One of the best parables of King Solomon. Proverbs of King Solomon

When King Solomon descended from the mountain, after meeting the sunrise, those gathered at the foot said: “You are a source of inspiration for us.” Your words transform hearts. And your wisdom enlightens the mind. We long to listen to you. Tell us: who are we?
 He smiled and said: “You are the light of the world.” You are the stars. You are the temple of truth. The Universe is in each of you. Place your mind in your heart, ask your heart, listen through your love. Blessed those who know the language


- What is a sense of life? Life is a journey, a goal and a reward. Life is a dance of Love. Your purpose is to blossom. TO BE is great gift

to the world. Your life is the history of the Universe. And therefore life is more beautiful than all theories. Treat life as a holiday, because life is valuable in itself. Life consists of the present. And the meaning of the present is to be in the present.

- Why do misfortunes haunt us?

What you sow is what you reap. Unhappiness is your choice. Poverty is a human creation. And bitterness is the fruit of ignorance. By blaming, you lose strength, and by lusting, you dissipate happiness. Wake up, for a beggar is one who is not aware of himself. And those who have not found the Kingdom of God within are homeless. The one who wastes time becomes poor. Don't turn life into vegetation. Don't let the crowd destroy your soul. Let wealth not be your curse.

- How to overcome adversity? Don't judge yourself. For you are divine. Don't compare or separate. Give thanks for everything. Rejoice, for joy works wonders. Love yourself, for those who love themselves love everyone. Bless dangers, for the brave find bliss. Pray in joy - and misfortune will bypass you. Pray, but don't bargain with God. And know, praise - best prayer

, and happiness is the best food for the soul.

Happy are the LOVERS, happy are the ones who thank. Happy are the peaceful. Happy are those who find heaven within themselves. Happy are those who give with joy and happy are those who receive gifts with joy. Happy are the seekers. Happy are the awakened ones. Happy are those who listen to the voice of God. Happy are those who fulfill their destiny. Happy are those who know Unity. Happy are those who have tasted the taste of God-contemplation. Happy are those who are in harmony. Happy are those who have seen the beauty of the world. Happy are those who open themselves to the Sun. Happy flowing like rivers. Happy are those who are ready to accept happiness. Happy are the wise. Happy are those who realize themselves. Happy are those who love themselves. Happy are those who praise life. Happy are the creators. Happy are the free. Happy are those who forgive.

- What is the secret of abundance?

Your life is the greatest treasure in God's treasury. And God is the jewel of the human heart. The wealth within you is inexhaustible, and the abundance around you is limitless. The world is rich enough for everyone to become rich. Therefore, the more you give, the more you receive. Happiness is at your doorstep. Open yourself to abundance. And turn everything into the gold of life. Blessed are those who find treasures within themselves.

- How to live in the light?

Drink from every moment of life, for unlived life gives rise to sorrow. And know that what is inside is also outside. The darkness of the world comes from darkness in the heart. Happiness is the sunrise. Contemplation of God is dissolution in the light. Enlightenment is the radiance of a thousand suns. Blessed are those who thirst for light.

- How to find harmony?

Live simply. Don't harm anyone. Don't be jealous. Let doubts purify, not bring powerlessness. Dedicate your life to beauty. Create for the sake of creativity, not for recognition. Treat your neighbors as revelations. Transform the past by forgetting it. Bring something new into the world. Fill your body with love. Become the energy of love, for love spiritualizes everything. Where there is love, there is God.

- How to achieve perfection in life?

Live in harmony! Be yourself!

God's regulations concerning everyday life are set forth in the Law of Moses in the form of commandments. The interpretation of these commandments as applied to specific cases among the people of Israel was the lot of the sages and is reflected in P.S.


1) euro The title of the book is Mishley (plural from mashal), which means “parables”, “comparisons”, “similation”, “metaphorical speech”, i.e. visual image life rules through comparisons and examples from everyday reality. This name in itself indicates that the parables contain many sayings, each of which expresses a certain thought and, being independent in meaning, does not need comparison and connection with previous or subsequent maxims. However, in the Book of Proverbs there are also separate fragments that set out the ideological foundations of the Bible. teachings and consisting of interconnected verses (eg, chapters 8 and 9:1-6); cr. Moreover, the same thought can be expressed in several verses (3:5,6, etc.). The question of the source of Proverbs refers to the origin of both individual sayings and the entire book, their entire collection;

2) acc. title, P.S. go back to King Solomon or, at a minimum, are attributed to one who gained special fame for his wisdom (1 Kings 4:29-31; 2 Chronicles 1:7-12). acc. 1 Kings 4:32, Solomon composed 1005 songs and 3000 parables, so the Bible only tells us a part of them. All the more likely it can be assumed that only those parables are included whose authorship was not in doubt;

