Which nunnery is better to go to? Enter a monastery: stories of women who did this. How to get to a nunnery for accommodation

Many people cannot stand the hustle and bustle modern world, so they start to think that they are tired and fed up with everything. Constantly home-work, work-home, home life is already starting to get boring, trips to relatives and travel do not bring the joy that was before. I want something pure and bright for the soul, to open up to the world and feel all the beauty of life.

This desire to know something brighter and purer is becoming stronger and more sensual every day. This is why people want to go to a monastery. A person begins to fuss and tries to look for himself in new things, as well as achievements. Starts to live public life , but over time he realizes that even here there is no joy that he would like to feel for himself. From that moment on, he turns to God.

In order to go to a monastery for women, the first thing you need is desire. One must fully understand that after leaving a person no longer belongs to the world - now he belongs to God. This means that all his thoughts and deeds should be devoted only to serving the Almighty.

In addition, at first for some time the woman he simply lives at the monastery, while understanding his inner world and taking a closer look at the way of life of the nuns, as well as the monastery. After which, over time, she is allowed to take part in the life of the monastery, as well as live according to its regime, but at the same time she is not given the title of nun for a year. This is done in order to, so that a woman, feeling with all her heart, can decide for herself whether she wants to be a nun for the rest of her days or not. After the end of this probationary year, if everything went well, the woman can become a nun.

Can a married woman enter a monastery?

Most people want to get into the monastery various people , for a variety of reasons. There are some who are completely adults, and some who are completely young. Married ladies can also become nuns, but only when they do not have a small child in their arms. In other words, children must be fully grown and able to earn their own living.

Is it possible to go to a monastery for a while?

If the soul and heart asks to go to a monastery, however, the mind still hesitates in the fidelity of this act, then it is allowed to turn to the abbess of the monastery and ask for the role of a novice at the monastery. The abbess will never allow herself to refuse support. You can serve as a novice at a monastery for any period of time..

How can you leave the monastery?

You are allowed to leave the monastery at any time, since a monastery is a place where people come of their own free will. If a person has failed to accept God, then it will be difficult for him to be in a monastery . So why torture yourself?? In this case, you can go away on your own and figure yourself out, and God will give you a hint on how to do this.

How to go to a nunnery: detailed instructions

Within the walls of the monastery from daily problems and vanity, a variety of people are saved - of different ages, education, social status. The residents are happy to welcome almost everyone. Most of those who come to the monastery are strong and enterprising people, since life in the monastery is difficult both on the physical and spiritual levels.

What is needed for this?

In order for a girl to go to a monastery she needs:

  • identification;
  • autobiography;
  • certificate of marital status;
  • application addressed to the abbess.

detailed instructions

To get into convent , first of all you need:

What do monks renounce? What vows do they take? In Orthodox monasteries there are the following ascetic vows:

The spiritual world of man

The human spiritual world is extremely diverse and almost everything depends on state traditions and the characteristics of upbringing. Still, there are common points that are characteristic of virtually all nations. It is spiritual life that makes a person human; it is capable of revealing all the best that is in him.

A believer and his spiritual world

Faith in God guides a person to spiritual values ​​that go beyond boundaries everyday life. In addition, specifically spiritual life is the basis of human life and establishes moral and ethical standards. A person tries not to do bad things - in other words, not to harm anyone, not to do anything that could harm his soul.

Truly a believer in almost everything he is a role model, since he is very kind, peace-loving, modest, generous, constantly ready to help in hard times. Compliance with the spiritual precepts of the greatest religions truly makes a person much purer and takes his life to a higher quality level.

It is extremely important that a believer constantly sees around him countless proofs of the truth of his own faith. A large number of events show him the omnipotence of God and assure him that the Lord will never leave him alone. Just the awareness of this gives a religious person powerful spiritual support, and also helps to courageously endure various problems.

The spiritual world of an atheist

If a person does not believe in God, this does not mean that he does not have spirituality. After all, everything depends on the person himself. It has been proven that in practice many atheists are more conscientious and good people than believers.

For an atheist, the first place in his spiritual world is occupied by the main human values. Kindness, mercy, love, honesty, empathy - even as an atheist, these qualities are extremely necessary . It’s simply impossible to forget about them, they cannot be ignored. And also, other important values ​​remain, such as the thirst for knowledge and research into the mysteries of our world.

We should not forget about conscience, which is an important spiritual property of a person. After all, a person who lives according to his conscience will never allow himself to act dishonestly, shamefully, or unfairly.

Other teachings

The vast majority of other teachings currently available also place great emphasis on spiritual world person. In first place they have development of man, his capabilities, knowledge of the world. Even in occult teachings which, according to the beliefs of ordinary religions, are completely incorrect, spiritual development is considered not just necessary, but the most important and priority.

For followers of alternative teachings his path turns into a path of knowledge. And on this path there is no place for greedy, proud, bitter people. The path of knowledge is full of traps: to pass it, you need to have crystal purity. And here the most important values ​​are the same - justice, honesty, selflessness.

