Secrets of the ancient Egyptians. Mysteries of ancient Egypt that are still not solved. The mystery of the Caliph's entry into the Egyptian pyramid

The civilization of pyramids, sphinxes and mummies still poses a number of unresolved mysteries for researchers.

Where did the Egyptians come from?

The very first mystery is that the ancient Egyptian civilization appears as if suddenly and out of nowhere. If in Western Asia one can trace a long and continuous continuity of cultures, starting from the “Neolithic revolution” (the transition to agriculture and cattle breeding), then in the Nile Valley the first agricultural culture (Badarian) arose without any local roots only at the beginning of the 4th millennium BC . At this time, city-states had already formed in Mesopotamia. But after just a thousand years, Egypt turns into a single centralized state and becomes a leader in world development.
True, the first culture in which they collected wild cereals existed in the Nile Valley back in the 13th millennium BC, but then it disappeared. In the period between the 12th and 4th millennia there was no Sahara desert yet; the climate of the areas surrounding the Nile Valley was quite humid. It can be assumed that the ancient inhabitants of Egypt came to the Nile Valley as the climate dried out and the surrounding steppes turned into a desert. It can also be assumed that the oldest traces of Egypt's agricultural cultures are forever buried under a layer of silty sediment. But all this is just speculation for now.

How the pyramids were built

The next mystery comes from the pyramids themselves. The ancient Egyptian civilization immediately makes itself known with these majestic buildings. An amazing thing: the largest, most perfect and best preserved pyramids to this day are the most ancient. The smallest and most destroyed are the latest. Again, in a strange way, it turns out that the construction technology of the ancient Egyptians reached its peak at the very beginning of the era of the Old Kingdom, and later it only degraded until it began to rise already in the era of the New Kingdom, but in a different direction - the Egyptians no longer built pyramids .
“The pyramid was or is approximately 481 feet high,” noted the eminent Egyptologist B.A. Turaev - and each side of its square base was about 755 feet long. The average error is less than one ten-thousandth of a side as to the exact length, squareness and horizontality... Blocks of several tons are stacked together so that the spaces between them of considerable length are equal to one ten-thousandth of an inch and present edges and surfaces equal to the work of a modern optician, but on the scale of acres instead of feet or yards of material.”
How did the Egyptians manage to adjust multi-ton blocks to one another in such a way and install them to a considerable height, if of all the metals they knew only soft copper? What saws, what “construction cranes” did they use? But, according to legend, the Cheops pyramid was built in just two months!

When and why were they built?

The buildings of ancient Egypt also hide the secrets of their age and purpose. It is still unknown when the great pyramids were built. According to the chronology now accepted by Egyptologists, the reign of Cheops dates back to the 26th century BC. Radiocarbon dating of materials inside the pyramid (it is unknown whether they date back to the time of construction) dates them back to the 29th-27th centuries. BC.
Next to the pyramids are the Sphinx and the Granite Temple. It is believed that they all belong to the same complex of buildings. On the walls of the pit carved out of the rock for the sculpture of the Sphinx, traces of abundant watercourses were found, and a drain for rainwater was made in the Granite Temple. However, according to current ideas, the last regular rains fell here in the 5th millennium BC, more than a thousand years before the generally accepted date of construction of these structures.
Another interesting fact. Not a single ancient Egyptian inscription has been discovered that records the construction of the great pyramids. The first historical information about them was reported by Herodotus in the 5th century BC, that is, more than two thousand years later. Or maybe the pyramids were built much earlier, and only a later legend connected them with the names of famous pharaohs? After all, not a single burial was found in the pyramids!
In the ancient Egyptian history of Manetho, written in Hellenistic times, which has not come down to us, it was stated that the first pharaohs reigned more than 48 thousand years ago. Ancient historians uncritically accepted this figure. But for Christian historians, who believed in the creation of the world just a few thousand years ago, it turned out to be unacceptable. Isaac Newton, as a devout believer, made an attempt to mathematically debunk the pagan myth of the great antiquity of the Egyptian civilization and proved that it arose no earlier than 4000 years before the birth of Christ. From Newton comes the tradition of a “short chronology” of ancient Egyptian history, which in the 20th century experienced a tendency to further (by another thousand years) reduction. But what if the historically known civilization of ancient Egypt was preceded by an earlier one, and its monuments - such as the pyramids, for example - were then adapted by the Egyptians for their own purposes?

