How to draw an apple tree with a pencil step by step. How to draw an apple with a pencil Life cycle of an apple

Apple is the most famous and widespread fruit in our country. It may be various colors: green, yellow, with ruddy sides or even deep ruby. The taste and form are also very diverse. But one thing remains the same: adults and children love it for its wonderful taste and benefits. It’s also very easy to draw, which is why it’s often one of the first things people learn to draw. In this lesson we will cover a lot different ways how to draw an apple, starting with the simplest ones and ending with realistic color images.

Regular apple

Example with chiaroscuro

Step by step in color

For beginners

Apple with simple chiaroscuro

Still life with an apple

Regular apple

First, we suggest you see how to draw an apple with a pencil, one of the most simple ways. This design is quite similar to a real fruit; later you can fill it with your favorite color.

We draw a circle, since this is the shape that the depicted fruit usually has.

The place where the stalk attaches to the fruit is usually slightly concave. Let's depict it as an arc. From it upward we draw the stalk of the stalk.

Let's correct the shape of the apple from above at the stalk and below, where the flower bloomed. Let's add a leaf.

At the end, remove the extra lines with an eraser and add veins to the leaf. The drawing is ready.

Example with chiaroscuro

This method of drawing an apple with a pencil step by step is a little more complicated, since with the help of a pencil shadows and small natural irregularities on the surface of the fruit are depicted.

Let's make a sketch. To do this, mark out the work area in the form of a square.

Inside this square we will draw a circle - the future apple.

Below and above we outline small concavities, characteristic of the location of the stalk and flower.

The sketch is ready.

We outline the main shape with a thin felt-tip pen or marker. Auxiliary lines can be deleted. Add the stalk and leaf on top. We will also add lines dividing the fruit into 3 horizontal parts: markings for more precise application of shadows.

Let's clarify the leaf. To do this, make jagged edges and depict veins. The designated spot in the upper third is the future bright spot of light reflected from a smooth surface.

Using shading, we apply shadows to the surface of the apple.

The drawing is ready. Now you can paint it with transparent paint so that the shadows underneath remain visible. For example, it might look like this:

Step by step in color

Below we will look at a very good, but not the easiest way to draw an apple step by step. It is more suitable for artists with some drawing experience. For the drawing you will need colored pencils of yellow, brown, orange flowers, and different shades red-pink.

Stage 1 - sketch

Let's draw a sketch using a simple pencil and thin lines. Pay attention to the place of the stalk.

Stage 2 – filling out the main form

Use vertical strokes to fill the surface of the apple. First, we completely paint it over with a yellow pencil, then with an orange one. We fill the sides more tightly, the center less tightly. Leave a light spot for the highlight image.

Stage 3 – color transfer

At this stage we use pencils of red-pink shades. First - light ones, gradually moving to darker ones, as shown in the pictures below. We outline the outline with the darkest color at the end.

Stage 4 - detailing

Using a darker color, brown, we begin to work out the details. There will be three drops of water on our apple: we denote them by shading on the outside. We will also add color transitions and lighter stripes. The area of ​​the stalk that was left white will now be painted in yellow or orange, and its outer contour will be outlined in brown.

Stage 5 – development of the stalk

First paint the stem with a light brown color, then darken the edges with more dense shading.

Stage 6

The final touch is the shadow of the fruit on the surface where it is located. A fresh rosy apple is ready!

For beginners

The easiest way to draw an apple for beginners, suitable for children, is offered below.

The basis of the drawing is a circle.

Let's flatten it a little at the top and bottom to give it a characteristic shape.

Add the stem and leaf.

Fill the finished drawing with color.

Apple with simple chiaroscuro

This option will help you understand how to draw an apple with a shadow. It also begins with a sketch in the form of a circle, on which we then draw indentations at the top and bottom at the place where the flower and the apple itself are attached to the branch using the stalk.

We trace the outline of the apple with a thin felt-tip pen or marker.

Let's add some irregularities on the surface, characteristic of a real fruit. You can draw a drop of water.

We will apply shadows below and to the right using hatching, after which we will mark the surface on which the apple lies and paint it directly under the fruit.

Still life

We offer an option on how to draw an apple with a vase. Below is the basic sequence. The apple itself can be depicted in any familiar way.

At first geometric shapes Let's depict the location of objects.

Then we will give them more precise shapes.

