How to lower your breathalyzer readings. Is it possible to fool a breathalyzer: how to bypass it. Why is it so difficult to fool a breathalyzer?

Just 10 years ago, fooling a breathalyzer was a relatively feasible task. Some tried to hold their breath, others tried to exhale, especially the smart ones plugged the hole in the device with their tongue, diligently puffing out their cheeks and imitating a conscientious exhalation. Today, such manipulations are unlikely to be successful, since a modern breathalyzer will immediately let you know that the volume of air is insufficient for analysis.

An electronic device that records the concentration of alcohol in exhaled air consists of a tube, a chamber, an analyzer and an indicator where the measurement result is displayed. Due to heating, the air entering the chamber is converted into steam, which acts on the analyzer. In this case, the electrochemical sensor records precisely the alcohol molecules, taking into account their content per unit volume.

The device is equipped with a buzzer that signals readiness for work, intake of air in the required volume and exceeding the alcohol threshold.

If alcohol was taken immediately before testing, the device will record it “in its pure form.” After about 15 minutes, alcohol molecules enter the blood from the digestive organs, and the breathalyzer already reacts to the alcohol content in the air from the lungs.

A specialist will tell you what rules it follows and why it is needed in a very useful and interesting article.

Thus, the device can be misled within 10-15 minutes, when the mouth is already “clean” after a couple of minutes, and the concentration of “doping” in the blood has not yet reached critical levels. But, you must admit, meeting with the inspector in such a limited period of time is unlikely, and the aroma of recently consumed alcohol will inevitably overshadow the joy of the meeting.

Popular methods of eliminating signs of alcohol intoxication can be divided into three groups.

  1. Drugs that slow down the absorption of alcoholic beverages into the blood from the gastrointestinal tract (fatty foods and vegetable oil).
  2. Methods that enhance metabolism and accelerate the elimination of alcohol breakdown products from the body (physical activity, bath procedures, drinking plenty of fluids).
  3. Masking tricks (various products that have a deodorizing and refreshing effect).

Let's take a closer look at the most popular folk methods.

Vegetable oil actually envelops the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, preventing the intense entry of alcohol into the blood, but this period can be stretched out for no more than half an hour. This method is partially justified if a small amount of alcohol was taken at once and you plan to get home within half an hour.

Fatty foods in large quantities have a similar enveloping effect. In addition, due to the fact that the enzyme system works hard to break down complex fats, the rate of alcohol absorption is somewhat reduced. However, contrary to the existing myth, oils and fats do not bind alcohol molecules and do not naturally remove them from the body unchanged. Alcohol is still absorbed and is present in the exhaled air for up to 10 hours.

Bath and physical activity

Both methods are applicable only in cases of mild alcohol intoxication and are based on stimulating metabolism and speedy removal of alcohol markers from the body, mainly due to intense sweating.

The bathhouse or sauna should be warmed up enough that you can stay inside for no more than 5 minutes. After each use, you should wash off any excrement products from your skin. The downside of the technique is that it takes quite a long time. So, in order to remove the alcohol contained in a liter of low-alcohol drink from the body, you will have to spend 2-3 hours on the bath procedure.

Effective physical exercises include running, swimming, push-ups, pull-ups on the horizontal bar - in short, everything that makes a person sweat properly.

On the one hand, the “cleansing” effect of the bath and physical activity applies to everyone and does not depend on the individual characteristics of the body, on the other hand, such procedures are not recommended for everyone. They are not recommended for older people and those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to fool the breathalyzer by consuming plenty of water and soft drinks. Drinking clean water, especially acidified with lemon juice, really reduces the level of intoxication in the body. However, about 90% of alcohol is eliminated through the liver, so the method does not guarantee a significant reduction in the concentration of alcohol in the blood, and therefore in the air leaving the lungs.

Masking methods

Such techniques are aimed at eliminating the smell of alcohol and increasing overall tone. Chewing coffee beans, parsley leaves, bay leaves or cloves will briefly eliminate the characteristic smell of alcohol, but will not affect the breathalyzer readings. Both mint chewing gum and oral deodorants are powerless against the inexorable device. You should be especially careful with the latter, since many of them contain ethyl alcohol.

