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Two children are visited by a fairy who asks them to find the Blue Bird to heal her granddaughter. To help them, she gives them a magic cap and the souls of objects. They go on a journey to the Land of Memories, the Castle of Night, the forest, the cemetery, the Gardens of Beatitudes and the Azure Palace. However, the birds are nowhere to be found. Waking up at home in the morning, a neighbor who looks like a fairy comes to them. Having learned about her granddaughter's illness, the children's mother persuades her son to give the girl his turtle dove. In the boy's eyes, the turtledove turns into a Blue Bird. However, when handed over to the girl, the bird flies away. The boy promises to find a new bird.

The story teaches that there is no need to look for happiness somewhere, it is always waiting nearby, you just need to be able to notice it.

Read the summary of Maeterlinck's Blue Bird

On a winter night, an old and scary woman comes to the woodcutter. She is allowed into the house by the owner's children, Tiltil and Mytil. She claims that they need to go on a journey to find the Blue Bird, because only she can cure the old woman's granddaughter of the disease. To help them, she gives Tiltil a magic cap. If you spin a diamond on it, then a person will be able to see the true souls of the environment. When the boy turns the diamond, everything in the house begins to change and come to life. The old woman turns into the fairy Berylyuna, and pets take on the appearance of a person. Their souls emerge from various things. Suddenly someone knocks on the door and the boy spins the diamond. Everything falls into place, but the Souls of Light, Fire, Water, Bread, Sugar and Cat and Dog did not have time to return. The fairy tells them to also look for the bird, but most of them refuse. However, the fairy leads everyone to her palace. There, secretly souls are trying to create a plan for rebellion. The leader is the Cat. She claims that if a person has the Blue Bird, he will gain power over the souls of all things, elements and animals. Only the Dog objects to the Cat. The fairy, children and Soul of Light return and everything calms down.

The children's first travel destination is the Land of Memories. In this place they meet their deceased brothers and sisters, as well as their grandparents. They play with the children, and then sit down to dinner with the whole family. Before leaving, Tyltil and Mytil ask to be given the bluebird. However, after leaving the Land of Memories, they see that the bird has turned black.

The travelers continue their search and enter the domain of Night. However, the Cat is ahead of everyone and warns the hostess about the arrival of the guests. The night has no right to prohibit people from opening the gates of its domain and only hopes that the children will not be able to find anything. At the same time, the hostess is cunning and deceives Tiltil. However, he does not listen to her and slowly opens the doors of the rooms of the palace, where signs of illness, war, etc. live. When he reaches the large door, Night says that he has already seen enough and this one definitely shouldn’t be opened, because the most menacing visions live here. All the travelers hide, except Tyltil and the Dog. Opening the door, they see a beautiful garden where many birds with blue plumage flutter. The travelers rejoice and catch the birds, but they all soon die because they turned out to be not real.

Next, the children look for the magic bird in the forest and in the cemetery, but they are again accompanied by failure. Afterwards they find themselves in the Gardens of Beatitudes. Here the Fat Blisses try to draw travelers into their amusements, but Tyltil, with the help of his cap, distances himself from them. A little further, the children see other, beautiful creatures and these turn out to be domestic Bliss. Having learned about the appearance of children, they call on angel-like creatures - Great Joys. Seeing the Soul of Light, the Great Joys call her as their ruler and ask her to throw back the veil so that they can learn new Truths and Bliss. The Soul of Light replies that the time has not yet come. Hugging, she says goodbye to her new acquaintances.

The last point of the journey is the Azure Palace in the Kingdom of the Future. Here children meet those children who will one day be born, including their future brother. However, having met Time, who is angry that they snuck here, Tyltil turns the stone on his cap.

The travelers find themselves at home, and it’s time for everyone to return to their places. Bread gives Tiltil an empty cage. The woodcutter's hut is transformed, the day comes. Tyltil and Mytil sleep peacefully in their cribs. Their mother wakes them up and they tell her about their journey. After some time, their neighbor Berlengo comes, whom the children recognize as a fairy. She recalls in a conversation about her sick granddaughter, who would like to have Tiltil the turtledove. Mom asks her son to give the girl the bird. The boy looks into the cage and sees that instead of a turtle dove, there is a Blue Bird sitting in it. A neighbor brings her granddaughter, who is surprisingly similar to the Soul of Light. Tyltil begins to explain to her how to care for the bird, but it breaks free and flies away.