Let's detail each object and remove unnecessary lines.

Finally, add shadows using shading or coloring.

Abstract of GCD

in the section "Drawing"

in the senior group on the topic:

"Apple tree with golden apples in a magical garden."


Tereshchenko Elena Mikhailovna

using fairy tale therapy



Target: Teach children to create fairy tale image, draw spreading trees, conveying the branching of the crown of fruit trees; depict a lot of “golden” apples.


Educational: strengthen drawing skills unconventional methods drawing (drawing with foam rubber “pokes”). Learn how to beautifully arrange an image on a sheet of paper.

Educational: develop children's coherent speech. Expand your vocabulary. Develop aesthetic perception and sense of composition.

Educational: Cultivate interest in artistic creativity.

Material and equipment:

Landscape sheet, gouache paints, brushes, jar of water, napkin, foam rubber “poke”, palette, MM presentation.

Educational technology:

    Health-saving technologies (physical education exercise “Apple Tree”).

    Fairytale therapy.

    ICT (TsOR: multimedia presentation “The Tale of the Tsar”).

Progress of educational activities.

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: - Guys, do you like to listen to fairy tales?

Children :- Yes.

Educator: - Do you want me to tell you a new fairy tale?

Children: - Yes.

2. Preparation for mastering program material through updating background knowledge.

Educator : - In a certain kingdom, in a distant state, there lived a king. And the king had three daughters: the eldest, the middle and the youngest. The king loved him very much youngest daughter. And the stepmother was very angry about this and decided to bewitch the girl. She put the king's daughter to sleep. The king was saddened and went to the Wizard for advice.

The wizard thought and thought and said: “I can help you get your daughter back. To do this, you must plant an apple tree with golden apples in the magic garden, and they will save the princess from deep sleep.”

Educator: - Guys, what should I do? Would you like to help the king?

Children: - Yes.

Educator : - How can we help?

Children: - We will draw an apple tree with apples.

Educator: - Great, guys, let's help the king: draw an apple tree with golden apples! Do you agree?

Children: - Yes.

Educator: - Where do we start drawing?

Children : - draw an apple tree.

Educator: - We start drawing with the largest object - an apple tree. Try to place the drawing in the center of the sheet.

Educator: - Draw an apple tree: first, use a brush to draw the trunk and branches brown paint. Then we draw the leaves by “dipping”. To draw a leaf we will need green gouache. First we paint the leaves with dark green paint, and then add light green leaves.

Educator : - Did you manage?

Children: - Yes.

3.Acquaintance with new material.

Educator: - How can we draw apples? I'll give you a hint. Pay attention to what items are on your table. What do you think we will try to draw apples with today?

(children raise foam rubber “pokes”)

Educator : - That's right, we will draw apples with foam rubber “pokes”. To do this, we dip one edge of the “poke” in yellow paint, the other edge is painted red.

Educator: - What do we do if we have extra paint?

Children: - We remove it with a napkin.

Educator : - Absolutely right. Now, guys, put a “poke” with a “Column” and carefully scroll.

Educator: - What do you see?

Children: - Apple.

Educator: - It turns out to be an apple with a red side. Oh, what a magical apple! Round, golden!

Educator: - Guys, I suggest you play a little, would you like?

Children: - Yes.

Physical education lesson “Apple tree”

Target: Formation of motor activity in children, removal muscle tension, prevention of fatigue.

4.Primary comprehension and consolidation of the material in practice.

Educator : - Did you like playing?

Children: - Yes.

Educator: -Guys, we haven't finished our work. We need to hurry.

Educator: - Sit down at the table and we will draw an apple tree with golden apples. Anyone who has time to draw an apple tree can add details to the drawing. And I will photograph your drawings and send them to the Wizard. He will revive the apple trees and present them to the king. The king will come out magic garden, pick a golden apple, bring it to his beloved daughter and she will come to life. And they will live happily ever after.

5. Summing up organizational type activities.

Educator: - Guys, did you like the trip to a fairy tale?

Children: Yes!

Educator: - Admire your works. You like?

Children: - Yes!

Educator: - Thank you guys for the work done. You did a good deed: you saved the young princess.