Again, the motivation, the basis of spirituality, is the desire to understand our world. The thirst for knowledge, the desire to realize, to understand, have always been characteristic of man. There are usually no dogmas in the way of these teachings. In addition, doubts about the truth of certain aspects of the teaching and the desire to ask questions are only welcome. It is not enough to just read about something; you need to test everything from your own experience. As a result, life becomes not just in following established dogmas and rules, but in a journey into the unknown, which is full of adventure.

We hope this article will help you understand with questions regarding entering a monastery and will be useful. Dedicating your life to God is a truly serious and difficult decision, but it has many benefits. Of course, this path is not suitable for everyone, but for those who want to find something new for the soul, something bright and pure, this choice is suitable.

How to become a monk is a question that every person who has firmly decided to take monastic vows asks himself. Having embarked on a path that involves saying goodbye to the blessings of life and leaving the world, it is impossible to go through it quickly. The priests advise not to rush, since life in a monastery is not suitable for everyone who dreams of it. What needs to be done in order to realize your desire?

How to become a monk: the beginning of the journey

Where to start for a person who has a desire to leave behind the bustle of worldly life and go to a monastery? When wondering how to become a monk, you must first understand what it means. Anyone who makes such a decision must prepare for dramatic changes in life. He will no longer have access to the benefits of civilization to which all residents of the 21st century are accustomed - cell phones, computers, televisions and other achievements. technical progress will remain a thing of the past.

It is important to realize that the life of a monk is dedicated to God, spent in work and prayer. People who have taken monastic vows will have to leave their usual entertainment behind the walls of the monastery. You will also have to give up contacts with the opposite sex. Finally, not every person is ready to accept the fact that he will rarely have to see close people - relatives and friends. It is separation from family that forces many to change their minds.

Communication with a confessor

It is great if someone who plans to enter a monastery has their own confessor. It is he who should be asked the question of how to become a monk. In the absence of a confessor, you can visit any church and discuss the decision made with the local priest. From him you can learn details about life in the monastery, which will help you strengthen your desire or change your mind in advance.

As a rule, priests recommend that people who want to say goodbye to worldly life attend church every day for a year. In addition, they must follow fasts, read prayers and make changes in their daily routine. It's about about getting up early (about 5-6 in the morning), eating lean food, refusing entertainment, including innocent ones like watching TV shows and using the Internet. Of course, the priest will advise you to give up intimate relationships with the opposite sex in advance.

In addition to all of the above, the future monk is shown reading the Holy Scriptures and becoming familiar with the works of worthy church fathers.


The next stage is for the one who withstands all the tests of the previous stage with honor, which, as practice shows, few can do. Before becoming a monk, the candidate will have to go through the path of the laborer. This is the name of a person who serves as an assistant to clergy. The worker is required to permanently reside in the monastery, and strict adherence to all the rules accepted there is also necessary. In particular, future monks get up at five in the morning, observe fasts, and spend their days at work. They are forced to clean rooms, help in the kitchen or in the garden, and are assigned other tasks. Of course, a lot of time is devoted to prayers.

Workers live in the monastery for about three years, this is necessary in order to strengthen their the decision taken. A person who wants to devote himself to serving God must understand that he will have to work hard physically. This is also true for those who in worldly life were engaged primarily in mental work, have a diploma higher education, worked in a management position.


How to become a monk in Russia? You cannot take monastic vows without also going through the novice stage. If, during the three years spent as a laborer, the candidate becomes stronger in his intention, he becomes a novice. To do this, you must submit a petition for admission to the brethren of the chosen monastery. The abbot will certainly grant the request if the future monk was able to demonstrate hard work and patience while living in the temple as a worker.

The novice also resides permanently in the monastery and is given a cassock. The length of the probationary period, during which a candidate for monasticism will have to confirm his readiness to devote his life to God, is determined individually. It is worth knowing that the novice is free to leave the monastery walls at any time, having realized his mistake.


How to become a monk in Russia? Having successfully completed the path of the novice, a person can finally say goodbye to worldly life. To do this, he will need to take vows that imply renunciation of the benefits of civilization. Traditionally, people who want to enter an Orthodox monastery take four ascetic vows.

  • Celibacy. Monks are unable to have sexual contact with the opposite sex; they deliberately reject the opportunity to get married and have children, thereby dooming themselves to a lonely life. However, the walls of the monastery are also open to widowers with adult heirs who no longer need care.
  • Obedience. You need to be aware that by going to a monastery, a person actually gives up of one's own will, the ability to manage own life. He is required to obey his confessor unquestioningly. It is better not to become freedom-loving and proud people who are not ready for humility and obedience.
  • Non-covetousness. What does it take to become a monk, besides this? You will have to give up your property, whether it is an apartment, a dacha or a car. A person entering a monastery must make a donation in its favor. However, it may be symbolic most property is allowed, if desired, to be left to close people.
  • Constant prayer. Of course, certain hours are set aside for offering prayers. However, a person who has taken monastic vows must pray constantly, even while doing physical labor.

People who are not allowed to enter the monastery

The above describes how to become a monk in a monastery. However, not everyone can take this path. Every confessor will say that people should not say goodbye to worldly life if they still have obligations to relatives and friends. In other words, a person can go to a monastery only after he has dealt with all his obligations towards other people.

