How to calculate significant years of life online. Numerology for everyone

We have already talked about how!

How to calculate milestones

Alina Cherubini, psychologist and numerologist, happily shares her experience: remember how, when calculating the number of life, we summed up all the numbers of the date of birth? It's a little different here. For example, let’s take the date of birth as 02/01/1995 and now let’s work with it.

First, we summarize the month and day: 01.02, that is, 0+1+0+2. This will be 3. We remember this number and now sum up the year, but to a two-digit number! That is, 1995 is 1+9+9+5=24. If for the number of life we ​​would sum 2+4, then in in this case 24 and remains 24, we don’t do anything like that with him. But we add 3 to it - the number that was obtained by summing the digits of the day and month. By the way, this should be unambiguous!

First milestone

24+3=27. That is, the first life milestone for such a person will take place at the age of 27 years. Sometimes it can be 26 and a half, and the first year 28... 27 is an average value, you should focus on it.

And what about abroad? Everything is simple here too. 27. 2+7=9. And now let’s remember what was said about nine in the material about the number of life! That this is fantasy, spirituality, something unknowable. That is, such a person, around the age of 27, realizes something from the realm of fantasy, unusual, but expected!

Second milestone

It is believed that until the first milestone a person lives through childhood and adolescence, and becomes mature only after achieving it. And at the second milestone, he reaches a peak, after which all that remains is to reap the benefits.

So, in the case of a birth date of 02/01/1995, we take the age of the first milestone - 27 - and subtract from it the first digit of the date, multiplied by two. 01 - we do not count zero, conventionally writing the date as 1.2.1995. So we multiply one by two. That makes two. 27-2=25.

The second milestone will take place 25 years after 27! That is, approximately 52 years old. Good age to move on to being satisfied with what has been done, and not to trying to achieve something!

What is this milestone based on? The main thing here is not to get confused - we are not summing up the age numbers in the second milestone, but precisely the number 25, that is, the age of the first milestone minus the first digit of the date of birth, multiplied by two. 2+5=7.

Seven - connection with higher powers and mysticism. That is, a person will achieve some kind of realization in the area of ​​his spiritual path!

What are the meanings of boundaries?

Three - a family or life is developing, for example, an apartment is being bought. Four is something important in terms of communicating with people. Five - love, usually marriage. Six is ​​intelligence, this could be getting a diploma, defending a dissertation or important work.

Seven is spiritual realization. Eight - career advancement. Nine is the realization of fantasy (very often a desired child is born according to nine). Well, the numbers 10, 11 and 22 are not taken into account in life milestones.

Age of milestone

There is also a nuance: sometimes it happens that milestones happen too early or too late. Alina Cherubini knew a girl whose first milestone was at 4 years old (she went to kindergarten), the second at 7 (she went to school).

This is a good way out. It can be even sadder - some people, after the second milestone, lose what they should strive for and don’t want to live anymore. Parents are encouraged to “count” their children and look for interesting things to do if the second milestone happens too soon!

JoeInfoMedia journalist Diana Lynn reminds us that with the help of numerology we can... Love and happiness to you!

There are years (periods) in a person’s life that play a certain role in fate. At the same time, these years have the same meaning for almost all people.

21 years old - considered the age of majority. A person makes, perhaps, the first important decision in his life (marriage, profession, place of residence), which determines the next seven or eight years. After this period, it is very important to correct the mistakes made. Otherwise, health problems may arise that will make themselves felt much later.

24 years - a period that determines what to be and what to go. If you were married at the age of 21, a person may think about the advisability of continuing a relationship with this partner. If a specific profession has been chosen, the foundations of a second, additional or next profession can be laid, which the person will turn to later.

29.5 years - the period of manifestation of an adult personality capable of making serious decisions independently. In terms of illnesses, this is rather a positive period, as health stabilizes.