Picture or drawing of Maeterlinck - Blue Bird

Other retellings for the reader's diary

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  • Summary of Astafiev Lyudochka

    One day the author was sitting in a group and heard one story, this was about 15 years old. And these fifteen years this story lives in his heart, he himself does not understand why this happened. The heroine's name was Lyudochka, her parents were ordinary people

  • Summary of Pushkin The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda

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Picture one. Woodcutter's hut.

Picture two. At Fairy's.

Picture three. Land of Memories.

Scene four. Palace of Night.

Scene five. Forest.

Scene six. Before the curtain.

Scene seven. Cemetery.

Scene eight. In front of a curtain depicting beautiful clouds.

Scene nine. Gardens of the Beatitudes.

Scene ten. Kingdom of the Future.

Scene eleven. Parting.

Scene twelve. Awakening.


(in order of their appearance on stage)

Mother Til.


Souls of the Hours.

Soul of Light.

Father Til.

Grandma Til.

Grandfather Til



Spirits of Darkness.

Spirit of Oak.

Spirit of Beech.

Spirit of Elm.

Spirit of Poplar.

Spirit of Pine.

Spirit of Cypress.

Spirit of Linden.

Spirit of Chestnut.

Birch Spirit.

Spirit of Oak.

Spirit of Ivy.

Fat Beatitudes.

The Fattest Bliss.

Great Joys.

Children's Bliss.

Homemade Bliss.

Azure Children.

Guardians of Children.

King of the Nine Planets.

Berlengo's neighbor.

Her granddaughter.

Tyltil - the costume of Little Thumb from Perrault's fairy tales: dark red trousers, a short pale blue jacket, white stockings, yellow shoes.

Mytyl - Gretel or Little Red Riding Hood costume.

Soul of Light - a gauze dress of moon color, that is, pale gold with silver sparkles; rays seem to emanate from this dress. The cut is modern Greek or Anglo-Greek in the spirit of Walter Crane or close to the empire style. High waist, bare arms. The hairstyle is something like a tiara or even a light crown.

Fairy Berylyuna, aka Berlengo's neighbor, is a traditional costume of beggar women from fairy tales. The transformation of the Fairy into a princess in the first act can be omitted.

Father Til, Mother Til, Grandfather Til, Grandmother Til - costumes of woodcutters and German peasants from the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.

Tiltil's brothers and sisters are variants of the Boy-Thumb costume.

Time - the classic costume of the god of time: a wide black or dark blue robe, a long gray beard, a braid, an hourglass.

Maternal Love is a costume reminiscent of the clothing of the Soul of Light, namely: light, snow-white, almost transparent covers of a Greek statue. There can be as many pearls and precious stones on it as you like, and the brightest ones, as long as it does not violate the pure and chaste harmony of the whole.

Great Joys - as it is said in the play, shining clothes of subtle and delicate shades: a blooming rose, waters sparkling in the sun, amber dew, morning azure, etc.

Homemade Bliss - dresses of different colors or, if you like, costumes of peasants, shepherds, woodcutters, etc., but only embellished, enchantingly transformed.

Fat Beatitudes - before transformation: spacious, heavy robes of red and yellow brocade, large, massive jewelry, etc.; after transformation: chocolate or coffee-colored tights, like cardboard clowns.

The night is wide, black, with a fiery golden tint of the robe, strewn with mysteriously twinkling stars. Veil, dark red for poppies, etc.

The neighbor's granddaughter - golden hair, long white dress.

Dog - red tailcoat, white trousers, patent leather boots. oilskin hat - a costume somewhat similar to John Bull's outfit.

Cat - leotard made of black silk with sparkles.

The heads of the Dog and Cat should only vaguely resemble the heads of animals.

Bread is the pasha’s luxurious outfit: a wide robe made of silk or scarlet velvet embroidered with gold. High turban. Scimitar. Huge belly, unusually thick rosy cheeks.

Sugar is a silk dress, like those worn by eunuchs, blue and white, like the paper in which sugar loaves are wrapped. Headdress like that of the keeper of the seraglio.

Fire - red tights, crimson, gold-lined, iridescent sparkling cloak. Hat with a plume of multi-colored fiery tongues.

Water is a dress of the color of time from the fairy tale “Donkey Skin”, that is, bluish-greenish, with a transparent tint, as if flowing gas; The cut of the dress is also modern Greek or Anglo-Greek, but it is wider and airier. A headdress made of flowers and algae or from panicles of reeds.

