Icon of the Mother of God, look upon the humility of the rights of the world. Icon of the Mother of God look at humility. The meaning of the icon “Look at Humility”

and what miracles are attributed to the image

Celebration in honor Icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility” noted September 29. Interesting name The image is explained as follows: the word “look down” from the Church Slavonic language means “look, descend,” that is, the icon can be interpreted as “look, Mother of God, at those who are humble before you and help them.”

They ask the icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility” for mental and physical health. Photo arts.in.ua

The history of the icon goes back six centuries, but even today thousands of believers worship it and pray for a miracle to happen.

The first appearance of the miraculous icon

The icon “Look at Humility” first appeared to believers in 1420; it happened on Lake Kamenny in the Pskov region. According to the Pskov Chronicle, blood flowed from the right eye of the Mother of God, which did not stop oozing all the way to the Pskov Trinity Church, where it was placed for storage. This happened on September 29 (16 – old style). On this day a celebration was established in honor of the icon.

This image has not survived to this day, but lists written from it have survived. The most famous ones are kept in the Kiev St. Vvedensky monastery and in the Kiev Florovsky Ascension Convent.

It was no coincidence that the icon appeared on the Pskov lands in the 15th century: first the city was badly damaged by a fire, then famine and disease began to rage there. They walked around Pskov several times, and the epidemics stopped.

The miraculous imprint of the icon

The copy of the icon, kept in the Vvedensky Church, became famous for the fact that a miraculous imprint of the icon appeared on the glass. And it happened like this: one day the clergy decided to invite restorers, because it seemed to them that the colors on the image had darkened. But when they removed the frame with glass, they saw that the colors retained their brightness, but on the glass there was an imprint of the silhouettes of the Mother of God and the Child. Then the glass was installed in the temple next to the icon.

It is interesting that after this the icon was placed under another glass, placing it at a considerable distance from the image, but soon the features of the Mother of God and the baby appeared on this glass. In both the first case and the second, scientists carefully studied the emerging image using special equipment, but were unable to determine how the imprint appeared. It was only possible to establish that the image on the glass is not made by human hands and is of organic origin.

Miracles of Healing

Believers claim that both the icon itself and the miraculous image on the glass are capable of... And all the miracles that happen are recorded in the temple book.

For example, they say that once a young woman, while pregnant, fell ill with hepatitis. The doctors suggested that she get rid of the child, but she refused to have an abortion and fervently prayed in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Look at humility.” And when she took tests a few days later, it turned out that the woman was cured, and her child was subsequently born healthy.

Another time, the icon helped a deaf-mute girl. When the child spoke after the prayer, they began to ask him how it happened, to which the little girl, pointing her finger at the icon, replied that her aunt blew on it.

Many miracles are attributed to the icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility.” Photo pocdk.ru

Icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility”: who it helps and with what

In front of this icon, you or your loved ones ask for relief from physical or mental torment, especially when women's diseases, cardiovascular diseases and vision problems. They also ask the image for help in resolving housing issues, protecting against slander and acquitting the innocent.

It is believed that the icon of the Mother of God also helps the dead, granting them Eternal life and forgiveness. Therefore, they often pray before the image for those who did not have time to repent of their sins before leaving this world.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility” is a holy face, prayers around which help people learn God’s path to the Kingdom of Heaven through the transformation of character.

Humility in Christianity

Humility is the basic quality of human essence, which is won through time and willpower through constant exposure to the Word of God and temple services. Man himself, without the help of God, cannot overcome pride, arrogance, vanity, disobedience and a considerable number of tolerable sins in order to become humble.

Humility is the key to heavenly paradise, Psalm 33 says that the Lord will save those who are humble in spirit. Jesus Himself called Christians to humility, and called Himself meek and humble (Matthew 11:29).

Icon Holy Mother of God"Look at Humility"

The Apostle Peter also calls us to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of the Creator (1 Peter 5:6). It is difficult not to see in these words the great promise that humility opens doors God's grace, and in this Christians are helped by prayers before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Look at humility.”

The history of the appearance of the Holy Face of the Mother of God “Look at Humility”

According to iconography experts, the style of writing the holy face dates back to the 12th century. The icon was discovered in the 15th century, and received its name “Look at Humility” in the 17th century.

According to historical data, the first information about the miraculous icon dates back to 1420, when during the war with Prince Vasiliev the Second, the invasion of pestilence, the Lithuanian invasion of the Pskov lands, the holy face of the Mother of God was discovered in a monastery on Lake Kamenny, crying tears of blood.

According to the Pskovites, the Holy Face was given to the people of the Pskov land as a sign of consolation and protection, calling everyone to repent and humble themselves before the Savior.

At the beginning of autumn, September 16, 1420, the icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility” was transferred to the Pskov Church Life-Giving Trinity. The feast of this image is still celebrated on this day.

There are several lists of icons in the world, many of them have miraculous powers.

The history of the appearance of the list, which has miraculous powers and is kept in the Holy Vvedensky Monastery, is interesting.

Princess Maria became a monk and painted Holy images, using God's gift given to her at birth. When writing the list “Look at Humility,” the nun mixed paints in holy water and constantly recited the “Our Father” prayers.

Many miracles are attributed to the icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility”

In 1917, Archpriest Boris Kvasnitsky became the owner of the miraculous image, who kept the list until the day of his arrest in 1937. By God's grace, on the eve of his repression, Kwasnitsky called upon his spiritual daughter, nun Feofania, to whom he entrusted the care of the shrine.

In 1961, the Vvedenskaya monastery was dispersed, the nun and the shrine moved to the Florovsky Monastery. Schema nun Feofania kept the list of the Mother of God for 55 years, after which in 1992 she donated it to the Vvedensky Church. Literally a year later, an image of the Mother of God and the Child appeared miraculously on the glass covering the icon case.

Important! Scientists could not explain the appearance of the imprint. After conducting year-long studies by doctors of science, among whom there were many heads of departments, using the latest achievements of science and technology, no trace was found scientific explanation this drawing, and it is recognized as a miracle of the 20th century.