3) the time when the parables were collected and the book compiled is unknown. Like the Book of Ecclesiastes (cf. Eccl. 12:8-10), it does not appear to have been entirely composed by Solomon himself. The first 24 chapters already existed by the time of Hezekiah, who ordered that the second collection of Solomon's proverbs be added to them (Proverbs 25:1). The appendix to the book may contain the speeches of two ancient Middle Easterners. kings see Agur (Proverbs 30) and see Lemuel (Proverbs 31); however, according to Jude. traditions, the names “Agur” and “Lemuel” were the nicknames of King Solomon himself;

4) individual sayings are not subject to a single form and in each individual case their size, shape and rhythm depend on the thought expressed. In a long passage (Proverbs 10:1 - 22:16) we find the advantage. antithetical sayings, consisting of two parts, but, in addition to them, there are also comparisons (Proverbs 10:26). Kr. In addition, the reader is offered comparisons (Proverbs 6:27-29) and riddles (Proverbs 30:4). Relatively lengthy statements are found in Proverbs 30:10-33. Thus, this book presents all types of wisdom poetry;

5) belonging to P.S. to the canon in ancient times was never questioned. In the NT she is quoted as St. Scripture (Rom 12:20; 1 Pet 4:18; 2 Pet 2:22).



Sections of the book by P.S. follow in random order - it is difficult to establish any internal between them. relationship (although such attempts have been made by both Jewish and Christian researchers). It is also impossible, based on the content, to clearly divide P.S. into sections. Only the designation remains fixed. The text is divided according to external features. Thus, we can highlight the first meeting of P.S. (Proverbs 1-24), the second collection of P.S., compiled under Hezekiah (Proverbs 25-29), as well as the parables of Agur and Lemuel (Proverbs 30-31). Three headings divide the first collection into three further sections: Proverbs 1:1 - 9:18; 10:1 - 22:16; 22:17 - 24:34. But such a division is not determined by the content of the parables. Thus, the same subject is spoken of in different places, for example. about the temptation to be captivated by someone else's wife (Prov 2:16ff; 5:1-23; 6:24 - 7:27; 9:13-18). The parables collected by Hezekiah repeat almost verbatim the thoughts expressed in the first collection (Proverbs 25:24=21:9; 26:22=18:8; 27:11=23:15; 27:13=20:16). This shows that in those days the compilers did not attach much importance to the order of individual sayings; at the same time, this does not exclude the possibility that all sayings belong to Solomon, who probably expressed the same thoughts in different shapes

2) or expressed repeatedly in different contexts. Kr. Moreover, we can talk about different meetings, which were subsequently united;

KEY IDEAS Follow main ideological content P.S., following the text is impossible - for this it is necessary to compare the sayings scattered throughout the book concerning the same subject. Since the book imparts to the reader the basics of wisdom, the first question to be asked is the substance of that wisdom. Its source is in God, who created the world (Proverbs 3:19) and ordered it (v. 20). Therefore, wisdom can only be a gift from God (Proverbs 2:6), who guides a person in ways pleasing to Him (4:14). Wisdom is not omniscience, but only that which promotes righteous living (4:11). The wise man obeys the decrees of God and walks in His paths. Therefore he is blessed in all he does (Proverbs 13:1-10).. At the same time, wisdom is not a natural property of a person; it must be acquired (Proverbs 3:13) and learned (Proverbs 24:14; 30:3); wisdom should even be “purchased,” for it is worth it (Proverbs 17:16; 23:23). Wisdom must be sought from people of understanding (Proverbs 10:13; 14:33), from the righteous (Proverbs 10:31), who themselves live according to wisdom, and from the humble (Proverbs 11:2). Knowledge of God's appointed purpose and the limits of one's own. opportunities makes a person modest and humble. To perceive wisdom, a definition is necessary. readiness (Prov. 2:2; 5:1), with which one should accept useful tips (Proverbs 13:10) He who wants to hear wisdom only out of curiosity, and then does as he pleases, remains closed to wisdom; it cannot penetrate the heart of such a person (Proverbs 2:10). A blasphemer (in the Synod. Transl. - “dissolute”), by his very essence, will never achieve wisdom, even if he strives for it (Proverbs 14:6). From this it follows that wisdom is completely incomprehensible to fools (Proverbs 24:7). Therefore wisdom should not be imparted to a fool (Proverbs 23:9). He who trusts in himself is a fool (Proverbs 28:26): obeying his changeable desires, he will never follow the straight path of the Lord. The Queen of Sheba came to Solomon to learn wisdom, but Jesus' listeners did not want to accept His wisdom, although He is greater than Solomon (Matthew 12:42). God's wisdom speaks through the mouth of Jesus (Luke 11:49). After listening to the parables, Jesus' opponents wonder where He got such wisdom from (Matthew 13:54). But the apostles know that Christ is wisdom (1 Cor 1:30) and that the word of wisdom is given by the Spirit (1 Cor 12:8).. Anyone in trouble due to lack of fear of God will cry out to God in vain; God will not answer such a person (Proverbs 1:24-31). Therefore, we should daily and continually remain in the fear of the Lord (Proverbs 23:17). Based on this, one should understand the individual instructions regarding all areas of life. The sayings also concern relations between the sexes, they aptly depict how a woman’s promiscuity manifests itself in uncleanness (Proverbs 11:22) and in the desire for power(Prov 19:13; 21:9; 27:15) . Such a decline in morals stands out against the background of the good behavior and hard work of those wives, to whom honor and praise are given again and again(Prov 11:16; 12:4; 14:1; 19:14) . The book also indicates the standards of behavior for a man: he must remain faithful to the wife of his youth (Proverbs 5:18), he should not look at other women(Prov 2:16; 6:26; 23:33) . The image of a man imagining that he has achieved victory while being led like an ox to the slaughter is also eloquent (Proverbs 7:6-23). And in all other areas of life P.S. strive to guide a person to wisdom. Here the causes of poverty, which arises through the fault of man himself, are revealed (Proverbs 10:4; 20:13), and its consequences are indicated (Proverbs 10:15). But also to the rich P.S. remind him of his duty (Proverbs 14:31; 22:22). True wealth does not lie in accumulated treasures (Proverbs 13:7; 19:1,22). Wisdom teaches righteous prayer and living a moderate life (Proverbs 30:7-9). It is God's decree that there are rich and poor (Proverbs 22:2; 29:13). Of the others, often mentioned in P.S. problems, we can highlight the problems of crime, moral problems - acquisitiveness, envy, greed(Prov 1:19; 15:27; 17:8; 23:6-8; 28:8,22) , lie(Prov 6:17; 8:13; 12:19-22; 13:5; 21:6; 29:12) , laziness(Prov 6:6-11; 10:4, 26; 12:11,24,27; 13:4; 21:25; 24:30ff; 26:14)