Animals - peasant costumes, common folk costumes.

Trees are green clothes in a wide variety of shades or the color of tree bark. They can be distinguished by their leaves and branches.



The scene represents a woodcutter's hut, rustically simple, but not squalid. A burning hearth, kitchen utensils, a cupboard, a kneading bowl, a clock with weights, a spindle, a washbasin, etc. A lit lamp is on the table. On both sides of the closet, a dog and a cat sleep, curled up in a ball. Between them is a large blue and white sugar loaf. There is a round cage with a turtledove hanging on the wall. In the back there are two windows with shutters closed from the inside. There is a bench under one window. To the left is the entrance door with a strong latch. To the right is another door. Stairs to the attic. Right there, on the right, are two cribs; At the head of each of them, clothes are neatly folded on a chair.

When the curtain rises, Tyltil and Mytil sleep sweetly in their beds. Mother Til straightens their blankets for the night for the last time and, bending over them, admires their serene sleep, then waves her hand to Father Til, who at that moment pokes his head through the ajar door. Putting a finger to her lips as a sign that he should not disturb the silence, she turns off the lamp and tiptoes out the door to the right. The stage is plunged into darkness for some time, then a gradually increasing light begins to break through the cracks of the shutters. The lamp on the table lights up by itself.

The children wake up and sit up in their beds.

Tyltil. Mytil!

Mytil. Tiltil!

Tyltil. Are you sleeping?

Mytil. And you?..

Tyltil. So I'm not sleeping if I'm talking to you...

Mytil. Today is Christmas, right?..

Tyltil. No, not today, but tomorrow. Only this year Santa will not bring us anything...

Mytil. Why?..

Tyltil. Mom said that she did not have time to go to the city for him... He will come to us next year...

Mytil. How long until next year?

Tyltil. Decent... Tonight he will come to the rich children...

Mytil. A-ah!..

Tyltil. What do I see!.. Mom forgot to put out the lamp!.. You know what?..


Tyltil. Let's get up!..

Mytil. We are not allowed to do this...

Tyltil. But there’s no one... Do you see the shutters?..

Mytil. Oh, how they glow!..

Tyltil. These are holiday lights.

Mytil. Who's having a holiday?

Tyltil. On the contrary, for rich children. They have a Christmas tree. We'll open the shutters now.

Mytil. Is it really possible?

Tyltil. Of course we can, since we are alone. Do you hear the music?.. Get up!

The children get up, run to the window, climb onto the bench and open the shutters. The room is filled with bright light. The children look eagerly into the street.

Tyltil. Everything is visible!..

Mytil (taking an uncomfortable place on the bench). But I don't see anything.

Tyltil. It's snowing!.. There are two six-carriages!..

Mytil. Twelve boys came out!..

Maeterlinck Maurice

blue bird

Maurice Maeterlinck

blue bird

Extravaganza in six acts,

twelve paintings

Picture one. Woodcutter's hut.

Picture two. At Fairy's.

Picture three. Land of Memories.

Scene four. Palace of Night.

Scene five. Forest.

Scene six. Before the curtain.

Scene seven. Cemetery.

Scene eight. In front of a curtain depicting beautiful clouds.

Scene nine. Gardens of the Beatitudes.

Scene ten. Kingdom of the Future.

Scene eleven. Parting.

Scene twelve. Awakening.


(in order of their appearance on stage)

Mother Til.


Souls of the Hours.

Soul of Light.

Father Til.

Grandma Til.

Grandfather Til



Spirits of Darkness.

Spirit of Oak.

Spirit of Beech.

Spirit of Elm.

Spirit of Poplar.

Spirit of Pine.

Spirit of Cypress.

Spirit of Linden.

Spirit of Chestnut.

Birch Spirit.

Spirit of Oak.

Spirit of Ivy.

Fat Beatitudes.

The Fattest Bliss.

Great Joys.

Children's Bliss.

Homemade Bliss.

Azure Children.

Guardians of Children.

King of the Nine Planets.

Berlengo's neighbor.

Her granddaughter.

Tyltil - the costume of Little Thumb from Perrault's fairy tales: dark red trousers, a short pale blue jacket, white stockings, yellow shoes.

Mytyl - Gretel or Little Red Riding Hood costume.