The drawing is also attributed to the manifestation of a miracle by the Orthodox Church; at the moment, the imprint on glass is displayed in the temple next to the miraculous list.

The Synod of the Orthodox Church in 1995 officially recognized the icon of the Mother of God “Look upon Humility” as miraculous based on the miracles that occurred after its visit.

The meaning of the holy image

The holy face “Look at Humility” refers to the icons that are called Guides. This unusual name arose because when writing lists there is a general idea, but there is no scrupulousness in the details.

In the main icon, the Mother of God hugs the Baby standing on Her knees. The main characteristic details of the holy image:

  • crown on the head of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
  • scepter in her right hand;
  • the left Hand of the Mother of God embraces the Child;
  • one hand of the Child touches the Virgin Mary;
  • little Jesus holds a ball, a prototype of the universe.

There are lists where the Child is depicted in a sitting position, and in the hands of the Virgin Mary is not a scepter, but a scroll, but both are symbols of God’s power.

Jesus is symbolically depicted, allegedly trying to turn the Mother of God towards people, calling for answers to the prayers of pilgrims who come to Her with requests.

The Icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility” is recognized as miraculous

Nowadays you can make a pilgrimage to the holy places where the icon is kept:

  • Kyiv Florovskaya Convent;
  • Trinity Cathedral in the Pskov Kremlin;
  • The Holy Vvedensky Monastery in Kyiv, in which there is also a mosaic list.

Living evidence of the healing power of the image

  • One of the first miracles officially recorded after prayers at the holy icon is the healing of a deaf-mute girl who spoke at the icon when she arrived with her grandmother. Approaching the face of the Virgin and Child, the girl turned and said: “Grandma, aunt blew on me.”
  • A certain woman, being pregnant, found out that she was sick with hepatitis, the doctors insisted on an abortion. The patient spent three days in fasting and prayer about miraculous list, crying and begging the Mother of God for the salvation and granting of life to her child, after which she took tests and turned out to be healthy.
  • An incredible miracle happened while a mother and a girl were sailing on a boat. For one moment, the mother admired the lilies, but this was enough for the baby to fall out of the boat and go to the bottom.

The decorations hung on the image testify to the many healings. Jewelry is brought by grateful pilgrims who have received answers to their prayers.

How does the holy image “Look with Humility” help?

Every Christian understands that being humble is required quality character, without which it is impossible to enter the Kingdom of God. In prayers before the Holy Face, petitions are heard for oneself and one’s family:

  • bestow humility;
  • forgive sins;
  • reveal the Christian essence to unbelieving loved ones;
  • get rid of lies and hypocrisy;
  • solve everyday problems.

Oh, Most Holy Lady, Virgin Mother of God, highest Cherub and Most Honest Seraphim, God's chosen Youth! Look from the heights of heaven with Your merciful eye on us, Your unworthy servants, praying with tenderness and tears before Your Most Pure Image; do not deprive us of Your intercession and protection of the Sovereign in this earthly journey, many-sorrowful and many-rebellious.

Save us in the destruction and sorrow of those who exist, raise us up from the depths of sin, enlighten our minds, darkened by passions, and heal the ulcers of our souls and bodies. Oh, All-Generous Mother of the Humane-loving Lord! Surprise us with Your rich mercies, strengthen our weak will to do the commandments of Christ, soften our hardened hearts with love for God and our neighbors, grant us heartfelt contrition and true repentance, so that, having been cleansed from the filth of sin, we may be honored with a peaceful Christian death and a good answer to the Last Thing. To the impartial Judgment of our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him, with His Originless Father and the Most Holy, Good and Life-Giving Spirit, is due all glory, honor and worship, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

After reading the prayer with a pure heart open to change, a person feels relief, self-respect and the desire to live in a new way return to him.

Once arrogant Christians return from pilgrimage as meek and polite people. Pilgrims who despair of finding protection from persecution, who have lost faith, and who suffer from slander and slander come to the miraculous image.

How to read prayers in front of an icon

No special rules reading prayers at the icons of the Virgin and Child. One prerequisite there was and remains purity of heart and sincerity in the transmission of innermost desires. God cannot be deceived; any manipulation and evil thoughts will certainly turn against those who ask unjustly.

Relatives of deceased people who have lost their faith often turn to the Mother of God, asking Her to help them in the other world. Many living Christians gradually become entangled in false views, begin to sin, and after visiting the icon, the Mother of God directs them to the true path.

Important! Having the image of the Mother of God “Look with Humility” in the house is a guarantee of protection for both those living in it and the premises itself from the influence of satanic forces.

Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos Look at Humility

Icon of the Mother of God “PROOK AT HUMILITY”

September 16/29 - celebration in honor of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility”

History of the icon

The icon of the Mother of God, called “Look at Humility,” was revealed in 1420 in the Bezhanitsky region of the Pskov land, on Lake Kamenny.

The circumstances of the miraculous phenomenon are unknown, but it can be assumed that the holy icon was found to console and encourage the people of Pskov during a period of great disaster during the reign of Vasily II Dmitrievich: the “pestilence” (hunger and epidemic), which then broke out over the Pskov land, and the invasion of the Lithuanian prince Vitovt, who came to conquer the Pskov lands. Then blood began to flow from the right eye of the Mother of God. Thus, the Most Pure Virgin gave a sign to the Pskovites - she grieves for them and is ready to rush to the rescue.

In the Pskov chronicle there are two testimonies about the holy icon. One of them reads: “In the summer of 6934 (1426) behind the old Kolozh, on Lake Kamena, there was a sign: blood flowed from the icon of the Holy Mother of God, on the 16th day of the month Septevria; This sign will show the presence of the filthy Prince Vytautas and the shedding of much Christian blood.” Another, more complete indication of the miraculous sign from the image says: “In the summer of 6934 (1426), the same autumn, there was a sign from the icon of the Holy Mother of God, on Lake Kamena, at Vasily’s courtyard: blood came from the right eye, and the place where it stood was dripping, and blood was flowing along the way, as they carried it from the icon to the ubrus, as they carried the icon of the Most Pure One to Pskov, in the month of September at 16. In memory of the Holy Great Martyr Euphemia.”

