How is the name Mark translated? Meaning of the name Marcus. Mark in different languages ​​of the world

Mark - “hammer” (lat.)

IN early childhood His selfishness is already showing. He skillfully makes sure that the whole family and guests are engaged only in him. Knows the weak points of each of the adult acquaintances and takes advantage of this.

Requires increased attention father, can drive him insane.

Selfishness accompanies him all his life. However, at a more mature age, he disguises it behind a sweet smile, emphasized by politeness, tact and correctness.

Growing up to be a difficult boy. You can only talk to him calmly, without raising your tone. If he does something mischievous, he cannot be punished strictly. The punishment will be general indifference towards him or obvious resentment of the parents.

He is susceptible to infectious diseases of the kidneys and bladder, and nervous system disorders.

At school he studies mediocrely, is jealous of the successes of his classmates, has difficulty accepting someone's advantage, but is able to carefully hide these feelings. Mark is a very musical boy, you should send him to music school in piano or accordion class.

Most often he is alone with his parents, so he is spoiled and loved by everyone. He knows that everything is allowed to him at home, and tries to establish the same relationships with others, with classmates, and comrades in the yard. He is better at mathematics than other subjects, and languages ​​least of all. He is very mobile, active and energetic; it is difficult to keep him preparing his lessons. He prefers adventure literature, science fiction, and plays chess well.

As he grows up, Mark's character changes a lot. He is faithful and selfless in friendship, with school days maintains good relations with classmates, is always ready to help them, appreciates the trust of friends and their love for themselves. He is charming, honest and fair, does not tolerate duplicity, and does not forgive deception. He expresses his claims bluntly.

He is artistic, has a subtle sense of humor, knows how to laugh at his neighbor without offending him. Typically receives higher education, enjoys the respect of fellow students and success with women. He shows early interest in big science and is able to devote his entire life to it. Jurisprudence is another area where he can count on success.

“Autumn” Mark has every reason to become a good lawyer.

“Spring” - more inclined towards medicine. He will become a good surgeon, dentist, neurologist.

“Summer” - most often shows interest in the exact sciences. His callings are economics and finance, accounting. If he is partial to a beautiful interior, he makes a smart designer. He is artistic, maybe an actor or director.

But “winter” Mark is completely devoted to science.

For “winter” and “autumn” patronymics are more suitable: Mikhailovich, Antonovich, Ivanovich, Arsentievich, Nazarovich.

For “summer” and “spring” - Leonidovich, Zakharovich, Petrovich, Emmanuilovich, Abramovich, Emilievich.

Meaning of the name Mark option 2

Derived from Greek name Marcos, which, in turn, presumably came from Latin word"Marcus" - hammer. Another version is that it originates from Mars (the patron god of people and herds, later the god of war).

Mark is self-centered, and this trait, which later, in adult life, will be successfully masked by a charming smile, emphasized by politeness and readiness for self-sacrifice, can be easily distinguished in early childhood. Markusha does everything to ensure that mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother and guests do only him.

At school, he is jealous of the successes of his peers, cannot stand their superiority, but tries to hide his feelings of envy. He behaves the same way as an adult: he is quite tolerant of those who contradict him and do not take his interests into account. Career considerations apparently come into play here.

You can almost always find Mark at home good library, which is dominated by foreign authors, he subscribes to many newspapers. He loves to play cards, gets angry when he loses, and can behave unceremoniously.

Marries very carefully. He is looking for a woman who could become his impeccable friend, an unquestioning assistant, a person capable of sacrificing her interests in the name of her husband’s ambitious plans. In addition, she must recognize Mark's undoubted intellectual superiority, even if he does not have it. A woman with a strong personality, creatively gifted, will most likely irritate and depress Mark.

He is pragmatic and secretive. Even for those closest to him, he is never completely open.

In everyday life he is unpretentious. In the house there is the owner, “the head of everything.” Raises children in strictness and obedience, sometimes showing excessive harshness towards them. He likes to prove his point and argues. Mark loves talking with his wife and mother-in-law about his illnesses.