Soul of Light - a gauze dress of moon color, that is, pale gold with silver sparkles; rays seem to emanate from this dress. The cut is modern Greek or Anglo-Greek in the spirit of Walter Crane or close to the empire style. High waist, bare arms. The hairstyle is something like a tiara or even a light crown.

Fairy Berylyuna, aka Berlengo's neighbor, is a traditional costume of beggar women from fairy tales. The transformation of the Fairy into a princess in the first act can be omitted.

Father Til, Mother Til, Grandfather Til, Grandmother Til - costumes of woodcutters and German peasants from the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.

Tiltil's brothers and sisters are variants of the Boy-Thumb costume.

Time - the classic costume of the god of time: a wide black or dark blue robe, a long gray beard, a braid, an hourglass.

Maternal Love is a costume reminiscent of the clothing of the Soul of Light, namely: light, snow-white, almost transparent covers of a Greek statue. There can be as many pearls and precious stones on it as you like, and the brightest ones, as long as it does not violate the pure and chaste harmony of the whole.

Great Joys - as it is said in the play, shining clothes of subtle and delicate shades: a blooming rose, waters sparkling in the sun, amber dew, morning azure, etc.

Homemade Bliss - dresses of different colors or, if you like, costumes of peasants, shepherds, woodcutters, etc., but only embellished, enchantingly transformed.

Fat Beatitudes - before transformation: spacious, heavy robes of red and yellow brocade, large, massive jewelry, etc.; after transformation: chocolate or coffee-colored tights, like cardboard clowns.

The night is wide, black, with a fiery golden tint of the robe, strewn with mysteriously twinkling stars. Veil, dark red for poppies, etc.

The neighbor's granddaughter - golden hair, long white dress.

Dog - red tailcoat, white trousers, patent leather boots. oilskin hat - a costume somewhat similar to John Bull's outfit.

Cat - leotard made of black silk with sparkles.

The heads of the Dog and Cat should only vaguely resemble the heads of animals.

Bread is the pasha’s luxurious outfit: a wide robe made of silk or scarlet velvet embroidered with gold. High turban. Scimitar. Huge belly, unusually thick rosy cheeks.

Sugar is a silk dress, like those worn by eunuchs, blue and white, like the paper in which sugar loaves are wrapped. Headdress like that of the keeper of the seraglio.

Fire - red tights, crimson, gold-lined, iridescent sparkling cloak. Hat with a plume of multi-colored fiery tongues.

Water is a dress of the color of time from the fairy tale “Donkey Skin”, that is, bluish-greenish, with a transparent tint, as if flowing gas; The cut of the dress is also modern Greek or Anglo-Greek, but it is wider and airier. A headdress made of flowers and algae or from panicles of reeds.

Animals - peasant costumes, common folk costumes.

Trees are green clothes in a wide variety of shades or the color of tree bark. They can be distinguished by their leaves and branches.




The scene represents a woodcutter's hut, rustically simple, but not squalid. A burning hearth, kitchen utensils, a cupboard, a kneading bowl, a clock with weights, a spindle, a washbasin, etc. A lit lamp is on the table. On both sides of the closet, a dog and a cat sleep, curled up in a ball. Between them is a large blue and white sugar loaf. There is a round cage with a turtledove hanging on the wall. In the back there are two windows with shutters closed from the inside. There is a bench under one window. To the left is the entrance door with a strong latch. To the right is another door. Stairs to the attic. Right there, on the right, are two cribs; at the head of each of them is neatly folded on

chair clothes.

When the curtain rises, Tyltil and Mytil sleep sweetly in their beds. Mother Til straightens their blankets for the night for the last time and, bending over them, admires their serene sleep, then waves her hand to Father Til, who at that moment pokes his head through the ajar door. Putting a finger to her lips as a sign that he should not disturb the silence, she turns off the lamp and tiptoes out the door to the right. The stage is immersed in darkness for some time, then gradually begins to break through the cracks of the shutters.

increasing light. The lamp on the table lights up by itself.

The children wake up and sit up in their beds.

Tyltil. Mytil!

Mytil. Tiltil!

Tyltil. Are you sleeping?

Mytil. And you?..

Tyltil. So I'm not sleeping if I'm talking to you...

Mytil. Today is Christmas, right?..

Tyltil. No, not today, but tomorrow. Only this year Santa will not bring us anything...

Mytil. Why?..

