How does the singer Natalie manage to look so young? Singer Natalie - biography, personal life, children, husband. Natalie's finest hour

A photo on the microblog of singer Natalie with an elastic bandage around her face caused a lot of noise in the press. The artist was immediately suspected of what she had done plastic surgery. According to some media reports, she decided to go under the surgeon’s knife in order to get perfect cheekbones. The publications even cited the cost of the procedure that Natalie resorted to in pursuit of youth. However, the singer of the hit “Oh God, what a man” herself was amazed by such rumors. In a conversation with StarHit, she completely denied the information about plastic surgery.

“I didn’t have any surgery on my cheekbones, this is a common cosmetic procedure – injections,” the artist assured.

It is quite possible that many were alarmed by the photograph in which Natalie demonstrated the consequences of the procedure. “The bruise from the thread is all over my cheek... And tomorrow there will be a photo on the cover,” the artist told her fans.

Fans can't stop admiring how beautiful the 42-year-old actress looks. They believe that the singer has her own beauty secret, which allows her to constantly remain young. They were amazed that Natalie did not hide from the public that she was turning to cosmetologists for procedures.

“How cute you are, what eyes, I can’t stop looking at you, how lucky your husband is. And soon you will have a silver wedding, that’s how great”, “The only and honest star who is not afraid to hide her cosmetic procedures from her fans”, “You will always be beautiful for us anyway,” subscribers vying with each other in praising the singer on the social network.

Natalie is not afraid of changes in her appearance. Not long ago, she decided to part with her platinum hair color and chose a pink shade. New look was received by the public with a bang.

Natalie’s chiseled figure also evokes a lot of admiration. She recently posted bikini photos she took younger son on vacation near the pool. Fans are surprised how the singer manages to take care of her family, raise two children, release new songs, and still look amazing.

Natalie has been married for 25 years to businessman Alexander Rudin. The actress believes that the secret to a happy marriage is true love. She got married quite early - at 17 years old. Natalie has two sons: 15-year-old Arseny and 5-year-old Anatoly.

Name: Natalie (Natalia Minyaeva)

Age: 45 years

Place of Birth: Dzerzhinsk

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 58 cm

Activity: singer

Family status: married to Alexander Rudin

Natalie - biography

The gentle and calm voice, pleasant and charming appearance of this singer does not leave any man indifferent. But many fans of Natalie’s work, looking at this airy image of the singer, think about how her biography developed.

Childhood years of Natalie Minyaeva

Natalie (real name Natalya Rudina, before marriage Natalya Anatolyevna Minyaeva) was born in the city of Dzerzhinsk on March 31, 1974. The family into which she was born is small. Father, Anatoly Nikolaevich Minyaev, held a good position at the plant: he was deputy chief electrician. Mom, Lyudmila Pavlovna Minyaeva, was a simple laboratory assistant.

From childhood she was a restless child, trying to realize herself creatively. Therefore, studying at school was easy for her, and the future pop star studied well. A friendly and active girl, she easily became a leader in any group and enjoyed authority among her comrades and classmates. Teachers considered Natalya an exemplary student and always set her up as an example to other children.

Natalie - Study

First musical education she received it after one day, quite by accident, she and her friend walked into one of the classes at a music school. She liked it so much that very quickly she was able to persuade her parents to enroll her for training. Soon, in 1983, she also became a piano student at a music school. But besides this, she also studied vocals for 7 years.
At the same time, the girl became interested in playing the guitar, and also tried to compose poetry on her own. She couldn’t even miss a single competition, especially if it was musical.

Since childhood, Natalie dreamed of becoming a teacher and teaching children. That is why, immediately after graduating from school, in 1991, she entered the pedagogical school of the city of Dzerzhinsk. As soon as she graduated, she began working at school as an ordinary teacher. But already in 1993, the young family moved to Moscow, and Natalie was forced to interrupt her teaching career.

Natalie's career

In 1990, the famous and very popular singer The first cinematic experience took place. At this time, a film was being filmed in their city about the history of creation and city attractions. Natalie couldn't miss this shoot. She was able to successfully pass the competition to star in the film and achieved that she became the main character this film. And in order to dub the film, she even had to visit the Lenfilm film studio, which is located in St. Petersburg.