. Proverbs not only castigate morals. ulcers, but also praise virtues, e.g. charity (mercy)(Prov 3:9ff; 11:17,24ff; 14:21,31; 21:3) and much more. U

Dear site visitors! Please select the right chapter for reading

The Proverbs of Solomon are combined into 31 chapters, which list every conceivable situation in life and give advice on how best to act in each case. But if we consider them as a whole, the meaning of the instructions is similar to God’s 10 commandments, which must be observed by everyone who wants to live in peace and prosperity.

Solomon's advice can be downloaded on the Internet for free so that you can listen and study it at home without interference. Also, numerous sites offer to study the Bible online, helping to clarify unclear passages. Priests who interpret biblical texts help beginners and those simply interested in religion to pass the sacred Book through their hearts and souls, so that there are no omissions or understatements left.

Solomon means peace-loving. During the 40 years of his reign, Solomon did not enter into a single serious war, justifying his name. The country, under the leadership of a wise king, reached prosperity and wealth. There were legends about Solomon's wisdom: all the people who could not solve their problems on their own turned to the wise king for help, and everyone agreed with the king's decision.

What do the parables of the king of Israel teach?

The Proverbs of Solomon - the result of it life experience, which he passes on not only to his heir, but also to all people who want to live in peace and harmony with their conscience. The fear of the Lord, which many readers of Solomon's parables take literally, means respect and veneration for the Divine covenant about how all people on earth should live.

The Book of Solomon's Proverbs is still relevant today. With the development of the Internet, you can read the instructions of the ancient king yourself online or download a video to your computer or disk. Many Christian sites make it possible to listen to the wise commandments of Solomon online.

Historically, no confirmation of Solomon's life in reality has been found. All information about the third king of Israel is taken from the Bible. It is believed that King Solomon built the Jerusalem Temple of unprecedented beauty and splendor.

The Legend of King Solomon

God gave Solomon a ring with which a person gains power over demons. Solomon managed to neutralize all the demons so that they could not interfere with the construction of the Temple, which his father David did not have time to complete. But main demon King Asmodeus did not obey the will of Solomon, who could not understand the origins of the demon's power.

Through deception and cunning, Solomon managed to lure Asmodeus into a trap and take him prisoner. The king settled the demon in the garden, entangling him with a chain engraved with the name of God. Asmodeus could not escape and carried out all the orders of Solomon, obeying the ring with the divine seal. The demon was forced to give up his witchcraft book and tell the secret of the worm Shamir, which could grind a stone of any size and was used in the construction of the Temple.

But King Solomon was overcome by curiosity about what power the demon had and what was its reason. For revealing the secret, the ruler of Israel threw off the chain from the demon and took his ring off his finger. At the same moment Asmodeus became of gigantic proportions, connecting with his wings God's peace and the underworld. He tore the ring of God from the hands of Solomon and threw it into the sea, and threw the king himself into a distant country. He himself took on the appearance of Solomon and began to rule in his place in Jerusalem.

