Ivan bathed in a conspiracy and ritual for love. Everyone would come to admire me. Money conspiracy against Ivan Kupala.

I think it's no secret to anyone that Ivan Kupala - one of better days year for various rituals. By ancient belief, on this day the sun, which the mighty god Perun personified, goes astray and the goddess Zorya comes to his aid. She not only shows the sun the way, but also washes it every morning with miraculous dew, which has absorbed all the power of summer herbs. In pagan times, the tradition of such summer festivals was widespread almost everywhere: in India and Persia, around the same time, the god of fire was glorified, Ancient Greece celebrated the Eleusinian festivals (named after the city of Eleusis in which they were held), in Ancient Rome- the holiday of Vesta (goddess of fire and hearth) and Ceres (goddess of agriculture and fertility). There were similar celebrations among the Germans, English, Bretons, Danes and Finns.

According to legends, on Ivan Kupala the sky and earth “open”, water acquires miraculous power, birds and animals begin to speak. The healers went on this day to buy herbs, believing that at this time all plants acquired amazing healing powers, treated diseases and charmed women who turned to them to love.

First, I (editor's note, meaning Natalya Stepanova) want to talk about healing spells that are read on the eve and on the day of Ivan Kupala.

On July 6, healers treat women's diseases . To do this, they collect dew from the meadows, which at this time has miraculous healing powers, read a special spell over it and wipe the sick person with it. The spell words are:

How fire cleanses
And it devours everything
So this dew would wash away all the disease
And devoured it.
How not to resist the flying flyer,
To the creeping creeper,
To the galloping horse
Before the great storm
So you can't resist
In front of my
Strong words.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

To help treat heart disease, on Ivan Kupala (July 6), tie two red rags birch branches and read this plot:

Holy, holy, holy!
Holy twig, holy branch,
Holy leaf.
You have no sorrows
You have no illnesses.
The slave wouldn't be so sick
God's (name) heart,
There would be no aching, no stinging.
Not a brain:
Neither at noon nor at midnight,
Neither in the morning nor in the evening,
Neither after dawn nor before dawn,
Not on Monday
Not on Tuesday
Neither on Wednesday nor on Thursday,
Neither Friday nor Saturday
Not on the last day - Sunday.
Neither in February nor in March,
Neither in April nor in May,
Neither in June nor in July,
Not in August
Not in September
Neither in October nor in November,
Not for the last time - December.
Here are my words
Here are the holy images.
Strengthen me, Lord,
The servant of God (name).
Holy branches
Don't untie yourself
My words, do not interrupt.
Key, lock, tongue.

Then find an aspen tree and walk around it counterclockwise. The ritual should be performed completely alone.

On Ivan Kupala (July 7) they reprimand the painful thinness. To do this, the patient must enter the river at noon and pour water on himself, first with his left hand, and then with his right, while reading the following conspiracy:

Mother of God,
I'm standing in the river
My feet are on the sand,
Water in my hand.
How is it added?
IN river water,
Also my sides
There will be more.
The body is white, be okay
Whole, unharmed.
Ivan Kupala,
Bless my lard.
And how true and true,
What do you like every year
On the seventh of July
People remember
So let my sides
From this day
They are overgrown with tallow.

Read on Ivan Kupala and spells for happiness, luck, wealth, success. For example, on the day of Ivan Kupala (July 6) you can talk yourself into happiness and good luck. To do this, go into a river or lake and, splashing water on yourself, read the following plot:

The first tree is Ilyin,
The second tree is cuporea.
The third is feigned.
Submissive to the Lord God.
So that
Happiness has conquered me.
God's servant (name).
Under a pretend tree.
Submissive to the Lord God,
The gray fern grows.
Under that gray
Great happiness lives on.
It's growing, it's growing
White to my body
Falls down.
Who knows Ivanov's conspiracy?
Nine times on Midsummer he reads,
How this water
Happiness and luck stick.
I close my words,
I'm wrapping up my business.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

On the night of Ivan Kupala they cook for luck chicken. To do this, the chicken is tied in a new scarf and dipped into boiling water with the words:

Who will eat
He will give me happiness
Greatness, strength.

After this, do not approach the pan until the chicken is cooked. After the required time has passed, turn off the stove, but leave the chicken in the container in which it was cooked. On the morning of July 7, take the chicken out of the scarf, take it to the church and give it to the poor. Until you give the chicken back, you can neither eat nor drink anything. In addition, nothing can be given from home either on the day of the ceremony itself or in the three days following it.