From the chronicle it follows that the icon was transported to Pskov and placed in the cathedral church in the name of the Life-Giving Trinity. They started doing things to her Processions of the Cross and offer earnest prayers for the end of disasters. Through the intercession of the Mother of God, the pestilence stopped.

In memory of this transfer, a celebration was established miraculous icon on this day ( September 16/29).


Iconographically, the image of the Mother of God “Look at humility” belongs to the type "Hodegetria" ("Guide").

The type of image of the “Hodegetria” does not correspond either to the text of the Holy Scriptures or to the akathist to the Mother of God, which gives a certain freedom to decide the composition of the icon. Therefore, there are options for the image of “Hodegetria”, when the Baby can be on the right or left hand of the Virgin Mary, depicted in full height, or sitting on the Mother’s lap, in his hand he can hold a scroll or an attribute of royal power. The appearance of any version of the image could be separated by entire centuries.

The icon “Look at Humility” depicts the Most Holy Theotokos crowned with a crown. In Her right hand is a scepter, and with Her left hand She supports the Divine Infant standing on Her knees. The Infant Christ gently touches Her cheek with his right right hand, and with his left hand he holds a small ball - an orb, a symbol of power over the world. This version of the icon probably differs from the prototype of the icon of Latin origin, where the Infant God raised his hand as an orator (rhetorician), speaking at trial in defense of all those unfairly accused and suffering. The name of the Icon comes from the words of the Gospel of Luke “as if he looked upon the humility of His servant.” The Savior, holding the Mother of God by the cheek, turns Her face to those praying, as if saying: “Look at the humility of those who turn to You in prayer, who so ask for Your intercession.”

Miracle Lists

Unfortunately, ancient image“Consider humility” has not survived to this day. In the 19th century, in the inventory of the sacristy of the Trinity Cathedral there is no longer any mention of ancient icon. Since Pskov in the times described was often subject to devastating fires, it can be assumed that the ancient miraculous icon of the Mother of God perished during one of the natural disasters that befell the cathedral church.

The image of this icon in the Sretensky Church of the Holy Dormition Pskov-Pechersky Monastery was cell icon of the elder Archimandrite John (Peasant). After his repose, this icon was transferred from the elder’s cell to the Sretensky Church.

Currently, the list of icons is located to the right of the altar in Trinity Cathedral of the Pskov Kremlin.

Few other copies of the “Look at Humility” icon are known. One of them, from the end of the 17th century, is located in Kyiv Florovskaya Ascension Convent, and the second one is placed in main temple Kyiv St. Vvedensky Monastery(another mosaic image is displayed on the wall of the temple).

List of the Holy Vvedensky Monastery in Kyiv According to legend, it was written by a certain princess who took the schema under the name of Mary. She not only had the talent of painting, but also carried invisible to the world ascetic deeds, for which the Lord honored her to paint the Face of His Immaculate Mother. Women are not allowed to touch the relics, but this icon painter, with the special permission of the highest clergy, was granted such a right. She painted the icon with a bone from holy relics, dipping it in paints mixed with holy water, saying the Jesus Prayer. After the coup of 1917, the icon was kept in the custody of Archpriest Boris Kvasnitsky. In 1937 he was repressed. Before his arrest, he managed to hand over the icon to his spiritual daughter, the novice of the Vvedensky Monastery, nun Feofania, who kept the shrine for 55 years. When the monastery was dispersed in 1961, nun Feofania and the rest of the mothers moved to the Florovsky Monastery, where for 30 years she kept the holy icon in her cell.

The icon showed its first miracle in the Florovsky Monastery: healing a deaf and dumb girl. While the adults went about their business, the baby was waiting for them in the cell. When they returned, they found the child, sick from birth, speaking and hearing. “Auntie breathed on me”“, - the little girl explained as best she could, nodding at the Most Blessed One.

5 years before her death, the keeper of the icon adopted the schema with the name of Theodora. And 2 years before his death, in 1992, schema-nun Theodora (†1994) donated the icon just opened Vvedensky Monastery. So the Queen of Heaven returned to Her home, bringing with Her into the temple the grace that had rested on Her. The image, installed in a special icon case, attracted numerous believers with its extraordinary beauty.

In 1993 They decided to give the icon, which was kept behind glass, for restoration, as the image had become dim. On August 1, 1993, the glass was removed from the icon. It turned out that the icon remained clear, as it was before, and only the glass covering it became clouded. On it, strictly along the contour, as if with light chalk strokes, the silhouette of the Mother of God and the Child was imprinted. The image on the glass was a negative: the dark places became white, the light face, hands, folds became dark. It is noteworthy that it could not be a print, since the glass did not adhere closely to the image, but was located at a distance from the icon. Everyone who saw the miraculous image on the glass was filled with a feeling of joy.

Nevertheless, there was also mistrust of this miraculous phenomenon and suspicions. They tried to accuse the rector of the temple of fraud and forgery. Experts came to examine the display. Scientists from the Kyiv Center nuclear physics they took scrapings of plaque on the glass and carried out Scientific research, trying to find out the composition and nature of this unusual oily coating. After conducting research, Kyiv scientists came to the conclusion that the image on the glass is miraculous, but could not give a scientific explanation for the miracle that happened. Nuclear physicists have given their conclusion that the composition of the plaque-imprint on the glass of the icon is of organic nature!

Glass with a wonderful display was installed in the icon case next to the icon. Both from the icon itself and from Its imprint on the glass, numerous healings began to occur.

Holy Vvedensky Monastery

By the decree of the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church on November 9 (22), 1995, the icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility”, residing in the Kiev Holy Vvedensky Monastery, recognized as miraculous.