Solomon wandered for 3 long years in a foreign country, without renouncing God, accepting the well-deserved punishment for excessive pride, self-confidence, and curiosity. But one day he found his ring in the belly of a fish and was able to return to the palace. Asmodeus disappeared at that very moment, and Solomon began to rule Israel again. But he forever remembered his misadventures and drew conclusions so as not to make mistakes in the future.

Teaching his son and everyone who reads the parables of the wise king, Solomon warns future generations against the machinations of evil demons. Only in the name of God can one conquer one’s passions, ultimately winning victory over the machinations of the Prince of Darkness.
The Book of Solomon's Proverbs teaches those living to listen to their inner voice before acting rashly, regretting later the unrighteous act.

Solomon's moral teaching is divided into several topics, dealing with the education of young people, mature men, women, and rulers. Parables are similar to poems about the moral character of people living on earth, interpreting how a person who believes in God should act in a given case.

After the death of the king, numerous stories about Solomon’s wisdom and his resolution of difficult everyday situations spread among the people. Now it is difficult to distinguish between the imagination of the people and what happened in reality, but the story of the ring is one of the most famous legends about Solomon.

Nowadays, Solomon’s advice is set to music; the chant can be watched on video clips, listened to via a player, or downloaded to your disk.

Legend of Solomon's Ring

The parable of Solomon and his ring is presented on the Internet in several versions that you can read or listen to online. Those who wish can also download information from the Orthodox website.

The legend tells of a terrible famine in the country ruled by Solomon. Seeing people die cruel deaths, the king began to sell gold and jewelry to buy provisions and save his people. Seeing the senselessness of his actions, the king turned to the priest with a request to help him. The priest gave a ring, which in ancient times was considered a symbol of power, magic sign infinity and unity. The priest advised the young king to keep this ring with him at all times and in moments of emotional excitement simply hold it in his hands.

Arriving home, Solomon examined the inscription on the outside of the ring, made on ancient language, which, however, Solomon understood: “Everything will pass.” At that moment the young ruler realized hidden meaning phrases and acquired the calmness that is so necessary when resolving matters of national importance. Without a doubt, wisdom prevailed, and Solomon made the only decision possible in this situation.

Years passed, the king married and raised children. He always carried the ring with him as a faithful adviser. But once premature death his beloved unsettled him. And the words that everything would pass caused protest and indignation. With rage, the king threw the ring, but managed to see on the inside another inscription that he had not seen before: “this too shall pass.”

It took a long time before King Solomon grew old. On his deathbed, both inscriptions on the ring no longer consoled him. Before death, it’s time to take stock of the life we ​​lived, what we were able to achieve, and what everyone leaves to their descendants. To the astonishment of the king, another phrase was found on the edge of the ring: “nothing passes.”

Every person, having lived life, leaves a mark on it. But whether it is bad or good depends on what a person did during his lifetime and what words his descendants will remember.

The story can be watched on video online on the Internet and downloaded. You can also listen to this and other parables about King Solomon on Christian sites.

According to legend, King Solomon was buried with his ring. Many treasure hunters want to find a royal attribute, attributing to the ring magical power and power. But where is the burial place of the wise king, no one knows.

The Legend of the Real Mother

Another life situation that Solomon supposedly judged, a story about a child. The story can be easily downloaded on the Internet for free, read or watch it online.

Two women came to Solomon with a request to find out whose child was left to live. The women gave birth 3 days apart, but one of them accidentally crushed the baby in her sleep. Without thinking twice, the woman replaced the baby. When the second mother decided to feed the child in the morning, she saw that the baby was dead and did not belong to her. Disputes over whose child died led nowhere. It came to a fight, but none of the women wanted to retreat.

The royal decision horrified one of the women in labor - the king ordered to bring a sword and, having cut the living baby in half, give the halves to both contenders so that no one would be offended.

The true mother fell at the feet of the ruler and begged to give the child to her neighbor, saving the baby’s life. The second woman was satisfied with the royal decision and agreed to accept half of the child, knowing that her baby was already dead.
Solomon recognized the right of a real mother to a child - birth mother She will do everything for her child to live, even with a strange woman.

You can watch the story online on the Internet via video, or download it to your computer and listen carefully at home. All the stories about Solomon amaze with the justice of the decision, regardless of financial situation, the official rank of the petitioners.

Perjury is a great sin and sooner or later it becomes obvious. Therefore, it is recommended to tell the truth in any situation so as not to be branded a liar among the people around you.

The legend of choice

One day, a certain man came to King Solomon for advice: what to do if, before every vital choice, a person cannot sleep peacefully, because he is constantly thinking about how to choose the right decision. The fear of making mistakes robs him of peace and sleep. And the more he thinks, the more doubts he has about the upcoming decision.