To attract happiness into your life, already on Ivan Kupala (July 7), go early in the morning to the forest and there, at the first rays of the sun, collect the following herbs: kavuku-grass (tartar grass), prickly gills (pikulnik prickly), Bogorodskaya grass (thyme, or creeping thyme), poreznik (yarrow), money plant (yarutka), immortelle, witch's broom, spree grass and goldenrod. (Witches' brooms are not herbs, but thin branches growing in different sides on birch, alder, beech, hornbeam, maple, pine, spruce, fir and other trees and shrubs: from a distance they resemble bird’s nests.)

You need to weave a wreath from these herbs and immediately take it to the cemetery and place it on unmarked grave. After three days, take it from the grave and take it to the forest, where you wove it. Unravel the wreath and scatter herbs and branches with the words:

Like a dead man
Behind this wreath
Will never come
So from me happiness and luck
They will never leave.

In the old days they read on Ivan Kupala (July 7) conspiracy for glory Among people (this conspiracy works well for singers, actors, and people in public professions). To do this, go into the river (a lake is not suitable, since the water must be running) and, pouring water on yourself, read the following plot:

In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Union of Love of the Apostles
Christ bound and punished -
love each other
Not hypocritical.
Will create with prayers
Our Lady is right:
For now, for forever,
On indefinitely.
Like the morning sun
Rises to the sky
Scarlet sunset
The fire flares up.
To the bright heights.
Wide width.
How high is God
So be my glory far away.
And how on Christ
Holiday bell
The temple is ringing,
So let it be about me
Servant of God (name),
All around
The people are speaking.
High on the Throne,
And glory is about me,
God's servant (name),
Be far away.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

If you want to talk yourself for wealth, then to Ivan; Kupala wash yourself with silver coins and say:

Like people
They love gold and silver,
So let the money be mine
They won't forget the wallet.
They're coming to me
They stick and stick.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever
And forever and ever.

However, no matter what rituals are performed on this day, no matter what conspiracies are read, first of all, Ivan Kupala is known for love magic.

To husband; was always kind to you, under Ivan Kupala (July 6] take his shirt, lay it on the threshold and stand on it with your feet, saying:

God bless,
Peace to my doorstep,
Water extinguishes fire
And you, servant of God (name),
Me, the servant of God (name),
Don't touch it!
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

On the same day - July 6 - you can read strong love spell . To do this, go to an unheated bathhouse, throw salt into a basin of water, cross it with a piece of bread and say:

Like people without bread,
Salts and waters cannot live,
So is the servant of God (name),
From this hour without me
It can't be.
Water gives drink, bread nourishes,
Servant of God (name)
Doesn't forget me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

After this, the bread should be eaten and the husband’s shirt should be rinsed in water, which should then be dried and given to the spouse so that he can put it on.

On Ivan Kupala (July 7th) you can cook one of strongest love potions. To do this, collect thirteen any herbs, pick up thirteen stones from the road, put both the herbs and stones in a pan of water and put it on the fire. When the water boils, raise your hands above the pan and read the special spell thirteen times in a row. Then remove the potion from the heat and wait until July 13th. On this day, you will need to pour a love potion on the place where your loved one just passed. The spell words are:

There are three dawns in the ninth sky.
Those three dawns
The Trinity is praised.
To me, the servant of God (name),
If I, God's servant (name),
I'll make a potion
Then I’ll enslave anyone.
Thirteen herbs
Thirteen bottom stones,
Call me for help
Thirteen devils.
Oh, you devil brothers,
Come here
Boils, seethes
My enchanting water.
Thirteen devils
Thirteen brothers
Come and serve me
God's servant (name).
You'll boil hellish water.
How hot is this water
And how strong these stones are,
So be my words hot
And moldings to the white body,
And to God's servant (name),
To my married husband.
Stay close, stick close,
And never from him
Don't come off.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

As I have said, dew on Ivan Kupala has an amazing magical power, and with its help you can not only treat women’s diseases, but also bewitch your loved one. To do this, collect dew early in the morning. This is a difficult task, since you need to collect at least half a liter of it. It is necessary to do this with bare hands. Before you start work, take off your shoes: you must walk barefoot in the meadow. Let your hair down. They collect dew all alone, and then speak to it with these words:

Father Ivan-Tsvet,
I got up just before dawn,
Having prayed to the icon,
Crossing himself at the door,
Without drinking water,
Without washing my face,
Without loosening my tongue,
Without tying a belt.
Give me, Kupala, strength,
So that I can win at work.
Give me dew
Collect yours
To the heart
Servant of God (name)
Drive into the trap of love.
So that he is like dew
Burnt in the rays, played,
Loved me, didn't change me,
He suffered without me.
I never forgot about anyone,
If I was young, I would love you
And in old age he is gray
And sick.
How the hops curl
Around the stake, fence,
So that it curls
Around my hem.
How the morning dew fades,
Waiting for the sun
So I would wait and wait
Servant of God (name) of me.
How sick the fish are
Without water on the sands,
How she beats
Like a mother without
The child cries, toils,
So he would be waiting for me,
I was homesick,
I haven’t seen the light of day,
I never forgot
Didn't call it a bad word
Me, my wife,
God's servant (name).
Amen. Amen. Amen.

