Kirill Molodtsov: “Oil and gas production on the shelf will grow. His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry: “Father Kirill had the great gift of Christ’s love Kirill Molodtsov biography

St. Petersburg, September 12. – Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Kirill Molodtsov spoke at the plenary session International conference and an exhibition on the development of oil and gas in the Russian Arctic and the continental shelf of the CIS countries (RAO/CIS Offshore).

In his report, the deputy head of the energy department noted that according to the forecasts of the Russian Ministry of Energy, oil and gas production on the shelf will increase. “Last year we produced more than 22.3 million tons of oil and more than 32.9 billion cubic meters of gas on the shelf, which is almost 17% more than in 2015 for oil, and almost 4% more than in 2015 for oil. gas. We expect growth this year as well. Oil production will be about 26 million tons, gas - about 34 billion cubic meters“, - Kirill Molodtsov voiced his forecasts.

According to the deputy minister, we need a mechanism that will reduce the cost of technologies related to offshore production. " Russian productions it is necessary to concentrate not only on the import substitution program, but also on the creation of breakthrough technologies that will reduce costs at all stages: from geological exploration to production and transportation of hydrocarbons,” said Kirill Molodtsov.

During the forum, the Deputy Minister also awarded the laureates International competition scientific, scientific, technical and innovative developments aimed at the development and exploration of the Arctic and continental shelf. For the 2017 competition, 102 works were submitted from 68 organizations, and 43 competitive projects became laureates.

Whose antics at Gelandewagen excited the capital and especially its police are still being savored in the press juicy details“friendship” between the managing director of the company’s branch in Singapore, Valentin Ivanov, and the underage model Liza Adamenko, as a new scandal threatens to break out.

Its “co-authors” could be another senior vice president of Lukoil, Valery Subbotin, and Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia Kirill Molodtsov. Perhaps this next story will not be as noisy as the first two mentioned, but it will certainly come back to haunt the state with much more serious consequences...

Shamsuarov Jr. was by no means bluffing, threatening the capital police officers who were pursuing him with his connections at the top. Even more serious possibilities were demonstrated by those involved in the story we want to tell about - Subbotin and Molodtsov, showing that if necessary, “for the sake of business”, the instructions of the Minister of Energy, the Chairman of the Government, the President of the country himself, and even Russia’s international obligations can be ignored.

Currency rivers, offshore shores

IN post-Soviet times A legend began to circulate that the most effective officials can be people who come from business. Like, they have already stolen... excuse me, they have earned money, provided for themselves, and therefore they will not steal in the civil service, but will take care exclusively of the interests of the people and the state... So. If someone still lives in a world of such illusions, then familiarity with the content "Panama Papers" will help him get rid of them forever.

The declarations of the Molodtsov spouses read like a novel from the lives of fabulous rich people. If cars, then the most luxurious ones - Mercedes S-Class, Porsche Cayenne, sporty Aston Martin... If real estate, then the most prestigious and expensive - in respectable areas of Moscow (Golden Mile, Rogozhsky Val, no. 13, p.2), St. Petersburg and Moscow region (“Rublevka”, Odintsovo district, Gorki, 10)... The explanation for all this indescribable wealth for the deputy minister’s family is quite traditional - acquired through backbreaking labor in the commercial sphere. Molodtsov is indeed not new to this industry; he has been working in the gas industry and gas processing for almost twenty years. He held senior positions at OJSC Sibur-Holding, worked as a top manager of the Eastern Siberia-GAZ project, deputy chief executive officer, vice president for feasibility studies and coordination with phases II and III at Shtokman Development AG. In short, in 2013 he came to the post of Deputy Minister of Energy as a more than wealthy man.