Solomon asked a visitor what he would do if he saw a child drowning in a river? He would rush to save someone else’s baby or pass by, justifying his action that he still wouldn’t have time to help the baby.

The visitor, without a shadow of a doubt and without hesitation, answered that no matter what, he would immediately rush to save the child from water captivity.

The king asked whether the decision to save the child would have changed if the event had happened yesterday or in the future. Having received a negative answer, Solomon said that a person chooses the only correct decision situationally. Therefore, he does not have to worry about whether he is doing the right thing. As long as his actions are consistent with his conscience and God’s teachings, a person has only one option for actions - the true and correct one. Therefore, there is no choice as such.

However, in affection for another person, you should act according to your heart. And the choice will appear only when a person changes - different habits, different priorities.

The visitor went home reassured and no longer suffered from insomnia.
Many people spend a painfully long time thinking about what to do in this or that life situation. Meanwhile, the right decision depends on the moral values ​​professed by each citizen. And a person acts according to his education and upbringing, on a subconscious level, separating good and evil.

They say that God once dreamed of Solomon and asked him about his most cherished desire, promising to fulfill it immediately. The king of Judah asked the Lord to give him intelligence and wisdom to rule the country. The wish was fulfilled, and the fame of the wisest ruler spread throughout different countries.

Later, Solomon learned to understand the language of animals and birds, to speak with animals living on land and in water. This knowledge was reflected in the stories about King Solomon, which were passed on from mouth to mouth. Today these stories can be downloaded on the Internet for free.

About the Snake and the Peasant

God entrusted the Snake with keeping the treasure, commanding him to sting the heel of everyone who encroaches on the treasure. But it so happened that there was a drought, the snake was dying of thirst. At this time, a man passed by with a jug of milk. The snake asked for a drink and promised to tell him where the treasure was hidden as a reward.

The peasant gave her milk to drink, and she showed her the stone under which the treasure was hidden. But when the man wanted to take away the treasures, the Snake remembered its purpose - to guard the treasures - and wrapped itself around the neck of the benefactor.

The peasant was indignant and offered to go to court to King Solomon so that he could determine which of them was right. The snake agreed, but did not get off his neck. So they came to Solomon.

Solomon forced the Snake to get off the peasant’s neck because the king must punish first, and only then his subjects solve problems among themselves.

The snake climbed down from his neck, the king, meanwhile, did not stop listening carefully to the story of their meeting being told and further actions. In response to the Snake’s words about the need to bite everyone who covets the treasure entrusted to it, Solomon said that every person, when meeting a snake, should break its head. At this saying, the peasant grabbed a stone and crushed the head of the insidious snake.

This story gave rise to the saying: “Break the head of the best of snakes.” The parable teaches us to respect the agreement and, if we had to break our obligations, we should not be cunning and shift the blame onto another, subjecting the innocent to punishment.
You can download for free these and other parables about the wise decision of the king of Israel, making you believe in the justice of the judge’s verdict.

How Solomon's parables are useful today

These and other stories highlight the moral high ground of King Solomon. Before putting down his instructions to future generations on paper, the ruler himself suffered and understood God's commandments, why in some situations you should do this and in others differently. And therefore, the parables of Solomon cannot be considered as empty moral teachings. Only great love and concern for future generations of his heirs could push a person to write such a work.

A person is not immune from errors in judgment and behavior, but it is better to listen to the advice of the older generation than to fill one's teeth by testing the veracity of Solomon's teachings.

Numerous sites on the Internet help anyone who wants to develop spiritually to study the Bible. You can listen to the interpretation of learned theologians of individual chapters of Solomon's parables, you can download material for self-study, listen to or read the text online in your free time.

The Book of Solomon's Proverbs is a vivid example of the wise attitude of a ruler - a father - towards his people in the present and future.

The parables of King Solomon are written as an appeal from a father teaching his son the wisdom of life, which actions can be considered pleasing to God and which are bad. Instruction to the son, as the heir, the person dearest to the real father, is conquered with his love and care. No one can blame a parent for moral teachings, by observing which his son will achieve human respect and God's blessing.

The Proverbs of Solomon are combined into 31 chapters, which list every conceivable situation in life and give advice on how best to act in each case. But if we consider them as a whole, the meaning of the instructions is similar to God’s 10 commandments, which must be observed by everyone who wants to live in peace and prosperity.

Solomon's advice can be downloaded on the Internet for free so that you can listen and study it at home without interference. Also, numerous sites offer to study the Bible online, helping to clarify unclear passages. Priests who interpret biblical texts help beginners and those simply interested in religion to pass the sacred Book through their hearts and souls, so that there are no omissions or understatements left.

