Invisible front: who comes up with the numbers in “Dancing. Invisible front: who comes up with numbers in “Dancing TNT dancing team Egor

    Yegor Druzhinin has a very strong team in the second season of the show Dancing on TNT. Egor Druzhinin hopes to win through his ward. Yegor Druzhinin and Miguel have some kind of confrontation with each other. In the first season of the show Dancing, Ilshat from Egor Druzhinin’s team won and Egor does not plan to lose in the second season of the show.

    Egor Druzhinin's team in Dance 2 has the following participants:

    Yegor Druzhinin clearly hopes that a member of his team will again become the winner of the Dancing show on TNT. But how far will he be able to retain the title of best mentor? The show Dancing is already in season 2 we'll see very soon (and what it can counter Miguel's team). Well, everything will depend on these guys, who got into the team of Egor Druzhinin:

    • Yura Rybak(one of the favorites, in my opinion) and Polina Bokova;
    • Ivan Mozhaikin and Yulia Nikolaeva;
    • Oleg Klevakin and Yulia Rogozinskaya;
    • Sofa (Sofia Kolbedyuk) and Dmitry Maslennikov;
    • Evgeny Gorenyatenko and Anastasia Cherednikova;
    • Maisa Claudia and Mitya Staev!
  • The qualifying stage of the second season of the show Dancing on TNT has passed. And each of the mentors chose twelve dancers to join their team. The choice was long and difficult. But Yegor Druzhinin gave preference to the following dancers, who will continue to participate in the show and compete for the title of best:

    Regarding the composition of Yegor Druzhinin’s team

    Yuri Rybak

    Polina Bokova

    Ivan Mozhaikin

    Yulia Rogozinskaya

    Sofia Kolbedyuk

    Dmitry Maslennikov

    Evgeny Goryanetenko

    Anastasia Cherednikova

    Maisa Claudia

    Mitya Staev

    Yulia Nikolaeva

    To be honest, I was very surprised. when Sofia Kolbedyuk went to Yegor. Not his type. It will be interesting to see what they can do. Regarding ambitions to reach the finals, I think Kolbedyuk, Bokova and Rybak have a chance.

    As a result of the casting, the following participants appeared in Yegor Druzhinin’s team:

    1. Anastasia Cherednikova.
    2. Dmitry Maslennikov
    3. Dmitry Staev
    4. Evgeniy Gorenyatenko
    5. Ivan Mozhaikin
    6. Maisa Claudia
    7. Oleg Klevakin
    8. Polina Bokova
    9. Sofia Kolbedyuk
    10. Yulia Nikolaeva
    11. Yulia Rogozinskaya
    12. Yuri Rybak
  • Both mentors recruited leaders into their team, whose level is much higher than the participants in the First Season of Dance on the TNT channel.

    • The following heroes of the project were more suitable for Druzhinin in terms of style and preparation:

    Black Queen Maisa and Yulia Rogozinskaya have already left the project.

    Remaining after 07.11.2015:

    Dima Staev and Maslennikov

    Zhenya Gorenyatenko

    Ivan Mozhaikin

    Yura Rybak

    Oleg Klevakin

    Fields Bokov

    Sonya Kolbedyuk

    Yulia Nikolaeva

    Anastasia Cherednikova

    Glory to the Internet and the age of high technology! The lineup for Yegor Druzhinin's team has already been announced. And this stellar dozen included the best, in Yegor’s opinion, dancers, including: Maisa Claudia (I’m surprised, I thought Miguel wouldn’t give her up!), Mitya Staev, Anastasia Cherednikova, Ivan Mozhaikin, Polina Bykova, Yuri Rybak, Yulia Rogozinskaya , Sofya Kolbedyuk, Oleg Klevakin, Yulia Nikolaeva, Evgeniy Gorenyatenko.

Every Saturday, viewers watch with bated breath the fate of the show's participants: some have already become favorites, others are scolded. But in addition to the contestants and mentors, there are also important heroes in the project - choreographers, on whose shoulders lies the preparation of each performance. Often they appear only in short videos filmed during dance rehearsals. But what do we know about them? Woman’s Day talked to the most prominent representatives.