Summary of a drawing lesson: “Apple tree with golden apples.”
Teacher additional education Mishchenko Nadezhda Viktorovna, Municipal preschool educational institution « Kindergarten“Fairy Tale”, Karymskoye village, Trans-Baikal Territory
Preparatory group
Date of creation: October 2016
Goal: teach children to draw an image fairy tree- apple trees.
Educational: Learn to create a fairy-tale image, draw spreading trees, conveying the branching of the crown of fruit trees. Strengthen the ability to draw using non-traditional drawing methods (drawing with foam rubber pokes). Learn to correctly place an image on a sheet of paper
Developmental: develop interest in artistic activities, aesthetic perception, the ability to combine the beauty of the world, develop imagination, Creative skills, visual skills.
Educating: To cultivate accuracy, perseverance, and the ability to behave.

Materials: sheets of paper according to the number of children, gouache, foam sponges, brushes, wet wipe, palette.
1 part. Introductory.
- In a certain kingdom, in a distant state, there lived a Gardener. Every autumn, golden apples ripened in his garden. Well, trouble happened: the Dragon flew in and ate all the apples and burned the apple trees. The Gardener became sad and went to the Wizard for advice. The wizard thought and thought and said: “I can help you revive the garden, but I need pictures with painted apple trees.”
- Guys, let's help the Gardener: draw apple trees with golden apples! Do you agree?
Physical education minute.
There is an apple tree by the road,
(arms clasped above head, fingers unclenched)
An apple hangs on a branch.
(put your wrists together)
I shook the branch hard
(arms above head, forward and backward movements)
Here we have an apple.
(palms in front of the chest, imitate holding an apple)
I'll dig into the sweet apple,
(join wrists, spread palms)
Oh, what a pleasant taste.
Part 2. Main.
- Where do we start drawing? (draw a horizon line) Using the horizon line, we divide the sheet into sky and earth. Since this is a magical garden in which golden apples grow, let’s draw a sky of an unusual color. Apply three colors to the top of the sheet with strokes: blue, red and yellow. Using a damp cloth, rub the three colors into a single background.
- Next, paint the bottom of the sheet. Apply three colors to the bottom of the sheet with strokes: dark green, light green and yellow. Using a damp cloth, rub the three colors into a single background.
- The apple tree is located in the center of the leaf. We draw an apple tree: first, use a brush to draw the trunk and branches with brown paint. Then we draw the leaves by “dipping”. To draw leaves we need green gouache. First, “dip” on the leaves with dark green paint, and then add light green leaves.
- We will draw apples with a foam sponge. We apply yellow and red gouache to the palette. Dip one edge of the sponge into yellow paint, the other edge into red paint. Place the sponge in a column and gently scroll. It turns out to be a round apple with a red side.
Independent work.
Part 3. Final.
- Oh, what magical apples on the apple tree! Round, golden, with a pink side!
Offer to admire the resulting drawings. I will photograph these drawings and send them to the Wizard. The Wizard promised to revive the apple trees and give them to the Gardener.

Summary of GCD for drawing in unconventional technology"Apple tree with golden apples" ( senior group)

Drawing "Apple tree with golden apples."

Integration educational areas: « Speech development", "Socially communication development", "Cognitive development"


Learn to create a fairy-tale image, draw spreading trees, conveying the branching of the crown of fruit trees

Strengthen the ability to draw using non-traditional drawing methods (drawing with foam rubber pokes). Learn to arrange an image beautifully on a sheet of paper

Develop children's coherent speech. Expand words knowledge.

Cultivate interest in artistic creativity.

Equipment: We will need:

· tinted album sheet

simple pencil

· gouache yellow, red, orange, green, brown, blue

· thin and wide brushes

· foam rubber “poke”

· jars of water

· palette

· napkins

a small piece of paper for a test drawing with a poke

Methodical techniques: Game situation, conversation-dialogue, productive activity of children, summing up.

GCD move:

In a certain kingdom, in a distant state, there lived a Gardener. Every autumn, golden apples ripened in his garden. Well, trouble happened: the Three-Headed Dragon flew in and ate all the apples and burned the apple trees. The Gardener became sad and went to the Wizard for advice. The wizard thought and thought and said: “I can help you revive the garden, but I need pictures with painted apple trees.”

Guys, let's help the Gardener: draw apple trees with golden apples! Do you agree?

Where do we start drawing? (draw an apple tree)

We start drawing with the largest object - an apple tree. The drawing is located in the center of the sheet.

