The art of dark matter or the taming of adepts read. Ideas about the origin of dark matter. Is there a lot of dark matter around us?

The Art of Dark Matter

Or the taming of the adepts


Have you heard the news yet? - the red-haired fifth-year student addressed his comrades at the stand with the schedule.

Only the deaf didn’t hear it,” the blond chuckled in response, rewriting lectures and practice times for the first week of school. - You can see the changes in the schedule. “The art of dark matter,” the militant said mockingly, removing his long bangs from his forehead. “We used to fight it, but now we’re studying it.” The undead are not enough for us...

So, because of the undead, we will study in order to recapture the southwestern coast from the arch-liches,” another fifth-year student disagreed. “My father says the situation is dire: no matter how much you kill them, they are reborn again.” The king spends his treasury on maintaining the army, but there is no use.

Didn’t your father say that the new course will be taught by a new rector? - a cold, slightly mocking voice came from behind the guys. Everyone, as if on cue, turned around and smiled.

Dark Lanaire is the son of the king's advisor. He knows exactly: what, where and when.

I heard the rector is a woman,” the red-haired man chuckled. Everyone looked at Dark.

Not a woman,” he winced. - Drow. A drow is feminine, mistakenly called a woman.

Drow have been serving in the royal guard for a long time, what's the big deal? - the blond did not agree. - Only, a woman cannot manage the Royal Academy of Magic, where most of the adherents are men, which she was not.

Dark Laner did not agree, but he was not going to explain to everyone that fifteen years ago his mother died in the war between people and drow.

Do you think she beagle, like the rest of the drow? - asked the fair-haired one.

“Hardly,” Dark shrugged indifferently. - Father didn't say anything. Only that she made a scientific discovery in magic and subjugated dark matter.

If she’s an infantile young lady, things will be tough for all of us, and we might not get to the magic tournament,” the red-haired man reasoned sensibly.

“Whoever fools the rector will dance with him,” the blond suggested grinning, his green eyes sparkling, already anticipating the fun. “The sooner we get rid of the female rector, the sooner we will save the reputation of the academy, and they will return a normal man to us,” he explained.

“I’ll bet a tithe that I’ll be the first to handle it,” the red-haired man said, smiling.

“I would bet on Dark,” the fair-haired man disagreed. - He has more experience with skirts.

“I’m not going to fool her,” Laner said hostilely. - We will finish her off, so she will leave on her own.

What if he doesn’t leave? - the fair-haired man asked suspiciously. Somehow he couldn’t believe that the drow could be “driven.”

“We won’t leave her a choice,” Dark said confidently.

He said goodbye to his fellow students and headed to his room to sort out his things. The thought that one of the best academies would be run by a woman, and a drow at that... drove him into a cold rage...

Chapter One

And it all started with a scientific discovery...

I stopped at the castle gates, looking around where fate and my desire to help the Northern Kingdom had taken me. Well, Niana... well done. Helped...

Get the position of rector and sign up.

Tweet! Whoa, whoa!

The Lifurinsky steppe owl made a turn and, extending its claws, sat on the outstretched hand.

A drow girl would sit in a detachment and not stick out her bastard sword. It was good for you, Lieutenant Deif, at government meals, in the open air, and by the night fire, on the battlefield next to the burnt bodies of the undead. But no, the drow decided to distinguish herself and turn on the clever girl. Out of boredom and, apparently, idleness, the drow made a scientific discovery. Took and subjugated dark matter. She transformed the whole thing and destroyed the undead in a few days.

His Majesty Asker el Kelv was very happy, and so was the damned, ever-stern advisor. Both of them were very happy, raised their glasses to me, sang praises in unison, so harmoniously...

And then a new appointment, sign here and here, you don’t need to read the fine print...

Humor and irony are good. They help in battle, strengthen their spirit, and give a worthy rebuff to their colleagues. Let's see, Lieutenant Deif, how they will help you within the walls of the Academy of Royal Magic.

Fani let out a long squeak, confirming my worst fears. The Academy is not waiting for me and I am not at all welcome. Actually, I wasn’t expecting honors or red carpets, but I would have liked some banal respect, which apparently hasn’t been heard of here. But in vain...

Having crossed the threshold of the majestic castle, consisting of several buildings and buildings, three floors high, I forgot about all kinds of irony and again turned into the stern lieutenant Deif, who was raised in the drow camps. By the way, legends are made about the upbringing of drows. And they scare children before bed...

The first thing I didn’t like was the lack of guards and any control at the entrance. Come in, whoever wants, take what you want. You can carry out adherents in packs, no one will be missed. Well, maybe just the stone gargoyle at the entrance.

Niana Deif. “I arrived to take up the position of the new rector of the Royal Academy of Magic,” she reported to the secretary, handing over a rolled up document certified by signature and seal. - Call me the caretaker, please.