Meaning of the name Mark option 3

Complex. Proud, unceremonious, successful careerists. Rough, but women like him. Hot temper does not prevent them from making the right decisions in any situation. In the house there are the owners, “the head of everything.”

Sexy. Externally like a mother. The character is complex. They love to moan about their “sores.” They treat their child harshly in early childhood, then the relationship warms up, and in the end they dote on him. They are difficult to communicate with and stubborn. They love to prove their point, argue, and party in grand style.

Meaning of the name Mark option 4

Mark - from lat. hammer, from Greek. personal name.

Derivatives: Markukha, Markusha, Markusya, Masya, Martusya, Tusya, Mara, Maka.

Name days: January 11, 17, March 18, April II, April 18, July 8, July 16, October 10, II, November 9, 12, December 31.

Folk signs.

On Apostle Mark, May 8, songbirds fly in flocks. If the birds fly to the hemp field on this day, there will be a hemp harvest.

St. Mark is popularly called the key keeper, because people believe that he owns the keys to the rains. On his day they pray for the sending of strong rain, which is so necessary at this time: “If three good rains fall in May, then there will be plenty of grain for three years.”


Already in early childhood, it is easy to discern a future egocentric personality in him. Having matured, Mark will feel nothing less than the “navel of the earth,” but will try not to reveal a feeling of his superiority over others, envy of other people’s successes, or ambition. But he will easily show suspiciousness, pain, and pity “for himself, his beloved.” For him, it is very important for someone to “cry into his vest,” pour out his soul, meet sympathy, but at the same time not drop his crown.

If Mark meets a woman who can understand his ambitions, support his courage, and perhaps even sacrifice her interests for him, then she will become his chosen one. He doesn't need another

Meaning of the name Mark option 5

MARK- hammer (lat.).

Name day: January 11 - Venerable Mark the cave dweller, labored in the Kiev Pechersk Monastery (11th century). He was immensely busy digging caves and graves and exhausted his body by wearing heavy chains.

May 8 - Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark, disciple of the Apostle Peter; together with him he preached the teachings of Christ in Rome, where he wrote the Holy Gospel. He died a martyr in 67.

  • Zodiac sign - Taurus.
  • Planet - Venus.
  • Color - red.
  • The auspicious tree is Aralia.
  • The treasured plant is purslane.
  • The patron of the name is yak.
  • The talisman stone is porphyrite.


Mark is self-centered, but this trait is successfully disguised by a charming smile. He cannot stand other people's superiority, but he knows how to be honest with himself and hides manifestations of envy. Pragmatic and secretive; likes to prove his point and argue; often suspicious, loves to complain about his illnesses. What Mark values ​​most in a woman is an impeccable friend and assistant, ready to sacrifice everything for him.

Meaning of the name Mark option 6

Selfish, Mark is truly only interested in personal matters. Prone to mood swings. He does not stand on ceremony with others; however, this is veiled. He is charming, smiling, sociable.

The world simply has to revolve around him. And only those who are ready to devote their lives to Mark will become his right hand, becoming a wordless and unquestioning helper, never demanding anything for himself, can gain his condescension and receive the honor of always remaining by his side. In any case, his wife should be like that. Mark is a careerist. All his thoughts and efforts are aimed at achieving a high position in society. He constantly strives for popularity. Talented. Character - complex: Cruel and sentimental at the same time, the nature seems to be open, but also unusually mysterious; he is closed, does not open up completely to anyone and seems to be accessible; always surrounded by a crowd of friends and always remains lonely.

Outwardly, Mark looks like his mother.

The male name Mark has several versions of origin: according to one, it came from the Roman family name, meaning “dry,” according to the second, its root is the Latin word “marcus,” which is translated as “hammer,” and according to the third, this is a form of the name of the god Mars. Be that as it may, the name Mark is quite common throughout the world, for example, in the sounds Marko, Marek, Markos, Markus. In Russia it is not common, but in last years confidently gaining popularity among young parents.