Drinking a cup of coffee or strong tea a minute before testing is considered a fairly effective way to influence the alcohol meter’s verdict, but performing such a trick in front of a traffic police officer is quite problematic. The advantage of the listed manipulations is that they help to cheer up, increase concentration, visually appear sober and thereby lull the vigilance of the guard.

Breathing techniques

Hyperventilation of the lungs, that is, several forced inhalations and exhalations immediately before testing, can reduce the breathalyzer reading by 10-15%. At the same time, holding your breath, on the contrary, increases the measurement result of a modern electrochemical device. In addition, the device can react to a lack of air volume. The technique of intermittent breathing, when the exhaled air stream mixes with the street air, helps to relatively reduce the readings of the breathalyzer. The difficulty in implementing both techniques is that they must be used under the watchful eye of a representative of the law.

Let us note right away that a magic pill that eliminates the consequences of heavy libations has not yet been invented. Widely advertised anti-police drugs today, which supposedly allow you to eliminate alcohol from the body in 2-3 hours, actually contain components that reduce headaches, vitamins and flavorings. The role of such drugs in the elimination of alcohol is insignificant. Alka-Seltzer and other aspirin preparations are a similar symptomatic remedy.

Vigorous ventilation of the lungs has already been discussed above, as well as delaying the moment of blowing. With a mouthpiece-less device, you can try to blow as hard as you can, but keep the device away from your mouth, although this method of deceiving the breathalyzer will no longer work - such models are almost never used. In addition, you can:

  • drink something that does not contain alcohol;
  • use the Anti-Police additive;
  • do not breathe intensely into the tube;
  • and monitor your condition before each trip;
  • eat a few coffee beans;
  • chew a clove of garlic;
  • find out your norm and not go beyond what is permissible with ppm tracking;
  • snack on white chocolate or eat a piece of it before taking a breathalyzer test;
  • perform several active physical exercises, which, they say, also helps if you don’t know how to fool the breathalyzer in another way.

Traditional ways to deceive the tester

Drivers and those who have to undergo alcohol testing often share various ways to get rid of the smell of a hangover at home. The options are called different.

Most Popular:

  1. drink 70-80 ml of vegetable oil;
  2. chew coffee beans or nutmeg, bay leaf;
  3. eat a few shares of chocolate;
  4. chew the seeds.

It’s worth saying right away: neither chewing gum, nor activated carbon, nor garlic rubbed on the teeth or Anti-Polizei can fool the tester. They will eliminate the smell of alcohol, but alcohol vapor will still remain in the exhaled air, which is what the breathalyzer will show.

Ventilation is considered a more effective method. Experienced drivers know: if you ventilate your lungs well before breathing into the traffic cop device (inhale and exhale deeply several times), you can influence the results. However, repeated testing will reveal the presence of alcohol.

Is it possible to fool a breathalyzer “honestly”?

Yes, just don’t cheat, and don’t drink at all, or at least before you get behind the wheel

Moreover, it is important to know that the device can react not only to vodka or wine, but also to kvass, kefir and even so-called non-alcoholic beer, which still contains a certain proportion of alcohol product. Therefore, you need to be careful even with these drinks

In vino veritas?

Is it worth seeking the truth in wine if you then have to lose the opportunity to drive for the next two years? After all, it turns out that there are no options on how to fool the breathalyzer.

Rumors do not arise out of nowhere, and the above methods can change the readings of the device.

What are these rumors and the effects of simple products based on?

Vegetable oil

It is better to use it before drinking or immediately after drinking alcohol (in small quantities!). The oil envelops the oral cavity and the walls of the stomach and esophagus with a thin film and prevents alcohol from being quickly absorbed into the blood. If immediately after drinking a glass you manage to get home within 15-20 minutes, you will not have time to get drunk.

Chocolate, coffee, cinnamon

It would be naive to believe that eating chocolate or coffee beans, which are recommended by experienced drivers, will relieve you of the presence of alcohol in your blood or exhaled air.

It’s just that the inspector won’t smell it, and if based on your appearance, he won’t be able to suspect you of drinking alcohol and won’t offer to take a breathalyzer test.