But there's a new streak in her musical biography began at the age of 16, and her younger brother Anton helped her in this, who brought the future star to the “Chocolate Bar” team, which was engaged in musical compositions. Constant performances at competitions and festivals brought Natalie experience that helped her in the future. In addition, this is how she met Alexander Rudin, who had a huge influence on her songwriting. Thanks to him, several albums of the future famous singer were recorded.

At the age of 17, Natalie became the lead singer of the Pop-Galaxy group; this group was quite popular in her hometown. Realizing that this city, although her native one, will not be able to give her the opportunity to become popular throughout the country, she and her husband Alexander Rudin move to the capital. Natalie was able to get promoted and become famous thanks to her husband, who made every effort to establish musical connections in Moscow and find a producer who could help his wife in the future. My acquaintance with Valery Ivanov turned out to be so creative and fruitful.

At first, she performed at concerts of more popular show business stars as a “warm-up” for the public. In 1994, she successfully, but in small quantities, released her first record, but there was no great success.

The famous Natalie woke up after singing the song “The wind blew from the sea.” The song in Natalie’s biography became a real hit, so the second album, released in 1998 with the same name thanks to Alexander Shulgin, sold out instantly.

But after some time, Natalie disappeared. Her fans were perplexed, expecting new hits. But already in 2012, Natalie again declared herself, performing the song “Oh God, what a man!”, which burst onto the first lines of all hit parades. For this song, the now popular singer received her first award.

Since 2013, the popular and beloved singer Natalie, who at that time already had a huge army of fans, began to be invited to television.

Natalie - biography of personal life

Natalie's personal life was successful. Meeting at the age of 16 at one of the rock festival with Alexander Rudin led to her getting married at the age of 17. Thanks to her husband, she was able to become in demand and famous singer, whose songs are loved and sung by the whole country.

In today's article, we will introduce our reader to the life of a very popular this moment, Russian singer Natalie. She began her singing career back in the distant 90s of the last century. It’s surprising that Natalie wisely used the quiet moments to bring the listener something new and memorable - we’ll talk about this in more detail below.

For many given name well-known, but what can I say – it’s difficult to find a person who doesn’t know the main hit from the singer. But not everyone knows what the star had to go through to achieve success. We invite you to familiarize yourself with a short excursion to Natalie's biography.

Of course, first of all, new admirers, and even those who have been familiar with the work for a long time, but have never delved into the singer’s life, are interested in external data. This information is not secret, and it is easy to find in the public domain on the Internet.

We will separately highlight height, weight, age. How old is Natalie? – frequently asked question, which can be heard from those who are interested in the singer’s work. Well, you asked, and we answer - at the moment, Natalie is 43 years old. Her height is 165 centimeters and her weight is approximately 57 kilograms. Natalie was born under the sign of Aries - for those who are interested in astrology, the information will be interesting.

Biography of Natalie

Natalie's biography will be of interest not only to fans of her work, but also to simply people who are interested in life paths Russian stars. The future singer was born in Dzerzhinsk, which is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region, in March 1974. Natasha began her education in her hometown, at secondary school number 37. As she herself would later mention more than once, it was an unforgettable time. Since childhood, many have noted her organizational talent, which later helped the singer a lot.

IN school years, she tried not to sit in one place, and in addition to the training itself, she participated in various theatrical productions, hikes and KVNakh. The teachers predicted a great future for Natasha, and parent meetings They couldn’t blame her for anything at all.

Natalie came face to face with music for the first time at summer camp. It was there that she learned to play the guitar, and along the way came up with various poems for it. After this, she decided to get an education at music school. As you may have guessed, the future star’s school years were not in vain, and thanks to sufficient knowledge in various sciences, she began to look closely at the profession of a teacher.

Without wasting time, she immediately after receiving secondary education begins studying at a pedagogical school. After studying there, she returns to her own school, as a teacher. This would have continued if not for my long-standing passion for music.

After some time, she was invited to the group “Chocolate Bar”, where she took on the role of vocalist. In this formation, Natalie records several songs, which, to a large extent, she came up with herself. Again, a year later, she finds herself in the rather well-known, at that time, group “Pop Galaxy”.

Then, the singer faces a choice - to remain a provincial performer, or to try her luck and move to the capital. Natalie decides to take a risk and goes to Moscow to begin to gain popularity among representatives of the capital's show business. The first person to notice the star’s talent was producer Valery Ivanov. From this moment a musical career begins.