Egor Druzhinin's team

Vladimir Gudym

About dancing

– I started dancing at the age of seven, when my parents sent me to a children’s folk dance school. choreographic ensemble"Rhythms of Childhood". I very quickly fell in love with dance and began to master the entire repertoire of the ensemble. I think it was my supervisor Vladimir Ilyich Miller who awakened my love for this art. He is still an example to me of a great teacher and person.

About Yegor Druzhinin

– I met Yegor Druzhinin in 2007. We met at the master classes of a foreign choreographer, which took place at the Vortex dance center. These were hip-hop classes, and I was very surprised when I saw Egor in them. Yes, he not only understands this direction, but he can also easily cope with choreography in this style. After class we talked a little, discussed the lesson and shook hands and went our separate ways. After some time, we met by chance on the old Arbat, and Yegor recognized me. After a short conversation, we exchanged contacts, and literally a few days later Yegor called and invited me to star in the video of the group “Brilliant” “Agent 007”. This is where our acquaintance began.

about the project

– Before the start of the first season, Egor called me and said that he was launching dance project on the TNT channel. He briefly explained the project scheme and offered to be a choreographer on his team. He gave me time to think, but I immediately agreed. When Yegor Druzhinin invites you to work next to him and gain experience, this chance should not be missed. The process of the first season captured me so much that I was interested in absolutely everything. I wanted to not only stage the numbers, but also be part of the team that goes together all season and creates this wonderful show. Thanks to Egor for giving me this opportunity.

Project choreographers Alexander Mogilev, Garik Rudnik and Vova Gudym with team mentor Egor Druzhinin

About the perfect holiday

– There are several ways that help me rest and recuperate. The best of them is, of course, to go with your family to warmer climes. If you don’t have much time, then resting on your bed and playing PlayStation can help. I don’t know how much the console restores my strength, but switch from real world I can go to the virtual instantly. Main principle, which I try to be guided by: if you want to regain your strength, try not to dance for several days and go to bed on time.

About inspiration

– I am mostly inspired by music. I love good, high-quality sound and I can’t help myself when I hear a wonderful track. If it evokes certain associations in me, I begin to build a number from it. This is probably not entirely true, because it is better when a thought is born first and then selected musical arrangement. But street dance primarily lives inside me, and in it music and rhythm come first. I also get inspiration from people. From real individuals who, with their deeds, characters, and actions, encourage you to act. There are always many sources of inspiration, they can be both simple everyday situations and complex ones. psychological problems living inside one person.

With his wife Anna

About the spouse

– Anya is also a choreographer. She became one already in the process of our life together. We met in 2008 in dance studio Model 357. She studied with my good friend Anton Zhukov, but in one of the classes I had to replace him. After this lesson, Anya and I paid attention to each other, but our relationship began much later than this meeting. In general, this is a very interesting, funny and beautiful story, which cannot be described in a few words. Let's leave this for later (smiles).

– Let those whose souls are on fire dance. And the rest are silently envious.

Larisa Polunina

By elimination

– Since childhood, my grandmother taught me, my sister and brother to different types art and sports. Thus, after going through many things, I ended up in dancing. From eight years to full program I got into dancing, and my parents didn’t even think that I might end up in another profession. Now my whole family is glad that I am doing what I love. (Smiles).

About Yegor Druzhinin

– I met Yegor, it seems, in 2004... a very long time ago! When I found myself among the dancers on whom Egor was choreographing, I was not only happy, but could not believe what was happening!

about the project

– One fine day, Egor called me and offered to be his assistant on the “Dancing” project on TNT. But soon he said that it was time for me to do the numbers myself... and under his supervision I began to do the numbers myself.

ABOUT previous works

– I was Slava Kulaev’s assistant in the projects “Ice and Fire” and “Bolero”. I worked with Ilya Averbukh on several other projects, but I don’t know how to skate. And I'm afraid. (Smiles). She also worked with many of our pop artists. To be honest, I don’t really like to list them. I’m just glad to work with everyone I’ve worked and work with.