Solomon means peace-loving. During the 40 years of his reign, Solomon did not enter into a single serious war, justifying his name. The country, under the leadership of a wise king, reached prosperity and wealth. There were legends about the wisdom of Solomon: all the people who could not solve their problems on their own turned to the wise king for help, and everyone agreed with the king’s decision

What do the parables of the king of Israel teach?

The parables of Solomon are the result of his life experience, which he passes on not only to his heir, but to all people who want to live in peace and harmony with their conscience. The fear of the Lord, which many readers of Solomon's parables take literally, means respect and veneration for the Divine covenant about how all people on earth should live.

The Book of Solomon's Proverbs is still relevant today. With the development of the Internet, you can read the instructions of the ancient king yourself online or download a video to your computer or disk. Many Christian sites make it possible to listen to the wise commandments of Solomon online.

Historically, no confirmation of Solomon's life in reality has been found. All information about the third king of Israel is taken from the Bible. It is believed that King Solomon built the Jerusalem Temple of unprecedented beauty and splendor.

The Legend of King Solomon

God gave Solomon a ring with which a person gains power over demons. Solomon managed to neutralize all the demons so that they could not interfere with the construction of the Temple, which his father David did not have time to complete. But the main demon, King Asmodeus, did not obey the will of Solomon, who could not understand the origins of the demon’s power.

Through deception and cunning, Solomon managed to lure Asmodeus into a trap and take him prisoner. The king settled the demon in the garden, entangling him with a chain engraved with the name of God. Asmodeus could not escape and carried out all the orders of Solomon, obeying the ring with the divine seal. The demon was forced to give up his witchcraft book and tell the secret of the worm Shamir, which could grind a stone of any size and was used in the construction of the Temple.

But King Solomon was overcome by curiosity about what power the demon had and what was its reason. For revealing the secret, the ruler of Israel threw off the chain from the demon and took his ring off his finger. At that same moment, Asmodeus became of gigantic proportions, connecting God’s world and the underworld with his wings. He tore the ring of God from the hands of Solomon and threw it into the sea, and threw the king himself into a distant country. He himself took on the appearance of Solomon and began to rule in his place in Jerusalem.

Solomon wandered for 3 long years in a foreign country, without renouncing God, accepting the well-deserved punishment for excessive pride, self-confidence, and curiosity. But one day he found his ring in the belly of a fish and was able to return to the palace. Asmodeus disappeared at that very moment, and Solomon began to rule Israel again. But he forever remembered his misadventures and drew conclusions so as not to make mistakes in the future.

Teaching his son and everyone who reads the parables of the wise king, Solomon warns future generations against the machinations of evil demons. Only in the name of God can one conquer one’s passions, ultimately winning victory over the machinations of the Prince of Darkness.
The Book of Solomon's Proverbs teaches those living to listen to their inner voice before acting rashly, regretting later the unrighteous act.

Solomon's moral teaching is divided into several topics, dealing with the education of young people, mature men, women, and rulers. Parables are similar to poems about the moral character of people living on earth, interpreting how a person who believes in God should act in a given case.

After the death of the king, numerous stories about Solomon’s wisdom and his resolution of difficult everyday situations spread among the people. Now it is difficult to distinguish between the imagination of the people and what really happened, but the story of the ring is one of the most famous legends about Solomon.

Nowadays, Solomon’s advice is set to music; the chant can be watched on video clips, listened to via a player, or downloaded to your disk.

Legend of Solomon's Ring

The parable of Solomon and his ring is presented on the Internet in several versions that you can read or listen to online. Those who wish can also download information from the Orthodox website.

The legend tells of a terrible famine in the country ruled by Solomon. Seeing people die cruel deaths, the king began to sell gold and jewelry to buy provisions and save his people. Seeing the senselessness of his actions, the king turned to the priest with a request to help him. The priest presented a ring, which in ancient times was considered a symbol of power, a magical sign of infinity and unity. The priest advised the young king to keep this ring with him at all times and in moments of emotional excitement simply hold it in his hands.

Arriving home, Solomon examined the inscription on the outside of the ring, made in an ancient language, which, however, Solomon understood: “Everything will pass.” At that moment, the young ruler understood the hidden meaning of the phrase and acquired the calmness that is so necessary when solving matters of national importance. Without a doubt, wisdom prevailed, and Solomon made the only decision possible in this situation.

Years passed, the king married and raised children. He always carried the ring with him as a faithful adviser. But one day the premature death of his beloved unsettled him. And the words that everything would pass caused protest and indignation. With rage, the king threw the ring, but managed to see on the inside another inscription that he had not seen before: “this too shall pass.”

It took a long time before King Solomon grew old. On his deathbed, both inscriptions on the ring no longer consoled him. Before death, it’s time to take stock of the life we ​​lived, what we were able to achieve, and what everyone leaves to their descendants. To the astonishment of the king, another phrase was found on the edge of the ring: “nothing passes.”

