Simple drawings of cats. Black cat tattoo: meaning for girls and guys

Puss in Boots from a favorite fairy tale or beloved domestic cat often become characters in children's drawings. In addition, such pictures, drawn with pencil or paints, can become good decoration children's room. But in order to draw a cat correctly, let's first learn how to draw it with a simple pencil, then let's try ourselves oil painting, and after that we’ll find out how to depict a furry pet with five different ways.

Pencil drawing step by step

To prevent the cat from looking lonely in the drawing, you can draw several objects nearby, for example, “plant” it on the windowsill.

Oil painting

For the lesson we will need:

  • titanium white;
  • gas soot;
  • burnt umber; (mars brown)
  • cadmium red; (red durable kraplak)
  • cadmium yellow medium;
  • blue FC;
  • cobalt violet dark;
  • Thinner for oil paints;
  • canvas (square);
  • rag;
  • brushes (No. 3, No. 1, No. 6, No. 16).

Before you start working with paints, I want to pay attention to some points:

  1. Start simple.
  2. If you have never drawn animals before, do not paint them in some complex (incomprehensible) poses, and it is better if the color is limited to one color. This way it will be more clear how to create shadows and light on the fur, and you won’t have to think about how to go from one color to another.
  3. To avoid gross mistakes in the structure of the animal, it is worth considering that all animals' eyes are on the same line, and their size is the same, especially if they look directly at you. The same can be said about the location of the ears and the length of the paws.

Let's start the oil painting lesson: background and sketch

Making the background. To do this, mix burnt umber and whitewash, add a little thinner to them and cover the entire canvas with a large brush. Give it 10 minutes. so that the paint is absorbed a little.

Sketch. Using a thin brush dipped in white, we plan to paint a kitten. Next is the line of the back of the chair from behind which it peeks out. Cat's head and paws. We evaluate the proportions and shape of the intended objects. For example, we look to ensure that the head is not too large (small) in relation to the canvas and paws, and that our sketch looks symmetrical and harmonious.

We wipe off the paint. Using a cloth, remove the background paint from the areas where you marked the cat’s body and the light-colored chair.

We outline the kitten's head and paws using light white paint. If necessary, we adjust the shape, size or placement. You can also use this paint to mark the back of the chair on which the kitten is leaning.

At this stage, you can immediately mark the shadow under the kitten’s paws with cobalt violet mixed with white and burnt umber.

Continuation of the lesson: background, main character, eyes

Background. Our next task is to draw everything that is behind the kitten. You should not put too much effort and precision into this work. Our background is “out of focus”, a little blurry. Therefore, we can outline it with a fairly large brush.

We are writing the main character. Next we outline the main color and light spots on the kitten’s face. Mix grey colour: with whitewash and gas soot. We mark the light on the nose with clean and thicker white. Lightly mark the darker spots where the eyes will be located. Light on the paws. Let's clarify the shadows. Thus, slowly but surely, step by step without haste, we are moving towards an increasingly detailed elaboration of the portrait of our playful and furry hero. Only at the last stage of work, on top of the main spots, do we sketch out thin, elegant strokes, marking the antennae and fur of the kitten. It should be noted here that when drawing a kitten's fur, even at the initial stage, your strokes should follow the direction of growth of the animal's fur.

Eyes. Next, an important stage, the mirror of all our work - the eyes of the hero. They should be same shape and size, and also be placed on the same line (without distortions). This is extremely important! In order not to get confused and not tormented by doubts and corrections, I advise you to initially outline the size, shape and placement of the eyes simply as darker spots. Evaluate them and adjust if necessary.

Next is work with color. Everything here is quite simple. We outline the pupils, almost pure black (a vertically elongated oval). Then, add eye color. In my case, it’s burnt umber with cadmium yellow and a drop of white. Let's add highlights on top of the essentially finished eye. We do this with thick white paint with a thin brush and quite accurately, since it will be difficult to correct.

Important! - we work on two eyes at the same time, rather than drawing one eye first and then the other. With this approach, there is a very high chance that you will draw different eyes.

Details and clarifications. At the last stage, we can refine and boldly work with a thin brush. We draw fur, antennae, some highlights on the pile. We specify the shadow under the paws on the chair and the color of the chair. In general, we bring the work to the stage of completion. This work can be completed immediately in one session, and if you are tired, you can safely put it off until tomorrow.