32 years - the period of final choice of profession, or, according to at least, for the next seven or eight years. In general, this is a major period for a person to find his place in life, ending at the age of 35. In addition, during this period, to solve many life problems a person needs a partner. It is not surprising that by the age of 35 a person occupies a strong position at work and in the family.

42 years - the time of the next crisis (family, work, health), which ends by the age of 48. This is a period of change, after which stabilization occurs until the moment of retirement.

At 56 years old man reaches the top.

63 years old - age is similar to 21 years old, because it means a crisis, a reassessment of values, or, conversely, an affirmation in one’s principles, which will now remain unchanged until the age of 84, if a person is destined to live to that age.

84 years old - a new and perhaps final revision of all life positions, appeal to higher values.

Calculation of the fateful years of a person’s life

Having lived a certain number of years, almost every person can note that there are years in which there are as many positive events as possible; There are some that go unnoticed.

Fateful years are certain years of a person that affect his entire life. later life. The main of these years is the year of birth, which is considered to be the starting point of a person’s further movement through life, which leaves an imprint on the character and destiny of a person.

Let's calculate the fateful years for a person who was born on 08.24.1961.

First life cycle:

1. Add the number 1 to 1961 (1st digit in the year of birth):

1961+1 = 1962 is the first fateful year.

2. To the year obtained at the 1st stage, add the second digit of the year of birth:

1962+9=1971 is the second fateful year.

3. To the year obtained at the second stage, add the third digit of the year:

1971+6=1977 is the third fateful year.

4. To the resulting year, add the fourth digit of the year of birth:

1977+1=1978 is the fourth and most important fateful year.

Second life cycle:

In the second cycle, we take the last fateful year of the 1st cycle as the starting point.

1978 + 1 = 1979 - 1st fateful year

1979 + 9 = 1988 - 2nd fateful year

1988 + 7 = 1995 - 3rd fateful year

1995 + 8 = 2003 - the 4th fateful year - the most important fateful year of the 2nd life cycle.

Third life cycle:

In the third cycle, the calculation is similar to the previous ones.

The predictive part begins from the third cycle.

We take 2003 as our starting point - the last fateful year of the 2nd cycle.

2003 + 2 = 2005 - the 1st fateful year of the third cycle.

2005 + 0 = 2005 - the 2nd fateful year of the third cycle.

2005 + 0 = 2005 - the 3rd fateful year of the third cycle.

2005 + 3 = 2008 - the 4th fateful year (the most important) of the third cycle.

Fourth life cycle:

The starting point for the fourth cycle is 2008.

2008 + 2 = 2010 - the 1st fateful year of the fourth cycle.

2010 + 0 = 2010 - 2nd fateful year. The significance of a stage in a person’s life is increasing.

2010 + 0 = 2010 - the 3rd fateful stage of the 4th cycle.

2010 + 8 = 2018 - the 4th, final, most important stage in a person’s life.

Since 2000, the algorithm for calculating fateful years has changed. In order to make the calculation, starting from the second stage, it is necessary to add not the number itself, but the difference (9 is the corresponding number in all positions except the first), for example:

Date of birth: 07/24/2003.

Add the number 2 to 2003 (1st digit in the year of birth):

2003+2 = 2005 is the first fateful year.

To the year obtained at the 1st stage we add 9 minus the second digit of the year of birth:

2005+(9-0)=2014 is the second fateful year.

To the year obtained at the second stage we add 9 minus the third digit of the year:

2014+(9-0)=2023 is the third fateful year.

To the resulting year we add 9 minus the fourth digit of the year of birth:

2023+(9-3)=2029 is the fourth fateful year.

Method for determining a person’s karmic years:

— the first karmic year of a person is his year of birth.

— the second karmic year is calculated as: year of birth + the sum of all the numbers that make up the year.

- third karmic year: to the second year obtained during the calculation we add in order all the digits of the year of birth. And so on.

For example, your year of birth is 1961.

1961 is the first karmic year.