Chewing gum, cinnamon or nutmeg will also contribute to fresh breath, but their smell, on the contrary, may lead the traffic police inspector to believe that you are deceiving him.

The device only shows alcohol vapors; it does not react to other odors, therefore, whether you drink coffee or cocoa, or eat a kilogram of bay leaf, the smart device will only react to the vodka you drink. It is impossible to deceive him.

Mints, chewing gum

It is not recommended to use sweets to get rid of the smell of alcohol. You can achieve the opposite effect and only make things worse: blood sugar rises, and the bacteria in the intestines that secrete alcohol to process it intensify their activity. The result is that the alcohol level shown by the breathalyzer will not decrease, but, on the contrary, will increase by 0.2-0.4 ppm.

Such methods can only freshen breath, get rid of the “stale” appearance, so that a person can pass the checkpoint the next day after drinking alcohol, but they will not remove alcohol from the blood.


It is believed that such drugs will help bypass medical examination. Yes, if at least 24 hours have passed since drinking alcohol, and more than one “anti-hangover” pill has been taken within the last 12 hours.

The only effect of Antipolice and similar drugs is that they relieve hangover syndrome and help remove alcohol from the body faster.

Is it possible to fool breathalyzers?

Despite decades of scientific evidence showing the limitations of breathalyzers, police still rely on them. Therefore, it is natural that people strive to find ways to cheat such a test. And during this time, many ridiculous methods were proposed.

One of the most popular ways to fool a breathalyzer involves licking or sucking on a copper coin, as this supposedly "neutralizes" the alcohol in your mouth and therefore lowers the BAC value displayed. The air being analyzed actually comes from your lungs, not your mouth, so removing alcohol from your mouth would not affect the results (even if this method would work, since very few coins are made of an alloy with a high concentration of copper).

In our country, there is a law that a driver is considered drunk while driving if the concentration of ethanol in the exhaled air exceeds 0.16 ppm, and in the blood - 0.35 ‰. It is also worth remembering that the error of a professional breathalyzer, with which inspectors check road users, is no more than 0.05 ppm. However, you can try to fool any device. So, some drivers who drive while drunk come up with various ways to make the breathalyzer show 0. What these methods are and how effective they are, we will tell you in our article.

Ways to fool a breathalyzer

Drivers who drank alcohol while driving long ago figured out how to make the breathalyzer show 0. Here are the most common methods:

  1. Enhanced lung ventilation helps a lot. To do this, you need to take several fairly deep exhalations and inhalations. However, you should not hold your breath for a long time, since in this case the device will show an even higher concentration of ethanol. The thing is that at the moment you hold your breath, the air in your lungs becomes even more saturated with ethanol.
  2. To ensure that the result shown on the breathalyzer is less than the real one, you can try to exhale a smaller volume of air than required. In this case, less air will pass through the sensors with the catalyst and, accordingly, less ethanol will settle on them, which will lead to a decrease in the actual readings. However, professional devices are able to determine the required amount of air that must pass through it. At this moment they make a sound signal. Therefore, if you blow less air into the device than necessary, it simply will not give a signal, and you will have to repeat the procedure.
  3. To get alcohol out of the body faster, many drivers try to speed up their metabolism. To do this, before getting behind the wheel after drinking alcohol, the driver needs to do a light jog or any other physical exercise that will speed up the metabolism.
  4. It is believed that if a drunk driver drinks a cup of coffee, strong tea or an anti-hangover drug, the breathalyzer will not show alcohol in the body. You can also take sorbents for this purpose.

  1. If a drunk driver drinks Anti-Police or chews gum, he will get rid of the smell of alcohol. In this case, the inspector will not suspect that the person has been drinking and will not require a test.
  2. Some people try to fool the breathalyzer with menthol mouthwash. It may be possible to deceive the traffic police inspector in this way, but this will not affect the readings of the device.
  3. If a driver has to drive after drinking alcohol, then in order to reduce the rate of absorption of alcohol through the gastric mucosa, you can drink 50-70 grams of sunflower oil.
  4. Some cunning people try to use soluble vitamins to activate the body's processes and speed up the removal of ethanol from the blood. However, it is not known how long it will take before the vitamins are absorbed into the blood and begin to act in the body.
  5. If you eat fatty foods, you can ensure that the food helps bind free alcohol in the body. Some drivers advise eating white chocolate, which supposedly speeds up the breakdown of alcohol.
  6. Other people believe that after drinking beer, if they brush their teeth, chew a bay leaf or some spices, they can get the meter to show a lower ppm reading.