That's all! The picture is ready!

Draw a striped cat (felt-tip pen, pen, pencil)

Stage 1. Let's draw the auxiliary lines of the cat. The circle is the head, the oval is the body. In the circle, just above the middle, draw a straight line for the eyes. The tail line extends upward from the oval at the back. From below the oval - straight and broken lines future cat paws.

Stage 2. We begin to outline the contours of the body of our pussy. Using the auxiliary lines outlined in the previous stage, we outline the cat’s body, showing a thick tail raised up and curved at the end, back, ears, muzzle, chest, paws.

Stage 3. Draw the cat's eyes on the face. The arrow shows in enlarged form how to draw them correctly.

Stage 4. Now we will draw spotted areas, cheeks, and nose on the ears and muzzle. In the circle all this is shown in an enlarged form.

Stage 5. From the bottom of the head along the neck, chest and front legs we will draw transverse lines - future stripes on the fur of our cute little animal.

Stage 6. We will also draw transverse stripes along the rest of the body, hind legs and tail, giving our cat a special flavor.

Stage 7. Now let's erase all the unnecessary lines and leave only the necessary ones.

Stage 8. Let's color our kitty. It should be striped. It can be gray with white stripes, or black with white stripes. Or maybe red, also with stripes.

You know very well what colors cats can be, so color your heroine as you wish.

5 ways to draw a cat

In order to learn how to draw a cat in five different ways, we will need a sheet of paper, a medium-hard pencil and an eraser. Just in case, you can take a compass and a ruler. So, choose the cat that you like and simply repeat each step step by step.

In this material I want to tell you, how to draw a kitten. I found 20 step-by-step schemes, which presents cats and kittens of different breeds, ages and in different poses. All diagrams enlarge when you click on them! I have also prepared for you several video lessons on drawing a kitten! Watch and learn!

Cats are incredibly graceful, they are well oriented in space and often surprise us with amazing tricks. Therefore, in order to draw this animal correctly, good clarity of lines is required.

1 scheme:

To draw such a fluffy cat, you should determine the main figure that can be used to describe its body and begin to move from less accurate outlines to more accurate ones.

2 scheme:

The cat's skull has an incredibly complex anatomy. Large eyes and a small muzzle are difficult to depict. Therefore, it is important to convey the relief of the head so that further steps are clear.

3 scheme:

A cat lying on its back is a rather non-standard design. That is why you need to master it. Pay attention to the overlap of details. Try drawing this funny kitten.

4 scheme:

A little kitten is an incredibly gentle creature. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly convey his emotions: fear, interest, desire to learn. The kitten's paws should be massive.

5 scheme:

The schematic and semi-childish manner of drawing also requires effort and step-by-step work. Therefore, try to see the end result - a cheerful and mischievous kitten.

6 scheme:

Graceful Siamese cat- an example of what all cats should be. With the help of this breed, you should study the anatomy of the animal. Emphasize the sharpness of the lines.

7 scheme:

To correctly convey the purposefulness of the cat’s gaze, you need to depict the eyes as voluminous. Therefore, add more highlights to your eyes and depict the pupil correctly. It's best to follow suit so you don't get disappointed if you don't get a different angle from the cat.

8 diagram:

When a cat washes itself, it treats itself very carefully. All muscles are relaxed, and the animal feels completely calm.

9 diagram:

If the drawing has few distinct lines, take advantage of this. Carefully draw the structure of the cat's fur and whiskers. Add some formlessness.

10 scheme:

A humorous depiction of a cat requires drawing certain elements. funny paws, long mustache and striped coloring make our cat a typical yard resident.

11 scheme:

Learn to draw not only correctly, but also quickly. Having selected several figures in the drawing, practice drawing a finished high-quality image at speed.

12 scheme:

The anime style kitten has typically large eyes and a very cute appearance. To evoke tenderness and joy, you should add contrast to the picture. The big head and small muzzle convey this mood just right.

13 diagram:

This drawing is not standard, because its drawing begins not with ovals, but with rectangular shapes. By the way, this approach does not spoil the kitten at all. He's quite nice and not rude at all. Try drawing this fluffy kitten.

