What strings are best for an electric guitar? Brands you can trust. Nylon strings. Which ones to choose

We can say that the choice classical guitar as the main instrument is determined by the style of the music chosen for performance. Can we remember that domestic school guitar playing assumes the classical guitar as the instrument on which most guitar playing courses are based educational institutions. It follows from this that the choice of strings for such a guitar is by no means an idle question.

Of course, even the best strings in the world will not make a low-quality guitar sound decent, but bad strings can ruin the sound of an absolutely magnificent instrument. No matter what your skill level, your guitar will sound better with the highest quality strings you can find. In fact, the best strings for classical guitar are those that are comfortable for you to play and will enhance the sound quality of your guitar. It is always more important to rely on your own feelings than on the recommendations of even venerable specialists and musicians.

When choosing strings for a classical guitar, you need to pay attention to three parameters - the tension force for which specific strings are designed, the material of the strings, and the actual quality of their manufacture. We know that guitar strings are classified by their diameter in thousandths of an inch, but classical guitar strings are also classified by their tension. Unfortunately, a standard for this value has not been developed, so you need to experiment personally and select strings that are convenient for yourself according to this parameter. Low/Moderate/Light Tension strings make them easier to pluck, especially on guitars with more string spacing, but they tend to be quieter and have less attack. Strings with normal or high tension (Normal / Medium / High Tension) are somewhat more difficult to play, but they provide a loud and confident sound, emphasized attack and are generally the best for performing and recording rhythmic parts. It is recommended that after playing a guitar with strings with a similar tension force, you detune the instrument by releasing the strings, so as not to cause unnecessary damage to the structure of the guitar. But in order to understand which string tension force is most convenient for you, you need to take at least two sets of strings from the same manufacturer and the same series - for example, D'Addario EJ45 Pro-Arte Nylon Normal Tension (by the way, it is this that is recognized by experts as one of best string sets for classical guitar for 2015) and EJ46 Pro-Arte Nylon Hard Tension. By changing sets of strings on your guitar over the course of several days, you will understand which one is best for you personally.

It's the same story with string material. As is known, in modern sets of strings for classical guitars, the three top strings are made of the following materials: Clear Nylon, Rectified Nylon - the term means not chemical composition, and ultra-precise maintenance of the diameter of the strings through their processing after extrusion and cooling), black nylon (Black Nylon is a different chemical composition of the fiber that provides a warmer and cleaner sound) or composite fibers such as fluorocarbon. The lower strings are several nylon fibers in a metal or again nylon braid. The already mentioned D'Addario Pro-Arte Series strings are pure nylon on the top strings and 80/20 bronze wound nylon (80% copper and 20% zinc) on the lower strings. The D'Addario EJ50 Pro-Arte Black Nylon Hard Tension set has silver-plated copper winding on the lower strings, which provides comfortable playing and a warm sound - often strings with such winding are called silver. That is, in in this case you need to select the strings for yourself, but now based on the material - the comparison for the mentioned D"Addario sets will be between the EJ50 and EJ45 / EJ46. And again you will need to change the strings on the guitar several times, listen to the sound of the instrument and analyze your own sensations from the game. Yes, choosing strings for a classical guitar is not done in ten minutes, but it is this lengthy method that will save you from any displeasure in communicating with your personal tool.

Strings are the main working element of a guitar, determining the comfort and quality of playing. Each musician has his own preferences on this matter, developed based on many years of experience. It’s more difficult for beginners - they only have to start searching, which may not always end successfully. How to reduce the error rate? What should you pay attention to?

How to choose strings for an acoustic guitar

Strings give a guitar its personality. The peculiarity of the game is influenced by their thickness - it contributes to the appearance of volume in the sound. According to this criterion, all strings are divided into three groups:

  1. Thin. They do not require excessive pressure while playing, but they sound quiet.
  2. Average. They represent the optimal balance between clamping force and pleasant sound.
  3. Thick. Designed for experienced guitarists with trained left-hand fingers. They demonstrate rich and juicy sound.

Beginners are usually advised to use medium thickness strings. Sets 0.10-0.48 and 0.11-0.52 are considered the best in terms of sound transmission.

The second criterion when choosing strings for acoustics is the type of winding. It is characteristic of the fourth, fifth, sixth and sometimes third string. The winding is:

  • flat – characterized by a matte, slightly muffled sound;
  • round - has a bright and sonorous sound.