One of the first confirmations of the miraculous nature of the image was the healing of a young woman who fell ill with hepatitis (jaundice) at a time when she was preparing to become a mother. The doctors who monitored the patient were unanimous in the opinion that the disease would have a detrimental effect on the health of the baby, and therefore demanded that the pregnancy be immediately terminated. But the young woman, being a believer, was afraid to take upon herself the sin of committing murder in the womb of her own child. For three days she prayed in front of the image of the Virgin Mary, asking for help. Soon repeated tests were done, which showed the absence of the hepatitis virus in the blood, which meant a sudden cessation of the disease. The born girl was completely healthy, and Abbot Damian baptized the baby in the Vvedensky Church.

Evidence of the grace-filled help to people and the healing of the sick, who turned to the Most Holy Theotokos with prayers, are the numerous decorations of the icon.

In front of the icon of the Mother of God “Look at humility,” they pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for the granting of humility and repentance both for themselves and for sinners who do not want to repent and therefore suffer from illnesses and spiritual hardships, for the relief of the afterlife of the deceased, for protection from false and evil teachings . Through the prayers of the Mother of God before Her icon “Look at Humility”, help is given to all the oppressed, persecuted, despairing, weak in faith, the truth is revealed and slander and slander are exposed, the innocent are justified. Through the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, healings from cardiovascular diseases and women's diseases occur. Prayers in front of the icon also help in solving housing issues.

Material prepared by Sergey SHULYAK

Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Sparrow Hills

Oh, Most Holy Lady, Virgin Mother of God, highest Cherub and Most Honest Seraphim, God's chosen Youth! Look from the heights of heaven with Your merciful eye on us, Your unworthy servants, praying with tenderness and tears before Your Most Pure Image; do not deprive us of Your intercession and protection of the Sovereign in this earthly journey, many-sorrowful and many-rebellious. Save us in the destruction and sorrow of those who exist, raise us up from the depths of sin, enlighten our minds, darkened by passions, and heal the ulcers of our souls and bodies. Oh, All-Generous Mother of the Humane-loving Lord! Surprise us with Your rich mercies, strengthen our weak will to do the commandments of Christ, soften our hardened hearts with love for God and our neighbors, grant us heartfelt contrition and true repentance, so that, having been cleansed from the filth of sin, we may be honored with a peaceful Christian death and a good answer to the Last Thing. To the impartial Judgment of our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him, with His Originless Father and the Most Holy, Good and Life-Giving Spirit, is due all glory, honor and worship, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4
An irresistible wall is Your image and a source of miracles, just as You bestowed Your intercession on the city of Pskov from ancient times, so now You have mercifully delivered us from all troubles and sorrows and saved our souls, like a loving Mother.

Kontakion, tone 3
Most Immaculate Virgin, you who honor the image of Your face accept grateful gifts, you help the living and the dead, you save our city and country, and you offer prayers before your Son, and you save us all.

We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, God-chosen Youth, and honor the holy icons of Your wonderful reflection.

Icon "Look at Humility": description, meaning, what it helps with

Icon "Look at Humility". Description. The meaning of the icon. What does it help with? What prayer to read? Miraculous events. Characteristics.

There is a wide variety of icons of the Most Holy Mother of God all over the world, but there is one extraordinary image with which several incredibly extraordinary phenomena are associated. Between these two wonders there is a road of six hundred years. This is the miraculous image of the Mother of God “Look at Humility”, which created a huge number of incredible divas.

Appearance of a saving image to Pskov residents

In 1420, this holy icon was written about in chronicles for the first time. They tell that during the reign of the Tsar of Moscow, Vasily the First, a huge number of misfortunes struck the land of Pskov. The Almighty was angry with the inhabitants of the Pskov areas for their sins. Out of rage, he brought many disasters upon them, from which many people died every day. And the last straw to their suffering was the Lithuanian sovereign, who invaded their area with his wife.

At that bad time, a miracle happened when the men found the image of the Mother of God “Look at Humility.” The chronicles say that they found her not far from the city of Pskov, she lay near Lake Kamennoye. The people who were the first to see this blessed image were struck to the depths of their souls by the fact that blood flowed like tears from the right eye of the Immaculate Mother of God. Bloody tears rolled down the icon until it was brought to the city. After what they saw, the people who found the icon brought it into the city with great honors. They decided to place the holy image in the Trinity Monastery. Now believers annually celebrate the twenty-ninth of September as the day of acquisition of the blessed icon in Orthodoxy.

Help sent through the icon

Believers interpreted the streams of blood that flowed from the eyes of the Most Holy Mother of God in such a way that the Queen of Heaven was very worried about the inhabitants of Pskov, who were faced with enormous troubles. The Mother of God is always ready to support people who need her help. At the image of “Look at Humility,” the people of Pskov prayed for mercy for their people, exalted and revered them, and as a result, the Most Holy Mother of God showed her mercy through the icon, saving the inhabitants of the city from the plague and raids of foreigners.

The Trinity Monastery, in which there was an icon that exuded amazing miracles during its existence, withstood a large number of disasters. Huge fires natural disasters, unkind human thoughts, many of these misfortunes caused enormous damage to the decoration of the monastery and the priceless relics that were preserved in it. Most of The shrines that were within the walls of the temple have not survived to this day. The greatest loss was the disappearance of the holy image of the Mother of God “Look at Humility.” This was the same icon that appeared to the desperate residents of the city of Pskov in the fifteenth century. In the eighteenth century last time she was mentioned, and after which her trace was lost. No one knows whether it was stolen or destroyed.

Today we can only see in the Trinity Cathedral Monastery a copy of the icon “Look at Humility”, which is located with right side from the altar. It’s no secret that the miraculous image is quite an extremely rare icon. One of the duplicates, which was created in the seventeenth century, arrives for preservation in the monastery of the Florovsky Temple for women in the city of Kyiv. In the same city there is another copy of the immaculate image, which is located within the walls of the Holy Vvedensky Church for men. The wall of the monastery where the icon is located is decorated with the same image, only made using mosaic technique.