Every person, having lived life, leaves a mark on it. But whether it is bad or good depends on what a person did during his lifetime and what words his descendants will remember.

The story can be watched on video online on the Internet and downloaded. You can also listen to this and other parables about King Solomon on Christian sites.

According to legend, King Solomon was buried with his ring. Many treasure hunters want to find a royal attribute, attributing magical power and authority to the ring. But where is the burial place of the wise king, no one knows.

The Legend of the Real Mother

Another life situation that Solomon supposedly judged, a story about a child. The story can be easily downloaded on the Internet for free, read or watch it online

Two women came to Solomon with a request to find out whose child was left to live. The women gave birth 3 days apart, but one of them accidentally crushed the baby in her sleep. Without thinking twice, the woman replaced the baby. When the second mother decided to feed the child in the morning, she saw that the baby was dead and did not belong to her. Disputes over whose child died led nowhere. It came to a fight, but none of the women wanted to retreat.

The royal decision horrified one of the women in labor - the king ordered to bring a sword and, having cut the living baby in half, give the halves to both contenders so that no one would be offended.

The true mother fell at the feet of the ruler and begged to give the child to her neighbor, saving the baby’s life. The second woman was satisfied with the royal decision and agreed to accept half of the child, knowing that her baby was already dead.
Solomon recognized the right of a real mother to a child - a natural mother will do everything for her child to live, even with a strange woman.

You can watch the story online on the Internet via video, or download it to your computer and listen carefully at home. All the stories about Solomon amaze with the fairness of the decision, regardless of the financial situation or official rank of the petitioners.

Perjury is a great sin and sooner or later it becomes obvious. Therefore, it is recommended to tell the truth in any situation so as not to be branded a liar among the people around you.

The legend of choice

One day, a certain man came to King Solomon for advice: what to do if, before every vital choice, a person cannot sleep peacefully, because he is constantly thinking about how to choose the right decision. The fear of making mistakes robs him of peace and sleep. And the more he thinks, the more doubts he has about the upcoming decision.

Solomon asked a visitor what he would do if he saw a child drowning in a river? He would rush to save someone else’s baby or pass by, justifying his action that he still wouldn’t have time to help the baby.

The visitor, without a shadow of a doubt and without hesitation, answered that no matter what, he would immediately rush to save the child from water captivity.

The king asked whether the decision to save the child would have changed if the event had happened yesterday or in the future. Having received a negative answer, Solomon said that a person chooses the only correct decision situationally. Therefore, he does not have to worry about whether he is doing the right thing. As long as his actions are consistent with his conscience and God’s teachings, a person has only one option for actions - the true and correct one. Therefore, there is no choice as such.

However, in affection for another person, you should act according to your heart. And the choice will appear only when a person changes - different habits, different priorities.

The visitor went home reassured and no longer suffered from insomnia.
Many people spend a painfully long time thinking about what to do in a given life situation. Meanwhile, the right decision depends on the moral values ​​professed by each citizen. And a person acts according to his education and upbringing, on a subconscious level, separating good and evil.

They say that God once dreamed of Solomon and asked him about his most cherished desire, promising to fulfill it immediately. The king of Judah asked the Lord to give him intelligence and wisdom to rule the country. The wish was fulfilled, and the fame of the wisest ruler spread across different countries.

Later, Solomon learned to understand the language of animals and birds, to speak with animals living on land and in water. This knowledge was reflected in the stories about King Solomon, which were passed on from mouth to mouth. Today these stories can be downloaded on the Internet for free.

About the Snake and the Peasant

God entrusted the Snake with keeping the treasure, commanding him to sting the heel of everyone who encroaches on the treasure. But it so happened that there was a drought, the snake was dying of thirst. At this time, a man passed by with a jug of milk. The snake asked for a drink and promised to tell him where the treasure was hidden as a reward.

The peasant gave her milk to drink, and she showed her the stone under which the treasure was hidden. But when the man wanted to take away the treasures, the Snake remembered its purpose - to guard the treasures - and wrapped itself around the neck of the benefactor.

The peasant was indignant and offered to go to court to King Solomon so that he could determine which of them was right. The snake agreed, but did not get off his neck. So they came to Solomon.

Solomon forced the Snake to get off the peasant’s neck because the king must punish first, and only then his subjects solve problems among themselves.

The snake climbed off his neck, and the king, meanwhile, did not stop listening carefully to the story of their meeting and further actions. In response to the Snake’s words about the need to bite everyone who covets the treasure entrusted to it, Solomon said that every person, when meeting a snake, should break its head. At this saying, the peasant grabbed a stone and crushed the head of the insidious snake.

