Hitler's real name was Adolf von Schicklgruber. Fuhrer Adolf Hitler: a short biography of the man who created a real factory of hell

Both of Adolf Hitler's parents came from the rural Waldviertel region of Austria, near the Czech border. Hitler's father, Alois, was born on June 7, 1837 to unmarried 42-year-old Maria Anna Schicklgruber. Alois's father (Adolf Hitler's grandfather) is unknown. There were rumors that he was the son of a wealthy Jew, Frankenberger, for whom Maria Anna worked as a cook. When Alois was almost five years old, a certain Johann Georg Hidler married Maria Schicklgruber. The surname Hiedler (in ancient metrics also written as Hüttler) sounded unusual for an Austrian and resembled a Slavic one. Five years later, Maria, Adolf Hitler's grandmother, died. Stepfather Johann Georg abandoned his stepson, and Alois was raised by his stepfather’s brother, Johann Nepomuk Hidler, who had no sons. At the age of 13, Alois ran away from home and first got a job as a shoemaker's apprentice in Vienna, and after 5 years - in the border guard. He quickly moved up the ranks and soon became senior customs inspector in the town of Braunau.

Alois Hitler, father of Adolf Hitler

In the spring of 1876, Nepomuk, who wanted to have a son, even if not his own, adopted Alois, giving him his last name. It is unknown for what reason she was slightly changed during adoption - from Hiedler to Hitler. Six months later, Nepomuk died, and Alois inherited his farm worth 5,000 florins. A lover of love affairs, Adolf Hitler's father already had an illegitimate daughter. Alois first married a woman who was 14 years older than him, but she divorced him when he entered into love affair with cook Fanny Matzelsberger. In addition, Alois was attracted by the granddaughter of his adoptive father Nepomuk, sixteen-year-old Clara Pelzl, who was formally his cousin. In 1882, Fanny gave birth to a son from Alois, named after his father, and then a daughter, Angela. Alois was legally married to Fanny, but she died in 1884.

Even before this, Alois entered into a love affair with the calm, gentle Clara Pelzl. In January 1885, he married her, having received special permission from Rome to do so, since new wife formally she was a close relative of him. In the coming years, Clara gave birth to two boys and one girl, but they all died. On April 20, 1889, Clara’s fourth child, Adolf, was born.

Clara Pelzl-Hitler - mother of Adolf Hitler

Three years after this, Alois was promoted, and Adolf Hitler's parents moved from Austria to the German city of Passau, where the young Fuhrer forever adopted the Bavarian dialect. When Adolf was almost five years old, his parents had another child - son Edmund. In the spring of 1895, Hitler's family moved to Hafeld, a village fifty kilometers southwest of Linz. The Hitlers lived in a peasant house with a field of almost two hectares and were considered wealthy people. Soon his parents sent Hitler to primary school, whose teachers later remembered him as “a student with a lively mind, obedient, but playful.” Even at this age, Adolf showed oratorical abilities and soon became a leader among his peers. At the beginning of 1896, a daughter, Paula, was also born into the Hitler family.

The house in Braunau where Hitler's family lived and where he was born

Alois Hitler retired from customs, leaving behind the memory of a diligent employee, but a rather arrogant man who loved to be photographed in his official uniform. Due to his tendencies as a family tyrant, he entered into sharp conflict with his eldest son and namesake. At the age of 14, Alois Jr. followed his father’s example and ran away from home. Hitler's family moved again - to the town of Lambach, where they settled in a good apartment on the second floor of a spacious house. In 1898, young Adolf graduated from school with twelve “units” - the highest mark in German schools. In 1899, Hitler's father bought a cozy house in Leonding, a village on the outskirts of Linz.

Adolf Hitler in 1889-1890

After the escape of Alois Jr., his father began to train Adolf. He also thought about running away from his family. Already at the age of eleven, Adolfe aspired to leadership. In a photograph from that year, he sits among his classmates, towering over his comrades, with his chin raised and his arms folded across his chest. Adolf discovered a talent for drawing. The young Fuhrer was very fond of war games and Indians, and read books about the Franco-Prussian War.

