Beautiful girl names. Names for girls - Rare and Beautiful and their meaning. In Korean villages, parents call their daughters

When naming their daughter, parents must understand: the name is the most important decoration of the girl, which she will wear throughout her life. Stella or Milada? Bazhena or Carolina? Clara or Zoryana? Or maybe just Love? Rare and beautiful names for girls are presented in such abundance that it is difficult not to get confused. But which one is right for your baby, and what is the correct name for your daughter? About this - in our material.

Today, the influence of a woman’s name on her character, quality and life expectancy is studied quite widely. Moreover, the topic is considered and official science, and predictive practices, and magic. It's understandable that many parents want to know how it all works. After all, it is so important to write down on the birth certificate not only a beautiful name, but a happy destiny for your daughter.

The name is determined by the calendar, season, numbers and science

Thus, astrologers compile special horoscopes for newborns, allowing them to determine a successful naming option. Numerologists select the “correct” names by calculating the number of the child’s date of birth. Healers ask nature what unusual name to name a girl: they recommend choosing options based on the time of year and month of birth.

There is also anthroponymy. This is a separate scientific area for studying the history of the emergence and evolution of the full name, the patterns of functioning of its components. In their works, anthroponymic scientists analyze various proper names, highlight the most successful combinations of full names.

For believing Orthodox Christians, the most recommended option for naming a girl is according to the calendar. So, the name is given in honor of a saint whose day coincides with the baby’s birthday or falls on the eighth or fortieth day from birth.

How children were named in the old days

Our ancestors took a simpler approach to naming girls. And at the same time, the names of the beauties of that time could have been the most unusual. In Rus', they were selected so that the baby could be distinguished from other family members. For example, Pervusha was the first child. The name reflected her external characteristics: the girl Chernava grew up dark-skinned and had dark hair. And Nekrasa was not born too pretty.

Characteristics or behavior were taken as a basis: Crybaby, Smart girl. The baby was named taking into account the circumstances of her birth. For example, Istoma grew up in families where the mother suffered during childbirth. And Snezhana was born in the cold. It could also indicate the attitude of adults towards the girl: Zhdana, Nezhdana, Lyubava, Darena.

Anna, Maria and Sofia are the three most popular female naming options on the planet. Although sound in different countries they may not be the same because they have many synonyms. For example, Annette, Marie and Sophie live in France. And Hanna, Marichen and Zofa are in Germany.

Many modern female names literally fascinate those around them and make their owner even more attractive. But finding a naming option that you think is interesting is only half the battle. To make a name “play”, you need to consider several points.

  1. Nationality. Nowadays in Russia, children are often given “names” that are unusual for the local culture and traditions. They are borrowed from other countries, religions, mentalities. In some cases this is justified. But in combination with ordinary Slavic patronymics and surnames, it looks strange, to put it mildly. For example, the combination “Gayane Vasilievna Kozlova” is inferior to the combination “Gayane Gasparovna Oganesyan”. This name is suitable for an Armenian girl, but not quite for a newborn Slavic girl. It is also worth considering that in interethnic marriages girls are born who have external features differ from typical Slavic features. Therefore, for mixed-race children, it is also necessary to carefully select the naming option. In Russia, dark-skinned Masha, whose father is Arab, will always be addressed increased attention. But Regina or Sabira in this case will be neutral and suitable options.
  2. Surname . Not all families can boast of a rich and strong surname. In such cases, choosing too unusual name the girl shouldn't. Judge for yourself: the combination “Malvina Vyrvihvost” will become a double reason for ridicule from peers. Option “Natalia Vyrvikhvost” in in this case looks neater. Of course, one can hope that Michelle Goose or Chernava Tuchka will grow up, get married and take the surnames of their other halves. But what if they decide differently? Nowadays, many people believe that changing your name negatively affects your destiny. So, women are afraid to make changes to documents. But even there is a girl who is not superstitious... What if she falls in love with a guy with the last name Flea, Devil, Grave, Slyunin or Pindyur?
  3. Surname . In addition to the national factor, the principle of consonance must also be taken into account. For bulky, long middle names it is worth choosing short names. Otherwise, those around you will break their tongues when addressing the girl. For example, the combination “Sada Ramzullovna” wins over the combination “Vuzhdeniya Ramzullovna”. The same principle applies when comparing the combinations “Vladislava Veniaminovna” and “Nina Veniaminovna”. By the way, a tandem is good, where the consonance is read in the name and patronymic. And also win options where the “names” of the daughter and father begin with the same letter: “Angelina Andreevna”, “Irina Igorevna”, “Nora Nikolaevna”.
  4. Forms. What will you lovingly call your daughter? Zoechka, Mashunya, Katrusya, Lelya, Lyubasya... Any feminine address takes official and diminutive forms. But many of them can also be transformed into nicknames. Here you need to understand that children, especially schoolchildren, are cruel. They love to tease each other. So, Anfisa can turn into a Rat, Yulia - into Dulya, and Rose - into Dung.
  5. Fashion. Especially young parents want to be in trend and find fashionable name for the baby. There are even extreme excesses like the Keyboard, Sarah-Paprika, Simka or Viagra. But in pursuit of originality, think about your daughter’s future. Do you have a neighbor's old lady Dazdraperma? Hardly. Because as they grew up, the girls, fashionably named after the Soviet May Day, were in a hurry to change it rare name. There are also only a few grandmothers of the Olympics. Yes, and few people know old women with the name Trolebuzin, named according to the principle “Trotsky-Lenin-Bukharin-Zinoviev”.