For example, you cannot become a monk if you have elderly parents who have no one to take care of them. The same applies to close relatives who are unable to provide self-care due to a disability. It is also prohibited to abandon small children and leave them in orphanages.

Finally, a person suffering from a serious illness cannot go to a monastery, since there will be no quality medical care within its walls. The same rule applies to disabled people who are unable to care for themselves. on our own. In such situations, priests recommend that people pray for their recovery.


Above is the answer to the question of how to become an Orthodox monk. What should a person do if he is attracted to Buddhism? ancient religion, which appeared more than two thousand years ago, the main postulate of which sounds like “here and now.” If you dream of joining the ranks of Buddhist monks, you need to realize that their lives are devoted to helping other people, they live in deprivation, they live on donations, and observe a celibate meal.

How to become a Buddhist monk? First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the teachings of religion, acquire and prepare for entering a monastery. For example, with the help of a mentor, you need to master the art of meditation. scattered all over the world, they are also found in Russian cities. A person who wishes to accept this religion must become a regular at such a monastery.

Buddhist monk

How to become a Buddhist monk in Russia? A person who has firmly decided to become a monk of a particular monastery must find out its requirements. It is better to inquire about them in advance, as they are different. A person whose candidacy is approved undergoes training in a temple, the duration of which depends on the rules of a particular monastery and the degree of readiness of the candidate. This is followed by an initiation ceremony, which only an ordained monk can perform. At this stage, the transmission of the Five Precepts and the Three Jewels is carried out, and a Buddhist name is chosen.

The initiate has a teacher, usually the person who performed the ceremony. He is allowed to settle permanently in the monastery. Also, the newly minted monk takes the vow of a Bodhisattva - a legendary hero who dedicated his life to the development of Buddhist teachings and helping the suffering. By taking the vow, people promise to do good and seek enlightenment throughout their entire existence.

Wanting to devote himself to Buddhism, a monk will have to renounce worldly pleasures. Of course, relationships with the opposite sex, creating a family and having children will become inaccessible to him. However, there is also the opportunity to become a monk temporarily, devoting several months or years to developing one’s own spirituality and searching for the meaning of life.

Road to Tibet

How to become a monk in Theoretically, this path can be taken by a person living in any country in the world, if he is not afraid of numerous difficulties. Education in the temple is available to everyone who has reached the age of eight. Candidates who do not speak the language must devote a year or two to studying at a special school. If you wish, you can also find monasteries with a Russian community without wasting time getting to know the Tibetan language. For example, residents of the Russian Federation can recommend the communities of Goman and Namgyel, which accept Russian-speaking novices.

How to become a Tibetan monk? Having mastered the language, you need to find a teacher at the monastery (lama) who will agree to become a mentor. You need to understand that the number of applicants exceeds the number of places in the temples, so the search can take a lot of time. After completing training with the lama, you will need to pass a difficult exam in Buddhism. Having coped with this task, a person acquires the status of a monk-disciple.

On average, novices study for five years, the duration of training may vary depending on which monastery is chosen, as well as on the student's success. During this time, future monks will have to live on their own money, so you need to take care of having the necessary amount in advance.

Tibetan monk

Not every applicant is able to endure the path from a monk-student to a certified teacher-lama. Studying in a monastery is difficult. Students have to refuse any activities of an entertaining nature. For example, a monk-disciple can be kicked out even for playing football. Monks lead an ascetic lifestyle and are allowed to have a minimum of personal belongings.

The main subject is philosophy, and students also master logic, the concepts of Buddhism, metaphysics, and so on. There is always the danger of repeating a second year, since the performance requirements are extremely strict, and any manifestations of laziness are severely punished. Some monks are forced to study for twenty years or more if they wish to become Ph.D. In addition to study, the life of a monk also includes monastic work. He may be assigned kitchen work, cleaning rooms and other tasks. Novices have very little personal time left.

It is interesting that a person whose training is completed is not at all obliged to say goodbye to worldly life. Many monks become administrators and teachers of the temple in which they studied. Some turn into hermits, going to the mountains of their own free will.

Path to Shaolin

Shaolin is a famous Buddhist temple located in central China. How to become This is also possible if a person is not afraid of the difficulties that are inevitable. First of all, the applicant should learn to understand Buddhism and Shaolin philosophy. Followers of the teaching do not learn kung fu techniques for the sake of fighting, as it may seem to those who are familiar with the art only through feature films and television series. The goal they set for themselves is to develop self-discipline and achieve harmony with the world around them.

How to become a monk in a Shaolin monastery? For people who have such a desire, it is useful to attend kung fu sections for some time or practice on their own by finding appropriate video courses. It is also worth visiting the Shaolin Temple, which can be seen as a tourist. In addition to China, such monasteries can be found in the USA and a number of European countries.

Shaolin monk

What should someone who not only wants to acquire kung fu skills, but also undergo serious training, do? How to become theoretically ready to accept everyone who shares the Buddhist doctrine. Age limit - from six years. However, this person is required to reside permanently in China. In addition, the candidate must be purposeful, hardworking and virtuous, demonstrate a willingness to live an ascetic lifestyle, and demonstrate humility. Less stringent requirements are imposed on those who wish to train in martial arts schools operating at the monastery.