Adolf Hitler with classmates (1900)

In 1900, Adolf Hitler's brother Edmund died of measles. Adolf dreamed of becoming an artist, but in 1900 his parents sent him to the Linz real school. Big city made a strong impression on the boy. He did not study particularly well, especially in natural science subjects. Among his classmates, Adolf Hitler became a leader. “Two extremes of character merged in him, a combination of which is extremely rare in people - he was a calm fanatic,” one of his fellow students later recalled.

On January 3, 1903, the head of the Hitler family, Alois, died in a beer hall from a stroke. His widow began to receive a good pension. Family tyranny is now a thing of the past. Adolf studied worse and worse and dreamed of becoming a great artist. His eldest stepsister Angela married a tax inspector from Linz, Leo Raubal. “He lacked self-discipline, he was wayward, arrogant and quick-tempered... He reacted very painfully to advice and comments, at the same time demanding from his classmates unquestioning submission to him as a leader,” one of his Linz students recalled about the then Adolf Hitler teachers. The Hitler boy was very fond of history, especially stories about the ancient Germans. Adolf finished his last, fifth grade at a real school in Steyr, forty kilometers from Linz. Final exams in mathematics and German language he passed only on the second try (1905). Now he could continue his studies at a higher real school or technical institute, but, having an aversion to technical sciences, he convinced his mother that this was unnecessary. At the same time, Adolf referred to a pulmonary disease that then appeared in him.

He continued to live in Linz, read a lot, painted, went to museums and Opera theatre. In the fall of 1905, Hitler became friends with August Kubizek, who was studying to become a musician. They became very close. Kubizek bowed to his comrade, who often spoke in his presence. Hitler told Kubizek about his sublimely romantic love for a certain Stefanie Jansten, a beauty of the “Nordic type”, to whom he never dared to confess his feelings. On this occasion, Hitler even planned to jump from the bridge into the Danube. He told Kubizek about his plans to rebuild the whole of Vienna (planning, among other things, to erect a 100-meter steel tower there). In the spring of 1906, Adolf spent a month in Vienna, and the trip there strengthened his intention to devote his life to painting and architecture.

Hitler's mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. In January 1907, she had one breast removed. In September 1907, Hitler, having received his share of the inheritance, about 700 crowns, with the consent of his mother, who constantly spoiled him, went to Vienna to enter the Academy of Arts. But he failed the exam. In October 1907, the Jewish doctor Bloch, who was treating Klara Hitler, informed Adolf that she was in very bad condition. Adolf returned home from Vienna and selflessly looked after his mother, sparing no money for her treatment. On December 21, Clara died, and her son mourned her dearly. “In all my practice,” Dr. Bloch later recalled, “I have never seen a more inconsolable person than Adolf Hitler.”