14 scheme:

The number of cat-themed cartoons is reaching record levels. Moreover, all these drawings are very easy to execute. As you can see, there is not such a big difference between the schematic image and the finished look.

15 diagram:

Not all cats are graceful and cute; moreover, there are quite large breeds of animals. Therefore, you should be able to portray such cats. The chest is coarser and the neck is shorter.

16 diagram:

By dividing the entire drawing into circles, you can train your hand and achieve softer lines in the drawing. By adding slight asymmetry to the paws, you can make the kitten more funny and naive. Try to draw such a kitten with a ball.

17 diagram:

A sedentary cat is a very curious phenomenon. Here is another comical image of a sitting cat. Several figures can perfectly depict a pet.

18 diagram:

A lying cat is not a simple drawing, because you need to correctly depict the posture of the animal and its body parts.

19 diagram:

The fluffy cat is looking straight at us. The drawing is quite easy. Just 8 steps.

20 scheme:

A cat's curiosity can be conveyed with a long tail, mischievous ears and huge eyes. By correctly depicting these parts of a cat’s body, any drawing can be made attractive.

Cats are one of the cutest creatures on our planet :) They are loved even if they just lie on the couch all day and do nothing. Today we will figure out how to draw cats for children.

The examples for drawing will be varied, cats for very young children, cats for children about eight years old and cats for older children. And adults sometimes draw the same cats, because they look beautiful despite the simplicity of the drawing :)

There are a lot of cats in this lesson, so we have made two contents for you.

Drawing a cat for children 7 years old

This cat can be drawn by 7-8 summer child. It is much easier to draw than our other examples.

Stage 1
Let's start drawing from the head. Draw a head similar to Batman's head :) An oval with ears.

Stage 2
Draw the face with simple lines. Closed satisfied eyes, nose and mouth. Also, draw the ears with sharp lines, which will indicate the fur.

Stage 3
At the third stage, we draw long antennae and draw the front legs.

Stage 4
Now we draw the second part of the body. Since this children's drawing cats, then we don’t need perfect proportions. We draw the back, paws and, accordingly, the tail.

Stage 5
We admire the cat we have made :) Color it, for example, yellow, blue or green :)

Learn to draw a sitting cat

This example is suitable for an 8 year old child. He will surely cope with such a tiger :)
In this example, our tailed one will have an unusual coloring; it will be a tiger-cat!

Stage 1
At the first stage, we will analyze two simple steps at once :)
First we draw an oval. Did you draw it? Great! Now at the bottom of the oval you need to draw the face of our cat.

Stage 2
We draw the ears and make a stroke inside them with sharp lines. As mentioned earlier, we are drawing a cat-tiger :) Therefore, in three different sides The faces need to be drawn in three lines.

On the left and right side the lines will be the same, but on the upper side the lines will be a little longer.

Stage 3
In the second step, we have finished drawing the head and now we begin to draw the body of our sitting tiger. We draw the chest, front leg and back.

Stage 4
Now we draw the second front paw; some part of this paw is overlapped by the first paw, since it is closer to us.

Draw the hind leg. The back paw is much more difficult to draw than it looks, so don't press too hard on your pencil. You may have to wash out the not-so-pretty foot and redraw it.

Stage 5
At the fifth stage, we draw stripes on the paws and thicker stripes on the back. Draw a tail and make stripes on it.

Stage 6

It is not necessary to draw it to look like a tiger; if you erase all the stripes and choose a different color, you will get a regular cat, not a tiger.

An example of drawing a cat for a 9 year old child

At first glance, this cat seems very complex and it may seem that it would be difficult for a child to draw it, but this is not at all the case. Thanks to step by step examples you will realize that drawing it is very simple. Let's get started!

Stage 1
As you may have noticed in the picture above, our cat is in such a position that her front paws are standing, but at the same time she is sitting on hind legs. That is why her figure turns out to be elongated and that is why we draw three circles that are connected by lines.

The topmost circle must be divided as shown in the figure. This is needed for the future muzzle. Don't press too hard on the pencil because most of the lines are auxiliary and will be erased.

Stage 2
At the second stage, we draw the ears and draw the muzzle. We connect two circles with two lines to make a neck. We also sketch out the tail and left paw of the cat.

Stage 3
The third is the most difficult stage. Here we draw the paws and tail. It is difficult to describe how to draw paws and tail correctly, so just look at the picture below and try to draw something similar.