But, apparently, Molodtsov himself did not think so. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to explain the fact that already in the second year of Molodtsov’s work in the ministry, his income immediately increased 14 times - from 5.9 million rubles in 2013 to 82.2 million in 2014. In passing, we note that his wife, who continues to do business, has increased her income almost fourfold! When her husband went to the ministry, in 2013, Elena Molodtsova earned a little more than 12 million rubles - twice as much as her husband, and a year later - 41.3 million rubles... It seems that this respectable couple is trying with all their might to justify their ringing surname and always be great in everything.

And yet... Where does the money come from? One could assume that Molodtsov, accustomed to luxury, began to not have enough official salaries to live on and began to sell off his previous assets. But experts note that if something was sold by the deputy minister, it was only to cover the main business.

Despite the fact that not only in state, but also in commercial companies Business with affiliated structures is not welcome; Molodtsov started “parallel” earning money, so to speak, back at Sibur. This became known after the publication of " Panama Papers" If you go to the website of investigative journalists, you can see that Kirill Molodtsov, together with a certain Anna Averina, registered the company Matrix Overseas Trading Inc in the now popular tax-free British Virgin Islands back in 1999. By the way, judging by SPARK data, Molodtsov began joint business with Averina back in 1997, when he registered Moloko LLC with her in the famous Petushki, in the Vladimir region. But it was clearly not milk trading that brought the main profit to the partners. The official did not even transfer “Milk” to his wife, as he did with a number of other companies registered in his name. Although a year and a half after the appointment of the ministry, Molodtsov still liquidated this company.

Unlike, say, Palace LLC, Nadezhda LLC, Fortis KM LLC and Terminal Service LLC, where the Deputy Minister is still either the sole owner or a co-owner with a share of 50 to 90%. Only Tank-Yard LLC and Success LLC were transferred to his wife. Apparently, it is the income from loans to these companies that allows the deputy minister to make ends meet today: drive a Porsche and pay for expensive real estate.

You can’t help but notice how calmly a government official conducts his commercial affairs. As follows from the page on the website with information posted on Molodtsov, he liquidated his Virginia offshore only a month after the Panama scandal happened - in April 2016. Until 2015, the company Matrix Overseas Trading Inc. drove enough active work, but for some reason Molodtsov forgot to mention it in his declarations. Let us remember that Molodtsov began trading petrochemical products through it even when he joined Sibur.

One could speculate about the ethical behavior of Molodtsov as a top manager of Sibur, given that he earned extra money at the expense of his own company. But, apparently, in Sibur itself today they have nothing against their old sins former employee. Moreover, the loyalty to him on the part of the holding’s management is evidenced by the fact that after Molodtsov’s appointment as Deputy Minister of Energy, almost all cargo transportation of this structure was transferred to his wife. As soon as Molodtsov went to the ministry and re-registered Tank-Yard LLC under his wife’s name, this company became the main carrier of chemical raw materials of the Sibur-Holding group of companies, and its revenue and profit increased hundreds of times!

It is noteworthy that Tank-Yard LLC acquired all of the holding’s cargo transportation operations, without owning a single specialized car. Whereas specialized companies, which have their own fleet of the necessary cars and a staff of qualified specialists, for some reason cannot break into this segment of cargo transportation.

Any entrepreneur knows that it is not enough to be able to transfer your income offshore. The millions earned thanks to a position in a large structure must still be legalized and given a legal and respectable appearance. And the above-mentioned companies, which are still owned by the deputy minister, may well be suitable for this purpose. With their participation, according to financial reports, dozens and hundreds of incoming and outgoing transactions were carried out over the past 5 years for amounts significantly exceeding 1 billion rubles. They were mainly associated with purchases of bills, assignments of claims, insurance payments, that is, transactions that cannot be verified or, more simply put, their authenticity cannot be “felt.”

One way or another, financial transactions alone with the participation of Kirill Molodtsov personally are revealed in these documents amounting to 700 million rubles. Moreover, in addition to their own companies, the counterparties for the movement of funds were also Limited Queenford Consulting (Cyprus), SGKhK LLC (whose representative is the already mentioned Ms. Averina), Ruzkhimmash CJSC, Splav-M CJSC, a representative office of the Downtown company Development BV", CJSC "Siburtrans", CJSC "Gazprombank-Leasing" and others. Having analyzed them, we can conclude that the main purpose of all the numerous and confusing operations could be precisely the withdrawal of funds from controlled companies, including with the purpose, as one might assume, of creating the appearance of legality in receiving the declared income of the happy spouses.

