How to beautifully draw tree leaves. Drawing an autumn leaf. Master class with step-by-step photos. Construction. Comparing leaf processes using construction lines

Master class with step-by-step photos “Autumn Leaves”

Bestik Irina Viktorovna, teacher of KSU “Regional special (correctional) boarding school for children with hearing impairments”
Description: This master class on drawing autumn leaves using the “poke method” is intended for educators and teachers primary classes, and can also be useful for teachers additional education. Helps students become familiar with unconventional technology drawing autumn leaves and developing fine motor skills.
Target: drawing autumn leaves using the “poke method”.
Educational – introduce students to an unconventional technique of drawing autumn leaves, teach children to draw with cotton swabs, and improve their skills in working with gouache.
Educational - instill interest in this species drawing techniques, cultivate aesthetic taste, instill interest in creative work, instill neatness.
Developmental - develop fine motor skills, develop in students Creative skills, imagination and fantasy.
Materials and tools required for work:
Cotton buds
Leaf patterns
Water glass

Autumn leaves
The leaves sparkle with bright colors -
The wind blows - they fly around...
Like butterflies, the leaves are fluttering,
Spinning in the sky, flying, flying
They lie on the ground like a motley carpet
They rustle under our feet -
Everyone is talking about autumn coming soon
(L. Schmidt)


1. Print out a leaf template on a landscape sheet.

2. Take a cotton swab, dip it in orange paint and trace the outline of the first leaf using the “poke method”. We also apply gouache to the veins of the first leaf.

3. Take a new cotton swab and use yellow paint fill the background of the first leaf. The first autumn leaf is ready.

4. Using a cotton swab, outline the outline and veins of the second leaf with green paint.

5. Now fill with lighter green paint cotton swab background of the second leaf. The second autumn leaf is ready.

6. Using a cotton swab, trace the outline and veins of the third leaf using the “poke method” with red paint.

7. Now orange paint carefully fill in the background of the third leaf with a cotton swab. The third autumn leaf is ready.

8. Our autumn leaves are ready. Now we begin to fill in the background of the work using this technique. Let's take it blue paint and carefully, starting from the edge, fill in the background of our work with a cotton swab. The background of the work should be non-uniform and transition from dark to light in any direction.

9. Our autumn leaves are ready.

10. Here is another work option. You can trim the edges with scissors, forming a curly oval. Then it turns out that fallen leaves are floating in a puddle.

We glue the work onto colored cardboard for aesthetics and the work is ready.

Children's works.

Thank you for your attention, dear colleagues!

The beauty of the leaves can be described endlessly. They are the first sign that spring has come; they shelter us from the sun and rain, help us determine the strength of the wind and generally bring beauty to this world.

Considering all of the above, we can say that the leaves are just as diverse in themselves, and we have to choose different types when drawing.

Here are some ideas to help you when choosing the type of leaves.

How to draw leaves step by step

I chose Maple Leaf and drew it from all possible angles. If you want to get creative, you can draw your favorite leaf and follow the instructions.

When I need a particular type of leaf in a drawing, I try to find the same type in nature. If you can't, you can look for references in books or the Internet to find the information you need.


First sheet.

This sheet will be quite detailed. The lines of the veins are drawn neatly, in double lines. Most of the pattern will be concentrated between these veins, so they need to be especially highlighted.

Second sheet.

It will be simplified, with simple gouache lines in place of the veins.

Third sheet.

We will make this leaf the simplest one in the image. You will need this type if you have a lot of leaves in your drawing and you don't want to detail each one. They will enhance the contrast between the main subject and the background.


First sheet.

I deliberately did not finish painting part of the sheet to show that I painted over the sheet first light green. In the next step, I wet the areas between the veins that I was going to paint further to give depth. At the second stage, do not paint over the leaf completely and do not fill the veins themselves - because of the pale green fragments in combination with the veins, the leaf looks more realistic.