Draw the muzzle and connect the lower part of the body and the upper part with lines.

Stage 4
The simplest and most enjoyable stage :) Draw antennae and stripes on the paws.

Stage 5
At the last stage, we erase all our auxiliary lines and our cat is ready.

If you want, you can paint it in your favorite color;)

Drawing a sleeping cat

How to draw a sleeping cat for children? Very simple! It is drawn in just 6 steps and can be completed by a child of about 9 years old. Let's begin!

Stage 1
In the first step of our second cat in the cat drawing lesson for kids, we draw a circle :) This will be the cat's head. Then we divide the circle in half vertically and slightly below the center horizontally.

Stage 2
Let's detail our circle. Draw the eyes, nose and mouth. In our example, the eyes are closed with pleasure:3 But you can draw them open, although if you remember that we are drawing a sleeping cat, then open eyes would be inappropriate here.

Stage 3
Draw the face. Try to draw it symmetrical, and draw ruffled fur at the top center.

Stage 4
Now is one of the most difficult stages, but you will definitely succeed!

You need to draw a smooth line of the body, which will imperceptibly flow into the tail. The line must necessarily rise above our cat’s head, and then smoothly become lower and turn into a tail.

Stage 5
We are finalizing finishing touches. Draw one front paw; it will be slightly visible behind the tail. We draw a mustache, the tip of the tail and, in some places, folds.

Stage 6
Erase the auxiliary lines and, if desired, color the sleeping cat.

How to draw a cute cat for children?

This cat is not the easiest cat for a child to draw, and it doesn’t look much like a cat, but this creature is very cute. This cat looks a little like an anime cat, huge eyes and unusual shape bodies.

Stage 1
Draw a circle, divide it vertically in the center and vertically just below the center. Under this circle we draw an oval, slightly smaller in size.

Stage 2
The second stage is more difficult than the first; you need to detail the head. Draw ears and outline big circle lines that will make the head.

Stage 3
Let's draw huge eyes! The larger the eyes, the cuter the cat will be: 3 Draw the eyebrows and mouth. In our example, we did not draw the nose, but if you really want to draw it, then you, of course, can do it.

Stage 4
The fourth is not a very difficult stage. Let's draw the two front legs, try to draw them not too thin, because we will have a plump cat.

Stage 5
Draw the body of the cat a little wider than the previously outlined oval and draw a tail.

Stage 6
Well, at the last stage, we erase all the auxiliary lines and, if desired, color our cute cat.

  • Kittens and cute cats are preferred by women with a delicate nature, romantic, and averse to aggressive behavior, themselves a little like home sofa beauties. However, psychologists often come to the conclusion that a tattoo of a “cute” cat speaks of some immaturity, regardless of the actual meaning for the girl.
  • The Egyptian cat is an ideal choice for individuals with a mystical character.
  • The “black cat” tattoo has two meanings: either the owner of such a tattoo is interested in esotericism, or it is a nonverbal protest against superstitions.
  • Dynamic tattoos (an animal in a jump, a hissing cat, paw prints) are considered a symbol of confidence and the ability to adapt.
  • “The author's cats” (Cheshire, Garfield, Simon and others) speak for themselves - this is a tribute to popularity.

A little about the history of the symbol

Allegorical images of cats were formed in each community in accordance with historical and religious traditions, therefore the value of this symbol very different from different nations and confessions. For example, a tattoo in the form of a cat will be positively accepted among peoples whose modern mentality was formed on the basis of totemic religions. Positive symbolism in this case is associated with the position of the animal in the mythological system. So among the ancient Egyptians, a cat is not just a sacred animal, it is a hypostasis of the goddess Bast, it is the great Cat Ra or the image of the ominous Sekhmet. There were no evil ones in the Egyptian pantheon good gods, accordingly, this animal was not a bad or good symbol, it was a god. The Greeks and Romans borrowed positive divine symbolism from the Egyptians: among them, the cat personified freedom and was considered one of the faces of the Moon goddess.

Among Muslims, the cat is revered as the favorite animal of the prophet Mohammed, and among the Scandinavians it is a symbol of the goddess of love Freya.