Until recently, the main source of “monetization” of the occupied chair was Matrix Overseas Trading Inc. It would, of course, be a mistake to believe that with its closure the “parallel” business of the official-entrepreneur will come to an end. There are many other schemes that lawyers can develop to replace it. As a result, some new Matrix-2 company will equally efficiently contribute to achieving the final result. As they say, time is money, and it is foolish to miss the opportunity to receive excess profits in tax-free offshore jurisdictions.

But schemes are schemes, and in what specific way can the Deputy Minister of Energy turn the chair he occupies into a tool for replenishing his offshore accounts? Where in the government corridors floats the same “ gold fish", having caught which you can make any wishes?

Kazakh transit

Since Soviet times, transit routes for Central Asian oil and gas have been established through pipes laid through Russia. And now, when, for example, Kazakhstan needs to send oil to Europe, it must turn to Russian partners. He appeals: I want to send millions of tons of oil to the ports in Ust-Luga and Novorossiysk, so that from there they can go by tankers to European markets.

And everything would be simple if Transneft’s pipeline were private. But since many Russian companies, as well as our Central Asian partners, are vying for access to the state pipe, the distribution of transit volumes and directions is handled by Russian Ministry energy. It is from here that Transneft receives various instructions once a quarter, including where to send the same Kazakh transit oil.

And who do you think is responsible for drawing up quarterly schedules for the transit of Kazakh oil through Russian territory? That's right: our good friend is Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia Kirill Molodtsov. And for some reason, from time to time in his schedules, instead of directions to Ust-Luga and Novorossiysk, Kazakh oil is sent to directions not required by the Kazakh side to... Hungary and Slovakia. To factories belonging to the MOL group of companies. In 2015, the practice of manipulating the transit schedule of Kazakh oil became the norm for the deputy minister.

Kazakhs have been living side by side with Russians for so long that I wouldn’t be surprised if among themselves they scold Russian officials not in unprintable Kazakh, but in purely Russian... But in their letters to the Russian Ministry of Energy, they quite politely explain that the supply directions allocated to them are not economically profitable , and therefore ask to take into account their wishes regarding the transit of their own oil. But Moscow seemed not to have heard these statements.

As a result, Kazakhstan, protecting its own economic interests, takes a retaliatory step - it reduces the volume of oil supplied for transit through Russia by 4.0 million tons, as a result of which the state-owned Transneft loses 7 (seven) billion rubles in tariff revenue in 2015 alone. ! The company loses profits, the state loses taxes and dividends. And that's not to mention big politics, which turns into squabbles in the EurAsEC.

So, thanks to whom are Kazakh oil and Kazakhstan turning towards China, and what is the monetization of the project? - you ask. And the fact is that, for a reason incomprehensible to an outside observer, representatives of the Lukoil concern are obligatory participants in meetings with Kazakhstan on oil transit issues, along with officials of the Russian Ministry of Energy. The fact is that the only company that has an oil supply agreement with the MOL group, the owner of oil refineries in Hungary and Slovakia, is the Concept Oil company (Singapore). And the beneficiaries of the latter are Valery Subbotin, vice-president of PJSC Lukoil, and, you’ll never guess, our brave Deputy Minister Kirill Molodtsov.

As a result, it turns out that an official who, by virtue of his duty, is obliged to protect the interests of the state, by his actions, on the contrary, causes direct damage in the form of violation of agreements with partners and taxes lost to the state.