Family is a fortress

– I draw both strength and inspiration from communication with loved ones and family. My family and loved one restore me instantly! This is my fortress. Well, the inspiration for the numbers is my friends. I can't live without them. I'm lucky to work with my dear friends!

Miguel's team

Alexey Karpenko

About parents

– Parents graduated from the Moscow State Institute of Culture (Oryol branch). IN given time teach at the Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture - folk dance, modern trends, the art of a choreographer, composition and dance production, in general, is what is taught in professional universities. Father Viktor Nikolaevich is a candidate of pedagogical sciences.

Before college, I (from the age of four) was involved in an amateur group of my parents in Belgorod region. To be honest, my mother chose the school. I was 13 years old then. It’s time for parties and girls, but my mother said: “This is not going anywhere, but you need to get a profession!” After the first trip, I realized - this is mine! And Voronezh was famous for its public school and the location was suitable.

About friendship with Miguel

– For some time I worked in the circus ballet on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. But the season ended, the dance troupe went on tour to America, but they didn’t give me a visa, and I stayed, which I never regretted. Otherwise, I would not have gotten into the musical Notre Dame de Paris. For me it was big victory. I really liked the musical itself. I watched it on videotape and couldn’t even imagine myself in it, and suddenly I was casting! As a matter of fact, that’s where we met Miguel and have been friends since then, almost 15 years! I was invited to Metro when I was already working at Notre Dame. And for “Romeo and Juliet” everyone was casting again, but then there was no excitement. Then he continued to dance and do performances, and Miguel began to try himself in other directions: vocals, directing, producing. When he was offered to be a mentor in the “Dancing” project, he invited me to join the team.

About my beloved, choreographer Natalya Terekhova

- We have love affair at work! Natalia pretends that she is not jealous of my other dance partners! But this is just an image!

About my son

– Nikita will soon be 12. I’m not dragging him into anything specific, I think that we need to try everything and more! Nikita leads active image life. IN Lately very interested in everything related to computer technology and programming. He's doing pretty well! My son has a creative mind, so as he grows up, we’ll work in tandem.

They say “real men don’t dance”...

I like the saying “He who dances well is good at love” more than “Real men don’t dance.” Of course not! Why do I need competitors?

Natalia Tkachuk

I want to dance! And that's it!

I started dancing at the age of five, after my mother took me to the theater for a concert of a touring ballet. I still remember those sensations, emotions and the insane delight that I experienced then. For me it was magic - from that moment I wanted to be on stage. To my mother’s warnings: “It’s very difficult,” she answered: “I don’t care, I want to!” In those days, people from the age of four were not allowed to go to dances; they had to wait. whole year. But I never forgot about my desire for a single day. As soon as I turned five, I was taken to the selection dance group. I successfully completed all three rounds – I remember this day like it is today! And away we go: barre, ballet shoes, endless rehearsals, concerts, tours!

About Miguel

I met Miguel 6-7 years ago, he was casting dancers for the film “Napoleon vs. Rzhevsky.” To be honest, I came across it absolutely by accident, I didn’t even have a uniform with me, in the corridor I borrowed pants from a friend and sneakers from a friend (smiles). More than 100 people selected us, it was very interesting job, a completely different experience. I was delighted with non-standard approach Miguel to the production process, it seemed to me that he felt the music in 4D format. All choreographic solutions had their own style - Miguel’s elusive, but very characteristic style was always present. This is the choreography that you want to dance again and again, again and again... He subtly feels the people, the atmosphere, every sound in the music - and creates. Six months later from general composition Miguel selected 15 people whom he began to invite to work in his subsequent projects. It was unexpected for me, but very pleasant that I was there too.

about the project

– Miguel invited me to the “Dancing” project. To be honest, at that time I didn’t really understand what awaited us, I thought it was just another work project. But how wrong I was then... (Smiles).