On the night of Ivan Kupala, they also make a special birch Banya broom, with which it will be possible resurrect lost love and rekindle the heart of your spouse who has lost interest in you. To do this, take a Kupala broom and, when you come to the bathhouse, pat yourself on the body with it (below the waist) and read the following plot:

Like a bath leaf
Molded and clinging to the body,
So are you, my husband.
Servant of God (name),
Be sculpted before me,
Tenacious to my body.
Get ready, brace yourself,
Forever and ever, never let go.
My word is strong
My work is sculpted.
Until the birch
From my broom
Will stand,
Until then, servant of God (name)
He will lie at my feet.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Not only the dew, but also the grass takes on an extraordinary quality on Ivan Kupala. witchcraft power. By the way, herbs and roots need to be collected before sunrise, before the sun's rays scorch the plants.

For example, with the help of the yellow emulia grass, which is collected on Ivan Kupala, you can reconcile with the enemy. When you pick this grass, say:

It’s not you, my dear, I’m tearing off,
And the enemy (name)
I cut off angrily. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

With the help of St. John's wort, you can chastise yourself from longing for a deceased person. To do this, on the night of Ivan Kupala, weave a wreath from St. John's wort and throw it into the water with the words:

Mother fast river,
Sandy shores,
Take St. John's wort from me,
And my longing and sadness
Calm down.

And in the end, I want to remind all my readers and students that you definitely need to put a talisman on yourself on Ivan Kupala so as not to drown during the year.

Jesus Christ walked on water.
Above the waves and above the waves.
The Lord is always with us.
Take it, Lord,
Servant of God (name)
Under your wing
Under your care.
Swipe along the wave
And over the waves.
Fence with a shield
From the depths of the water,
From a wasted drowning.
The word is strong
Faith is eternal.

However, on the day of the celebration of Ivan Kupala, you should under no circumstances go into the water if you have drunk alcohol before - this is deadly.

The holiday of Ivan Kupala is the most mystical and mysterious in the folk calendar. Our ancestors celebrated it for thousands of years as a holiday summer solstice. On this day and, especially on the night preceding it, many magical rituals were performed. At the same time, Ivan Kupala spells for love, luck and material well-being were considered the most powerful and effective. Indeed, although the astronomical knowledge of our ancestors was far from complete, they knew well that the Sun has the greatest energy and that this energy can be used for their own purposes. Many of these ancient rituals and spells are still used today. After all, no matter how many centuries pass, the energy of the Sun does not become weaker, just as the magic of water and fire is eternal. Among the numerous Kupala magical rituals, the most popular are the Ivan Kupala love spells. After all, this feeling is not only the most beautiful, but also creates the most problems for people. Many of these problems can be solved on the night of Ivan Kupala.

With a traditional bonfire

The most strong rituals love magic is associated with the traditional Kupala bonfire, the embodiment of the great element of fire. If your loved one is present at the holiday, you can bewitch him. To do this, look at the fire and say the following spell:

“The fire burns hot, the night will brightly illuminate the mystery of love
It will help me to open, (the name of my loved one) to bewitch me.
As soon as we hold hands with him, we will be filled with passionate love.
Fire will cement our love, unite our hearts forever.”

After this, persuade your chosen one to jump over the fire or drag him into a festive round dance.

Ritual ablution

Ivan Kupala is not only a holiday of the Sun and Fire. At this time, another great element is activated - water, magical properties which during this period intensifies many times. One of the most powerful love spells for Ivan Kupala uses precisely the energy of water and ritual ablution. Persuade your loved one to swim together that night. Before going into the water, whisper the following spell:

“Water, water! Wash our bodies and souls, open the heart of (the name of your loved one) to love.
So that as soon as he plunges into you, he immediately turns to me in body and soul.
As we enter into you together, we will go through life together.”

After this, together with your chosen one, enter the water.

Powerful Ritual

In the evening before the celebration of Ivan Kupala, you can perform a strong love spell that will allow you to attract the love of the guy you like. To do this, you need to go to an unheated bathhouse and fill a basin with water. Then you need to throw a pinch of salt into it and cross the water with a piece of bread. Next, recite the following spell:

“All people on earth cannot live without water, bread and salt. So are you, the Servant of God (name of the chosen one) without me, the Servant of God ( given name) you won't be able to live. Bread feeds and water gives drink, and you will never forget me. From now on and forever. Amen".