Creating a list from an ancient original

An incredibly amazing incident is connected with the image that is located in the Holy Vvedensky Monastery that has already happened in our days. History knows that this icon was produced from an ancient original by a princess who decided to become a monk under the name of Mary. The Almighty God endowed this good-natured girl with enormous talent; she could draw beautifully.

There is evidence that she painted the miraculous icon not with an ordinary brush, as all artists do, but with a special one. Her brush was made from immaculate relics. The paints with which she painted were dissolved in sacred water. At the moment of the execution of this holy icon, Mary constantly uttered prayer words to the Almighty Lord. Ultimately, the image that the woman created was drawn in the Grace of God and as a result it has the ability to work miracles.

During the Bolshevik revolution and persecution of the church religion, which lasted for decades, the miraculous image from the Vvedensky Church was taken home by the novices of Theodora. When the terrible years for the church ended, the nuns returned the blessed icon back to the walls of the monastery.

A miracle that happened today

Directly connected with the second acquisition is a wondrous wonder, which plunged both the inhabitants of the temple and numerous wanderers into awe. In 1993, the clergy of the church decided to restore the image, for the reason that the colors had already lost their original color over time and the icon began to look dull appearance. When the temple servants removed the glass with which the icon was covered, what they saw shocked them. Under the glass, they discovered that the image had not changed its color at all over the years, but that the glass on the inside was simply coated with centuries-old dust. On the glass itself, the clergy discovered an indescribable miracle; from inside it appeared the image of the Mother of God with Her Son of the Lord.

The drawing seemed to be made in chalk and at first glance resembled a negative of the image itself. Areas of the canvas on which the image was drawn light colors on the glass were dark, and with dark shades vice versa. Naturally, the scientists of the city of Kyiv became very interested in this inexplicable miracle. They carried out a painstaking study and concluded that the design on the glass was not depicted by a human hand, and its essence cannot be explained on the basis of current academic methods.

A new miracle and universal worship of the shrine

The Supreme Government of the Christian Temple of Ukraine issued a decree on the basis of which the image of “Look upon Humility” was to be classified as miraculous. After this decree, the icon was placed back under glass, but this time it was placed further away. In 2001, by some magical means, the features of the Mother of God and Her Baby appeared again on the glass protection of the miraculous icon.

This inexplicable miracle prompted believers who suffer from incurable diseases to life situations, from the loss of the meaning of life, come to the walls of the monastery and pray at the holy icon “Look at humility.” What can he help with and what prayer words are customary to say before the icon? People never tire of repeating this, for whom the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos helped to recover from terrible diseases, for which even doctors did not give any chance of recovery, and with resolution the most difficult situations in life and other miracles.

There was one case in the history of the icon. A girl came to the holy image in " interesting position"whose doctors discovered hepatitis. The pregnant woman prayed incessantly at the icon of the Mother of God for three days, after which she underwent a repeat test in the hospital; to her incredible surprise, no disease was detected.

Icon “Look at Humility”: its meaning for believers

Coming to the Temple of God, like any other icon of the Immaculate Mother of God, you can trust all your cherished intentions and concerns. Holy Virgin Mary helps all people who turn to her holy image with sincere requests; she bestows on everyone her generosity and mercy. For the Mother of God and for Her Son, there is nothing in the world that is impossible. For this reason, each of your prayers will be heard and fulfilled only if you ask for something good and that will not bring any harm to the people around you. This is where it manifests itself ineffably great importance for all people who profess the Orthodox religion.

However, among other things, there is only one important feature, which is owned by the immaculate image “Look at humility.” We have already considered the help that She bestows on all the living who turn to Her, but when we offer prayers to the holy face for dead people who did not want to leave this world, to repent of their misdeeds. The clergy of the church believe that prayers for granting forgiveness and Endless Existence to deceased people are very effective.

Characteristic features of the icon

In conclusion, a few words about the description of this icon. The holy image of the Most Holy Mother of God “Look at Humility” belongs to the type “Hodegetria”, which means “Guide”. On the icon we can see the image of the Immaculate Virgin Mary on whose head there is a crown and in her right hand she holds a scepter. On her left side is Her Son of God, whom she holds with her hand. The baby stands on Her knees and in his left hand he holds an orb, which denotes the symbol of government over the whole world.

The right hand of the Son of God is raised up. This is precisely what testifies to the Latin origin of the prototype of the icon, for the reason that in the West the Kid was often given the guise of a talker who stood up for the defense of all unfortunate and homeless people.

The words of the prayer that are said at the icon of the Most Holy Mother of God “Look at humility”

O Blessed Lady of the World, Immaculate Mother of God,
the highest Angel and Revealed Seraphim, the Woman chosen by the Lord!
Look from the heights of heaven with Your benevolent glance at us, Your immoral slaves,
with emotion and with tears in our eyes, saying a prayer before Your Blessed appearance;
do not take away from us Your protection and patronage of the Sovereign
on this long journey, in which there is a lot of sorrow and anxiety.
Save us in the death and sorrows of the present,
raise up from the depths of misdeeds,
enlighten our minds, shrouded in bad desires
and heal the wounds of our souls and bodies!
O Generous Mother loving people Ruler!
Grant us Thy abundant favor,
strengthen our powerless will to do the commandments of God,
soften our hardened hearts with sympathy for the Lord and loved ones,
give us spiritual regret and genuine repentance,
May you cleanse us from immoral abominations,
let us be honored with a calm Orthodox death
And good decision at the Last and impartial Judgment of our Most High Savior Christ,
After all, with His Beginningless Parent and Immaculate Son, the Good and Life-Giving Spirit, He
Any fame, respect and admiration is due, now and always and throughout the centuries.

