The first tailor. What qualities does a tailor need? Tailor is two in one

At all times, the profession of a tailor was honorable - after all, it was these people who were responsible for how well both high-ranking persons and ordinary townspeople looked in their clothes. Having only a thread and a needle at their disposal (for until the 19th century, all clothes were sewn by hand), tailors created the most beautiful dresses and suits for royalty, many of which we can now admire in paintings and portraits of medieval artists.

The history of the emergence of the “tailor” profession began with the invention of the loom, which made it possible to produce various fabrics. It is not for nothing that the word “tailor” comes from the Old Russian “port”, which means “piece of fabric”. The subsequent appearance of items very necessary for a tailor’s work, such as iron needles, scissors and an iron, also played a role.

Ancient times

Already in Ancient Greece there were sewing workshops called ergasteria. And these were quite large productions. The production of fabrics and preparatory operations were carried out there by slave artisans. They were led by a tailor from free citizens who was engaged in sewing garments.

The era of feudalism

In the feudal era, the production of clothing was carried out by peasants who lived on the estate of the feudal lord, and paid him a tax in cloth or ready-made clothing. There were special workshops there - geniuses, where tailors, weavers, spinners and shoemakers worked. There were also so-called traveling tailors who walked around castles and villages and sewed clothes according to the orders of local residents. This is how the picture appears: such a master is standing somewhere at a fair and shouting: “Tailoring clothes to order in Moscow! Inexpensive! " By the 12th century, guilds appeared, uniting the workshops of weavers and tailors.

Middle Ages

In these times, it was mainly men who became tailors - after all, even embroidery on suits was quite a labor-intensive task that required physical strength. Women were engaged in weaving lace and embroidering on thin fabrics. They began to learn the craft from childhood - to become just an apprentice, you had to spend at least 8 years in the service of a tailor. By the way, in the paintings of tailors from that period, it is clear that when sewing, they sit on platforms with their legs crossed in Turkish style, and use tables only for cutting fabric.

In the 12th century, clothing design appeared - products were no longer sewn from rectangular pieces of fabric, but began to be modeled according to the contours of the human body. Since then, the division of labor began - cutters appeared who specialized in making clothing parts from fabric.

New Time

Around the 15th century, the concept of fashion appeared - every tailor tried to come up with a more intricate and magnificent style in order to outperform his fellow competitors. The royals were role models and style setters, and then fashion went “to the people.” During the Renaissance, the most “fashionable” tailors were Italian tailors, then it was the turn of Spain and France. At this time, tailors had a fairly narrow specialization, and knowledge about the craft was passed on by inheritance - clothes were sewn exclusively to order.

In the 17th century, the first sewing machine was invented, and the production of ready-made clothing began, although so far only for men. A woman's dress had to be tailored to her figure individually. There was a transition from elaborate forms of clothing to more practical designs, and here in the fashion world, English tailors came to the forefront. No one has ever made custom T-shirts due to the lack of such material, but they worked great with wool.

Even at the beginning of the heyday of industrial clothing production, it was believed that the tailor profession would disappear as such. But this did not happen - there are both clothing factories, for example “Sewing Factory”, and tailors who sew clothes to individual orders at home.

The tailor sews different clothes for children and adults, men and women, for all seasons. The master knows how to choose suitable styles and fabrics. This is not always easy to do. Everyone understands that underwear should be made from chintz, and a fur coat should be made from fur, and not vice versa! But calico fabrics, silks, and furs are very different. Fabrics come in different colors, patterns and different widths. The threads in them can be woven in different ways. There are so many tricks here!

Sometimes the names of professions change depending on who is engaged in this profession: a woman or a man. If a man is a tailor, then a woman is a dressmaker. And if a man is a weaver, then the woman will be called a weaver.

Of course, these days in tailoring, as in any other business, machines help people. But there are still many jacks of all trades left in this profession. Do you know where to find them? When you walk down the street with your mother, read the signs more carefully and you will see where it says “ATELIER” in big letters... That’s where real tailors work!

You can’t do any business without a tailor. Does the doctor need a gown? Needed! Does the actor need a suit? But of course! A clown needs a funny outfit? Does the military need a uniform? Mom needs a kitchen apron? Kitchen aprons, however, many mothers sew themselves. Mothers and grandmothers can be such craftswomen that it’s time to show their work at exhibitions!