This event happened in 1994, not without the help of Natasha’s husband, who brought the producer together with the future star. Ivanov approved of her recordings and decided to take her “under his wing.” The first real recording was distributed rather poorly, but the discs sold out faster than could be expected. After some time, the single “Pink Dawn” was released, which included several new songs and reworkings of old ones.

Another year later, the album was released, and then the video “Snow Rose”. It is noteworthy that no one had yet invited Natasha to concerts, and she had to “warm up” the more famous performers of that time. Here, too, Ivanov could not do without the help, and he often contributed to at least the slightest advancement of Natalie on the stage.

And yet, in 1998, the long-awaited fame came - the album “The Wind from the Sea Blowed” and the song of the same name did their job. This is not to say that she simply achieved her success - Natalie gained wild popularity and celebrity, almost instantly. It was difficult to find a person who did not know this song and did not listen to it in those years. Natalie attracted fans every time, thanks to new songs, and concerts became somewhat routine.

Creativity continued to develop, and over the next few years new albums were released - “First Love”, “Beauty is not a beauty”. In 2002, the producer and Natalie stopped collaborating. Until 2012, albums were released that were warmly received by fans and enjoyed attending live performances. In the same year, the song “Oh God, what a man” was released, which literally created new wave fans of the singer's work.

Natalie's personal life

Natalie's personal life is not full of various scandals that we are used to seeing in show business. However, there were situations, despite which, the singer was able to continue her work and delight her fans. First of all, several miscarriages that affected Natalie’s health, but did not break her.

At the moment, the star is married to Alexander Rudinin - this marriage dates back to 1991. Also, the singer has three sons born in different periods life. In various interviews, Natalie always says that she wants a daughter and hopes that faith in God will help with this. After the release of the song “Oh God, What a Man,” many fans were waiting for any statements related to his personal life. But nothing of the kind followed.

Natalie's family

As for relatives, if Natalie’s family was connected with art and creativity, it was very distant. Mom and Dad worked at a local chemical plant. Anatoly Minyaev worked as the head of the energy service, and Lyudmila worked as a laboratory assistant in an adjacent workshop. Some time after Natalie's birth, two more children appeared in the family. These are twins, who were named Anton and Olesya.

This information is not particularly disseminated, but you can find joint photographs on the Global Network. Parents from the very early years They prophesied a great future for the girl, so they helped her in many endeavors - they helped her enter a music school. Where, by the way, Natasha studied vocals and piano.

Natalie's children

As you know, fans are always interested in the offspring of celebrity personalities. Of course, Natalie's children are no less interesting topic for those who follow creativity. Despite several unsuccessful pregnancies, the singer did not despair, and soon she managed to give birth to her first child in 2001.

Nine years later, another child is born. It is noteworthy that the star for a long time did not show them to journalists - as she herself claims, she was afraid of the evil eye. But after some time, the veil fell, and in the spring of 2017, news headlines again began to “talk” about Natalie, the singer gave birth to her third child.

Natalie's son Arseny

Natalie's first son, Arseny, was born in 2001. The parents were very happy about their first child, because, as mentioned earlier, the singer was unable to carry the pregnancy to the end. Before the birth of her first son, Natalie often went to the hospital because she was afraid for her health and the health of her baby. But fortunately, everything worked out, and Arseny was born.

As she herself mentions in many interviews, faith in God helped with this. For some time, the singer did not want to show it to journalists, but this period has passed, and now there are enough photographs on the Internet in the family circle, among her parents and two brothers.

Natalie's son - Anatoly

Natalie's second son, Anatoly, was born nine years later, after the firstborn, in 2010. Already with her second child, the singer began to participate in various photo shoots, and at the moment one can clearly see the similarities between the star mother and son.

One of the episodes is even dedicated to Natalie popular show“Let Them Talk”, where she was invited along with the children. Many fans have been eagerly awaiting this release, and anyone interested can find it freely available on the Internet. There, the singer talks about her personal life, the life of a star and a simple mother who always has time for her family.

Natalie's son Evgeniy

Natalie’s third son, Evgeniy, was born relatively recently, in the spring of 2017. Despite this, you can already find photographs that depict a happy married couple. With the appropriate request, fans find footage directly from the maternity hospital after discharge, along with the newborn Evgeniy.

By the way, the last child at the moment broke the tradition in the singer’s family - that’s all male names started with the letter "A". Natalie decided to deviate from such principles. The rest of the children and husband were looking forward to returning star mom from the maternity hospital and carefully prepared for this event.