Well-known economist, chief researcher at the Institute of Economics Russian Academy Science Nikita Krichevsky, characterizing the activities of some of our, so to speak, servants of the people, in his article “Carte Blanche. Is the pipe the head of everything? noted that pride and corruption have long been accustomed to going over their heads. For “senior officials who have temporarily privatized government functions,” “all is fair in bureaucratic intrigue. And the fact that the population, consumers and the state will suffer as a result is not so important,” the professor stated bitterly.

Belarusian "tricks"

The loss of billions of rubles from the reduction in the transit of Kazakh oil, not to mention the conflict with a neighboring friendly republic, is not the only result of the “creative” activities of Kirill Molodtsov as Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia. The “Belarusian project” turned out to be equally impressively effective.

Getting duty free Russian oil for its own needs, our partner in the Union State has long established “gray” exports of petroleum products produced from it. In order not to particularly irritate Russian benefactors, the names and codes of goods are usually changed: gasoline is called, for example, solvent or acetone, and then exported duty-free from Belarus to other countries. A number of Belarusian companies, operating with the participation of the top management of the same Lukoil, were noticed in the matter of such “placement” of petroleum products.

The government has long instructed the Russian Ministry of Energy to develop an effective mechanism that would prevent the possibility of evading export duties when exporting petroleum products smuggled into Belarus from Russian crude oil. But who do you think is responsible in the Russian Ministry of Energy for this important work? Of course, Deputy Minister Kirill Molodtsov. As a result of his “hard work”, the decision on the classification of petroleum products subject to mandatory taxation customs duties, is postponed from month to month.

Apparently this is very difficult decision. It may indeed be difficult to accept. But duty-free export of petroleum products under fictitious names continues successfully, which, according to experts, causes serious damage to the Russian budget - it can be estimated at more than two billion dollars. And one can only guess what kind of windfall all this turns out to be for our “slow” official-entrepreneur...

And if such “effective” operations of Lukoil are covered up even at the level of interstate relations, then it is not surprising that at home the company does not stand on ceremony with any state interests.

As, for example, an audit of Bashneft recently found out, while the Investigative Committee is actively returned the company to state ownership, theft at Bashneft enterprises has reached proportions natural disaster. And it is the Lukoil companies that allegedly play an active role in this, which first bought oil from the Bashkir company and then sold it to it for processing. The difference traditionally went offshore.

The audit reports mention that large-scale violations were revealed in the branches of Bashneft. For example, “failure to reflect the receipt or shipment of petroleum products in accounting,” underestimation of real production volumes “by hiding residues in tanks and pipes,” manipulation of “commodity losses” and data on shipments by rail. There have even been recorded cases, known from the Belarusian practice of Lukoil, when gasoline and diesel fuel in the reports again changed their names and codes, again “turning” into crude oil.

Is it any wonder that Lukoil is so interested in buying Bashneft. No matter who covers it at the ministry and government level, any other buyer can demand compensation for losses and repayment of debts. And then, you see, criminal cases will follow. Maybe even some company vice-presidents and deputy ministers. The FSB detained the Deputy Minister of Culture Grigory Pirumov on suspicion of his overly interested attitude towards the restoration of the Grand Kremlin Palace, the Faceted Chamber and the Hermitage. Here too I would like to hear how Kirill Molodtsov would explain to FSB investigators his actions in favor of Lukoil.

Such actions, of course, do not go unnoticed by industry experts. Referring to the figure of the deputy minister and one of his, so to speak, “demarches”, which we talked about, Nikita Krichevsky, already mentioned by us, expressed himself as follows: “Molodtsov’s demarche is dictated by the flawed logic of the behind-the-scenes struggle between the largest state-owned companies, on the one hand, and senior officials, temporarily privatized state functions, on the other.”

In some respects, Molodtsov is really great in “monetizing” his position. He also succeeded in creating the image of a respectable government official. Looking at the list of his awards, you begin to suspect that the XXII Olympic medal winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi” or the medal “For the Return of Crimea” were issued by the government to everyone and indiscriminately. But these awards won’t say a word about how their owners succeeded in conversion civil service into big money.

