How to learn magic tricks at home. Simple but effective magic tricks for beginners

We decided to devote this page to simple tricks. Simple tricks- This mini tricks or just small tricks that “fall short” of a full description and do not require complex explanations and diagrams. And as their name suggests, simple tricks do not require complex props. Nevertheless, these simple tricks very funny and can lift the mood in any company and anywhere: at home, outdoors, on a trip.

Scarf chicken trick

For demonstration you need a white or yellow thick large scarf. Roll the scarf with two identical tubes inward. After this, bend the scarf the other way around and fold the tubes in half. Connect the ends of each tube sticking out of them together, stretch the scarf to the sides. The result will be a figure similar to a chicken.

Focus is making the newspaper stand

Invite the children to make a regular paper newspaper stand upright. Most likely, nothing will work out. Offer to help them, and after some of your manipulations the newspaper actually stands vertically on your hand. The secret of the trick is that you unfold a whole newspaper and take it by opposite corners. One hand is on top of the newspaper, and the other hand is below. After this, you stretch the newspaper so that a crease is formed in the center. The bottom corner needs to be slightly bent. If you then remove your hand from the top of the newspaper, it will maintain its balance while standing on your hand.

Focus spoon glued to nose

A trick spoon glued to your nose is suitable for when you drink sweet coffee or compote, stirring it with a light teaspoon. To demonstrate the trick, remove the spoon from the cup. Turn the spoon handle down and place the concave side towards your nose. Lightly press the outside of the spoon with your fingers. After you remove your hand, the spoon will hang on your nose as if it were glued. The secret of the trick is simple. You really glued the spoon with the help of the sweet drink that remains on it when stirring. Even with little acting ability, a few seconds are enough to convince the audience of this trick of the extraordinary properties of your spoon.

Focus: control your heart rate

Do you want to show off your unique abilities to your friends? Then this little trick is for you. Ask someone who is willing and able to do this to find your pulse on your wrist. After this person is convinced that there is a pulse, you suggest first slowing it down and then stopping it completely. How surprised he will be when your pulse cannot be felt. Then make it beat again. The secret of the trick lies in a tennis ball hidden in advance under the armpit. As soon as you lightly press on it with your hand, the pulse at the wrist will slow down and then stop altogether. This occurs because the artery is blocked by the ball in the armpit. If you release the pressure on the ball, the pulse is restored.

Everyone loves holidays. But, unfortunately, in most cases family celebrations are banal feasts with watching TV and listening to music. And while adults can somehow entertain themselves, kids get very bored at such events. An excellent option would be home magic tricks. You can create a whole performance for children at home.

Water trick

In front of the audience are four plastic glasses, half filled with water. You have a fifth container in your hands, from which you pour liquid into the existing ones. Before the eyes of amazed spectators, the water in the glasses changes color.

The secret of the trick is simple and is as follows:

  • Place four glue dots on the top of the glass you will be working with;
  • sprinkle 4 different food colors on them;
  • Shake off excess powder well and carefully fill the glass with water;
  • Every time you pour out water, the liquid will turn a certain color.

Coin trick

If you want to organize fun party or just a fun way to spend a family evening, magic tricks for children would be an excellent solution. At home you can show original and simple tricks. So, having wrapped a coin in a sheet of paper, you need to shake the package, saying magic words. Opening it, you will find that there is nothing inside. By repeating the manipulation again, you will present that same coin to the surprised spectators.

The secret of the trick is that you should actually have 2 identical pieces of paper. They should be equally rolled into small envelopes and glued together. When showing the audience a piece of paper, turn it so that they do not notice the “hidden place”. When you shake the package, turn it over with the empty envelope facing up. Repeating the manipulation, change the position again.

Banana trick

You can demonstrate different magic tricks for children at home. And not only interesting, but also delicious. So, give the kids bananas, and when they start peeling them, they will be surprised to notice that the fruits have already been cut into pieces.

This trick is not difficult to do. Take a pin or long thin needle. Gently pierce the peel so that the point is completely inserted into the banana pulp. Move the needle up and down and then remove it from the banana. This manipulation must be done with the entire length of the fruit.

Ball trick

Interesting tricks for children at home can be performed by any adult; they will help add something new to a family holiday or boring evening. For the next trick you will need a balloon. Also a plate filled oatmeal, small pieces of paper or some other light objects. Take the ball in your hands and start rubbing it on your hair or woolen fabric. Bring the item to the plate without putting it in it. The contents will begin to be attracted to the surface of the ball, like a magnet. This ordinary laws physics, which with the help of imagination turn into easy tricks for children. At home they will be great entertainment.

