Who is Yulianna Karaulova's fiance? Yulianna Karaulova: “There is not enough time for a wedding. Julianna's best clips

The heroine of this article is attractive girl and talented pop singer Yulia Karaulova. Her biography interests hundreds of thousands of fans. Are you one of them too? Then you will be interested in the information presented in the article.

Biography of singer Yulia Karaulova: childhood and youth

The artist was born on April 24, 1988 in Moscow. She comes from a respected and wealthy family. Julianna is the name our heroine received at birth. It is indicated in the passport. But some friends and relatives call her Yulia. In 1992, the Karaulov family left for Bulgaria. Yulia’s father was sent to this country for diplomatic service. It was in Sofia (the capital of Bulgaria) that the girl went to 1st grade. True, it was not an ordinary school, but an institution at the Russian Embassy. When our heroine turned 11 years old, she and her family returned to Moscow. Karaulova Jr. attended the capital’s school No. 1106. In 2014, she was awarded a diploma of graduation from Gnesinka (producing department).

The beginning of creative activity

Yulia Karaulova, whose biography we are considering, dreamed of becoming a singer since childhood. In 2004, she joined the youth group. The girl gained invaluable experience working on stage. In the same year, Yulianna went to the casting of the project “Star Factory - 5”. Great talent and self-confidence helped Karaulova become one of the participants in the show. Thanks to her lively character and bright appearance, Julia became a favorite of the audience. People living in different parts of our country actively voted for her. The blonde reached the final. Unfortunately, she was not among the top three winners. Julianna was not upset. After all, on the project the girl met her love - Ruslana Masyukov. But even here she was unlucky: after graduation whirlwind romance the couple broke up.

Participation in the 5sta Family group

Back at Star Factory-5, Maxim Fadeev created a girls’ group. It was called "Netsuke". The group included: Yulianna Karaulova, Aksinya Verzhak and the Girls recorded a couple of songs and went on tour. This project is over. For some time our heroine disappeared from sight. Fans wanted to know where Yulia Karaulova went. Her biography indicates that she studied in London and then worked as an editor for the teen magazine Yes!.

In 2011, the blond beauty became the lead singer of the 5sta Family group. With her, such compositions as “Together We”, “Knock-Knock”, “I’ll Be With You” and others were recorded.

Solo career

Julianna wanted to leave the group back in 2014. However, if the contract were violated, she would have to pay the producer a large sum. Therefore, the girl had to wait until the end of the contract. In September 2015, Karaulova was able to start a solo career. Mine debut video She presented the song “You’re Not Like That” six months ago, when she was part of the 5sta Family. The author of the text and music is the queen of Russian R’n’B - Bianca. From May 2015 to September 2016, the number of views of this video on Youtube is 19 million. Currently, Yulia’s creative collection includes several songs, including “Out-of-Orbit,” “Houston,” and “Sea.” And this is just the beginning of her solo career.

Yulia Karaulova, biography: personal life

Our heroine is bright and interesting girl with a chiseled figure and a sweet face. She has large number fans among men aged 18 to 50 years. But is the blond beauty’s heart free? Now we will tell you about it.

While still participating in Star Factory 5, Yulianna met producer Andrei Cherny. At first, they were connected only by working and friendly relations. However, a couple of years ago, Yulia and Andrey realized what they felt for each other deep feelings. Now they live in a civil marriage. Friends and colleagues of the couple are confident that things are heading towards marriage.

In conclusion

We reported where she was born, studied and in what musical projects Yulia Karaulova participated. The biography of our heroine is an example of how talented and confident girls achieve success.

The famous singer, TV presenter and finalist of “Star Factory 5” has many career achievements. The personal life of Yulianna Karaulova is interesting to many, because the singer is in no hurry to get married. Let’s lift the veil of secrecy and tell you about the exciting details of the celebrity’s biography.


Yulianna was born in 1988 (April 24) in Moscow. Her parents don't music people: my father held a diplomatic position, and my mother worked as a doctor. When the girl was 4 years old, her father was transferred to serve in Bulgaria, where the whole family moved to live. At the age of 7, Karaulova went to a Russian school in Sofia. Music attracted her since childhood: she constantly participated and won music competitions, and took private vocal lessons. In 1999, the family returned to their homeland, Yulianna studied at school No. 1106 in Moscow.