Characteristics of the name Mark

The name Mark gives its owner a calm, strong and firm character. Usually this is a pleasant man, accustomed to relying on himself in everything, practical, but a little jealous of the successes of other people. IN childhood this boy is the favorite of all his relatives and friends. He is smiling, friendly, ready to say a warm word to everyone, and can sacrifice something insignificant for the good of others. He studies well, is attentive to his friends, but deep down he always wants to be better than them. The adult Mark retains this hidden desire for success, but if it can be called envy, it is only white. It is she who drives the owner of this name in his efficiency, healthy careerism and practicality. It is she who makes him a little self-centered and strict with people who interfere with his progress. But in general, communication with Mark makes a pleasant impression on others, because he has a good sense of humor, high sociability, and responsiveness.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

This name is suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign Libra, that is, from September 24 to October 23. Enterprising Libras are similar to Mark in their average activity, interest in psychology, and desire for new knowledge. According to their influence, the owner of this name will have kind heart And developed sense justice, but in life he will always try to avoid responsibility.

Pros and cons of the name Mark

What are the pros and cons of the name Mark? This name may appeal to many parents for its rarity, strong energy, and sonority. Although it is unusual, it is quite acceptable to combine with Russian surnames and patronymics, the positive side One can also mention the possibility of choosing harmonious abbreviations and diminutions for this name, such as Marik, Markusha, Markusya, Masya, Marchek. Mark’s character is multifaceted and you can find both positive and negative qualities, but there are no obvious shortcomings in it, so overall the name Mark makes a good impression.


Mark's health is quite good. In adulthood, he may experience problems with the musculoskeletal system, but usually throughout his life he does not get sick with anything more serious than a cold.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Mark prefers to date a modest woman who does not claim intense public attention. He partly does this in order to stand out from her background, however, if his wife is wise, then he will not make a problem out of this little thing, since Mark will be a faithful husband, a thrifty family man and a good, albeit strict, father.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, the owner of this name is inclined towards activities related to law, finance, economics, and science. But it can also turn out great artist theater, composer, director, television worker, toastmaster.

Name day

Name day by Orthodox calendar Mark celebrates many times a year, such as January 15, February 23, March 18, April 18, May 8, June 18, July 16, August 24, October 10, November 9, December 31. Mark also celebrates Catholic name days many times, for example, February 27, March 24, April 28, June 14, July 3, September 25, October 4, November 22.

The meaning of the name Mark is from the Latin “marcus” - “hammer”.

Origin of the name

The origin of the name Mark is from the Greek name Markoe, which, in turn, has Latin roots. According to the second version, it is believed that the beginning of the name is from the Roman god Mars - the god of war, the patron god of herds and people.

Characteristics of the name

Among the names used in Russia, the name Mark seems foreign. This, of course, is reflected in the subconscious of its owner.


Characteristics of the name Mark - an independent and practical person with a sharp and sober mind. It is characterized by balance, increased pride, and a sense of superiority. But Mark, in order to avoid misunderstandings, will prefer not to show this to others. Not prone to painful introspection.

It is better to communicate with Mark in the language of logic, while placing emphasis on benefits and prospects. Mark needs to learn to build relationships with loved ones on sincerity.


Despite his practicality and sober mind, he is not devoid of imagination and daydreaming. Mark's dreams are based on solid ground; they are completely different from simply having their head in the clouds. He has a strong character, is very ambitious, and never forgets about the material side of life. Thanks to his good strong-willed qualities, Mark can achieve noticeable success in life. And his diplomatic skills will help him become a good leader.

According to the seasons

  • “Autumn” Mark can become an excellent lawyer.
  • “Spring” is inclined towards medicine. He can become a good dentist, surgeon, neurologist.
  • “Winter” devotes itself to science.
  • “Letniy” shows interest in the exact sciences (accounting, finance and economics). He is artistic and can become a director or actor.

Personal life

He chooses his wife very carefully. He is looking for a life partner who is capable of being at the same time an unquestioning friend, an impeccable assistant and a person capable of sacrificing her interests for his sake. A woman must recognize Mark's intellectual superiority, even if it is not true.

Name compatibility

The name Mark is well compatible with Varvara, Faina, Anastasia, Evdokia, Ada, Frida, Dora, Agatha, Mirra, Vera, Maria, Anna, Stella, Marianna, Emma, ​​Rose.