Paper trick

Bet the audience that you can fit through a hole cut in a piece of paper. This is, rather, not a trick, but a test of intelligence. Hand out paper and scissors to everyone in the audience. While they are thinking, do the following with your set:

  • fold a sheet of paper lengthwise;
  • make a cut perpendicular to the fold so that it does not reach the edge of the sheet;
  • now cut the sheet from edge to fold in the same way;
  • perform such manipulations until the entire sheet is cut with such a fringe;
  • with the exception of the extreme strips, all the rest must be cut along the fold;
  • unfolding the sheet, you will see that a person can easily pass through the resulting hole.

Cup trick

Show simple magic tricks for children at home. They can really delight them! So, everyone will be extremely surprised when a cup of tea or coffee begins to soar under your control.

The trick is very easy to implement. Glue a piece of double-sided tape to the cup of such a size that it firmly fixes thumb. Grab the cup tightly and go to the guests. Lift the vessel with your thumb facing you and open your palm. To make the impression even stronger, move your hands as if you have telekinesis.

Coca-Cola can trick

If you want to perform simple magic tricks for kids at home, try refilling an empty and crumpled tin can with cola. This trick requires preparation and includes the following steps:

  • take a sheet of black construction paper and cut a piece into a shape that resembles the hole of an open can;
  • slightly lift the tongue and tuck the cut-out shape under it (this will create the appearance that the jar is open and empty);
  • Make a barely noticeable hole in the top of the jar (on the side), through which pour half of the contents;
  • go out to the guests and show them the jar;
  • to prove that it is empty, turn it over and shake it, and then crumple it (but not too much);
  • now pinch the previously made hole with your finger and start shaking the jar (slowly at first, and then faster);
  • continue to do this until the jar is leveled (this will be achieved due to the gas contained in the drink);
  • Continuing to surprise your guests, move your palm over the top of the jar, quietly removing the black piece of paper;
  • Now all you have to do is show your guests the result, open the container and pour cola into the glass.

Thread trick

This trick can be performed by both adults and children. The main thing is thorough preparation. Take a jacket and sew a secret pocket inside. Wrap several meters of thread around a small pencil or pen, the color of which will contrast with the clothing, and place it in it. Using a needle, pull the thread outward so that its small tip is visible. When speaking in front of an audience, you will need to feign sincere surprise when you see a thread on your jacket. Try brushing it off several times. Once you are sure that your attempts are unsuccessful, pull the tip. Viewers will be surprised that the thread does not end.

Fruit trick

The best entertainment for the holidays (including New Year's) is magic tricks. For children, you can prepare a trick at home in which an orange will turn into an apple. To do this trick, you need to do the following:

  • carefully peel the orange so as to preserve the integrity of the peel as much as possible;
  • now take an apple, which is approximately the same size as an orange, and wrap it in skin;
  • now you need to tightly squeeze the fruit in your hand so that all the cuts are in the palm of your hand, and demonstrate it to the public;
  • now put a thick scarf over your hand, and when removing it, try to remove the orange peel;
  • surprised spectators will see an apple in your hand.

Rice trick

If you want to amaze your young guests, you're probably wondering how to learn magic tricks. At home, it is enough for children to show tricks with ordinary objects, showing a little imagination, cunning and artistry. So, the most common rice can be made magical. To do this you need to do the following:

  • prepare 2 identical plastic boxes for mayonnaise, margarine, cream cheese or other products (they should be opaque and also have a lid);
  • Fill one of the containers almost to the top with rice;
  • Glue the cut-out fragment of the lid to the bottom of the second box so that its volume is halved;
  • place the filled box on a wide dish, cover it with the “converted” container on top and turn the structure upside down;
  • walk around the room with this design, casting magic spells;
  • Now remove the top box - the rice will begin to spill out, as if there was more of it.

Demonstrating chemistry tricks for children at home

Chemical experiments can be carried out not only in a scientific laboratory, but also at home. At the same time, this spectacle can be imagined as something magical. So, tricks for children at home can be as follows.