  • Adolf Gitler ( real name Schicklgruber was born on April 20, 1889 in Braunau (Austria-Hungary).
  • Hitler's father, Alois Schicklgruber, was a customs official. His marriage to Clara Pöltzel was his third and just as unhappy as the previous two. Alois took the surname Hitler (originally Gidler, it was his father’s surname) when he was already married for the third time.
  • Hitler's mother, peasant Klara Poeltzel, was younger than husband for 23 years. She gave birth to five children, of whom two survived: son Adolf and daughter Paula.
  • 1895 - Adolf enters the public school city ​​of Fischlham.
  • 1897 - the mother sends her son to the parish school of the Benedictine monastery in Lambach, hoping that the son will become a priest. But Hitler was expelled from the monastery school for smoking.
  • 1900 - 1904 - Hitler studies at a real school in Linz.
  • 1904 - 1905 - again a real school, this time in Steyr (the family often changed their place of residence, without, however, leaving Upper Austria). The future Fuhrer did not show much success in his studies, but in communicating with other children he showed all the skills of a leader. At the age of sixteen, Hitler, having quarreled with his father, quit school.
  • 1907 - After spending two years in unspecified activities (for example, visiting city reading rooms), Hitler decides to enter the Academy fine arts in Vienna. The first time I failed to pass the exams. A year later he was not allowed to take the exams at all.
  • 1908 - Hitler's mother dies.
  • 1908 - 1913 - Hitler does odd jobs, almost becomes a beggar. The only source of subsistence is postcards and advertisements which he drew. Then they are formed Political Views future Fuhrer. Due to poverty and his own powerlessness, he acquires hatred of Jews, communists, liberal democrats, “philistine” society... Here, in Vienna, Hitler becomes acquainted with the writings of Liebenfels, where the idea of ​​​​superiority was presented Aryan race over others.
  • 1913 - Hitler moves to Munich.
  • 1914 - Adolf is summoned to Austria for a medical examination to determine his fitness for duty. military service. After examination, Hitler was released from service due to poor health.
  • The same year, after the outbreak of World War I, Hitler himself turned to the authorities with a request to allow him to serve. The authorities cooperated, and Adolf was enrolled in the 16th Bavarian Infantry Regiment. After a short training, the regiment was sent to the front.
  • Hitler started the war as an orderly, but soon became a messenger. It was here that he was able to show his leadership skills and courage, often bordering on recklessness: he took part in just under fifty battles, carrying orders from headquarters to the front line. Twice the messenger Adolf Hitler was sent to the hospital. The first time he was wounded in the leg, the second time he was poisoned by gases.
  • December 1914 - the first military award. It was the Iron Cross, II degree.
  • August 1918 - for the capture of an enemy commander and several soldiers, Hitler receives a rare award for a low-ranking military man, the Iron Cross, First Class.
  • June 1919 - after the war, Hitler is sent to Munich for “political education” courses. Upon completion of the course, he becomes a spy, and works for the forces that fought against any communist manifestations in Germany.
  • September 1919 - first public speaking Hitler in the Munich beer hall "Schternekkerbrau". On the same day, he is offered to join the DAP, the German workers' party, later renamed the National Socialist Party.
  • Autumn 1919 - Hitler successfully speaks at several more party meetings, increasingly crowded, and is successful everywhere.
  • Beginning of 1920 - Hitler completely switches to party work, giving up making money by denunciations.
  • 1921 - Hitler becomes the head of the party and renames it NSDAP - National Socialist German Workers' Party. He expels the founders of the party and assigns dictatorial powers to himself, as the first chairman. It was then that Adolf Hitler began to be called the Fuhrer (leader). His party preaches anti-Semitism, racism, and rejection of liberal democracy.
  • November 8, 1923 - Hitler and Erich Ludendorff (general, veteran of the First World War) try to carry out a “national revolution” in Munich. It was supposed to be the beginning of a “march on Berlin” with the goal of overthrowing the “Jewish-Marxist traitors.” The attempt failed and both were arrested. The event went down in history as the “Beer Hall Putsch” (the decision to carry out a “national revolution” was made in one of the Munich beer halls).
  • Spring 1924 - for trying coup d'etat Hitler is sentenced to five years in prison. But he spends only 9 months behind bars. During this time, the Fuhrer dictated to Rudolf Hess the first volume of the programmatic book for Nazism, “Mein Kampf” (“My Struggle”).
  • August 1927 - The first congress of the National Socialist Party takes place in Nuremberg.
  • 1928 - 1932 - NSDAP rushes to power, winning more and more seats in each election period German parliament. In 1932, the Nazis achieved their goal of becoming the largest political party in Germany. At the same time, street clashes between “browns” (Nazis) and communists are becoming more frequent.
  • Around this period, Hitler met Eva Braun. Long years their connection is not advertised.
  • January 30, 1933 - President of the Weimar Republic Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler Reich Chancellor of Germany. On the same day, parliament was already discussing methods of combating the German communist party. Hitler publicly asked for four years to fight the communists. During the same year, the Fuhrer practically managed to defeat all anti-Nazi forces - he simply did not allow them to unite.
  • June 30, 1934 - “Night of the Long Knives,” or simply a bloody massacre on the streets of Berlin. A split emerged in the Nazi party; Hitler's former comrades demanded more radical social reforms. The Fuhrer accused the leader of the opposition, E. Rehm, of preparing an assassination attempt on himself; as a result, several hundred opposition supporters were slaughtered during the “Night of the Long Knives.” After this, the German army swore allegiance not to Germany, as usual, but to the Fuhrer personally.
  • The policy of the Nazis and Adolf Hitler personally was to establish a total dictatorship. Were created concentration camps, Gestapo (secret police), Ministry of Education (pro-Nazi, of course), Nazi public organizations(for example, “Hitlerjugend” - “Hitler Youth”). Jews were declared the worst enemies of all humanity.
  • 1935 - Hitler concludes a “fleet treaty” with England. Now Germany can build warships. In Germany, universal conscription was introduced.
  • 1939 - The Non-Aggression Pact was signed with the Soviet Union. A little over a week later, World War II begins. Hitler imposes his battle plan on the command, despite the protests of professional military men who claim that Germany cannot cope with its allies (England and France). Two years later, the Nazis violate the Non-Aggression Pact.
  • Winter 1941 - 1942 - Hitler is shocked by the defeat inflicted on the Nazi army by the “racially inferior” Slavic people near Moscow.
  • July 20, 1944 - an attempt was made on Adolf Hitler's life. The Fuhrer managed to turn this event as a reason for continuing the war and, therefore, for the total mobilization of all German resources. Mobilization allowed the Nazis to stay in the war for some time.
  • Spring 1945 - the Fuhrer understands that World War II is lost.
  • End of April 1945 - Mussolini and his mistress were shot in Italy. The news of this completely throws Hitler off balance.
  • April 29, 1945 - Hitler marries Eva Braun. M. Bormann and J. Goebbels are present at the wedding as witnesses.
  • Around the same time, the Fuhrer wrote a political testament in which he called on future leaders of Germany to fight “against the poisoners of all nations - international Jewry.” Also in his will, Hitler accuses Goering and Himmler of treason and appoints K. Dennitz as president and Goebbels as chancellor as his successors.
  • April 30, 1945 - Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun commit suicide by taking lethal doses of poison. Their bodies, at the request of the Fuhrer, were burned in the garden of the Reich Chancellery.