A marriage with Ksenia, Anfisa, Kira, Alisa, Svetlana, Agnia, Vladislava, Stanislava, Victoria, Stefania, Valeria, Eleanor, Ekaterina, Irina, Nika, Inna, Claudia, Nora, Seraphima, Yana will be fragile.

The following patronymics are suitable for the name Mark: Antonovich, Leonidovich, Abramovich, Mikhailovich, Arsentievich, Ivanovich, Nazarovich, Zakharovich, Petrovich.

Name day

Mark celebrates his name day:

  • January: 10,17,23,27,31;
  • February: 1.22;
  • March: 14.18;
  • April: 11.18;
  • May: 8;
  • July:16;
  • August: 22.27;
  • October: 10,11;
  • November: 7,9,12,15,28;
  • December: 5.31.

Famous people

Famous people who bore the name Mark: Mark Twain, Mark Chagall, Mark Ruffo, Mark Bruta, Mark Rozovsky, Mark Antokolsky, Mark Zakharov.

It can tell a lot about the character and possible fate of its owner. It is worth noting that the name plays an important role in the life of every person.

Mark: origin of the name

It's no secret that history knows many strong and important personalities who wear this mark until the end is unknown. According to one version, it comes from the Latin word “marcus”, which means “hammer”. There is also a completely different version, according to which this name originates from Mars, the god of war and patron of people. Be that as it may, there is no point in denying Latin roots. In ancient times, people who were descendants of the ancient Roman dynasty of Marks were called by this name.

As for the patrons of the owner of this name, there are many of them. It is worth remembering Mark the Evangelist, a disciple of Jesus, and Mark of Egypt, who was a disciple. In addition, there are many very interesting historical figures wearing exactly this ancient name- this is Marcus Aurelius, who became famous as a Roman Empire, Marcus Brutus, who at one time was a politician, as well as the famous Roman historian Marcus Terence, and the no less famous Marcus Tulius Cicero, who became one of the most outstanding speakers and politicians in history.

Astrological meaning of the name Mark

Men with this name are known to have some inherent characteristics of a Taurus. The special color for representatives of this group is red. It is also believed that Mark’s patron animal is the yak, and from useful plants purslane and aralia can be distinguished. A product made of porphyrite will be a wonderful talisman for the owner of the name. Astrology also states that the happiest day for Marks is Friday, and the most suitable time of year is spring.

It is worth noting that all men with this ancient name are distinguished by sophistication, emotionality and a certain egocentrism.

The meaning of the name Mark: characteristics of inclinations and character

To begin with, we note that this name gives a person a firm, calm and strong character. Such people always know what exactly they want.

As a child, Mark is the sweetest, most smiling and compassionate boy. He is always friendly and can sometimes sacrifice something for the benefit of those around him. This earns him selfless love and respect. However, not only success is very important to Mark, but also personal superiority - he perceives other people’s victories as his own defeat, although he tries to hide it. Such a child is an excellent student and loves to read - in his room you can always notice a rather interesting collection of books.

Growing up, Mark does not get rid of his desire to be perfect. He is extremely persistent in building his career and tries to make only a good impression on people. Indeed, it is always a pleasure to communicate with such a person - he is responsive, attentive, has a wonderful sense of humor and undeniable charm. However, other people's successes are still perceived painfully - this state of affairs makes Mark a little self-centered.

The meaning of the name Mark also affects love affairs person. Such a man, as a rule, marries a beautiful and smart woman, which you are not ashamed to show to colleagues, friends and relatives. Nevertheless, future wife should not shine brighter than him - in company, Mark’s woman should favorably highlight and complement his own merits. In everyday life, a man is not too demanding and will be content with what he has. She takes an active part in raising children, as she loves them madly.

The meaning of a name is always directly related to its origin. There are two theories of origin for the name Mark, and read about them further.

The first theory of the origin of the name Mark is the theory of origin from the Latin word Marcus, which means “hammer”. So according to this theory The meaning of the name Mark is "hammer". The hammer symbolizes strength and resilience. In addition, the hammer in Rome is one of the types of weapons used in gladiatorial battles.