About difficulties

– For me, the most difficult thing about the project is the realization that our audience still does not want to evaluate the choreography, but is being fooled by various enticements: explosions, special effects, fake tragedies... I am very sorry that professional dancers often end up in the nomination. Of course, television has its own laws, but our show is about dancing, and one of the main tasks is to educate good taste from TV viewers. I think this process has already started, and we are doing everything possible for this. This year our team has a different concept. Many people have probably noticed a large number of rooms without any decorations or special effects at all. There are no superficial plots artificially created in order to elicit pity. Only symbolism, only choreography, only what is deep inside. We want to reveal and show the guys from a choreographic point of view, so that nothing distracts the viewer from the main thing. I know that only true connoisseurs will be able to understand and appreciate it right away, some more viewers will join later, and some will never understand it at all. But distinctive feature Our team has always strived for quality rather than quantity. We adhere to this principle in relation to television viewers. Thanks to everyone who is on our wavelength!

About vacation

– A lot of energy is spent. But no matter how tired we are, the main thing is not to show it to our guys. We must charge and inspire them. The secret is only in mutual support between our mentor, choreographers and guys. We are one family here. We communicate a lot and it keeps us on our toes, after which the second and third winds open. And of course, an extra hour of sleep is always a gift.

About inspiration

– Inspiration comes from simple things in life. Oddly enough, everything that surrounds us can become the idea of ​​an issue. Sometimes it's just an abstract thing, sometimes interesting character in a crowd of people, other works of art: paintings, books, films. And if it’s something real, the act becomes a little life on stage.

About the first season

– We now communicate a little less with the guys from the first season. They are now in great tour, and we have a lot of work to do in the new season. But I will never forget them, I will not interrupt communication. And it irritates me terribly to compare the guys from the first and second seasons - who is better? Who's worse? They are different, and that's the beauty of it.

About new members

– For me, the five leaders in our team have been formed a long time ago, and they are very professional, stylish and full of character. These people clearly know why they came. There is only one principle: “I see the goal - I see no obstacles.” I'm proud that they are with us. But I won’t reveal my secrets. The decision is still up to the viewers. But I very sincerely wish them victory!

After the first season, the success of the show “Dancing” was deafening. A huge number of people watched the participants and admired professional dancing and learned new directions of this art. In addition, the popularity of the project led to the opening of schools and dance courses throughout the country. Therefore, the release of the second season was a foregone conclusion.

Miguel's team

Egor Druzhinin's team

The structure of the project remains the same - at the first stage there are castings in various cities. Moreover, to the 6 cities of the first season, a seventh was added - Vladivostok. At the second stage, the children will be assigned to mentors. Each of them has their own style, pays attention to different points, but at the same time both are professionals worthy of respect. As in the first season, these are Yegor Druzhinin and Miguel. At the end, the winner will again receive a reward of 3 million rubles and crowds of fans.

Again Miguel’s team takes on a “not an ordinary” participant. If last time it was Druzhinin’s sister, now it is the daughter of the lead singer of the group “Disco Accident” Tatyana Ryzhova. Time will tell what a girl who dances in the experimental style can produce. The most extravagant member of the team is Anastasia Vyadro. Her style is strip plastic. The frankness and sexuality of such dances is disconcerting and gives the girl a chance to win.

Don't miss interesting things:

By the way, Miguel again has a lot of hip-hop dancers. This did not help him last season, but this coach is not one to deviate from his principles.

Yegor Druzhinin also could not refuse unusual dancers. The most extraordinary person on his team is Mitya Staev, a pole dancer who creates his own style of “Pole Tango”. The only dancer in the dancehall style, Sofa Kolbedyuk, looks incredibly beautiful on stage. Her style is energetic, flexible and at the same time provocative due to active movement hips.

What will lead the dancer to victory this time - classical movements or newest directions? It turned out that it was the second! Miguel's team managed to take revenge, the winner was Muscovite Maxim Nesterovich, who performed in crump and experimental styles.

At the end of the episode, Maxim proposed to the show’s choreographer, Katya Reshetnikova.

ADAM's real name is Dmitry Trokhin. Born in the city of Ryazan. When Dima was 2.5 years old, the family moved to Kamchatka. The future participant in the show lived there until he was 23 years old. And it was there that I became acquainted with dancing. His first direction was ballroom dancing, but he quickly lost interest in it. He became interested in more modern styles.