I looked around the administration reception area, the secretary was too beautiful and young, in my opinion.

And Mister Toirot...” the girl began, but she was embarrassed under my stern army gaze, looking at Fani and squeaked, “I’ll find him now,” she got up and rushed to the exit.


An unprecedentedly accurate calculation of the expansion rate of the Universe made it possible to abandon one of the alternative hypotheses for the nature of this phenomenon. The dark energy theory is gaining weight. The universe is expanding, and at an ever-accelerating pace. According to the most accepted theory today, the cause of this expansion is dark energy, a certain phenomenon, the nature of which is completely unclear, but which acts opposite to gravity - that is, it pushes matter apart. However, this is a really dark question, and there are a number of alternative explanations for the observed rate of expansion of the Universe.

According to one of them, our galaxy is located in a giant “bubble” of almost empty space, extending over 8 billion light years. The expansion of such a bubble, containing almost no matter, will occur faster than the rest of the Universe.

Calculations show that if we are located close to the center of this sphere, when observing distant galaxies, the illusion of their accelerating retreat will be created, although in reality it occurs at a constant speed, or even slowing down.

However, a recent study carried out by a group of astronomers led by Adam Riess using the Hubble orbiting telescope made it possible to make particularly accurate measurements of the expansion rate of the Universe (the value of the Hubble constant was refined to an uncertainty of 3.3%, i.e. almost a third is better than the previous figure).

The expansion rate of the world was 73.8 km/s per megaparsec. In other words, with every million parsecs (3.26 million light years) moving away from us, the object runs away faster by these 73.8 km/s. Each refinement of this figure allows us to test the effectiveness of theories explaining this process and improve them. And in this case, apparently, put an end to one of them. The fact is that calculations carried out within the framework of the “empty bubble” hypothesis showed that the speed of the “illusory accelerating” expansion of the Universe should be 65 km/s per megaparsec. Now it has become clear that with an uncertainty level of 3.3% this is almost impossible.

However, one of the authors of the work, Lucas Macri, reasonably notes that the feeling that this hypothesis is incorrect arises immediately. He says: “The strangest thing about it is that you have to accept that somehow we ended up almost exactly in the center of this bubble. The chances of this happening are negligible."

The most interesting thing is that in RuNet periodically you come across entries in forums and blogs that point to a certain theory that easily explains dark matter and energy, while remaining consistent. The name of the theory is even mentioned - SVT. And even her Russian origin. However, this is where the information about her ends...

Mo Fan returned to Guangzhou. Ping Zhoulong showed with all his appearance that he had urgent business with Mo Fan.

Mo Fan thought that he had managed to obtain information from Xiao Ping’s assistant, but the magician led him to the underground floors.

Mo Fan would never have thought that there was a magical training ground under the Guangzhou Tower, and Ping Zhoulong himself turned out to be its boss. With a mysterious look, he led Mo Fan into an isolated room made of white steel.

In front of Mo Fan there was a large four-layer glass, through which he saw another room. Blackened remains were laid out on a device similar to an operating table.

“Old Ping, did you bring me here on purpose to show me this blackened mummy?” Your strange look unnerves me,” Mo Fan turned to the magician.

Ping Zhoulong had a calm, good-natured character. He was not a good battle mage, but just like Director Xiao, he loved conducting magical research.

- Don't recognize him? - asked the magician.

- Your mother! Just looking at these coals makes me sick. Why should I know this?

- Oh, boy! Weren't you the one who brought Master Bei's remains? He brought this into our association in broad daylight and scared a bunch of people! — Ping Zhoulong answered displeasedly.

“I brought him to report what happened to the Linyin Court.” And you saved this...

“You and Bei Jiang have a similar, very specific feature.” Do you know what this is?

“Speak already, or I’ll go.” “I need to train,” said Mo Fan.

- Yes, yes. I wanted to say that your natural talent is of a similar nature. He also awakened two elements at once at the very beginning. Its elements were shadow and chaos, and the most interesting thing is that the two elements shared the same spiritual path! - Ping Zhoulong blurted out enthusiastically.

— Two elements with one spiritual path? “Mo Fan heard about such a phenomenon for the first time in his life.

Various magical elements are compatible with each other. Many powerful magicians, having reached high or higher levels, can weave two elements together, but only because they can form star clouds very quickly. But no one can connect them at the same time.

The simplest example is Mu Ning Xue. She often uses the wind element and the ice element together. For example, she can create an ice hurricane. But she uses both verses separately and combines them with the help of a developed power of control.

But judging by the words of Ping Zhoulong, the two elements of Master Bei were so united together that they even had one spiritual path. This violates all scientific theories...