The third string can be either without winding or with it (in thicker sets). In the latter case, the sound becomes more beautiful and rich, but due to the thinness of the winding, it regularly has to be changed along with the rest of the set of strings.

Unwound strings are more durable, but exhibit fewer overtones, causing the sound to be perceived as lacking harmony. It should be remembered that the more often the winding, the more dull and “bass” the sound turns out.

Much depends on the material used. Typically there are the following options:

Material Advantages Flaws
Yellow bronze
  • sound brightness
  • "clanging" effect
  • good percussion
  • loud and beautiful sound
  • demanding storage (it is necessary to keep the strings dry and always in a case)
  • prone to oxidation, which may cause the winding to turn slightly green
Phosphor bronze
  • smooth and deep sound
  • clean bass
  • good wear resistance
  • elasticity, which prolongs the sound of frets
  • no "clanging"
  • high price
  • sound brightness
  • durability
  • shorter pedal than bronze
  • high cost
  • comparatively cheap
  • purity of sound
  • deep matte sound
  • lack of individuality characteristic of bronze strings
  • all brands have approximately the same sound
  • softness, which is why the use of copper is only relevant for thick bass or synthetic strings
  • beautiful appearance
  • clear and subtle sound
  • sonority
  • aversion to getting fingers dirty
  • the need for proper storage (in a dark place), otherwise the strings may fade
  • softness, which negatively affects the durability of the product

Choosing strings is a purely individual matter. You need to try and compare. It is recommended to study the “habits” of your favorite musicians and play with the same strings that they use.

Many beginners decide to go with copper. This material, due to its good performance qualities and low cost, enjoys continued popularity.

Be careful when purchasing silver wound strings. Most often, these are just copper wires coated with a very thin layer of silver, which quickly wears off (especially if the product is made in Korea or China). It is believed that such winding mainly affects aesthetics and not sound quality. Although some musicians are confident in the indispensability of silver when performing fingerpicking. If possible, it is better to try such strings yourself and draw your own conclusions.

The choice of strings is influenced by the type acoustic guitar– classic or pop. Classic models mainly used when teaching the game. The following strings are used for such instruments:

String type Peculiarities
  • softness
  • ease of clamping
  • high cost
  • higher density than nylon, which reduces string thickness
  • softness
  • increased brightness and sonority of the sound of the first three strings that do not have a winding
  • high price
  • softness
  • aversion to stretching
  • quick response to turning the peg, making it easy to change standing height
  • winding all strings
  • high cost
  • softness
  • sound brightness
  • quick setup
  • durability
  • the ability to do “braces”
  • saving settings for several months

Pop instruments require working with the following strings:

  1. On a monolithic steel base with copper or bronze winding.
  2. With semicircular or flat winding. A subtype of the previous option. They do not emit the characteristic “whistle” when sliding your fingers, they are distinguished by their dullness on bass strings and their ringing quality on windless strings.
  3. Steel, covered with a layer of thin synthetics.

A pop guitar assumes that the user already has some experience in playing, so the strings used are harder and stiffer, which has a positive effect on the brightness of the sound.

How to choose strings for an electric guitar

All electric guitar strings are based on a steel core. It may have a winding made of the following materials:

Nickel-plated strings are most popular; steel models are much less common.

There are several types of winding:

  1. Round. The simplest and most inexpensive option, which has pronounced disadvantages in the form of:
    • lack of attachment to the core, which causes “looseness” of the winding in case of string damage;
    • a relief profile that provokes the appearance of a “whistle” when the fingers slide;
    • roughness, which accelerates the wear of the fingerboard and frets.
  2. Flat. An improved type of winding that does not exhibit “whistle” and provides less wear on the pickguard and frets. The strings are comfortable to play, but they do not have as bright a sound as models with round winding.
  3. Semicircular. Combines the bright sound of round strings with the tactile feel of flat strings.
  4. Hexagonal. Due to the close contact of the core with the winding, it is achieved best quality sound. True, at the same time the wear of the lining and thresholds accelerates (the process occurs in less time than in the case of a round winding). Also, hexagonal strings are not very comfortable.

You need to select a winding based on your own ideas about what the sound should be, as well as the budget allocated for the purchase. Any option can be a good choice in a particular case.