Four years later, when Karaulova was 15 years old, she won a prize in “Person of the Year” from the magazine for teenagers “Yes!” Her talent was noticed and invited to the music group “Yes,” which consisted of 3 teenage girls; the group’s popular hit was the track “Changed My Mind.”

In 2004, a casting was announced for the reality project “Star Factory 5,” which Yulianna Karaulova successfully passed thanks to her attractive appearance and parameters, her height is 168 cm and her weight is 48 kg. How old was she then? - only 16. Yulianna managed to reach the finals of the project, become part of the Netsuke group produced by Maxim Fadeev and record the songs “I Got Trapped” and “Joker”. But the team did not gain fame and soon disbanded.

A year after the completion of the project, Karaulova entered the Gnessin Academy at the pop-jazz department, while working part-time in the editorial office of Yes magazine. After graduating from university, Yulianna entered another specialty, “producing.”

In 2011, after “5sta Family”, Loya, the lead singer of the pop group, left, and was replaced by Karaulova. In the team, she became truly famous thanks to the hits: “Why?”, “Together We”. After 4 years, Julianna leaves the group and begins a solo career.

Personal life

First serious romance The singer's marriage happened at the age of 17; her chosen one's name was Pavel. He was categorically against the stage and persuaded Karaulova to move with him to London. But after living there for six months, Julianna could not forget the stage and homeland; the lovers’ wedding did not take place.

On the Star Factory-5 project, Karaulova had a close relationship with Masyukov. But the couple quickly broke up after the end of the reality. Information leaked to the media that the relationship was staged for the sake of ratings, and Ruslan was not of a traditional orientation at all.

While recording a track at FZ-5, singer and future presenter Yulianna met sound producer Andrey. The guys worked together for 7 years, and their friendship gradually degenerated into love.

Does the singer have a husband?

On December 23, 2016, Andrei Cherny publicly proposed to Yulianna to become his wife. This happened during the New Year's shooting at the VDNKh skating rink during the performance of the track “Out of Orbit”. Karaulova readily agreed, and the couple decided to have a Georgian wedding on April 22, 2017.

But shortly before the celebration, the lovers decided to postpone the wedding indefinitely. main reason This is due to the singer’s busy work schedule. After all, her producer has changed, and now Yana Rudkovskaya has started working on her work. The personal life of Yu. Karaulova is not put on public display; the singer occasionally posts on Instagram joint photos with Andrey. The couple does not have children yet.

Andrey Cherny – sound producer, born in 1983. In addition to working together with Yulianna, he collaborates with D. Bilan, P. Volya, artists from the team “ Black Star"and other celebrities.

Julianna's best clips

Between 2015 and 2018, the singer released 9 videos, the most popular of which were:

  • “Just like that” - director Leonid Kolosovsky;
  • “Extra-orbital” - P. Sidorov, M. Unzhakova;
  • “Fly with me” - Sergei Tkachenko;
  • “Sea” - Sergey Gray;
  • “You’re not like that” - director Ilya Durov.

Karaulova’s video “Broken Love,” directed by Leonid Kolosovsky, received almost 10 million views on YouTube.

New songs of the star

At the end of 2017, Karaulova released the single “I Don’t Believe”, then in the spring of 2018 - “Fly after me”, “Sky”. The premiere took place in September 2018 new song“Beacons”, and in November – “Adrenaline-Tequila”. All songs have simple, light lyrics about love.

Karaulova as a presenter

Besides musical activity, Yu. Karaulova is a successful presenter. The first such experience took place in 2013, when the management of Muz-TV invited her to become the host of music charts. A year later, the singer was invited by the Domashny channel to become the host of a fashion column in the program “Summer Fresh”. But her main achievement as a presenter was her participation on Channel One in the “Russian Ninja” project since November 2017.

The Russian singer achieved success not only in solo career, Yulianna Karaulova’s personal life is filled with meaning thanks to Andrei Cherny. The couple is preparing to legalize their relationship in the near future.