  • In the evening, prepare a decoction of red cabbage to steep overnight. Now you will need 3 glasses, each of which should be filled by a third with water, a powder solution and diluted vinegar. By adding the resulting decoction to each of these vessels, you will obtain a liquid of purple, green and red colors, respectively.
  • Place a layer of paper napkins at the bottom of an opaque glass or mug. Place a few pieces of ice on top. Now you need to pour enough water into the container so that the napkins absorb it. Having said magic spell, it’s worth turning the glass over and demonstrating how you turned the liquid into ice.
  • There is a more spectacular way to turn water into ice. To do this, you need to take the liquid into a bottle and put it in the freezer. After 2 hours, the water will reach its freezing point, but will still be liquid. To perform the trick, place an ice cube in the middle of a large dish. Start pouring water from the freezer onto it in a thin stream. It will freeze before your eyes.
  • Mix milk with lemon juice. You will use this liquid as ink. Using a brush dipped in the lemon-milk mixture, apply text or designs to white sheets of paper and let them dry. Now invite the children to read the message. When you realize that they have no idea about anything, start heating the sheet with a hairdryer or ironing it. After a minute, the text or drawing you previously applied will begin to appear on it.

Tricks that children perform at home

Of course, kids love watching magic tricks, but showing them on their own will be even more interesting for them. So, young wizards can demonstrate the following tricks:

  • In front of the public, the child places 5 coins between the pages of the book, closes it and casts a spell over the tome using a wand. After that, he shakes out not 5, but already 10 coins. The secret is simple. You need to hide extra coins in the spine in advance, which will fall out later.
  • The magician goes on stage and discovers that he forgot to put on his bow tie. After this he says Magic word, turns around and finds himself wearing a tie. To do this trick, you need to sew a thin but strong elastic band to the butterfly in advance. The tie is hidden under the armpit. During the turn, the child slightly raises his hand, and the butterfly is in its place.


If you want to make your holiday unforgettable, magic tricks will certainly help you. For young children, you can arrange a real magic show at home. The main thing is to show your imagination and practice well.

How do you spend your free time? Love to play computer games, take cool tests, communicate in in social networks, what about learning magic tricks? Surprise your friends!

The most important thing when performing any magic trick is persistent practice. You can get acquainted with the simplest trick and learn how to perform it step by step in at least half an hour, but in order to really succeed and not be exposed, you need to train a lot and for a long time, honing your technique and skill. You need to learn tricks, moving from simple to complex, so next we will talk about how to learn how to do tricks that any beginner can handle.

Simple card trick

Those who want to learn how to learn how to do magic tricks often start with cards. Among card tricks, there are indeed a lot of easy options that you can quickly learn and surprise the audience with them, and one of the most popular of them are simple tricks with guessing cards. We will now consider one of them. The trick is called “Guess the card.”

What the viewer sees. The magician shuffles a deck of cards and hands it to one of the spectators so that he chooses one of the cards. The spectator chooses his card, remembers it and, without showing anyone, gives it face down to the magician. The magician returns the card to the deck, shuffles it again, lays out the cards and accurately finds the spectator's card!

The secret of focus. Take a deck of cards and shuffle it. Attention: the key to this trick is to quietly spy which card will be the bottom, that is, the last one in the deck.

The spectator selects a card and returns it to you. Divide the deck randomly in half - you end up with two parts of cards in your hands, one of which contains the bottom card - you memorized it at the very beginning. Place the spectator's card on one part of the deck and cover it on top with the second part. The spectator sees that his card is now hidden, but you know that it lies under the very bottom card.

Lay out the cards in a fan, then look for your bottom card with your eyes - next to it on the right will be the one that the viewer wished for. Voila! At the same time, do not choose it too quickly, for example, pretend that you are trying to feel the energy emanating from the card - entertain the viewer.

A coin passes through a glass

The next simple trick is the glass and coin trick. It is more difficult than the previous one, as it requires a certain amount of manual dexterity.

From the viewer's side. The magician shows the audience a coin, takes it in the fist of one hand, and with the other brings a glass to it, then knocks the glass on the hand with the coin - and it ends up inside, going through the bottom!

In fact. Choose a large coin and a glass, plastic or glass. Show the audience the coin and then pretend to transfer it to your other hand, covering the top with your palm and appearing to grab the coin into your fist. But the coin, of course, remains in the same hand where it was.

This is the key point: it is important to practice and learn how to hold a coin with an open palm or hold it between your palm and little finger, whichever is more convenient for you - the main thing is that it is held inconspicuously and does not fall out.

