How do people with perfect pitch recognize a note? Absolute ear for music

Surely many have heard the expression “absolute pitch”. In everyday life it is often attributed to people who are well versed in music, musical notation with extraordinary vocal abilities. However, being a high-quality musician does not automatically mean that you have perfect pitch. Moreover, only a few percent of the world's population can boast of this gift.

Mysterious phenomenon

Absolute ear for music refers to rare phenomena whose status is difficult to even determine. Is it the result of certain natural factors or a physiological (hereditary) feature? The result unique development personality or a consequence of the influence of the social environment (family, society)? Or a complex combination of all factors? This mystery, even after centuries of study, is shrouded in darkness.

Presumably, most babies have this gift, but it is quickly “overshadowed” by other skills that are more important for survival. The main question, thanks to which an element of mystery arises, is the following: why in the same environment of upbringing, under the same conditions for musical development, one of the children develops absolute pitch, and the other does not?


Over the years of in-depth research, scientists have accumulated rich statistical material. It turned out that absolute pitch is formed exclusively in childhood, moreover, precisely in preschool, during the period of dominance of involuntary acquisition of skills. This fact is unanimously confirmed by all researchers of absolute pitch. At the same time, the formation of a rare skill requires quality mandatory condition the presence in the child’s family of a musical instrument whose pitch is fixed. For example, keyboards, a number of wind instruments (accordion, accordion) and others. The reasons for this, presumably, lie not so much in the field of psychology of human abilities, but in the psychology of individual differences (differential psychology).

Absolute musical ear steadily retains its status as a phenomenon as an outstanding, exceptional phenomenon in a certain respect. This is due to its relatively low prevalence. According to researchers, 6-7% of people have absolute pitch. professional musicians and no more than 1% of all music listeners.


Absolute pitch is the ability of people to determine “by ear” absolute altitude sounds. Musicians with this gift remember the absolute pitch scale of the 12-semitone octave scale. They are able to accurately determine the pitch of any sound without outside help. In turn, absolute pitch is divided into:

  • Passive - the ability to match the pitch of an audible sound.
  • Active - the ability to reproduce a given sound with the voice (the owners of “active hearing” are an absolute minority).

There is also the concept of relative hearing - not an innate, but a learned skill, when people are able to correctly determine the pitch of a sound using “cues” (a comparison object, such as a tuning fork).

Development of absolute pitch: pros and cons

For more than a century, there has been debate about whether this rare natural ability can be developed and trained. Theoretically, this is possible, because under the influence of some factors it is formed in children. However, critics of teaching methods argue that there is no mass “influx” of musicians trained in absolute musical ear.

IN different time different people Methods for artificially acquiring absolute pitch were invented, but they were not widely used in practice for a very simple reason: they were not in demand among professional musicians. By general opinion, absolute pitch, although it greatly facilitates the implementation musical activity, but does not guarantee its success, and sometimes even complicates it. In addition, numerous reliable facts indicating that not all famous musicians had absolute pitch confirm the thesis that this ability is not obligatory or decisive.

Moral aspect

And yet, the problem of absolute pitch claims to be an eternal one, since it consists in dividing all participants in the musical community into two “camps”: people who have the gift and those who do not. This confrontation cannot be avoided.

In other words, the possession of absolute pitch is not a matter of conscious choice, but of some kind of “blessing from above.” At first glance, people with relative hearing seem to be disadvantaged: in comparison with “absolute players,” they need the help of a tuning fork or any other source of sound standards. In addition, when performing one or another operation related to determining the pitch of sounds, “absolute speakers” demonstrate unconditional superiority, which cannot but affect the self-esteem of those with relative hearing.

The most striking consequence of this situation is the formation of a kind of professional inferiority complex in persons with relative hearing. This happens despite the widespread assertion that highly developed relative hearing is quite adequate, and sometimes even more effective, when performing musical activities.

Scientific approach

Musical hearing today is considered differentiated in the following gradation of levels: melodic, harmonic, tonal, polytonal, modal, internal, orchestral, polyphonic, rhythmic, physical (natural), singing-intonation, subtle, acute, absolute, choral, operatic, ballet, dramatic. , stylistic, polystylistic, poetic, ethnic and multiethnic (absolute pitch).

