How to design a reader's diary, educational and methodological material on the topic. Dear schoolchildren, as well as their parents! How to make the first page of a reader's diary

If you read regularly but can't remember the contents of a book after a month, stop. Think about it: why is this happening? In the meantime, I’ll tell you about my reading diary, which helped me get the most out of reading.


No surprise, but I love to read. At the journalism department we had the subject “History foreign literature”, thanks to which giant book lists appeared in my life. During the semester, it was necessary to overcome from 50 to 70 works. Complex, deep, heavy. “Doctor Faustus”, “The Magic Mountain”, “Ulysses”, “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, “Billiards at Half Nine” - all these books stuck in my head for a long time, because we spent hours sorting them out in pairs.

But time passed, and the contents of the books gradually faded from memory. I began to read literature completely differently. After reading, too little remains in my head: I realize this after a month or two.

Who was the main character? Why was he in conflict with the world? How did it all end?! What to do: read again?

What to do

The solution was born in conversation. My friend and I were discussing this problem and suddenly we realized that we need to start a reading diary. Like at school, but only more interesting. Don’t just list what happened, but give detailed analysis read.

Author of the photo: Anna. Source

I got excited about the idea. I started looking for something similar on our website. I found a diary for schoolchildren - “Reader's Diary” by Marta Reitses. It has 4 columns: book, author, translator, quotes and my thoughts. There are pages with facts from the book. Fields where you can draw a mind map, write fan fiction or a review. Add a recipe that you read in the work. And even create a crossword puzzle based on the book.

Author of the photo: Anna. Source @annakrolly

It didn’t even bother me that the diary was for children. After all, this will not stop those who decide to read and disassemble books brick by brick. But I didn’t want to wait for him to come, so I left the option on a note.

My version of the diary

I decided to start with something simpler. And in the end I bought a notebook, opened the first page and divided it into several columns:

  • Name,
  • author,
  • the year of publishing,
  • Main characters,
  • action takes place
  • What's happened,
  • what is the book really about?
  • quotes.

I filled out almost all the lines in one fell swoop. Until the column “What the book is really about.” It's stalled here. Last time I analyzed works using the phrases “Cool book! I really wanted to re-read it right away” or “Be sure to read it! I couldn’t sleep because of her until three in the morning.” But this scheme was not suitable for a reader's diary. And then I realized that I needed a book about how

Reading Rules

4. Don't always look for the "main idea."

This advice applies to fiction. Sometimes we want to reduce works to a list of problems that are described in the text. But often it is not created for this at all. Fiction book- this is the world into which the writer calls us.

Don't forget to enjoy its colors - stylistic devices, language, charismatic characters, manner of the author.

American writer, poet and critic Mark Van Doren writes: “When we read Shakespeare’s play, we are in it. We are drawn there quickly or smoothly - most often quickly - and, once in this world, we are completely immersed in it. This is the secret of Shakespeare's power over us - and it remains unsolved. The author creates a special world around us that we did not even suspect about. And this world absorbs us completely.”

5. Draw a plot.

My reading diary is not limited to text. Visual images help me remember what I read: I draw the cover or scene from the book that caught my attention the most. For what? The book Visual Notes explains that our brains process information verbally and visually. This means that sketches are not simple pictures, and a way to reproduce in memory important points from the work.

Photo credit: Source @infopres18

What's the benefit

Keeping a reader's diary turned out to be terribly interesting. For now, I do it the “old fashioned way” - by hand, in a notebook, filling out each cell with my imperfect handwriting. I’m thinking of switching to an electronic version: making a big GoogleDoc. Or adapt a creative notebook: one of them will come to me very soon.

The diary has several important advantages.

  • A holistic feeling from what you read. The book does not disappear in the abyss of thoughts, but stands on the shelf of memories. With a cover, explanations and a bookmark on the right pages where you liked the quotes. There is a feeling that you have “lived” the story and understood the author. I figured out everything that was bothering you.
  • Like a detective. Writing about a book is like an investigation: you try to dig deeper than usual. It seems that you are reading an action-packed thriller, but in fact it is a psychological drama. Or at first glance it was simple story about the life of a choreographer. On the other hand, a guide for survival in a creative profession.
  • Memory. The content is truly remembered many times better. Especially when you write the text by hand, think about the decision of the main character, highlight the thoughts that you like.

My diary is slowly growing


On the next page, prepare the contents of a reading diary, which will list all the books that the child read over the summer. For maximum convenience, number the pages.

When writing information about a book you read, you can follow the following procedure:

First write the title of the work, Surname I.O. author. In addition, you can indicate the author's biography.

The next point is the presentation of the plot (for example, where and when the events take place, what the conflict is, when it is resolved, etc.)

Then describe one of your favorite episodes in the book.

In conclusion you can indicate Additional information about the book (found by the student in other sources), “literary baggage” (what other works of this author the student has already read), write general personal impressions about the book.

Today in schools, teachers are increasingly turning to parents with a request to help their child compose diary reader and monitor its completion. There are ready-made forms offered by various publishers, but they are not available in every store. Therefore, the easiest way is to make such a diary yourself and start designing it together with your child. This can be quite exciting.