With the same hand in which you hold the coin, you take the glass and raise it over your hand with your fist, where the coin lies, according to the audience. Tap the glass on your fist several times. On the last knock, relax your hand so that the coin falls inside the glass, and at this moment open your palm with your fist, simulating the passage of the coin through the bottom of the glass. It is important to work this trick well so that everything works out deftly and quickly, and the audience does not have time to come to their senses and expose you.

Match trick

And finally, we'll tell you how to do tricks with matches that only require sleight of hand.

As the audience sees. The magician holds a match between the fingers of both hands. Having placed them perpendicularly, he hits the matches against each other, as a result of which one match passes through the second.

The secret of focus. Before picking up matches, wet the index finger of your right hand. After this, hold the matches between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. The key to this trick is that the match held in the right hand touches the moistened match with the sulfur head. index finger and therefore sticks to it, and if you unclench your fingers, the match will still continue to “hang”.

Turn the matches held in your fingers perpendicular to each other. Now begin to move the left match towards the right, and at the moment of their collision, unclench your fingers, passing the left match forward, and then squeeze it back. You need to learn how to do this quickly and sharply, imitating the blow of matches - then the audience will not notice the trick.

How to learn to do tricks with a scarf

Spectators also love tricks with a scarf. One of the most popular such tricks is “Passing a coin through a scarf.” How to learn how to do it will become clear after watching the following video:

To ensure that your performance makes the right impression on the viewer and that even the simplest tricks cause surprise, remember a few golden rules that experienced illusionists follow: do not repeat encore tricks, do not tell the technique of performing them and do not warn the audience about what trick you will do next . So the effect of surprise will be achieved, and the mystery will remain.

Any viewer at least once in his life wanted to learn the secrets of illusionists and magicians; in this article we will tell you how to do simple magic tricks for children at home. For beginning magicians aged 8 - 10 years, you can come up with a whole performance and an unforgettable show for their peers for a birthday at home and not only.

Interesting tricks for children do not require special skills or special equipment; a child of 8–10 years old can easily cope with them. To begin a performance, you need to carefully prepare and hone your skills to make the trick perfect. An amazing birthday party trick will make your offspring applaud and applaud, and will also boost his self-esteem.

  1. In order for the tricks to be performed according to all the rules, the child should come up with a costume and stage image. Ask your child what he would rather be, a street magician - performing card tricks, an illusionist like David Copperfield, or even a real magician and wizard. Based on your child’s preferences, make the necessary props and a costume that matches the image.
  2. It’s not difficult to learn how to amaze an audience with magic tricks, the main thing is to develop sleight of hand and achieve mastery in distraction. Simple magic tricks for children can be based on physical and chemical properties objects and substances.

For example, light chemical tricks are performed using liquids (water, oil, soda, milk, etc.). Showing such simple miracles in kindergarten or for a birthday at home for 10 year old children, you can teach them science at the same time. At the age of 10, children become more socialized, and such tricks perfectly develop communication skills and leadership qualities.

How to pierce a bag of water so it doesn't spill

For this scientific trick, you will need a thick plastic bag, a pencil and water. Ordinary tap water is poured into the bag; for effect, you can tint it with food coloring or just watercolors. Then we tie a bag with collected water and pierce it with a pencil. And voila! The bag does not leak and the liquid remains in its place.

The whole trick lies in the property of the liquid, it’s just physics, but from the outside it looks like an extraordinary miracle.

How to put a coin through a table

Tricks with coins for children are probably the most popular. How often do we see in films how grown-up guys take out a coin from behind the ear of little toddlers? But this is just sleight of hand, but while at home you can slightly change the focus with the coin. To do this you need an ordinary table and a coin. The highlight of this magic is the penetration of the coin through the surface of the table. It's quite simple to do.

  • The first step is to position yourself at the table so that the viewer does not see your legs under the table. The entire action is performed with two hands. The active hand (right) is constantly in sight, and the left is under the table (we create the appearance that we are catching a coin). The most difficult moment is to quietly throw a coin from the edge of the table into your left hand.
  • By making this movement with three fingers, we create the appearance of holding a coin. Then we simultaneously slam the palm of our right hand on the table and knock with the coin from underneath with our left hand. Next, we simply take out a coin and present it all as magic.