This violates the theoretical foundations of magic. The nine-year magical education course clearly states that each element has its own spiritual path. This is the immutable law of magic.

“He awakened two elements, but they merged together. Doesn't this mean that there is another element - dark chaos? - asked Mo Fan.

Ping Zhoulong shook his head and said in a rehearsed manner:

- No, no, no. This is not a new element at all. All signs point to the presence of two elements - shadow and chaos. But the shadow element is stronger. His unusual talent proves that two elements can still merge together, which can lead to completely unexpected and unusual effects. For example, his dark infestation is controlled by the shadow element. But the distortions of his shadow sphere... if I can prove the possibility of merging different elements, then this will lead to a major revision of the entire system of elements!!

- Well, I'm a bad student. “I don’t understand your deep thoughts at all,” Mo Fan felt awkward.

He was a complete ignoramus in the history of magic, the theory of magic and magical research. He didn't get past the headings in his school exams.

- Ha ha! It’s okay, I myself was able to understand this only by delving into the question. But the fact that you managed to catch Master Bei may provoke a new stage in the study of magic. Although I still cannot understand what contributed to the process of combining the two elements, I will continue research in this direction. Just think, if we discover the secret of combining different elements, the powers of magicians will increase significantly! And we will no longer sit behind the safe barriers of cities...” Ping Zhoulong said excitedly.

- I understand. But I'm not very good at this - making humanity happy. I'll leave this debt to your discretion. Well, I'm off! — Mo Fan answered.

-Where are you in a hurry? I didn't have time to say, we want to do a couple of studies on you. Our magic association has already sent people to capture you for research. They wanted to see if this property could be copied. But we immediately abandoned this idea, everyone has long known that the awakening of two elements is a property of the human body, and this cannot be copied... - continued Ping Zhoulong.

Mo Fan rolled his eyes. Only now did he realize that all the graceful manners of this elderly magician were explained by his passion for science. As soon as it came to the technical aspects of magic, he himself could act out a whole scene of doubt, searching, inspiration and finding the answer.

- If that's all, then I'll go! — Mo Fan repeated meaningfully.

“Yes, yes, go,” Ping Zhoulong suddenly became absent-minded.

Mo Fan hurried to get out of this place. After all, Ping Zhoulong was the head of the research department of the Southern Association, you shouldn’t quarrel with him!

Mo Fan headed towards the exit, but then the mysterious voice of Ping Zhoulong was heard behind him:

“Well, if you don’t want to get Bey’s abilities in shadow magic, then, of course, go ahead.” There are a lot of shadow magicians in the association who will be on their knees begging me for such an opportunity. I thought that since you brought him here, if we find something, we should consider you first. I didn’t think that you would be completely uninterested and look at such an opportunity with contempt.

Mo Fan’s hand froze over the door open button. His expression gradually changed from hostility to interest!

“Ah, I was thinking that I don’t have to rush.” Old Pin, can we have dinner together? I invite you. I always wanted to express gratitude to you from the younger generations, but there was never an opportunity,” Mo Fan turned around. There was already a wide smile on his face.

“Indeed, I have never met such an impatient young man!” - Ping Zhoulong exclaimed.

“You mean you want to extract Master Bei’s dark powers??” - asked Mo Fan.

After killing Master Bei, Mo Fan didn’t even think about such things, because neither spiritual nor soul seeds can be extracted.

— My main element is the element of necromancy. I can keep in touch with the dead. “In my opinion, all the remains are a whole wealth,” said the elderly magician.

- That's how it is! Then it’s clear why you were able to get to the bottom of the peculiarities of Bei’s magic,” Mo Fan nodded.

— Extracting energy from the bodies of the dead was the main direction of my research while studying at the university. Death means the withering away of everything; this is an urgent law. I managed to extract toxic antibodies from the siren’s body and achieve immunity to its poison in sailors. I also managed to get the summoned creatures of deceased magicians, and not allow them to get lost on the outskirts of the summoning world due to the death of the owner. Also I...oh wait, wait!! How impatient you are! What I'm saying is that I've already managed to extract dark matter from Bey's remains.

It did not dissipate at all after his death, but rather accumulated, absorbed all the dark energy around it and turned into something similar to the energy of an elemental seed, dependent on the spirit of Bei. Now the main difficulty remains: how to separate dark energy from Bey’s spirit. Dark matter is closely intertwined with his soul, and it is quite possible that if you want to absorb his dark powers, you will also have to absorb Bey's essence. But I am afraid that it may have a strong negative impact on you.

- So I can use this black matter?

“You won’t be able to take over his natural talent, but you can get his special dark magic.” Through diligent training, you will be able to master his specific ability to control the shadow element, and even master the ability of dark infestation. You should know that dark magic is very often closely related to the conclusion of a contract. You can consider this dark matter as an inanimate summoning creature. After the death of the owner, this matter can find a new one... But I repeat once again, this matter is closely connected with the spirit of Master Bei. And if you consider the killer’s hatred towards you, then as soon as you absorb his dark matter, his spirit can attack you! - said Ping Zhoulong.

