How old is Kirkorov? Biography of Philip Kirkorov. Personal life and career of the king of the Russian stage. Scandals and interesting facts

Kirkorov Philip Bedrosovich is from Varna. There is a lot of blood in his family, thanks to which he received such charisma and inexhaustible energy. One of his grandfathers was Armenian, and the second was a mixture of French and Russian. The first grandmother was a gypsy, and the second was a Bulgarian.

Philip Kirkorov and his father ride a bicycle

Philip's father is Bedros Filippovich Kirkorov. He was born in ordinary family shoemaker His parents participated in the city choir and when they went there, they always took little Bedros. In his youth he was fond of dancing, but dance group He never managed to get in, so he signed up for the choir. It was there that he was able to show his talents; his first nickname “trumpet” stuck to him, because the teachers immediately singled out his strong voice. Years later, he did not stop singing; after joining the army, he participated in a military ensemble. When Arno Babajanyan heard him for the first time, he invited him to Moscow, as he was sure that he should receive a musical education.

Mom, Philippa - Victoria Markovna Likhacheva. She worked in conversational genre, and was often a presenter at concerts. Bedros and Victoria met in Sochi. At that time, he came there to perform with the legendary Eddie Rosner Orchestra. Soon they exchanged wedding rings, and on April 30, 1967, they had their first child, Philip Bedrosovich Kirkorov. After the birth of her child, Victoria Markovna had to leave her job at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and devote more time to her family. She accompanied her husband on tour and often acted as a presenter. When little Philip was five years old, his parents introduced him to the behind-the-scenes life of the artist. His childhood was spent behind the scenes, which he absolutely loved. Once, Victoria Markovna, while announcing the number, did not have time to finish the phrase “Arno Babajanyan’s song...” when little Philip jumped onto the stage and shouted: “Memory!”

Father and son, Philip Kirkorov and Bedros Filippovich

Philip Kirkorov graduated from school 413 in Moscow with a gold medal, and after music school. Then he entered the Gnessin School in the “department musical comedy", who graduated with honors. The viewer first saw him as an artist in 1985, where he participated in the “Wider Circle” program. It was there that he met S.I. Anapolskaya, director of "Blue Light". But the “light” refused Philip, saying that the singer was “too handsome.”

For this reason, in 1988 he received an invitation to “Christmas meetings” from Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. In 1994, they sealed their union and became married couple, their marriage lasted 11 years.

1994 was a difficult year for the Kirkorov family. Philip lost his mother, and Bedros lost his wife. Victoria Markovna Likhacheva died of cancer.

Time has put everything in its place. He went on tour in the Novgorod region and saw Lyudmila there. At that time she was the head of the state farm. It was difficult to resist the charm of the “visiting star” and she agreed to his proposal, giving famous singer your hand and heart. The newlyweds were married in the St. Sophia Cathedral of Novgorod.

Today Bedros Filippovich Kirkorov owns a farm in Novosibirsk region and lives with his wife Lyudmila Smirnova. He does not miss the opportunity to see his son, accompanying him on tour. In addition, he gives solo concerts and actively takes part in social activities and does charity work.

Kirkorov Philip Bedrosovich (b. 1967) is the most brilliant and unique representative of Russian show business, pop singer, producer, actor, composer. Since 2008 - People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Childhood and school years

It is not surprising that the boy turned into such a bright and creative personality, after all, from the very early childhood surrounded by people of art.

His dad, Bedros Kirkorov ( real name Krikorian), born in 1932, of Armenian nationality, was a popular Bulgarian singer. My paternal grandparents were both Armenians, my grandfather was a perfect shoemaker. Mother, Victoria Markovna ( maiden name Likhachev), born in 1937, was from circus family. My maternal grandmother had gypsy roots and worked in the circus as a dancer and xylophonist. My maternal grandfather performed in the circus as a clown and acrobat. Philip's mother worked as a presenter concert programs, died of cancer at the age of 57. All of little Philip’s childhood years were spent traveling with his parents on tours.

Already at the age of 5, Philip first appeared on stage and felt the atmosphere of a full hall of spectators, applause, and admiration. It was in Petrozavodsk. Father Bedros Kirkorov gave a concert there and performed the autobiographical song “Son”. This song was dedicated to tank crews Soviet army, whom he met in Varna in 1944 as liberators. When Bedros finished singing, a little boy came on stage and gave his dad carnations. The singer introduced his son to the audience, and there was applause, the first in the life of Philip Kirkorov.