Second sheet.

The entire sheet is painted unevenly and in one approach. When the drawing was dry, I painted thin lines of veins with white gouache. You can also use pen or ink.

Third sheet.

Just paint it over without detailing. It is better not to place too many accents on those leaves that form the background.


Fourth sheet.

Outwardly, it may seem that it is no different from the leaves of the first row, but the difference will be obvious when we paint it with a special style.

Fifth sheet.

You may notice that this sheet is damaged. Sometimes you may need this effect: for example, if an insect is sitting on a leaf or a forest animal has chewed it.

Sixth sheet.

Curled leaf. You can go outside yourself and look for curled leaves to sketch. This is great for developing skills.


Fourth sheet.

Not the most standard way of painting. You can use it if you need to emphasize certain leaves.

Fifth sheet.

When painting over a damaged leaf, add brown near the holes and chewed edges. You can add simple specks of brown.

Sixth sheet.

First I applied a layer of brown eyeshadow. Then - deep darkening in those places where the edges of the leaf curl, and also in the center. I even added some ink lines to enhance the shadows.


Seventh sheet.

Again, this leaf is similar to the regular ones, but the color will give it a sun flare effect.

Eighth sheet.

This leaf falls or is torn off by the wind.

Ninth sheet.

Our last example I will paint it as if it is solemnly saying goodbye to the greatness of autumn.


Seventh sheet.

Paint the sheet in one layer. The highlight effect is achieved by mixing white gouache with pale yellow and applied with short strokes.

Eighth sheet.

Again, paint this leaf in one layer, and then add shadow to the darker areas with the same color, but adding a neutral tone. You can also add a little black or sepia to the green shadow.

Advice: Neutral tone is the binding medium for watercolor; it can be added to any color to darken the color, but remember to keep the shade consistent.

Ninth sheet.

I left a hint of the previous colors on this piece of paper and added intensity while the design was still wet. I then went back and added saturation between the veins to bring out the detail.

There are many different ways, how to draw leaves, but I hope this basic tutorial gives you some new thoughts and ideas!

Drawing is fun and useful activity, which not only develops your artistic taste, fine motor skills and logical thinking. Creation even simple drawing trains memory, increases attentiveness and develops imagination.

Autumn time pleases us not only with a rich harvest, but with a riot of colors. The bright decorations that “dress” the trees will leave few people indifferent. Colorful images of autumn foliage will help you preserve a bit of autumn on a winter day. How to create them?

Drawing autumn leaves: maple

To obtain an image of a maple leaf, you can use several techniques.

Scheme 1

  • Draw an oval.
  • Draw a vertical line dividing the image in half (line A).
  • On each half, lay 3 vein lines, dividing each sector into 4 unequal parts. All lines originate from one point located in the lower third of line A.
  • Using chaotic teeth, you connect the intersection points of the lines and the oval.
  • Turn the lower third of line A into the base of the sheet.

Scheme 2

  • You begin the work by drawing the veins of the leaf - a central line and 2 side lines coming out of it.
  • Then move on to a contour in the form of a jagged line, which you lay at a short distance from the veins.
  • Add smaller details.

Scheme 3

  • Draw a square with emphasis on one of the vertices.
  • Use a vertical line to divide it in half. Continue the line a little down beyond the square.
  • On each half you depict 3 veins.
  • Draw soft teeth around each of the veins.

Drawing autumn leaves: oak

Scheme 1

  • You start with an oval image, narrowed on one side.
  • Draw a winding vein line through the middle of the oval, and smaller strokes from it.
  • Use a wavy line to mark the edges of the sheet (within the oval).
  • Remove the excess outline.

Scheme 2

  • Draw the outline of the leaf in the form of an elongated hexagon.
  • Divide it in half and draw smaller veins from the middle line (3 - 4 on each side).
  • Form a wavy outline around them.

Drawing autumn leaves: linden

The linden leaf is one of the simplest graphic images.