After this, you need to eat a piece of bread and rinse a handkerchief in water, which you will subsequently need to put in your chosen one’s pocket. This ritual can also be used to cast a love spell on a husband, in case of cooling of feelings. In this case, one of the spouse’s shirts should be rinsed in the charmed water, which he must subsequently put on.

Love potion

On the night of Ivan Kupala, you can prepare a strong love potion, which can be used to attract the young man you like. To do this you need:
    Collect thirteen different herbs at your discretion; Pick up thirteen different pebbles from the road along which people walk.
Having brought everything collected home, you need to put water on the fire and throw grass and stones into it. When the water boils, holding your hands over the pan, you should recite the spell thirteen times in a row. His words are:

“There are three bright dawns in the ninth heaven praising the Holy Trinity. They bequeathed to me the Servant of God (proper name) that if I brew a witch’s potion, I will quickly bewitch my chosen one. Thirteen herbs, thirteen stones will call thirteen devils to help me. Come here and help me, the Servant of God (proper name), finish the magic potion. So that my words are strong and molded and stick to my chosen one, the servant of God (name of the chosen one) forever. Amen".

This enchanted potion, brewed on the night of Ivan Kupala, should be used on July 13th. It needs to be thrown out in the place where your loved one walks.

Spells for good luck

Ivan Kupala spells for good luck are very strong and equally varied. Like love spells, Kupala conspiracies to attract good luck into life use the energy of the great elements that become active during this period.

To the rising sun

The spell for the rising sun is very powerful. In order to carry out this conspiracy, do not go to bed on Kupala night. Wait for the morning and, at the first rays rising sun, repeat seven times:

“The clear sun, the red sun, will rise in the sky and will bring me great luck.
I was the first to see its rays, and now I have become the luckiest.
Everything will work out for me, my happiness will increase.”

Appeal to the energy of fire

No less powerful is a good luck spell that uses the energy of fire. It was in order to beg good luck and happiness from the fire that our ancestors danced around the fire on Ivan Kupala. For knowledgeable people Even now this is not simple fun. If you want good luck to always accompany you when moving in a round dance around the fire, address the fire with magic words. And they sound like this:

"Like fire dark night illuminates, so luck illuminates my life.
Everything in my affairs will be clear, everything in my life will be wonderful.
The fire will bring me good luck in everything and I will not know trouble all year round.”

In order for your good luck spell to be successful, at the moment it is pronounced, the round dance must move clockwise. Under no circumstances should you cast a spell while moving in the opposite direction, since in this case you will not only not attract good luck, but can also seriously harm your affairs. Such folk holiday, like Ivan Kupala, suggests a general positive attitude of all participants. This is precisely the main factor in the success of all rituals performed this year. fabulous night. It should be remembered that you can use conspiracies aimed at good on Ivan Kupala. Rituals that contain wishes of harm to other people will be absolutely ineffective.

Help from a powerful magician WITHOUT PREPAYMENT!

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Professional solution to any of your problems!

In ancient times, people respected the holidays, rituals and traditions associated with the celebration. People still celebrate a number of holidays today. One of them is Ivana Kupala. On this day, people turn to nature, tell fortunes, cast spells, and believe in the power of their fulfillment. There are a number of conspiracies and rituals that need to be performed in nature, near water or a fire, and there are also those that you can perform at home. Ivan Kupala is celebrated on the seventh of July, and conspiracies and rituals are recommended to be carried out on the night of the sixth to seventh of July. A religious holiday, on this day it is recommended to ask John the Baptist (this is the name of the holiday on church eves) for health, prosperity, money and good luck for yourself and your family. The rituals performed will help increase wealth, attract love and the attention of your soulmate. On the night of the celebration, it is recommended to make declarations of love.

How to attract prosperity

On the holiday of Ivan Kupala, it is recommended to praise the summer gifts of nature and conduct rituals that attract prosperity and money. This holiday reflects Christian customs and pagan culture. You can go to church and read a prayer. If this is not possible, then perform the ritual at home, saying:

“The memory of the righteous is with praise, but the testimony of the Lord, the Forerunner, is sufficient for you: for you have shown that you are truly and most honorable of the prophets, as you baptize in the streams, you have been worthy of the Preached One. By the same token, having suffered for the truth, rejoice, thou didst preach the good news to those in hell of God made manifest in the flesh, taking away the sin of the world and bestowing upon us great mercy.”

You can perform the ritual using nettles; they must be collected before nightfall. The more nettles, the better. Place the grass on the windowsill and at the entrance to the house, on the threshold. This ritual will help protect the room from evil spirits. In ancient times, people defended themselves this way from mermaids, witches, sorcerers, and magicians. After the ritual, recite the conspiracy:

“Nettle protects the house, drives away evil forces. Kupala will save my house from mermaids, from devils and from the most evil guests. Amen".