Best caliber electro guitar strings– “ten” (0.010). It is this thickness that allows you to combine a sufficient level of rigidity with sound density. “Eights” (0.008) are only suitable during the learning period; you should not linger on them for a long time: the strings are very soft and thin, which affects the sound. Strings from 0.011 and above are considered complex due to their thickness, but they demonstrate a voluminous and powerful sound.

Recognizing your instrument is the main task of a musician. Therefore, the selection of strings should have an experimental touch. “Like” the guitar? Did it sound? Only through trial and error can you find “those” strings that will help you achieve your own sound and develop it.

From time to time, every plucked instrument requires changing the strings. They wear out in direct proportion to the intensity of use of the guitar. Their lifespan is affected by how often the guitarist accompanies the vocalists. In order to make a good choice, and the buyer is not disappointed in the purchase, we will take the liberty and publish several useful tips by choice of strings.

We hope that our work will be appreciated, first of all, by beginning guitarists. It is they, more than experienced musicians, who experience difficulties when choosing strings intended for their loved one. musical instrument. Modern online trading has the ability to satisfy any needs of potential buyers. The choice of goods is so huge, and determining what exactly to buy can sometimes be very difficult. Manufacturers of strings for plucked musical instruments supply trading enterprises with goods of varying prices and quality levels. Dynamically growing business is obliged to develop and constantly offer new products to the markets. Otherwise, you won’t be able to withstand the competition. Experienced accompanists undoubtedly have an easier time making the choice.

But how can those who are just rubbing calluses on their fingers avoid making mistakes by sliding them along the strings?

When selecting guitar strings, you need to keep in mind several nuances that can significantly facilitate the process we are covering. We assure you that over time, you will also gain experience that will allow you to independently purchase the required accessories. One of the first tasks that can become key to satisfying your need is what kind of guitar strings are needed for:

  • acoustic
  • classical
  • electrical
  • bass guitars

Then we need to determine the configuration and what material the strings are made of. The diameter of their cross-section and winding configuration.

Acoustic Guitar Strings

For acoustic plucked instruments

Best Strings- These are made of steel and polymers. Metal - made of stainless steel. Synthetic - carbon or nylon. If you just recently picked up a guitar, then buy polymer strings. They are softer than steel ones, and it will be more comfortable for your fingers to learn the technique of playing chords. Carbon strings are more expensive, but they sound much better than nylon strings. Therefore, at this step the choice is yours. It all depends on the funds you have planned for the purchase. Metal strings sound louder than carbon strings. But they are pulled onto guitars of reinforced construction, with a powerful neck.

Diameter and hardness

The elasticity of guitar strings for acoustic musical instruments directly depends on their cross-section. They are produced and sold in the following sizes:

  • 9/45 - thin and soft, with a quiet “voice”
  • 10/47 - a little tougher than the previous ones, recommended for beginner guitarists
  • 11/52 - “golden mean”, optimal in terms of rigidity and reproduction of sound power
  • 12/53 - medium tension, recommended for completing new tools
  • 13/56 - these are very tight, for experienced guitarists with a lot of experience

Classical Guitar Strings

For classical musical plucked instruments, we recommend purchasing nylon strings. They are soft. They are comfortable to play while accompanying a vocalist performing romances or other musical composition from the romantic repertoire, which is called: “In the circle of friends.” The lower three “classical” strings are made into one strand of nylon fishing line. They are sold polished or honed. Top: Strings No. 4, 5, and 6 are made from multiple strands of nylon strands. They are covered with a thin layer of metal alloys, mainly copper, zinc and silver.

According to the degree of elasticity and tension, they are divided into:

  • normal
  • strong
  • very strong

The only drawback of nylon strings is their fragility. But they don’t cause calluses on the fingertips of guitarists.

For acoustic bass guitars

The prototype of the bass guitar is the double bass. Since time immemorial, animal sinews have been used as strings for it. The sound of the instrument could not be called satisfactory until the musicians were offered strings whose tendons were wrapped with round steel wire. The volume and sound quality have improved, but another problem has arisen related to the rapid wear of the frets, which deteriorates the acoustic characteristics. Later, the steel coating was replaced with copper-nickel. The double bass has a softer sound, and the frets have become more durable. But the service life of the new, improved strings did not satisfy the musicians, due to their rapid wear. Thanks to polishing the coating, which was the final process in the manufacture of bass guitar strings, they turned out well and were able to satisfy the requirements of the most demanding, sophisticated consumers. When choosing strings, you need to know a few other little things. In addition to the coating, the quality of the low-pitched sound is affected by the thickness of the core. Thin, it rings louder. A thick one is more powerful, the string sounds louder and richer.