Psychologists recommend avoiding options with unexpressed gender when naming girls. “Genderless” names Evgenia, Valeria, Alexandra, Alexia can “steal” your baby’s tenderness and girlish charm, hinder her development and female self-identification. Also, you should not name your child after relatives who lived a difficult life and died in agony. And by giving a girl her mother’s name, you increase the risk of competition and misunderstanding in the family.

TOP 30 best female names

According to the Moscow Civil Registry Office, in 2015 the most fashionable female name in the Russian capital was Sofia. Moreover, it is this option of naming girls that has invariably taken the lead since 2010, knocking Anastasia, who had previously been in the lead, off the pedestal. Also in the top three fashionable girl names in Moscow in 2015: Maria and Anna.

Today, parents have many resources at their disposal where they can find unusually beautiful names for girls. This and e-books, and virtual directories, and specialized sites. These sources accumulate and analyze parental requests and, based on them, compile ratings of the most popular female names. Below is a rating list of the thirty most beautiful and unusual names popular in 2017.

  1. Milana. Slavic, means “sweetheart”.
  2. Sofia. From ancient Greek - “wise”.
  3. Yesenia. Slavic form of the name. Given to children born in the fall.
  4. Arina . An obsolete form of the name Irina. From Greek - “peace”, “peace”.
  5. Kira. Female form Greek name Kiros, which means “lord”, “lord”.
  6. Anastasia . From Greek - “resurrected”, “immortal”.
  7. Veronica. It is of Latin origin. Translated as “victorious”.
  8. Alice. From English - “noble birth”.
  9. Pauline . A lighter form of the Russian version of the name Apollinaria, which means “liberated.”
  10. Victoria . From Latin - “victory”.
  11. Stasya. Short form from Stanislava, which means “to become glorious.”
  12. Maryana. Hebrew, interpreted as “tart, bitter.”
  13. Daria . Closely related to masculinity Persian name Darayavausha, which means “owner of good.”
  14. Ksenia . From Greek - “hospitable”, “guest”, “stranger”.
  15. Eva. From Hebrew - “life-giving”
  16. Alina. From Latin - “foreign”, “other”, “majestic”.
  17. Catherine . From Greek - “immaculate”, “pure”.
  18. Valeria . Female version the male name Valery, which is translated from Latin as “to be healthy”, “to be strong”, “to be powerful”.
  19. Maria. From Hebrew - “desired”, “bitter”, “serene”.
  20. Anna . From Hebrew - “grace”, “bravery”, “strength”.
  21. Elizabeth. From Hebrew - “honoring God”, “my God is an oath”, “conjuring by God”.
  22. Darina. Slavic, means “gifted”, “gift”.
  23. Julia . From Greek - “curly”. The Latin version is “from the Yuli family”, “July”.
  24. Christina . From Latin - “Christian”.
  25. Alyona . From ancient Greek - “sunny”, “bewitching”, “shining”, “attracting”.
  26. Ulyana. One of the forms of the name Yulia, which translates as “curly”, “July”, “from the Yuli family”.
  27. Milena. Slavic, means “sweetheart”.
  28. Camilla. IN Ancient Rome This is what the servants were called in temples. Hence the interpretation - “temple servant”, “impeccable origin”.
  29. Amelia. From German - “hardworking”.
  30. Diana. From Latin - “divine”.

A correctly chosen name has a strong positive impact on a person’s character and destiny. But how to choose the perfect name?

Sometimes parents try to choose a name before birth, but this prevents the child from developing. The name must be chosen based on the fact of birth. An extremely deep and comprehensive analysis of the girl’s character. Astrological and numerological techniques have wasted all the knowledge about the influence of a name on fate over the centuries and turned into nothing more than entertainment.

Christmastide calendars, without consulting a pure and seeing specialist, are also superficial knowledge. Which do not provide any real help in assessing the influence of names on the fate of a child.

And lists of popular, happy, beautiful, melodious female names completely turn a blind eye to the individuality, energy, soul of the child and turn the selection procedure into an irresponsible game of parents in fashion dictated by ignorance, unprofessionalism and selfishness.

>There are cultural interpretations of what women's names mean, but in reality the influence of a name on each woman is individual.

Various characteristics - positive features name, negative traits name, choice of profession by name, the influence of a name on business, the influence of a name on health, the psychology of a name can only be considered in the context of a deep analysis of subtle plans (karma), energy structure, life goals and the type of a particular child.

The topic of name compatibility is generally an absurdity that turns on interactions different people internal mechanisms of influence of a name on the state of its bearer. And it cancels the entire psyche, unconscious, energy and behavior of people. Reduces the entire multidimensionality of communication, interaction, and human behavior to one false characteristic.

The meaning of the name has no literal impact. For example, Victoria, this does not mean that the girl will win everywhere. The name can block her heart center and she will not be able to give and receive love.

The most popular female names of 2015\2016\2017...2019 are also a misconception. Despite the fact that 95% of girls are called names that do not make their fate easier. You can only focus on a specific child.