The ritual will bring peace to the house, and there will be no quarrels between family members. whole year, and in next year On Ivan Kupala, you need to repeat the ritual. People with negative energy and with bad thoughts they will not be able to enter the room.

We increase wealth

On the night of the celebration of Ivan Kupala, you can read a conspiracy that will help increase wealth and attract money to the house. Before reading the plot, it is recommended to perform the following actions:

  1. Go outside on the night of the celebration.
  2. Take twelve coins of any denomination. You need to hold the coins in your left hand.
  3. Reach out left hand forward, open your palm, point it towards the moon. The light of the moon should illuminate the coins.
  4. Say the spell:

    “Everything that grows and lives multiplies from sunlight, and the money is from the moon. Grow, multiply, increase, enrich me (your name), come to me. Let it be so!".

On the night of the celebration of Ivan Kupala, you can read a conspiracy that will help increase wealth

After the ritual, it is recommended to put the charmed money in the wallet you are using; there should be money in it. There is no need to spend coins, as long as they are with you, the money will be in your wallet.

Additional money rituals

On the night of Ivan Kupala, the line between light and dark force ceases to exist, and the spoken words have a great impact. You can increase your wealth. To keep money around all year, you can wash yourself with silver coins, saying the words:

“As people love gold and silver, so let the money not forget my wallet, they come to me, stick and pester me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

To attract money, do the following: put all the money in the room under the pillow, it should lie there until the morning. In the morning, make a fan of money, wave it in front of you, pretending that you have a lot of bills. It is recommended to carry out the following ritual: fill a pan or jar with running water, put a couple of silver coins (you can use the money you have), leave it until the morning. The energy that reigns at night on a holiday will charge money positive energy. In the morning you can wash your face with water, saying:

“The magic water will wash me and reveal all the secrets of wealth to me. All trade matters will be submitted to me, my wallet will be filled with gold!”

You will feel the result of your actions from the first days; you will be lucky in all your financial endeavors. If you have a fireplace or stove at home, you can perform a fire ritual by throwing a couple of coins into it with the words:

“Mighty fire, take away my gift, give me good luck in business, so that my wealth increases, so that any business succeeds, so that money flows into my hands, so that my plans are successful. If you do everything as I say, I will thank you generously.”

You will feel the results of the money plot from the first days

Getting rid of ailments and problems

Ivan Kupala Day is associated with water. Young girls lowered wreaths onto the water at night and asked the water for health. Water will help get rid of problems, illnesses, and envious people. If you do not have the opportunity to go to the river, then you can perform the ritual at home, wash or take a bath. The moment you take a bath, say the following spell:

“You need to become cleaner before Kupala, so that you don’t have to wash away your grief.”

On Ivan Kupala, nature has special strength and energy. It is recommended to add a herbal decoction to the bath water. Birch has a positive effect on the female body. You can steam birch branches and leaves and add them to the water while bathing in the bath. Birch will not only help preserve beauty and youth, it helps against infertility. If women have health problems or desires, you need to ask the water for this while taking a bath. While washing, he can pronounce the following conspiracy:

“Royal power, earthly power! Give endless beauty. Eternal youth."

You can go to the bathhouse by making brooms from birch, linden or oak branches. This will bring health and help preserve youth and beauty. It is recommended to carry out the washing ritual seven times, and this must be done before sunset. Vital energy will be cleansed, this will be a rebirth for your aura.

Ritual to attract love

In order to attract love, it is important to choose the right spell, because there are words that can be read by unmarried girls, women who already live with a man, or women who want to marry a specific man. If you want to meet your soulmate soon, then it is recommended to perform the following ritual:

  1. Prepare a glass of water.
  2. Say the words three times:

    “(name of the chosen one) here is your water, come here.”

  3. Place a glass of water on the windowsill of the window that faces the street.

There are several rituals to attract love

  1. Prepare church candles (it’s better to take thin ones), intertwine them.
  2. Take a plate and a spoon of honey.
  3. Prepare a photograph of your lover and yours (if there are no photographs, then imagine you together during the ritual) and say:

    “It is not candles that burn with ardent wax, it is the heart of the servant of God (the name of the beloved) that burns with ardent love for the servant of God (his name). Just as a candle fire flies with the wind, so let the servant of God (the name of the beloved) be together with the servant of God (his name).”

You need to pronounce the plot while the candles are burning. Afterwards it is recommended to eat honey and say the words:

“It’s not said for bitterness, but for sweet life.”