Negative cat symbolism is characteristic of those peoples whose mythology is based on zoomorphism. At the same time, animals and birds are not endowed with their inherent natural traits, but personify human character traits. The fox becomes cunning, the wolf becomes a cruel werewolf. The cats were even less fortunate. Among the ancient Celts, they were considered harbingers of death and symbols of burial. North American Indians considered the Cat totem to be a thief's totem endowed with evil powers. IN ancient China cat is feminine Yin, accordingly, personifies evil forces and werewolf. It was from China that the terrible nekomata came to the Japanese pantheon. Before this, cats were revered by the Japanese as a symbol of power and wealth.

It is most difficult to assess the attitude towards cats among Europeans. On the one side European traditions developed on the basis of Greco-Roman mythology, where the cat was considered a positive symbol. But during the Middle Ages, the assessment of symbolism changed as a result of the confrontation between Christianity and pagan religions: cats, especially black ones, were recognized as demons, servants of Satan, and the offspring of Evil.

Tattoo in the modern world

Modern women are not limited by religious and social traditions, therefore, the ritual meanings of tattoos that have come from time immemorial can only be taken into account, but not necessarily given serious significance. In the civilized world, no one will burn a girl at the stake for having the silhouette of a black kitten tattooed on her shoulder. However, when choosing a tattoo with the image of a cat, it is worth taking a closer look at some of the meanings of this symbol for girls and not only.

To this day, there are communities where social-hierarchical or ritual tattooing is used. As a rule, these are criminal associations. The “Black Cat” mark, known to everyone from the TV series “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed,” actually existed. And to this day, a black cat is a symbol of a thief’s disguise in the criminal community. Moreover, a cat tattoo has the meaning of an identification mark of a pickpocket or burglar, if the cat has the keys. This image complex, and includes not only a drawing, but also a linguistic meaning: the abbreviation KOT stands for “indigenous prison inmate.” This identification symbol is relevant in the criminal world for women, but to a lesser extent.

Clan criminal tattoos with images of cats are also found in Asia; their meaning speaks of a person’s status in the criminal community. Moreover, representatives underworld take their symbolism very seriously: applying a hierarchical tattoo without proper grounds is strictly punished, even if the design was chosen by chance. Therefore, when choosing any design for a tattoo, including a cat, it is worth studying the issue in more detail so as not to get into an unpleasant situation.

I don’t know about you, but this cat reminds me of a situation from a cartoon when Grandma’s old cat turned over a cup of sour cream, which it then ate thoroughly. And now he looks at the hostess with such innocent eyes.

How to draw a cat with kittens

And this is an adult cat with her little kittens. You look at them and your soul becomes warmer. Just imagine how nice it is to draw such a friendly cat family.

Draw a cute cat

Sweet, good pussy. I look at her and I remember the belief about how a cat feels when its owner is sick or sad. Then the cat will certainly come to him, lie down next to him or on the place that hurts, and will purr quietly.

How to draw a playful kitten

Playful kitten. It's so nice to play with him. He, like a ball of fluffy threads, rolls from side to side. Such a kitten as a gift is a guarantee of satisfaction and gratitude.

How to draw an adult cat

The next two diagrams are quite complex, since the cats drawn on them look very believable. But Your hard work, a little effort and patience - and the result will be what you need.

Scheme of drawing a sad cat

Drawing a cunning cat

Everyone knows that cats are quite cunning creatures. This can be seen quite clearly in the diagram presented. Well, isn’t this cat cunning, isn’t he fawning over his owner to get another portion of milk?

How to draw a mischievous cat

This cat is in a hurry to get somewhere. Maybe someone is calling him, or he met someone. Try to draw. You can add something of your own. Creativity has no boundaries.

Drawing a stretching cat

Have you ever noticed how cats show their wariness or aggressiveness? Of course, these are quite peaceful creatures, but sometimes they show their character. This can be seen from the following diagram .

Drawing a cat using geometric shapes

Sometimes you want to draw a kitten in two minutes: then what is important is not believability, but original artistic techniques. Look at this geometric handsome guy!

How to draw a funny little purr

Here's a super-fast way to draw a funny cat! One or two - and a cheerful purr will lift your mood for the whole day!

Do you want something more interesting and challenging? Then see how to draw a cat with paints!

But this cute kitten will happily decorate a holiday card. Will you try to draw?