Tyltil. Mom said that she did not have time to go to the city for him... He will come to us next year...

The summary of “The Blue Bird” tells us about an amazing story that begins on Christmas Eve. Two children, Mytil and Tiltil, already sleeping soundly in their cribs, wake up from the sounds of music coming from the house opposite. The rich neighbors are in full swing of the celebration. Suddenly there is a knock on the door, and an old woman in a green dress and a red cap appears on the threshold. The old woman is standing, leaning on a stick, she is hunchbacked and limps. In addition, she has only one eye, and her nose looks like an ominous hook. She turns to the children and encourages them to go look for the Blue Bird. Berilyune doesn’t like that the young heroes don’t see the obvious. “You need to be brave to see what is hidden,” says the old woman and hands Tiltil a green cap decorated with a diamond. According to her, by turning the diamond, the owner of the hat will be able to see “the soul of things.”

Seeing the world with different eyes is easy

Tyltil follows her instructions and turns the stone. And instantly an amazing picture opens before the boy’s eyes: the decrepit witch turns into a magical princess before his eyes, and the poor furnishings of the hut come to life. We continue the summary of “The Blue Bird”. New characters are joining the action. These are the souls of the Hours, the Loaves. The flame turns into a fast-moving man dressed in a red tights. Cat and Dog also take on human form, although they retain their cat and bulldog masks. The dog is extremely happy that he can finally put his feelings into words and with joyful cries of “My little deity!” gallops around Tiltil. The cat, maintaining its grace, extends its hand to Mytyl. Water begins to flow from the tap in a sparkling stream, and in the streams of liquid the figure of a girl with flowing hair appears in a seemingly flowing robe. Almost at the same moment she enters into battle with Fire, because this is the Soul of Water. Other Souls appear - Milk, Sugar, Light, Bread. However, this amazing moment is interrupted by a knock on the door. Frightened, Tyltil very quickly turns the diamond on the cap back. The fairy again appears before the children in the guise of a weak old woman, the walls of the hut fade, but the Souls do not have time to return to Silence. The fairy instigates them to accompany the children during the search for the Blue Bird. However, no one wants to go except the Soul of Light and the Dog. The fairy uses a trick and promises to find suitable outfits for everyone, after which she takes everyone out through the window. The mother and father of the Tiley family open the door and see only the babies sleeping peacefully in their cribs.

Where did the journey of Mytyl and Tiltil lead?

Next, a brief summary of “The Blue Bird” tells how the children find themselves in the palace of the fairy Berilyuna. The souls of objects and animals have already dressed up in elegant fairy-tale costumes and begun to plot against the children. The main one at this meeting is the Cat. She says that souls have been enslaved, and, having found the Blue Bird, they will finally take possession of them. But the appearance of the fairy herself, accompanied by the Soul of Light and children, silences them. In order for the children to have a little refreshment before their long journey, Bread cuts off a couple of slices from his belly, and Sugar breaks off his fingers, which immediately grow back.

The first destination on the children's journey is the Land of Memories. Mytil and Tiltil go there unaccompanied. A brother and sister visit their deceased grandparents and see their deceased sisters and brothers. Here they learn that those who have passed on to another world seem to be immersed in sleep, but awaken when loved ones remember them. After having dinner with their family, the children gather to meet the Soul of Light. Grandparents give their grandchildren a blackbird that appears completely blue to them. However, as soon as the children leave the Land of Memories, the bird changes its color to black.

But our journey is just beginning. The summary of “The Blue Bird” tells about the events taking place in the Palace of Night, where the Cat is the first to reach. She warns the hostess that Tyltil and Mytil are heading towards her. However, the Night has no power to prevent a person from learning its secrets, and therefore she and the Cat can only hope that the children will not be able to catch the real Blue Bird. When the brother, sister, as well as Sugar, Bread and Dog appear in the palace, Night tries for a long time to confuse them so as not to give them the keys to unlock any doors in the building. But Tyltil, without listening to her, opens all the doors in turn. Diseases, runny nose, wars are hidden behind the first three. Behind the fourth door, Tyltil discovers his favorite Scents of the night, Fireflies, Will-o'-the-wisps, the Nightingale's singing, and Dew. Night strongly does not recommend opening the large middle door and convinces its guests that behind it are hidden such terrible visions that they were not even given a name. All the boy's companions, except the Dog, are hiding. However, Tyltil overcomes his fear. On the other side of the door opens a magical garden of night light and dreams, where fabulous blue birds flutter between planets and stars. The boy, his sister and each of their companions catch several birds and carry them out, but soon they die - they never managed to find the only one that can withstand

We continue with the summary of Maeterlinck’s “The Blue Bird”. The characters will have to visit several more amazing places, where young heroes and their assistants meet both dangerous, insidious characters, and those who want to help them. Children have time to visit the ancient Forest, the cemetery, and the Garden of Beatitudes.