When the boy was 7 years old, the family moved to Moscow permanently. Here Philip went to school No. 413. He studied very well, but at the same time he hated algebra, physics, chemistry, and geometry. Kirkorov taught these subjects because he understood that in any case he would have to get a certificate. But at the same time, he considered them absolutely useless for himself, since he dreamed of becoming an artist.

Besides school curriculum Philip studied piano and guitar at a music school.

Training in high school Kirkorov graduated with excellent marks and received gold medal.

Student life and early career

After school, Kirkorov applied for admission to GITIS and chose the department of musical comedy. However, his vocal abilities were not appreciated by the selection committee. Then he entered the State School of Music named after the Gnessins. After 4 years, Philip received a red diploma of completion of this higher education educational institution.

While still a student, in the fall of 1985, Kirkorov participated in the popular television program “Wider Circle.” He performed the composition “Alyosha” in Bulgarian. When he sang in the program, the director of “Blue Light” S.I. Anapolskaya drew attention to the young man. The woman invited him to take part in the filming. This was the beginning musical career Philippa.

Creative path

In 1987, Kirkorov was invited to the Leningrad Musical Hall by director Ilya Rakhlin. Having started working in this team, Philip almost immediately went on an overseas tour to Berlin.

But he soon left the musical hall. At the same time, the aspiring singer met the songwriter Ilya Reznik, who played a significant role in the fate of Kirkorov. In April 1988, Reznik introduced Philip to Alla Pugacheva at the vernissage, and six months later she invited young man at their first “Christmas meetings”. By that time, Philip had already achieved something in the field of music and show business:

  • he had a red diploma of higher education in his hands music education;
  • he traveled to Mongolia, where he gave free concerts to Soviet military personnel;
  • his performance at the competition of young performers in Yalta was a success;
  • The first video clip in his life was filmed for musical composition"Carmen"

At the “Christmas Meetings,” Kirkorov met the songwriter Leonid Derbenev. This meeting turned out to be fateful. Very little time will pass, and the whole country will know by heart the songs performed by Kirkorov based on Derbenev’s poems - “You, you, you”, “Atlantis”, “Heaven and Earth”, “Day and Night”.

In 1989, Philip went to Australia and Germany on tour with the Diva herself. This year was also marked for the singer by the fact that his first solo concert was held in Perm, and Philip also made it to the finals of the prestigious Song of the Year festival.

On the eve of 1990, Kirkorov began an independent concert activities, already without the Alla Pugacheva Theater. Fortune was with him everywhere: no matter what the song, then new reward and success with listeners.

In 1990, the “Shlyager-90” competition was held in Leningrad, with the composition “Heaven and Earth” Philip won the Grand Prix.

In 1992, Kirkorov presented two show programs: “Heaven and Earth” and “Atlantis”, the second was recognized best show of the year. The video for Kirkorov’s song “Atlantis” was also recognized as the best in 1992. For the first time, Philip went on tour with solo concerts in Israel, USA, Germany and Canada.

In 1993, Philip received the Ovation Award as the best singer of the year and the Golden Orpheus international competition award. Passed it successfully tour in Australia.

In 1994, grandiose joint concerts Kirkorov and Pugacheva in Atlantic City, they took place at the Taj Mahal casino (the largest in America).

So fast in the sky Russian stage rose bright Star Philip Kirkorov, he has been at the top of popularity for more than 20 years.

Each of his songs is an indispensable hit and tops the most prestigious ratings. All his programs are great shows. Every year, Philip gets to the final of the “Song of the Year”; he holds the record on the stage for the number of Golden Gramophone statuettes.

Kirkorov has firmly taken the position of the king of pop on the Russian stage and still holds it to this day.


In 1995, Kirkorov was the representative of Russia at music competition Eurovision, but took only 17th place.

Then he began producing young singers from the CIS countries, participants in this song competition.

In 2005, singer Anzhelika Agurbash represented the Republic of Belarus, but this production experience of Philip was not entirely successful; the girl was only 13th in the semi-finals.