It is possessed by composers, conductors, folklorists, the first violinist of an orchestra, arrangers, piano and organ tuners. Many researchers agree that absolute musical ear is a product concentrated on the basis of versatile natural phenomena, human genetics. It should be developed by capturing the voices of nature, birdsong, animal cries and even man-made (industrial) sounds.

How to develop absolute pitch

Whether it is possible to develop 100% hearing through training is a controversial issue. Usually people seeking good results, are called owners of pseudo-absolute pitch. It is advisable to develop talent in preschool children if they are capable of music. It has been proven that the most favorable time for a full perception of music is childhood, when the family learns the basics from the parents. musical culture, the ability to perceive, understand, feel, and experience musical images is cultivated.

Models of development of absolute pitch

Several development models are practiced in Russia. They are based on two principles for controlling intonation and hearing:

  • oral (by text);
  • associative (by notes).

The process of mastering comes down to the fact that at each lesson the entire scale with words is sung, then each student sings it during breaks, on the way home, after completing homework, at leisure. He has it constantly in his head. When basically the text of the model is fixed in memory, which is not difficult by analogy with poetic texts songs, the text is sung in breakdowns in the most various options. In the future, the key should be changed and try to sing the text in a new key, as a result of which the student begins to operate and modulate in any key.

Regular singing exercises develop an internal ear for music. The student begins to hear and determine what sound is being made - mi, sol, fa, la, etc. By analogy with what composers, folklorists, ethnographers, and conductors with absolute pitch have learned.

History lessons

What can a person with perfect pitch do? There is a famous incident in history that happened to the great L. Beethoven. It so happened that his physical hearing disappeared while conducting a piece at a concert, but his absolute, internal musical ear helped, helping the composer to conduct symphony orchestra(310 participating musicians).

Physical deafness did not hinder another opera composer- N. S. Dagirov (operas “Aigazi”, “Irchi-Cossack”, in collaboration with G. A. Gasanov “Khochbar”, ballet “PartuPatima”), who did not hear the production of his monumental works, but felt and perceived them with an inner absolute by hearing. With the loss of the physical, the inner hearing does not disappear. A person with absolute pitch will be able to syntonize quite accurately, display, and beat out the rhythm closest to what was heard.


Seeing, remembering, recording, learning to catch and hear the music living around us is the goal and task of the model for the development of absolute pitch, first in preschool, then in school upbringing and education. The development of musical hearing into an absolute one leads to a differentiated perception of the timbres-voices of folk, symphonic, jazz and other groups. After all, the main goal human society on Earth is the study and improvement of surrounding life in space and time on a new turn of the spiral of evolution.

22.01.2015 20:56

is the ability to accurately identify the pitch of any sound without resorting to comparison with sounds of known pitch.

Composer Camille Saint-Saens grew up as a child prodigy. At two and a half years old he found himself in front of the piano. Instead of knocking randomly, he pressed one key after another and did not release it until the sound died down. His grandmother taught him the names of the notes, and then decided to put the instrument in order. While the tuner was working, little Saint-Saëns was able to name all the notes, hearing them from the next room. They say about such people that they have absolute pitch.

Such descriptions make us perceive this skill as something unattainable and magical... Our review of facts and research urges us to abandon such pathos.

Absolute pitch tests

The history of absolute pitch began in the 17th century, when equal-tempered musical scale with 12 steps and a fixed tuning fork (a pitch standard) were introduced. Its first documented owner in the 18th century was W. A. ​​Mozart, whose hearing was described as “true”, “excellent”. The term " absolute pitch"was introduced in the second half of the 19th century, and closer to the 20th century, scientists began to closely study the phenomenon itself. To date, many interesting patterns, connections and effects associated with absolute pitch have been discovered, however, in scientific world there is no consensus regarding the exact nature of this phenomenon.

In his work “Zonal nature of pitch hearing” (1948), N. Garbuzov, based on his experiments, suggested that absolute musicians perceive sound frequencies in clusters, correlating frequency bands with a 12-step tempered scale. They do not require special subtlety of hearing to differentiate frequencies within these clusters, only a special quality of perception of each of these zones. The width of the zones, according to Garbuzov, depends on the height of the register, timbre, sound volume, individual characteristics And mental state person.