Natalie's husband - Alexander Rudin

Natalie’s husband, Alexander Rudin, was born in 1970, and he has known the future singer since school. Despite the turbulent times, the wedding took place in the summer of 1991. It is noteworthy that the age difference was almost four years, so Natasha’s parents had to submit false certificates regarding their daughter’s pregnancy. The wedding took place and a happy family still lives together.

Their relationship began to develop after Alexander’s proposal to record several songs and subsequently release them into the world. The husband did not stand aside, and in every possible way helped the aspiring singer to conquer Russian show business.

Many fans will certainly try to find a photo of Natalie in Maxim magazine, but as far as the general public knows, she has not starred for men's publications. In addition, fans never tire of searching for footage of the singer naked.

Many people note the video for the song “Scheherazade”, where Natalie appeared before the audience in a swimsuit. Fans consider this work very brave, and do not languish in anticipation of more candid photos stars. It is difficult to say whether they will be able to find something; the main thing is to beware of fakes that can ruin the reputation of a particular publication.

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalie

Fans are often interested in the lives of stars outside the stage and studio. In this case, they set the pages to in social networks, if they want to please fans with new pictures.

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalie contains a large number of information that will be of interest to her fans. This includes photographs of the family with the children, and various shots from regular photo shoots. And in the free encyclopedia you can find enough data that reveals the biography of the star.

Our article will tell you about the singer Natalie. The biography of this beautiful blond actress is quite rich. We will tell you about the most significant and main moments of her life further.

The singer's childhood

In 1974, on March 31, a little fair-haired girl, Natasha Menyaeva, was born. This happened in the small town of Dzerzhinsk, in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Natasha’s childhood was practically no different from the life of an ordinary Soviet child. At first there was kindergarten, then school, then college.

The girl's character was soft and flexible. As her mother says, he was simply a wonderful child - the dream of all parents. She never disobeyed and devoted her mother to all her affairs, including love ones.

From the early childhood Natasha was very independent. She woke up herself, cooked breakfast for herself and went to school.

Natasha was quite active, restless and creative child, which is why the girl became the star of the local school. She took part in all musical and theatrical productions. And this is no wonder, because Natasha was a truly creative and talented person. Her teachers loved and appreciated her, and her peers considered her a real star.

From early childhood, the future singer became interested in the guitar. She learned to play on her own.

In third grade, Natasha and her peers went on an excursion to a music school. Looking at the situation within the walls of the establishment, the future singer was pleasantly surprised. From that very moment she realized that music is her Universe. After thinking a little, the girl decided that she would definitely study there.


Natasha always told her mother about her relationships with the boys. From the age of 13, she purposefully searched for a husband. Natasha was a very smart girl and before agreeing to go to the cinema with the boy, she gave them a test survey. For example, if a guy quickly agreed with her opinion or did not protect her from offenders, she quickly said goodbye to him.

One day a girl told her mother that there was not a single noble boy left in this world. Natasha was so disappointed in her peers that she rejected everyone who crossed her path. Later, the girl completely stated that she no longer wanted to have anything to do with the male sex and promised never to get married. In response to her daughter’s statement, the mother smiled and asked not to rush to conclusions, because everything has its time, and she will definitely meet the one and only.


After some time, the girl decided to study piano at a music school, while simultaneously participating in school amateur performances. At the same time, Natasha became interested in writing poetry and music, and performed the resulting songs during school performances.

After graduating from school, the future singer Natalie, whose biography interests many, enters a pedagogical university. But this does not stop her from continuing to make music and write poetry. During this period, Natalie (singer) becomes a member of a group called “Chocolate Bar”. But soon, while performing at one of the concerts, the future artist realized that the audience did not like her songs, but the attractive appearance. Upset, Natalie vowed that she would no longer study music, but would continue to study to become a teacher.

After graduation she becomes a teacher junior classes in one of secondary schools cities. But later, realizing that it was none of her business, she decides to leave the profession.

First steps to the big stage

In 1992, Natalie, whose photo we posted in the article, became a participant in one of popular groups called "Pop Galaxy". This team consists of true professionals, to whom she is grateful to this day. As the singer herself says, these people helped her in many ways and set her on the right path.

In the same year, Natalie, whose biography is quite rich, is working on her first studio album called "Star Rain". It was after this significant event in the singer’s life that viewers first appreciated her work.

Carier start

In 1994, Natalie released another album called “The Little Mermaid”. After 2 years, the singer shines again and releases another album called “Snow Rose”. Natalie shoots her first video clip for the same song, which is rated positively by all viewers.