Focus coin through table

A balloon that can't burst

This trick is similar to the previous one with water and a pencil. Only instead of a package we use balloon, and a pencil - a long, thin and sharp knitting needle. To make the trick work, you first need to stick a tiny piece of transparent tape onto the ball. You need to glue it on both sides symmetrically. You can take a few more balls, but without tape. This is done to show that the balls are ordinary and burst with a needle.

Then the baby inflates the “enchanted” balloon and pierces it all the way through where the tape is glued. And lo and behold! The balloon didn't burst, you just need to practice in advance.

Water turns to ice

A fun trick for freezing liquids based on the chemical properties of water. As you know, at temperatures below 0 degrees, liquid turns into ice. But this trick is spectacular, especially if you perform it on the birthday of 10-year-old peers who do not yet know the laws of physics and chemistry.

  • You need to take a plastic bottle, fill it with tap water and put it in freezer in the refrigerator for about two hours. Be sure to make sure that the water does not freeze, but only becomes very cold and close to freezing. Then you can take out the ice for drinks and start pouring icy liquid from the bottle onto it, everyone will be delighted to see the liquid freeze and turn into a solid state, i.e. into the ice.
  • You can also invite the public to try ice cream from their favorite carbonated drink. To begin, before your show, shake your soda bottle and refrigerate it as directed above. Always make sure that the drink does not harden; this time varies depending on the refrigerator. Therefore, go and check from time to time to ensure that no ice has formed.
  • Then, when the time has come for the performance, take out a bottle of soda (the main thing is not to shake it, so as not to ruin the focus) and open the cap gradually releasing the gas. Then slowly pour the drink into a cooled container, and you will see how it turns into ice cream before your eyes. You can also create this magic right in the bottle. To do this, shake the cooled soda.
  • If you prefer to experiment with water, you can pour it into a cold cup and throw in a piece of ice. The effect will be the same, only the liquid does not freeze immediately, but seems to stick to the piece of ice. By stirring with a spoon or straw you will get a homogeneous mass. If you use a sweet drink, then it can be eaten like ice cream and offered to those who wish. It turns out to be a kind of molecular cooking.


  • Even a child in kindergarten can do the funniest and simplest trick using a matchbox. First you need to prepare the props, take a matchbox and take out the inner box for storing matches, cut it in the center and turn one of the halves over with the back side. Then, using tape or paper, glue the box together so that it consists of two halves turned in different directions.
  • Next, put matches into the glued box and push them back into the box. The following actions: take the box and pull out the inner box halfway (so that the gluing is not visible), observers see the matches, then close the box and turn its back side towards the viewer.

Everyone thinks that when you turn the box over and open it, all the matches will fall out. But it was not there! You pull out the box, but the matches remain in place and for the viewer the magic lies in the fact that the box inside has turned over on its own.

Rope trick

You will need two participants and two identical ropes. To begin, one participant (No. 1) has a rope tied around his wrists in the form of handcuffs. The second participant is tied with a rope on one hand, the rope itself is passed through the “fetters” of the first (crosswise) and the second end of the rope is tied to participant No. 2. Then they are asked to free themselves from the bonds without removing the rope from their wrists or cutting them.

From the outside, this thing looks very unsophisticated, and it seems that it is impossible to free yourself. But there is a way out, and here’s how: a rope is taken from participant No. 2 somewhere in the middle and its loop is threaded into the loop on the wrist of the first participant. Then the threaded loop No. 2 is put on by participant No. 1 on the hand through which the second loop was passed. And participant No. 2 throws off the loop from No. 1 and is freed.

Rope trick

Magic kits

A set of magic tricks for children can be given to your little one for her birthday or simply bought for logical development and thinking. Ready-made kits can be purchased in online stores; such kits usually come with instructions for performing tricks.

These may be chemical or physical experiments, illusions, card tricks, practical jokes and much more. These simple tricks at home prepare the child for science and, by playing with his parents, he develops oratory abilities and develops creative potential.

Soda Experience

The clever soda gobbledygook fascinates and confuses those watching at first glance. The trick itself involves restoring a crushed aluminum soda can and then pouring the drink from the supposedly “empty” container.

First, you will need a half-liter jar of your favorite drink (unopened). And also a needle, tape and a black circle of paper (the size of the hole in the jar). The first step is to pierce the jar with a needle in some place (preferably higher and closer to the top).