Important: alcohol is completely eliminated from the body within 24-48 hours, so the later you get behind the wheel after a feast, the lower the readings on the device will be.

The effectiveness of each method

Above we have listed ways for drivers to fool a breathalyzer. However, the effectiveness of each method can be disputed or confirmed, which is what we will do next.

Vegetable oil

Is it possible to fool a breathalyzer using vegetable oil? The answer is yes, only if you drink it before drinking alcohol. The oil will cover the walls of the stomach and intestines with a thin film and will prevent alcohol from being quickly absorbed into the blood. However, the oil acts for a certain period of time, and after a few minutes you will still begin to get drunk.

This method will work if, after drinking the oil, you took a small dose of alcohol and immediately got behind the wheel. Here it is important to get home in 15-20 minutes, while the oil works and prevents alcohol from being absorbed. In this case, if you are stopped while driving, the breathalyzer will show zero, since you simply will not have time to get drunk yet.

If you take the oil after drinking large doses of alcohol, this will only allow you to quickly remove the remaining alcohol from the intestines due to the laxative effect of the oil. But this procedure will not affect the ethanol concentration in any way, since the alcohol vapor is exhaled from the lungs.

Chocolate and coffee beans

If you chew coffee beans or eat chocolate, you will be able to remove the smell of alcohol and the inspector may not feel it, but you won’t be able to deceive the device. All drivers know what a breathalyzer is, and changing the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the exhaled air will not work in this way.

If you drink coffee or eat chocolate while hungover, it will most likely make your breath fresher and remove the consequences of a recent celebration from your face, so the inspector may simply not find a reason to use a breathalyzer.

Spices, chewing gum, candies

The ethanol detected in the body will not go away from the use of various spices (bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, etc.), so it will not be possible to deceive the device. The same goes for onions and garlic. Not only will they not clog up the fumes, but they will also create such an aroma that, on the contrary, they will help to suspect you of driving while intoxicated even faster.

Eating chewing gum, sweet candies and lollipops may have the opposite effect. Due to the sugar content in them, intestinal bacteria can be activated in the stomach, which release alcohol during food processing. As a result, the concentration of ethanol in the body will only increase. This will add 0.2-0.4 ‰ to the device readings.

Warning: If you use an alcohol mouthwash, you will only increase the reading on the meter because you will be exhaling more ethanol.


Anti-police medicines are usually advertised as a quick way to fool the device. This medication really accelerates the removal of ethyl alcohol from the blood and quickly eliminates hangover. The tablets have a prolonged effect, which promotes faster removal of alcohol from the body.

However, to deceive the breathalyzer, it is very important how many hours after drinking alcohol you are going to drive. If this happens 24 hours after the last use of alcohol and after 12 hours of regular use of Anti-Police, the device will show zero.

Fatty food

If you have eaten beer or another alcoholic drink with fatty foods, this may slow down the absorption of alcohol into the blood. In this case, you will not get drunk so quickly, which will allow you to get home before the first signs of alcohol intoxication appear. Also, fatty foods help reduce the degree of intoxication, but the person will not sober up so quickly.

You can fool a breathalyzer in this way if you are driving home immediately after drinking and eating fatty foods. It is important that the trip is not long, because after 20-30 minutes the alcohol will still begin to be absorbed into the blood. The effect of eating fatty foods is similar to the effect of vegetable oil.


Since a breathalyzer evaluates the degree of intoxication by the concentration of ethanol in the exhaled air, after enhanced ventilation of the lungs, the concentration of alcohol in the exhalation will temporarily decrease. If a test is carried out at this time, the readings on the device may be two times less than before enhanced ventilation.

Important: the device will show zero or its readings will not exceed the norm if the ethanol concentration does not significantly exceed the norm before ventilation. Otherwise, even though the device readings decrease by half, they will still be higher than normal.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is very difficult to ventilate the lungs before the test without the traffic police inspector noticing. If he notices this, he may suspect him of trying to deceive the device.