On July 1, 1751, the first volume of the world's first Encyclopedia was published. And although reference books and terminological dictionaries existed back in Ancient Egypt, it was the French “Encyclopedia, or explanatory dictionary of sciences, arts and crafts” that had the appearance of articles to which we are accustomed.

Until now, encyclopedias remain one of the main authorities to which both scientists and ordinary readers traditionally turn for a qualified definition, but not a single book is immune from inaccuracies. AiF.ru recalls the most famous blunders of authoritative publications.

"Grozny" Vasilievich

One of the funniest mistakes, which has already turned into a historical joke, happened to the famous encyclopedic dictionary, published in France by Larousse Publishing House. The 1903 edition published an article about Ivan IV, in which his famous nickname “Terrible” was interpreted somewhat differently. It said: “Ivan the Fourth, Tsar of All Rus', nicknamed Vasilyevich for his cruelty.”

Alternative astronomy

In 2008, the Great Astronomical Encyclopedia, published by one of the country's largest publishing houses, was at the center of a scandal. The book consisted of 25 thousand dictionary entries and serious errors were made in several of them. For example, the constellation Lynx, which on all star maps is located near north pole world, suddenly found itself in the southern hemisphere, Big and Ursa Minor turned their tails towards each other, and Neptune’s satellite Triton turned out to be a constellation, which did not even prevent it from having mass.