Particularly interesting was their stop at the Azure Palace of the Future Kingdom. Here they meet the Azure children - people who have yet to be born. Each of them has already prepared some kind of gift for the world. For one it is the Machine of Happiness, for another it is several ways to prolong life, for the third it is a machine that flies without the help of wings. Here Tyltil and Mytil meet their brother, who is just about to be born.

Returning home

And now the fairy tale “The Blue Bird,” a summary of which you are now reading, takes us back to the green hedge, behind which is the Tiley hut. Here the children say goodbye to their companions. Bread gives Tiltil the cage prepared for the Blue Bird, which remains empty. And the Soul of Light says that perhaps the Blue Bird does not exist at all, or it changes its color when it is locked up.

In the morning, when the mother came to wake up Tiltil and Mytil, the children began to enthusiastically tell her about their nightly adventure. This scared the mother, she sent the father for the doctor. However, here Berlengo’s neighbor appears in the house, looking very much like the fairy Berilyuna. Having heard another retelling of the children's journey, she claims that they dreamed something while they were sleeping under the light of the moon. Berlengo talks about how her granddaughter is not feeling well - the girl doesn’t get out of bed, and the doctor puts it all down to nerves. The mother asks Tiltil to give the sick girl the turtle dove that she had long dreamed of. The boy looks at the turtledove, and it seems to him that in front of him is the same Blue Bird.

Children see their home with completely new eyes: a cat and a dog, fire and water - everything now seems alive to them, not the same as before. Soon Berlengo's neighbor appears on the doorstep, accompanied by an unusually beautiful girl who is clutching a turtle dove to her chest. To Tyltil and his sister, the girl seems like the Soul of Light. Tyltil himself wants to explain to his new acquaintance how to feed the turtledove, but, taking advantage of the moment, the bird slips out of human hands and flies away. The girl begins to cry, and Tiltil tries to console her and promises that he will soon find the bird.

This is how the summary ends. “The Blue Bird” (Maeterlinck is an author who managed to write a work that makes you look at the world around you in a new way) will certainly appeal to both adults and children.

Christmas Eve. The woodcutter's children, Tyltil and Mytil, sleep in their cribs. Suddenly they wake up. Attracted by the sounds of music, the children run to the window and look at the Christmas festivities in the rich house opposite. There is a knock on the door. An old woman appears in a green dress and a red cap. She is hunchbacked, lame, one-eyed, with a hooked nose, and walks with a stick. This is the Fairy Berylune. She tells the children to go in search of the Blue Bird. She is annoyed that children do not distinguish between obvious things. “You have to be brave to see what is hidden,” says Berilyuna and gives Tiltil a green cap with a diamond, by turning which a person can see the “soul of things.” As soon as Tyltil puts on her cap and turns the diamond, everything around her is miraculously transformed: the old witch turns into a fairy-tale princess, the poor furnishings of the hut come to life. The Souls of Hours and the Souls of Loaves appear, Fire appears in the form of a rapidly moving man in a red tights. The Dog and the Cat also take on a human form, but remain in the masks of a bulldog and a cat. The dog, having acquired the opportunity to put his feelings into words, with enthusiastic cries of “My little deity!” jumps around Tiltil. The cat coyly and distrustfully extends its hand to Mytil. Water begins to flow from the tap like a sparkling fountain, and from its streams a girl appears with her hair flowing, in seemingly flowing clothes. She immediately engages in combat with Fire. This is the Soul of Water. A jug falls from the table and a white figure rises from the spilled milk. This is the timid and bashful Soul of Milk. A sugary fake creature in blue and white clothes comes out of the sugar loaf, tearing the blue wrapper. This is the Soul of Sugar. The flame of a fallen lamp instantly turns into a luminous girl of incomparable beauty under a sparkling transparent blanket. This is the Soul of Light. There is a strong knock on the door. Tyltyl, in fright, turns the diamond too quickly, the walls of the hut fade, the Fairy again becomes an old woman, and Fire, Bread, Water, Sugar, the Soul of Light, the Dog and the Cat do not have time to return back to Silence, the fairy orders them to accompany the children in search of the Blue Bird, predicting their death at the end of the journey. Everyone except the Soul of Light and the Dog does not want to go. However, after promising to find a suitable outfit for everyone, the fairy takes them all away through the window. And Mother Til and Father Til, who look through the door, see only children sleeping peacefully.