The remains of the candles must be hidden and kept in the house until complete reconciliation or the return of the beloved. If the ritual did not help on the night of Ivan Kupala, then repeat the ritual on the new moon.

Ritual for speedy marriage

It is necessary to carry out the ceremony in order to get married carefully; it is important to take into account the situation of the couple, whether you live together or not. If a girl lives alone and no one asks her to marry, on the night of Ivan Kupala you need to say millet:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Fathers-matchmakers, do not walk sideways, walk at a swoop. Go to my hut, gather the suitors to me. Just as the birds of God will peck this millet, so the matchmakers-fathers will come to me, God’s servant (name). The key to my speeches. Castle in my words. For now, for centuries, for all bright times. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!".

Say the words three times, pour out the millet at the crossroads, at night. When choosing a couple, girl long time can expect recognition from his chosen one. A love spell cast on the night of Ivan Kupala will help speed up the process:

“Amenem after amenem. Amen. Amen. Amen. I tell you, listen to the words of him who sent me! I put a crown on the servants of God (names), I lock these words, I throw the keys into the ocean-sea. The dumb fish has the keys, the fish in the sand, sleeps on my locks and keys. Until the entire ocean-sea is dried up, until all the water from the ocean is drunk, the Servant of God (name) will always love me, will go down the aisle with me, and will not leave one step away from me, the servant of God (name). To the word - Amen, to the deed - Amen, and three times after the Amen - Amen."

Millet is used for a ritual for speedy marriage

When performing the ritual, you need to purchase a lock, open it, read the love spell three times, close the lock and throw it. To enhance the effect, you can throw the padlock into the river.

Women living with a man, but not married, can bake pies for the celebration, pronouncing words on the dough. You need to pronounce the words at the time of kneading the dough, when the pies are baking, and at the time of the treat:

“Lord Jesus Christ, I call you. I call on you Give me your locks, give me your keys. I'll lock myself in God's locks. I will gather my strength and spirit. Go, my panting spirit, to where the dear gate is. Take with you the melancholy, the heartache. Find God's servant (name). Enter his heart and soul. Lock all God's locks and keys. Enter him, my dear. Pull him towards me, God’s servant (name), so that he will grieve greatly. I got very tanned, thought about me and suffered. (his name) called me to marry himself, and did not lag behind. He didn’t drink, he didn’t eat, he didn’t binge. In all ages I have not forgotten. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen!".

It is prohibited to use the ritual twice.

If you know that you have been damaged, do not be upset. At dawn on Midsummer's Day (July 7, on the day of Ivan Kupala), pour into a basin the water that has been standing outside all night (preferably well or spring water, if not, first freeze and defrost the tap water), and then, looking at your reflection and conducting right hand on the surface of the water, read the following plot:

I stand, servant of God (name), blessed,

I'll go, crossing myself,

Under the frequent stars, the red sun.

I will go, servant of God (name),

In an open field, ocean-sea.

There is an island in this sea,

On this island stands

Holy Moses Church.

In this church there is

Golden Holy Throne.

On this Throne they sit

Mother Most Holy Theotokos,

Father True Christ.

I will go closer to Them,

I will bow down to Them.

Father True Christ,

Mother Lady Most Holy Theotokos,

You help, you help all the troubles,

Adversity, all sorrows, illnesses.

Take off, take off the lessons, squints,

Fears, commotion,

Pinches, scrapes, stretches.

Bone darling, vein darling

And the relative is transcutaneous, the relative is windy.

Roll off, fall off the servant of God,

From a young man (name), baptized,

From elbows, from nails, from clear eyes

And from the entire human core.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Pour the water over yourself (with your head).

“The magical time of Kupala”

Healing dew

People used to know that the dew that fell on Ivan Kupala was wonderful and healing. At dawn, healers washed the weak and sick with this dew. They shook the plants, wet from dew, into the palm of their hand, said the spell words and ran (washed) the patient’s forehead with their hands and spoke like this:

Ivanushka, Kupalushka, come out and perform.

Wash and bathe the servant of God (name),

Give her dew for beauty, for Basque fullness,

For health and against the evil eye.

Wash it all off at once, splash it, rinse off all the infection from it:

Crixes-Maraxes, ozes, slander,

Sworn conspiracies.

Everything that I don’t say, I’ll think and won’t say.

My word is strong, my deed is molded.

Conspiracy for wealth on Ivan Kupala

On the night of Ivan Kupala, roll in the dew among the field grass. Whisper like this:

No one counts you, grass ants, No one will ever know your account, So that I, God’s servant (name), Do not know the account of my wealth. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

For a quick marriage

If a girl is not married for a long time, let her marry Ivan Kupala she will tie a braid near a birch tree with the words:

Mother birch, tell the slave (name) to marry.

