Official congratulations on Museum Day in prose. International Museum Day (7 postcards). Happy holiday wishes in your own words to colleagues

International Museum Day has been celebrated around the world since 1977, when the 11th General Conference of ICOM ( International Council museums), took place in Moscow and Leningrad.

On this day, many museums open their doors to everyone, completely free of charge and happily showing their exhibition halls, new exhibits.

Happy International Museum Day! I wish that people crowd around museum exhibits, being interested in all kinds of exhibitions, replenishing their culture and spirituality. May there always be sponsors and subsidies, visitors and frequent guests. Prosper, develop and always be open to new admiring views!

Today we congratulate on the holiday those who by birth professional activity or at the call of the soul, one way or another connected with museums. Museum Day is celebrated all over the world. Thanks to museums, cultural and material values ​​become available to each of us: masterpieces of painting, archaeological finds, unique items. We wish for museum workers that the halls will never be empty, and for visitors that a trip to the museum will always be part of the cultural program.

On International Museum Day, I would like to wish everyone, without exception, great interest in history, art, life and traditions. May museums never be empty, may every trip to this amazing place gives a lot of impressions, positive emotions, exciting adventures and important discoveries.

Congratulations on a wonderful holiday that encourages you to appreciate cultural heritage nation, takes us back to the glorious historical past, creates in us a sense of pride in the achievements of previous generations. We wish you pleasure from visiting museums, new experiences and broadening your horizons.

Every museum is an opportunity to touch a piece of history and go back hundreds, thousands, and maybe even millions of years ago! Visit museums as often as possible, because they are so exciting! I wish you new impressions, amazing discoveries and bright emotions!

Congratulations on International Day museums and would like to wish that the museum will always be and remain a bearer and educator in the history of various spectrums and branches of human activity. May trips to museums not lose popularity, may everyone learn something interesting there, may we all be able to obtain necessary and entertaining information about a wide variety of dates and events from museums.

Congratulations on International Museum Day and sincerely wish you to be proud rich history, told for centuries, I wish to find something interesting and wonderful for myself in every subject. Let trips to museums bring a lot of pleasure and pleasant impressions, let a new day prepare a new discovery and success.

Congratulations on the International Museum Day and I would like to wish that in modern conditions the significance and importance of the work of museums will be preserved, so that they can always tell about the most famous facts and incidents, so that here everyone can learn something interesting, learn something unusual and get acquainted in detail with any issue or historical event of interest.

Congratulations on the International Museum Day and I wish you to always be imbued with the history of the Motherland, individual facts, certain events public life, the life of any hero, I wish you to always remain a tireless enthusiast and every day discover something new and interesting for yourself. And may the museum be good for each of us true friend.

Happy International Museum Day to everyone! Let this wonderful art always be one of the components in the development of each of us. We wish everyone harmonious growth, abundance of soul and mutual understanding.

[in prose]

Happy Museum Day wishes in prose

Dear friends! We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday! For all of us, this day is another wonderful occasion to express our sincere respect for the professionalism of museum workers, whose work lies at the intersection of the past and the present, thereby determining the future. It is not always easy for you, but your efforts and your achievements are all the more valuable, and our congratulations are quite appropriate. Happy Museum Day!

A museum worker is a calling, because not everyone can withstand such a heavy burden of responsibility. It is also a huge amount of endurance, a love for past times, world art, and history. For this you need to have a wide soul, an open heart and a clear head. You are one of these people! On Museum Day, I wish you smiles on the faces of visitors, interested glances at the exhibits, kindness, health and good mood! May everything succeed in life! Let your work be easy and calm! Happy holiday!

Today, on this significant Museum Day, I would like to wish you and all your colleagues that your work will be adequately appreciated and bring not only joy, but also profit! I wish you many interesting new exhibits that fascinate and delight you! Let more and more large quantity people are introduced to the secrets that the exhibits keep, because it is very important to remember and know your history and the history of other countries of the world!

Museum Day is a holiday for those who understand that a museum is a special world with its own rich inner atmosphere, an oasis of culture and history. The museum is the center of the richest experience of past generations, spiritual and material wealth, without which the further development of the people, nationality, and nation is impossible. Happy holiday to you, dear museum workers - guardians of our history as a guarantee of the future.