Bass Guitar Strings

For electric guitars

Electric guitars have gained immense popularity among fans modern music, and significantly displaced their acoustic relatives. This type of plucked instruments, in addition to the soundboard and neck, also has pickups and complex electronic components in its design. That's why they need special strings. The range of sounds extracted from different electric guitars (bass, rhythm, solo) is very wide. Let's look at some types of strings that can be safely called unique in their kind.

For electric bass guitars

The best interaction in the electromagnetic field generated by the pickups of the musical instrument in question is found in common iron. Accordingly, manufacturers have chosen special grades of steel as the main material for making strings.

Bass Guitar Strings

Diameter value

  • 0.008 - the thinnest figure eight guitar strings. We recommend it to beginning accompanists who prefer a soft, non-aggressive sound of a musical instrument.
  • 0.009 - they are also “nine”. They have a denser sound when compared to eights.
  • 0.010 - classic “ten”. The most popular strings among “rockers”.
  • 0.011-0.013 are the “heaviest” strings. These are for fans of deafening heavy metal games.

Electric guitar string diameters

Hybrid string sets will be needed by players who tend to deliver piercing solos while backing their playing with powerful bass. The first, bottom three strings in similar sets are of standard sizes. The upper three are thickened, for playing notes of the lower octave in “exorbitant decibels”. There are also sets on sale that include a third string with an upper braid. Such kits are in demand by guitarists who play blues and jazz compositions.

EMI String Coating

In the process of choosing a specific set of strings, you also need to be aware of the nuances associated with the types and types of their coating. Everything is simple with the core: it is always steel. But the braid of the strings can be nickel or copper-plated steel. The nickel plating on the strings gives the guitar a soft sound. A solo at concerts performed on an electric musical instrument with such accessories turns out to be especially mesmerizing. Their only drawback is their short service life, but true professionals will never give them up. Their steel-plated counterparts produce a wide range of bright, punchy sounds from electric guitars. They are used by musicians of various movements: from classical to hard rock. “Metalists” have them in great demand. To protect guitar strings from excessive corrosion, manufacturers apply a thin polymer layer to the coating. Which certainly affects the cost of the kits in the direction of their rise in price.

Winding geometry

IN trading network Strings with windings of the following configurations are sold:

  • round
  • semicircular
  • flat

String coating methods

Types of string windings

The cheapest in cost are analogues with a round winding configuration. They are quite simple to manufacture and do not require complex technological lines production. Round wire is wound onto a classic steel core. When playing chords, listeners often hear a “creaking” sound from the musician’s fingers moving across the frets. The strings become hard and mercilessly wear away the spacers and varnish on the neck. Semicircular winding is a hybrid of flat and round technologies. Perhaps, such strings can be safely called the most popular among amateur guitarists. They take the most care of the owner’s fingertips and his musical instrument. Similar accessories with flat winding are sold a little more expensive. Their round core is wrapped with square wire, but with oval ribs. This production technology almost eliminated the “creaks” that accompany the movement of fingers along the fingerboard. Guitarists find them much more comfortable to play than their round counterparts.

Popular brands

We present the five most popular manufacturers of guitar strings.

  • Elixir - the products of this brand are coated on top with a polymer composition, which increases the service life of the strings, which are considered one of the longest-playing ones. They are soft to the touch. It’s nice and comfortable to finger them while performing musical compositions On guitar.
  • D"Addario is in second place. They are in high demand among most guitarists of various backgrounds.
  • GHS are inexpensive, but perhaps the most optimal in the “Price-quality” segment. A favorite product in metal circles.
  • Ernie Ball - decent quality coupled with excellent string endurance at a low cost.
  • Dean Markley are inexpensive American strings that enjoy some popularity among amateurs and professionals.