You will need

  • - notebook.


Pick up general notebook, the design of which will correspond to the intended content. This notebook does not require compliance strict form, so you can let your child choose a notebook with any drawing he likes. The number of sheets should be selected based on the age of the child and the period for which this diary is designed. Check this with your teacher. Some teachers ask for a one-year journal, while others expect it to be used for a longer period of time.

Design the first page as an analogue of the title page. Here write the surname and first name of the child in which he studies, the school number. Indicate the name “Reader’s Diary”. In addition, it would be appropriate to put the start date for filling it out here - this makes it easier to keep track of the time spent reading books.

Start the ruler by turning it out. Place three columns on the left page. The thinnest, several cells, is traditionally reserved for indication serial number. The next one will contain the title of the work and the author. Here the child can indicate individual chapter numbers and their names. The last column “Main characters” will name the characters.

At the end school year Many teachers give students lists of literature that need to be studied during the holidays. However, books require more than just reading. Teachers require that the material studied be entered into the reader's diary. Unfortunately, many children fail to cope with this task because they do not know how to properly keep a reading diary and what it is all about.

Who needs a reader's diary?

Some parents have a negative attitude towards the management of emergency situations. Very often you can hear the phrase: “How can I keep a reading diary for a child, even if sometimes I don’t remember the name of the author or characters of the work I read? If I liked it, I remembered it; if I didn’t like it, why keep it in my memory! And in general, I already have it.” reads under sticks." Unfortunately, such statements can be heard quite often. Based on this, we can conclude that we read only for momentary entertainment. However, this is not quite true.

To general education school curriculum includes works that teach children kindness, mutual understanding, relationships, etc. necessary qualities intellectually developed person. In addition, the purpose of a reading diary is not at all to develop a love of reading in a child. As a rule, children read any work (even a fairy tale) in order to learn something interesting that they have not heard about before. In addition, many hold competitions, quizzes or marathons in which children have to remember what they once read. For example, tell a fairy tale, a riddle, answer a question about some hero. And how can they do this if the material they read has long since disappeared from their memory? If the child knows how to keep a reading diary and use this knowledge, then the information will be available to him at any time.

Why do you need a reader's diary?

Reader's diary- this is a kind of cheat sheet that will help the child remember all the material he has ever read. In addition, BH teaches children to analyze a work, brief conclusions from what I read. After all, this is what is most difficult for elementary school students. Studying works, writing down summary In the Black House, the child also trains writing skills. Memory is also trained, because by writing down the names of the main characters and the author, various dates, the contents of the text, the child remembers them better. Among other things, parents, by monitoring the conduct of black-and-white, can understand which genre interests the child more and what they should pay attention to. Now you need to figure out how to keep a reading diary.

Keeping a reader's diary

In principle, a black hole is an ordinary notebook in which the student writes down his thoughts, some quotes from the work, a summary, the names of the author and main characters. Most simple model- this is when the sheet is divided into two columns, in one of which they write the name of the work, in the other - their conclusions. However, this scheme is more understandable to the older generation; it is not suitable for children. How to keep a reading diary for children? In principle, there is nothing complicated about this. However, it will be difficult for the child himself to design such a model. It's better to do this together with your parents. So, take a simple student notebook (preferably not very thin) and draw it into several columns:

By doing this regularly, the child consolidates the material he has read and in the future will be able to easily answer any question about the work.

How to keep a reader's diary - sample

Reading diary for a student junior classes may look like this.

Reader's diary (sample)

How to use

It is advisable to fill out the blacklist immediately after reading the work or the next day, having the text at hand in order to remember the most important points. From time to time you need to look through the completed pages to refresh your memory and consolidate your impression of the work. At the end of the blacklist, you should make a contents page, where you will enter the names of the books you read and the page number with their description. Thus, it will be much easier to navigate the black hole.

December 24, house of medical adviser Stahlbaum. Everyone is preparing for Christmas, and the children - Fritz and Marie - are guessing what the inventor and artist godfather, senior court adviser Drosselmeyer, who often repaired the clock in the Stahlbaums' house, will give them as a gift this time.

In the evening, the children were allowed to see the beautiful Christmas tree, near and on which there were gifts: new dolls, dresses, hussars, etc. The godfather made a wonderful castle, but the dolls dancing in it performed the same movements, and it was impossible to get inside the castle, so The children quickly became tired of the miracle of technology - only the mother became interested in the complex mechanism. When all the gifts were sorted out, Marie saw the Nutcracker. The ugly-looking doll seemed very cute to the girl. Fritz quickly broke a couple of the Nutcracker's teeth, trying to crack the hard nuts, and Marie began to take care of the toy. At night, the children put their toys in a glass cabinet. Marie lingered at the closet, accommodating her charge with all the comforts, and became a participant in the battle between the seven-headed mouse king and the army of dolls led by the Nutcracker. The dolls surrendered to the onslaught of mice, and when closet No one believed her story about the night's incident. The godfather brought the repaired Nutcracker and told the tale about the hard nut: the king and queen gave birth to the beautiful princess Pirlipat, but Queen Myshilda, avenging the relatives killed by the mousetraps of the court watchmaker Drosselmeyer (they ate the lard intended for the royal sausages), turned the beauty into a freak.