The second theory is that the name Mark is derived from the Roman god of war, Mars. The meaning of the name Mark in in this case symbolic. It does not have an exact simple translation, but is a transfer of the epithets of Mars to Mark. This is strength, masculinity and belligerence rolled into one.

The meaning of the name Mark for a child

Little Mark is growing up to be a rather complex boy. Since childhood, he has shown determination in defending own opinion. At the same time, the opinion is not confirmed by anything other than one’s own “I think so.” Mark can be called a difficult child. He perfectly sees the weaknesses of adults and skillfully uses them.

Studying is not easy for Mark. If there are no special problems with the exact sciences, then with the humanities it’s pure trouble. In addition, the boy is very active and it is difficult for him to maintain attention whole lesson. This activity allows him to have excellent abilities in sports. The boy will be happy to go to various sports clubs. Sport is his element. Another boy, Mark, usually has good vocal abilities.

Mark's health must be protected. Be attentive to the complexities of character and the impact on nervous system. Little Mark is prone to nervous tension. Parents should pay special attention to this aspect. With age, Mark will lose many of his negative character traits, but this requires a lot of effort.

Short name Mark

The name itself is quite short, which of course affects the number short forms name.

Markukha, Mara, Maka.

Diminutive pet names

Markusha, Markusya, Martusya.

Children's middle names

Markovich and Markovna. It has no established forms of popular abbreviation.

Name Mark in English

IN English language the name Mark is spelled Mark.

Name Mark for international passport- MARK.

Translation of the name Mark into other languages

in Arabic - ﻣرقس
in Armenian - Մառկոս
in Belarusian - Mark
in Bulgarian - Mark
in Hungarian - Mark
in Greek - Μάρκος
in Danish - Markus
in Hebrew - מרק‎
in Spanish - Marcos
in Italian - Marco
in Chinese - 马克 and 马可
in Latin - Marcus
in Latvian - Marks
in Lithuanian - Markas
in German - Markus and Marcus
in Norwegian - Mark
in Polish - Marek
in Portuguese - Marco and Marcos
in Romanian - Marcu
in Serbian - Marko
in Slovak - Marek
in Slovenian - Marko
in Thai - มาร์ค
in Ukrainian - Marko
in Finnish - Markku
in French - Marc
in Croatian - Marko
in Czech - Marc and Marek
in Swedish - Mark
in Esperanto - Marko
in Japanese - マルコ

Church name Mark(V Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Mark.

Characteristics of the name Mark

Mark's characteristics change quite a lot with age. If in childhood Mark tends to exhibit negative character traits, then as an adult this becomes a rarity. Selfishness and pride remain, but become more hidden in their manifestations. Mark already understands that these are not his best traits and once again does not show them. At the same time, his masculinity, strong will and pragmatism find useful life applications.

Work for Mark is one of most important places satisfying your ego. Mark is ambitious and strives to achieve success in his work. His strong masculine character traits make him a wonderful team leader. To ensure the success of the business, Mark also becomes diplomatic, so his success only increases.

Mark's family is a special matter. He needs a woman for whom a man is always right. He wants to see an obedient and fairly quiet person next to him. Taking into account a certain secrecy of character, entry into inner world The brand will be closed even to his wife. He real owner at home and loves order in the house. He cares about the prosperity of his own home and family, but in return also demands appropriate returns from his family.

The secret of the name Mark

Mark's secret can be called his inner world. He doesn’t let anyone in there, because he considers others unworthy. Even if your communication looks like friendship, it is only because Mark benefits from it. Pragmatic to the point of madness.

Mark's second secret can be called his penchant for despotism. He can turn the house into a “barracks”. Order and efficiency will be ideal, but you shouldn’t expect a cozy home nest. However, this does not mean at all that it is bad. Many women agree to this and in return receive a “house, a full cup” and a husband with ambitions.

Planet- Venus.

Zodiac sign- Calf.

Totem animal- Yak.

Name color- Red.

Tree- Aralia.

Plant- Purslane.

Stone- Porphyrite.