Having become a novice, the applicant undergoes training, during which mentors observe him, assessing his readiness. Some are able to take monastic vows within a few months, others wait several years to do so.

When thinking about how to become, you need to assess your readiness. People who have been trained in the monastery acquire fantastic endurance, which is developed through grueling training. This physical exercise, martial arts, meditation. All years of study are devoted to improving the mind and body, leaving no time for rest and entertainment. It is also worth knowing that the monks do not eat meat; their diet consists of vegetables, fruits, and grains. This life path absolutely not suitable for those with poor health.

Instead of conclusions

A person who is thinking about becoming a monk must understand that this is not a profession, but a way of life. You should not make an impulsive decision under the influence of problems that seem insoluble, failures in your personal life or professional activities.

Since it carries within itself renunciation of a sinful life, the seal of chosenness, eternal union with Christ and dedication to serving God.

Monasticism is destiny strong in spirit and body. If a person is unhappy in worldly life, escaping to a monastery will only worsen his misfortunes.

It is possible to go to a monastery only by breaking ties with outside world, completely renounce everything earthly and devote your life to serving the Lord. Desire alone is not enough for this: the call and dictates of the heart make a person closer to monasticism. For this you need to work hard and prepare.

The path to the monastery begins with knowledge of the depth of spiritual life.

Took monastic vows

Entering a monastery for women

How can a woman go to a monastery? This is a decision that the woman herself makes, but not without help spiritual mentor and God's blessing.

We should not forget that they come to the monastery not to heal spiritual wounds received in the world from unhappy love, the death of loved ones, but to reunite with the Lord, with the cleansing of the soul from sins, with the understanding that all life now belongs to the service of Christ.

Everyone is welcome at the monastery, but as long as problems remain in worldly life, the walls of the monastery cannot save, but can only worsen the situation. When leaving for a monastery, there should be no attachments that hold you back in everyday life. If the readiness to surrender to the service of the Lord is strong, then monastic life will go to the benefit of the nun, she will find peace and tranquility in daily work, prayers and the feeling that the Lord is always near.

If people behave irresponsibly in the world - they want to leave their wife, leave their children, then there is no confidence that monastic life will benefit such a lost soul.

Important! Responsibility is needed always and everywhere. You can't run away from yourself. You should not go to the monastery, but come to the monastery, go towards a new day, a new dawn, where the Lord is waiting for you.

Entering a monastery for men

How can a man go to a monastery? This decision is not easy. But the rules are the same, just like for women. It’s just that in society, more responsibility for family, work, and children lies on men’s shoulders.

Therefore, when going to a monastery, but at the same time getting closer to God, you need to think about whether your loved ones will be left without the support and strong shoulder of a man.

There is no big difference between a man and a woman who wants to go to a monastery. Everyone has their own reason for leaving for the monastery. The only thing that unites future monks is imitation of the way of life of Christ.

Preparation for monastic life

Monk - translated from Greek means “lonely”, and in Rus' they were called monks - from the word “different”, “different”. Monastic life is not a disregard for the world, its colors and admiration for life, but it is a renunciation of harmful passions and sinfulness, from carnal pleasures and pleasures.

Monasticism serves to restore the original purity and sinlessness that Adam and Eve were endowed with in paradise. difficult path, but the reward is great - imitation of the image of Christ, endless joy in God, the ability to accept with gratitude everything that the Lord sends. In addition, monks are the first prayer books about the sinful world. As long as their prayer sounds, the world continues. This main job monks - pray for the whole world.

While a man or woman lives in the world, but with all his soul feels that their place is in the monastery, they have time to prepare and make the right and final choice between worldly life and life in unity with God:

  • First you need to be an Orthodox Christian;
  • To visit the temple, but not formally, but to imbue your soul with the divine services and love them;
  • Perform morning and evening prayer rules;
  • Learn to observe physical and spiritual fasting;
  • Honor Orthodox holidays;
  • Read spiritual literature, the lives of saints, and be sure to get acquainted with books written by holy people that tell about monastic life and the history of monasticism;
  • Find a spiritual mentor who will tell you about true monasticism, dispel myths about life in a monastery, and give a blessing for serving God;
  • Make a pilgrimage to several monasteries, be a laborer, stay for obedience.

About Orthodox monasteries:

Who can enter the monastery

The impossibility of living without God leads a man or woman to the walls of the monastery. They do not run away from people, but go for salvation, for the inner need of repentance.

And yet there are obstacles to entering the monastery; not everyone can be blessed for monasticism.

Cannot be a monk or nun:

  • A family man;
  • A man or woman raising small children;
  • Wanting to hide from unhappy love, difficulties, failures;
  • A person’s advanced age becomes an obstacle to monasticism, because in the monastery they work diligently and hard, and for this you need to be healthy. Yes, and it is difficult to change ingrained habits that will become an obstacle to monasticism.

If all this is absent and the intention to come to monasticism does not leave a person for a minute, of course, no one and nothing will prevent him from renouncing the world and entering a monastery.

They go to the monastery absolutely different people: those who have achieved success in the world, educated, smart, beautiful. They go because the soul thirsts for more.