Icon of the Mother of God "Look at Humility". Prayer

Oh, Most Holy Lady, Virgin Mother of God, highest Cherub and Most Honest Seraphim, God's chosen Youth! Look from the heights of heaven with Your merciful eye on us, Your unworthy servants, praying with tenderness and tears before Your Most Pure Image; do not deprive us of Your intercession and protection of the Sovereign in this earthly journey, many-sorrowful and many-rebellious. Save us in the destruction and sorrow of those who exist, raise us up from the depths of sin, enlighten our minds, darkened by passions, and heal the ulcers of our souls and bodies. Oh, All-Generous Mother of the Humane-loving Lord! Surprise us with Your rich mercies, strengthen our weak will to do the commandments of Christ, soften our hardened hearts with love for God and our neighbors, grant us heartfelt contrition and true repentance, so that, having been cleansed from the filth of sin, we may be honored with a peaceful Christian death and a good answer to the Last Thing. To the impartial Judgment of our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him, with His Originless Father and the Most Holy, Good and Life-Giving Spirit, is due all glory, honor and worship, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4

An irresistible wall is Your image and a source of miracles, just as You bestowed Your intercession on the city of Pskov from ancient times, so now You have mercifully delivered us from all troubles and sorrows and saved our souls, like a loving Mother.

Kontakion, tone 3

Most Immaculate Virgin, you who honor the image of Your face accept grateful gifts, you help the living and the dead, you save our city and country, and you offer prayers before your Son, and you save us all.


We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, God-chosen Youth, and honor the holy icons of Your wonderful reflection.

Icon “Look at Humility”: its meaning for believers
How does the icon “Look at Humility” help?

In front of the icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility,” they pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for deliverance from needs and satisfaction from sorrows, healing from illnesses, and for women’s health and well-being.

Like any other image of the Blessed Virgin, You can trust this icon with all your innermost thoughts and experiences. The Queen of Heaven is generous with mercy and invariably comes to the aid of everyone who true faith refers to Her miraculous image. For Her, as well as for Her Eternal Son, nothing is impossible, therefore any request will be fulfilled, as long as it is for the benefit of the person asking and not to the detriment of other people. This is its great significance for all who profess the Christian faith. But, besides this, there is one important feature that the “Look at Humility” icon has. How she helps living people has already been said, but the fact is that the prayers offered before her also help the dead, who did not want to repent of their sins when leaving this world. It is believed that requests for forgiveness and Eternal Life extraordinarily beneficial and effective.

In front of the icon of the Mother of God “Look at humility,” they pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for the granting of humility and repentance both for themselves and for sinners who do not want to repent and therefore suffer from illnesses and spiritual hardships, for the relief of the afterlife fate of the deceased, for protection from false and evil teachings . Through the prayers of the Mother of God before Her icon “Look at Humility”, help is given to all the oppressed, persecuted, despairing, weak in faith, the truth is revealed and slander and slander are exposed, the innocent are justified. Through the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, healings from cardiovascular diseases and women's diseases occur. Prayers in front of the icon also help in solving housing issues.

Having experienced sorrow in earthly life, the Most Holy Theotokos hears our silent cries and puts them in Her heart; one sigh, not a single human tear is hidden from our Intercessor. We cry out: “Most Holy Theotokos, save us,” because we know the power of Her prayer, which the Savior, out of love for Her, immediately fulfills.

The icon of the Mother of God, called “Look at Humility,” appeared in 1420 in the Pskov land, on Lake Kamenny. On September 16 of the same year it was moved to Pskov and placed in the cathedral church. In memory of this transfer of the miraculous icon, a celebration was established.

Among the variety of icons of the Most Holy Theotokos, there is one, the story of which is unusual in that it contains two of her miraculous phenomena. They are separated from each other by almost six centuries, but were accompanied by miracles that testified to Her readiness to help everyone who turns to Her with faith and love. This is the icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility.”

Appearance of a saving image to Pskov residents

This miraculous image was first discovered in 1420. The circumstances of what happened are hidden from us, but the chronicle evidence of those years has been preserved, telling how, during the time of the pious Prince of Moscow Vasily I, innumerable disasters befell the Pskov land. For the sins of the Pskovites, the Lord allowed a pestilence to occur in their area, which claimed dozens of lives every day. And to top off the troubles, the Lithuanian prince Vitovt and his retinue invaded their land.

“Look at humility” means - look how humble we are before You

This is something hard times and the icon “Look at Humility” was found by the Pskovites. The chronicler says that she appeared to people not far from Pskov, on the shore of Lake Kamennoye. Those who found it were amazed that drops of blood flowed from the right eye of the Mother of God all the way to the city, where the icon was transferred with great honors. The wonderful image was placed in the Trinity Church. The day of the discovery of the icon - September 29 - began to be celebrated as a holiday reminiscent of such an important event.

Help sent through the icon

The bloody tears of the Queen of Heaven were interpreted as an indication that the Mother of God fully sympathizes with the residents of Pskov in trouble and is ready to come to their aid. The icon “Look at Humility” became the subject of universal veneration, and soon the Mother of God showed her mercy through it, successfully delivering the city both from the pestilence and from the invasion of foreigners.

The Trinity Cathedral, where the miraculous image was placed, suffered many misfortunes in its history that caused damage to its decoration and the shrines kept in it. This and natural disasters, and fires, and the evil will of people. Much of the heritage of past centuries has not reached us. The icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility” - the same one that appeared to the people of Pskov in the 15th century - was also lost. The last mention of it dates back to the 18th century, and since then its trace has been lost.

According to the stories of the elder schema-nun Theodora, a deaf-mute girl who prayed with her grandmother was healed at the icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility.” One day the girl suddenly called out: “Grandma.” The surprised grandmother began to ask her granddaughter how this happened? “This aunt blew on me,” said the girl, pointing to the wonderful image of the Mother of God.

In Kyiv on the Dnieper, a woman and her daughter were riding in a boat. The mother was distracted and did not notice how the child fell into the water. When she realized it, the girl was no longer visible. The woman prayed to the Mother of God, and in the waters of the river, as if on glass, the icon “Look at Humility” was displayed. The Mother of God lifted the baby from the bottom, and she was saved.