When to change strings

Then when they became:

  • soft - hard
  • hard - soft
  • make dull sounds
  • sound different on adjacent frets
  • rattling, with damaged winding

Unfortunately, there are still sellers trying to sell anything for a higher price. Therefore, purchase goods from stores with impeccable reputation. Familiar musicians will be able to tell you the address. Don't hesitate to ask them about it. In any case, first decide what strings you need for your guitar. Visit thematic forums or groups in in social networks and read reviews about the product you intend to buy. Explore the price range. Ordering in online stores is always cheaper than in real stores trading enterprises. But don't forget about the shipping cost of your purchase. Don't rush to throw away old strings. Perhaps they haven't all gone bad. And it may happen that one string breaks and there is nothing to replace it with. To protect your strings from contamination, wash your hands before handling the guitar. After playing it, wipe the strings with a rag moistened with a special degreasing solution. Experienced guitarists claim that strings require replacement once every six months if you play the guitar often. To increase service life, strings need to be looked after. Wipe them regularly with a lint-free cloth. Using a fretboard polish will protect the frets from oxidation and extend the life of the metal baffles. The shining guitar just begs to be picked up. Take care of your instrument, and it will reward you with excellent sound.

Hello to all electric guitar lovers. In this article we will try to answer this interest Ask: “How to choose strings for an electric guitar?” But sooner or later such a question will arise and the correct answer to it is the key to success in mastering the technique of playing the instrument. So let's figure out which strings are best for an electric guitar.

Since the strings of a guitar are the direct source of sound, a change in any characteristic of the string will invariably affect the sound. More or less experienced musicians already know what strings they need, but what about beginners who have only recently purchased their first electric guitar? I hope this article helps you.

I would like to remind you right away that after purchasing a new musical instrument, you will need to immediately think about replacing the strings, because... The strings that are installed on the guitar in the store are demonstrative. It is not possible to play them, much less study them. For example, when I bought my first electric guitar, I decided to keep the old strings. And after two weeks the first string “decided to live long.” Even if your guitar was just lying in a case and you didn’t play it, get ready to change the strings after six months, because... the old strings have already become unusable.

String gauge

The first and most important point, in my opinion, is the thickness of the strings or their gauge. As a rule, string gauge is indicated in inches. The manufacturer indicates on the packaging the thickness of the first and last strings. For example, for six string guitar the packaging will show .008-.038, which means the first string is 0.008 inches thick, and the sixth string is 0.038 inches thick. For convenience, such strings are usually called “eight”, 0.009 strings “nine”, etc.

What does the thickness of the strings affect? First of all, the comfort of the game. Thin strings (eight and nine) cannot boast of their sustain and sound density. The main advantage of such soft strings is that a beginning guitarist can easily perform various playing techniques, such as bends and vibrato, without harming his fingers. This is important for a beginner guitarist, since their fingertips have not yet become stronger.

Strings with a first string thickness of 0.010 can be called the “golden mean”. They have a fairly dense sound and are not very thick. These strings are best suited for electric guitar, both for beginners and for more experienced guitarists.

Thicker strings 0.011, 0.012, 0.013 are suitable for playing in heavy styles: metal, hard Rock. You shouldn't start learning on such strings if you value your fingers.

String manufacturers

The next point you should pay attention to is the manufacturer. Before choosing strings for an electric guitar, you should understand that there are many string manufacturers and the prices may vary greatly from each other. You should not be fooled by the low price of a set of strings from an unknown manufacturer. Such strings can nullify fine tuning tool and risk breaking from any touch. There are several proven manufacturers: D’Addario, GHS, Ernie Ball, La Bella, Dean Markley. Strings from these manufacturers will be better suited for your electric guitar. A kit from these manufacturers will cost you from 300 to 500 rubles.

String coating

On the packaging of guitar strings, the manufacturer indicates the presence of a special coating for the winding of thick strings. You probably noticed that the third (not always), fourth, fifth and sixth strings are wound. To protect the winding from influences external environment, this special is applied to it. coating.

The most common strings are nickel plated. These strings are characterized by a softer and warmer sound, suitable for most musicians. There are strings without any coating at all, i.e. both the core and winding are made of steel. It is common to play heavy rock and metal on such strings. Because They sound very sharp and aggressive.

There are strings with other coatings, but they are rare, and the cost of a set will cost several thousand rubles.

Summarizing all of the above, let's summarize. If you begin to notice that the sound of your favorite electric guitar has changed, the tuning has begun to break down, the strings have lost their shine and become dirty, then you need to think about buying new strings.

A clear answer to the question, “which strings are best for an electric guitar?” you won’t find it, because every guitarist uses trial and error to choose the strings that suit him best.

Now you have learned how to choose strings for an electric guitar. Try playing with strings from different manufacturers and over time you will find exactly what you need. Thank you for your attention! Good luck to all!