Monasticism is open to everyone, but not everyone is fully ready for it. Monasticism is a life without sorrows, in the understanding that a person gets rid of worldly vanity and worries. But this life is much harder than the life of a family man. The family cross is difficult, but after escaping from it to a monastery, disappointment awaits and relief does not come.

Advice! And yet, in order to step on the difficult path of monasticism, which belongs to a few, you need to think carefully and carefully, so as not to look back and regret what happened.

Took monastic vows

How to deal with parents

Many parents in ancient times in Rus' and in other Orthodox countries Children's desire to become monks was welcomed. The youths were prepared from childhood to become monks. Such children were considered prayer books for the whole family.

But there were also deeply religious people who categorically opposed the service of their children in the monastic field. They wanted to see their children successful and prosperous in worldly life.

Children who independently decided to live in a monastery prepare their loved ones for such a serious choice. It is necessary to choose the right words and arguments that will be perceived correctly by parents and will not lead them into the sin of condemnation.

In turn, prudent parents will thoroughly study their child’s choice, delve into the essence and understanding of the whole issue, help and support loved one in such an important undertaking.

It’s just that the majority, due to ignorance of the essence of monasticism, perceive the desire of children to serve the Lord as something alien, unnatural. They begin to fall into despair and melancholy.

Parents are sad that there will be no grandchildren, that their son or daughter will not have all the usual worldly joys, which are considered to be the highest achievements for a person.

Advice! Monasticism is a worthy decision for a child, and parental support is an important component in the final confirmation of the correct choice of the future path in life.

On raising children in faith:

Time for reflection: laborer and novice

To choose a monastery in which a future monk will stay, they make more than one trip to holy places. When visiting one monastery, it is difficult to determine that a person’s heart will remain here to serve God.

After remaining in the monastery for several weeks, the man or woman is assigned the role of laborer.

During this period a person:

  • prays a lot, confesses;
  • works for the benefit of the monastery;
  • gradually comprehends the basics of monastic life.

The worker lives at the monastery and eats here. At this stage, the monastery takes a closer look at him, and if the person remains faithful to his vocation of monasticism, he is offered to remain in the monastery as a novice - a person preparing to be tonsured as a monk and undergoing a spiritual test in the monastery.

Important: obedience is a Christian virtue, a monastic vow, a test, the whole meaning of which comes down to the liberation of the soul, and not to slavery. The essence and importance of obedience must be understood and felt. Understand that everything is done for good, and not for torment. By performing obedience, they understand that the elder, who is responsible for the future monk, cares about the salvation of his soul.

In case of unbearable trials, when the spirit weakens, you can always turn to your elder and tell about the difficulties. And unceasing prayer to God is the first assistant in strengthening the spirit.

You can be a novice for many years. Whether a person is ready to become a monk is decided by the confessor. At the stage of obedience there is still time to think about the future life.

The bishop or abbot of the monastery performs the rite of monastic tonsure. After tonsure there is no turning back: moving away from passions, sorrows and embarrassment leads to an inextricable connection with God.

Important: do not rush, do not rush to accept monasticism. Impulsive impulses, inexperience, ardor are falsely taken for true calling be a monk. And then a person begins to worry, despondency, melancholy, and run away from the monastery. The vows are made and no one can break them. And life turns into torture.

Therefore, the main instruction of the holy fathers is careful obedience and testing for a certain period of time, which will show the true intention to be called to monasticism.

Life in the monastery

In our 21st century, it has become possible for ordinary lay people to get closer and see the life of monks.

Pilgrimage trips to nunneries and monasteries are now being organized. The pilgrimage lasts several days. The laity live at the monastery, in specially designated rooms for guests. Sometimes accommodation may be paid, but this is a symbolic price and the proceeds from it go to the maintenance of the monastery. Food is free, according to the monastery charter, that is, fast food.

But the laity do not live in the monastery as tourists, but become involved in the life of monks. They undergo obedience, work for the good of the monastery, pray and feel the grace of God with all their nature. They are very tired, but the fatigue is pleasant, grace-filled, which brings peace to the soul and a feeling of the closeness of God.

After such trips, many myths about the life of monks are dispelled:

  1. There is strict discipline in the monastery, but it does not oppress the nuns and monks, but brings joy. They see the meaning of life in fasting, work and prayer.
  2. Nobody forbids a monk to have books, listen to music, watch films, communicate with friends, travel, but everything should be for the good of the soul.
  3. The cells are not dull, as shown in feature films, there is a wardrobe, a bed, a table, a lot of icons - everything is very cozy.

After tonsure, three vows are taken: chastity, non-covetousness, obedience:

  • Monastic chastity- this is celibacy, as a constituent element of aspiration towards God; the concept of chastity as abstinence from satisfying the lusts of the flesh also exists in the world, therefore the meaning of this vow in the context of monasticism is something else - the acquisition of God Himself;
  • Monastic obedience- cutting off one’s will before everyone - elders, before every person, before Christ. Trust God infinitely and be submissive to Him in everything. Accept with gratitude everything as it is. Such a life takes on a special inner world, in direct contact with God and not overshadowed by any external circumstances;
  • Non-covetousness means renunciation of everything earthly. Monastic life renounces earthly goods: a monk should not have an addiction to anything. By renouncing earthly riches, he gains lightness of spirit.