Today, when visiting the Trinity Cathedral of the Pskov Kremlin, you can see to the right of the altar only a list from that image. It is known that the icon “Look at Humility” is quite rare. One of the copies made in late XVII century, kept in the Florovsky Temple convent in Kyiv, and the other is located in the same place, but in the Holy Vvedensky Monastery. The wall of the cathedral where it is placed is decorated with a similar image made using mosaic technique.

Creating a list from an ancient original

The icon, kept in the monastery, is associated with a miracle that accompanied its discovery in our days. It is known that this list was made from an ancient original by a certain princess who became a monk under the name of Mary. This pious woman was endowed with an artistic gift from above.

There is evidence that she painted the image in question not with an ordinary brush, as all painters do, but with a special one - made from holy relics. She mixed the paints for her work in holy water, and during the writing period she constantly said the Jesus Prayer. As a result, the icon she created was filled with the Grace of God and acquired the ability to work miracles.

When the Bolshevik revolution took place, and then decades of persecution of the church followed, the miraculous icon “Look upon Humility” from the Holy Vvedensky Monastery was kept long years in the house of the nun Theodora. When the times of democratic change came, and state atheism became a thing of the past, the pious nun returned the image to its original place.

According to legend, this icon was painted by a certain princess who retired to a monastery, where she received the schema with the name Maria. She not only had the talent of painting, but also carried out ascetic deeds invisible to the world, for which the Lord honored her with painting the Face of His Immaculate Mother. Women are not allowed to touch the relics, but this icon painter, with the special permission of the highest clergy, was granted such a right. She painted the icon with a bone from the relics, dipping it in paints mixed with holy water. All this time the schema-montress ate nothing except the Holy Mysteries of Christ and said the Jesus Prayer. In her heart she asked the Lord that everyone who prays in front of this icon would receive satisfaction of their sorrows and deliverance from their needs.

A miracle that happened today

It is with this second discovery that the miracle is connected, which plunged both the inhabitants of the monastery and numerous pilgrims into awe. The fact is that in 1993 it was decided to restore the icon, since the colors had faded and the images became dull. When the glass covering the icon case was removed, they discovered that the painting had not lost its bright color, but the glass itself had become clouded. Having examined it more closely, they discovered that the image of the Mother of God with Her Eternal Child appeared on it.

The image resembled a drawing made with light chalk strokes, and it was like a negative from the original. The light areas of the icon became dark on the glass, and the dark areas became light. Of course, Kyiv scientists became interested in such a phenomenon. They made a thorough study and concluded that the design on the glass was not made by man, and its nature cannot be explained on the basis of modern scientific methods.

After some time, people noticed that the icon seemed to have faded: After the festive mass, it was solemnly taken for restoration. It was difficult to carry the glass, so we decided to remove the ark. The amazement of those present knew no bounds! The icon remained as it was, the colors were fresh and clean - the glass covering it became clouded. On it, strictly along the contour, as if with light chalk strokes, the silhouette of the Mother of God and the Child was imprinted. The most amazing thing is that the image on the glass is a negative: the dark places - the white face, hands, folds - are dark.

The icon of the Mother of God “GRATURE ON HUMILITY” became widely known after a miraculous apparition that occurred in 2001 in the Kiev Holy Vvedensky Monastery. On the glass of the icon case in which the icon was located, miraculously the image of the image was lost. Both from the icon of the Mother of God itself and from the imprint on the glass, many people were healed of mental and physical ailments.

A new miracle and universal worship of the shrine

Top management Orthodox Church Ukraine issued a resolution, on the basis of which the icon “Look at Humility” should be classified as miraculous. After that, she was again placed under glass, this time located at a considerable distance from her. However, in 2001, the features of the Virgin Mary inexplicably appeared on it again.

Characteristic features of the icon

In conclusion, a few words about the iconography of this image. The icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility” belongs to the “Hodegetria” type, which means “Guide”. It depicts the Most Pure Virgin, crowned and holding a scepter in her right hand. With her left hand She holds the Baby standing on her knees and holding an orb in her left hand - a symbol of power over the world.

His right hand is raised up. This indicates the Latin origin of the prototype of the icon, since it was in the West that the Child was often given the appearance of an orator (tribune) speaking in defense of all the unfortunate and disadvantaged.

The type of image of the “Hodegetria” does not correspond either to the text of the Holy Scriptures or to the akathist to the Mother of God, which gives a certain freedom to decide the composition of the icon. Therefore, there are options for the image of “Hodegetria”, when the Baby can be on the right or left hand of the Mother of God, depicted in full growth, or sitting on the Mother’s lap, in his hand he can hold a scroll or an attribute of royal power. The appearance of any version of the image could be separated by entire centuries.

Traditionally, on icons of this type, the Mother of God holds the Child in her left hand, and Jesus is depicted frontally, looking at those praying and blessing them with his right hand. In this majestic unity, noble harmony, the Divinity of Christ, His unearthly power and strength are especially emphasized. The Kiev icon “Look at Humility” corresponds to this type of image of the Virgin and Child. The image of the Mother of God, endowed with Divine power and high spirituality, is solemn and strict. Everything in Her appearance is filled with some amazing subtle beauty and sophistication. In her face, almost classical in its correct proportions, special attention is attracted by her huge, attentive eyes, which look at you, no matter in what part of the temple you are. There is so much depth and understanding in them, nothing can be hidden from this penetrating gaze. Moreover, the expression of the eyes can be different: sometimes the Mother of God is stern and serious, and at other times Her eyes glow with kindness and sympathy, and a barely noticeable smile brightens her Face. This is a touching image mother's love, fragility and illusory nature of maternal happiness in cruel world. Tenderness is combined with thoughtfulness, anxiety and sadness of the Mother, anticipating the death of her Son. This was the image of the Mother who shared the thorny life path, our ancestors, this is how She appears before believers even now, a millennium after the adoption of Christianity.