The secret of a woman's name, as a program of the unconscious, sound wave, vibration is revealed in a special bouquet primarily in a person, and not in the semantic meaning and characteristics of the name. And if this name is not suitable, then no matter how beautiful, melodious, astrologically accurate, or benevolent it is, it will still be a crooked dummy.

Below are about 500 female names. Try to choose several that you think are most suitable for your child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the name’s influence on fate,

Female names in alphabetical order:

Augusta / Augustine (old) – summer
Avdotya (folk from Evdokia) - famous
Aurelia (new) - golden
Aurora (new) – goddess of the dawn
Agapia (old) - from Greek. agapao - I love.
Agata (new) / Agafya / Agathia (old) - from Greek. agathos - good, honest, kind.
Aglaida (old) – sparkling / daughter of beauty, charm
Aglaya (new) – brilliant
Agnes / Agnessa (old) – chaste
Agnia (old) – immaculate or fiery
Agrippina / Agrefena (old) - from Roman family name Agrippus (Agrippa)
Ada (old) – decoration
Adele / Adelia / Adelaide (Old German) - from adal - noble and heyd - state, class.
Aza (old) – first
Azalea (new) - flowering bush
Aida (new) - giver of harvest
Akilina / Akulina (old) - eagle-haired
Aksinya (folk from Ksenia) - hospitable or, on the contrary, alien (“xenos”)
Alevtina (old) – alien to evil
Alexandra (old) – protector of people
Alena (from Elena) – sunny
Alina (new) – stranger
Alice (new) – charming
Alla (old) – selfish
Albina (old, cf. new Alvina) - “white”
Anastasia (old) – resurrected
Anatolia (new) - eastern
Angelina (old) – angel
Angela (new) - angelic
Angelika - meaning to be determined
Animaisa (old) - soulful
Anisiya / Anisya (old) - sweet-smelling
Anita (new) - obstinate
Anna (old) - “grace”
Antonina / Antonida (old) - kind
Antonia (old) - entering into battle
Anfisa / Anfusa (old) - blooming
Apollinaria (old) - sun goddess
Ariadne (old) - sleeping
Ariana - meaning to be confirmed
Arina (folk from Irina) - calm
Arcadia (new) - shepherdess
Arsenia (new) - courageous
Artemia (old) - unharmed
Assol - meaning to be determined
Astra (new) – “flower”
Astrid (scand.) - passionate
Asya - meaning to be confirmed
Afanasia (old) - immortal
Aphrodite (old) - emerging from sea foam
Aelita (new) - from Greek. aer - air and litos - stone
Aella (new) - from Greek. aello - whirlwind, hurricane

Female names, letter B:

Bazhena (Old Russian) – saint
Beata (new) – blessing
Beatrice (old) – blessing
Bela (glory) – beautiful
Bella (new) – beautiful
Bereslava - meaning to be confirmed
Bertha (new) – magnificent
Bogdana (glorified) – given by God
Boleslava (slav.) – more glorious
Borislava (glory) – fighting for glory
Bronislava (slav.) – glorious protector

Female names, letter B:

Valentina (old) – healthy
Valeria (old) – strong
Wanda (slav.) – hospitable
Varvara (old) – savage
Vasilina (new) – royal
Vasilisa (old) – royal
Vassa (old) – queen
Wenceslas (slav.) - more glorious
Venus (old) – “love”
Vera (old) – “faith”
Veronica (old) – biblical name
Veselina (glory) – cheerful
Vesta (old) – patroness of the hearth and hearth
Vidana (glory) – prominent
Quiz (old) – winner
Victoria (old) – “victory”
Vilena (new) - Vilena River (France)
Viola / Violetta / Violanta (new) – “violet”
Virinea (old) - green, fresh
Vitalia / Vitalina (new) – vital
Vlada (slav.) – owning
Vladimir (new) – owning the world
Vladislava (glory) – owner of glory
Vlasta (slav.) – ruler
Will (new) – free
Vseslava (slav.) – glorious everywhere

Female names, letter G:

Gaia (new) - wife
Gali (old) – bright
Galina (old) – calm
Hanna (Ukrainian from Anna) – blessed
Gayana / Gayaniya (old) - earth
Gelena (New Polish from Elena) – light
Helium (new) – solar (Helios)
Gella (old) – fallen into the water
Dahlia - meaning to be determined
Gertrude (new) – patroness of women
Glafira (old) – sophisticated
Glyceria (old) - sweet
Gloria (old) – “glory”
Goluba (Old Russian) – tender
Gorislava (glory) – kindling glory

Female names, letter D:

Daina (new) - another reading of Diana
Dana (new) – goddess of the moon
Daria / Daria (old) – winner
Darina (new) – giver
Daryana (new) – winner
Dekabrina (new) – winter
Deya / Diya (new) - divine
Juliet (old) - analogue of Julia
Diana (new) - divine
Dina / Diniya (folk from the old Digna) - “faith”
Diodora (old) - given by God
Dionysia (old) – patroness of winemaking
Dobrava (Old Russian) – kind
Share (Dolyana) - value to be confirmed
Domna / Domina (old) - lady, mistress of the house.
Domnika/Dominika (old) – belonging. to God
Dorothea / Dorothea (old) - from Greek. doron - gift, gift and theos - god.