In 2007, Philip again composed a song and prepared the representative of Belarus, singer Dmitry Koldun, for the competition. In this case, the result was much better, Dima made it to the finals and took 6th position there.

The most successful was the performance at Eurovision of Kirkorov’s ward, the Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak. In 2008, Ani came second in the competition, and President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko awarded Philip the Title of People's Artist of Ukraine for such merits.

In 2016, Philip wrote a song and became a producer Russian singer Sergei Lazarev. It was just a little short of victory. At Eurovision 2016, Sergei took 2nd place.


In addition to his musical and production career, Kirkorov can often be seen in films.

His first filming took place in the multi-part television series “Beauty Salon” in 2000. This was followed by work in the TV series " Woman's happiness", "My Fair Nanny" and filming in the film magazine "Yeralash".

Not a single New Year's musical is complete without the participation of Philip Kirkorov:

  • "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka";
  • "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors";
  • "Golden Key";
  • "New Year's Matchmakers";
  • "Little Red Riding Hood".

For his role as the devil in the musical “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka,” Philip received an award for best male role at the Kinotavr 2002 festival.

In the romantic trilogy "Love in big city"(three films - 2008, 2009, 2011) Philip did an excellent job with the role of St. Valentine.

Personal life

First serious romantic relationship Philip began his relationship in 1988 with the graceful and beautiful dancer Maria Shatlanova. She was 17 years old, the girl starred in Kirkorov’s videos and took part in his concerts. They were seen everywhere together and there was even talk of an imminent wedding, but this did not happen.

In 1994, Kirkorov took his chances in earnest and proposed marriage to the very Diva of the Russian stage - Alla Pugacheva. He sought her favor for a long time and finally received consent. In March 1994, in St. Petersburg, the mayor of the city, Anatoly Sobchak, registered the marriage of Alla and Philip. Two months later, the couple got married in Jerusalem. For many, this was shocking news, because the groom was 18 years younger than the bride.

The marriage lasted 11 years. In 2005, the couple separated. Alla married showman Maxim Galkin. Philip is still alone and does not hide the fact that in his life there was, is and will be only one woman who could be his wife - Alla Pugacheva. Former spouses maintain very warm, sincere and friendly relations.

In November 2011 in America surrogate mother Philip gave birth to a daughter, whom he named Alla Victoria, in honor of the two most beloved women in his life - the Prima Donna and his mother. Three months after birth, the baby moved to a house near Moscow with her dad. In April 2012, the girl was baptized; Philip chose TV presenter and showman Andrei Malakhov as godfather.

In the early summer of 2012, Kirkorov again had a son, Martin-Christo, from a surrogate mother.

According to the singer, the birth of children completely changed his outlook on life. His daughter and son are the most important thing in his life, for them he works, he sings, for them he lives.

Name: Philipp Kirkorov

Age: 49 years old

Place of Birth: Varna, Bulgaria

Height: 198 cm

Weight: 95 kg

Activity: singer, composer

Family status: divorced

Philip Kirkorov - biography

Philip Kirkorov is a star that shines on national stage for many years. At times, extremely intrusive. He is known for his songs, turbulent personal life and numerous scandals. IN last years Philip Bedrosovich is primarily involved in producing. IN free time, to the delight of journalists, incites conflicts and files lawsuits. Biography and creative path singer is the topic of this article.

Philip Kirkorov - childhood

Philip's father Bulgarian singer Armenian origin. The name of Bedros Kirkorov is known in Russia, first of all, thanks to his famous son.

TO touring life Philip got used to it early years. Parents often took the five-year-old boy with them on trips. One day, a young son, after his father’s performance, went on stage and presented the performer with a bouquet of red carnations. Bedros introduced the future singer to the public. To a little boy for the first time they applauded.

Philip Kirkorov is, of course, an eccentric personality. But on the Russian stage there is hardly a person about whom so many legends would be created. Stories about Kirkorov are usually negative. When he found himself at the zenith of fame, former classmates and childhood “friends” began to appear out of nowhere, assuring that the singer was unbearable in adolescence, studied poorly, and dressed exclusively in women’s tights for physical education lessons. For which he was awarded universal contempt. Pay attention to similar stories Kirkorov has neither the strength nor the time. His creative life is in full swing, and accusations of libel and dissemination false information he prefers to direct against representatives of the “yellow press”.