Who was the most odious pharaoh

There are also mysteries in the later history of Egypt. One of the most fascinating is the personality of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV and the religious reform he undertook.
Since ancient times, Egyptians have worshiped a variety of gods. But one of the gods seemed to rise above all the others. Most often this was due to which city of the Nile Valley was at the head of the next unification of the country. Then the god who was most revered in a given city became the main national god, and his priests became the most privileged spiritual class. By the beginning of the reign of Amenhotep IV (1379 or 1351 BC), such a god in Egypt was Amun.
In the second year of his reign, Amenhotep suddenly decided to make Aten, a minor deity of the solar disk, the most revered god, although sometimes identified with Ra and Horus, the main gods of the Old Kingdom. Amenhotep ordered the construction of a majestic temple to Aten in Thebes. In the sixth year of his reign, Amenhotep adopted a new royal name - Akhenaten ("Spirit of Aten") and ordered the construction of a new capital for himself (Akhetaten). Subsequently, the cult of Aten became not only universally obligatory, but also the only permitted one. Akhenaten led a decisive struggle against the worship of other gods, primarily Amon. The circumstances of Akhenaten's death are vague; according to one version, he was killed. Akhenaten’s second successor, Tutankhaten (“pleasing to Aten”), changed his name to Tutankhamun, restored the cult of Amun and eradicated the memory of religious reform.
For some reason, Akhenaten was always depicted with female proportions of the body and a strongly flattened head from the sides. Whether this was a real physical defect or just a stylization brought to the grotesque is unknown. Egyptologists are engaged in endless debate regarding the identification of his remains, as well as around the reform he undertook.

Ancient Egypt has captivated our imaginations ever since we shook the sand from the paws of the Great Sphinx. It has been an obsession of many archaeologists and historians for the past two centuries. This is a land whose mysteries have been spent many years unraveling.

However, even after this there is still much that we do not know. Some of the greatest relics of the ancient world still lie beneath the sands of Egypt, waiting to be found. But more often than not, such finds only create even more mysteries and raise even more questions.

Lost Labyrinth of Egypt

2,500 years ago in Egypt there was a huge labyrinth, which, according to one of those who saw it, “even surpassed the pyramids.”
It was a massive building, two stories high. There were 3,000 different rooms inside, all connected by a winding labyrinth of passages so complex that no one could find the exit without a guide. Below there was an underground level that served as a tomb for the kings, and the structure was crowned by a massive roof made of one giant stone.
Many ancient writers reported seeing the labyrinth in person, but now, 2,500 years later, we don’t even know where it was located. There is a massive rock plateau 300 meters wide, and it is believed that this was the foundation of the labyrinth. If this is so, then the upper floors were completely destroyed by time.
In 2008, a group of geolocation specialists examined the plateau and discovered that underneath it there was an underground labyrinth, as described by one of the ancient writers. However, at the moment no one has tried to dig it up yet. Until someone enters the labyrinth, we cannot say for sure whether Egypt's greatest archaeological wonder has actually been found.

Unknown Queen of Egypt

In 2015, archaeologists stumbled upon the tomb of a woman located among the great pyramids of the Old Kingdom. Inscriptions on the tomb indicate that the woman was "the king's wife" and "the king's mother." During her lifetime (4,500 years ago), this woman was one of the most important people on the planet. She had more power than any other woman in the country. However, no one knows who it is.
Historians have dubbed her "Khentakavess III", based on the assumption that she was the daughter of Queen Khentakavess II. It is possible that she was the wife of Pharaoh Neferefre and the mother of Pharaoh Menkauhor, but this is only speculation.
If her name was indeed Khentakavess III, then there is no other mention of her. Whoever she is and whatever power she has, she remains a big mystery to us.