Female names, letter E:

Eve (old) – giver of life
Evgenia (old) – noble
Evangelina - meaning to be determined
Evdokia (old) – well-known
Eupraxia (old) - doer of good deeds, virtuous woman
Catherine (old) – immaculate
Elena (old) – chosen one
Elizabeth (old) – worshiper of God
Yesenia - meaning to be confirmed
Efemia / Euphemia (old) - pious
Euphrosyne / Euphrosyne (old) - from Greek. Euphrosyne - joy, fun.

Female names, letter Z:

Jeanne (new) – “gift of God”
Zhdana (Old Russian) – waiting

Female names, letter Z:

Fun - meaning to be determined
Zarina / Zorina (new) – light
Zvenislava (glory) – spreading glory
Zinaida (old) – born of Zeus
Zinovia (old) – “Zeus’ power”
Zlata (slav.) - golden
Zoya (old) – “life”

Female names, letter I:

Ivanna (folk from John) – “God’s gift”
Ida (new) - mountain, “descendant”
Ilaria (old) - cheerful
Ilona - meaning to be determined
Inga (new) - from ancient Scand. Invio is the name of the god of abundance.
Inessa (new) – serene
Inna (old) – name of Rome / stormy stream
Joanna (old) – “God’s gift”
Jonah (old) – “dove”
Hypatia (new) - related to horses, equine (hippos)
Hippolyta (new) - from “(g)ippo” - horse and “litos” - stone, slab
Iraida (old) – goddess of the rainbow
Iroida (old) - heroic, daughter of a hero
Irina (old) – “peace”
Isidora (old) – patroness of fertility
Spark (new) - bright
Iphigenia (old) – immortal
Oia (old) - from Greek. ia - violet

Female names, letter K:

Camilla - meaning to be determined
Capitolina (old) - main
Karina - meaning to be confirmed
Carolina (new) - brave
Katerina (from Ekaterina) – immaculate
Kira (old) – “mistress”
Kirilla (old) – mistress
Claudia (old) – lame or from the Claudian family
Clara (new) – clear
Clarice / Clarissa (new) – light
Cleopatra (old) – beauty
Concordia (old) - consonant, agreeing
Constance (old) – persistent
Christina (new) – baptized
Ksenia (old) - stranger

Female names, letter L:

Lada (Old Russian) – sweetheart
Larisa (old) – “seagull”
Leniana (new) - from Lenin
Lenin (new) - from Lenin
Leonida (old) – “descendant of the lion”
Leonila (old) – lioness
Leontia (new) – lion
Lesya (new) – courageous
Libya (old) - originally from Libya
Lydia (old) – first
Lika - meaning to be confirmed
Liliana (new) – blooming
Lily (new) – “flower”
Lina (new) – an independent name or a diminutive of Elina
Lyubava (Old Russian) – beauty
Love (old) – “love”
Lyubomyra (slav.) – darling of the world
Lyudmila (old, famous) – dear to people

Female names, letter M:

Mavra (old) - dark-skinned, dark-skinned
Magda (new) - see Magdalene
Magdalene (old) - sounding / originally from Magdala, in Palestine
Madeleine (new) - see Magdalene
Maya / Maya (new) – goddess of spring
Malvina (Old German) – From mal - justice and wine - friend..
Margarita (old) – “pearl”
Marina (old) – sea
Maria / Marya (old) – bitter
Marie (new) - variant of Maria
Martha (new) – mistress
Martha (old) – mentor
Matilda (Old German) - from macht - strength and hild - battle.
Matryona / Matrona (old) - mistress, mother of the family, mother
Melania / Melania (old) - dark, dark
Milada (slav.) – kind
Mila - meaning to be confirmed
Milana / Milena / (slav.) – sweetheart
Militsa (old, famous) – sweet in person
Miloslava (slav.) – glory is sweet
Mira (glory) – peaceful
Myrrh (glory) – fragrant, fragrant
Miroslava (slav.) – winner
Mitrodora (gr.) - a gift from the mother.
Mlada (slav.) – young
Mstislava (slav.) - conqueror
Muse (old) – goddess of art / inspiration

Female names, letter H:

Nadezhda (old, famous) – “hope”
Nadiya (popular, from Nadezhda) – “hope”
Nana (old) - nymph
Nastasya (folk, from Anastasia) - resurrected
Natalya / Natalia (old) – native
Nellie (new) – young
Neonila (old) – principled
Nika (old) – “victory”
Nina (old) – ruler
Novella (old) - new
Nonna - meaning to be determined
Nora (new) – cold

Female names, letter O:

Oksana (Ukrainian, from Ksenia) – hospitable
Octavia (old) - eighth
Oktyabrina (new) – autumn
Olesya (Ukrainian, from Alexander) – courageous
Olympics (old) – keeping calm
Olympia (new) – named after Zeus
Olga (old, old Russian) – saint

Female names, letter P:

Pavla (old) – small
Pavlina (old) – beauty
Pelageya - meaning to be determined
Platonida (old) - descendant of Plato
Polyxena (old) – Trojan princess
Polina (new) – fortune teller
Pravdina (new) – honest
Praskovya (folk, from the old Paraskeva) - “Friday”