Career peak

Real success came to Natalie, whose biography at that time was already of interest to many, in 1997. The superhit “The Wind Blew from the Sea” brings her dizzying success. The whole country sings the song along with the singer - from young to old. Natalie goes on tour and gathers huge armies of fans at her concerts.

Career decline

In 1999, the singer recorded again new album called "Counting Table". After this, her musical career gradually declined. But, despite this, Natalie continues to write songs and tour the country with concerts.

The singer's personal life

Singer Natalie, whose biography is quite interesting, meets her future husband at one of the concerts of the Chocolate Bar group. During this period, the singer was completely desperate and no longer wanted to make music. Then Alexander Rudov approached her and invited her to record a joint track. After this, the couple did not separate for a moment. At the age of 17, the girl had already married her lover. Hence Natalie’s real name is Natalya Rudova.

After some time, the couple wanted to have children. But, unfortunately, they were haunted only by failures. After a huge number of attempts to get pregnant, the singer was completely desperate and fell into depression. 9 years passed, and finally Natalie knew maternal happiness. The first to be born was a boy named Arseny, and after a while his brother Tolya.

Immediately after these significant events, the singer forgot about her career, because her family and children completely absorbed her attention. As the singer herself says: “I always put my family first and would never trade my beloved boys for a career.”

Our days

Today Natalie shines again on big stage, which cannot but please his many fans. Success these days has brought her the super hit “Oh God, What a Man.” After performing this song, Natalie conquered the top of all domestic charts. The singer is also invited to various projects on television. One of them was the show “One to One”, held on Channel One, where participants parody famous world and domestic stars.


Today, one of the most popular artists in Russia is the singer Natalie. How old she is is probably of interest to many. Natalie is 41 years old. But this does not stop her from looking attractive and sexy. So we wish the singer success in her new endeavors!

What do you know about Natalie? A singer whose biography characterizes her as versatile and creative personality, puts family first in life. Only then comes a career and realization in show business. What else is interesting about the life story of a stage star?

Natalie (singer). Biography: youth

The future singer was born in the city of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region in 1974. Since childhood, Natasha was active and Her everyday life at school could not be called gray. She stood out among her peers, demonstrated her “I” and was a leader in companies. Little Natasha took part in all school concerts, theater productions and other events. Besides everything else, the girl in adolescence started writing poetry and songs. Future star Russian stage I never seriously thought about musical career, did not practice this art professionally. The girl wanted to enter a pedagogical university and work as a teacher. Nevertheless, the future singer, whose photo is now of interest to millions of fans, was close to the world of music. She was attracted to creativity. After graduating from a pedagogical school and trying myself as a teacher primary classes Natalie decided that this was not her path and left for Moscow.

Natalie (singer). Biography: early career

Her path in the capital was not easy. After a while, producer Valery Ivanov pays attention to her. Thanks to him, Natalie's singing career began. The girl’s first songs and albums did not receive due fame, but after the hit “The Wind from the Sea Blowed” the whole country started talking about her. National love fell on the young singer like an avalanche. Natalie could not even dream that someday her songs would be heard on radio and television! Both adults and children knew her cute and playful compositions by heart. The army of fans increased after the release of each new hit. Natalie (singer), whose biography by that time was already quite interesting, successfully toured and collected full houses in each of the cities.

Until the early 00s, Natalie worked successfully, went to concerts, recorded videos and songs. Her album “The Wind Blew from the Sea,” released in 1997, broke all sales records. In 2000, the singer released the song “Turtle” and soon left the stage, devoting herself to her family and child.

Singer Natalie. Biography. Personal life

During the first wave of her popularity, little was known about the singer’s personal life. Recently, in one of the television programs, Natalie told the public in detail about how difficult it was to combine career and personal life. The singer got married at the age of 17 and has been happily married for 22 years with her husband Alexander, who is a little older than her. It so happened that Natalie, who was successful in her creative work, could not give birth to a child for a long time. All of her pregnancies ended in miscarriages. She literally begged the saints for her long-awaited son. For 9 years the couple dreamed of a child, and God rewarded them. After the birth of the child, the singer left the stage for some time. Later a second heir was born.

Currently, Natalie is again at the peak of popularity. Her song “Oh God, What a Man” became a hit in 2013. Now the singer is successfully touring, participating in national concerts and recording new hits.