  • Thus, we release the pressure and part of the drink from the can. Then, when the drink is about one-third out, seal the hole with tape. Then we carefully crush the jar itself, giving it a used look. Place a black circle of paper on the lid. From a distance it will look like the can is open and there is a hole in it.
  • Everything is ready for the performance, now you tell the audience that with the help of magic you can restore a can of the desired soda. You take the crumpled container and carefully show that it seems to be empty.
  • Then, with the words - abracadabra, shake the bottle slightly and make mysterious gestures with your hands (due to the internal gas pressure in the can from shaking, it will begin to burst and the remaining drink will straighten the bent aluminum). Then, distracting with your other hands and words, carefully and imperceptibly remove the black circle with your thumb. Next, you open the bottle cap (revealing the ring) and pour the drink into the glass.

Paper cover

Another experience built on science and physics. Again liquid, glass, but now paper. Fill the glass with water (about halfway), and cut a piece of paper slightly larger than the diameter of the neck of the glass. Then cover the glass with a sheet of paper and quickly turn it over, holding the paper.

And lo and behold, the water did not spill, but remained in the glass. You can modify this experiment using a liquid dye and you can take different volumes of vessels. It could be a small glass liter jar, vase, etc. The main thing is that the neck of the vessels is even.

Cool trick with water in a glass

Amazing tricks sometimes don't even require props

Do you want to be able to surprise people? Do you dream of becoming a magician? But this requires props, considerable skills, and many devices. In fact, there are many tricks for which you will need absolutely nothing .

At the same time, they are very easy to learn, and their secrets can be unraveled only by a very attentive person who himself deals with such things, and even then only if he hurries up and begins to demonstrate his skill without properly training.

So, the most amazing tricks without props . Perhaps you have already seen some of it yourself. It's time to find out the secret.

Focus "Closed hands"

Clasped hands can be released. there is one little trick

An incredibly interesting trick that requires absolutely nothing. It is done very simply, even children can learn.

More likely, the one performing the trick will ask you to repeat all the movements after him .

  • Pull your arms forward, place them crosswise, right over left
  • Turn your palms towards each other so that your little fingers are at the top and clasp your hands.
  • The thumbs are extended downwards.
  • And then, maintaining your grip, you turn your hands thumbs up.
  • Have you tried it? Most likely, you didn't succeed. But the illusionist opposite you freely unfolded his clasped hands.

Surprised? How did he do it? Very easy.

The main trick of many, the thing on which the whole secret rests, is a red herring. And here it is too. The trick will work best on a large audience. This way you will be watched less closely.

So, you asked the audience to clasp their hands crosswise with their little fingers up:

  • And then attention needs to be naturally diverted somehow. For example, you can turn to one of the audience, ask them to raise their hands a little higher, and advise another person to lower them a little.
  • And at the same time, you yourself unclasp your hands, and then clasp them again, quickly, so that no one notices that your grip has become different.

The secret of the clasped hands trick is revealed in this video:

And you make the capture very simple:

  • Interlock your fingers in advance so that your thumbs are at the top, and then turn your palms one hundred and eighty degrees.
  • The big ones look down, you pretend to be witchcraft, and then turn the lock with your little fingers down.

You succeeded, but the audience did not. If you practice and stretch your arm muscles a little, no one will notice anything, no matter where they are: in front of you, to the side or slightly behind. This is one of the few tricks when performing which you don’t have to make sure that the entire audience is in front of your eyes.

Focus "Hands in the lock"

Viewers are easily deceived. The main thing is to distract their attention

Another interesting trick, When your hands are clasped together. It too can be shown to a large audience standing around you without worrying about exposure.

The magician clasps his palms, one palm is on top, its fingers are clenched, the other is below, the fingers are extended.

He turns the lock one hundred and eighty degrees, and the hand that turned out to be the lower one unclenches, and the upper hand squeezes, covering the lower one.

And so again, and then again. Then the “magician” shakes the lock, and the upper hand suddenly disappears, and five more fingers appear below, grasping the clutch.

Learn hand tricks in this video:

How it's done?

  1. Apply right palm to the left and grab it.
  2. Turn it over, turn it back over.
  3. And then you need to very sharply bend the fingers of the lower hand and straighten the upper ones.
  4. The main thing is to do it sharply and very quickly. Then it will cause surprise.

But this trick is very easy. It's good to show to children. Attentive adults will quickly expose you.

This is just a small example of how many different things you can show using only your hands. Learn and surprise, and in any company you will be admired.