When sewing, a good craftsman takes into account many aspects: aesthetic appearance, future practicality and much more. Everyone wears clothes, and therefore everyone is a tailor's client. Tailors work not only in production, factories and ateliers. There are specialists in this profession who work for themselves and produce custom tailoring individually. An experienced tailor will even hire and train assistants to carry out his work.


The first tailors appeared in Ancient Greece in the 3rd century BC. e. They worked in workshops, and slave labor was often used. The master tailor was the head of such a team and was personally involved in sewing the product. Everyone else did the preparatory work - production of material, cutting, pressing. In Medieval Europe, a tailor was considered a respected person. Good masters had the honor of dressing the kings and queens themselves. Until recently, people in this profession were also fashion designers. This profession received a special status around the 15th century, when the concept of “fashion” was born. In the Middle Ages in Europe, a tailor was considered a very respected person. And naturally, the best craftsmen dressed the kings and queens.

HOW TO BECOME A TAILOR A tailor is a person with secondary specialized education. This specialty can be obtained at schools in many cities of the country. The main thing in learning this craft is practice, which forms a significant part of the learning process. A tailor must be diligent, patient, and must be able to concentrate on a specific process. Good vision and hand coordination are also important. There are also professional requirements for tailors. Knowledge of the range, design, components, product details and much more is required.


Once upon a time there lived a skilled tailor,
He knew his business very well:
Chose fabrics for us -
Cotton, chintz and satin.
And then he took measurements,
I made a pattern, fitting,
I swept away the fabric with white thread,
I sewed everything together on a typewriter.
And for the guys' holiday
The outfit was always new.


Fingers fly like birds -
The calico stream flows.
Fingers fly like bees -
The stream flows like silk.


Today magazine IQR brings to your attention a story that is not typical for our time. It is common among young people to start a business without knowledge, rushing headlong into the pool. No one wants to first study their specialty, practice their profession, and only then open their own business. Meanwhile, this is a traditional path valued in the West. We thought for a long time about which section to put this material in - “” or “”? In general, we will talk about building a business based on professional experience. But first of all, this is a story about a beloved profession. The heroine of the material will tell you the rest herself.

My name is Evgenia Vladimirovna, I am 48 years old, I live in the city of Ussuriysk, and I have been working as a cutter-tailor for almost 30 years. From early childhood I constantly sewed, cut, embroidered something. My dolls were the most fashionable and richly dressed, to the envy of my girlfriends. The secret was that there was an atelier next to my house, and every evening the cleaning lady brought out a pile of multi-colored scraps of fabric into a container that stood at the entrance. Despite the general shortage, you could find any kind of fabric in the container. Brocade, velvet, pieces of fur. Probably, it was then that my dream of becoming a tailor was born. In the workers' village where I lived, there was no educational institution for training tailors or even seamstresses. And these, as it turns out, are different professions. I'll talk about this a little later.

Where can I become a tailor?

Profession tailor

What is the difference between a seamstress and a tailor?

After finishing 8th grade, I entered vocational school No. 28 in the city of Ussuriysk, where in less than three years I learned to be a seamstress. It was then that I realized that being a seamstress was not exactly what I had dreamed of. I wanted to become a tailor.

A tailor differs from a seamstress in having higher qualifications; he can cut a product according to ready-made patterns, sew a product from start to finish, while a seamstress specializes in performing a specific sewing operation. As a rule, a tailor works in an atelier for repairing and sewing clothes according to individual orders, and a seamstress works in conditions of mass, continuous production in a factory, where all operations of the sewing process are clearly distributed among workers.

Specialty tailor-cutter

I wanted to learn how to do everything myself - from start to finish. Having trained as a seamstress, I entered a technical school. Three years later she received the specialty of a cutter-tailor. Now I knew and could do everything necessary for sewing clothes. I could design and cut any model. In any case, I was sure of it.