1961+1+9+6+1 = 1995 (second karmic year).

1995+1+9+6+1 = 2012.

2012+1+9+6+1 = 2029.

Karmic years for people born in 1961: 1961, 1995, 2012, 2029.

The life of every person is full of unpredictable situations and fateful events. They can carry both positive and negative character. Numerology allows you to avoid or prepare for some of them. To take advantage of the possibilities of this science, it is enough to know person's date of birth.

Find out by date of birth

Some people underestimate the influence of numbers on their lives. The study of numerology became widespread many centuries ago. But in those days it did not have the same scale as it does today. The first to bring science to the masses was Pythagoras. He studied carefully the power of numbers, and then passed on his experience to his receivers.

This is how knowledge based on an in-depth study of the interaction between a person and the numbers around him has reached us.

Numerology allows you to find out not only a person’s character, but also predict some events in his life. Number life path determined from the numbers of the date of birth. To do this, write down all the numbers in the order they come after each other and add them together.

For example, if a person was born on January 1, 2012, then the calculation will be made as follows: 1+0+1+2+0+1+2=7. The resulting number is the patron of a person. If in the end it worked out double digits, then it must be brought to a unique value. For example, this could happen with a date of birth of March 17, 1978.

The calculation will be like this: 1+7+0+3+1+9+7+8=36. The figure obtained at the end is divided into two parts, which are added together. In this case, the patronizing number will be 9.

Characteristics of life numbers

Each number in numerology has an individual meaning. It may vary depending on the influence of other important factors. The life path number gives a person a number of characteristic features, helping to fully realize oneself.

You can strengthen the power of numbers with the help of amulets, which are a visual image of a certain number. Also, life path number can surround a person in everyday life or work. For example, an apartment number that suits its owner well will provide excellent home protection.

The life number present in the phone number helps to establish contact with people. And if the wedding date is lucky number person, then such a marriage will be aimed at long-term existence.

The characteristics of each number are as follows:

  • A unit promises a person a leadership position in the future. She empowers her ward leadership qualities character. Often, representatives of this category of people open their own business.
  • The deuce gives rise to indecisive individuals who are not prone to conflicts. They easily create family nest, without claiming high titles in the career field.
  • The number three protects creative people, tend to move from one task to another without completing any of them to the end. They are somewhat chaotic, which is why the finances of such people do not last.
  • People with life number four, by nature builders. They like to create something and watch how this or that thing brings joy to people. Discipline and hard work help this type people achieve their goals.
  • The activities of people who have the A as their patronage are often related to travel. They love to learn new things and are not afraid to take risks. For them, sitting in one place is a matter of utmost difficulty.
  • Six gives a person a craving for family comfort. Such people make good family men. They successfully raise a large number of children. In this case, work fades into the background.
  • The number characterizes original people; they are quite different from others in their perception of life and even behavior. Most often, such people find themselves in the creative field.
  • The number eight promotes a person’s desire to material benefits . To do this, they are ready to take any risks. This type of person successfully becomes good organizers or creates their own business.
  • People belonging to the number nine have high degree spirituality. They know how to be compassionate and supportive, so most often their activities revolve around religion.

How to determine a significant year for a person?

Using the basics of numerology, you can calculate years that will be characterized by significant changes in life person.

Changes can be of any nature, these include moving, the birth of a child, marriage, transition to new position, loss loved one etc. It is quite possible that this year will include several events at once.

For calculations, you need to take the year of birth of a person as a basis. For example, 1992. Each of its digits is added to the number of the year in turn. It will look like this: 1992+1+9+9+2=2013. It turns out that the first fateful year of this person will be 2013.

To find out the next such year, you need to follow a similar pattern. Each digit that makes it up is added to the number 2013. It turns out: 2013+2+0+1+3=2019. So the following fateful year will be 2019. With this knowledge, a person can be extremely careful during this period, which will help avoid difficulties.