Phenomenon absolute pitch Psychologist Diana Deutsch has been studying it in detail for more than 30 years. At the 138th Convention of the Acoustical Society of America in 1999, she and her colleagues presented the results of a study on the dependence of absolute pitch on the presence of tonality in the native language (Deutsch, Henthorn, Dolson, 1999). Most of The peoples of Southeast Asia, Africa, as well as the indigenous peoples of America speak languages ​​in which the meaning of a word depends on the height of the pronunciation of the syllables. These languages ​​are called tonal or tone languages. From infancy, native speakers of such languages ​​develop sensitivity to pitch, which is necessary for understanding and reproducing their native speech. As a result of the experiment, native speakers of Vietnamese and Chinese reproduced words from native language on the same note on which they spoke them a few days ago. The deviation did not exceed 0.5-1.1 tones for the Vietnamese and 0.25-0.5 tones for the Chinese! Deutsch considers this proof that absolute pitch is not an innate, but an acquired phenomenon.

Some statistics from a study among students at two conservatories, in the USA and China (Deutsch, Henthorn, Marvin, Xu, 2005). Students, divided into three groups, took an online test, where they were asked to correctly identify about 20 sounded notes. Chinese students showed a significant lead over American students who speak only non-tonal languages. According to the test criteria, in the group of students who began studying music at the age of 4-5, about 60% were Chinese and 14% American students had absolute pitch; in the group who started at 6-7 years old - 55% Chinese and only 6% American; in the group that started at 8-9 years old – 42% were Chinese and none from the USA. Importantly, this study showed a direct relationship having absolute pitch from an early age of beginning to learn music.

A Canadian study (Bidelman, Hutka, Moreno, 2013) comparing musicians and non-musicians with a native tonal language demonstrated the influence of language on musical ability, confirming their strong bidirectional relationship. Tasks on the accuracy of determining the pitch of a sound, musical perception and general cognitive abilities (eg, fluid intelligence, working memory). Cantonese speaking Chinese language people showed results comparable to those of musicians, in contrast to English-speaking people who had not studied music.

The auditory system of absolutes is functionally and physically no different from non-absolutes. The difference is in different algorithms for processing audio information cerebral cortex (Gregsen, 1998): accurately determining the pitch of a sound requires a base of frequencies in human memory, as well as establishing correspondences between sound ranges and note names, because one note corresponds to a range of frequencies, however small. Thus, absolute pitch may be a direct analogue of our ability to recognize colors, speech sounds, or other artificially discrete perceptual systems. Just as most of us learned to recognize and call visible light with a wavelength of 450-495 nm "blue", people who were introduced to notes and their names in early childhood, most likely, will be able to identify, for example, the note DO (Takeuchi, Hulse, 1993).

According to the results of a three-year study from 2002-2005 aimed at searching for genes associated with the presence of absolute pitch, Dr. Jane Gitschier from the University of California, recording high probability the presence of such hearing in relatives, suggested that such genes still exist. Although, perhaps, this is a universal human ability, which largely determines its development by the level and type of musical influence that people experience in a particular culture. The collected data showed that the phenomenon of absolute pitch was an excellent illustration plasticity of our auditory system, and a model for studying gene-nurture interactions in the developing brain.

Is it possible to develop absolute pitch?

Until now, there has not been a single confirmed case of an adult achieving true absolute pitch. As we have already mentioned, the period of early musical development in childhood is critical. But don't give up.

If you want to hear melodies as sequences of notes, then you need to regularly and steadily develop all components of musical ear. When you learn to hear the difference between sounds, at least up to a semitone, and remember the name of a sound of any pitch, then you can safely say that you have developed pseudo-absolute pitch. There are many people who have achieved this result. There is no miracle here, just hard work to acquire the desired skill.

You may need pseudo-absolute pitch in the following cases:

  • start singing in the desired key without prompting and do not “slip” when singing a capella;
  • determine whether your instrument is tuned correctly (the tuning may be shifted higher or lower);
  • check whether you play the notes correctly when playing instruments with non-fixed tuning (strings, brass).

However, a person can cope with each of these situations with well-developed relative hearing.

Is absolute pitch important for a musician?

Fact of availability absolute pitch mistakenly perceived as a guarantee of developed musicality. However, it occurs among mediocre musicians, tuners musical instruments and among people who are not at all interested in music. Thus, this ability is not exclusively musical. Many animals and birds have absolute pitch, for which the ability to distinguish pitches is necessary for life.

According to the method of perception of pitch, musical hearing is divided into:

  • absolute(perception of individual notes);
  • relative(perception through the distance between sounds).