I don’t regret at all that I started learning the profession from the very beginning, because the intricacies of sewing later became very useful in my work life. I learned to understand fabrics, the intricacies of caring for them, I knew what number of needle and thread to choose when working with this or that fabric. I knew how to set up any sewing machine, adjust the stitching - in a word, I was not afraid of ruining the thing. Getting the profession of a cutter-tailor, I learned how to create patterns, take measurements, and make changes to existing patterns. I was completely ready for my first job.

Employment and joy at work

My first workplace was an outerwear sewing studio. I found a job easily, because upon graduation I received a diploma with honors. Still would! I studied with great pleasure.

Then I didn’t understand why, during the interview, the manager was very happy that I had never worked in a factory in continuous production. It turns out that by working in one operation, girls lose the skills they acquire in educational institutions.

After working in a factory, getting a job in a studio will be much more difficult. At first I worked as a seamstress in a studio. The cutter brought me ready-made, cut parts. I just had to first sew them “on a living thread”. After the first fitting, if everything turned out to fit, the seams were sewn together until they were ready.

I didn’t work with the atelier’s clients; all the steps involved in discussing and sketching the model were carried out by the cutter. He did the fitting. I really liked the work, but still I wanted more. I wanted to cut the products myself, offer clients models and options that were born in my head right on the spot.

Career growth in a tailoring studio

Sitting over the sewing machine, I thought that here I could offer a more interesting product, and here I could add a finishing stitch. However, soon the head of the studio noted my work and transferred me to cutters.

At first, my mentor, an experienced cutter, helped me, but after six months I was able to work on my own. It was very interesting for me to work with customers. Of course, not all clients agreed to accept my ideas and suggestions, but there were also those who asked for advice. And here I gave free rein to my imagination. And again I didn’t feel completely satisfied, because it wasn’t me who sewed the things!

How I opened my atelier

Sewing a dress in an atelier

The decision came only in the late 90s, when I was able to open my own atelier. I didn’t experience any particular difficulties with customers; by that time I already had many clients who wanted to sew clothes exclusively from me. I invited a few girls and we started working. Of course, it was not easy for me. In addition to the fact that I sewed orders, I had to control the quality of the work of my employees (I really valued the reputation of the atelier), keep accounts (at the first stage I could not afford to hire a specialist), meet and see off clients.

When things started to take off, I hired an accountant to handle my financial and tax affairs. I hired a sweet and smiling girl at the reception who was very knowledgeable about fashion and knew how to communicate with clients. Now I could completely devote myself to what I love. And you know, even 30 years later, it is still just as beloved and interesting to me.

Is the game worth the candle? How much profit does the studio bring?

Definitely worth it! Even when I worked in a studio, I always received a very decent salary. Of course, I don’t remember what amounts we are talking about, but it was definitely enough for me to be able to rent a wonderful apartment, eat well and also travel. Then I traveled almost the entire country. I was also able to save up to open my own business. After all, I needed to rent a room, fill out paperwork, and buy equipment. Having opened the atelier, at first I felt a lack of funds, because I was used to living on a grand scale, but after 2 years everything returned to normal, I could travel again, this time abroad.

Even during the difficult years of perestroika, my favorite business brought me a decent income. Now my earnings average 180-200 thousand rubles per month. This includes income from the products I sew, and the money that the girls working in the atelier bring me. And this does not take into account the fact that I pay taxes, rent, wages to the accountant and administrator - clean.

A tailor’s earnings directly depend on what you sew, at what speed and quality, and on the place of work (the reputation of the enterprise is very important). But, of course, the highest income comes from working in well-known modeling agencies or in your own studio.

Average salary for a tailor

The girls who work in my atelier earn differently, depending on the number of orders. If it doesn’t matter to the client who sews for him, then I try to distribute orders evenly so that everyone can make good money in the end. Their earnings range from 25 to 60 thousand rubles. And, I must say, our studio is not the most expensive in the city.

Pros and cons of being a tailor

My profession is not only about earning money, but also about the moral satisfaction that I receive every day. I don’t think it’s worth saying that my family and I are always dressed beautifully and tastefully. I sew absolutely everything for myself and my loved ones - from corsets to fur coats. In the process of working, I also learned furriery. When it was difficult to get good bed linen, I sewed that too. My daughter's Christmas costumes are always the best. And, of course, a sewn item is not only original, but also not as expensive as an item purchased in a fashion boutique.