Female names, letter P:

Rada (old, famous) – bringing joy
Radmila (slav.) – joyful
Raisa (old) – submissive
Regina (old) – queen
Renata (new) - newly born
Rimma (old) – Roman
Rogneda (slav.) - admitted to the council of equals/council of men
Rose (new) – “flower”
Rosalia (new) – blooming
Rozana (new) – flower
Rostislava (glory) – growing for glory
Ruslana (new) – lioness
Rufina / Ruth (old) - red, red-haired

Female names, letter C:

Sabina / Savina (old) - from the Sabine family, Sabine woman
Salome / Solome (old) - ...
Svetlana (Old Russian) – light
Svetozara (glory) – bright dawn
Svetoslava (new) – glory is bright
Svoboda (new) – “freedom”
Svyatoslav (glory) – glory is holy
Sevastian (old) - ...
Severina (new) – northern
Selena / Selina (new) - moon
Seraphim (old) – fiery
Slava (slav.) – “glory”
Slavyana (slav.) – Slavic woman
Snezhana (new) – cold
Sophia / Sophia (old) – “wisdom”
Stanislava (slav.) – become glorious
Stella (old) – star
Stepanida / Stefanida (old) – “wreath”
Stefania (old) – “wreath”
Susanna / Sosanna (old) – stubborn / from Hebrew - “shushanah” - “white lily”
Suzanne (new) – stubborn

Female names, letter T:

Taira (new) – persistent
Taisiya (old) - “god-pleaser” and “lover of children”
Tamara (old) – “fig tree”
Tamila / Tomila (Old Russian) – languishing
Tatyana (old) – founder
Tomila - meaning to be determined

Female names, letter U:

Ulyana (folk, from old Juliana, cf. Juliana)
Uslada (new) – sweet-voiced
Ustinya (folk, from old Justina, cf. Justina)

Female names, letter F:

Faina (old) – shining
Felixana (new) – successful
Felicata / Felicity (old) – happy
Felicia (old) – “happiness”
Fedora / Theodora (old) – “God’s gift”
Thekla - meaning to be determined
Feodosia / Feodosia (old) – landowner
Philadelphia (new) - loving Delphi
Flavia (old) - from the Flavian family
Flora / Floria (new) – goddess of flowers
Florentina (new) – blooming
Florence (new) - blooming
Floriana (new) - young or blooming
Photina (old) - according to the calendar Svetlana

Female names, letter X:

Harita (old) – goddess of beauty
Kharitina (old) – beauty
Chionia (old) – nymph
Christina (old, cf. new Christina) - Christova

Female names, letter H:

Cheslava (slav.) – honest glory

Female names, letter E:

Eurydice (new) – bitten by a snake
Eleanor (new) – complex
Elina - meaning to be confirmed
Ella - meaning to be confirmed
Elvira (new) – balanced
Elmira (new) – calm
Emilia - meaning to be determined
Elsa (new) – courageous
Emma (new) – self-critical
Erica (new) – creator of the temple

Female names, letter Y:

Juliana (old, from Juliana) – curly
Julia (old, from Julius) – fluffy
Humanita (new) - humane, human
Juno (old) – patroness of marriage

Female names, letter I:

Jadwiga (new) – rich warrior
Yana (new) – “Sun Goddess”
Ioannina (new) – light
Yarina - meaning to be confirmed
Jaromira (slav.) – “sunny world”
Yaroslava (slav.) – “burning glory” or similar male name Yaroslav

Remember! Choosing a name for a child is a huge responsibility. A name can greatly make a person’s life easier, but it can also cause harm.

How to choose the absolutely correct, strong and appropriate name for a child in 2019?

If you want to give your child good name, as support in life, protection from generic problems. In general, you want the chosen name to help the child be a good man. Or even want to make your child better, more successful, more sociable and have less problem situations in life.

Find out right now whether the chosen name is harmonious for your child.
Find out how a name will affect the destiny, strength, character and development of a child.
Find out if you made a mistake in making such a fateful decision.
The name makes the child more sociable, bolder, happier, or the name does not match the child’s character and will interfere with communication and growth.
Write to Viber\Telegram\Whatsapp +7926 697 00 47

Neurosemiotics of the name
Yours, Leonard Boyard
Switch to the value of life

In the past, parents did not come up with names for their children - a certain name The baby was named by the clergyman during baptism. In Rus' they firmly believed that the name determines the entire history of a person’s life, so they completely trusted the church in this. After the baptism of Rus', the child received double name: one is personal, and the other is Christmastide. Today, fortunately, mothers and fathers have the right to choose a name for their child on their own, but this is not an easy task! There are so many beautiful and euphonious options that it’s easy to get confused. Let's find out how to choose female name to kid.

A little princess is about to appear in your family. The crib has already been assembled and miniature dresses and booties have been purchased. The expectant mother usually has no questions about a dowry for a girl, but when choosing a name, doubts and disputes often arise with the child’s father and other family members. What to focus on in this matter, the dictates of the heart or fashion trends, young parents must decide for themselves.

