, rather I am afraid of losing interest in my business.

ELLE A point of view worthy of Face of the Future Award winner Max Mara!

Z.D. This award is a huge honor. I am flattered that Max Mara saw this potential in me, and I will definitely work even harder to prove that I am worthy of this title. The clothing of this brand itself is a uniform modern women, something like armor or armour. In it you always have a confident gait, and you hold your head higher and your back straighter. I tested this out for myself the first time I wore a black Max Mara pantsuit. Hmm... I haven't seen it for a long time... Most likely, my sister stole it!

ELLE I can’t help but ask this question: how did you like working with Danila Kozlovsky?

Z.D. He's cool, kind and very, very handsome! When we were filming Vampire Academy, I had no idea that he was so famous! I remember it was in London, and every time we went out, the girls simply couldn’t control themselves when they saw Danila. I then joked: “Why didn’t you say before that you are Russian Brad Pitt!” There was also funny incident- I was interviewed by a Russian journalist in Milan, and as soon as I mentioned Danila’s name, she immediately blushed. I ask: “Do you know him?” And then she became as crimson as a tomato and barely whispered: “Yes...” So officially Danila is the terror of all women. I personally confirm this!

“Faces of the Future” Max Mara

Hailee Steinfeld, 2013