About the disadvantages of the profession, I will only say that it takes away your health. You must carefully monitor your vision and the condition of your joints. If you lose your vision, you will lose your job. The same can be said about the hands. Even minor manifestations of arthritis, osteochondrosis or other similar diseases can put an end to your professional activity.

What a novice tailor needs to know

Cutting tools
  1. If you want to devote your life to tailoring, it is not enough to learn how to sew well, you need an aesthetic sense, a sense of style, an interest in fashion, you must draw well, because it will be you who will sketch the model that the customer wants to sew. You need to be able to draw and have a good eye.
  2. Learn the profession patiently and with pleasure, and it will reward you a hundredfold.
  3. Try not to work from home. Sewing clothes is associated with a large amount of technical waste - these are fabric scraps, pulled out basting threads, and chalk dust. You don’t want clients to bring their negative emotions and experiences into your home. The aura of your home should contain only your information and the information of people you like. Not all customers are nice people, believe me. The things you give to the client should not smell like cutlets or fish that you fried for dinner.
  4. Always give leftover fabric to the customer. This is a rule that should not be broken.
  5. Never rely on an adjuster. You should be able to set up and repair the sewing machine yourself. Don’t skimp on sewing equipment; your expenses will pay off very soon.
  6. Help the client with the choice of fabric and accessories, but never push. The client knows better what he wants. However, do not follow the lead if you really see that the client is mistaken. For example, subtly hint that the fabric he wants will look bad on such and such a model.
  7. Follow fashion. It is very important.
  8. Remember that if you ruin a client's item, he will never return to you. Take your time, perform all operations carefully and carefully.
  9. Assess your strengths adequately, don’t take on sewing something you haven’t sewed before. Sew this item for yourself or your loved ones first. Happened? Take orders.
  10. Take care of your eyesight! Only work in good lighting. Do eye exercises, drink special vitamins. Remember that if you lose your visual acuity, you may find yourself out of work.
  11. Don't be greedy! Never take more orders than you can sew before the specified deadline. Manage your time correctly.
  12. If you want to achieve heights in your profession, study further. You can always go to university and get a profession as a fashion designer.
    In my opinion, the profession of a tailor is the best that has ever existed. Even in the most difficult economic conditions, you will be able to feed yourself and your family because mastery is in your hands. And it won’t get away from you anywhere.

How to open your own studio from scratch (video)

Do you remember, dear friends, this little rhyme:

On the golden porch sat:

Tsar, prince, king, prince,

Shoemaker, tailor...

- Tell me, who will you be?

The king, the prince's son and the tailor are sitting next to each other! Of course, a tailor is a very ancient and respected profession! Tailors dress us in summer, winter, autumn, and spring, giving us beautiful dresses and sundresses, skirts and blouses, coats and jackets.

In ancient times, when primitive people dressed in clothes made from animal skins, they learned to sew them together using ox sinews. And the primitive needle was a thin, but strong, pointed plate of stone.

Much later, a steel needle and linen thread appeared, and for many decades they remained the main tool of the tailor. With their help, tailors sewed together pieces of leather, fur, and fabric.

The first sewing machines appeared in the 18th-19th centuries. At first they performed only the simplest operations of sewing the edges of the fabric, but gradually the mechanics introduced more and more improvements into the design of sewing machines. And with the help of a sewing machine, it became possible not only to sew, but also to embroider, sew buttonholes, quilt the lining and even sew on buttons.

Now this largely depends on where the tailor works. Whether he sews clothes to order, works in an atelier or in a garment factory.

Let's first talk about those tailors - high-class craftsmen who sew clothes according to the client's order.

Tailors usually have specialization. There are craftsmen who sew only light dresses, blouses, sundresses, elegant evening dresses from silk, wool, velvet, satin and other light materials.

And there are craftsmen who sew outerwear: coats, raincoats, jackets, jackets, fur coats.

There are tailors engaged in sewing linen.

There are also those who sew special clothes. It is briefly called workwear for workers of various specialties (firefighters, rescuers, doctors, road workers, etc.).

Finally, there are tailors who are engaged in sewing headwear - hats, caps, berets (they are called milliners).