Hitler's "real" surname

In the third edition of "Big Soviet encyclopedia"to the horror of many historians, an error was made in the article about Adolf Hitler. In it, the authors indicated that the “real” surname of the Fuhrer was Schicklgruber, although in fact only his father Alois bore this surname in his youth, while Adolf himself was Hitler all his life.

Strait instead of a revolutionary

A funny story happened with the fifth volume of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, which published a laudatory article about Beria. After the Minister of Internal Affairs was arrested and shot, the editors of TSB sent out a special letter to all subscribers, which recommended using scissors or a razor blade to “remove pages 21, 22, 23 and 24 from the fifth volume of TSB, as well as the portrait pasted between 22 and 23 pages." In exchange for the article about Beria, readers were sent additional pages dedicated to the expanded article “Bering Strait”.

Non-existent frog

For a similar reason, in the same publication of TSB an article appeared about the non-existent in biological systematics “ green frog" The thing is that on the eve of the publication of the encyclopedia in the so-called “Doctors’ Case” he was arrested Academician Vladimir Zelenin and it was decided to replace his biography with an article about an ordinary pond frog, which was called “green”.

Lost bison

In 2005, an incident occurred related to the oldest and one of the most famous universal encyclopedias in the world, the Encyclopedia Britannica (Britannica). In the latest edition, an ordinary 12-year-old British schoolboy discovered five errors at once regarding information about Belarus, Poland and Ukraine. For example, the encyclopedia claimed that bison are found only in Poland, the city of Khotyn is not located on the territory of Ukraine, but in Moldova, and the Polish part Belovezhskaya Pushcha located in the counties of Bialystok, Suwalki and Lomza.

Too complex hieroglyph

In 2006, a 56-year-old resident of Shanghai found even more errors in the latest edition of the most popular explanatory dictionary Chinese language Xinhua Zidian. In the book, which is widely used both domestically and around the world, he found 4,000 typos and even went to court with a complaint against the publishers. By the way, errors are discovered from time to time in the best-selling Chinese dictionary, but most often the publishers manage to prove that these are not errors, but just a misunderstanding of the hieroglyphs by readers.

Date of birth: April 20, 1889
Date of death: April 30, 1945
Place of birth: Ranshofen village, Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary

Adolf Gitler- a significant figure in the history of the 20th century. Adolf Gitler created and led the National Socialist movement in Germany. Later the Reich Chancellor of Germany, the Fuhrer.


Adolf Hitler was born in Austria in the small, unremarkable town of Braunau am Inn, on April 20, 1889. Hitler's father, Alois, was an official. Mother, Clara, was a simple housewife. It is worth noting this interesting fact from the biography of the parents that they were related to each other (Clara is Alois’s cousin).
There is an opinion that Hitler's real name is Schicklgruber, but this opinion is erroneous, since his father changed it back in 1876.

In 1892, Hitler's family, due to their father's promotion, was forced to move from their native Braunau am Inn to Passau. However, they did not stay there for long and, already in 1895, hastened to move to the city of Linz. It was there that young Adolf first went to school. Six months later, Hitler’s father’s condition deteriorates sharply and Hitler’s family again has to move to the city of Gafeld, where they bought a house and finally settled.
IN school years Adolf showed himself to be a student with extraordinary abilities; teachers characterized him as a very diligent and diligent student. Hitler's parents had hopes that Adolf would become a priest, however, even then young Adolf had a negative attitude towards religion and, therefore, from 1900 to 1904 he studied at a real school in the city of Linz.

At the age of sixteen, Adolf left school and became interested in painting for almost 2 years. His mother did not quite like this fact and, having heeded her requests, Hitler, with grief and half, finishes the fourth grade.
1907 Adolf's mother undergoes surgery. Hitler, waiting for her to recover, decides to enter the Vienna Academy of Art. In his opinion, he had remarkable abilities and exorbitant talent for painting, however, his teachers dispelled his dreams, advising him to try to become an architect, since Adolf did not show himself in any way in the portrait genre.