It is appropriate to remember what kind of praise people shout when they are inspired by the excellent performance of music? If we generalize the enthusiasm, then we will understand that an outstanding musician skillfully uses ALL his abilities. Even with remarkable relative hearing and a sense of rhythm, a person does not become talented musician. These aspects of musical ear only allow us to divide the fabric of a work into its components for a deeper understanding. They do NOT compensate for the lack of artistic imagination, artistry, ability to work with your voice or instrument, and other important qualities!

It's hard to find a person who doesn't love music. At the same time, many not only listen to it, but also try to perform their favorite songs. Some people do it almost perfectly, while others are better off never doing it. Moreover, the quality of performance in most cases depends not only on the voice, but also on the musical ear that the singer has. However, how can one determine its presence?

What is absolute musical ear?

Essentially, this is a person’s ability to accurately recognize the pitch of a sound and determine which note it corresponds to, as well as recognize its other characteristics. Some musicians who have poor speech recognition hearing have an amazing ability to distinguish sounds and reproduce them accurately. At the same time, any musician knows how to determine the presence of an ear for music. Thanks to this article and tips from the cover band Orange VINIL, you too will know.

Almost everything music teachers They believe that there are no people who have no ear for music at all, as well as the ability to develop it. It’s just that for most people, voice and hearing are not fully interconnected. Wherein a real musician a professional will differ from a person not associated with music not only in the ability to determine the pitch of a sound, but also in the ability to reproduce it. Although, sometimes even people who are not close to music have excellent inclinations.

Determination methods

To begin with, you can ask a friend to play some melody consisting of several notes. In this case, your task will be to repeat the combination as accurately as possible. It is not necessary to name the notes, because reproducing the exact intonation already says a lot.

If you fail, don't despair. After all, there may be several explanations for incorrect interpretation and recognition of sounds. For example, an acquaintance could perform a melody simply in an uncomfortable position for the examinee. As practice shows, many people without experience in music may not accurately determine pitches outside the range of their voice.

If a friend produces a sound on an instrument that you couldn’t reproduce, don’t worry. Most likely you have an ear for music, but it needs to be coordinated with your voice. A few exercises and the problem will be resolved. Having an ideal ear for music initial stage is not a requirement.

If the subject was able to not only determine the pitch of the sound, but also find its musical notation, then this is absolute pitch. Some people are born with this type of hearing, while others develop it over the years. At the initial stage, it is even a little more difficult for those with such hearing in terms of recognizing chords, because they hear only a set of different sounds, and only after training “absolute students” can systematize the intonation of various musical chords. Our team has such a unique person, oddly enough, he is a drummer))

Hearing development

It is believed that only a few people have absolute pitch, while others believe that everyone can develop such hearing. The presence or absence of such hearing is not a criterion of a musician’s professionalism. After all, there are a lot of wonderful composers, singers, instrumentalists and whole musical groups, who are not the happy owners of absolute pitch, but this does not prevent them from filling the halls.

Like any human skill, ear for music develops! Try to play yourself the note C or any other note several times every day, and after a couple of months you will be able to identify it without any problems, and after a few more months you can freely play it with your voice. For “absoluteists” this is an innate feeling, but for ordinary people developed.

If you are unable to independently understand what your hearing is capable of, the musical group for a corporate party - Orange VINIL will try to give you some advice and help with this. The band's musicians have musical education and will be able to easily determine your abilities and inclinations!

TO musical art many people strive to join, if not professional level, then at least on an amateur level. However, this cannot be done without hearing. Absolute refers to one of several types of musical ability and is subject to much debate about the nature of its formation. Is it possible to develop it? Let's try to figure it out.

General and special abilities

General abilities, without which it is impossible to even begin music lessons, are musical memory and healthy psychomotor skills. Under musical memory implies several types of memory that allow memorizing and reproducing in one form or another musical works- by ear or visually remembering the location of notes on the keyboard, visually “photographing” the musical score, etc.

The core of musicality also consists of:

  • modal sense, which allows a person to distinguish the emotional coloring of music and its harmony;
  • musical-auditory ideas about the pitch of sounds, the nature of their reproduction, the order of movement (this also includes the ability to reproduce what is heard by ear);
  • perception of rhythm and the ability to work in a given rhythmic pattern.

Special abilities include those that are necessary for a specific performing activity (for example, a violinist has a number of requirements that are different from the requirements for a vocalist or pianist), as well as abilities necessary for the implementation of composing activities.