  • Draw a vertical, but with a slight slope, line - the central vein.
  • Make 2–3 strokes from it on both sides. Even smaller veins can be drawn from them.
  • Draw the outline of the leaf in the form of a rounded triangle. At the place where the tail is attached, draw the outline of the sheet in the form of 2 converging arcs.

Unusual techniques for drawing autumn leaves


  • Place an autumn leaf on the work surface.
  • Place a sheet of paper on top of it.
  • Pressing the paper tightly, lightly stroke the surface of the sheet with a wax crayon.
  • You will see how not only the contours of the leaf appear on the paper, but also all its veins.

Leaf Seal

If you are bored with working with a pencil and want to learn new techniques for creating autumn motifs, prepare foliage and paints. It is best to work with gouache, but if you don’t have it, watercolor is also suitable for these purposes.

  • Apply paint to the sheet, paying special attention to the veins. Use multiple colors to create brighter, more whimsical patterns.
  • Turn the sheet over and make an imprint on the paper.

If the leaves are large enough, you can get not only colorful foliage, but entire trees.

As you can see, drawing leaves is quite simple. A little patience and skill and autumn colors burst into bright fireworks.

In this lesson I will clearly show how to draw a maple leaf with a pencil step by step. This is a simple lesson that even a beginner can handle.

Before drawing a complex shape, you should imagine how it works from the inside. For example, a maple leaf is not simple figure. But if you study its structure, it will become much easier. Here is a maple leaf:

How to draw a maple leaf - a simple step by step drawing lesson

First, look at the maple leaf in the picture above. Think about what its basic shape is. Look at the stem. Notice how it continues to the tip of the leaf. Look at the “ribs” of the leaf. Think about the angles where they meet the stem. Now you can draw the main shape. Always try to see the basic shape first and leave the details for later. Follow step by step instructions below.

  1. Draw a square...then draw a stem going through the center.

2. Look at the edges of the leaves. Imagine the angles where they meet the stem. Note that they fold into a "V" shape at the top and sides of the sheet.

3. Now we draw the outline of the leaf. You can refer to the square you drew in the first step.

To make it easier for you, the main lines are highlighted in color step by step below:

3.1 Draw a flattened “W” shape at the bottom of the paper. At the top, draw an upside down "V" shape.

3.2 Now draw 3 letters “J” (2 upside down).

3.3 Now draw the number “7” on the right and the letter “Z” on the left side of the sheet.

4. Now draw the outer fluted shape of the edges of the leaf.

In the previous lesson I showed . This lesson will be like an addition to it. Here we will look at how to draw leaves with a pencil step by step. As an example I will show how to draw a maple leaf. The drawing process is not complicated.

Step one. I start with the markup. I draw something similar in appearance to a hieroglyph. Each of these lines represents the main network of veins. Step two. Let's draw the contours of the maple leaf itself. Remember that this is still a sketch, so there is no need to press on the pencil. We'll erase these lines later. Step three. Take a colored pencil. I leave the choice of color up to you. I took green, even though it’s already autumn, but I like green. We outline the contours and erase the auxiliary lines that I talked about in the previous steps.
Step four. Take another colored pencil and color our sheet as you wish. Mine turned out completely green. But you can make it in any color. There are many different types of leaves in nature, so there are no restrictions. The result will look something like this: But this is not the end. This time I decided to show how to draw leaves with a pencil completely, from sketch to coloring, and not just coloring as in the previous lesson about autumn. It turned out very realistic, what do you think?
I’ll also give you a cheat sheet (or just remind you what they look like) the leaves of other trees. The collection was assembled personally. My classmate and I walked through the park and picked some leaves for ourselves. This is how we have fun: I also really wanted to draw chestnut leaves, but I didn’t find a single good copy, they had all fallen off. Therefore, I give a picture from the network:
And here is the entire harvest:
That's probably all. You can also draw other vegetation.