“Shadow magic control, dark infestation, that’s enough!” Hurry up! Tell me what to do! — Mo Fan exclaimed excitedly.

To date, there is no scientific evidence about what causes matter to be alive and intelligent. But more recently, a hypothesis has appeared, which, if confirmed, may shed light on this mystery.

The hypothesis arose on the basis of an analysis of the structure of known matter, the general patterns of its organization, and known facts, albeit sometimes controversial.

About the facts

It is also known that in the macrocosm there are two main types of interaction: gravity and electromagnetism. If we consider only static interactions, we can talk about two types of charges - gravitational charge (mass) and electric charge.

The gravitational charge is unitary. No negative mass is observed. All massive objects attract each other. Electric charge is binary. There are negative and positive charges. Like electric charges repel each other. Gravitational charges and electric charges do not interact with each other.


The question arises: isn’t there a type of charge that cannot interact with the known two, and its carriers could exist in the form of matter freely penetrating through matter? In nature, everything is subject to certain laws. If you try to logically continue the “line” of known charges, then the next one you should get is some trinary charge, which in the hypothesis is called T-charge(the two known ones are G-charge and E-charge). Its carrier should be a candidate for the role of dark matter.

Thiones and thiony

The T-charge carrier is named tion. This is a difficult to detect elementary particle. If thions exist, then there should be three types. The trinary charge of thions is unusual. These are three signs of charge, each of which is opposite to the other two. We denote the charges of three opposite signs by the letters a, b, c. Then the types of thiones are Ta, Tb, Tc.

The sum of three unit opposite T-charges is equal to zero 1a+1b+1c=0. The total charge of two thions forms a negative charge of the third type: 1a+1b= -1c.

In addition to the T-charge, thione has a small mass, spin, and the ability to polarize in a weak electromagnetic field with the formation of an electric dipole. Three thions of different signs can form a stable atomic structure tionia- “substances” based on thiones (such a substance is no more unusual than positronium).

Gravitational interaction in space can condense thiionium, like any matter. The intrinsic T-interaction “holds” thionium atoms together like ordinary atoms of matter. In this case, an amorphous state of thiionium, which is usual for large spaces of the Universe, and a “crystalline” state of thiionium, when thionium atoms form a regular structure, are possible. In what follows, we will use the word crystal without quotation marks.

Thionium and biology

Crystallization requires the presence of an organized system of electromagnetic fields. In nature, such a system of electromagnetic fields is formed by the nervous system of animals and humans.

Alternating electromagnetic fields polarize thions, and transfer momentum and energy to already polarized thions, causing internal oscillations in thionium, which lead to crystallization when the excitation is not chaotic. The entire thionium crystal becomes similar in structure to a computing device. Feedback with the nervous system is carried out through the excitation of electromagnetic fields in it by polarized ions.

The tandem of a biological object and a thionium object can continue to exist as long as the nervous system works. After the nervous system stops working, the thiionium crystal can continue to exist for some time.

If channels of communication between biological objects have been developed over the course of life, then a free crystal can be fueled by the energy of other biological objects, which extends its lifespan.

Life requires the presence of a nervous system in organisms. Even the simplest organisms have a primitive coordinating center and conducting system. The more complex the nervous system, the more complex the organization of the thiionium crystal associated with it. Such an additional “computing” system in the form of a thionium crystal can significantly enhance the capabilities of consciousness by carrying out subconscious calculations and analysis of large amounts of data, which allows a person to make correct predictions over large time intervals.

It is possible that these crystals can interact with each other, which manifests itself as mass consciousness, the transmission of thoughts at a distance.

It is possible that the organization of the biological nervous system is possible only in the presence of a thione template...

Experiment. How to detect dark matter?

If the proposed hypothesis is correct, then an experiment can be proposed to detect the existence of dark matter.

The main idea of ​​the experiment is that in some part of the evacuated volume, where the presence of dark matter is assumed, an alternating electromagnetic field is created, which should polarize the thioniums and transfer some energy through them to the thionium volume, exciting internal oscillations in it.

In another part of the volume it is necessary to create a static electric field. In this case, the ions already oscillating at a given frequency are polarized, which will lead to the formation of electromagnetic oscillations, the detection of which is not a problem. The influence of interference from the exciting field on the experimental result can be reduced if the correlation of the level of the measured signal with the presence or absence of a constant electric field is recorded.

The exciting field does not have to be strong, but a certain structure of this field is required so that internal vibrations in thionia can be detected in the volume where the op detector is installed.