Acceleration of metabolism

You can significantly speed up your metabolism not only with the help of physical exercise, fitness and jogging, but also with the help of a steam room. In this case, toxins and alcohol are eliminated from the body faster. However, it will not be possible to quickly purify the blood, so it will not be possible to deceive the device. This measure is suitable as one of the techniques in a set of procedures aimed at cleansing the body of toxins and ethanol.

Activated carbon and other sorbents

Any sorbents can quickly cleanse the blood and stomach of alcohol and its breakdown products. You need to take the drug according to the instructions. It has no side effects. But it will not be possible to quickly and completely remove alcohol from the body, so it will not be possible to fool the breathalyzer in this way.

Different things happen in our lives, so it’s not surprising that some car enthusiasts are wondering how to fool a breathalyzer? Although modern devices for determining the level of alcohol in the blood, which are, in fact, electrochemical analyzers, are not a traffic police inspector, which can sometimes be done.

How to fool a breathalyzer - folk methods and beliefs

I repeat once again: modern devices for determining the level of alcohol in the blood are electrochemical analyzers, soulless machines with a display showing dry numbers of the degree of intoxication. Intoxication from dry wine and cognac, whiskey and beer, Russian vodka or moonshine.

And even from various other alcohol-containing liquids - they also drink Lavender lotion with Verbena cologne, as Venedikt Erofeev wrote in Moscow-Petushki. True, fans of these drinks usually do not drive, but travel in the subway, buses or minibuses.

But how can you fool a breathalyzer if you drank yesterday and today you have to drive? The main thing is not to give up and not try to get a hangover in the morning. Fifty grams of vodka or a bottle of 0.33 beer can have a beneficial (albeit short-term) effect on your well-being - but a machine with a mouthpiece is guaranteed to show, even after two or three hours, not the permitted 0.15 milligrams of alcohol per liter of exhaled air, but more.

How much more depends on the individual characteristics of the body. But if the evening libation was plentiful and in the morning you are still in a borderline state, and you start driving literally in an hour? In principle, it’s worth trying to take various anti-hangover remedies (“Alka-Seltzer” has already become a household word), not only drink a couple of cups of coffee, but also chew coffee beans, freshen your breath with super-powerful mint chewing gum - at least if your breath is fresh - the state traffic inspector may not suspect anything.

But how can you fool a breathalyzer if you still have to breathe into the device? The only thing is that you can slightly reduce your alcohol level by hyperventilating your lungs. A series of very deep breaths and exhalations will bring the indicators back to normal if they were initially at the borderline level.

If yesterday evening passed under the motto “beer and meat”, “beer and fish” or “beer and something else”, and the number of glasses did not exceed five or six - consider yourself lucky. Unless, of course, your metabolism is low and your body has the “gift” of retaining alcohol.

Is it possible to fool a breathalyzer using pharmacology?

Unfortunately, modern pharmacology has not yet gone so far as to take one magic pill after a friendly party - and that’s it, just like a cucumber. Or in the morning I swallowed a pill, washed it down with mineral water - and was one hundred percent ready for a difficult twelve-hour taxiing.

Today, our medicine can only offer a dribble - an IV, glucose, and withdrawal symptoms are gone. But is it possible to fool the breathalyzer by breathing into the mouthpiece? In fact, everything is also individual and depends on the amount you drink and the degree of metabolism.

Just a dozen years ago the question “how to fool a breathalyzer?” had a very simple answer - you could blow past it and thereby disorient the device. But current devices have deprived heavy drinkers of this opportunity. Now, to carry out the test, the device requires a certain volume of air from the lungs.

And until the device beeps, you can breathe as you like, even past the mouthpiece (by the way, it should be disposable and printed directly during the test procedure - this is very important!) - but to no avail.

How to fool a breathalyzer - simple ways

To the question “How to fool a breathalyzer?” The best answer can be given by masters of martial arts, who from generation to generation talk about one great master who did not lose a single fight and won all his fights - because he prevented them in advance!