1908 Clara Pölzl dies. Hitler, having buried her, again went to Vienna to make another attempt to enter the academy, but, alas, without passing the 1st round of exams, he set off on his wanderings. As it later turned out, his constant moves were due to his reluctance to serve in the army. He justified this by saying that he did not want to serve alongside the Jews. At the age of 24, Adolf moved to Munich.

It was in Munich that the First World War overtook him. Overjoyed this fact, he volunteered. During the war he was awarded the rank of corporal; won several awards. In one of the battles he received a shrapnel wound, due to which he spent a year in prison. hospital bed However, upon recovery, he again decides to return to the front. At the end of the war, he blamed politicians for the defeat and spoke very negatively about this.

In 1919 he returned to Munich, which at that time was gripped by revolutionary sentiments. The people were divided into 2 camps. Some were for the government, others for the communists. Hitler himself decided not to get involved in all this. At this time, Adolf discovered his oratorical talents. In September 1919, thanks to his enchanting speech at the congress of the German workers' party, receives an invitation from the head of the DAP Anton Drexler to join the movement. Adolf receives the position of responsible for party propaganda.
In 1920, Hitler announced 25 points for the development of the party, renamed it the NSDAP and became its head. It is then that his dreams of nationalism begin to come true.

During the first party congress in 1923, Hitler holds a parade, thereby showing his serious intentions and strength. At the same time, after an unsuccessful coup attempt, he went to jail. While serving his prison term, Hitler wrote the first volume of his memoirs, Mein Kampf. The NSDAP, created by him, disintegrates due to the absence of a head. After prison, Adolf revives the party and appoints Ernst Rehm as his assistant.

During these years, the Hitlerite movement began to take off. So, in 1926, an association of young nationalist adherents, the so-called “Hitler Youth,” was created. Further, in the period from 1930-1932, the NSDAP received an absolute majority in parliament, thereby contributing to an even greater increase in Hitler's popularity. In 1932, thanks to his position, he received the position of attaché to the German Minister of the Interior, which gave him the right to be elected to the post of Reich President. Having carried out an incredible, by those standards, campaigning, he still failed to win; I had to settle for second place.

In 1933, under pressure from the National Socialists, Hindenburg appointed Hitler to the post of Reich Chancellor. In February of this year, a fire occurs that was planned by the Nazis. Hitler, taking advantage of the situation, asks Hindenburg to grant emergency powers to the government, which consisted, for the most part, of members of the NSDAP.
And now Hitler’s machine begins its action. Adolf begins with the liquidation of trade unions. Gypsies and Jews are being arrested. Later, when Hindenburg died, in 1934, Hitler became the rightful leader of the country. In 1935, Jews, by order of the Fuhrer, were deprived civil rights. The National Socialists begin to increase their influence.

Despite racial discrimination and the harsh policies pursued by Hitler, the country was emerging from decline. There was almost no unemployment, industry was developing at an incredible pace, and the distribution of humanitarian aid to the population was organized. Special attention should be paid to the growth of Germany's military potential: an increase in the size of the army, production military equipment, which contradicted the Treaty of Versailles, concluded after Germany's defeat in the First World War, which prohibited the creation of an army and the development of the military industry. Gradually, Germany begins to regain territory. In 1939, Hitler begins to express claims to Poland, disputing its territories. In the same year, Germany signed a non-aggression pact with Soviet Union. On September 1, 1939, Hitler sends troops into Poland, then occupies Denmark, the Netherlands, France, Norway, Luxembourg, and Belgium.

In 1941, ignoring the non-aggression pact, Germany invaded the USSR on June 22. The rapid advance of Germany in 1941 gave way to defeats on all fronts in 1942. Hitler, who did not expect such a rebuff, was not prepared for such a development of events, since he intended to capture the USSR in a few months, according to the Barbarossa plan developed for him. In 1943, a massive offensive began Soviet army. In 1944, the pressure intensified, the Nazis had to retreat further and further. In 1945, the war finally moved to German territory. Despite the fact that the united troops were already approaching Berlin, Hitler sent disabled people and children to defend the city.