The oil and gas industry brings in more than 60 percent of Russian budget revenues, and it is obvious that people who not so much manage the industry as exploit it for personal gain are causing enormous damage to the country. But more on that in the next story.

In order to put in their place the insolent young majors who openly mocked the police, General Anatoly Yakunin, the head of the Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, had to get involved, and demanded harsh punishment for them. To calm down his presumptuous father, senior vice president of Lukoil Azat Shamsuarov, who threatened law enforcement officers with various punishments, it took the intervention of an official representative Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin, who warned that such “those who want to threaten” will leave a wet puddle.

When will there finally be people in the Ministry of Energy and the government of the country who have enough political will to put the very oil company and her presumptuous lobbyists?

Love is the meaning of life. Every person seeks attention, love, human, mutual, and Divine love. We live by this love...

His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry

– Your Beatitude, it is 40 days since the death of the famous confessor, elder Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov). Please tell us when and under what circumstances did you meet Father Kirill, what impression did he make on you and how did you become his spiritual child?

– I first met Father Kirill in 1969, when I entered the Moscow Theological Seminary. He confessed to the seminarians (it was precisely the time of the Dormition Fast). According to the tradition that existed at that time, confessors from the Lavra came to the church of the Moscow Theological Academy and Seminary to confess the seminarians so that they could partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ the next day. Father Kirill was one of those who confessed the students. And I went to him for confession. True, at that time I was still an applicant, just preparing to take the exams. And so, after this confession, I began to take care of him during my studies and in the future.

– You had a choice of confessor? Why exactly Fr. Did Kirill become your spiritual mentor?

“God brought it, He arranged everything so that I ended up with Fr. Kirill.

– What, in your opinion, is characteristic of a person like Fr. Kirill, to whom did people come from all corners of the then Union?

– God gifted this man with a great measure of Christian love. He loved all people: and those who succeeded in spiritual development, and us, the careless ones. This love gave birth mutual feeling– people also loved him and were drawn to him. Because love is the meaning of life. Every person seeks attention, love, human, mutual, and Divine love. We live by this love. He was loving, and this attracted people to him.

– Lord revealed to him what problem the person came to him with?

– Father Kirill was a man of few words. There are confessors who give lengthy instructions. He spoke a little, very simple words, which at first glance seemed ordinary, but in fact very deep - then they encouraged a person to act, changed his life. This is the property of spiritual words that are filled Christian love.

– Did you take his blessing at all stages of your obedience?

- For everything that related to the monastery, when I was abbot, of course, I took a blessing. But for things that happened against my will: appointments to positions, new episcopal obediences, I came to him to ask for his holy prayers.

– They say that when you became a metropolitan, you came to Fr. Kirill in a scufa, without a hood. Nobody the Lavra did not know about this. And when we met, he called you metropolitan. This is true?

- Yes, there was such an episode.

– Perhaps you have the most vivid memory associated with Fr. Kirill, or a moment in your life when you needed to resolve some important spiritual issue?

– Spiritual life at first glance is unremarkable; it consists of simple, everyday episodes. But if you treat them carefully, they bring great spiritual benefits. Every day o. Kirill was filled with love and patience for us sinners. He slept several hours a day, and devoted the rest of his time to people who came to him in an endless stream: he received believers, those who suffered and those in need of a kind word and instruction. This communication occupied all his time. We could relax after services and obediences in our cell. He didn't have such an opportunity. His amazing spiritual diligence was striking. He was God's chosen one. He always answered simply, but precisely, and at the same time affectionately, with great love.

– You also have to constantly receive visitors? From where ins are you drawing strength?

“The Lord gives, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to cope.” Usually priests and laity come with problems, failures, and various sad news. And you need to pass all this through yourself. Every person needs compassion and consolation. This heavy cross, and only those who are familiar with this can understand such a person.

– It happens that during confession a penitent wants to resolve some spiritual issue. Not everyone has confessors, so they often go to the nearest church to the priest. How to deal with such an answer? to really get what you need, it's good for your soul in given time?