It has always been an honor to be able to play the guitar. Even after learning a few chords, you can already play simple songs in the yard or near the fire to lift your mood and morale. But there are times when, due to carelessness or prolonged use, the strings on a guitar break. In order not to cut short the holiday, you should always have a spare set of strings with you. This is where it comes in main question: “How to choose strings for an acoustic guitar?”

Types of strings

For an acoustic guitar, you have the choice of installing nylon or metal strings (on the same electric guitar, you can only install metal strings). These are two opposing camps. There is still debate about which strings are best for an acoustic guitar. In fact, it all depends on the person. Acoustic guitar strings sound different. That is why there are such a huge number of them. There are many different sets that differ from each other in various parameters that affect the sound and quality of the game. Don't forget that, among other factors, the acoustic guitar itself also affects playing. What strings are best for beginners?

Strings for Beginners

The first steps in mastering the guitar are always difficult. It is very important that from the very beginning a person enjoys playing the guitar, otherwise he will soon give up. Since the main element of a guitar is the strings, the approach to their selection should be in the first place. For beginners, nylon ones are best suited, since they have all the parameters useful to them.

Pros and cons of nylon strings

For beginners, nylon strings are best, as synthetic strings are much easier to play. Metal is a much harder material than synthetics, so it is more difficult to pluck your first chords on such strings. Synthetics, in turn, are more soft material, so learning to play it will be many times easier.

For untrained fingers, the first loads will be quite large, so you need to do everything possible to reduce the load on them. In addition, synthetics are not so harmful to the skin: although at first it will be painful to clamp the frets, but then you will quickly get used to it.

But everything is not as simple as it seems. Synthetic is a soft material, which is why it is susceptible to deformation. Because of this property, the acoustics need to be constantly adjusted as the strings stretch. They are also less durable, so you should be careful and try not to tear them.

Nylon on a guitar does not sound as loud as metal. Its sound is more subdued, but soft. Therefore, when playing “forte” you need to put in more effort.

Pros and cons of metal strings

Metal strings are made of a stronger material, which gives them such strength. They are more durable and unpretentious to other conditions. They also don't deform as much. This makes it possible to keep them tight (no need to adjust them every time). The best strings for an acoustic guitar are metal. They are rightfully considered as such, because their sound is more ringing and loud.

But they have whole line shortcomings. Due to their strength, metal strings are made thinner. Especially for beginners, this results in thick calluses on the left hand. If you re-exercise out of a spiritual impulse, your fingers may bleed, and these are not just words. That is why it is important for yourself to choose a norm, several hours a day, in order to avoid overwork and bloody blisters. In addition, pressing chords will be much more difficult than with synthetics, since metal is a harder material. Here you need to use all your strength to make a sound.

Which strings to choose

So what are the best strings for an acoustic guitar? Well, for this it is worth taking into account all the factors. If a person is just starting to study music, then it is better to use nylon strings, since they are the easiest to learn on; if you have experience, then metal strings, because they have a more beautiful sound.

How to change strings on an acoustic guitar

If suddenly the purchased guitar turned out to come with a set metal strings, but they needed nylon ones, no problem. The question of how to change strings on an acoustic guitar is resolved very quickly.

The first step is to buy a new set of strings. They are sold in any music store, and there are plenty of them on the Internet. After that, all that remains is to remove the old ones and attach the new ones.

Old strings need to be removed starting with the pegs (those things that are attached to the headstock). By reducing the tension, you can easily untangle them with your fingers and remove them from the peg. Then simply untie the knot on the bridge (the base on which the strings are attached near right hand). Then, following the reverse procedure, new strings are put on, starting from the lower bridge and ending with the pegs.

Valuable advice: it is best to change strings for an acoustic guitar not from top to bottom, but from the sides. That is, first the sixth and first strings are put on, then the fifth and second, and only then the fourth and third. The headstock is made so that pairs of pegs hold the strings in exactly that order. The farthest pair of pegs is responsible for the first and sixth. Same with the middle and third pair of pegs.

In fact, there is nothing complicated here, you just need to practice a little.

Best Strings

You always want to have something of very high quality and reliability. The same applies to strings. As a rule, the strings for an acoustic guitar installed when purchasing it are not of high quality. This is why it is recommended to change the strings after purchasing an instrument. The best option there will be a famous brand dedicated to guitars, Fender. He collected all the best in himself. This pleasure costs more than other strings, but it's worth it.