And only with the Lord, when communication with Him becomes above all else - the rest, in principle, is not necessary and not important.

Watch a video about how to enter a monastery

This topic is not simple, especially since not everyone understands deep meaning leaving for a monastery. In modern reality, there is also the so-called “Orthodox romance”, which people often, unwittingly, envelop this topic with. Let's try to answer, to the best of our ability, frequently asked questions related to joining a monastery.

How do they live in a monastery, and what is a monastery?

Monasticism is a special spiritual path that a person chooses for himself. Complete renunciation of worldly life and complete dedication to God. For this reason, people in past centuries went into the desert or labored in temples. Then the first monasteries were born. They arose because many people in their souls wanted to be saved and follow the strict path, but physical weakness did not allow everyone to do this. People understood this and began to live together to provide physical, moral and spiritual support to each other. And in order to cut off self-will, which prevented spiritual growth, they chose the wisest monk or elder and tried to carry out his orders, and he, in turn, fatherly directed them and gave everyone obedience.

And since the physical body could not do without food, drink and shelter (especially in northern countries like ours), the monasteries had to arrange their external life, build cells, acquire vegetable gardens, a kitchen and other subsidiary plots, thanks to which they subsisted by the labor of their hands their own and donations from well-wishers.

But this was an insignificant and external life of the monastery. The internal one consisted of prayer, divine services, obedience and daily spiritual warfare. Somewhere this spiritual inner life was so strong that it gave birth to hosts of saints and “went out” far beyond the monastery, attracting thousands of pilgrims.

We will not touch on the spiritual side of monastic life in this article, for this is a vast topic and has been described by many pillars of monasticism, such as St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, St. Macarius of Egypt, St. Theophan the Recluse and many others. As they say, take books and read.

External life resembles a shared dormitory. The buildings contain cells - modest rooms where, as a rule, several monastics live. Everyone eats at strictly designated hours in the common refectory, and gets up here early - at 5 in the morning, or even earlier. In addition to church services, there is also a monastic daily rule.

Ideally, a monk should not have anything of his own, except for the clothes that he is wearing (and then received in the monastery). That is why everything is common here: the kitchen, the refectory, vegetable gardens, and other services where monks and novices work.

In the monastery, silence is welcomed and idleness is condemned. Therefore, if a monk is not busy in obedience, church service or some other common cause, he must still pray internally, reciting the rosary.

And even the external restrictions of monastic life - moreover, taken on voluntarily - already show that this path is not for everyone, what can we say about the spiritual depths to which, ideally, everyone who has renounced the world should strive?

How to go to a monastery, and what is needed for this?

Let's start with the fact that it is not as simple as it seems. It is quite difficult to get into any monastery. And if someone promises to “quickly tonsure you into a monk/nun,” run away. In fact, in any monastery they will look closely at you, ask about your spiritual path, they will find out whether you are married and whether you have abandoned your children (alas, there are such inappropriate cases). And then they will test you for several more years in obedience before you cross the very first stage - rossophore novitiate (not even minor monastic tonsure).

Therefore, if after visiting the monastery you began to have thoughts about leaving the world, try to start preparing for this event on your own for now on an external, which is also very important, level.

Start by giving up meat - they don’t eat meat in the monastery. Observe all four church fasts, as well as Wednesday and Friday. Train yourself to get up early and go long prayer rule. Go to church more often – and not just for Sunday services. Get out on church prayer both on weekdays and during fasting.

If you are working, continue what you are doing, but look at it from a spiritual point of view. Imagine that everything you do is for God, and therefore perceive the orders of your superiors as training in obedience. Try to avoid secular entertainment.

Give up TV and read more spiritual literature.

By the way, among the patristic heritage there is a wonderful book by St. Theophan the Recluse - “What is spiritual life and how to tune in to it,” where the correspondence reveals the world of a girl who decided to go to a monastery. Saint Theophan the Recluse helps her to walk this path gradually, becoming stronger in her choice, and not following emotional impulses, which can be very hot in youth, but also quickly cool down. The book will also be relevant not only to those who want to choose the monastic path, but in general to everyone who is interested in spiritual work amid the bustle of the world.

By the way, the question is often asked: how can a woman go to a monastery, how can a man go to a monastery?

There are absolutely no internal differences. Everything described in the article above is suitable for both men and women.

For women, it’s only worth adding that they will have to give up cosmetics and men’s clothing, and learn to wear skirts below the knee and modest, non-provocative clothes.

Having lived like this in the world, as it were, a “monastic” life and strengthened in your desire to go to a monastery, you will be able to move on to another stage: blessing and choosing a monastery.

Blessing of the confessor

You are not accepted into the monastery without a blessing. Moreover, it is desirable if this is the blessing of your confessor, with whom you have known for many years, or even an elder (generally recognized in Russian Orthodox Church). As a last resort, you may be sent to the confessor of the monastery that you have chosen for yourself. And as soon as he blesses, so it will be.

By the way, you need to approach the blessing itself with humility, and not rush into embrasures if it suddenly diverges from your desire. Because we often want one thing, but God’s providence for us is different.