Determination of life code

In numerology there is such a thing as a life code. This is a set of numbers that, when in strict sequence, can bring a person good luck in any endeavor.

To determine the code, you need to know the person's date of birth. All numbers representing this date must be multiplied together. The result will be a multi-digit number, which is life code person. Knowing it, you can determine what events a person’s life will be filled with.

Also, focusing on the numerical code, you can build a graph of a person’s life and analyze the stages of growth and decline of his development.

Incredible facts

Calculating your personal year will help determine the trend of the coming calendar year. To understand what you awaits ahead Calculate your personal year using the following formula:

First, convert the day and month of your birth to a single digit number. For example, if you were born on September 5, then this number would be 5+9=14; 1+4=5. Now do the same procedure with the year you want to know about. For example, for 2017 it will be the number 1.

Add the resulting birth number and the number of the year of interest and see the result. In the case of the example, the personal year has the number 6. The personal number describes the trend of events for the entire year.

Birth Numerology

Personal year 1

A new beginning in your life

The current year is the beginning of a new nine-year cycle in your life. The year will be exciting, full of new adventures, life will be filled with new challenges, following which will pave the way for a favorable course of life. Now is the time to clarify your goals and take action.

You will have to work hard to get your new venture off the ground. This year yours physical strength higher compared to all other years because there are several special needs that require extra energy.

If you cannot or do not want to answer the challenge of change this year and change your life, which needs to be done right now, then the prospects will go away and will appear only in the next cycle, that is, in 9 years.

The changes need to happen are big, but if you treat them as an adventure, everything will work out. New goals, however, must be clearly set and worked out, since this year is your new beginning of the 9-year cycle.

It will be quite easy for you, because most of the problems and disappointments are in the past, or will disappear very soon, making room for new goals. This is a great time, take full advantage of all the opportunities.

Personal year 2

Development, cooperation and anticipation

This year is a time of waiting and observing, a year when you find yourself in a developmental stage and a little on the fence. This is not the time to set active goals and actions. This is a time to collaborate and build relationships that will benefit you in the future. This is a time to accumulate knowledge and information.

Your aggressiveness will lead to problems. You must be prepared for delays, stoppages, you must be patient. This is the time of investing, helping. Do not forget to pay attention to details, they must be taken into account.

This is a time to accumulate strength for further work. This year may test your self-control and emotional sensitivity. This is a time to work on your ability to collaborate productively with others. This may seem difficult, especially if you are used to working alone.

Stay calm and try to be pleasant. During this year you may experience some nervous tension. The second personal year brings with it a tendency to develop emotional extremes, including depression.

This year there is a high probability of developing a deep relationship with a person of the opposite sex. If you are married, then the second personal year is a time of deepening and strengthening feelings in the relationship.

Numerology in human life

Personal year 3

Social expansion and creative success

This year is social. It emits bright and cheerful vibrations. This is the year you'll want to check in on old friends and expand your social circle to make new ones. Romance and love in full bloom. You tend to live life to the fullest, even if you have to pay a high price for it later.

The third personal year is a year of increased sociability, so the “bridle of responsibility” is slightly weakened. You tend to dissipate energy by trying to do too many things at once.

You can relax and enjoy yourself, but don't give in to the temptation to go soft and keep your goals in mind. The third personal year is good time to develop their creativity, especially those related to verbal skills and the arts. Recognition in this regard is likely to happen this year.

Although the year may be happy in terms of personal expression, it is likely to be disastrous in terms of work activities. A frivolous attitude to work can lead to rash decisions and the implementation of impractical and ill-conceived schemes. This year is unfavorable in terms of finances, but don’t worry too much, next year will help you compensate for your losses.

Personal year 4

Hard work and slow but steady progress

Last year's frivolity is forgotten. This is a year of hard work and effort. large quantity effort. A year of soul-searching and regaining composure. However, in many ways this year will disappoint you because your considerable efforts will not produce dramatic results.