– If a person prays: “God, reveal Your will through the lips of this priest!” - at the same time, you need to do from the first time what this or that priest or archpriest tells you, even if we do not agree, it seems that this is not what we expect or want to hear. When a believer begins to run from one shepherd to another in search of an answer that would suit him, confusion begins in his soul, he becomes lost and becomes incapable of spiritual life. If we ask God with confidence to reveal His will, then we must go and do whatever they tell you.

Answers about. Kirill sometimes confused people. For example, a woman decided to go to a monastery at all costs; this was her long-time dream. And Father Kirill, after talking with her, blessed her to get married. She didn't listen and did it her own way. A year later she could not be at the monastery, she left and suffered. But as a result, she got married. And there are many such examples. Someone wanted to adopt a child, but the priest did not give his blessing, and, on the contrary, someone had an abortion, but the elder gave his blessing to adopt a baby in an orphanage. And then this child became the consolation of this couple’s entire life.

– What should we learn from people like Father Kirill?

– Father Kirill lived according to the Gospel, strictly fulfilled the commandments of Christ. He found the Gospel in a shell-damaged house during the war, when death was around. So the Lord called him. He carried the Gospel with him, read it, and placed every word of Christ in his heart. And so on until the end of my days. This is how his desire was born to devote his life to God.

We must also strive for this, treat our Christian responsibilities non-formally, visiting church out of habit, helping people out of habit, thinking - you need to give a person a ruble. And if we give this ruble with love, or simply extend our hand to the suffering, giving away part of our heart, we will fulfill the commandment of Christ. The Lord will accept our sacrifice, the sacrifice of love that Father Kirill (Pavlov) offered to God and people all his life.

Igor went first...

Russian public siteArchFreedom


Arkhangelsk, Severodvinsk, Novodvinsk, Kotlas, Koryazhma, Naryan-Mar

Molodtsov Kirill

Academy of the Ministry of Bank of Russia with a degree in jurisprudence, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "All-Russian Academy" foreign trade Ministries economic development Russian Federation" in the specialty " world economy", Russian State University oil and gas named after. Gubkin, majoring in oil and gas production.

Brief biographical information

In 1993, he graduated from the Academy of the International Bank of Russia with a degree in jurisprudence, in 2003 - from the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, with a degree in world economics, in 2013 - from the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. Gubkin, majoring in oil and gas production.

Since 1998 he has been working in the gas industry and gas processing.

In 2002-2004, he headed the investment and project management department of Sibur-Holding OJSC.

In 2006-2008 worked as project manager for the Eastern Siberia-GAZ project (Kovyktinskoye gas and condensate field, Irkutsk region).

In 2010 - 2012 worked as deputy chief executive officer, vice president for feasibility studies and coordination with phases II and III at Shtokman Development AG.


Commemorative medal “XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi” - 2014

Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation - 2014

Award from another department.

Family status

Married, two children.

Something in the form of compromising evidence: There is no place to put a stamp on Kirill!

"Over the last month Lukoil company thanks to its top managers, it entered the top ten loudest Russian scandals. A new scandal threatens to break out.
Its “co-authors” could be another senior vice president of Lukoil, Valery Subbotin, and Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia Kirill Molodtsov.

...Declarations Molodtsov spouses read like a novel from the lives of fabulous rich people. If cars, then the most luxurious ones - Mercedes S-Class, Porsche Cayenne, sports Aston Martin...

If real estate, then the most prestigious and expensive - in respectable areas of Moscow (Golden Mile, Rogozhsky Val, 13, building 2), St. Petersburg and the Moscow region (Rublevka, Odintsovo district, Gorki, 10 )… The explanation for all this indescribable wealth for the deputy minister’s family is quite traditional - acquired through back-breaking labor in the commercial sphere.