Sphinx in Israel

In 2013, on the biblical hill of Tel Hazor, which is located in Israel, archaeologists discovered a find that no one expected to see so far from Egypt: a 4,000-year-old Egyptian sphinx. More precisely, these were fragments of the sphinx, in particular, the paws resting on the pedestal. It is believed that all other parts were deliberately destroyed thousands of years ago. However, before someone broke the Sphinx, it was 1 meter high and weighed about half a ton.
No one knows how the Egyptian statue ended up in Israel. The only clue is the inscription on the pedestal, on which you can make out the name of Pharaoh Mikerin, who ruled Egypt around 2500 BC.
The likelihood that Tel Hazor was conquered by the Egyptians is extremely low. During the reign of Mikerin, Tel Hazor was a trading center in Canaan, halfway between Egypt and Babylon. It was vital to the economies of the two major powers of the time.
Most likely, the statue was a gift. But in this case, it is unclear to whom and why King Mikerin sent it and who was so angry that he broke this statue. The only thing we know absolutely for sure is that for some unknown reason the sphinx statue ended up 1000 kilometers away from the Great Sphinx of Giza.

The mysterious death of Pharaoh Tutankhamun

At the time of his death, Tutankhamun was only 19 years old, and no one knows exactly what happened to him. His death is an absolute mystery, and not only because it occurred in the prime of his life. The main mystery is that the pharaoh had so many diseases that it is impossible to understand which of them was fatal.
Pharaoh Tutankhamun was in terrible health. He had malaria, a broken leg, and was born with so many genetic abnormalities that historians are convinced his parents must have been brother and sister. The genetic abnormalities were so critical that, according to many, his early death was predetermined.
In addition, his skull was fractured, and archaeologists have long believed that this was the cause of death. Today it is believed that the skull was damaged during the embalming process, but the possibility of murder cannot be ruled out.
Shortly before his death, the pharaoh broke his leg, so the theory arose that he died as a result of a fall from his chariot. But if this is so, then it is not clear how he even climbed onto the chariot. His body was so deformed that he could not even stand without assistance.
The cause of death could have been a combination of all these factors. The only thing we know for sure is that the last month of Tutankhamun’s life was not very successful for him.

Secret chamber of the Great Pyramid

The largest pyramid was built 4,500 years ago for Pharaoh Cheops. This massive structure, almost 150 meters high, is made of more than 2.3 million stone blocks. Until recently, it was believed that there were three chambers inside the pyramid.
If you think that this is too small for such a huge structure, then you are not alone. There was a team of scientists who, in November 2017, decided to check the pyramid again and make sure that no one had missed anything. Above the Great Gallery of the Pyramid they found signs that there may be another hidden chamber, about the size of the largest chamber yet found.
It seems strange that the Egyptians could deliberately build a hidden chamber and make it completely inaccessible. There are no corridors or galleries leading to it. To place anything inside such a chamber, it had to be done during the construction stage.
We haven't gotten to the camera itself yet. But whatever it was, apparently Pharaoh Cheopsne would have wanted it to see the light of day.

Mummy wrapped in foreign manuscripts

In 1848, a man bought an ancient Egyptian mummy from a shopkeeper in Alexandria. For years he displayed it, not realizing how strange this artifact was. After several layers of bandages were removed from the mummy several decades later, scientists discovered something very unusual. The mummy was wrapped in manuscript pages, and it was not written in the language of the Egyptians.
It took years of research to figure out what the language was, but today we know that it was the language of the Etruscans, an ancient civilization that once existed in what is now Italy. This language is poorly studied. The manuscript in which the mummy was wrapped represents the longest Etruscan text ever found.
However, many unanswered questions remain. First of all, we still don’t know what the text says. We can only understand a few words that appear to be dates and names of gods, and beyond that we can only guess at how this manuscript came to be wrapped around a dead body.
We don’t even know how an Etruscan book could have ended up in Egypt. Was the person buried an Etruscan? If so, what was he doing in Egypt? And what did he want to convey in his last address to the world?