Imagine your older sister is graduating from high school and needs a fancy prom dress.

Mom has already bought beautiful silk fabric, the tailor has started sewing the dress. First, using a measuring tape, he takes your sister's measurements and writes down all the numbers in a special notebook.

Then he suggests a style and, if the girl likes the style, sketches it in the same notebook.

Then the tailor begins to cut the fabric, and large, sharp tailor's scissors help him in this.

When the fabric is cut, the tailor bastes it, as they say, using “living thread,” that is, sews it together with large stitches.

Finally, the exciting moment of the first fitting comes! Your sister tries on a half-finished dress in front of the mirror, the tailor adjusts it exactly to her figure.

Then the tailor proceeds directly to sewing.

When the dress is sewn, it is ironed.

And then comes the solemn moment when the girl puts on the finished dress. Light flowing fabric and beautiful style turn her into a real young princess! The skillful master managed to give her joy!

Listen to the poem.

New dress

Allochka loves outfits -

I'm very happy with the new dresses!

He asks his grandmother:

- Sew me a silk dress

With a long fluffy frill!

- Well, of course, I’ll sew it!

After all, I was a dressmaker.

Threads, scissors, needle -

Here is my main tool.

We'll sew everything together in one go!

The silk is beautiful, with a blue tint,

It is thin and shiny.

We'll take the measurements first,

Let's choose a style together.

We will cover the table with oilcloth

And then let's start cutting.

We will do everything to measure,

Let's get ready for fitting.

Afterwards we'll try on the dress,

Is it sitting well, let's check.

We will sew the seams on a machine,

Your granddaughter will look like the picture!

If a tailor works in an atelier, he is part of a small team in which each has his own responsibilities. Some tailors perform manual work using a needle, scissors, or a piece of chalk, some work on sewing machines - they connect clothing parts using seams and stitches, some are busy ironing a dress, coat or blouse. It is important that the finished item pleases the customer!

If a tailor works in a garment factory, then here he is part of a large team of garment workers. Clothes are sewn in large batches in factories, and the models are designed by the artists of the Model House. The cut fabric is handed over to a team of tailors: some tailors baste it, others sew it, and others iron it.

Let's think together about what properties a tailor needs?

Right! Sociability - the ability to easily and freely communicate with the customer, the ability to listen to him and understand how he wants to see his new coat or dress. And he also needs taste, the ability to work carefully, painstakingly, achieving perfection, so that people say: “This tailor has golden hands!”

What is the job of a tailor?

How does a bespoke tailor work?

How do tailors work in an atelier? In a garment factory?

Can you sew?

Do you sew dresses for dolls?

Would you like to become a tailor?

What qualities does a tailor need?

1. Presentation of the profession
A tailor is a master of making clothes. Since we all wear and regularly buy clothes, it is easy to guess what role a tailor plays in society. A person with such a profession is engaged in sewing, and sometimes cutting material, alterations, modeling, and making patterns. When sewing clothes, the master takes into account not only the aesthetic appearance, but also the practicality of the product. All people wear clothes, which means all people are clients of tailors.
The first tailors appeared in Ancient Greece. They worked in workshops and made clothes. The master tailor was the head of such a team and was personally involved in sewing the product. Everyone else did the preparatory work - preparing the material, cutting and pressing. In Medieval Europe, a tailor was considered a respected person. Good masters had the honor of dressing the kings and queens themselves. Until recently, people in this profession were also fashion designers. And this profession received a special status when the concept of “fashion” was born.
There are tailors wherever clothes are made. Numerous ateliers, workshops and factories employ one or more professional tailors. In addition, experienced professionals often work for themselves, hiring assistants and training them. Tailors must be creative people, have skills in working with special equipment, and be diligent.
Most often, tailors are engaged in the manufacture of garments, they work both on sewing equipment and manually, they know the rules for operating sewing machines and safety precautions. Tailors can also do custom tailoring.
Advantages of the profession: demand in society.
Limitations of the profession: painstaking and monotonous work.