Philip Kirkorov - the beginning of his career

Kirkorov performed on stage for the first time as part of the “Wider Circle” project. Debut in his creative biography was the performance of a song in Bulgarian. After school, Philip submitted documents to GITIS. However, he did not pass the competition and went to Gnesinka. The boy of Armenian-Bulgarian origin was not rejected at the Academy of Music. Unlike admissions committee institute theatrical arts, Gnesinka teachers appreciated the applicant’s vocal abilities.

In Moscow to realize your creative potential Kirkorov was helped by Ilya Reznik. At one of the concerts organized by the popular songwriter, Philip’s real debut took place. And around this period Kirkorov met his future wife Alla Pugacheva.

According to family legend, Kirkorov met Vanga as a child. The fortuneteller promised him that he would marry quite successfully. And his wife will be the first woman he sees upon returning home. When the boy, exhausted from the long journey, was brought home, he was fast asleep. Meanwhile, the concert was broadcast on TV. Little Philip, according to the stories of his parents, suddenly woke up at the moment when the performance of the famous Alla Pugacheva was announced on television.

Many years later, the young singer came to work at the Song Theater, organized by the Russian pop diva. Pugacheva reacted favorably to the young performer. However, they soon quarreled. And they got married only five years later. The star marriage was registered by the mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak (Father of the notorious Ksenia Sobchak). The guests invited to the wedding were all celebrities. The singer’s daughter, Kristina Orbakaite, learned about this event from the evening news.

The family personal life of Pugacheva and Kirkorov lasted more than ten years. The reason for the divorce is not known for certain. There is a version based on Kirkorov’s debts, which arose as a result of his activities as a producer. There are other assumptions. But the most common version is that the marriage of Pugacheva and Kirkorov is a kind of project aimed at raising the rating. Pugacheva orchestrated her marriage, as well as Kirkorov’s life, perfectly. But, as you know, every project has a beginning and an end.

Career of Philip Kirkorov

At the end of the nineties, Kirkorov was awarded several awards, including the Ovation Prize. In 1995, the singer represented Russia at Eurovision. However, participation had symbolic meaning. Kirkorov took 17th place. But a year later creative career the singer took off. Since 1996, he has become famous not only in Russia, but also abroad. It was at this time that he was awarded the prestigious World Music Awards.

Producer activity of Kirkorov

In 2002, Kirkorov received the right to stage the Russian version of the famous musical Chicago. The singer participated in this project not only as a producer, but also as a performer.

The failure at Eurovision haunted the ambitious artist. However, Kirkorov did not try his hand as a performer again. He began writing songs and producing. However, the singer’s charges also did not enjoy success at the international competition. Angelica Agurbash took thirteenth place. Dmitry the sorcerer - sixth. Kirkorov was much luckier with Ani Lorak. Ukrainian singer took an honorable second place.

In 2016, Russia was represented at Eurovision

Philip Kirkorov is a world-famous singer. Few people are left indifferent by his bright and unique video clips, beautiful songs, most of which immediately after their release become hits and conquer the top of all Russian charts. He is also involved in producing activities, acting in films and voicing cartoon characters. On Kirkorov's account a large number of awards and achievements. Even his explosive nature and numerous unpleasant incidents do not reduce the number of his fans.

All photos 15

Philip Kirkorov - biography

The singer was born on April 30, 1967 in the Bulgarian town of Varna. Many nationalities were mixed in his family, including Armenian, Gypsy, Russian and even French blood. His dad Bedros Kirkorov is a world-famous Bulgarian singer. Mom Victoria Markovna is a concert presenter. She died in the spring of 1994 from cancer.

From early childhood, the boy toured a lot with his parents, who always took him with them. He first appeared on stage at the age of five. It happened at his father's concert. The boy came out to give him flowers, was introduced to the public and earned his first standing ovation. Philip was an excellent student. He finishes school with excellent marks.

In parallel with regular school, he studies in music school, where he plays piano and guitar.

After graduating from school, the future king of pop decides to get into Theatre Institute, but the attempt ends in failure. From 1984 to 1988 he studied at Gnesinka, from where he graduated with honors. Path along the stage career ladder Kirkorov begins in the fall of 1985, when his first filming for television took place. This happened in the program “Wider Circle”. Young singer performed the composition “Alyosha”.