There is no point even discussing the importance of culture and history, since everyone, young and old, is aware of it. But the importance of people who preserve culture and history needs to be spoken loudly and often, especially on Museum Day! On this holiday, I wish you that your work is always highly valued, respected and adequately rewarded. I wish you happiness, health, love, joy and just as much for long years life, just like your exhibits. Happy Museum Day!

Congratulations to museum workers on their professional holiday - World Museum Day! This is a solemn and important day, because the museum is the main repository of our history - from prehistoric times to the present. And only thanks to the painstaking daily work of museum staff we have the opportunity to fully experience the course of history and evolution. I wish you health and inexhaustible enthusiasm in your difficult work!

Happy Museum Day! I want to congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you all the best. I know how much you love your work, how reverently you treat those priceless exhibits that are in the collection of your museum! Let the collection be replenished with new artifacts and masterpieces, so that people will be happy to come to museums and bring their children there!

Today we congratulate everyone to whom the museum has become a home, who devote all their days to rare exhibits, conduct excursions and happily welcome guests. We sincerely wish you to love your rare, but very the right profession, to find something beautiful and even unique in everyday work! May your life be fulfilling and happy! Happy Museum Day, ladies and gentlemen!

Dear museum workers, we sincerely congratulate you on your professional day! We would like to express our gratitude to you for so long and faithfully preserving our history, passing it on from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. Thanks to you, the past of our country is alive. We sincerely wish you longevity, good health, love, happiness and prosperity. Let only joyful and good events. Create a bright and colorful story of your destiny, which your grandchildren will later tell about.

Museum Day. What other day carries such meaning? Museums preserve the history of all humanity and the people who work in them deserve recognition from all generations without exception. It is you, the museum workers, who collect and preserve the memory of past events, of bygone times. Congratulating you on your holiday, I would like to wish you new historical finds and faithful helpers in their preservation. Please accept our gratitude for your work.

Beautiful and official congratulations happy museum day to workers, colleagues in prose, happy holiday, original wishes to the director, a text from the administration, from employees, gratitude in your own words.

Congratulations on Museum Day to workers in prose

Dear museum workers! We congratulate you on Museum Day and wish you successful work in the cultural field of our society. A museum worker is the title of a bearer of spirituality who tries to support as much as possible national culture and instill it in future generations.

Thank you for your invaluable work in the field of cultural enlightenment and a huge amount educational work. On this important day, we wish you great personal happiness and success in your future endeavors!

Dear employees! On International Museum Day, please accept our congratulations on the universal professional holiday. The museum is a valuable repository of historical monuments, as well as a place of spiritual treasure, the custodians of which are you, dear colleagues.

We wish you boundless joy and inspiration in your professional field. Indeed, thanks to your painstaking work, we have the opportunity to constantly learn about the limitless power of the country’s culture. Happy holiday!

Happy holiday wishes in your own words to colleagues

Dear Colleagues! On the eve of something significant for our profession - International Day museums, we would like to congratulate you and wish you peace of mind, happy days. The work you have done over the years is proof of sincere love and respect for your business.

A museum is a separate world, filled with the mystery of history, and you know how to share these secrets with culture lovers. We wish that the new day brings a smile and makes you happier.

Dear colleagues! A museum worker is a profession that requires attention and responsibility. Every day, employees take care of exhibits that are important to the people and present them for viewing to the younger and mature generation. You, dear colleagues, are doing enormous educational and educational work.

IN professional holiday, I would like to wish you unlimited happiness in every home. Let the new day be filled with exclusively positive impressions and vivid memories. Happy Museum Day!

Congratulations on Museum Day to the director, leader in prose

Dear (name, patronymic)! From the team we would like to extend congratulations to you on the upcoming holiday - Museum Day! It is known that the successful functioning of not only museums, but also other institutions depends on a tactful leader, as well as a properly structured form of work. Our employees highly value cultural, good understanding.

You are responsible for preserving spiritual values ​​and making the work environment better every day. We wish you daily warmth from loved ones, spiritual harmony, joyful life events, as well as the inexhaustible positive energy that you convey to your employees!