After three days, unravel the branches. There will definitely be a wedding soon.

“The magical time of Kupala”

Z spell for bedbugs

With this spell you can get rid of bedbugs once and for all. On the night of Ivan Kupala (July 7), go to the field and find three haystacks there (three crops), which stand far from each other (they do not see each other). Take a little grass from each haystack, saying each time:

Just as the bug doesn’t see it, so the bug wouldn’t see a bug in my house, he hated it.

Then place this enchanted herb in all corners of the house.

Fern picking spell

Everyone knows that a blooming fern, picked on the night of Ivan Kupala, helps to fulfill all desires and gives its owner happiness, health and wealth. You just need to pick it off skillfully. First, draw a circle around it, tearing it off and saying:

God's talent, Your judgment, may God rise again. Amen.

Usually on Ivan Kupala people collect herbs for treatment. And in a leap year, when they come to the forest, before picking even a blade of grass, they stand facing west and say: “Leap Father, keep the bad things for yourself, and let me take the dear ones. Amen".

A ritual to bring a person a high position

On the night of Ivan Kupala, you need to jump over the fire, shouting:

“Fire is below me, and I am above fire. Amen."

Lucky spell for artists (for popularity and increasing the number of viewers)

Ears of corn need to be prepared for him on Ivan Kupala. The plot itself is read on any night on the waxing moon, so that the moon is clearly visible in the window.

We need to take well water, bring forty to the house church candles. Place a mirror on the window and place the water in the jug so that the month is reflected through the mirror in the water, light 40 candles around the jug of water, and read in a low voice as best you can. At the same time, rinse a handful of ears of corn (you should have them prepared for such a thing from Ivan Kupala) in the water so that the reflection of the moon trembles from the splashes.

Mother Luminary,

Son-in-law Yarilo, daughter Zvezdilo.

Go, star, at your own pace along the happy passages, as King Solomon walked

I ask not for gold, not silver, not copper money, not paper money.

I ask for sales tickets,

so that all paths, all roads lead to my doorsteps.

They walked on foot and without horses, beggars and in sables.

Every person, every tribe,

I would not spare any money or time.

Everyone would come to admire me

and would not want to part,

with me, God's servant.

Like a mother loves her child,

can’t stop looking at it, can’t get enough of it,

so let everyone know me and not forget me,

The thought about me does not drive me away from my brow.

Let slander not touch me, let my glory not drown.

I cover myself with a crown, I bless myself with a holy icon.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Want to know more? Then

“The magical time of Kupala” for you

Usually on Ivan Kupala people collect herbs for treatment. And in a leap year, when they come to the forest, before picking even a blade of grass, they stand facing west and say: “ Leap Father, keep the bad things for yourself, and let me take the dear ones. Amen».

Get rid of melancholy

On the night of Ivan Kupala they weave a wreath from St. John's wort and throw it into the water, saying:

Mother fast river, sandy shores, accept St. John's wort from me, and calm my melancholy and sadness.

For a weak heart

Under Ivan Kupala, tie two birch branches together with a red rag. This must be done alone, so that no one sees. Then walk around the aspen counterclockwise.

The plot is read when tying branches:

Holy, holy, holy!

Holy twig, holy branch, holy leaf.

You have no sorrows, you have no illnesses.

If slave (name)’s heart didn’t hurt so much,

it wouldn’t ache, it wouldn’t sting, it wouldn’t ache:

neither at noon nor at midnight,

neither in the morning nor in the evening,

neither after dawn nor before dawn,

neither on Monday nor on Tuesday,

neither on Wednesday nor on Thursday,

neither on Friday nor on Saturday,

not on the last day - Sunday.

Neither in February nor in March,

Neither in April nor in May,

neither in June nor in July,

neither in August nor in September,

neither in October nor in November,

not the last one - December.

These are my words, these are the holy images. Strengthen, Lord, the heart of the slave (name). Holy branches, do not untie, my words, do not be interrupted. Key. Lock. Language.


Words on river water to get better

If a person is very thin, then this is sometimes a tragedy for him.

Enter the water at noon on Ivan Kupala. Pour yourself first with your left hand and then with your right and say:

Mother of God,

I'm standing in the river, my feet are on the sand,

water in my hand.

As water increases in the river,

my sides will also get bigger.

The body is white, be safe, whole, unharmed.

Ivan Kupala, bless my lard.

And how true and true,

that every year on July 7th people remember you, so let my sides become overgrown with lard from this day on. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that there are tons of mushrooms in the forest

On Ivan Kupala, strip naked in the forest and spit over your left shoulder as far as possible, then say:

Grow mushrooms in abundance. I live with drool, the forest be rich in mushrooms.