April 30, 1945, Hitler and his mistress Eva Braun poisoned themselves potassium cyanide in his bunker.
Attempts were made on Hitler's life several times. The first attempt took place in 1939, a bomb was planted under the podium; however, Adolf left the hall just minutes before the explosion. The second attempt was made by the conspirators on July 20, 1944, but it also failed; Hitler received significant injuries, but survived. All participants in the conspiracy, on his orders, were executed.

Main achievements of Adolf Hitler:

During his reign, despite the harshness of his policies and all kinds of racial oppression caused by Nazi beliefs, he was able to unite the German people, eliminated unemployment, stimulated industrial growth, brought the country out of the crisis, and brought Germany to a leading position in the world in terms of economic indicators. However, having started the war, famine reigned within the country, since almost all the food went to the army, food was issued on ration cards.

Chronology important events from the biography of Adolf Hitler:

April 20, 1889 – Adolf Hitler was born.
1895 – enrolled in the first grade of school in the town of Fischlham.
1897 – studies at a school at a monastery in the town of Lambaha. Later expelled from it for smoking.
1900-1904 – studying at school in Linz.
1904-1905 – studying at a school in the city of Steyr.
1907 - failed exams at the Vienna Academy of Art.
1908 - mother died.
1908-1913 – constant moving. Avoids the army.
1913 - moves to Munich.
1914 – Went to the front as volunteers. Receives the first award.
1919 - carries out agitation activities, becomes a member of the German Workers' Party.
1920 - completely devoted to the activities of the party.
1921 - becomes head of the German Workers' Party.
1923 – unsuccessful attempt coup d'etat, prison.
1927 - the first congress of the NSDAP.
1933 - Receives the powers of the Reich Chancellor.
1934 - “Night of the Long Knives,” massacre of Jews and Gypsies in Berlin.
1935 - Germany begins to build up its military power.
1939 - Hitler unleashes the Second world war, attacking Poland. Survives the first attempt on his life.
1941 – entry of troops into the USSR.
1943 – massive offensive Soviet troops and attacks by coalition troops in the West.
1944 - second attempt, as a result of which he is seriously injured.
April 29, 1945 – wedding with Eva Braun.
April 30, 1945 - Poisoned with potassium cyanide along with his wife in his Berlin bunker.

Interesting facts about Adolf Hitler:

Was a supporter healthy image life, did not eat meat.
He considered excessive ease in communication and behavior unacceptable, so he demanded that manners be observed.
He suffered from so-called verminophobia. He protected sick people from himself and fanatically loved cleanliness.
Hitler read one book every day
Adolf Hitler's speeches were so fast that 2 stenographers could hardly keep up with him.
He was meticulous in composing his speeches and sometimes spent several hours improving them until he brought them to perfection.
In 2012, one of Adolf Hitler’s creations, the painting “Night Sea,” was auctioned for 32 thousand euros.

The official census indicates that Adolf was born in Austria in April 1889. There is a version that his father Alois Schicklgruber was illegitimate and until the age of 14 he bore his mother’s surname. Later his mother married a certain I.G. Hidler (over time, this surname changed a little), and under this surname Alois had already begun his youthful life, i.e. Adolf himself was already born into a family of full-fledged Hitlers.

Stepfather belonged to a family of Jews Czech origin. Naturally, to family tree He had nothing to do with Adolf. In 1928, after a series of investigations, a theory emerged that Adolf's grandfather might have been Jewish. Most opponents of Hitler's political beliefs happily supported this version, trying to discredit his personality and raise the question of his membership in the SS. Gaps in the biography of the German Fuhrer contributed to the strengthening of this theory. However, having raised secret archives, historians have come to the conclusion that no Jewish roots There is no Hitler in the family. And today this version is recognized as official, completely refuting Jewish origin Fuhrer. After a detailed study of declassified documents, it was established that Hitler’s family tree included only Austrians for several generations.