This story gave rise to the saying: “Break the head of the best of snakes.” The parable teaches us to observe the agreement and, if you had to break your obligations, you should not be cunning and shift the blame onto another, subjecting the innocent to punishment.
You can download these and other parables for free about the wise decision of the king of Israel, making you believe in the justice of the judge’s verdict.

How Solomon's parables are useful today

These and other stories highlight the moral high ground of King Solomon. Before putting his instructions to future generations on paper, the ruler himself suffered and understood God’s commandments, why in some situations one should act this way and in others differently. And therefore, the parables of Solomon cannot be considered as empty moral teachings. Only great love and concern for future generations of his heirs could push a person to write such a work.

A person is not immune from errors in judgment and behavior, but it is better to listen to the advice of the older generation than to fill one's teeth by testing the veracity of Solomon's teachings.

Numerous sites on the Internet help anyone who wants to develop spiritually to study the Bible. You can listen to the interpretation of learned theologians on individual chapters of Solomon’s parables, you can download material for self-study, listen to or read the text online in your spare time.

The Book of Solomon's Proverbs is a vivid example of the wise attitude of a ruler - a father - towards his people in the present and future.

D. O. Khvostova (compiler)

The Wisdom of King Solomon

Book of proverbs

The parables of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel, to learn wisdom and instruction, to understand the sayings of reason; learn the rules of prudence, justice, justice and righteousness; give intelligence to the simple, knowledge and prudence to the youth; a wise man will listen and increase his knowledge; and the wise man will find wise advice to understand the parable and the intricate speech, the words of the wise and their riddles.

The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord; [good understanding of all who are led by him; and reverence for God is the beginning of understanding; fools only despise wisdom and instruction.

Hear, my son, the instruction of your father and do not reject your mother’s covenant, for this is a beautiful crown for your head and an ornament for your neck.

My son! if sinners persuade you, do not agree; if they say: “Come with us, we will make an ambush for murder, we will lie in wait for the blameless without guilt, we will swallow them up alive, like the grave, and whole, as if they were descending into the grave; Let us gather all kinds of precious possessions, let us fill our houses with spoils; You will cast your lot with us, we will all have the same warehouse,” my son! do not go on the journey with them, keep your foot from their path, for their feet run to evil and hasten to shed blood.

In the eyes of all birds a net is laid in vain, but an ambush is made for their blood and their souls are laid in wait.

These are the ways of anyone who covets someone else's goods: it takes the life of the one who takes possession of it.

Wisdom proclaims in the streets, in the squares she raises her voice, in the main meeting places she preaches, at the entrances to the city gates she speaks her speech: “How long, O ignoramuses, will you love ignorance? How long will the violent enjoy rioting? How long will fools hate knowledge?

Turn to my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit on you, I will proclaim my words to you.

I called, and you did not listen; I stretched out my hand, and there was no one to hear; and you rejected all my advice and did not accept my reproofs.

For this reason I will laugh at your destruction; I will rejoice when horror comes upon you; when terror comes upon you like a storm, and trouble comes upon you like a whirlwind; when sorrow and distress befall you.

Then they will call me, and I will not hear; They will look for me in the morning and will not find me.

Because they hated knowledge and did not choose for myself fear of the Lord, they did not accept my advice, they despised all my reproofs; therefore they will eat the fruit of their ways and be satisfied with their thoughts.

Because the stubbornness of the ignorant will kill them and the carelessness of fools will destroy them, but he who listens to me will live safely and calmly, without fear of evil.”

My son! if you accept my words and keep my commandments with you, so that your ear is attentive to wisdom and inclined your heart to reflection; if you call on knowledge and appeal to reason; if you seek it like silver and search for it like treasure, you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.

For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth - knowledge and understanding; He reserves salvation for the righteous; He is a shield for those who walk uprightly; He guards the paths of righteousness and preserves the path of His saints.

Then you will understand righteousness and justice and uprightness, every good path.

When wisdom enters your heart and knowledge is pleasant to your soul, then prudence will protect you, understanding will protect you, in order to save you from the evil way, from the person who speaks lies, from those who leave the straight paths to walk in the paths of darkness; from those who rejoice in doing evil, who delight in evil depravity, whose paths are crooked and who wander in their paths; in order to save you from another's wife, from a stranger, who softens her speech, who has left the leader of her youth and forgotten the covenant of her God.

Her house leads to death, and her paths to the dead; none of those who enter it returns and enters the path of life.

Therefore walk in the way of the good and keep to the paths of the righteous, for the righteous will live on the earth and the blameless will remain in it; and the wicked will be cut off from the earth, and the treacherous will be uprooted from it.

My son! do not forget my instructions, and let your heart keep my commandments; for length of days, years of life and peace they will add to you.

Let mercy and truth not leave you: tie them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart, and you will find mercy and favor in the eyes of God and people.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.

Do not be a wise man in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and shun evil: this will be health for your body and nourishment for your bones.