Here some neophytes may be surprised, what could be higher and better than a monastery? If a person chooses this path, then God will definitely bless him through the elder. But we do not know the ways of the Lord. Sometimes it happens quite the opposite: a girl comes to the monastery for a blessing, and man of God sends her to marry.

You can read about one such episode in the Chronicle of the Seraphim-Diveyevo Monastery. Once two women came to Father Seraphim: one, very young, asked for a blessing to get married, and the other, 30 years old, asked for a monastery. But Father Seraphim blessed differently: he sent the young woman to a monastery, and, to her horror, blessed the 30-year-old to marry. Why did this cause such confusion among senior woman? Yes, because in the 19th century, girls who did not get married before the age of 30 were considered old maids, and their chances of starting a family were almost zero. But here everything worked out well for both women, and each was subsequently satisfied with her life.

And in the lives of many saints we learn how people who decided to choose the monastic path received completely different blessings.

In general, it should be noted that people do not go to a monastery just because their personal life has failed - as, alas, can be seen in our time. IN old times They didn’t take you to the monastery if a person was against marriage and family! For marriage is established and blessed by God! And the fact that the ideals of marriage and family values- a terrible sin. And monks, especially, should not participate in this sin, disparaging marriage and family.

It’s just that they personally chose the monastic path for themselves, and chose it based on their spiritual needs, where renunciation of marriage is considered not as an end in itself - for this, in general, it is not necessary to leave the world - but as a means and opportunity to devote oneself entirely to God and spiritual life. life.

Choosing a monastery

There may be two options here: either your confessor or elder will immediately bless you to a specific monastery, and all you have to do is humbly accept the will of God, or you will receive a blessing for the monastic path, but you will have to choose the monastery yourself.

And here it stands even during your self-study travel on pilgrimages to different monasteries. By the way, there is no sin in this. Even the saints had their hearts attached to some monasteries, but opposed to others. Here you really just have to marvel that each person can have “his own monastery.” And this is true even for families. Sometimes people admit that they have already traveled half of Russia and visited great shrines abroad, but they have a favorite monastery, to which they come every year to pray with the whole family, and nothing can be done about it.

It remains to remember the phrase common among Orthodox Christians: “We do not choose the saints, but they choose us.”

So when choosing a monastery, you should listen to your heart. Well, technically, just take a list of male or female monasteries in Russia and look for the one that is closer to your area. Read the history of the creation of the monastery, find out what shrines are in the monastery, which saints founded them, and go there on a pilgrimage to empirically understand whether this is your place or not.

How to go to a monastery as a laborer

After you have chosen a monastery, try to get there by long time, to start with, for two weeks (in subsequent times you can increase the time you stay in the monastery up to a month). This means that the excursion option offered by pilgrimage services and travel agencies will not suit you. You will have to get to the monastery on your own.

Having arrived at the place, you must tell the monastery that you have come for so many days - weeks (specify exactly) and want to work for the benefit of the monastery. Here you can tell which ones you have serious illnesses(if any) and ask to take this into account when obeying. But you should talk about this humbly and be prepared for refusal. Although, as a rule, they go to a meeting in the monastery. But sometimes the Lord especially tests those who want to go to a monastery, as if testing the determination of the person being tested!

By the way, everyone can come to labor, not just those who have decided to become a monk. This is generally a godly thing. And many saints said that God blesses people and those families in which they work for the good of the monastery. , speaking about Diveevo, noted that even those who wipe the dust here receive great grace.

How to get to live in a nunnery, how to go to a monastery?

Having gone through the path of labor, and preferably more than once, and having finally decided to leave the world, you should take the last step: sign up for an audience with the abbot (in monastery) or abbess (in a nunnery). And in a personal conversation, express your desire to go to a monastery. Further developments will develop based on the results of this conversation, and everyone will have their own. Further advice is inappropriate here.

Is it possible to go to a monastery with a child?

This question worries many who find themselves faced with a spiritual choice after they have been married and have children. And then it arises a large number of questions.

  • Firstly, if we think logically, and also in a Divine way, then it is necessary to first raise a child until he comes of age, and only then, with a clear conscience, go to a monastery, blessing your matured child to live with God.
  • Secondly, leaving for a monastery as a family can only be done by mutual consent, when the husband also goes to the monastery, otherwise leaving one of the spouses will be equated to sin.

For widowers and widowers, the monastic path is considered the best option, and in the old days many did just that. But here again the question arises about children. What age are the children, what is their gender and how many children are there? Many, being widowers or widowers with many children, preferred to enter into a second marriage in order to raise their children on their feet.

Do they take a child to a monastery? They take it, but very reluctantly, not with a baby, and taking into account the specific circumstances of each person. But you need to remember the main thing: only a child of the same sex as you can be accepted into the monastery. That is, a woman and her daughter will be taken to the nunnery, and a man and son to the men’s monastery.

Otherwise, you will only be offered life at the monastery as a laborer: that is, they will give you temporary shelter, food and obedience, in which you will work.

But both of these options are not the best the best choice. After all, you want to go to a monastery, not your child. And it is naive to hope that if a child lives in a monastery all his life, then he will remain there as an adult - it is not worth it. In most cases, everything is different: children, having reached adulthood, run away from the monastery immediately, and young people from completely unchurched families come to the holy monastery to asceticize.