Is it possible to fool the breathalyzer and not give the “seller of striped sticks” any chance of a large fine, not to mention the deprivation of driving privileges? Of course you can! If you do not drink alcohol before the trip (non-alcoholic beer and kefir will not affect the indicators, a liter of kvass will, but ten minutes will be enough for the indicators to return to normal).

But if you did drink yesterday - and drank a lot, the best and only way to fool the breathalyzer is not to drive. Just call a taxi or use public transport. Believe me, it’s cheaper and more reliable.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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The question of whether it is possible to fool a breathalyzer is asked not only by car owners, but also by pedestrians. Most people are interested in the reality of the method for identifying drunk drivers. Drinkers are sure that there is a 100% way to fool an electronic device. Any device created by man is imperfect and its shortcomings can be used.

Breathalyzer and man

Discussing whether it is possible to deceive a breathalyzer without knowledge of the mechanism of the device and the characteristics of the human body is useless. The cheaper the device, the easier it is to deceive it. You can simply not breathe into the tube, closing the hole with your tongue and puffing out your cheeks strongly. This way you can deceive yourself and an unscrupulous inspector who bought a cheap device with his own money for the purpose of blackmail and extortion.

It is impossible to fool a modern, expensive breathalyzer without breathing air into it. Traffic police officers are armed with expensive electronic devices with an automatic air intake function. They signal readiness for work only after receiving the required amount of material for analysis. All that remains is to try to deceive the device, or rather, shock it, by drawing air into your lungs and exhaling into the tube with great force in the hope of breaking the delicate sensors.

Working principle of the breathalyzer

Through the tube, air enters the chamber, where it evaporates due to heating. The vapor passes through an analyzer, which reacts only to the presence of alcohol molecules and counts their number per unit volume. It will not be possible to deceive the breathalyzer by the presence of other odors. In addition to the results on the display, the device gives sound signals of readiness for work, air intake and excess alcohol content.

Immediately after consuming drinks, alcohol remains in the mouth and it is this that gets into the device. After a while, particles are absorbed from the stomach into the blood and alcohol molecules from the lungs enter the tube. The time it takes to process alcohol depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the food consumed and physical activity. You can fool the breathalyzer only 15 minutes after drinking alcohol. The mouth is already clean, and no alcohol has entered the blood.

Those who like to drive drunk claim that they know reliable methods for fooling a breathalyzer. These include:

  • vegetable oil;
  • coffee;
  • Bay leaf;
  • garlic;
  • gum;
  • chocolate;
  • mints;
  • nutmeg;
  • ventilation;
  • fatty foods;
  • Activated carbon;
  • cigarettes;
  • steam room;
  • drugs from the Anti-police series.

All these means can affect the breathalyzer readings to varying degrees.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil will help fool the breathalyzer. It envelops the oral cavity, the walls of the esophagus and intestines with a thin film, preventing the rapid absorption of alcohol into the blood. You can use it in cases where, immediately after drinking alcohol in small quantities, you need to get home in 15 - 20 minutes. Then the question of how to fool a breathalyzer disappears by itself, since you will not have time to get drunk, and there will be very little alcohol in the blood.

The laxative effect of the oil can be used in a hangover, after washing the stomach in order to quickly remove residual alcohol from the intestines. This will not affect the readings of the device, since the vapors are exhaled from the lungs, and it will not be possible to fool the breathalyzer.

Coffee, chocolate

Experienced electronic device cheaters advise chewing coffee beans and eating chocolate to fool the breathalyzer. In this case, the inspector will not smell the alcohol. The device reading may change by a few tenths. This will not save the driver from having to give up his license.

How to fool a breathalyzer with a hangover from coffee and chocolate? Drinking these drinks will make your breath fresher and remove traces of fatigue and hangover from your face. The inspector simply will not see any reason to use the device. In this case, you managed to fool the breathalyzer.

Aromatic products and spices

Some drivers are interested in whether it is possible to fool the breathalyzer using bay leaves, cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Onions and garlic occupy a special place. All these products do not remove the smell of fumes, but in combination with new ones, such an odor is formed that it can knock down a weak traffic police inspector, but not deceive the device.

The device is electronic and reacts only to alcohol molecules; foreign aromas of any intensity cannot affect its results.