At school, Adam and his friends formed a dance team. Together the guys have repeatedly participated in various competitions and competitions. And they even took first place in the “Startteen” project.

In his first year at the institute, Adam already began to earn his first money through dancing. His efficiency was simply amazing! He taught choreography to five classes at the same time! schools and at the same time studied to become a financial manager.

Moved to Moscow in 2006. Works in the field of producing, production and post-production, as well as teaching and master classes. Took part in the most different projects related to dancing. Including worked with such world celebrities as: In-grid, Timo Maas, Groove Armada, Yolanda Be Cool, William Orbit, Nick Warren, Infected Mushroom, Lisa Loud, Seb Fontaine and others.

Alena Frolochkina. Participant of the 1st season of “Dancing”. Team of Yegor Druzhinin.

Alena Frolochkina was born on July 27, 1989 in Tyumen. Graduated from the Tyumen State Academy of Culture and social technologies(TGAKIST). Specialty - choreographer.

Started dancing in early childhood. Already at the age of 4 years she became a participant state ensemble folk dance"Dawns of Tyumen". She danced there until she was 20 years old.

Since 2007, she has worked as a director and choreographer at the Moire Dance Theater, which she created.

From 2008 to 2013 director of performances and show programs: “In the power of instincts” (2008), “Sisters” (2009), “Time” (2010), “ With my eyes closed"(2011), "You and I" (2012), "Winged Soul" ((2013) was named "Discovery of the Year" at the international theater festival"Inter-ramp 2013" Lithuania, Rokiskis).

Alena Gumennaya was born on August 18, 1989 in the capital of Bashkiria, Ufa. Since childhood, Alena was a very active child and constantly gave her parents many hours of dance concerts. Having looked at this, they were forced to give it to dance school Telemark. There, little Alena took up sports and ballroom dancing seriously.

On the “Dancing” project she joined Yegor Druzhinin’s team. During her participation in the show, she danced with Adam, Anna Tikhaya, Irina Krasnaya, Ilshat Shabaev and Sasha Tronov.

Alena Gumennaya is a very versatile dancer and can perform any style of dance. However, her favorite direction is dancehall. This is where she is strongest.

Now Alena Gumennaya works as a choreographer and deputy director of a dance studio, and also organizes master classes and tours around the country.

Dima Oleinikov was born on February 22, 1991 in the city of Leningrad. He started dancing completely by accident: when little Dima was 10 years old, his classmates actually forced him into a dance club. Since then, Dima’s whole life has been connected with choreography. After school he entered the University. P. F. Lesgaft. Dmitry also makes a living by dancing, or rather, teaching choreography. Dima says that for him the project is, first of all, an opportunity to win Grand Prize. And also, a chance to express yourself as a dancer and be noticed.

After the project, Dima returned to hometown where he teaches Latin American dances at the Baila Conmigo studio. Also, he can often be found in clubs and restaurants, where a variety of salsa parties, master classes and performances are held.

Alexander was born on April 5, 1986 in the city of Novocheboksarsk. Represents St. Petersburg on the project. Performs in fusion style.

Started dancing at the age of 9. Sasha was brought to dance school by her mother. After graduation high school Alexander Volkov entered the Pedagogical Institute. By education he is a mathematics teacher. Realizing that he didn’t like any style of dance, he created his own direction - Fusion, and opened his own dance school “Te-Kari” in St. Petersburg, where he teaches together with his wife Natalya.

Before participating in the “Dancing” show on TNT, he tried himself in the Ukrainian project “Everybody Dance!”, where he entered the top four dancers.

In 2014, he came to the casting of “Dancing”. He appeared before the jury in the form of a cyborg. The judges found his image very strange and unanimously told him no. However, Alexander returned to the stage and asked to play him music for ballroom dancing. He performed the number perfectly and managed to convince Yegor, Miguel and Pasha Volya, who let him pass further. So the project received the most extraordinary and scandalous participant throughout its history.

She impressed the audience and the jury from her very first performance at the casting, dancing a step dance with Yegor Druzhinin. This episode predetermined her future. Juliana ended up on Yegor’s team.