In the icon, the Mother of God is dressed in a red maforia - this is an outer garment in the form of a quadrangular plate that covered her head, wrapped her chest and fell down her back like a mantle. Maforium was part of the clothing married woman. The purple color of the Mother of God means Her motherhood, and the blue color of the tunic, a long dress with embroidered narrow sleeves, is a symbol of chastity, virginity and heavenly purity. The color purple, (in Russian - crimson), was an expression of beauty, preciousness and belonging to the royal family. Only emperors wore purple clothes and shoes.

The ornamental border on the robe of the Mother of God is a sign of Her glorification, and the three golden stars on the maforium symbolize Her Ever-Virginity. On top of the maforia there is a crown, which is a symbol of the Kingdom, the Mother of God is the Queen of Heaven, but this royal dignity is based solely on Her motherhood, on the fact that She became the Mother of the Savior and Lord. Saint Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria (5th century) called the Mother of God “the venerable treasure of the whole world, the unquenchable lamp, the crown of virginity, the scepter of Orthodoxy, the indestructible temple.” In her right hand, the Mother of God holds a staff, the scepter of Orthodoxy, which is also an attribute of royal power and evidence of descent from the royal family. With her left hand She gently supports the Child standing on her lap. The Savior is dressed in a white tunic. White color- a combination of all colors, a symbol of purity, innocence, involvement in the Divine world. In the hands of Jesus we see a power that symbolized royal power over the world. Golden halos, emitting Divine light, serve as an expression of holiness and belonging to the world of eternal values.

A rare and incomprehensible, at first glance, name of an icon, which can be interpreted in different ways. In a song of praise to God, the Most Holy Virgin herself spoke like this: “...as if she had regard for the humility of her servant” (Gospel of Luke, Chapter 1, Art. 48). She was filled with the deepest humility purest soul Most Blessed, for which She was crowned with the highest glory. God looked, looked, noticed, appreciated the purity of this holy Maiden and granted Her great mercy - to embody the word of God, and through this made Her an abundant source of mercy and healing to all the suffering, disadvantaged, and in need of Her help. And the second interpretation is clear from the composition of this miraculous image. Looking at the icon, we see how Christ took the Mother of God by the cheek, as if saying to her: “Look at the humility of those who turn to you. Look, warm with your warmth, give joy and peace, heal, have pity and bring their prayers to Me, and I will have mercy and save them.” And those who worship the incomparable and radiant shrine of the Most Pure and Blessed Virgin Mary, those over whom Her image shines in humility great power, let them honor Her with the same humility with which She was full. Let us be humble before God so that we can feel all His benefits and be grateful to Him.

The presence of a miraculous icon in the temple spreads special grace. The main reason for venerating the image as miraculous has always been the certified gift of specific help, be it healing, salvation, etc. One of the first confirmations of the miraculous nature of the image was the case of the healing of a young woman who fell ill with hepatitis (jaundice) at a time when she was preparing to become a mother . The doctors who monitored the patient were unanimous in the opinion that the disease would have a detrimental effect on the health of the baby, and therefore demanded that the pregnancy be immediately terminated. But the young woman, being a believer, was afraid to take upon herself the sin of committing murder in the womb of her own child. For three days she prayed in front of the image of the Virgin Mary, asking for help. Soon repeated tests were done, which showed the absence of the hepatitis virus in the blood, which meant a sudden cessation of the disease. The born girl was completely healthy, and Abbot Damian baptized the baby in the Vvedensky Church.

But most importantly, the icon brings spiritual healing; it has helped many people return to church, to attend services, to confession and communion. The news of the gracious help of the Queen of Heaven quickly spread not only throughout our city, but throughout the whole country. Pilgrims from all over the world began to flock to her. Guests from abroad, Catholics and Protestants, also come here to honor Orthodox shrine, and remain deeply moved by the meeting with the miraculous icon.

Many parishioners have the opportunity to purchase holy oil from the miraculous icon. Anointing with oil from the icon imposes on us the obligation to be merciful in our actions. Holy oil also has the gift of bodily healing. And a clear confirmation of this was the case of healing of a boy from Boryspil, who received 60 percent of a burn to his body.

Every day in the church during divine services, hymns are sung, praising the greatness and glory of the Mother of God. At the end of the liturgy, after the prayer behind the pulpit, the canon “paraklisis” is read before the icon of the Mother of God. “Theotokos and Mother of Light” is proclaimed before the miraculous icon. On Friday, according to the 6th song of the canon, the akathist “The Unbrided Bride” is read at Matins, and part of the akathist is read in front of the miraculous icon for the Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos. It has become a tradition, on Sundays, after the liturgy, to perform a prayer service with the reading of an akathist dedicated to the icon “Look at Humility.”

There are more than 20 akathists to the Theotokos, some of them concern events from the grace-filled life of the Mother of God, others were written in honor of some of Her miraculous icons. The first to be compiled in Constantinople were akathists for the Annunciation and Dormition of the Mother of God. The further development of this type of Orthodox church hymnography is connected with the historical existence of the Russian Church. An akathist, compiled by Archimandrite Damian and Priest Anatoly Sheremetyev, was also dedicated to the Kyiv miraculous icon “Look at Humility.” The Most Pure Mother of God is glorified by the prayers and singing of the akathist, and in the wonderful words one can hear not only admiration for Her, but also the joy that our city has not been forgotten by the Queen of Heaven and that it again has a good Intercessor who reliably protects its peace.

Over time, a tradition has developed of coming to the miraculous icon for the blessing of the Mother of God for one’s work before starting an important task. The immeasurable grace of the Virgin Mary is expressed in response to the prayer of a deeply religious person who calls on her from the depths of his heart. And as a rule, such a prayer to the Mother of God finds a response.

Unfortunately, the original image of the Mother of God “Look at Humility” icon has not survived to this day, because in the 19th century fires often raged in the Pskov region, and the icon disappeared. However, several lists (copies handwritten from memory) survive. One of them is located on the territory of the Holy Vvedensky Monastery in Ukraine.