mouse king

had already approached the Nutcracker, Marie threw her shoe at him... The girl woke up in bed with a cut elbow

broken glass

If you read regularly, a reading journal may be a great idea. Just like a regular journal, a literary journal will chronicle your bookish adventures. Create a separate note for each book you read, write down your thoughts and reasoning. This approach will help you become a thoughtful reader and also improve your writing skills. In addition, if you start to get confused about the plot, writing down your thoughts will help you remember the details. The most important thing is that after some time you can open your diary and reflect on the books you have read.

    Steps Part 1

    • How to create a reading diary
  1. Check out the benefits of a diary. The usefulness of a reading diary depends on how much and often you read. If you read almost every day, then over the course of a year you probably accumulate so many books that it’s impossible to remember in all the details. Can't remember important points from books you read just a few months ago? Keep a literary diary, as the process of writing down your thoughts helps you remember information better. If you only read a few books a year, a literary journal will be less useful to you. Such a diary is only suitable for very active readers. Choose a method.

    • Consider both options and make an informed decision, even if you already have some preferences.
    • In some cases, it is convenient to combine paper and electronic records. The computer is not always at hand, but the final conclusions can be saved in in electronic format when you finish reading the book.
  2. Buy a quality notebook. If you choose to write by hand, don't use a cheap spring-loaded notebook. It is quite convenient for notes, but wears out quickly. It is better to choose a high-quality and durable notebook with a reliable binding (leather).

    • In addition to reliability, you should like the notebook, because it will serve as your diary for more than one month. Authors often have emotional attachment to your diary, so buy a quality notebook to suit your taste.
  3. Create a blog. A blog is a free online diary. In this case, you don’t have to think about running out of free space in your diary. A blog makes it easier to organize and find content. In addition, the blog may gain a readership.

    Register for LiveLib. If you want to keep track of the books you read on the Internet, then LiveLib will be a better choice than a simple blog. LiveLib is a site that allows people to track their reading habits and post thoughts about the books they read. A pleasant addition will be an extensive database of materials and an active community of book lovers.

    Part 2

    How to keep a diary
    1. Specify important information about the book. Each individual article should include basic information: the author's name and the title of the book. Highlight such data in bold or other external features so that they stand out on the page or screen. This will make it easier for you to see key information in large amounts of text.

      Write down facts that are easy to forget. Our memory is unreliable. Even if you are delighted with the book, it is not a fact that in a year you will be able to remember the details of the plot. The more you read, the more often this problem arises. Of course, you don't have to write down every little detail, but at least include the ideas that interested or surprised you.

      • Such nuggets of information will become clues that will help you remember other details.
    2. Write down your favorite quotes in your journal. IN good books There are always lines that will tug at your heartstrings. You don't have to write everything, but choose a few quotes from the book that are worth transcribing verbatim. An excellent choice would be quotes that encapsulate the essence of the book.

      Comment on the author's style and techniques. Some diaries write only about the content of books, but it is no less interesting to evaluate the form of the work and the author’s techniques. Analyze the author's perspective (from the first or third person), the volume of the book, images and artistic media, which are used in the work.

      • Complete the entry with your assessment of the effectiveness and appropriateness of the author's techniques. Your journal entry may constitute an informal review. Thoroughly explore different technical aspects to learn how to differentiate good text from bad.
    3. Indicate the time and place of creation of each entry. A literary diary is not just a list of books read. Like any diary, it will contain indirect judgments about the events of your life. Life experience influences the books you read, and books, in turn, can represent life stages and periods of time. Keep this in mind and indicate the place and time when you read this book and created a note.

      • Write down facts that connect the book to life events to help you remember both aspects better. Strengthen and expand associations between the book and life circumstances.
    4. Relate the book to your life. Over time, it will be easier for you to understand the emotions when reading a book if you indicate your thoughts and events that you had to deal with at that moment. General information(where you lived, with whom you were in a relationship) will help you remember many details of a given time period.

      • Thanks to background information, it will be easier to remember the mood and way of thinking with which you read the book. This will help explain the focus on specific quotes or certain thoughts.
      • Naturally, deeply personal details should be indicated only in personal literary diary, which cannot be read by outsiders.
    5. Think about how the book affected you. Books are an option for leisure and entertainment, but they also help us develop. Many of the books you read will not leave lasting impressions, but some will definitely influence your life. If a book has forever changed your worldview, indicate this fact at the end of the note.

      • You can also highlight these moments in bold so that years later, when you glance at your notes, it will be easier to find the thoughts that were especially meaningful to you.

    Part 3

    How to form healthy habits
    1. Set reading goals for yourself. Reading books is fun, but active reading requires a little more motivation than watching TV or playing video games. Some people set goals to motivate themselves. For example, if you want to read more, but write: “I will read three books this month.”