Dear colleagues, museum workers, our common holiday has come. Let your halls be replenished with new and interesting exhibits, which will always delight and fascinate. We wish you excellent health, good mood and many kind, grateful visitors.

Happy Museum Day! Let the collections be replenished and fragile exhibits peacefully stored in bins, let the visitors be numerous and polite! Let the legacy of our ancestors, no matter what time and corner of the Earth they were from, help us live with dignity today and create a better future!

It’s so easy to touch history... Just come to the museum! They are different, for every taste, but each is unique and requires special attention, as if it were a living being, preserving fragments of history for human generations... Happy Museum Day! Let all the collections be as good as new, let frozen history come to life with your help every day!

The work of a museum worker is not so simple; it requires responsibility and care. The museum workers' love for the past, everything ancient and mysterious is limitless. You, like parents, take care of your children and protect them from destruction by time. May your profession give you pleasure and many kind, grateful visitors.

A museum is a whole world, a separate piece in which one can trace the evolution, development of urban culture, the life of entire peoples, scientific and technical progress, art and history. Today we wish that everyone who works in this oasis of culture is duly appreciated for their work and always feels great!

Today is a wonderful holiday dedicated to all museum workers. Every country has such a place, where you can see the most outstanding exhibits different eras development of the culture of the indigenous population. Thanks to museum workers, we can give ourselves such luxury. Let us wish them longevity, prosperity and success today.

Happy Museum Day! Every hour of business days gone by are increasingly moving away from us, but we could not call civilization if we did not carefully preserve our history... Today I wish all the treasuries of history prosperity, and their workers a long and happy life rich in good stories!

Who is able to preserve any exhibit intact in order to convey to people the beauty of history, and shows living proof to thousands of visitors? Of course, this is a museum employee; today we express our deep gratitude to him for the opportunity to contemplate majestic objects of art, science, culture and history!

Dear friends, today we want to congratulate those people who, through their work, preserve the life of many things, objects that conceal the history of bygone years. Museum workers, today is your holiday, and this is a wonderful occasion to spend time with friends and receive many congratulations.

Congratulations on Museum Day


Without a past, a person has no future. And so that the past does not melt in the fog of passing days, museums were created, these real treasuries of bygone times... Today, on Museum Day, I wish you to become more familiar with the world of the past, and boldly build your happiness in the future!

You can find anything in museums - golden crown or a clay bowl, but everything is equally valuable and serves as a living mirror of history for us... Happy Museum Day! Let the expositions be in order and replenished the best exhibits and there are always those who will appreciate them!

Happy Museum Day! Every hour the affairs of past days are moving further and further away from us, but we could not call civilization if we did not carefully preserve our history... Today I wish all the treasures of history prosperity, and their workers a long and happy life rich in good stories!

Coming to a museum, it’s as if we are plunging into another world, touching history and beginning to appreciate a past that never existed... I would like to believe that museums will always exist in our world, and today, on Museum Day, I sincerely wish them strength and prosperity!

Happy Museum Day! Let the collections be replenished and fragile exhibits peacefully stored in bins, let the visitors be numerous and polite! Let the legacy of our ancestors, no matter what time and corner of the Earth they were from, help us live with dignity today and create a better future!

When you look at the things in the museum window, it seems as if it all happened just yesterday... Congratulations on Museum Day! They are not only entertainment, although, undoubtedly, you can walk with interest in them all day long, but also, they are the guardians of our history, without which we can hardly create a future...

Frozen moments, fragments of the life of kings and ordinary people, things public or very personal... We find all this in museums and it seems there is no number of things that history can leave us as a legacy! Today, on Museum Day, I wish you calm and fruitful everyday life!

How many museums are there in the world? You can't get around everyone! Moreover, some you want to return to again and again... On Museum Day, I cordially congratulate you and wish you to always smile, work to preserve history with inspiration and just live happily!

It’s so easy to touch history... Just come to the museum! They are different, for every taste, but each is unique and requires special attention, as if it were a living being, preserving fragments of history for human generations... Happy Museum Day! Let all the collections be as good as new, let frozen history come to life with your help every day!

Many would like to get a time machine, but since science doesn’t spoil us... Let’s go to a museum instead! Moreover, today is Museum Day, so please accept our congratulations! Let every room be full of history and amazing stories!