Mints, lollipops and gum

Is it possible to fool a breathalyzer with sucking sweets and chewing gum that freshen your breath? Sweet foods increase the amount of sugar in your blood. Consequently, they can increase the alcohol content by activating the work of intestinal bacteria that secrete alcohol for processing food products. This indicator for the average person is at the level of 0.2 - 0.4 ppm, which will be added to the device reading.

The positive effect of this method of fooling a breathalyzer is easier breathing and pleasant communication.


Anti-police medicines are advertised as a way to fool a breathalyzer. They accelerate the removal of alcohol from the blood and eliminate hangover syndrome. Their effect is long-lasting and the remaining alcohol will leave the body several hours earlier. Is it possible to fool a breathalyzer with pills? Yes, one day after drinking alcohol and 12 hours of regular use of Antipolice.


Will the air exhaled into the tube be able to fool a breathalyzer with impurities? Cigarette smoke will only worsen your appearance and condition and increase the chance of being tested by a breathalyzer. Nicotinic acid accumulates in the body and in large quantities (2 packs per day) puts a person into a state of mild narcotic intoxication. The amount of alcohol in the blood and exhaled air does not decrease, and the device does not react to smoke.

You won't be able to fool a breathalyzer, but the punishment for using drugs while driving is harsher. The appearance of a heavy smoker is such that even a sober person is suspected of being in an abnormal state for driving. This is a great chance to be stopped by an inspector and checked on a device, and even sent for a blood test.

Fatty foods in large quantities

How can you fool a breathalyzer by stuffing your belly full with heavy food? Foods high in fat slow down the absorption of alcohol into the body. Intoxication occurs gradually, manifests itself in a milder form and lasts longer. It is possible to cheat the breathalyzer if, after drinking a small amount of alcohol, you snack on fatty foods and immediately go home. The effect is similar to vegetable oil.


How to fool a breathalyzer by exhaling air and chewing aromas is shown in the video:

There is a result, a decrease in alcohol consumption by almost 2 times. You can fool a breathalyzer if the level of alcohol in your blood is close to the permissible reading. But this is short-term and deep breathing requires time, which the driver stopped by the inspector does not have.

Steam room and fitness

Sweat removes toxins and alcohol from the body. This process is lengthy and it will not be possible to quickly cleanse the blood. If you drank in the evening, and you have to go in the morning, then this is one of the methods of a set of measures. You can’t fool a breathalyzer just by steaming for a few hours.

Activated carbon

Removes all alcohol and its breakdown products from the stomach. Helps cleanse the blood faster. You should take at least 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight, preferably more. There are no negative side effects, only increased gas formation, which will not help deceive the breathalyzer and the inspector.

Zeolite sorbents are classified as dietary supplements. The cleaning effect is stronger than that of the well-known coal. Toxins are eliminated gently, without bloating, 2 hours after administration. All alcohol is also not removed from the blood.

There is a proven way with a 100% guarantee on how you can fool a breathalyzer - drink water instead of vodka.

How to cheat a breathalyzer with a hangover

An electronic breathalyzer cannot be fooled. He does not understand words and does not react to smoke or foreign odors. You can only avoid attracting the inspector's attention with your appearance. He uses testing on the device in extreme cases, when the driver’s appearance seemed suspicious to him and added to this were hand tremors, impaired speech and motor coordination.

The fume persists for a long time. The driver regained all his driving ability and reaction speed. All that remains is an unpleasant smell and a wrinkled appearance. In this case, activated charcoal, a bath, physical activity, sleep, a contrast shower in the morning and strong invigorating coffee (natural) will help.

Correct behavior when testing for alcohol

Sometimes a tired and sick driver may appear drunk to the inspector. Cases of “collision” and attempts to obtain a bribe from the driver cannot be ruled out. Then you should behave correctly and obey the laws. This is explained in the video:

The first sign of a dishonest inspector is a cheap breathalyzer. They usually buy them with their own money. If the driver is sober and confident in the results of the alcohol test, then agreeing to a blood test is more profitable for him than for a selfish traffic police officer.

The most reliable way to fool a breathalyzer is not to drive while intoxicated or hungover. By doing this, you will protect yourself not only from the risk of losing your license, but also from getting into a traffic accident due to a slow reaction caused by alcohol.