Molodtsov Indeed, he is not new to this industry; he has been working in the gas industry and gas processing for almost twenty years. He held senior positions at OJSC Sibur-Holding, worked as a top manager of the Eastern Siberia-GAZ project, deputy chief executive officer, vice president for feasibility studies and coordination with phases II and III at Shtokman Development AG. In short, in 2013 he came to the post of Deputy Minister of Energy as a more than wealthy man.

But apparently Molodtsov himself I didn't think so. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to explain the fact that already in the second year of Molodtsov’s work in the ministry, his income immediately increased 14 times - from 5.9 million rubles in 2013 to 82.2 million in 2014. In passing, we note that his wife, who continues to do business, has increased her income almost fourfold! When my husband left for the ministry in 2013, Elena Molodtsova earned a little more than 12 million rubles - twice as much as her husband, and a year later - 41.3 million rubles... It seems that this respectable couple is trying with all their might to justify their resounding surname and to be always and in everything well done.

And yet... Where does the money come from?

..."Parallel" earning money Molodtsov I started working at Sibur. This became known after the publication of the Panama Papers. If you go to the website of investigative journalists, you can see that Kirill Molodtsov together with a certain Anna Averina back in 1999, we registered the company Matrix Overseas Trading Inc in the now popular tax-free British Virgin Islands. By the way, judging by SPARK data, Molodtsov began joint business with Averina back in 1997, when he registered Moloko LLC with her in the famous Petushki, in the Vladimir region. But it was clearly not milk trading that brought the main profit to the partners. The official did not even transfer “Milk” to his wife, as he did with a number of other companies registered in his name. Although a year and a half after the appointment of the ministry, but Molodtsov still liquidated the company.

Unlike, say, Palace LLC, Nadezhda LLC, Fortis KM LLC and Terminal Service LLC, where the Deputy Minister is still either the sole owner or a co-owner with a share of 50 to 90%. Only Tank-Yard LLC and Success LLC were transferred to his wife. Apparently, it is the income from loans to these companies that allows the deputy minister to make ends meet today: drive a Porsche and pay for expensive real estate.

...Until 2015, Matrix Overseas Trading Inc. was quite active, but mention it in your declarations Molodtsov For some reason I forgot. Let us remember that Molodtsov began trading petrochemical products through it even when he joined Sibur.

We could talk about ethical behavior Molodtsova as a top manager at Sibur, given that he earned extra money at the expense of his own company. But, apparently, Sibur itself today has nothing against the old sins of its former employee. Moreover, loyalty to him on the part of the holding’s management is evidenced by the fact that after his appointment Molodtsova Deputy Minister of Energy, almost all cargo transportation of this structure was transferred to his wife. As soon as Molodtsov went to the ministry and re-registered Tank-Yard LLC under his wife’s name, this company became the main carrier of chemical raw materials of the Sibur-Holding group of companies, and its revenue and profit increased hundreds of times!

...Only financial transactions involving personal participation Kirill Molodtsov revealed in these documents for 700 million rubles. Moreover, in addition to their own companies, the counterparties for the movement of funds were also Limited Queenford Consulting (Cyprus), SGKhK LLC (whose representative is the already mentioned Ms. Averina), Ruzkhimmash CJSC, Splav-M CJSC, a representative office of the Downtown company Development BV", CJSC "Siburtrans", CJSC "Gazprombank-Leasing" and others. Having analyzed them, we can conclude that the main purpose of all the numerous and confusing operations could be precisely the withdrawal of funds from controlled companies, including with the purpose, as one might assume, of creating the appearance of legality in receiving the declared income of the happy spouses.

...And who do you think is responsible for drawing up quarterly schedules for the transit of Kazakh oil through Russian territory? That's right: our good friend is the Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia Kirill Molodtsov. And for some reason, from time to time in his schedules, instead of directions to Ust-Luga and Novorossiysk, Kazakh oil is sent to directions not required by the Kazakh side to... Hungary and Slovakia. To factories belonging to the MOL group of companies. In 2015, the practice of manipulating the transit schedule of Kazakh oil became the norm for the deputy minister.