Light of Dandara

On the wall of a temple in the Egyptian city of Dandara there is a massive bas-relief with a strange design. It depicts, according to the generally accepted interpretation, a snake in a large fiery cloud flying out of a lotus flower, on which stands the foot of a man with a weapon.
This picture looks unusual. It is very similar to a model of a Crookes tube, one of the lighting devices invented in the 19th century. It looks so much like a lantern that some people think this diagram could be instructions for making one.
This theory is rejected by most scientists, but its supporters have compelling arguments.
The room in which the bas-relief is located is the only room in the entire temple in which there are no places for lamps. Many traces indicate that the Egyptians lit lamps in all rooms of the building except this one. And if they didn't have something like a modern flashlight, how could they see anything in this room? And if the room was originally conceived as a dark place, then why was such a complex bas-relief applied to the wall?

Destroyed pyramid

The top of the Djedefre pyramid was supposed to tower above the tops of all other Egyptian pyramids. This is what Pharaoh Djedefre thought. He didn't have enough resources to build the tallest pyramid of all, but he found a small workaround: he built his pyramid on a hill.
However, despite the fact that all the other pyramids in Egypt have stood for thousands of years, it was the Djedefre pyramid that was the only one that was destroyed for unknown reasons. All that was left of it was the foundation.
No one knows what exactly happened, but there are theories. Some scientists believe that Djedefre died before most of the work was completed, which is why the pyramid remained unfinished. Others suggest that 2000 years ago the Romans took stone blocks from the pyramid for their own needs, thus razing the historical monument to the ground. But there is another opinion: the people of Egypt hated Djedefre so much that people could destroy the pyramid simply out of anger.

The Disappearance of Queen Nefertiti

Queen Nefertiti became a legend due to the fact that she was one of the few women who ruled Egypt. She was the wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten and the stepmother of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, but at the same time, it is believed that all government of the country was concentrated in her hands. However, although the tombs of other pharaohs still rise above the sands of Egypt, Nefertiti's tomb has remained undiscovered.
The search for her grave continued for years. Until 2018, archaeologists were almost certain that they had found her tomb in a secret chamber hidden in Tutankhamun's tomb. However, in May they carefully examined the wall and found that there was nothing there.
It is curious that there is no mention of her death in the Egyptian chronicles. After twelve years of the reign of her husband Akhenaten, all mention of the queen was stopped altogether. Some believe that this happened because she herself became a pharaoh and took a different name for herself, but there is no evidence for this.
There is a version that the answer to this riddle is more prosaic than it seems. According to Dr. Joyce Tidzely, the simplest explanation is that Nefertiti was never the pharaoh's wife. Dr. Tidzeli believes that in the 1920s, people began to exaggerate the importance of Nefertiti because the sculpture of her face became popular and people wanted to believe in any myths.
Dr. Tidzeli believes that we know nothing about the further fate of Nefertiti because she was not at all an important person.

Lost Land of Punt

There are many references in ancient Egyptian writings to a country called Punt. It was an ancient African country that was rich in gold, ivory, and exotic animals. All this excited the imagination of the Egyptians, so much so that they nicknamed Punt “Land of the Gods.”
There is no doubt that Punt really existed; there are many references to this in ancient scriptures. In one of the old Egyptian temples there is even a portrait of Queen Punta. But, despite all the power and influence of this kingdom, its location could not be determined.
The only traces that remain of Punt are the artifacts that have been preserved in Egypt. Desperate to find out the location of the kingdom, scientists examined the mummified remains of two baboons that the Egyptians brought from Punt and determined that the baboons were from the area of ​​modern Eritrea or Eastern Ethiopia.
This information provides at least some starting point in the search for Punt, but this area is too huge for archaeological excavations. And if we ever find the ruins of the kingdom of Punt, they will give rise to a new full-fledged series of mysteries.

The secret of the Egyptian pyramids

It is generally accepted that the construction of the Egyptian pyramids was carried out by tens of thousands of people who worked in quarries, moved giant stone blocks to the construction site, dragged them up the scaffolding, installed and fastened them. But is it?