General and special abilities are not limited to the above components; moreover, the boundaries between these two groups are not entirely clear.

Types of musical hearing

Musical auditory perceptions are also called musical hearing. There are several varieties of it:

  1. External (perception of music in real time) and internal (ability to reproduce music in the imagination).
  2. Absolute (the ability to absolutely accurately recognize and reproduce individual sounds and melodies) and relative (the ability to build a melody or scale based on modal connections and harmony).
  3. Harmonic (perception of multi-voice chords and parts) and melodic (perception of single-voice melodies).

What is absolute musical ear?

In turn, absolute musical ear is divided into 2 categories: passive and active. Passive is when a person can accurately name the pitch of the sound being played, recognize the chord being played, or even name the notes that make up the melody. Well-developed active absolute pitch allows a person to accurately reproduce a given melody, scale or chord.

Absolute ear for music refers, in theory, to general musical abilities, because musical and auditory performances are precisely in this category. However, researchers are engaged in heated discussions about this classification.

Firstly, it would be wrong to attribute absolute pitch to general abilities, because for any type of musical activity relative pitch is more important - the ability to build relative modal connections (this is what musicality is meant by). Absolute pitch is a unique phenomenon. However, its presence does not indicate a person’s ability to understand music, but rather indicates good auditory memory, which accurately records music information. Therefore, some researchers argue that absolute musical ear is a special ability. Again, it has not yet been established whether this ability is innate or acquired.

How to take a musical ear test

Students undergo a musical ear test before enrolling in music school, students before entering School of Music etc. For people planning to play music professionally, such checks are common. However, in order to turn music into your hobby, you also need to make sure you have the ability. How to test your musical hearing at home?

This does not require sophisticated methods - just complete a few simple tasks with the help of a partner.

Task No. 1

It is advisable for the person taking the test to stand with their back to the instrument. Your partner must play a random note on the keyboard. The subject is given a couple of seconds to remember its sound. Then the assistant must play the notes one after another, and the subject must recognize among them the note that he holds in memory. The test should be repeated several times.

Task No. 2

If the person taking the test knows the name of the notes, then you can try the same technique: a partner plays an arbitrary note - the test person voices its name.

Task No. 3

An ear for music also implies a good perception of rhythm. The assistant must use a pencil to tap a certain rhythmic pattern on a hard surface, which will last 5-7 seconds. The subject must repeat it exactly.

You may not be able to complete the musical ear test thoroughly the first time - this is normal even for people who have hearing. But if, after repeated repetitions, the number of correct answers is less than 20-30%, then, most likely, the ear for music is absent or very poorly developed.

How to develop absolute ear for music

Since absolute musical ear belongs to a still poorly studied area of ​​human abilities, if you really want to, you can still try to develop it: even if the test was passed unsatisfactorily, this is not a guarantee that the person has no inclinations at all. Performing systematic exercises to develop hearing can finally clarify the situation: confirm or refute the result of the first listening.

Exercises for the development of absolute musical ear

When developing an ear for music, you should choose the simplest exercises to begin with. When they are mastered, you can complicate the tasks. An assistant will be needed for the training.

Exercise No. 1

The exercise as a whole repeats exercise No. 1 from the musical ear test. The only difference is that this time, when the student makes a mistake, he needs to be told the correct answer and allowed to remember the sound of the note again, as well as its name (if he knows Pedagogical research has shown that telling the correct answer improves the results of further exercises by 25- thirty%.

Exercise No. 2

When the previous exercise is mastered, it is worth moving on to more difficult option - musical dictation. For it you need to take the simplest melody - from a textbook for the 1st grade of a music school.

For the first dictation, the partner must slowly, observing the time signature and all pauses, play only a few bars, and the subject must write down the melody with notes by ear. You can increase the melody and try to write more complex dictations. Checking and working on errors is a mandatory component of this exercise.


A musical ear test can tell you a lot, but not everything. Some subjects worry too much and this prevents them from performing to their full potential.

However, if you decide to develop an ear for music, you need to understand that performing exercises should become, if not a daily activity, then carried out at least 3-4 times a week. With unsystematic exercises, it will be difficult to achieve results, and in some cases you will have to wait years for them. Developing an absolute ear for music is not an easy task; you need to be patient.

Absolute pitch Etymology.

Comes from Lat. absolutus - unlimited.


Characteristics of musical hearing.