Of course, it also happens that a woman already knows exactly what her baby’s name will be, immediately after the pregnancy test pleases her with two promising lines. Then, for nine months, the happy mother enthusiastically talks to her belly, where Verochka or Arishka grows. Other women, in search of the best and most unique name for their princess, continue to turn over beautiful female names for the child in their minds even after returning from the maternity hospital. In this case, the final point in these throwings is put by the eldest child or the baby’s father. Be that as it may, the selection of a name for the heiress has always been and will be hot topic for couples expecting a stork.

How to name a child: looking for female names

When faced with choosing a name for your baby, always keep in mind two unbreakable rules:

  • the name is approved by mutual consent of the parents, that is, your husband should like your idea as much as you do;
  • the name is selected based on its euphony in conjunction with the girl’s surname and patronymic. Agree, Alexandrova Alexandra Alexandrovna sounds strange (we are, of course, exaggerating, but you understand the train of thought).

The opinion that a girl’s name must be modern and fashionable is subjective, so this point should be paid attention to last. If you are crazy about Old Slavonic names, feel free to name your baby Zora, Krasimira or Beloslava, and this approach to the matter will be the most correct.

Lists of female names for children are usually compiled based on some characteristic.

Choosing a name for a girl according to its meaning

The meaning inherent in the name is decisive for many parents: child amazingly takes on the qualities or line of fate that his name conceals. Therefore, when looking through female names for a child, be sure to pay attention to the meaning of each name (suddenly, when you hear one of them, your soul will intuitively feel warm!) We offer you a list of beautiful girlish names with their secret meaning:

  • Adele is one who belongs to the noble class;
  • Alice – irresistible, attractive;
  • Vasilisa - royal blood;
  • Gayana – belonging to the earth;
  • Gloria - glorious;
  • Deya - God's;
  • Dina – believer, pious;
  • Eve – life-giving, mischievous;
  • Elizabeth is the one who honors God;
  • Zoya – full of life;
  • Ivanna is a gift from above;
  • Spark – blinding, bright;
  • Oya – violet;
  • Kira is the one who rules everyone;
  • Constance – rebellious;
  • Liliana – fragrant, blooming;
  • Maya - spring;
  • Melania is dark-skinned;
  • Mlada – young;
  • Nina is the one who leads everyone and everything;
  • Nika is the winner;
  • Olesya – brave;
  • Polina – foresighted;
  • Regina – regal;
  • Selena – lunar;
  • Sophia - wise, fair;
  • Taira – persistent;
  • Uslada – having a sweet voice;
  • Felicia – happy;
  • Floriana is always young;
  • Christina – belonging to Christ;
  • Elvira – calm;
  • Juno is the one who protects marriage;
  • Jaromira – bringer of peace and light.

Beautiful names for girls according to the church calendar

The well-forgotten old is always in fashion. So, call the little ones, checking with church calendar, or Saints are relevant again. From a huge list we have selected the most beautiful church names for girls:

  • January – Emilia, Augusta, Eugenia;
  • February – Ksenia, Vera, Maria;
  • March – Marianna, Iraida, Ulyana;
  • April - Nika, Sofia, Lydia;
  • May – Pelageya, Muse, Julia;
  • June – Elena, Nina, Susanna;
  • July – Ioanna, Valentina, Mina;
  • August - Anfisa, Daria, Anna;
  • September – Tatyana, Irina, Vera;
  • October – Zlata, Ustina, Ariadne;
  • November – Pelageya, Olga, Cleopatra;
  • December – Marina, Tamara, Ekaterina.

Choosing a name for a girl according to the horoscope

Women who are interested in astrology believe that girl names define them future fate. And the baby’s personal horoscope will tell you what to name her and, accordingly, what kind of life to give her. If this topic is not alien to you, be sure to check the astrological calendar, the compilers of which take into account the most optimal union of the name and the zodiac sign. Here are just some Russian female names for children, dictated to us by different constellations:

  • a friendly and pleasant Aries girl blossoms if you call her Alice, Raisa or Allochka;
  • the ambitious and sometimes stubborn Taurus girl will proudly bear the name Diana, Maya (Maya) or Angelica;
  • the Gemini girl, dual in all respects, will come to an agreement with herself, bearing the name Elsa, Aksinya, Gloria or Taisiya;

  • the impressionable and touchy baby Cancer will be more balanced thanks to the name Bogdana, Melania, Selena or Aelita;
  • for an independent little one who was born under the constellation Leo, the name Isabella, Emma, ​​Aurora or Eleanor could not be better suited;
  • the scrupulous and pedantic Virgo will be “relaxed” in a positive way by the name Vita, Linda, Gerda or Edita;
  • narcissistic, but very charming Libra girls will organically merge with the name Veronica, Snezhana, Bella, Zlata or Milena;

  • the complex character of the Scorpio girl is perfectly corrected by the names Elina, Marta, Zara, Seraphim;
  • active and restless Sagittarius girls will always have a foothold in life thanks to the name Zhanna, Patricia, Marianna or Violetta;
  • names such as Nora, Kira, Renata or Varenka are suitable for the imperturbable baby Capricorn;
  • Aquarius girls, born freedom fighters, will always be helped by the name Gloria, Frida or Lolita;
  • a creative person who was born under the sign of Pisces will find inspiration in everything, if you call her Eve, Adeline, Venus or Amelia.