Many people knew this before, and there were a lot of mushrooms.

Love spell on ants

On Ivan Kupala, pour some honey water into a bottle and place it near the ant heap. Before sunset, go to the anthill and seal the bottle with the ants that got there. Step over the bottle back and forth and say:

Like these ants go to honey,

So does my husband to me, God’s servant (name).

How can these ants be in this bottle?

So does the servant of God (name)

Live with me forever and ever.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Bring back love that has cooled down

A broom made on the night of Ivan Kupala, “steam” the cold spouse to themselves. Tapping the lower parts of your body with a broom, say;

We offer only time-tested and practice-tested solutions that allow you to quickly achieve your goal.

In other articles of this dream book you can find no less interesting conspiracies, love spells and everything that any woman needs every day to achieve success in all matters.

Signs for Ivan Kupala for unmarried, married, for conception, marriage, pregnant, divorced, unmarried and for health

Ivana Kupala, celebrated on July 7, is one of the most mystical nights per year. Demons wake up at night; there is no better time for fortune telling and conspiracies.

— To make your wish come true, you need to climb over 12 fences.
— So that thieves will go around the house, Ivan da Marya flowers are placed in the corners.
- Unmarried girls put a plantain under their pillow, saying: betrothed, dressed up, come to me dressed up.

— If you write down the problems of this year on paper and then burn them, then the bad things will burn in the fire.
- For a woman who wants to get pregnant, open the window at midnight, look at the beam and ask for pregnancy.
“The herbs collected on this day are considered medicinal, and are then used by sick people to improve their health.

- Dew collected early in the morning also has great power, you can wash the patient with it while reading a prayer: just as the dew dries in the sun, so let your illness dry up and die. Just as fire burns everything, so let the dew wash away the infection.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala, conspiracies on the night and prayers

Before entering the river, to make the marriage stronger, they say holding hands:
The water is clean, give us strength with (name) to survive all the troubles. Having plunged into the water with (name), leave all grief behind. Just as the drops flow through you, so (name) and I will be next to each other all our lives.

A spell for good luck, personal happiness is done at dawn: Clear sun, beautiful sun, red sun in the sky, rise to me and bring me good luck. Happiness will increase, strength will increase, everything in my life will work out.

Ivan Kupala signs and rituals for the betrothed house for sleep, fortune telling with a comb

In Rus' it was accepted on the night of July 7 unmarried girls put a comb under the pillow with the words: I’m waiting for you, dear, I’m waiting for you, beautiful, dream about it at night, show yourself to me.

Fortune telling for Ivan bathed in a wreath, plantain, prophetic dream, wax

Plantain seeds are finely crushed and mixed with goose feathers, scattered around the yard, saying: ant grass, help my darling find the path to me, help, point out, bring him.

A wreath is made from fresh flowers, a wish is made, and it is released into the water. If the wreath floated far away, then the wish will come true, if it did not float or stopped in sight, the wish will not come true.

Using a burning candle, drip wax into a bowl of water and see what shape you get. Ring for the wedding, star for happiness, heart for mutual feelings. The sun or circle for change.

Carefully remember the dream you had this unusual night, it will come true in the near future. Or in a dream there will be a solution, an answer to an exciting question.

Folk signs for Ivan Kupala according to the weather and if it rains

Rain foretells a warm summer, a large number of stars to good harvest cucumbers Fog for cold winter.

Signs and rituals for Ivan Kupala using money

To have money before going to bed, put the most large bills, which are in the house, first thing in the morning when you wake up, count them. Throw a few silver coins into the water; if not, you can use any others. After a couple of hours, wash your hands with this water, saying: the water will wash your hands and increase your wealth.

Signs of beliefs and superstitions on Ivan Kupala for love

Young boys and girls gather on the river bank at night, light a fire and take turns jumping. It is believed that fire and water nearby will bring happiness to everyone. Early in the morning, collect the dew and add it to the person you want to bewitch. At the same time, you need to say: I will bewitch whomever I love. Let (name) be next to me, as dew dries in the sun, so let (name) sigh for me.

Rituals for Ivan Kupala: black magic and runes at home and what not to do on this day

For peace in the house and to drive out evil spirits, take a piece of raw meat and walk around the house three times, tracing the walls with meat like chalk. Saying: witches, sorcerers, come out. I didn't invite you, I'm kicking you out. The sun is not for you, the stars are not for you, my house is not for you. After this, give a piece of meat to someone else's dog.

On this day you cannot swim in the water, only read conspiracies on the shore after wetting your feet a little. It is believed that goblin and mermen can drag you away. You can't borrow money so as not to become poor. For the same reason, don’t give anything. Do not pick up coins on the road, they will bring bad luck.