The singer received a marriage proposal. Yulianna Karaulova is preparing for the wedding with her chosen one Andrei Cherny. The artist was pleasantly surprised that her lover decided to take such a serious step in their relationship.

Yulianna Karaulova

Former Star Factory participant Yulianna Karaulova is preparing for serious changes in her life. Her lover Andrei Cherny proposed marriage to her in a romantic setting. Julianna was ice skating when suddenly her chosen one fell on one knee in front of her and handed her an engagement ring. Friends who were next to the girl at that moment did not hide their delight and congratulated the couple on such a serious step in their lives.

“Yulianna, I congratulate you, I wish you good family life, may you live happily ever after, and have many, many children,” “Congratulations! Happiness, mutual understanding and endless love!”, “So happy for your couple, I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time. Happiness, mutual understanding and love!”, “Hurray! Honestly, I can’t even believe it a little, but I congratulate you and want to wish you happiness, of course, love and many, many cool moments in life! I love!" - fans of the artist wrote.

Not long ago, Karaulova admitted that she secretly dreams of trying on wedding dress and go down the aisle with your loved one. However, she understands that a wedding is a big responsibility. The singer is happy that Andrey works in the same field as her. Black perfectly understands the specifics of his chosen one’s work, and therefore does not create scenes. However, the artist admitted to StarHit that sometimes he still expresses his dissatisfaction.

Yulianna Karaulova: “I left the group “5sta Family” with resentment”

“Of course, it’s natural for a man to be jealous. But he has adequate jealousy, he does not create scandals. But I don’t give reasons either! There are fans who globally violate their comfort zone and personal space, but so far it hasn’t come to the point of fights,” said Yulianna.

date of birth: 04/24/1988; Russian singer.

Loved the stage from a young age

Popular, stunning, unique and talented singer Yulianna Karaulova is known by millions of people around the world, her songs take first place in the Russian charts, and her videos receive tens of millions of views on You tube.

Many fans wonder where and when was Yulianna Karaulova born? She was born in Moscow on April 24, 1988 in a family of people who variety activities had nothing to do with it. Fans are interested in who are Yulianna Karaulova’s parents and what do they do?

Her mother, Elena Karaulova, is a doctor by profession, but she always dreamed of becoming a singer, apparently this impulse was reflected in her daughter’s character and choice of future vocation; her father, Yuri Karaulov, is a famous diplomat. It was because of the work of the head of the family that in 1992 they moved to Sofia, where Yuliana Karaulova goes to school at the embassy.

girl with youth demonstrates interest in the stage, performs in front of parents, and actively participates in school amateur performances. Only child in the family, Yulianna Karaulova basked in the rays of parental love and care, they always encouraged her hobbies, especially since it was clear that the girl had a talent for public speaking. In 1998, the young performer received a certificate for participating in music competition"Dobrich", held in Bulgaria. A year later, Yuliana Karaulova returns to Moscow, where she continues to study at school and develop performing arts, attending vocal courses.

Work in musical groups and solo work

The creative biography of Yulianna Karaulova dates back to 2004, when she took 2nd place in the “Face of the Year” photo competition from the glossy publication “Yes”; in the same year the magazine announced the creation of a group with same name. Yulianna Karaulova gets into the Yes group thanks to her vocal and artistic abilities. A team of three young and gifted girls releases several songs; they did not achieve high popularity, but gained useful experience. In 2004, together with other Yes participants, Yulianna Karaulova tried her hand at the qualifying competition for the 5th season of the Star Factory show, only she managed to pass. In one of her interviews, she said that she doubted her participation in the project and seriously believed that without connections there was nothing to do there. She manages to reach the final, but the victory is given to Victoria Daineko.

During her stay on the project, she experiences romantic relationship with another participant Ruslan Masyukov. Most likely, this novel was part of a spectacular PR campaign, because after the release of Factory 5, the couple Yulianna Karaulova and Ruslan Masyukov breaks up. At the Factory, Yulianna Karaulova had a true friendship with Natalya Podolskaya, in America, for some time, she stayed with her twin sister, whose name is Yuliana. Yulianna is also the godmother of Mikhail Veselov’s son.