In the palace of the Berylyun Fairy, dressed in luxurious fairy-tale costumes, the souls of animals and objects are trying to plot against children. They are led by the Cat. She reminds everyone that before, “before man,” whom she calls “despot,” everyone was free, and expresses the fear that, having taken possession of the Blue Bird, man will comprehend the Soul of Things, Animals and Elements and will finally enslave them. The dog objects furiously. When the Fairy, children and the Soul of Light appear, everything becomes quiet. The Cat hypocritically complains about the Dog, and he gets hit by Tiltil. Before a long journey to feed the children, Bread cuts off two slices from his belly, and Sugar breaks off his fingers for them (which immediately grow back, so Sugar always has clean hands). First of all, Tyltil and Mytil have to visit the Land of Memories, where they must go alone, unaccompanied. There Tyltil and Mytil visit their deceased grandparents, and there they see their deceased brothers and sisters. It turns out that the dead seem to be immersed in sleep, and when loved ones remember them, they awaken. After fiddling around with the younger children and having lunch with the whole family, Tyltil and Mytil hurry to leave so as not to be late for the meeting with the Soul of Light. At the children's request, the grandparents give them the blackbird, which seemed completely blue to them. But when Tyltil and Mytil leave the Land of Memories, the bird turns black.

The Cat is the first to arrive in the Palace of Night to warn the mistress of the impending danger - the arrival of Tiltil and Mytyl. The night cannot prevent a person from opening the gates of its secrets. The Cat and the Night can only hope that the person does not catch the real Blue Bird, the one that is not afraid of daylight. The children appear, accompanied by Dog, Bread and Sugar. Night first tries to deceive, then intimidate Tiltil and not give him the key that opens all the doors in her palace. But Tyltil opens the doors one by one. Because of one, several harmless Ghosts slip out, because of another, where the diseases are located, Runny Nose manages to run out, because of the third, wars almost break free. Then Tyltil opens the door, behind which Night stores extra Stars, her favorite Fragrances, Will-o-the-Wisp Lights, Fireflies, Dew, Nightingale Singing. Night does not advise opening the next, large middle door, warning that behind it lie visions so menacing that they do not even have a name. Tyltil's companions - all except the Dog - are hiding in fear. Tyltil and the Dog, struggling with their own fear, open the door, behind which there is a garden of wondrous beauty - a garden of dreams and night light, where magical blue birds flutter tirelessly among the stars and planets. Tyltil calls his companions, and, having each caught several blue birds, they leave the garden. But soon the caught birds die - the children were unable to discover the only Blue Bird that endures the light of day.

Forest. The Cat comes in, greets the trees, talks to them. Sets them on children. The trees have a reason not to love the woodcutter's son. And now Tyltil is thrown to the ground, and the Dog has barely freed himself from Ivy’s bonds, he is trying to protect his owner. Both of them are on the verge of death, and only the intervention of the Soul of Light, who tells Tyltil to turn the diamond on his cap to plunge the trees into darkness and silence, saves them. The cat manages to hide his involvement in the riot.

Children are looking for the Blue Bird in the cemetery. At midnight, Tyltil turns the diamond with fear, the graves open up, and whole sheaves of ghostly, magically beautiful white flowers appear from them. Birds sing enthusiastic hymns to the Sun and Life. “Where are the dead?.. - There are no dead...” - Tyltil and Mytil exchange remarks.