2. Type and class of profession
The profession of a tailor belongs to the “Man - Artistic Image” type, as it is associated with the creation, design, and modeling of artistic products (clothing).
It also belongs to the “Man – Sign” type, as it involves working with sign information: numbers, tables, drawings, diagrams.
The profession of a tailor belongs to the “executive” class; it is associated with working according to a given pattern, compliance with existing rules and regulations, and following instructions.

3. Contents of the activity
A tailor is a specialist who makes garments. A tailor can work independently or in a team, performing work on sewing, restoration and alteration of garments. Takes part in the development of new models, has the skills of manual and machine production of sewing products of various groups for different categories of clients. Designs clothes, makes patterns, produces and processes parts of garments, and irons finished garments.
Highly qualified tailors of individual tailoring perform many operations of varying complexity: preparing the first and second fittings of products, cutting out the side padding, lining, small details (collars, pockets, flaps, leaves, hems, cuffs, belts, straps, etc.) , guided by the cutter's marks on the product.
If, when tailoring a product individually, the tailor performs all technological operations himself, then when sewing products using the team method, these operations are distributed among team members, and the number of operations performed by each worker is reduced. As a result, the repeatability of operations increases, which allows the worker to consolidate and practice them, to develop speed skills in tailoring.

4. Working conditions
A tailor can work either independently or in a team, which can consist of many specialists. Most often, representatives of this profession work indoors. These can be production facilities of companies and organizations. The work takes place mainly while sitting, using special tools. Typically, this is a quiet and calm activity, without much interaction.
A tailor is relatively independent in his activities. On the one hand, he can make his own decisions within the framework of the assigned tasks. On the other hand, it is often limited by the customer’s requirements and wishes for the final result of the work. Although, with individual tailoring, a tailor can show all the power of his imagination.

5. Requirements for the knowledge and skills of a specialist
To successfully master the profession of a tailor, basic knowledge in the field of cutting and sewing is required.
A qualified tailor should know:

  • mathematics, drawing, drawing, human anatomy;
  • classification of fabrics for sewing garments;
  • techniques and methods for performing manual, machine and ironing work of all types;
  • technology for processing parts, basics of clothing modeling;
  • types and design of machines, devices, tools, adjustment and regulation techniques.

A qualified tailor must be able to:

  • use technological equipment;
  • draw sketches of models, prepare patterns and adjust models depending on the individual wishes of the customer;
  • organize a workplace, follow safety rules, etc.

6. Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist
To be successful as a tailor, you must have the following professionally important qualities:

  • ability to concentrate;
  • a penchant for manual labor;
  • penchant for service work;
  • a penchant for creative work;
  • accuracy;
  • perseverance;
  • patience;
  • good vision.

7. Medical contraindications
Medical restrictions for a tailor:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • nervous system;
  • organs of vision;
  • mental disorders;
  • various forms of allergies;
  • physical limitations (limited mobility, especially of the hands).

In the presence of these diseases, work in the tailoring profession can lead to deterioration of health, as well as create insurmountable obstacles to mastery and growth within this profession.

8. Paths to obtaining a profession
Basic knowledge of the tailoring profession can be obtained in primary and secondary vocational education institutions.
The profession of a tailor, at a basic level, does not require much time to master and does not contain age restrictions, so for many people it can become a second or even third profession.
Information about educational institutions can be obtained from Internet resources.

9. Areas of application of the profession
Tailors can work in such organizations and areas as:

  • ateliers and workshops for sewing and repairing clothes;
  • factories;
  • private enterprises;
  • training centers;
  • other companies and organizations, etc.

Tailors can also run their own business and work for themselves, carrying out individual orders.

10. Career prospects
Possible ways to develop a tailor:
Specialization and development of related areas
Tailors can specialize in specific areas of production, sewing one type of clothing or another. At the same time, a tailor can improve his skills, begin to develop clothing models or specialize in the field of production technology.
Also, a person with the profession of a tailor can master related specializations, such as: master of industrial training, fashion designer, sewing production technologist, etc.
Management path of development
In this case, a tailor can become a shift supervisor, a foreman, or he can rise to the level of a production manager and receive the appropriate education.
In the case of this direction of career growth, it is recommended to develop management skills and master such professions as: engineer-technologist, manager.

11. Related professions
Master of industrial training, fashion designer (clothing, leather goods, costume jewelry, shoes), sewing production technologist.