...The only company that has an oil supply agreement with the MOL group, the owner of oil refineries in Hungary and Slovakia, is Concept Oil (Singapore). And the beneficiaries of the latter are Valery Subbotin, vice president of PJSC Lukoil, and, you’ll never guess, our brave deputy minister Kirill Molodtsov.

V. KARPOV: OPEC countries decided not to reduce the oil production quota. Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Kirill Molodtsov gets in touch with us. Kirill Valentinovich, hello.

K. MOLODTSOV: Good evening, Vladimir.

V. KARPOV: How will it work? Russian Federation in these conditions, when the price of oil began to drop sharply? Will we have to react to this somehow or are we just waiting for something?

K. MOLODTSOV: From a production point of view, we continue to implement our plans related to production volumes, and the current price level is clear to us. We understand that it will exist and determine the further trend for some time. But I think, as the events that were already expected after consultations with the participation of the Minister of Energy Alexander Valentinovich Novak, to speak of only one thing, in principle, the OPEC countries, the Russian Federation are interested in the price being determined by the economics of the process of each production. Accordingly, those projects that are more expensive may, of course, be delayed for some time.

V. KARPOV: What projects can we talk about?

K. MOLODTSOV: I think that, first of all, bituminous oil projects in Canada. These are projects that can be targeted for repeated multiple fracturing. These are projects that are related, among other things, to shale oil.

V. KARPOV: This concerns, first of all, North America and those countries that are actively involved in shale oil. And as for Russian projects, will this somehow affect us?

K. MOLODTSOV: We proceed from the fact that our current level of production of so-called difficult-to-recover oil is now about 21 million tons per year. Based on the fact that the state took incentive measures this year, in July, the corresponding law was adopted to stimulate not only the Bazhenov suite, but also the Tyumen suite, we have the potential and margin of safety to implement these projects. In this sense, our production is carried out at traditional fields, and we will continue it and maintain it at the same level. This is about 484 million tons or more of oil in traditional fields, gas condensate, and difficult-to-recover oil.

V. KARPOV: What level of oil prices can be called critical for the Russian Federation?

K. MOLODTSOV: The Russian Federation lived with oil prices at both 8 and 18 dollars. And in 2009, with oil prices at $36. We need to see what the dynamics will be, how the cartel countries will fulfill the quotas that they have.

V. KARPOV: As far as I understand, with the fulfillment of quotas now serious problems, and this was also discussed at the meeting of the OPEC countries. As for the Russian Federation, it intends to act according to the rules that have been developed, do I understand correctly or not?

K. MOLODTSOV: Yes, we are not changing our plans. We will monitor the situation, and in this sense, the consultations were carried out in currently, suggests that we are involved in understanding what is happening in the market.

V. KARPOV: Is it possible that the Russian Federation and someone not from the OPEC countries can agree to reduce production in order to increase energy prices.

K. MOLODTSOV: It is necessary to complete the situation in each specific case, what volume can affect the change in price dynamics. In our understanding, a volume of 500 thousand barrels or more can affect price changes.

V. KARPOV: But Russia itself will definitely not agree to this.

K. MOLODTSOV: Concerted actions are important here.

V. KARPOV: As for the prospects, as I understand it, the Minister of Finance is preparing Russia that this price has come seriously and for a long time. I mean the price is around 70-80 dollars per barrel. What should our energy sector prepare for?

K. MOLODTSOV: Our oil workers are preparing to implement the project next year, and accordingly to increase production volumes in Eastern Siberia, since this is one of our priorities, maintaining production in Central and Western Siberia. And from the point of view of how long this price has come, of course, the psychological barrier passed below $80 can influence the current situation for 3-6 months in the future. In general, a lot will depend, including on the current reserves that exist in countries that consume oil not only from their own fields. Much will depend on the winter. In this sense, I think that the next three months will show what the price dynamics will be.

V. KARPOV: Thank you.