Speaking at the Archaeometry Symposium, which brought together scientists from various disciplines, in Washington last May, polymer chemist Joseph Davidovich of Barry University painted a completely different picture, backing his arguments with scientific research. He carried out a chemical analysis of samples of stone used for the construction of three pyramids. Comparing them with rocks found in the nearby limestone quarries of Turakh and Mokhatama, from which, apparently, the material for these structures was taken, he discovered that the composition of the facing blocks of building stone contained substances that were not found in the quarries. But in this layer there are thirteen different substances, which, according to J. Davidovits, were “geopolymers” and played the role of a binding material. Therefore, the scientist believes that the ancient Egyptians built pyramids not from natural stone, but from artificially made materials by crushing limestone, making mortar from it and pouring it along with a special binder into wooden formwork. Within a few hours, the material hardened, forming blocks indistinguishable from natural stone. Such technology, naturally, took less time and did not require so many workers. This assumption is supported by microscopy of rock samples, showing that limestone from quarries is almost entirely formed by closely “packed” calcite crystals, which give it a uniform density. The facing stone found on site, as part of the pyramids, has a lower density and is replete with airy “bubble” voids. If this stone is of natural origin, then we can assume places where it could have been mined by the ancients. But such developments are unknown to Egyptologists.

The binding agent was obviously sodium carbonate, various phosphates (they could be obtained from bones or guano), quartz and silt from the Nile - all this was quite accessible to the Egyptians. In addition, the facing stone is covered with a millimeter-thick layer of substance, which consists almost entirely of these components.

Among other things, the new hypothesis allows us to answer a long-standing question: how were ancient builders able to fit stone blocks with such precision? The proposed construction technology, in which the sidewalls of previously “cast” blocks can serve as formwork for casting a new block between them, makes it possible to adjust them almost without creating space between them.

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ENERGY OF PYRAMIDS We will not prove the correctness of this point of view or criticize it. It is quite possible that Ancient Egypt is a single cemetery of the empire. But many experts believe that the pyramids were built for other purposes. With which ones? There are assumptions - with the purposes of communication

The influence of Egyptian theogony and cosmogony Even the ancients clearly understood the significant contribution that the Egyptians made to Greco-Roman mythology and theogony. According to numerous myths, the cult of Athena was brought to Hellas by Danai and the Danaids, who fled from Egypt. Special

Place of Egyptian religious rites There were two opposing opinions regarding the pyramid. While some believed that the pyramid was intended to serve as a place for secret rites associated with an ancient faith, others believed that the pyramid,

Egypt is a country with a unique past that still makes the greatest minds wonder about its secrets. The ancient Egyptians left behind a huge heritage, culture, brilliant architectural monuments and many mysteries.

1. How were the pyramids built?

It is known that the pyramids served as graves for, there are about seventy pyramids. As for the largest pyramids, historians still cannot understand how the ancient Egyptians could build an architectural structure of such a scale? How did they manage to lift huge stone wings weighing more than 2 tons? One of the most daring theories is the assumption that they were built with the help of alien civilizations. This may seem completely absurd to most, but to this day the mystery of how the pyramids were built remains unsolved.

2. Traps in Khafre's pyramid.

In 1984, an incident occurred that gave rise to another mystery among Egyptologists. A group of scientists went to the tomb and when they got out of it into the light, people saw that all the expedition members ran out of the pyramid, gasping for breath, coughing terribly, their bodies and eyes were red. At the same time, doctors did not find any damage in their body. Most people thought about the “curse of the pharaoh’s tomb”, as if anyone who entered the sacred hall would be killed by the curse. There is an assumption that there was a trap in the pyramid, made by the priests against the robbers, and upon entering it, the scientists launched it, that is, they released poisonous gas. However, it is impossible to say for sure about this yet.

3. The mystery of the tomb of Mikerin.

There is a legend that it has miraculous properties. Being inside the pyramid, a person can be cured of even the most deadly disease in just a few hours. But the pyramid can also kill; there have been cases when those who entered it, after several hours of staying there, began to feel ill, and some even lost their lives.

4. Horrors in the pyramid of Cheops.

Many researchers tried to understand the secrets of the largest of the pyramids, this ended with many of them feeling a deterioration in their health and leaving it. One of the scientists decided to try it on himself, saying he didn’t believe the rumors. It all ended quite badly when he was found in, he was unconscious. According to his words, he lost consciousness after experiencing indescribable horror. What did the scientist see? This secret has never been revealed.