Why is this happening? Probably because the principle of freedom to choose the path that God gives each of us at birth is violated! Yes, it is our rights and responsibilities as parents to instruct and teach the Law of God to our children. But this should be done unobtrusively, with great love and delicacy. Trusting not in one’s parental authority and knowledge, but in the will of God. And pray for the children. But don't force them.

That is why many wise priests bless many mothers (because most often this is the question that concerns women) to live in the world, as in a monastery, raising a child, and after his eighteenth birthday, to leave to seek the monastic path.

If the issue is very acute, and the woman feels that if she does not go to the monastery, she will simply perish spiritually, or there is a special blessing from the elder, then the issue of entering the monastery will still have to be resolved individually.

And in this case, you need to think about the child. Then the choice of a monastery should be made not only based on own desire, but also guided by a number of questions.

  1. The monastery must be large enough and well-equipped, located in a large village or near a city where there are hospitals and other necessary organizations. Some monasteries have their own hospitals or at least medical centers, where doctors and nurses who once went to the monastery perform obedience.
  2. There should be a school in the monastery. By the way, this is not a problem now. At many monasteries they arrange secondary schools or even a gymnasium, where a child can receive a complete secondary education equal to an ordinary secular school.
  3. You must decide all the issues of organizing your child yourself immediately. No one is obliged to sit with your child while you decide to read another akathist or go to another service. As a rule, mothers work in obedience while the child is at school. In the future, they themselves must monitor their child and take him with them to obediences or church services.

As you can see, this creates a number of difficulties and additional responsibilities, given the closed structure of the monastic community and the nature of spiritual life. Therefore, those who are thinking about a monastery while having a child in their arms should seriously think about this issue.

At what age can you enter a monastery?

Much less often, but still the opposite situation occurs, when teenagers who have learned the faith quite sincerely want to go to a monastery, but their parents do not allow them. It gets to the point where children literally run away to a monastery. How is the situation resolved in this case?

Minors are not accepted into the monastery without the consent of their parents, and tonsure is not performed until the age of 18. But they can allow them to live with the rights of workers.

In any case, the Abbess of the monastery to which the teenager applied contacts the parents, challenging them to talk. At the same time, calming the upset “child” and softening the “inflexibility” of the parents. Sometimes it is possible to reach a compromise.

Several years ago there was an incident in one monastery: 15 summer girl literally on her knees she begged the Mother Superior to take her to her monastery. She called her parents for a joint conversation. They managed to reach a compromise: they agreed that the girl would come to the monastery for the whole summer and return home in the fall, since she needed to finish school. The Mother Superior motivated this decision to her parents by the fact that, having allowed her daughter to live in the monastery for at least some time, they would stay with her a good relationship and will not become mortal enemies. And the girl, in turn, will take a closer look at monastery life from the inside.

So, if you are not yet 18 years old, but you want to go to a monastery, the reasonable decision of the Mother Superior can help you. Start by coming to the monastery on vacation. And with your parents, try to reach a compromise peacefully, in which sincere prayer for them can help.

Tatyana Strakhova

Most often, the desire to forever leave the world of routine and ordinary human passions by becoming a monk arises out of severe mental trauma and disappointment in one’s life. Indeed, sometimes unfulfilled plans, unfulfilled hopes, betrayal from loved ones or awareness of our own shortcomings pushes us to desperate actions. And the desire to become a monk, although wonderful in itself, is still often a desperate step. Today we will talk about how a man can leave for a new life, how to prepare for a new life, and most importantly, how to understand that this is really what you need.

The most important thing to know before asking the clergy to accept you into a monastery is that a person “from the street” who suddenly decided to renounce worldly life will not be tonsured a monk right away. You will be asked to go through a rather long probation, which can last several years. This is necessary not only so that the clergy are convinced of the purity of your intentions; a probationary period is needed, first of all, for you.

When a believer attends services, spends a little time in a monastery, it may seem to him that the life of monks is peace, peace of mind, confidence in tomorrow and righteousness. He feels uplifted and joyful, so the desire to stay in the monastery forever seems quite natural. However, in reality everything is not so simple. But let's talk about everything in order. First, let's look at what stages of preparation a person needs to go through to start new life as an Orthodox monk:

It is also worth considering that the monastery is much more willing to accept people over 30 years of age. This is due to the fact that at this age a person already has a certain life experience, so his decisions are more conscious. In addition, before you are tonsured a monk, you need to live in a monastery for at least five years. Over such a long period of time, you will be able to see for sure whether you are really ready to live the rest of your days, obeying a strict routine and renouncing everything worldly. If a very young guy wants to go to the monastery, then the permission of his parents will be required.

The Church is always ready to accept into its fold people who sincerely wish to devote their lives to serving God. However, there are some restrictions regarding those whose intentions are not so pure, those who have important unfinished business in worldly life, and people who have made a decision due to an unstable emotional state. Let's look at a few examples:

The most important thing is sincere desire devote yourself. Before a man enters a monastery, he must make sure that nothing holds him back in the world, no one depends on him, he is ready to humbly fulfill all the demands of the monastery leadership and accept his new life. It is important to understand that monasticism is not only peace, tranquility and prayer, it is also a constant struggle with one’s own pride.