In search of the Blue Bird, the children and their escort end up in the Gardens of Beatitudes. The Fat Beatitudes almost drag Tyltil and his companions into their orgies, but the boy turns the diamond, and it becomes clear how pitiful and ugly the Fat Beatitudes are. The domestic Bliss appears and is amazed that Tyltil is unaware of their existence. This is the Bliss of Being Healthy, the Bliss of Loving Parents, the Bliss of Blue Sky, the Bliss of Sunny Days, the Bliss of Seeing Lighting Stars. They send the most fleet-footed Bliss to Run Barefoot Through the Dew to announce the arrival of the Great Joy children, and soon tall, beautiful angel-like beings in shining clothes appear, Among them is the Great Joy of Being Fair, the Joy of Being Kind, the Joy of Understanding and the purest Joy of Motherly Love. She seems to the children like their mother, only much more beautiful... Motherly Love claims that at home she is the same, but with her eyes closed nothing can be seen. Having learned that the children were brought by the Soul of Light, Motherly Love convenes other Great Joys, and they welcome the Soul of Light as their mistress. Great Joys ask the Soul of Light to throw back the veil, which still hides unknown Truths and Bliss. But the Soul of Light, fulfilling the order of its Master, only wraps itself more tightly in the veil, saying that the hour has not yet come, and promising to come someday openly and boldly. Hugging goodbye, she parted with the Great Joys.

Tyltil and Mytil, accompanied by the Soul of Light, find themselves in the Azure Palace of the Kingdom of the Future. The Azure Children come running to them. These are children who will someday be born on Earth. But you cannot come to Earth empty-handed, and each of the children is going to bring there some of their own inventions: the Machine of Happiness, thirty-three ways to prolong life, two crimes, a car flying through the air without wings. One of the kids is an amazing gardener who grows extraordinary daisies and huge grapes, another is the King of the Nine Planets, and another one is called upon to destroy Injustice on Earth. Two azure children stand hugging each other. These are lovers. They cannot look at each other enough and constantly kiss and say goodbye, because on Earth they will be separated by centuries. Here Tyltil and Mytil meet their brother, who is soon to be born. Dawn is busy - the hour when children are born. A bearded old man, Time, appears with a scythe and an hourglass. He takes those who are about to be born onto the ship. The ship that takes them to Earth floats by and disappears. Distant singing can be heard - it’s the Mothers singing, welcoming their children. Time, in amazement and anger, notices Tyltil, Mytyl and the Soul of Light. They escape from him by turning the diamond. The Soul of Light hides the Blue Bird under the veil.

At the fence with a green gate - Tyltil does not immediately recognize his home - the children part with their companions. Bread returns to Tiltil the cage for the Blue Bird, which remained empty. “The Blue Bird, apparently, either does not exist at all, or changes color as soon as it is put in a cage...” says the Soul of Light. The souls of Objects and Animals say goodbye to children. Fire almost burns them with stormy caresses, Water murmurs farewell speeches, Sugar utters false and sweet words. The dog impulsively rushes to the children, he is horrified by the thought that he will no longer be able to talk to his adored owner. The children persuade the Soul of Light to stay with them, but this is not in her power. She can only promise to be with them “in every sliding moonbeam, in every tenderly looking star, in every dawn, in every lit lamp,” in every pure and clear thought. Eight o'clock strikes. The gate opens and immediately slams behind the children.

The woodcutter's hut has been magically transformed - everything here has become newer, more joyful. Jubilant daylight breaks through the cracks of the locked shutters. Tyltil and Mytil sleep sweetly in their cribs. Mother Til comes to wake them up. The children begin to talk about what they saw during the trip, and their speeches frighten the mother. She sends her father for the doctor. But then Neighbor Berlengo appears, very similar to the fairy Berilyuna. Tyltil begins to explain to her that he was unable to find the Blue Bird. The neighbor guesses that the children dreamed something, perhaps when they were sleeping, moonlight fell on them. She herself talks about her granddaughter - the girl is unwell, does not get up, the doctor says - nerves... The mother persuades Tiltil to give the girl the turtle dove that she dreams of. Tyltil looks at the turtledove, and she seems to him to be a Blue Bird. He gives the cage with the bird to his neighbor. Children see with new eyes their home and what is in it - bread, water, fire, a cat and a dog. There is a knock on the door, and Neighbor Berlengo comes in with a blonde, unusually beautiful Girl. The girl clutches the turtledove Tyltil to her chest. To Tyltil and Mytyl, the neighbor's granddaughter seems like the Soul of Light. Tyltil wants to explain to the Girl how to feed the turtle dove, but the bird takes advantage of the moment and flies away. The girl cries in despair, and Tiltil promises her to catch the bird. Then he addresses the audience: “We ask you very much: if any of you finds it, let him bring it to us - we need it in order to become happy in the future...”