In 1987, the singer was invited to work at the Leningrad Music Hall, and almost immediately he went with him to Germany. But Kirkorov did not work here for long. Then he meets famous poet- songwriter Ilya Reznik, who became one of those who helped the singer conquer show business.

Happens in 1988 most important event in the fate of Philip Kirkorov - acquaintance with A. B. Pugacheva. It happened at an evening organized by Ilya Reznik. At the same time, Kirkorov met with L. Derbenev, who later became the author of several iconic hits. Among them are “You, You, You”, as well as the famous “Atlantis”.

After meeting A. Pugacheva, the singer goes with her on a tour of European countries. During the same period, Kirkorov performed his debut solo album in Perm and became a finalist in “Song of the Year”.

Since the end of 1989, he has been constantly performing on stage. Philip Bedrosovich becomes the winner of several competitions at once. The young singer produces two show programs: “Atlantis” and “Heaven and Earth”. The first of them immediately begins to be called the best program of this year. In addition to touring Russia, the singer goes with concerts to European countries, Canada, Israel, America, Australia.

In 1993, he received several more awards, including the prestigious Ovation competition, where he became the best singer of the year, and the Golden Orpheus.

In 1994, another solo show was released - “I am not Raphael”, which includes, in addition to songs Russian composers songs by Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra and some other famous world performers. 1994 is also notable for the appearance of the song “I Raise My Glass,” which gained enormous popularity.

At the end of autumn of this year with A.B. Pugacheva Kirkorov makes an impressive showing in Atlantic City. And 1995 brought the singer two awards at the Ovation competition. At the same time, the videos “Birdy”, “Sweetheart” and others were filmed.

A few days before Eurovision, Philip Kirkorov is informed that he will be performing for Russia. Despite the short time for preparation, the singer perfectly represented the country, although he received only 17th position. In the future, he prepares and produces other stars to perform at Eurovision. Among them in different years turned out to be Ani Lorak, Angelica Agurbash, Dmitry Koldun, and the Tolmachev sisters.

In 1995, Kirkorov released the show “The Best, Favorite and Only for You.” In 1997, he traveled with him throughout Russia, visiting CIS countries and others.

In 1999, the singer, at the invitation of Michael Jackson, performed for Russian Federation in one of his programs. In 2002, he organized a production of the musical “Chicago” in Russia and played in it. main role. In 2003, Kirkorov's new talent was discovered. He becomes a TV presenter and hosts his own program on STS for several years.

In addition to his career as a singer and presenter, today Philip Kirkorov has left his mark in cinema. He starred in films such as "Love in the City" in all three parts, numerous New Year's musicals, the Mexican novel “Like in the Movies” and many others. In addition, he voices characters from some cartoons, including New The Bremen Town Musicians", "The Nutcracker", "The New Adventures of Aladdin" and many others. He also acts as a jury member at popular competitions.

Over the years of creativity, the singer receives numerous awards, including the Order of Francis Skaryna, titles people's artist Chechnya, Ingushetia, Russia, Ukraine. His collection includes a large number of Golden Gramophone, Muz-TV, Sound Track and MTV awards. And on stage he has long been presented as nothing less than the king of pop of the Russian stage.

Philip Kirkorov - personal life

Kirkorov's first wife is Maria Shatlanova, who starred with him in his first videos. But the marriage did not last long.

In 1994, Kirkorov proposed to Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. She said yes, which was followed by a January engagement and a spring wedding. A few months later, the couple got married in Jerusalem. In 2005, Alla and Philip officially separated.

There are all sorts of rumors circulating about Kirkorov after the divorce. He is credited with affairs with many women, including Ani Lorak, Anzhelika Agurbash, Masha Rasputina, Anastasia Stotskaya and others. And they are even accused of being gay.

11/26/2011 Kirkorov becomes the happy father of his daughter Alla-Victoria, and already on 06/29/2012 his son Martin-Christo is born. Both children are born from a surrogate mother, which causes mixed reactions from society. Moreover, according to Philip Kirkorov, the children know their mother, but he does not want to bring her name up for public discussion.

Today the singer lives with his nannies, children and father Bedros in his big country house. He not only manages to work on new songs and videos, producing, and staging the new show “Another,” but also devotes a lot of time to his children. And he pleases his fans with numerous selfies and photographs of children on social networks.