Ability to precise definition the heights of sounds without correlating them with other heard or sung sounds that have a known pitch. The accuracy of absolute pitch is greatest in the middle registers and lowest in the extreme registers. Most often appears in preschool and early childhood.

school age


With passive absolute pitch, the pitch of an audible sound is correctly determined, but it cannot be reproduced by voice according to a given name;

With active absolute pitch, sounds can be both named and reproduced by their pitch.


Differs from pseudo-absolute pitch. Psychological Dictionary

. THEM. Kondakov. 2000.

ABSOLUTE HEARING (English),absolute pitch perfect pitch

) - the ability to correctly determine (name) and reproduce with a voice the pitch of individual sounds without correlating them with other sounds whose pitch is known. A. s. - this is not absolute development musical ear in general, but special shape perception of sounds. Persons without A. s. under certain conditions, they can recognize the pitch of tones well, for example, by comparing a given sound with the highest or lowest sound own voice

(so-called pseudo-absolute pitch). Persons with A. s. can recognize and correctly name musical tones without auxiliary pitch relations and “internal singing.” According to researchers, the determination time pitches

in people with A. s. significantly shorter than those who do not have this ability (from 0.4 to 0.7 s for the former and several seconds for the latter). Accuracy A. s. maximum in the middle registers and minimum in the extreme registers.

A distinction is made between passive audibility, when the subject correctly determines the height of an audible sound, but cannot reproduce it in a voice according to a given name, and active apology, when he can both name and reproduce sounds according to their height.

A. s. usually detected in early school years, sometimes in preschool age.. Large psychological dictionary. - M.: Prime-EVROZNAK. 2003 .

Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko:


    . THEM. Kondakov. 2000. See what “absolute pitch” is in other dictionaries: - ABSOLUTE HEARING, the ability to recognize A. the pitch of an audible sound. With this A. s. differs from relative hearing, the owner of which correctly recognizes the intervals between audible sounds, i.e. their relative location in the scale, but not in ... ...

    absolute pitch Great Medical Encyclopedia - musical talent, musicality, hearing Dictionary of Russian synonyms. absolute pitch noun, number of synonyms: 3 musical talent (3) ...

    . THEM. Kondakov. 2000. Synonym dictionary - see art. Musical hearing...

    absolute pitch- (music) – hearing, immediately, directly determining the pitch of any tone. Large dictionary of foreign words. Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Absolute Pitch- the ability to accurately determine the pitch of sounds without correlating them with other heard or sung sounds that have a known pitch. Most often appears in preschool and early school age. Absolute pitch accuracy... Differs from pseudo-absolute pitch.

    Absolute pitch- Absolute hearing ability to determine absolute height musical sounds. It is expressed in the ability to determine the pitch (musical note) of any given sound without resorting to comparison with sounds of a known pitch. Most often... ... Wikipedia

    absolute pitch- see Musical hearing. * * * ABSOLUTE HEARING ABSOLUTE HEARING, see Art. Musical hearing (see MUSICAL HEARING) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    . THEM. Kondakov. 2000.- (auditory memory), a term to denote a person’s ability to perceive tones, and more specifically the ability to recognize the pitch of each tone, i.e. data frequency sound vibrations. Often absolute or quasi-absolute pitch are... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

    absolute pitch- (auditory memory) a term to denote a person’s ability to perceive tones, and more specifically, the ability to recognize the pitch of each tone, i.e. the frequency of these sound vibrations. Often absolute or quasi-absolute pitch are... ... Russian index k English-Russian dictionary in musical terminology

    absolute pitch- absoliuti klausa statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Įgimtas gebėjimas skirti ir atkurti muzikos garsų aukštį. Absoliuti klausa ypač reikalinga pasirinkusiems dainavimo specialybę. atitikmenys: engl. absolute ear; perfect ear vok. das absolute... Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas


  • Absolute ear for music. Essence, nature, genesis, method of formation and development, Berezhansky Pavel Nikolaevich. This book gives scientific explanation the phenomenon of absolute pitch. Analysis of the results of previously conducted research and the author’s own theoretical and experimental work led to... Buy for 498 rubles
  • Absolute ear for music. Essence, nature, genesis, method of formation and development: textbook. 2nd edition, corrected and expanded, Berezhansky P.N. This book provides a scientific explanation of the phenomenon of absolute pitch. Analysis of the results of previously conducted research and the author’s own theoretical and experimental work led to...