We draw an apple tree: first, use a brush to draw the trunk and branches with brown paint.

Then we draw the leaves by “dipping”. To draw leaves we need green gouache. First, we “dip” on the leaves with dark green paint, and then add light green leaves.

We will draw apples with a foam rubber poker.

How to draw an apple?

Dip one edge of the poke in yellow paint, the other edge in red paint

(remove excess paint on the auxiliary sheet)

We place the poke in a “Column” and carefully scroll. It turns out to be a round apple with a red side. Oh, what a magical apple! Round, golden, with a pink side!

Physical education break.

« Apple tree" Serbian song

Apple tree! Apple tree! Children walk in a circle holding hands.

Where are your apples? In the center there is one child - an “apple tree”.

Did the frost freeze them? Children stop for every line

Or did the wind carry them away? bend one finger on both hands.

Or did lightning burn it?

Or were they hit by hail?

Or did the birds peck?

Where did they go? They lower their hands and shrug their shoulders.

The frost did not freeze them, These words are spoken by the child “apple tree”.

And it wasn’t the wind that carried them away, Children bend one finger on both

They were not burned by fire, hands, starting with the big ones.

There was no hail with rain,

The birds didn't peck them.

The children interrupted! The children run away, the “apple tree” child tries to tarnish them.

Independent work

Now sit down at the tables and we will draw an apple tree with golden apples.

Whoever has time to draw an apple tree can add details to the drawing

Bottom line.

Offer to admire the resulting drawings. I will photograph these drawings and send them to the Wizard. The Wizard promised to revive the apple trees and give them to the Gardener.

The teacher thanks the children for their work.

In this beginner tutorial you will learn how to draw an apple. At the end of the lesson we will get two illustrations: a whole apple and a half.

Drawing an apple is a great opportunity Practice shading and creating volume. For work we will need:

  • Liner 0.3
  • Liner 0.1
  • Liner 0.05
  • Simple pencil (HB or B)
  • Thick drawing paper

How to draw a whole apple

Step 1

Using a simple pencil, draw a circle. It doesn't have to be perfectly symmetrical, so we'll narrow it down a little.

Step 2

We slightly modify the outline and add an apple stalk.

Step 3

Apply strokes along the contour of the apple with a liner. Liner 0.05 is ideal for this task.

We leave a thin, unpainted strip near the outline to create the effect of reflected light, otherwise the apple will look flat.

Step 4

Add more strokes to the bottom of the fruit using a 0.05 liner.

Step 5

Using a 0.05 liner, we create an additional layer of strokes intersecting the previous lines.

Step 6

Apply vertical hatching using the same 0.05 liner. Please note that all lines must be drawn in accordance with the shape and contour of the object.

We also leave two unshaded highlights in the upper half of the apple.

Step 7

Using a 0.05 liner, we apply long strokes on the sides of the apple to emphasize its three-dimensionality.

Thanks to this, we can quickly increase the contrast of the object.

Step 8

We continue to work with shadows with a 0.1 liner. Apply rounded strokes to the sides of the apple.

Step 9

We darken the lower part of the apple further by applying thin arc-shaped strokes with a 0.05 liner.

Step 10

Slightly reduce the brightness of the upper half of the apple using a 0.05 liner.

Step 11

Using a 0.1 liner, draw a shadow under the apple.

Step 12

To make the texture of the apple look more interesting, use a 0.3 liner to apply dots in a chaotic manner.

How to draw half an apple

In this part of the tutorial you will learn how to draw an apple cut in half.

Step 1

We start by drawing the center line, then draw in the two halves using a simple pencil. The apple halves don't have to be identical, just let them be a little different.

Step 2

Step 3

Then we sketch out the central part of the apple.

Step 4

Step 5

We draw the outline of the apple using a 0.3 liner.

Step 6

Using a 0.3 liner, add short strokes on the handle and shade the seeds.

Step 7

We continue to work with the central part of the apple. Using subtle strokes we focus attention on the shape and add shadows. For this we use a 0.05 liner.

Step 8

Apply thin shading along the inner contour of the apple using a 0.05 liner.

Step 9

Working with the texture of an apple. Using a 0.05 liner, draw small circles and dots.

Step 10

As a final touch, use a 0.3 liner to add larger dots to emphasize the texture of the apple.

Congratulations! Now you know how to draw an apple that looks quite beautiful and realistic.

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