Russian crooner, music producer

Honored Artist of Russia (2001).
People's Artist of Chechnya (2006)
People's Artist of Ingushetia (2006)
People's Artist of Russia (2008).
People's Artist of Ukraine (2008).

Director of the Philip Kirkorov Theater.
Philip Kirkorov Thoughts about the stage lived in him since early age. In 1984, Kirkorov entered the Gnessin State Music College in the acting department. musical theaters and operetta, which he completed in 1988. Creative activity singer starts from the second year, i.e. since 1985.
The first performance took place on television in November 1985 in the program “Wider Circle!”, where he performed a song in Bulgarian. Then, having received an invitation to work at the Leningrad Music Hall under the direction of Ilya Rakhlin, he went on a foreign tour to Germany in the world famous show Theater "Friedrichstadt Palace"
As a music hall soloist, Philip gains his first experience of working on a professional stage, concluding that this work is not for him - it is too monotonous. And he leaves. The meeting with the famous poet Ilya Reznik determined the singer’s further creative and personal life.
Kirkorov, at the invitation of A. Pugacheva, takes part in the first “Christmas meetings”. This show became the most significant event in his life. Here he met with the poet Leonid Derbenev, who wrote the most best songs: You you you; Heaven and earth; Atlantis; Day and night.
In the 90s, the singer began active solo activity in his beloved city of St. Petersburg. The song Heaven and Earth brought him the Grand Prix of the Shlyager-90 festival.
From 1990 to 1992 a lot of things happened. First foreign tours (USA, Canada, Germany, Israel); every song performed by Philip becomes super popular; hit after hit appears. He receives first prize for International competition“Golden Orpheus” (Bulgaria, 1992), the video clip for the song Atlantis was recognized as the best in 1992. The album “You, You, You” is gaining a record circulation for the country and is selling out instantly.
In 1993, Kirkorov was awarded a golden statuette of the Ovation Prize in the category “ Best Singer of the Year", and two songs performed by him - You Tell, Tell Me, Cherry and Marina - were recognized as hits of the year. In 1994, the program “I am not Raphael” was created. Its main part was golden hits from the repertoire of Engelbert Humperdinck, Tom Jones, Frank Sinatra, Paul Anka, Elvis Presley. In 1995, Kirkorov recorded video clips for three of his hits at once: “Ptashechka”, “Look What a Summer” and “Dear, Sweet, Sweet” and received two more gold statuettes of the Ovation Award in the categories “For the best program" and "Best Singer of the Year". At the end of the year, the Polygram company released a double CD, “Tell the Sun: “Yes!”, which immediately became a bestseller and occupied first position in the charts for a long time. The release of the album coincides with the premiere of the program “The Best, Favorite and Only for You” in State Theater stage. The show captivated all spectators with its entertainment, beauty and professionalism. The program is updated throughout the year, constantly adding new songs.
In 1996, the sold-out show “The Best, Favorite and Only for You,” as well as the record-breaking circulation in Russia (2 million) of the album “Tell the Sun: “Yes!” bring F. Kirkorov another golden statuette of the World Music Award in Monte Carlo.

In 1997, Philip organized a world tour with the program “The Best, Favorite and Only for You!” in 100 cities of Russia, the CIS and abroad, which ended with the project “Only one month and only for you!” - a series of daily concerts in the St. Petersburg Oktyabrsky Hall. Participated in one of the episodes of the program “Attic Fruttis”

From January 15 to January 30, 1999 in Moscow at the State Central concert hall“Russia” Kirkorov represented new program“Oh, Mom, I’ll give you some chic!”, where temperamental oriental melodies are the leitmotif.

On May 5, 1999, in Monte Carlo, Philip received the World Music Awards for 1998, after which he went on a large tour of Germany. In June 1999, at the invitation of Michael Jackson, he represented Russia in the charity program " Michael Jackson and Friends. What more can I give? In November of the same year, Kirkorov showed a new program “Diva”.

In 2002, Philip Kirkorov Production acquired the rights to stage the Russian version of the musical Chicago. Kirkorov was general producer project and played the main male role. At the end of the year, the musical was named “Premiere of the Year.”

Since 2003, he hosted the program “Morning with Kirkorov” on the STS channel (the program was closed in 2005).