What are some unusual names for girls?

Behind last year in the Moscow region alone, babies were born with the names Princess Daniella, Zarya-Zaryanitsa, Angel Maria and Alyosha-Kaprina. There have always been and will be lovers of shocking things: the latest statistics show that more and more parents are deciding to give their daughter a name that not only sounds unusual, but may also seem strange to others. Here is a list of rare female names for children, the owners of which regularly appear in modern society:

  • Bozena;
  • Rosalia;
  • Spring;
  • Bagheera;
  • Cleopatra;
  • Byzantium.

Over the past few years, the most shocking female names for children have become:

  • Cherry;
  • Joy;
  • Legend;
  • Raspberries;
  • Alice-Nefertiti;
  • Golub;
  • Ocean;
  • Moon.

Why do some parents tend to go to such extremes? What is this – a desire to emphasize the exclusivity of your child or to compensate for the lack of attention to one’s own person? Of course, you can call your daughter any name you like. However, always look to the future as your girl grows up. Psychologists are confident that an unusual name can become a serious problem for a child and hinder his successful adaptation to the team. If the baby feels like a black sheep because of her name, the mother will have to not only explain to her daughter the motives for her extravagant act in the past, but also convincingly prove that she is right.

The most popular modern names for girls

According to the Civil Registry Office of the capital of Russia in 2017, the most popular names for little Muscovites they are distinguished by femininity, warmth and soulfulness. In the top three:

  1. Sofia. The girl named by this name is sensible beyond her years, very calm and inquisitive. All her life Sonechka has been connected with her mother by an invisible thread, for her this is authority and the most close person. As a child, Sofia is affectionate and soft, but not at all assiduous. Pedantry and patience will come to her with age. The stars promise a girl with that name strong love and a happy marriage.
  2. Maria. Mashunya, Mashenka, Masya - how much warmth and affection there is in this simple name! Little Maria captivates those around her with her calmness and kindness. The girl is very vulnerable and sometimes reacts too painfully to criticism, and parents must take this into account. Over time, Masha will become more self-confident, her character will become firmer. Women with this name are wonderful wives and fair mothers.
  3. Daria. A very active and energetic girl! Sometimes excessive impulsiveness interferes with Dasha’s life, but this is compensated by her innate prudence and thriftiness. In general, life for the woman named Daria is going well. No matter what age is listed in the passport, there is always something childlike and spontaneous about Dasha, thanks to which there is no end to gentlemen.

Foreign names for girls

Another common trend is to borrow baby names from foreign cultures. Perhaps this is explained by the fact that English language acquired international status, and we have always treated the life of Americans with great interest. Be that as it may, the names Bella, Monica, Nicole, Vanessa, Stefania, Camilla, Jasmine and others are increasingly heard.

It is impossible to cover all the names for girls that exist today in one article. The more understandable are the doubts of future mothers and fathers who have been studying calendars of women’s names for months, because they so want to find their own, native name, which the baby will proudly carry through life! However, these tedious efforts sooner or later pay off - your heart will lead you to the right name. Good luck with your search!

The name Eve, according to legend, is considered the most ancient biblical name, and belonged to the first woman who appeared on earth by the will of God, so that Adam would not be bored. Today, women's names number in hundreds of very different variations, and each has found a place in the nomenclature of women's names...

Female names in different cultures of the world

Each country and each culture has its own rules and traditions regarding the naming of future women. Female names are chosen according to different rules: somewhere the basis is based on centuries-old traditions, somewhere parables and legends, and somewhere, as in Western civilization, names for girls are given only for standard reasons, taking into account such factors as the beauty of sound, speed of pronunciation, fame and popularity.

Take, for example, Slavic culture. There has long been only one single tradition - girls, like boys, were given a name exclusively upon reaching the age of nine, when the child could already be associated with some craft (the name was closely connected with it). Before this, the child could be called by his serial number(how he appeared in the family), or simply “Child” or “Child”.

IN Muslim culture there were only a few rules. First, a woman’s name should not necessarily be listed in the name book of women’s names, the main thing is that it should be a word that, in translation, determines fate. For example, the name Aliya was translated as “exalted”, and Samiha - “generous”.

And so in each individual culture there were at one time traditions that they adhered to, giving them a name. Somewhere over time, traditions have exhausted their significance, and somewhere they are adhered to to this day. However, church names, like traditional national ones, are popular to this day. Yes, and legends and signs also have weight in today's modern times.

So, in Iceland there is only one single rule today - a woman’s name cannot begin with the English letter “S” as such, because in the local culture, in the Icelandic alphabet, this letter simply does not exist.

Modern naming traditions

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IN Slavic culture naming traditions have been partially preserved. Thus, a tradition has been preserved, based on which a church female name should be given, taken from the name book according to the Saints, which lists the martyrs and Saints who once defended the formation Orthodox religion. In modern times, this tradition is not followed in every family, and yet, everyone without exception knows about it, especially since during baptism the girl is still given a female Orthodox name from among the Saints.

Catholics have a similar tradition, and in accordance with it, it is also customary to give names to women from the list of those honored in the church. True, it is worth noting that today in Catholic culture they approach the naming of newborns more responsibly than in Orthodox culture.