According to her, despite the rivalry, a friendly atmosphere reigned in the 5th edition of the star factory; one could count on the support of the team. While working on the project, Maxim Fadeev notices her and Yuliana Karaulova becomes a member of the musical trio “Netske”, many remember popular song“I got caught in the net.” Despite all the efforts of the eminent producer, the group did not find its audience, the team breaks up.

After leaving the group, Yulianna Karaulova breaks her contract with Maxim Fadeev and flies to London, where she studies at a television school for 6 months. There were excellent prospects for obtaining a prestigious MBA education; she passed international exam highly rated. Decides that 2-3 years of study in another country will lead to the loss of achieved results in the performing field, acquaintances and connections will be lost. On top of everything, Yulianna Yuryevna Karaulova really missed Russia. No matter how great it was abroad, she was always drawn to her homeland, to her family, friends and her favorite business.

In 2006, Yulianna Karaulova entered the 1st year of the Academy. Gnessins with a specialization " Pop vocals", and after a few years she manages to get another higher education in the direction of "Music Industry Management". For some time she worked in the editorial office of Yes magazine. It is at work that a meeting takes place with the guys from the 5sta Family group; during the work interview, a friendly conversation develops, which is transferred to friendly relations. In 2011, after Loya left, 5sta Family needed a soloist, and Yulianna Karaulova became part of the team. The debut album was released in 2012. Every year brings new hits. The joint work continues until 2015 and during this time the guys manage to achieve considerable success in the musical field.

In mid-2015, singer Yulianna Karaulova launched her solo career. Many 5sta Family fans were very surprised by this decision. When asked why Yulianna Karaulova left the group, the performer replies that the reason for everything is a divergence of views on creativity and business. She left on good terms and warned her group partners in advance. She was present at the announcement new soloist Lera Kozlova, former Ranetka.

With the beginning of her solo work, the biography of Yulianna Karaulova makes new round, she manages to reach new heights of fame; she did not expect such quick results from herself. Her song “You’re Not Like That” occupies top positions in the charts on the most popular radio stations.


It is noteworthy that this song was recorded by another singer, Bianca, with whom they are close friends. Comparing solo creativity with work in a team, Yulianna Yuryevna Karaulova speaks of an increased level of independence and freedom, while all responsibility falls on one person. She is full of optimism and is confident that this is just a step towards new horizons of success.

The whole truth about personal life

The singer's bright appearance is the adoration of many men. She often receives invitations from professional and famous photographers on erotic shooting, but she rejects all invitations, citing the fact that she is simply not interested. Therefore, we are unlikely to see Yulianna Karaulova naked in Maxim magazine. Nevertheless, she is very photogenic, as noted by all the photographers who worked with her.

Beautiful sports uniform allow her to successfully perform on the show Ice age in 2016. The couple Yulianna Karaulova and Maxim Trankov captivated the audience; they managed to reach the finals, thanks to the singer’s excellent physical characteristics and preparation. They developed excellent friendly relations; together they visited Ivan Urgant on his TV show. The performer is very active public life, some time ago, while visiting “Europe+” she performed “Oh God Mom, I’m going crazy...” Yegor Creed and Yulianna Karaulova are close friends.

Many fans are interested in the singer's behind-the-scenes life. Her first love was musician Ruslan Masyukov, she was 15 and he was 21; such a relationship could not last long. At the age of 18, she met a young man named Pavel, whom she dated for 2 years. serious relationship went wrong because of her lover's jealousy, Julianna felt that he was limiting her.

Fate gives her a surprise in the face of Andrei Cherny, a record studio producer, whom she met when she was 17 years old. Love was preceded by long-term friendships, after 7 years they were covered by a wave of love. Their relationship has lasted for 3 years and they are absolutely happy. Yuliana Karaulova herself tries not to advertise her personal life and its details. To the question what should it be ideal husband Yuliana Karaulova answers simply - loving, caring, reliable, believes that in a relationship a man should be the leader.

The singer prefers to relax by listening to music; it helps her escape from all her worries and problems. Yuliana has also been excellent on ice since childhood. Her favorite sport is snowboarding. By the way, in order to win the heart of Yuliana Karaulova, Andrei Cherny took an emergency boarding course. Now this is one of my favorite types active recreation this couple.