One step forward, two steps back is a fairly common occurrence this year. Remember, this is an organizational period and you will not see all the work you have done in a very bright light. It's time to get organized and come down to earth.

Your responsibilities will expand, and so will the efforts and hard work required to maintain an adequate standard of living. Pay attention to health and proper nutrition, because the physical resistance this year you are weak, you may become more susceptible to disease.

Get your affairs in order to be as prepared as possible for the next, very difficult year.

Personal year 5

Year of Freedom

The fifth personal year is a year of major changes in your life. Horizons are expanded, and growing is not so difficult. This year you are likely to make new friends as your social circle expands. This year will bring a lot of excitement, adventure and much more freedom than you have ever experienced.

This is the time for a constructive transition to a new life stage. If you're stuck in the past, it's time to look in new directions. The problem this year is the tendency to dissipate energy in all directions.

Your ability to concentrate on details is limited right now, and this will make you feel quite limited overall. Overall, it's a free year hard work during which it can lead to major changes in your life, career, family and place of residence.

Important years of life

Personal year 6

Love, family, home, responsibility

This year your responsibility for family, loved ones and friends increases. This could be a year when you have to make some adjustments in your life or make some sacrifices for someone in your family or friends.

This is not a year for major achievements, but rather a time to reflect and adjust your previously conceived plans. Efforts this year will be very slow. However, regarding family, home and romantic issues, the year will be very good.

Your emotional exchange with loved ones will reach new level. It is important that you have the desire to accept this slow pace of moving forward, you must enjoy peace and harmony. This is exactly what this year will bring.

Personal year 7

Time for analysis and understanding

The 7th personal year promises to be a very introspective year, a period of pause and reflection between the very active stages of life. This year gives you time to delve into yourself and get the right idea about yourself. This year you will do a lot of contemplation.

You will spend a lot of time alone or in quiet activities, free from external obligations. You should try to get away from business pressures. This good year to analyze the past and make plans for the future.

This is not a year of action, it is a year of waiting and development. One of the most important activities of the seventh personal year is studying and writing, as your ability to think clearly, analyze and integrate your thoughts is at its peak.

Your powers of exploration and understanding have also peaked. Focus your attention on talents and skills so you can use the time you have to improve them. Perhaps you can find time to get additional education, or just spend free time in reflection and meditation.

Personal year 8

Achievements and capital gains

This is your energetic year, a period when you can and should take important steps in your life. After a very slow and introspective past 7 years, you will begin to feel some ambitious excitement. This is a year of big decisions and major achievements.

Soon, very soon, the New Year 2013 will come. We are all waiting for something new, bright, joyful, with the hope that the new future will be better and more prosperous than the old past.

And I would like, of course, to lift the veil of secrecy, to find out what will happen there - in the near and distant future. Practical numerology will help you, because simple calculations are subject to everyone. Shall we begin?!

Today I suggest you independently determine the main, most important years in your life. These years are of significant importance in your destiny; significant and significant events for you take place or will continue to take place during these years.

Calculating the “main” years of life: the first method

To your year of birth we add the sum of the digits of the year of birth. Next, we add the sum of its digits to this number.
For example, year of birth 1979:
Thus, for the year of birth in 1979, the significant years are 2005, 2012, 2017, 2027, 2038, 2051. These years will see significant changes in a person’s life. You should also pay attention to those years that are close to the “main” years (a year earlier, a year later). They also need to be taken into account.

Calculating the “main” years of life: the second method

Add up the sum of the digits of the year of birth. Our year of birth is 1979, we add it up: 1+9+7+9=26. The resulting result - the same number - is added to the main years.
For example,

Pay close attention to the years that coincided with you (when calculating different ways). And, I repeat, a year earlier, a year later - take that into account too. Good luck with your calculations! And in order not to miss new articles on practical numerology, we recommend