5. The secret of Tutankhamun's tomb.

One of the most famous archaeological finds in the world is the unlooted tomb of a New Kingdom pharaoh. After opening the pyramid, all members of the expedition who were the first to enter the tomb died of an unknown disease. Doctors have not yet determined what afflicted the researchers; there are rumors about the “curse of Tutankhamun,” which says: “Anyone who dares to touch sacred objects will die from the curse.”

6. Did the mummy ruin the Titanic?

Lord Canterville was transporting on the famous Titanic the well-preserved mummy of an Egyptian priestess with a sign on which was a warning: “Whoever disturbs the mummy will die,” and the huge ship came across a single iceberg in the clear ocean. There is a version that the curse of the mummy is to blame.

7. What is the purpose of the pyramids?

Scientists still cannot say exactly why the hell they were built, there are the following versions:

  • the pyramids served as astronomical observatories;
  • were such standards of architecture;
  • served as barriers for sandstorms;
  • were a mooring for;
  • were a temple of Egyptian wisdom.

However, most of all they served as tombs for the greatest pharaohs, but it is impossible to say for sure about this, because there is no confirmation of this fact.

8. Riddle of the Sphinx.

It is still unknown why this very “non-standard” structure was erected. There is an assumption that the Sphinx should guard the peace of the pharaohs and protect the tombs from robbers. Again, this is just an assumption, but the truth of the statue with a woman’s head, the body of a lion, the wings of an eagle and the tail of a bull has not yet been figured out.

The history of ancient Egyptian civilization has captured the imagination of many people at different times. Philosophers made their own assumptions about the origin and meaning of the knowledge taught by the ancient Egyptians. The mysteries of ancient Egypt, which have remained a mystery for several millennia, continue to be at the center of archaeological research and human imagination.

The first mystery of the pyramids of ancient Egypt. What are the "air shafts" of the Great Pyramid of Giza?

There are a huge number of theories regarding the meaning and functions of the Egyptian pyramids, especially the Great Pyramid of Cheops at Giza. One of the most mysterious features of the complex are the four shafts emanating from the "King's Chamber" and the "Queen's Chamber".

Their true purpose is the subject of much debate. The last study was carried out using a robot in 2010. The equipment moved along the shaft for several meters, but there was a door in the way. On the walls of the mine we were able to see images of unknown origin. Some scientists even say that there are inscriptions in Russian in the mines. So what connects the air shafts of the Great Pyramid and what is their purpose?

The second mystery of Egyptian history. Did the ancient Egyptians use electricity?

Historians believe that the painting in the underground hall of the Temple of Hathor in Dendera depicts the construction of an electric light bulb. According to the descriptions, the circuit corresponds to the Crookes light bulb. For science, the theory of the origin of electricity in Egypt remains a mystery of ancient Egypt.

The third mystery of Egypt. Who was the pharaoh of the Exodus?

One of the most famous and controversial stories about ancient Egypt is the story of the exodus of the Jewish people. Some are confident in the plausibility of this event, others tend to consider it as a legend or fairy tale. Did the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt really happen?

Photograph of Tib, Karnak, 1851. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

The fourth mystery of Egypt. Discharge of the Red Sea

The story of the Israelites' Exodus from Egypt includes the parting of the Red Sea before Moses. The fairy tale turns into a miracle when you learn more about the properties of the Red Sea.

The fifth mystery of the history of Ancient Egypt. The Curse of Tutankhamun's Tomb

The discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb is connected with the main mystery of ancient Egypt - the curse of the tomb. One after another, first the expedition leader, Count Carnarvon, and then the archaeologists and their families died from an unknown disease. Only Carter, who worked at the excavations for more than 7 years, was not injured. The legend became the basis for the creation of several films and the writing of numerous books. Did the curse of Tutankhamun's tomb really exist?

The sixth mystery of ancient Egypt. Was Tutankhamun really killed?

Tutankhamun's mummy was x-rayed three times, but controversy over the cause of the young king's death never subsided. Whether the pharaoh died by chance or was killed remains the main mystery of ancient Egypt.