In Islam, it is still considered obligatory to call the future woman a name, which could determine her fate through its translation. There are no biblical or church names, and in the Koran there is only one single female name. As a result, girls are called those variations that, when translated, mean some quality (generous, bright, noble, etc.), or the name of a flower.

But in France, for example, there is only one tradition - to name children after their ancestors. So, they used to act according to one simple scheme. The girl's name had to consist of the names of her paternal and maternal grandmothers, as well as the saint venerated on the day of her baptism. In modern times, this tradition is difficult to follow. Therefore, mostly single names of relatives are given: godparents, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, etc.

Name and religiosity: the main criterion for division

All “girl names” are divided into several categories and, based on them, into a small number of subcategories. But the most important criterion of all available is the criterion of religiosity. Based on the issue of religion, the most famous female names are:

  • Orthodox;
  • Catholic;
  • Muslim;
  • Jewish.

How to choose a suitable female name in modern times?

Naturally, ideally one should follow the traditions under which a girl is born. Being an Orthodox family, you need to call Orthodox name, and in Catholic, Catholic and in accordance with the traditions of Catholics. But if traditions are not to your liking, then you can resort to standard schemes that are common throughout the world.

So, in modern times, you can choose a female name based on five important parameters: the patronizing element, the zodiac sign, the year according to the Eastern calendar, the patron planet, and religion.

With the latter, everything is clear - it is desirable that the name relates to the religion to which the family and the newborn girl are directly related. If you belong to the Orthodox category of people, then it is advisable to choose from among the Orthodox female names.

As for the other parameters, everything is simple. Every zodiac sign and every animal from Eastern calendar influence certain names in their own way with their energy.

In the same way, each name can have different energy in conjunction with one or another sign. The element is determined by the sign of the Zodiac and the date of birth of the child, but in the same way, each name is protected by one or another element. It is advisable to select a name that will correspond to all the named parameters without exception.

By the way, on our website, in the list presented, you can sift out names by elements, zodiac signs, years, and even seasons.

Choosing a name for a girl is a rather complex and sensitive issue, fraught with many the most important factors, the accounting of which must be given immediate and obligatory attention. If in the case of a guy the choice can be based only on the desire to turn the life of a boy, a future man, into a continuous flow of luck and material wealth, then in the case of girls, future women, everything is much more complicated, and therefore the names need to be sorted out much more carefully...

Every parent, without exception, wishes their daughter prosperity, material development, personal happiness, happy family, loving husband and children. But it is one thing to desire, and another thing to do something to achieve all of the above. And you can do “something” already at the initial stage of everyday life - you just need to choose a name whose meaning will provide everything you want. As they say - “what you call a ship, so it is...” ...

January February March April May June July August September October November December

Girls born on a January day are usually distinguished by a stern character and the absence of any feminine qualities. Here it is worth paying attention to names that promise something the opposite, preferably tenderness, romance, and frivolity with imagination.

February girls are also harsh in soul and nature, they usually do not know how to have fun and devote their lives to their careers. These need a name that promises characteristics such as tenderness, softness, complaisance and pliability. Only then will there be a chance for a happy personal life.

Usually, March girls are frivolous by nature and do not know how to concentrate on what is important. Here you need to give attention. responsibility and diligence, and only winter names that promise severity and toughness can do this - the combination will be ideal.

Girls born in April are usually dominated by timidity, suspiciousness and self-doubt. These are ideal mothers and wives, but personal victories and they have no achievements - for this they will have to be endowed with seriousness, courage, determination, which one of the proposed names will help with.

May girls are completely purposeful and persistent, they always achieve their goals and become careerists who forget about their personal lives. This can only be corrected by choosing a name that promises gentleness, caring, romance, good imagination and femininity.

Modern astrologers are inclined to believe that girls born in June should be given names that promise masculine features. The meaning that imparts toughness, success, determination and self-sufficiency would not hurt here.

July ladies are characterized by selfishness, independence, independence and love of freedom, non-acceptance of other people's opinions and self-sufficiency. Here you need a name that softens the character, promising frivolity, dreams, fantasy and a cool, vast imagination.

But those born in this month usually have a tolerant and fairly positive character, requiring no alterations or additions. The name must be chosen in such a way that it only enhances the existing features, but does not reduce them or modify them. There are plenty of these in the Russian name book.

Those born in September, especially Libra, are quite positive and have a minimum of disadvantages, although they largely depend on the stars and the influence of the patron planet. Experts advise paying attention to name forms of a purely Russian interpretation that have Slavic roots.

In this case, the meaning of the name is perfect, promising such factors as hardness and rigidity - there should be a name that sounds resonant and confident. Its meaning must necessarily bestow soft features and femininity, because otherwise the girl will grow up to be a successful careerist, but not a mother or a wife.

The majority of people here are sensible, extremely serious, responsible, dutiful, committed, successful and purposeful ladies. Such people grow up to be powerful and persistent. The name here needs to be something that will give at least a little levity.

And here we're talking about already about unpredictable representatives of the weak half of humanity. The character of an adult lady here is difficult to predict, but there is a chance to immediately, including through the influence of the meaning of the name, cultivate in her the kind of nature that the parents themselves want to bestow. But in this case, names for girls will have to be sorted out for a very, very long time and carefully.