Yuliana loves to drive a car, has a love for Japanese foreign cars, at the moment drives a Mercedes. She likes to travel, but always longs to go home.

Yulianna Karaulova is a creative and multifaceted person who will definitely achieve success.

Yulianna Yurievna Karaulova. Born on April 24, 1988 in Moscow. Russian pop singer, finalist of “Star Factory-5”.

Father is a diplomat.

From the age of 4 she lived in the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, where her father served in the diplomatic corps. There I went to school at the Russian Embassy in Bulgaria. As a child, she took up figure skating, where her father brought her. She also practiced dancing and horse riding.

At the age of 11, she returned to Moscow, where she graduated from school No. 1106.

In 2003, she took second place in the “Face of the Year” competition organized by the teen magazine “Yes!” After that she became one of the soloists music group"Yes."

In 2004, she became a participant in the Channel One television project “Star Factory 5” under the direction of , in which she reached the finals.

During the project, she performed a song in a duet with Ruslan Masyukov, “You Are Not There,” which was later transferred to Elena Terleeva. The solo composition “Rain” was also recorded. By the end of the project, Julianna became part of new group Maxim Fadeev “Netsuke”, in which she recorded the songs “I’ll throw the joker on the table” and “I got caught in the net” - the latter is most often listed as Julianna’s solo song.

After “Star Factory” I studied in London for about six months. For some time she worked as editor of Yes! magazine.

In 2011, after Loya left, Yulianna became the lead singer of the group "5sta Family". During the 4 years of their stay in it, the group recorded several hits and received a number of prestigious nominations and awards, including “Golden Gramophone 2013” ​​for the song “Together We Are”.

She graduated from the pop-jazz vocal department of the Gnessin Academy, and then, in 2014, she graduated from the production department Russian Academy music named after the Gnessins.

On September 20, 2015, Yulianna Karaulova announced her departure from the 5sta Family group and began a solo career.

Back in May 2015, while being a member of the “5sta Family,” Yulianna presented her debut video for the song “You’re Not Like That.” The author of the music and lyrics of the song was the famous R’n’B singer Bianca. The video was filmed in Rome. The debut was successful, the song became a hit.

In 2015, for the song “You’re Not Like That,” she won the Golden Gramophone awards. St. Petersburg" and "Golden Gramophone. Minsk".

In 2016, she won the RU TV award for the best start.

At the end of December, the singer’s second video for the song “Houston” was released, and two months later, at the beginning of March 2016, the third video for the song “Extraorbital” was released. For this composition she received the Golden Gramophone award in 2016. On June 12, the song “Sea” was released in a duet with ST (and on July 27, the video was released).

Yulianna Karaulova - Houston

Debut solo album"Feeling Yu" was released on September 30, 2016. His presentation and first solo concert Yulianna Karaulova took place on November 1 at the Moscow club RED. “I worked on my first album, “Feeling Yu,” for a little over a year. It was painstaking work, for which I am not ashamed. Some songs were written a long time ago, and I had to make them more relevant,” she said.

In 2016, she became a participant in the show “Ice Age” together with Maxim Trankov.

Yulianna Karaulova's height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Yulianna Karaulova:

Since 2012, she dated sound producer Andrei Cherny, whom she met at the Star Factory.

On December 23, 2016, Andrei proposed to Yulianna when the singer performed at the VDNKh ice skating rink with her song “Out-of-Orbit” during the filming of the New Year’s program “Blue Light.”

Filmography of Yulianna Karaulova:

2016 - Moana - Sina

Discography of Yulianna Karaulova:

2016 - Feeling Yu

Video clips of Yulianna Karaulova:

In “Yes!”:

2004 - Changed my mind

As part of "Netsuke":

2004 - I got caught in the net (recording of a concert performance)
2004 - I’ll throw the joker on the table (recording of a concert performance)

As part of the “5sta Family”:

2011 - “Knock Knock”
2012 - “Together we are”
2013 - “I’ll be with you”
2014 - “My Melody”


2015 - “You’re not like that”
2015 - “Houston”
2016 - “Extraorbital”
2016 - “Sea” (feat. ST)
2016 - “Broken Love”